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Monday July 18, 2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Updates


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This forum thread is for posting live feed updates & screen caps that reflect what's going on in the BB house.  Comments and BB18 discussions are in the Big Brother 18 Discussion section.

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother 18 Time is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. I've been tripped up not knowing if "B" is Bronte or Bridgette.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Download PDF And here's DRG's guide by team Cast Cards PDF.

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

British Bedroom (UKBR)

Tokyo Bedroom (TBR)

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)


When referring to Da'Vonne, you can use "Da," "Dav," and, of course, "Da'Vonne," but for some reason "Da' " with the apostrophe, jams my proofreader program.

You are all encouraged to add info in your posts letting others know that you can only stay an hour, or, "I'm done, can someone else take over!" or whatever, so that lurkers, or "floaters" will be encouraged to fill the gaps.  


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 

Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at  http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds and dish about the HGs at the same time.  


Thank you!

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Zak telling Nic she thinks she fell in love

2016-07-18-09.30.16-Cam 1.png

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9:00AM BBT  All is quiet in the Big Brother house as all house guests are still snug in their beds dreaming of competitions and back stabbing.
9:23AM BBT  Feeds come back up.  Paulie & James in BY putting up awnings.  Nic & Da in WA doing ADLs.
9:25AM BBT  Frank is called to DR.  Corey walks into WA & tells Nic & Da about his dream he had last night.  Corey admits that he & his dated hated each other when he was in high school.
#BB18 9:30AM BBT Nic & Zak alone in WA now.  Nic asks Zak how it went last night.  Zak asked what she meant.  Nic says you were up there last night.  Zak says she thinks she may have fallen in love. Zak says she got a random burst of cuddling from Paulie.  Nic asked if they kissed.  She said no, but close enough.  Nic then says that she had Corey so close that if she would have continued looking in his eyes he would have kissed her.
9:39AM BBT Paul is called again to DR.  James walks outside & talks to Tiff.  Tiff asks James if he ever met anyone from Tinder.  James says that he has.  Tiff asks if anyone recognizes him from BB17. He says his profile picture is him & Julie Chen.
9:40AM BBT In WA, Zak tells Nic that she is worried that they might start targeting her next.  Nic tells her not to worry about it.
9:42AM BBT  Tiff asks James how him & Nat are doing.  He says they are doing ok.  He starts talking about how his mom said if he is up on the block against a flirtmance or showmance, he cannot just lay down and let the girl stay in the house.
9:48AM BBT Da is called to DR.  Tiff tells James that she can't wait to see a specific person's face tonight.  She didn't say who though.  
9:49AM BBT Tiff asks which was more uncomfortable.  The dentist chair or the bumper cars.  James says that they were equally uncomfortable.  James yells to the cameras what time is the veto comp.
9:55AM BBT Tiff tells James that before being in the BB House, she never could understand why everyone would talk so much about strategy & let things get to them.  She said that it is so different once you are in the house.  That it literally becomes your life.  James says it is a sort of psychological warfare.  
9:57AM BBT Paul joins the convo in the BY with Tiff & James.  The convo turns to farts because James farted.  Tiff tells him that he wouldn't have done that if Nat were here.  James says that yes he would have because she told him to do it in front of her.  James says he is gassy because all he has been eating is milk & beans.  Tiff says at least he isn't like Frank.  Tiff gets called in to DR.  After she leaves, Paul says he can't wait for her to leave the house.
10:00AM BBT Paul says that it isn't because he doesn't like her, but because of her paranoia.  He says that if she stays in and as the "crowd hurds" (he then corrected himself to say the hurd thins) the paranoia will spread to more people.
10:03AM BBT  In BY, James & Paul start talking about Manny Pacquio.  Paul says that he heard that Manny was running for some sort of office in the Philippines.  James said that he thought he heard that he had robbed the country of money.
10:10AM BBT In BY, James, Paul & Bridgette are talking about how they are all making it to Jury since whoever goes out this week will be the last person before everyone goes to Jury.  Paul asks if they still get the same amount if they make it to Jury.  James says yes, they will all still get $15k.  Paul says that Jozea told him that they get less.  James said no.  They then start talking about how much taxes they would have to pay out of it.  James told them that he even got the $15k with his $25k from the America's Choice.  The only ones that don't get the $15k are the ones who win the $50k & the $100k at the end.
10:15AM BBT In BY, James announces that he has to go crap.  So he went inside.  The talk between Paul & Bridgette turns to tattoos.  He wants to get a tattoo on his knee.  Bridgette suggests an anatomical bone from one of those old time anatomical books.  Paul says he has one of those types of books from the 1700s.  He said after he bought it for $70 from a friend, he checked it out on ebay & found that there was a "brand new" one for over $1500.  Bridgette then tells him that she has a Betty Crocker White House cookbook from 1906.
10:21AM BBT In KT, Michelle tells Paulie & Frank that she needs to go on a diet.  They are trying to tell her that she is a perfect weight & size for her height.
10:30AM BBT Frank goes into BY because he was told that not all of the awnings were done correctly.  So he asks Paul to help him figure out which ones weren't correct.  Feeds cut to FotH.
10:41AM BBT Feeds come back & you hear Frank saying that only one awning wasn't right.
10:39AM BBT In BY, James, Frank, Nic & Michelle sitting in chairs.  The convo turns to how & when guys get erections.  It started because James had to stand up and adjust himself in his bathing suit.  He complained that the netting was cutting him off.  He said that he sort of likes it because it prevents him from showing his boner.  Nic asked if he said what she though.  He said yea its human, it happens just like ya'll bleed once a month. Michelle says what do boys do?  James says that they get erections and you can't help it that sometimes they just pop up. Nic asks how does that work.  Michelle says she thinks they get them when they get cold.  Frank & James both tell the girls that it mainly happens when you have to pee.  The girls asks if it happens when the guys get attract to someone or something.  Frank says he isn't a perv like that.  He says that he does get nervous boners, but that happens more when you are younger.  
10:54AM BBT In BY, Da, Nic, James & Frank are talking.  They are saying they think there is going to be a buyback.  Frank says he is sure there will be a buyback & a reset.
10:56AM BBT Feeds are down for Jeff reels.

