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Saturday July 16, 2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Updates


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6:41PM BBT: Tiffany tells Corey that he deserves to know the truth about everything and that everything is making sense. Tiffany tells him that Day has been planting seeds to everyone. Day 1- Tiffany says Day made a final 2 with her and she was like "I don't even know this girl". Tiffany says she thought in her head "Ok this girl has my back and we will take it from there". Tiffany says she swears on her life that from there Day pulled her in the room and was like "We need to get rid of Frank, I can't stand him and we need to get him out pre-jury". Tiffany says Day told her that Frank was gunning for her hard. Tiffany says she was like "yeah yeah and she thought everything was cool with him and her" then Tiffany says Day told Frank that "Tiffany is planning an all girls alliance". Tiffany continues to say that Day was planting seeds to both Tiffany and Frank against eachother.

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6:50 pm Frank, Paulie, Paul & Z in HOH room and Frank is pissed.  Paulie is saying he doesn't believe anything Tiffany says,  Frank is insisting that conversations that he has had that do not involve Tiffany she can repeat back to him verbatim.  THey are trying to figure out who the leak is.  Frank says he can take his time figuring it out since he doesn't have to make a decision until Thursday.  Paul and Z are just listening.  Frank says there is a bigger fire starter than Tiffany. Paulie is saying Tiffany is playing like Vanessa did - she's putting things together in her own head and blowing up alliances.  Frank is insisting all he wants is for Frank and Paulie to be on the same page.


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6:57 pm  Frank leaves the HOH room.   Paul is telling Paulie that Frank was lying and that's why he wouldn't make eye contact with Paul.  Right before Frank come up to talk to Paulie, Frank, Bridgette, Tiffany and Paul were having a discussion about how Paulie is being shady and they can't trust him.  Paul says that Frank said Paulie is a liar and "he was shitting all over you, bro".  Paulie is saying this makes him trust Da even more now.  There is no way he would want to keep Tiffany in this house.


Paulie is joking but is asking Z and Paul if he should get up in front of everybody and tell Corey not to take himself off the block because they are trying to get rid of Da this week.  They all laugh and Paul says that would be awesome!

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7:01 PM BBT In the HOHR, Paulie is talking to Zakiyah & Paul. Corey has won the Veto. Paulie & Paul are in white shorts with suspenders. In the Tokyo BR, Frank is talking to Corey, Tiffany & Bridgette. In the KT, Da'Vonne is talking to James. She is worried because people feel her as a threat. Natalie is in there with them & said that she is really full. James tells Da'Vonne to stay cool. He says he doesn't think she has anything to worry about. She goes upstairs to the HOHR. Paulie asks Da'Vonne if she wants to be part of something epic. Da'Vonne says that Bridgette, Tiffany & Frank have Corey cornered & they are telling him everything. Paulie says that Frank went upstairs to start stuff.

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7:07 PM BBT Paulie says that Frank is trying to get everyone to go against Da'Vonne to try to send her home. Paul says that Frank went to him telling him that Paulie is having conversations with people to go against him. Paulie says they have a plan that requires some acting. He wants Da'Vonne to blow up & he will back her.

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7:13PM BBT: Day, Paul, Paulie and Zay are talking in the HN room. Paul is telling Day Tiffany's plan to put her up and turn everyone against her. Paulie says they already know that is the plan.

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7:13 PM BBT Paulie says when Tiffany goes home to have a conversation with him he is going to tell her that he's sending her home this week. Paul says they are going to try to tell Frank that they want to get Paulie out next week to get their team to not win the HOH. They want to blindside Frank to nom him & send him home next week. Paul says that he is going to pretend to be mad at Paulie to make it look real. Da'Vonne says that she knew Frank was up in the HOHR scheming. Da'Vonne wonders where Nicole is.

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7:16 PM BBT In the Tokyo BR, Frank tells Corey, Tiffany & Bridgette that he planted a seed with Paulie that Da'Vonne was starting a lot of stuff. He says he let Paulie have it & he told him that he doesn't like to be lied to. Corey asks if he should tell them that Tiffany won the Roadkill? He says he will b.s. everything else. He leaves the Tokyo BR. Back in the HOHR, Da'Vonne tells Zakiyah, Paulie & Paul that Frank is trying to get in the heads of everyone they think is weak.

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905 pm  James, Natalie and Da whispering while sitting around the island in the kitchen.  James is reminding Da to play it cool this week and not to worry.  Da heads up to the HOH. 


