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Sunday July 31, 2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Updates


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4:00PM BBT Paul, James, and Paulie have been in the HOH for quite a while, discussing the game in a lot of detail.  They've been comparing notes on who said what when, reviewing past weeks, etc.  The consensus seems to be that Da is the new Frank, and it seems that Paul is willing to target Da this week, while that did not seem to be his original/preferred plan.  Corey is in the kitchen with most of the rest of the house.  For once, Paulie is not interleaving his language with swear words.  [Perhaps this is the real core alliance?  It's pretty unusual to hear Paulie in anything other than amped-up mode.  This sounds much more matter of fact.]

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4:25PM BBT Da visits HOH room.  All others leave, and Paul tries to get her to offer herself to go on the block.  He's very calm, very straightforward.  Da isn't convinced, but isn't getting upset, but is mostly giving quiet "yeah" agreements to his arguments that definitely sound unenthusiastic.  He says he is looking for somebody who trusts him and won't get freaky on the block.

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4:45p Bridgette and Paul in the HOH room discussing replacement nominations.  Da seems to be the one going up.  Paul is professing his opinion of character.  He tells Bridgette the people that kiss his ass first are the ones that need to be put up - they put themselves as his first target.  Bridgette is telling Paul that Da approached her yesterday in the storage room suggesting that they all need to target Nicole.  Bridgette is spilling all her information to Paul.  Paul is questioning why Da reminded him that she is his "ride or die".  He says his observations of Da make him not trust her.  He also tells Bridgette that a lot of people in the house are coming to him telling him that Da is freaking out.  He says the only reason she is freaking out is because she has not been truthful.  Bridgette is asking Paul who knows about his plan.  He says Vic, Corey, Paulie and possibly Nicole.

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5p Paul asks Bridgette who would be her potential noms if she wins HOH.  She's trying to avoid giving him a straight answer.  She says Nicole would be her first choice.  She's also concerned that Michelle and Da are becoming close.  She doesn't feel that Michelle is that big of a threat to her right now and if Da leaves this week, that will take care of itself. She doesn't trust James since he went back on his word and put her and Frank on the block and that really hurt her feelings.  Feeds switch to Corey, Paulie, Z, James and Michelle hanging out in the UK bedroom - just small talk going on.  Z leaves and Da joins the room.


Everyone is asking James if his stomach was feeling better.  Michelle says hers bothered her too.  They can't figure out what it was that they ate.  James is eating a banana and Paulie says he always thinks its funny when anyone eats a banana.  Michelle says she doesn't understand what about a banana seems sexual.  She said girls in high school would eat bananas very suggestively at school.


Paulie gets called to the storage room to exchange mics. 

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5:15p Michelle is laying down for a nap.  Da and James are discussing her conversation with Paul in the HOH.  She's upset that he's going to put her on the block.  She's asking James if she's wrong for feeling like she doesn't matter.  She doesn't think it's fair that when other people freak out about going on the block, Paul won't put them up.  She's freaking out too and all Paul is telling her is to trust him and that he has her best interest at hear.


BB tells Paulie and Corey to stop that!  THen BB tells Corey, Paulie and Vic to stop that.  Not sure what they are doing since my feeds are on Da whining to James. Now we have WBRB!

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4:50PM BBT Z and Da in the yard.  Da has been crying.  She is wondering why it's okay for Paul to put the pressure on her and not on somebody else.  Why is she supposed to be the one that doesn't freak out when she gets put up.  Z is sympathetic, but confirms nothing for sure.  Neither of them trust Corey or Nicole.  Da feels pretty tight with Michelle.  Z recommends that Da check with Michelle and Natalie.  Z leaves as Natalie arrives.  Da asks if she was hypothetically up, who would Natalie support.  Natalie says Da -- they have interacted more and talked game more, so she feels closer to Da.

