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Thursday August 4, 2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Updates


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This forum thread is for posting live feed updates & screen caps that reflect what's going on in the BB house.  Comments and BB18 discussions are in the Big Brother 18 Discussion section.

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother 18 Time is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. I've been tripped up not knowing if "B" is Bronte or Bridgette.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Download PDF And here's DRG's guide by team Cast Cards PDF.

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

British Bedroom (UKBR)

Tokyo Bedroom (TBR)

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)


When referring to Da'Vonne, you can use "Da," "Dav," and, of course, "Da'Vonne," but for some reason "Da' " with the apostrophe, jams my proofreader program, and "Day" is confusing, so use Dae.

You are all encouraged to add info in your posts letting others know that you can only stay an hour, or, "I'm done, can someone else take over!" or whatever, so that lurkers, or "floaters" will be encouraged to fill the gaps.  


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 

Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at  http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds and dish about the HGs at the same time.  


Thank you!

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12:09AM BBT Michelle and Natalie in UKBR.  Michelle talking again about not wanting certain people to go far in the game.  Maybe it's personal.  Natalie understands she seems to want to make jury -- pick the person who wins, she knows who she thinks have good hearts and who plays the game well.  A strange message flits across all cameras for a split second, it looks like a canned piece where BB is saying the houseguests are doing something special, but its gone almost immediately and all feeds resume as before.


12:18AM BBT Corey and Nicole in bed, lights off.  Snuggling and quiet talk.  Pillow talk?  James rumbles around in the other bed, looking for pillows.  James was surprised there was a 50 day party.  Corey asks if he thinks there will be another party when they hit 8 people.  He does.  They tell Corey that the last week people leave the jury house and are in a hotel so they can't talk at the end.

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12:34AM BBT Michelle leaves, Victor arrives.  Natalie de-bras, says he leaves bras where ever she sleeps because she can't sleep with a bra on.  Victor warns Natalie that there may be some stinkiness tonight, because he ate a bunch of pizza.  Then says that one stinks.  Natalie flees the room.  Victor says finally some peace and quiet.  Da arrives and immediately mentions the smell and sprays something.

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12:43AM BBT Lights out on all cameras, everyone visible seems to be trying to sleep except Corey and Nicole who are snuggling and whispering super quietly.


12:53AM BBT Paul and Paulie microwaving in the kitchen.

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03:25AM BBT James in the kitchen, then heads up to the HOH room , where Paul is telling Corey (in bed w Paul), Paulie and Z (intertwined on couch), about some of his experiences/success in his business as related to social media.  Instagram hits leading to free jackets and paid gigs.  Every once in a while they mention somebody in real life, and usually at that point instead of getting FOTH we get fairly annoying/loud stuff from what seem to be Jeff's weekly summaries, complete with cheesy background music.  THe room asks if Meech is still awake, and James says yes.  James talks followers, he says Z said she had about 3,000 followers going in, and she will probably have at least 30,000 followers after the season ends.  Pauls handle is Deadskull , he says he gets called that more in real life than his name.  DeadSkullSnaps, DeadSkullTweets.  Paul says Twitter is for weenies, it's all about Instagram and Snapchat. 

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03:39AM BBT Paul says he will marry a real life person, and BB switches all cameras to other rooms briefly.  That's much less annoying than switching to the Jeff reels.


03:42AM BBT James: "I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer".  Paul had just told James he needed to win HOH next week and keep him safe, and James scoffed a bit.  He says if its a physical comp he's your boy, but if its a mental thing hes not likely to win.  True/False, memory stuff, things like that.  James says they closed the yard early, though, so maybe it will be another endurance comp.  


03:45AM BBT I think Z has left the room, and the 4 boys are talking about an alliance name: Executive, playing off Victor's nickname.  Which they could then talk about sort of openly in the house since they can pass it off as a play on Victor.  They discuss various positions/titles they would take.  Paul eventually picks CFO, chief friendship officer.  They speculate on upcoming care packages.  Paul suggests nudie pics or blackmail.  Paul asks if anybody else notices that Michelle puts her fingers in her mouth when she eats.  Yes, they have.  Paulie thinks its funny that both of the people who said they wanted to leave the house (Michelle and Zakiyah) are now pumping themselves up to win the HOH.  Paulie says they are going to shit their pants when Davonne goes home.  Z returns to the room.