Paulie asks Da if she wants to be part of something epic.  They are telling Da about the conversation with Frank and how Frank is blaming everything on Da and how he wants  to get Da out this week.  All 3 are reassuring Da they don't believe any of it.   


Paulie and Paul are telling Da about several scenarios that will involve some acting on their part and how they want to make a big scene with it.  THey don't want to do it unless their entire group is on board.  Da can't believe she stood up for Tiffany's punk ass last week and that now she's coming after her. 



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7:20 PM BBT Paulie says that he clearly threw the Veto comp. Paul says it looked like Corey was throwing it also. Paulie says that Paul volunteered to go on the block, he wanted to be there instead of Natalie. Paul says that he was telling Frank that he doesn't want to be back on the block & as soon as Frank left he told Paulie to please put him up. They talk about Tiffany spelling Twinkling the correct way because Paulie told her how to spell it. Paul says she had one job to lose that comp & she tried to win it. Paulie says he needs to quit cursing or the DR is going him a prescription. He says they told him they can't edit his F bombs. In the Toyko BR, Bridgette is talking to Tiffany & Frank about making some kind of bar for a treat. Frank tells Tiffany he had Bridgette make him some peanut butter chewy treats. Frank says that they will as for marshmallows in their next HOH basket, one of the three, next week. Frank says he likes to get a little heated, it gets him going. Bridgette says she loves to watch it. He says the producers do as well. He says he will put the fear of God in people if he has to. He says he will tell them that it's a come to Jesus talk. Frank says he's disappointed in Zakiyah that she has a beef with him. He says he thought he was Uncle Peanut to her. He says that he & Ash are not going to adopt her at home, they are going to adopt the Cabbage Patch instead. He says that he's had fun in the DR talking about himself being a dictator. We see FOTH.

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7:29 PM BBT Live Feeds come back with Frank telling Tiffany & Bridgette about The Art Of War & Prince, two books that he read before going in the house the first time. In the HOHR, Corey is telling everyone what Frank talked to him about. He says that Frank didn't really talk that much, it was mostly Tiffany that talked. Paulie says he will not talk to Tiffany if she goes up there. Paul & Paulie are chomping on lime Tortilla chips & humus. Paul says that he wants to take the HOH next week & come down with his Patty glasses on. Corey tells Da'Vonne that Frank told him to put up Corey on the block when she won the Roadkill. Paul asks Corey if he's going to use the Veto? Da'Vonne tells him to use it & let them put her up. Zakiyah starts eating the chips & humus now also, so there are 3 HG's chomping & talking into their microphones.

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7:36 PM BBT Da'Vonne tells Corey to take himself off the block. She says she trusts them 1000%. In the Tokyo BR, Tiffany says that she thought she was going home all week until 2 a.m. Wednesday night. Tiffany says that it worked out for the best because now she's on their side, but someone else should be on the block. Frank says it could be a crazy week. Tiffany says she will just hide behind him. Bridgette says she will just keeping baking sh*t. Tiffany says she's scared of Da'Vonne. Frank says that she talked to him & she didn't come clean about the lie of Tiffany going after him. In the WA, Natalie has her hair put up in pigtails & is painting her fingernails. James messes one of them up & she fixes it. Natalie says that she didn't watch all of Season 16 because it was to long. James tells Natalie that she didn't act crazy around the house. He says that they are starting to forget about her being on the block. He tells her not to name drop in the house at all. Natalie says that Paul is a little spy. James says he plays both sides of the house & you have to watch him. Natalie says she knew that. She says when someone judges her on her character she doesn't mess with that. Paul goes to the Tokyo BR. He tries to say stuff to plant the seed that he's against Paulie. He's pretending now so they can eventually have the fake blowout. Paul says that the big speeches are annoying him. Frank says the he & Bridget like the nicknames. He says he is Dictator Frank & he isn't going to do the dishes or flush the toilet anymore. Paul says that he's not one to get lied to or used & he's over it, pissed. Tiffany says she loves how he says pissed just at the right time. Paul says that he's 98% sure that Corey is going to use the Veto. He says everyone is telling him that he's safe though. Frank says if they didn't want things to blow up they should have voted Tiffany out. He says now they've had the chance to talk & compare notes. Frank says he's washed his sheets twice. Paul says that they need to wash the other to get Jozea & Victor's sweat off them. Paul says they are going to try to convince Corey not to use the Veto. Paul says that they way he talked during the Veto, he may use it. Frank & Bridgette all say he should use it. Paul says he has an ingrown hair on his leg. Tiffany & Bridgette thinks it's gross that he's picking his leg. Paul says he's upset that he didn't get to bring his body trimmer. Paul says he's really hairy on his chest, it's a forrest. Paul & Frank both say they don't have hair on their backs at all. Paul leaves the Tokyo BR to get food. Corey goes into the Tokyo BR. Corey gets on the middle bed, & Frank tells him it's disgusting. Paul goes to the WA where James & Natalie are. Natalie tells him that he makes her laugh so hard she can't handle it. Paul tells them they will find out sh*t later & it will be funny. He tells them to stay away from Frank's side as much as they can. He says they think he's with them now. He says upstairs will fill them in on everything. He says it's going to be f'n hilarious. He says they are laying out all their cards in front of him. James ask who they are trying to take out next week? Paul says, Paulie. James says they are going to take them out next week. Paul says he will take them out, or he can take them out. James says his little Nat Nat will. Paul leaves the WA.