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7:00 PM BBT In the Safari Room, Da'Vonne is talking to Paulie. She tells Paulie that she wants to know if she will be going on the block before the ceremony happens. She says she wants to mentally prepare herself, because it's not a joke. Da'Vonne tells Paulie that she doesn't understand why Natalie wouldn't go on the block when he pulls himself off. She says that maybe Paul doesn't want to put her up because of James. She says Paul doesn't want to touch Nicole because of Corey. She says maybe if she had a man, she couldn't be touched either. Paulie asks her if she wants him to be her man? She says, no, he's her brother. Paulie says that doesn't make sense, because in other seasons they would be put up together if they were couples.

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This should be posted in discussion, or you could have just asked in our chat room. But this is an urgent matter, so.... BB18 was pushed back to 8:40PM in the USA East, in Alberta Ca, it was on at 7PM, but will air on another network at 10.  If you live in the USA, the easiest solution is to watch on the CBS site tomorrow.


As for spoilers, check http://mortystv.com/bb SPOILERS AT A GLANCE box top of the page.   Hope I've helped.

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7:04 PM BBT Da'Vonne says that all the single people are getting evicted from the house. Paulie says that Brendon & Rachel were put together. In the BY, Paul & Victor are playing a game of pool. They are sharing the same pool cue. Paul picks at his arms when Victor is taking his turn. Back in the Safari Room, Paulie tells Da'Vonne they are almost at the halfway point. He tells Da'Vonne that he will go talk to Paul. Da'Vonne asks Paulie to keep this conversation between them. She says that she wants to know why she is worth the risk in comparison to other people. She says that she trusts Paul, but she doesn't understand why Natalie can't go on the block. Paulie says that Paul does things logical, & he seems to have certain things layed out. Da'Vonne says, she guesses. She tells Paulie that she doesn't want to hold him to long, so that people start to wonder what they are talking about. They hug each other & leave the Safari Room. Da'Vonne goes to the KT. James tells her that he's feeling better. Da'Vonne says that him being sick is just weird. 

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7:10 PM BBT In the Tokyo BR, Paulie tells Zakiyah that he's about to go for a run. He says it's probably going to be boring. Corey tells Paulie to make Zakiyah run. Paulie asks Zakiyah if she wants to go for a run. Zakiyah says she does, & she goes to put some shorts on. Michelle wakes up from a nap. She was napping on the pink bed in the Tokyo BR. Corey tells her that he's been outside all day. She closes her eyes again, & has her feet sticking out of the comforter. She says the sun made her sleepy. Corey says, "Soo sleepy." He puts deoderant on, & leaves the Tokyo BR. Michelle closes her eyes as Zakiyah comes out of the UKBR, & says that she's excited. Da'Vonne goes into the UKBR with Zakiyah. She tells Zakiyah that Paulie talked to her, but it was sort of indirect. Zakiyah says that when she tries to talk to Paulie, he's an indirect talker. She says she has to pray on it sometimes, because he doesn't usually tell her what she needs to know. Zakiyah asks Da'Vonne how she's feeling? Da'Vonne says she feels like she might go on the block. She says that all the couples are good in the game. She says that if something happens she will be upset, but she says if it's God's will it will be o.k. She says she feels that she will 1,000% be put on the block. She says she doesn't think she will go home though. She says if there are people in the house that do want her gone she hopes they want Bridgette gone more. Zakiyah says that she wants Bridgette gone more. Da'Vonne leave the UKBR, & then goes back in. She tells Zakiyah that she wants to ask her about Nicole? She says that people are acting like nothing ever happened. Zakiyah says that she doesn't trust her. She says that Nicole hasn't talked any game to her. She says she's pulled back since the Watch Your Dub Step competition. In the SR, Paul is taling to Paulie. Paul tells him that Zakiyah is acting sketch. Paulie says if Victor can't shut the f up, he may have to go. Paulie says that he has loose lips. Paulie says he wants to hang out with Paul, but Victor opens his mouth all the time. Paul says he wants Victor to dip. He says that he doesn't just want to hang around Victor all the time. Paul says that Victor told him that they talked to Nicole & Corey. Paul says there is no "we".