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03:53AM BBT Talk turns briefly to bloj's vs bone's.  Who likes what when or more. Paulie asks Z if she got Percocet in the DR and she acts like she is high, and with more Percocet discussion (Paul: how would I know what its like, do I look like a drug addict?) we get some FOTH.  Talk returns with more bloj talk.  Paul has never had a bad blowjob, Corey talks about several bad ones he has had.  Intermittent FOTH as they mention outside the house names in their stories.  Paul: Girls -- have sex with me because you will probably laugh, its a funny time, you might not leave pleased, but you will be happy.

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1:01 AM BBT Paul and Paulie in the HOH room. Paul says so I've been pampering up Bridgette. Paulie says he noticed. Paul says I've been feeding her shit about the girls. Paulie on repeat with his James and Zakiyah and Michelle story. Paulie tells Paul that James said he's not going to try and win HOH at all. Paul says why and Paulie says because he doesn't have any targets and he wants to lay low. Paul said that's bullshit. Paulie says he said that to Corey so he hasn't talked to him yet. He may have just been playing around. Paulie says there are targets we need to get but maybe James was fucking around. Paul says well him Corey and Nicole were talking in the corner and he asked what they were talking about and they said D/E. Paul says that's what they told Da'Vonne so he thinks they were talking about something. Paulie says he was in the WA and asked Corey if he wanted to hang out and Corey and Nicole walked out and James followed them. Paulie says sketch. Paul said keep in mind what Frank said about three being closer than we think. Paulie says Da is gone or Nicole goes next and refocuses Corey. Paulie says or are you thinking the other way. Paul says we need to start thinking who we can beat out and he thinks they can beat out most people. He says but a lot of times it could be a crap shoot. Paul says also James would be more difficult to mold than Nicole. Paul says James does not play on emotion and Paulie says but we would have to win comps.


1:08 AM BBT Paul asks who Paulie thinks Michelle or Zakiyah would put up if they won HOH. Both guys each say themselves and Paul says yeah we might just be put up. Paulie says maybe. Paul says I don't know if they would do a move like that. Paulie says when MIchelle was emotional earlier she said James or Victor because they were rubbing her the wrong way. Paulie says Z would put him up and laughs. Paul says he hasn't talked to either of them because he's been upstairs sleeping all week. Paulie says it's funny Paul walked on those three talking and Paul says how many times can you talk about D/E. Paulie says Victor said to him that one of them needed to win HOH. Paul says Vic said that and Paulie says he thinks Vic is worried because of what he's been doing to Michelle. Paul says if you're going to be ready to bark you better be ready to go war. Paulie says Corey says they should mess with the others and call them the executives to plant a seed in front of everyone's head. Paul says he has moments with Nicole and she says she has to play strategically and not emotionally because she made that mistake last time. Paulie tells Paul was Nicole said in the Tokyo BR about Corey being such an attractive guy and she made the same mistake. They think Nicole is in too deep with Corey and Paul thinks Nicole knows she is and he thinks Nicole will take out Corey.


1:15 AM BBT We get Jeff reels again for some reason.


1:16 AM BBT Paul thinks Corey is probably in the best position in the house because he's laying low. They talk about how he lost the POV. Paulie thinks Corey just messed up and Paul says Natalie didn't even do that and she sucks at life. Paul says something just doesn't add up with Corey. Paulie says if Michelle does go this week then whatever. It's time for her to go. Because someone who's getting annoyed with people on a personal level for no reason well enjoy your time in jury house. Paul says if we get rid of the targets Bridgette wants out she's going to turn around and take shots at us. Paulie says I think she'll take a shot at Nicole. Paulie says get Bridgette out in D/E and Paul says if I win I'll put Michelle and Zakiyah up in a snap. Paulie sees them as interchangeable. Paul says if we can get two back to back that's clutch. Paul says my problem though is then we're left with strong ass players. Paulie says we're stronger than them. Paul agrees. Paulie says James doesn't want to start winning until there's 7 or 8 people left. Paul says honestly I take that as a red flag. Paulie says I'm telling you, he's playing the way Derrick played. Paul says Derrick won and Paulie says exactly. Paulie says that's why Natalie is around saying if we have to clip people, clip her last. Paulie says that's the same thing Derrick said about Victoria and look where she ended up. Paul says so do we clip James and keep Natalie? Paulie says it's a good possibility. Paulie says I'm trying to think what happened today because he was up late with all those girls. Paul says he doesn't think he is on James' radar. Paulie says but James allowed the girls to confront him and when that happens information gets exchanged. Paul says what do you mean allowed them to confront him. Paulie says if it was me I would have said yeah I said it and walked away. But James stayed there and went back and forth and told Zakiyah he didn't like being called a social butterfly by her. Paul said like throwing you under the bus and Paulie says yeah. Paul says it could have been unintentional but it wasn't smart if she said it to one person.