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12:00pm BBT: frank, Michelle,and Da talking by the pool about it raining in Florida. Zak, Paul, and Bridgette in the Kt eating talking about Pocahontas. Paul tells Natalie when she comes in to go get a bag of slop so he can teach her how to make it.

12:04pm BBT: Most hg in the BY talking general talk about boats and swimming. In the KT Paul is cooking slop for Natalie while Bridgette eats.

12:23pm BBT: Da talking about Paul is going to teach her to kickbox today.Most Hg are laying in the BY in the sun just general talk going on.

12:29pm BBT: Da and James talking by the pool about Tiffany flipping out cause she feels guilty about what she did. Da then says tp Paulie that he is making her nervous cause she is afraid  he will fall while he is working out.

12:38pm BBT: Tiffany is walking around the house looking in mirrors. Frank is going to bed for a nap. Tiffany tells him that DA is working on James. frank says do not worry about that cause i am not worried about him. Tiff ask where Corey stands and frank says do not worry about Corey either. 

12:52pm BBT: Corey, Tiffany, and frank talking in the Tokyo BR about the Bold and the Beautiful. all other Hg in the BY talking general talk and laying in the sun.

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1:10pm BBT: Most Hg in the BY talking about what they will name their kids when the have one.

1:17pm BBT: Tiffany in bed just staring at the walls. frank in the WC. the rest of the HG are laying in the sun by the pool or working out and talking general talk.

1:23pm BBT: Paul in the KT whistling. Bridgette walks outside and the HG say hi to her. Nicole goes into the house to fix a hat on paulies giraffe that she has made out of foil.

1:36pm BBT: paul cooking bacon to go with a peanut butter jelly sandwich. paulie is watching him as he tells how to put the sandwich together. Most Hg still i the BY around the pool just talking general talk all at one time.

1:49pm BBT: James in the pool cooling off. James ask Bridgette is she mad them muffins yet and she says yeah there is muffins in the KT and they are done . Made with slop, protein powder and baked means all slop approved she said to James.

 1:52pm BBT: James is taking a shower in the BY so he does not have to have a cold shower inside the WA.

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2:00PM BBT The ants have returned to the kitchen. They can not find the any spray. Paul decides to Febreeze them. Zak doing a dance routine for the cameras.


2:16PM BBT In he KT James is cooking. Da and Nicole talking. Nicole asks Da where a HG is (sounds like she says Tiffany). She says she is sleeping, she has people campaigning for her. Da says she cannot afford to sleep.