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7:21 PM BBT Paul tells Paulie if Zakiyah ever says anything that bothers him to please ask him. Paul says that people in the house are going to try & talk sh*t about the two of them to the two of them. Paulie says that James is with them. Paulie says that people try to talk sh*t about Corey to him. He says he loves Zakiyah, but it's an f'n game. Michelle walks in the SR while they are talking. Paul & Paulie both tell her that they can't handle Victor. Paul asks her what they should do? Michelle says whatever they want to do. Michelle says they had to listen to Victor reenact his wet dream. Da'Vonne walks in the SR. Paul asks Da'Vonne if she heard about Victor's wet dream also? Da'Vonne's mouth about hits the floor. Paul wants to know which bed he was in? Da'Vonne says the he was in Paul's bed. Michelle says that Victor could be scary for a double eviction also. Da'Vonne leaves the SR. Paul says that he's been trying to nap, but all the commoners keep going to try to talk to him. Michelle starts eating potato chips & chomping yet again. She tells Paul that she trusts Paul, so she doesn't ever have to question him about anything. Paul says that he's going to eat his salad, & he doesn't want to hear about a wet dream again. Michelle says that Nicole is trying to get Michelle to have a showmance with Victor. He says that Victor is a little easier to hang around with, but he wants to keep getting into rooms. Paulie says that Victor was saying there was a fake all guys alliance. Paulie says that he should tell him the name of it is the Executives, so he will tell everyone. Mic helle says that he should. Paulie says that Victor is picking up things about the game from everyone. He says that James talked about the special powers, & then Victor told him about it. He says that Victor only watched BB16. Michelle says that she can't stand supposed fans of the show, when they've only watched one season. Michelle is eating grapes now in the SR, chomping & chewing with her mouth open. Paulie says that they should wait to put Victor on the block until after August 18, so there is no shot he can come back in the game. Michelle says that her plan is back door Victor or put him up as a pawn on a dobule eviction. Natalie goes in the SR. Paulie asks her if she put make-up on? She says, no, she just got burned. Michelle says that she got burned also. She flips her shorts up to show Natalie her bum. Michelle leaves the SR with a green apple in her hand. Paul goes in the SR now. Paulie leaves the SR. Paul is looking for humus. Natalie says it's a beautiful humus. Paul tells her not to touch it. Paulie is yelling for Zakiyah from the KT.

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7:36 PM BBT Paulie goes to the upstairs phone booth & types in Paris. He listens to the message. He hangs up the phone. He opens the door to the tunnel. He pauses at the entrance. He crawls to the end of the tunnel, & asks Zakiyah if she is ready to go for a run? She says that she thought he was already in the Paris Room. He tells her that he was venting about Victor with Michelles & Paul in the SR. They both crawl back through the tunnel to go out. Paulie tells Zakiyah that she put her bootie in his face when they were leaving. They open the door & go to the BY. Michelle says it's getting dark outside. Da'Vonne tells Michelle that Nicole is red. Michelle asks where she is? Da'Vonne says she's in the BY. In the BY, Paul is on the hammock with Corey & Nicole. Paul tells them that he knows that Da'Vonne has been pulling people aside & she is starting to freak out. Paul says instead of Da'Vonne rationalizing with him she was throwing people under the bus. He says he was a pawn for a couple weeks. Paul says that Nicole told Paul that she had never volunteered to be a pawn. Paulie & Zakiyah are running the lenth of the BY back & forth together. Natalie & James are lounging by the hot tub. Paul says that this week could have gone smooth, but it's not. Nicole says that Zakiyah is staring at her, so she is going to break this convo up. Paul says that bits & pieces will go back to Da'Vonne. Nicole says that she's not going to say anything. Nicole leaves so that she can cook with Bridgette. She walks in the KT & says that she's a lobster. You can still hear Nicole on her microphone. She shows Bridgette her burn lines from today. Paul tells Corey that if Da'Vonne asks what they were talking about he's going to tell her that he was talking to them about possibly be replacement noms. He asks Corey to tell Nicole. He says he will. Corey tells Paul that he was wasted in the HOHR last night. Corey says that something is digging in his back on the hammock.