1:23 AM BBT Paul thinks it's in PP's best interest to keep Zakiyah as long as they can along with Natalie. As for a fifth, Paulie says maybe Corey. Paul says if Corey wins they can use him to backdoor Victor. Corey can put up Paulie and Paul as pawns and backdoor Victor. Paulie says no put Natalie up there because everyone gets to compete in the veto. Paulie says keep Natalie up there in case Vic wins the veto and send Natalie home. Paulie says if it's me you and Natalie we're almost assured to be Final 2 because no way she beats both of us. Paulie says Natalie would have to win two comps to make Final 2. Paul says even if she does whichever of us she takes will win.


1:30 AM BBT Paul says if Bridgette wins tomorrow what do we want her to do. Paulie says Nicole and James up. Paul says do you think she will listen. Paulie says maybe and Paul says no not with Michelle in the house. Paul doesn't like that James has Natalie because that's two votes together and Paulie says it's the same thing with Nicole and Corey. Paulie doesn't look at anyone else as a strong person in the house. No one can beat them. Paul says it might be a perfect world if Nicole wins next week. Because Paul think Nicole will take a shot at the girls.


1:36 AM BBT Paul says so from here out whenever we smell out we're on someone's radar we go ahead and clip them. Paulie says yeah, that's the way it happens.

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stopping in for about an hour

5:54am bbt Nat and James having a whispered convo on bench in WA. Nat says she really wants to win HOH. Then she goes into the WC. James hears Paul coming and hides in the shower. Paul doesn't see anyone in the WA so he turns around and James calls out to him.

6am bbt Nat, James and Paul at the Kitchen island. It looks like the boys are eating leftovers from the party. Nat says she's going to bed and they throw salad at her.

James and Nat go in BR. Paul hides in the Safari room and jumps out at Victor when he goes by.

James and Nat in TBR. Nat leaves for UKBR and James gets in bed in TBR. Michelle gets up and goes to James' bed. Michelle seems to be searching for something behind the bed, under pillows etc. James gets out of the bed and goes to UKBR and snuggles with Nat. Then he goes back to the TBR and gets back in bed (Michelle is gone).

6:21 am bbt All cameras showing snoozing hg

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9:00AM BBT - Day 51 in the BB House. Everyone is still sleeping. It is live evictions tonight. Who do you think will be going home?
9:34AM BBT Corey wakes up & leaves the HNR. He heads to the KT. Gets a bowl of milk. Places it on the floor in the TBR. Then crawls into bed with Nic.
9:42AM BBT Corey gets up from the bed & heads back to the HNR.
10:00AM BBT Feeds are down with WBRB. Wake up time for HGs.
10:08AM BBT Feeds are back up. Paulie & Zak in storage getting fresh batteries. Corey was up in HoHR laying down.
10:10AM BBT Paulie, Zak & James in WA doing ADLs.
#BB18 10:13AM BBT James is taking a shower.  Zak is done brushing teeth & leaves WA.  James says in a BB voiceover style voice  "HGs tonight the power is back up for grabs"  Paulie laughs & adds "However, at the end of the night one more hg will be evicted for the 1st double eviction of the season."  James then chimes in by saying "For the first triple eviction.  3 of y'all will be going home".


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11:03am BBT: James in the STR then goes to the KT where DA is. James has the hiccups. He ask her if she wants to hang out. 
  In the WA paulie is telling a story about eye lashes to Bridgette, Victor, and Corey.

11:06am BBT After a brief WBRB Victor goes to the HOHR and gets in bed with Paul. Corey comes in and says everyone else will be up here in a minute.

11:09am BBT: Paulie and Zak are now heading upstairs. DA is making her breakfast. Bridgette is washing her dishes. James is now in the HOHR getting a blanket and his spot for the lock down.

11:21am BBT: Most HG in the HOHR. Natalie walking around getting her things together. Michelle still in her bed sleeping. Just general talk going on ion the HOHR.

11:24am BBT: WE are now on Jeff's Reels as the HG prepare for tonight's live eviction.

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7:02 PM BBT Live feeds return with the HOH comp. Natalie says this is not her comp but she is still standing. Victor says his penis hurts. Victor, Michelle, Zakiyah, Natalie, Nicole, Corey are all still hanging on. James and Bridgette are the only two out so far.