2:28PM BBT In the KT Zak, Nicole and Michelle are doing movie quotes from the movie "Bridesmaids".


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2:42PM BBT Zak, Nicole and Da talk about songs that get them through break ups. They keep singing so we keep getting FOTH.


2:44PM BBT Zak and Da are making a birthday cake for Rafe' the giraffe that Zak has been carrying around.


2:54PM BBT The party planning continues. Zak needs a fruit dish made for the party. She continues to sing no matter how many times BB tells her to stop.


3:06PM BBT Da and James talk in the KT. Da says she felt isolated last season when she was going home. She said she made a promise not to isolate anyone this year.


3:08PM BBT Michelle and James have gotten into a tiff. He told her she was being mean to Tiffany. Michelle is upset because she has the right to act how she wants to someone who betrays her.

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3:13PM BBT Michelle complaining to James that Tiff betrayed them after saving her and that he called her (Michelle) mean. She says it hurts her feelings.


3:16PM BBT James is trying to calm Michelle down. Hard to hear what Michelle is saying - her mouth is full of food. She keeps saying Tiff betrayed her and she fell for her lies. She says that Tiff tried to tell her about the alliance last week but she knows it was a lie.


3:21PM BBT Michelle is still upset. Michelle says to James that she wonders who the blabbermouth is that keeps saying that "Michelle is stirring up paranormal" (she means paranoia). James apologizes and says he sometimes says things and doesn't mean it that way.


3:32PM BBT Nicole and Corey head to take a nap. They are talking with Tiffany about Corey's POV speech. Nicole says he seemed a little scary.

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3:38PM BBT Da and Zak talking. Da telling her how when she hears stuff she just locks it away. She considers who it is from and what the information is.


3:40PM BBT In the hammock Nicole and Michelle and James talk. James wants to know why Nat is being weird towards him. Michelle says that maybe it's because when they cuddled in the bumper car, he got aroused. Nicole says that Nat may think he is being weird.


3:45PM James tells them it hurts that Nat is now ignoring him. Nicole says that Nat is spending more time talking to Paulie. The girls tell James that Natalie needs attention.


3:52PM BBT James says Nat told him that he "is  too nice for her" Michelle says that is a code word.


3:55PM BBT James tells Nicole and Michelle that he is upset that they are making a cake for a stuffed giraffe but didn't make one for Nicole or Bridgette. Nicole says it is fine. She really didn't want one. Michelle offers to make her one. Nicole says she appreciates that they care but she doesn't want one.



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5:06PM BBT Frank, Bridgette and Michelle in the By talking about Frank's dreams. He was dreaming of mangos.


5:11PM BBT Natalie and James in the HOH. Natalie is saying her feelings are hurt. She said she had his back and asks him if he thinks she was lying. He said no. She tells him he is free to cuddle with whoever he wants now. He tells her he doesn't want to cuddle with anyone else.


5:13PM Natalie is upset that James and Da were joking about her. He says he didn't say it to hurt her feelings. She said that she offered to make him breakfast and he told her he was a grown man and didn't need the beans. He says that Paul told him to go eat and he told Paul he was a grown man and would eat when he wanted. Her feelings are hurt since she was making the beans.


5:174PM BBT Natalie tells James this has been the worst day in the house. He asks if Bronte getting evicted wasn't the worst. She says that James made her feel worthless. She is upset because after he said he didn't want the beans, he told Nicole he wanted to cuddle. She doesn't like that he wanted to cuddle with another girl.


5:22PM BBT James tells her he has apologized. She says she accepts his apology but that what he did was wrong. James says he is too old for games and so is she. He says he told her he likes her and he didn't know if she liked him too. She is a flirtatious person and he didn't know if was specific to him. She says she has only been flirting with him the entire time. She says she doesn't flirt with anyone else.


5:27PM BBT Natalie is having a pity party. She wants everyone to just leave her alone. They have been mean to her and she has only been nice. She says that if she goes home Thursday it's fine. James tells her she isn't leaving.



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5:34PM BBT Natalie tells James that he is the one person she likes and will not hurt his feelings. She doesn't understand why he is confused on her feelings for him. She doesn't go off flirting with the others like she does with him. They start to make up. She starts to giggle. She asks him not to hurt her feelings again. It was mean.