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7:48 PM BBT Paul says that Monday is going to roll around, & Da'Vonne is going to make-up a lot. Corey says that Da'Vonne makes up so much sh*t in the house. He tells Paul that they trust him 1 billion percent. Paul says that he's trying to move away from the boys, but Victor gets getting into everything. Paul tells Corey that Victor said he talked to Corey & Nicole about the Da'Vonne thing. Corey says that he came to them & dropped Paul's name, saying that he wanted to know. Paul says he can't anymore with Victor. Victor goes to the bike in the BY. Corey says they got, "That's what she said," from BB. He asks James to tell Paul. BB says, "You are not allowed to talk about production." Victor & Paul both say that is cool. Paulie is way ahead of Zakiyah running their laps in the BY. Paulie has passed her & he's caught up to her, so he lapped her. She starts to walk. Paulie tells her to finish. She says she can't because her body is stopping. Paul leaves the hammock area. Victor is pedaling really fast on a bike.

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7:57 PM BBT Victor is singing about his penis in the BY. BB tells him to please stop singing twice. Michelle & Nicole are comparing how much sun they got today in the WA. Nicole opens the sliding door & yells to Corey to ask him if her earring is on the hammock. He says it was & it was stabbing him in the back. Natalie & Michelle are by the hot tub together. Nicole tells Michelle that she likes to tan her legs a lot because she has a ton of spider veins. Michelle says she has them also. Michelle says she is going to get in the hot tub. She pulls her bathing suit out of her butt crack, & then undresses. She gets in the hot tub. Natalie tells Michelle that the middle of her back in really burned, but she is going to be really tanned. She doesn't have her bathing suit to tied, & it's falling down. She picks it up, but doesn't tie it.

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8:01 PM BBT Michelle says that the hot tub is so warm she doesn't want to get out now. She says it will be so cold. Natalie says that she wishes it was hotter. Natalie goes in the WA. James is in the shower. She tells him there are so many bugs outside she is skeeved out. Nicole asks if they are nats? Natalie says she doesn't really know. She puts her shorts on & goes back to the BY. Corey & Paul go to the WA. Paul goes in the WC for toilet paper. He takes a roll & leaves the WA. Corey leaves the WA also. Nicole is braiding her hair using the mirror in the WA. James turns off the water in the shower & he is drying himself off. We can hear Corey starting to talk to the live feeders about him being a HN this week. Natalie goes back to the WA looking for clean towels. She goes to the BY & tells Michelle that there aren't any clean towels. She opens the door to the Safari Room & tells Corey he's talking sh*t. He tells her that he was talking to the live feeders. She closes the door & goes to get a towel from the bench in the WA for Michelle to use. Nicole asks her if Corey is in the Safari Room by himself? Natalie tells her that he is. Natalie comes back in with the white towel. She gets a turquoise towel to take to Michelle know, & goes to the BY with it. James gets out of the shower & says that feels weird.

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8:10 PM BBT Natalie goes back to the WA. She tells James that she's about to work out. She starts to change her clothes. Natalie tells James she is secretly a nerd, but didn't want to tell them. Natalie jokes with James pretending to know Bridgette from before the show. Natalie finishes changing in the WC. Nicole goes to the WC to go to the bathroom. In the Safari Room, Corey is talking to the live feeders about his squad. He says that Paul is a good one. He says Michelle is really cool, she's his cat. He says he feeds Michelle milk every day. Corey tells Nicole that he's talking to his parents & he called her Goldielocks. Corey tells Dave & Jenny that they did a great job raising their daughter, but she is sassy. he says you have to watch out for her. Nicole goes to the SR & says hello to Da'Vonne. She is getting vegetables that she needs to cook with Bridgette. James tries to scare Da'Vonne as she leaves the SR, but it doesn't work. Bridgette says, "Get away nat." Natalie looks at her. She says it's not her, but the actual bug. BB tells Natalie to please put on her microphone. She goes to the WA to get her microphone.