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7:05 PM BBT Natalie falls off, but she has the Never Not Pass. So, the next person to fall should be the third Have Not. James & Bridgette are the first to HG's to be Have Nots for this week. Everyone still holding on seems to be tired, except for Nicole. Paulie says he will hang on all day & all night & muscles will tear. Paul is cheering everyone on, telling them it's friendship.

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7:07 PM BBT Michelle dodges one of the signs. She says it's like the Matrix. The HG's start to slow down. Natalie didn't fall off yet. She is still in the running for HOH.

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7:09 PM BBT Corey falls off & the trolls start to hit him lightly with their hashtag foam wands they are carrying. The three Have Nots this week are James, Bridgette & Corey.

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7:10 PM BBT Corey says that he could not hold on anymore. We see Jeff's Reels again.

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7:12 PM BBT The HOH competition comes back on the life feeds. No one else has fallen off yet. James says that Natalie is just chilling. Paul says she looks like Spiderman. Michelle is squatting. Nicole is pounding her leg. Victor squats down. Paul calls Nicole a ninja, because she barely brushes up again the #USuck light blue sign in the BY. Victor stands back up & barely touches the same sign. Zakiyah barely touches it as well. Paulie pushes himself off the sign. Michelle seems to be struggling. She bounces into the sign, while being squatted down. She is making facial expressions that she is having some trouble holding on.

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7:16 PM BBt James wonders if BB could speed them up. Paul says that they can speed them up for sure. James says that he should have just dropped off when he heard about the HN's. Michelle throws up all over the ground. She is barely hanging on. Michelle says she can't & she falls off. Paul gets Michelle a silver bucket & a bottle of water.

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7:18 PM BBT Natalie tells Michelle that she did really good. Michelle throws up some more in the silver bucket. She uses the water to rinse her mouth out & spit in the bucket. James says that she threw up pizza. Natalie says it's a good thing she didn't eat anything today. Paul says that he would have puked well before that. Michelle starts to cry because she really wanted to win. Paul tells her to stop crying. Zakiyah tells her to stop crying. Paul tells her that she did great. She is making herself the center of attention. Natalie tells her that this is made to make them throw up. Michelle calls herself the vomit cry baby. Paul tells her she will be trending.

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7:21 PM BBT Michelle is crying that she wants gum. She says that she hasn't had gum in 2 months. Corey gives Michelle an ice pack. She says she doesn't like cold stuff. Paul breaks the ice pack to activate it for Michelle. Meanwhile, the other HG's are trying to stay hanging in the air, but are having to listen to her pity party. Michelle tells Paul thank you, as she uses an orange wash cloth to wipe her mouth. James tells Natalie she is doing good. He says no matter what happens everyone is a winner, & they all did good.

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7:23 PM BBT Michelle asks if she was spinning really fast? Paul tells her she was. He says she was low also, so it made her spin even wider. Paul tells Paulie that he dodged the sign. Natalie says she is saying her prayers. Nicole says, "Oh crap, I need something new." James tells Paulie he's doing good. He tells Nicole she's doing a good job. Zakiyah is still hanging on as well. Victor is changing his arm positions. Zakiyah has her arms wrapped around herself. Natalie starts speaking in Spanish to herself. Michelle is still crying. She says she is just proud of herself that she didn't get it on her hair or on her shirt.

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7:26 PM BBT Bridgette tells Natalie to be careful. She tells Nicole she is solid. The HG's are trying to figure out what the hashtags mean. The trolls hit Michelle with their foam #USuck wands. She says they made her feel better. Nicole says that you spin more when you squat better. James says that Victor is coming in like a wrecking ball. Michelle tells Zakiyah that she has a 1 in 5 chance to get it. James says that Victor is going in ham now & he's chilling. Paulie & Victor are talking about penis & weiners. James reminds them that they are still live. James is telling everyone that they are doing a good job. He says that Zakiyah hasn't moved 1 inch.

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7:29 PM BBT Michelle says that she is still stinging from the sign. Natalie thinks that she might throw up soon. James tells her it will be o.k. There is a squirrel on a cell phone in the BY. Cam 4 gets a close-up shot of it a few times. Paul is holding the ice pack on Michelle's neck. Everyone is telling Nicole to control her spinning. Paulie asks if anyone is ready to make deals. No one responds. Victor was all the way down with his feet pointed out, & then he gets back up. James & Paul both say it looks like Zakiyah is sleeping while standing on her disk. Nicole says that she is trying to rest her arms. Natalie says her microphone pack is on to tight. She loosens it. Nicole is having some trouble. She says she needs to do it for her family.

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