5:39PM BBT James and Natalie make up. Natalie tells him that he wasn't being nice to her. James says he was rubbing her back yesterday. She says that it was yesterday. He hasn't done anything today. She says she needs a lot of love and care. He says she is needy. She says that she isn't needy but when she likes someone she likes affection and love from them. James jokes that he will remember she said that.


5:43PM BBT Da, Paulie and Paul talking at the hammock. Paulie says that "they" intended to slip the vote this week and get out Da and then get rid of him next week. (Not sure who they are - feeds just switched.


5:47PM BBT Natalie says that the first week James was rubbing someone's back and it upset her. He says that she was rubbing someone's back today and she did it in his face. She says that he should have come told her.



 5:52PM BBT James continues to talk with Natalie. He told her that she was rubbing Paulie's back. She said it didn't mean anything because it was over the shirt. James says he told everyone he didn't want a showmance in the house. They laugh. We get FOTH.


 5:53PM BBT While we had FOTH, BB told the HG that the BY would be closing down early. James tells Natalie that it means that there is going to be a big comp coming up.

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7:01 PM BBT In the BY Michelle tells Corey & Nicole that Frank told her that he has the votes to get Da'Vonne out. Corey says that if Tiffany stays she will only help Frank. Nicole says that sucks & walks away from the double lounger. Corey says he's upset that she put him on the block. Michelle says it's the same crap over & over again. In the Safari Room Paulie tells Frank that he wants to see what happens. He says if Tiffany gets the house to flip again he will be going after her again. Frank tells Paulie that Da'Vonne is a bigger threat. He says that she it pitting people against each other. Paulie says he didn't believe anything that she said anyway.

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7:05 PM BBT Frank says that he wants Tiffany out eventually. He says that Tiffany is not as much like her sister like they think. He says that he' more sensitive than Vanessa. Paulie tells Frank that when Tiffany talked to him he told her not to get emotional or he won't talk to him. We see FOTH briefly. Frank is really trying to work Paulie to flip the votes so he can have his way in the house. Frank tells Paulie that she won't go after him if she stays because he told her not to. Frank says that Tiffany is not good at blending in. He says that Vanessa was, but Tiffany is kind of awkward. Paulie says that Da'Vonne just walked by. Frank says he'll wrap it up. He says it's only Monday. He says they are getting locked down tomorrow. Frank says it might be a relay race. Paulie says that it might be huge if they are locking them down on Tuesday.

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7:10 PM BBT Frank tells Paulie that they should rock the HOH competition. Paulie says that no one will beat their team & they've proven that. He says they are the only team that has won HOH's & Veto's. He says he doesn't consider this one a loss. Corey, Bridgette, Da'Vonne & Nicole are sitting at the KT table. Corey goes to get his stuffed animal. Michelle is sitting at the dining room table. James & Zakiyah are fixing the foil birthday hats they have on stuffed animals. Corey comes back. They all sing happy birthday to her giraffe stuffed animal. We see FOTH while they do that. Everyone is clapping when the live feeds come back on.

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7:13 PM BBT Michelle is the first one to inhale birthday cake. She says she likes the corner pieces with the cookie crumble. Paulie throws 4 oranges at Nicole in the BY. Paul, Tiffany & James are out that. James screams, "Damn it, I want some cake." Tiffany goes in the house. Nicole tells Paul that there is definitely going to be a drink called Paul's cup of friendship & he gets to pick what's in it. James starts to play pool, trying to shoot balls in each pocket. He has placed balls by each pocket to shoot them in.

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7:18 PM BBT Frank goes to the BY chomping the cake that he has in his mouth. He says that he is going to crush some more cake. He goes & gets himself some more on his plate. Tiffany finishes eating her piece of cake. Frank goes to the BY to tell Nicole that he is having another piece. Da'Vonne tells Natalie that she her daughter's name is Candance Diane. Bridgette & Natalie are baking in the KT. We see FOTH a few times briefly.

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7:23 PM BBT In the BY, Michelle, James, Paulie, Frank, Corey, Nicole & Paul are all in a circle playing a game with a few oranges. They are tossing it in the air to each other. Tiffany checks on the laundry & then goes to the couch area.