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8:17 PM BBT In the WA, James tells Da'Vonne that the best thing to do is to stay out of everything, & say she doesn't know anything. Da'Vonne says that she may take a shower & call it a night. She says that maybe she should be up talking to people. She asks James who's in the WC? He knocks on the WC door, & no one is in there. Da'Vonne is sniffling. She asks James what he is doing? He says he's trying to really scrub his teeth. Da'Vonne asks what he put on the toothbrush? He says, nothing. He rinses his mouth & then wipes it on the turquoise towel that's hanging by the WC. He tells Da'Vonne she needs to talk to Paul, & then he walks out of the WA. In the UKBR, Zakiya tells Michelle that Paul is letting someone change his HOH. Zakiyah says that Paul was trying to finish his job & get Bridgette out. Da'Vonne goes in the UKBR. Michelle tells her that she is changing under the covers. Michelle says that Natalie really wants her to work out, but she doesn't want to. Zakiyah says that she worked out for a little while. She says she needs to get creative with her clothes. Michelle says she doesn't know what top to wear. She says she wants some loose tops. Da'Vonne asks Michelle if she is going to work out? Michelle says she hasn't decided yet, but she's not going to shower. She says she will go to bed smelling like chlorine. Da'Vonne says she will get a headache from the chlorine smell. She says she likes her house smelling like bleach. She says if she can't smell the bleach, she feels it's not clean. She says now that her daughter was born, she uses the bleach, & then she goes over it with something else to make sure it's really clean. Zakiyah leaves the UKBR. Michelle asks Da'Vonne if she is sleepy? Da'Vonne says, no, she thinks she might work out. She says she might do a quick little work out & get her mind right since it's only after 8 PM BBT. She says that might be the ticket & she's not doing anything else right now. Michelle says she's getting so bored. She says that she didn't think she would ever be bored in the BB house. Da'Vonne tells Michelle she wants to talk to her. She says it stays between them. She says that she may go on the block. She tells Michelle that she knows she has her back. She says that people are starting to fell bad for Bridgette because she's starting to fall apart. Michelle says that they should just put Natalie up. Da'Vonne says that Paul says he knows she's strong & she can handle it. She says they tell her that at home also, but she has a breaking point. Michelle says she will even go up. Da'Vonne says that Paul told her that he may have to do that. Michelle asks if Paulie is using it on himself? Da'Vonne says 100%. Michelle says that they are getting pissed off at Victor. Michelle says that Natalie flirts with Paul a lot now that he's HOH. She says if she's not with James she's with Paul. Michelle puts some Nivea lip smoother on her lips. Da'Vonne changes her clothes & takes her necklace off. Da'Vonne tells Michelle that Bridgette & Natalie have been making eyes at each other. BB tells Da'Vonne to please put on her microphone. Da'Vonne says that she is about to go run.

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8:30 PM BBT Da'Vonne says she's not changing her drawers in the UKBR. She goes to the WA to change. Michelle says she loves how she says that. In the KT, Nicole says it's nice when someone is obsessed with you & you can tell it in their eyes. Bridgette says that she never could tell that before. She says she can feel that with her boyfriend, & she never expected to feel that way. Nicole tells Zakiyah to let her know when she wants her to do her fishtail. Corey walks in the house from the BY. The cam goes to the WA where Zakiyah took a quick shower in the HN shower. She says she didn't take a towel in there, so she has to air dry. Michelle is sitting in there. She tells Zakiyah that she needs to talk to her in private later. Zakiyah says they can go in the HNBR. Zakiyah talks about her bra not fitting her well. Michelle says that it's from the other side at Victoria Secret. Zakiyah puts her shirt on & takes her bra off. Michelle tells Zakiyah that Da'Vonne talked to her & she wants to tell her what she said. Zakiyah says that she's not in on a lot of conversations. Michelle says if Bridgette wins the double eviction she can be safe. BB tells Zakiyah to please put on her microphone. Michelle tells Zakiyah that her top is really cute & it looks like an actual dress. Michelle puts her hair up in a bun like Nicole does. They leave the WA.