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7:57 PM BBT James tells Natalie that if their team is winning he will give it to her. Natalie tells him no, because he can see his daughter & cat. James says he can't wait to see Natalie's mom & Loren. Natalie says that all of her friends are cheerleaders. She says that she doesn't know if Paulie knows, because he might know them. Corey goes in the WA with them. He tells them that he had a little talk with Tiff Tiff. James says he heard that they are trying to take down Paulie next week. Corey says that's not what they told him. Corey says they only said one name for this week, they didn't say anything about next week. Paul goes in the WA. James says to fill Corey in. Corey says that they didn't tell him anything about Paulie. Paul says after Da'Vonne it's Paulie. He says they they think he's in with them. Paul asks Corey if they think he's with them? Corey says he's staying out of it for now. Corey says that they want him to use the Veto. Natalie asks if there are people upstairs, because she has to use the bathroom. She is sitting in the WA saying this. Paul leaves that WA.

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8:01 PM BBT Paul goes back to the HOHR. Paulie says that he's going to tell Tiffany that her new boo is the only person that she has in the house. He says that he's going to tell Frank that he was bred for this, & he doesn't do that fake ass wrestling that his daddy did. (OMG...The fake blowout is going to be awesome!) Paul says once they are on the block they can high-five & it will be good. Paulie has a light blue shirt hanging up in the HOHR to match the light blue socks he has on. Paul has a maroon shirt on with matching maroon socks. Da'Vonne says that Frank is going to be pissed after Paulie brings his dad into it. Paul says this is going to be good during the HOH comp. He says he has a speech. Paulie says someone has to come through to win this HOH. He says those mother freakers. He is trying not to swear. Paul asks when this all should happen? He says that maybe it should happen Monday after the ceremony. He says it should be after Da'Vonne goes up as the replacement nom. Da'Vonne agrees. He says they will blow everything up.

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8:07 PM BBT Paulie says that he will laugh, because he can't act to keep a straight face. Paul says that Cody just landed a movie, he should be able to act. Paulie tells Paul to call Frank a Dictator. We see FOTH.

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8:08 PM BBT Da'Vonne says he's going to say to hell with Frank, Polly Pocket & Tiffany who can't live up to her sister. Paulie says that Tiffany is balsy trying to come in & be better than Vanessa. In the WA, Tiffany leaves the WC & washes her hands. Natalie tells James to please get out of the bathroom because she has to use it. She turns the water on while she goes. Tiffany says she stinks. Her & James leave the WA. James tells everyone to stay out of there while she goes to the bathroom. James says that the pixzza smells great. Tiffany goes to the HNBR. In the Tokyo BR, Frank tells Bridgette that all he wanted to do was paint a picture about Da'Vonne. He high-fives Bridgette & goes to the KT.