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7:25 PM BBT TIffany goes in the house. Zakiyah & Da'Vonne are sitting at the KT table eating. Natalie asks Bridgette how she knows the different recipes? She says she has an idea of how it should be in her head. She says that her great great grandmother used to make a bomb bread pudding. Tiffany goes to the UKBR & looks through all the drawers in both dressers. She goes to the day bed & lifts up the comforter & puts it back down. She goes to the HNBR & moves a hat of a stool. She lifts a stack of clothes to look for something. She looks in the third bumper car. She tells the camera that someone hid it to be an asshole. She says she is so f'n over this house. She sits in the bumper car that is off to the side & picks her fingernails. She leans back & lays down in the bumper car.

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7:29 PM BBT Tiffany tells the camera she is so over this house. She says it's not about playing in teams. It's not about having a real group or being nice to people. She says it's a bunch of assholes that lie. 

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7:32 PM BBT The game in the BY continues. Bridgette & Da'Vonne have joined in to play. Frank says they need to move the furniture until they tell them not to. Da'Vonne is holding to oranges & she hits them together. They start playing again. They are all holding oranges & it looks like they call a person that they are going to throw it to, but they all have to be still holding an orange also. In the KT, Natalie tells Zakiyah that she would never want to hurt anyone's feelings. Zakiyah is eating tacos while sitting at the KT table.

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7:35 PM BBT Zakiyah tells Natalie she is sorry that she is munching so hard. Natalie tells her to eat away. Natalie says she is ready to work out & go to bed. She says that she needs to wax again before Thursday. Zakiyah says that she is really hungry because it's her first time eating today. James goes in the house. Natalie says he to him & tells him that she can't find her water bottle. James says that maybe someone hid it. She asks if he hid her spoon? He says that he didn't, but they can go & look for it. Natalie says that she has an ant on her arm. Zakiyah tells James to throw a cake away that she made. She says it has tons of sugar on it & it's not edible. Natalie tells James that his peanuts weren't spicy for her at all. James says that they were really hot. Natalie says that the hot sauce isn't hot enough for her. She says fresh jalapenos to put in the tacos is the best. Natalie asks James if he wants to work out with her later & run? He says he'll watch her work out. He says he usually only lifts.

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7:40 PM BBT Natalie tells James that she is going to use his deodorant. She tells him that she will go outside in a little bit. Natalie says she's gravitated toward James since the beginning. Zakiyah asks her how she likes James? Natalie asks her how she likes Paulie? She says she really likes him. Natalie says she really likes James. Zakiyah says that they can have a flirt mance. Natalie says that she genuinely cares for James a lot. She says whether or not they date after the show they will still be friends. She is worried that she lives in New York & that he lives in Texas. Zakiyah says that James would do her right. She says that he is the perfect guy that she is looking for. She thinks that they put him on the show because he's her perfect match. Zakiyah says that they match on an Astrology level. Zakiyah says that her & Paulie's signs also match. Natalie says she wonders what the divorce rate of Astrology signs that match is. She says that someone should do a study. Michelle goes back in the house & sits at the KT table. James walks back in the house. Natalie says she wants to go back out when Zakiyah is done eating. Natalie tells James that she can't find her water bottle or her spoon. She wants to have a GT sesh in the UKBR. The HG's in the BY are making so much noise that you can hear them in the dining room camera.

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7:46 PM BBT Natalie says that she is making some monkey bread. Michelle goes by the dining room table to get more food to eat. Paul walks in the house. The bottom of Michelle's feet are black from being dirty. Frank, Corey, Bridgette, Paulie, Da'Vonne & Nicole are all sitting on the couches. They wonder if the BY is going to stay closed from tomorrow until they reopen it over the weekend. Michelle goes to sit by them. We see FOTH briefly. Michelle says that she wants to see if a fan is literally going to go to Michelle's to get a whole bunch of fake oranges to recreate orange ball. Paul goes out there to sit by them also.

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7:49 PM BBT Natalie is trying to teach Zakiyah something in Spanish while they are sitting at the KT table with James. Natalie tells Zakiyah that she is good. Zakiyah says that she only knows a very little French. Natalie says that she took Spanish to keep up with it. She says her first language was Spanish, so it was easy for her to keep up with it. She says that English is her second language. She says she started using English at 7 years old. She says that she was held back a grade because she wasn't picking up the language. She says she speaks & reads them both fluently now. She says that she talks to her mom & sister in Spanish every day.

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