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8:40 PM BBT Michelle & Zakiyah go to the HNBR. Michelle tells her that Da'Vonne told her that she may go on the block. Zakiyah says that Da'Vonne went up to her crying today telling her the Paul talked to her & told her about the possible people that can go up. Zakiyah says she doesn't want to be the person that talks to Paul to mess up her game. Zakiyah says that her, Michelle & James might be the only people to keep Da'Vonne there. Zakiyah says they aren't considering her feelings. Michelle says she can't stand the butt kissing. Zakiyah says that she trusted Nicole up to today. Zakiyah says that Michelle & Paulie are the only ones that keep her in the loop to things going on. She says that she has to pull things from Paulie, because he talks to her indirectly. Zakiyah says that she doesn't want to walk on egg shells for another week. Michelle says that Bridgette is a bigger threat than Da'Vonne. Zakiyah says that Paul will give excuses. He says that she told Paul he needs to be direct with Da'Vonne is he wants to put Da'Vonne up. She says that she doesn't want Da'Vonne to go home yet. Michelle says that Bridgette may still be mad at Paul. Zakiyah thinks that Paul probably tried to set it up to Bridgette that he was going to back door Da'Vonne. She says she is just coming up with scenarios. Zakiyah says she doesn't understand why Paul thinks Da'Vonne is a threat. Michelle says she can't win comps. Zakiyah says that her mouth may have got her in trouble. Zakiyah says that she will speak up to Da'Vonne that her & Michelle both wanted her to stay there. Michelle says that they probably won't be in the game to the end because Bridgette is going to float her way through. Zakiyah says she doesn't know what she is putting in the cookies. Michelle says that the butt kissing is awful. She says she feels betrayed a little bit. She says that Nicole couldn't stand Bridgette & now she's hanging out with her.

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8:49 PM BBT In the HOHR, Paul is chomping on chips. Paul says that Nicole got messed over by guys in her season. Paulie says she fell into the same thing with Corey that she did on her season. Paulie says that if Nicole wins she will not put Corey up when it's down to 5 of them left in the house. Corey says they need to figure out if Corey will ever put her up. He says they need to figure out where he lies. Paul is worried that one of them will get put up or back doored next week. Paul says he wants to start clipping. Paulie says that he will play in the HOH to win. He says he would put up Zakiyah & Michelle or Zakiyah & Natalie. He says they can vote out either Zakiyah or Michelle. He says if Zakiyah & Natalie are up he would take Zakiyah down if he wins the POV. He says then Bridgette can go up in her place. Paul says that Bridgette will f them when she gets a chance. Paul says that he will let Bridgette slide this week, but she's a good player, & she will make the move she needs to. Paul says that they will get Da'Vonne out this week. He says that Zakiyah & Michelle will be salty. Paul says they can put the two salty ones up next week. They go back & forth about what they can do next week, providing they win HOH. Paulie says that they don't owe Victor anything.

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8:55 PM BBT Paul says that Victor is literally digging himself a grave. Paulie says if someone comes out of the Paris Room he will sh*t his pants. He says that the phone booth door is shut. Paul says you can't hear them talking. They get quiet. Paul says it could be the others. Paulie is trying to figure out where everyone is in the house. Paul says that battery in the remote is dead. He cracks the door to his HOHR open a little bit. He shuts it quietly. He says he just heard Victor & Michelle. Paul says he needs to pull Michelle in to tell her that Bridgette is his target. He says he needs to have her sleep with him tonight, so he can talk to her. They come up with a plan to tell Zakiyah that he doesn't want her on the block with Bridgette.

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8:59 PM BBT Michelle & Zakiyah are still in the HNBR talking. Zakiyah says that Victor & Bridgette both need to be gone in the next two weeks. Michelle says she chose not to use the Veto because she wanted Bridgette out for her game. Michelle asks Zakiyah is doing being a HN? She says she is a little hungry, & could go for something. She says she is doing better than some people.

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Everything is updated to 9:01 PM BBT. Hopefully someone can take over soon!

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9:07 PM BBT Nicole, Zakiyah, and Michelle in the HNR. Zakiyah asks Nicole if she has heard the plan? Nicole says she tried to talk to Paul but hasn't heard anything. Zakiyah says she thinks the plan is to put up Da'Vonne and Nicole asks not Natalie? Zakiyah says she's just got a feeling and she asks Nicole if she'd vote Bridgette out. Nicole says yeah but what does everyone else want. Zakiyah and Michelle both want Bridgette out. Nicole thinks that's what Paul wants.


9:03 PM BBT Paul, Paulie, and Da'Vonne in the HOH talking about renoms. Paul tells Da I hope you trust me because I trust you and it doesn't matter who goes up because I want Bridgette out. Paul says he wants his HOH to go as smoothly as possible.


9:09 PM BBT Paul and Victor alone in HOH and Paul asks where everyone is. Victor tells him where everyone is at and what they are doing.


9:13 PM BBT Paulie comes back in and he says when someone is in the Paris room you can hear everything being talked about in the HOH room. Paulie says be mindful of that, but remember it for whoever wins HOH next.


9:15 PM BBT Zakiyah tells Nicole and Michelle that she thinks the guys have a plan and they know what they want to do. Michelle says she doesn't think the guys have been telling them anything. Nicole says she feels like the guys don't know what they're doing. She asks like what guys. Michelle says all of them minus James. Michelle says theyre all buddy buddy with Paul and Nicole says that's because he's HOH. Michelle says she just doesn't want Bridgette to stay because she'd come after all of them so no one knows who she'd put up. Nicole says she thinks they just need to stay calm because you don't want to piss anyone off before veto ceremony. Michelle says Bridgette thinks everything Paul told her about Frank is bullshit. Nicole asks her how she knows and Michelle says because the night before Frank went home she was talking to them and she told Bridgette that Frank was a good guy and that he never threw her name under the bus and said nothing but good things about her.


9:19 PM BBT Nicole says she going to go talk to Corey and see if she can find out anything. Michelle says don't tell him everything we just said. She leaves and Michelle whispers to Zakiyah that Nicole seemed like she knew stuff. Michelle then says now she's going to go tell everything to Corey and great. Zakiyah just agrees with a mmmhmmm.


9:20 PM BBT Corey in the hammock in the BY and Paul talking to him. Paul is telling him about his conversation with Da and they talk about how sketchy she's been. Nicole comes out and Paul says I need you to do me a favor. He says if Da asks what we were talking about I need you to say I asked you guys to potential noms and Nicole interrupts and says she has some information so let's get this rolling. Paul continues no matter who goes up I said you're voting Bridgette right. Nicole says yeah and Paul says and you guys confirmed. Paul says ok what's the info. Nicole says this stays between us and Corey says ok and Paul nods and Nicole says because they'll know it came from me. Nicole says I just talked to Bridgette and she was cooking with her and Nicole knew Meech and Z were upset about it and they are super upset that Nicole is even talking to Bridgette and they were saying the boys weren't telling them anything. She fills them in on the conversation from the HNR. Nicole says she played dumb and Paul wants to know how they knew Da was a backdoor plan. Corey tells Paul he said it in front of Michelle and Paul doesn't remember. Nicole says they are protecting Da and they want to talk Paul into getting Bridgette out. Paul says I'm HOH, I can't even vote. I've done everything I can.


9:25 PM BBT Paulie comes out and Nicole has the same conversation with him. Paul goes in and Victor comes out for a minute and then leaves again.

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