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8:19 PM BBT In the HOHR, Paulie says there is a job to be done & he's not going to reward himself with his beers until it's done. He says that Frank will take some shots. They start talking about the Roadkill comp. Paulie says that if his tags didn't fall off he would have had 32 also. In the WA, Nicole & Michelle are sitting on the bench. Natalie walks in & tells them that she is board. Nicole says that her body feels week. Michelle says that she is ready to go straight to bed. Nicole says she told Corey that he needs to use the Veto. Michelle says she find it strange that she thinks Corey is acting weird, because she doesn't think they seem any different. Natalie went into the WC. She comes out & washes her hands. Michelle says that her body feels really heavy. Michelle says that it's the sugar. She says after all the crap that has been going down at least they have a break from comps. She tells Nicole to have a piece of pizza. She tells Nicole not to act like anything is wrong, she acts to act normal. Michelle tells her she did that her ex. Nicole says that she will probably go on the block & she doesn't want Corey mad at her. Michelle says that Corey has a level head & that she didn't mean anything. Nicole takes her glasses off her face to wipe her tears away. Nicole says that Corey was with Tiffany & wouldn't even look at her. Michelle says it might just be strategy.

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8:29 PM BBT Nicole says that Corey asked her if he wanted her to help her with opening a bottle or if she wanted him to give it to someone else. Michelle says that she may have hurt his ego & that's fixable. Nicole tells Michelle that her & Corey are her sanity in the house. Michelle says it's just everything added up. Nicole asks Michelle if she's going to eat pizza? Frank walks in the WA eating pizza. Both of the girls say they aren't feeling well. Frank asks how much sugar they ate? Michelle says that they ate cotton candy. Nicole gets called to the DR. Frank tells Nicole that she looks a little weak. She says her legs feel wobbly. She says that she feels like she hasn't slept in four days. Frank says that Da'Vonne had a fever, they may be catching something. Da'Vonne asks them where they slept? Nicole says they slept in the bumper cars. Da'Vonne asks why? Nicole says because it was quiet & cold. Nicole fixes her make-up, grabs her wattle bottle & goes to the DR.

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8:34 PM BBT Tiffany sneezes while she's chilling on the day bed in the Tokyo BR. In the KT, Corey says that he hopes they get some more alcohol tonight. Michelle, Da'Vonne & Zakiyah are chomping on pizza while sitting at the KT table with Corey. Paulie is standing by the table chomping on pizza also. Corey says that he's stuffed & tired. Da'Vonne tells Michelle that it looks like she has an allergic reaction to something. Michelle says she doesn't know what it is. In the SR, Paul tells Frank that there are to many f'n girls in the house. Frank says that they need to get out the two girls that are close to the two guys that they need to get closer to. He says that he & Bridgette are close, but there is no romance. Paul says that Bridgette is a smart girl. He says he knew that from the first day. Michelle goes in the SR. She says she goes in there at the worst time & she's not doing it on purpose. Frank tells her that she is always eating fruit. Michelle grabs fruit to go and eat now. Frank tells her to take the stickers off before she eats it. She leaves the SR. Franki tells Paul that he's glad he's on his side. They shake hands. Paul says he's tired of being played. Frank says that's why he blew up the first week in his first season. He says he flipped the house, stayed & won HOH. he says that's when someone head butted soemone. Paul says he does fairly well in the house. He says he wants to band together with the dudes & include Bridgette. He says she's never going to band together with the goods. Frank says it feels good. They fist bump & hug each other. Paul says he's hungry. He says he might make a turkey sandwich or something. Frank goes to the Tokyo BR. He tells Tiffany that Da'Vonne has been upstairs for a while. He says that it sounds like Paulie didn't tell her about his conversation & it was about her. He says that Zakiyah might tell her. Frank says he was stern with Paulie about using the F bomb. Frank says that Paulie didn't like that he confronted him about the alliance that he is in not having him on the inside. Frank tells Tiffany she gave it right back to Paulie yesterday. She says that she thinks the girls are amazing competitiors, but she just said that. She says she knows it's a game at the end of the day.

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8:44 PM BBT Paulie walks in the Tokyo BR & tells Tiffany & Frank that he ate four pieces of pizza. Tiffany asks if James will be o.k with everything? Frank says he will work on Corey & Michelle this week. He says he will get Michelle on her side this week. He says he is going to make her see that she's on the outside of the group up there. He says he will rope her in. Frank says he will tell her that he is going to win HOH next week. Tiffany says that she's on his team. He says if he wins HOH next week that Michelle will sh*t big time. (With teams Michelle would be safe.) Corey walks in the Tokyo BR & Frank changes the subject to Tiffany not being like her sister at all. Tiffany says she is nothing like her sister. She says the only thing is that they both can get emotional. Corey says girls are emotional. Frank says that's a win for the guys. She says they are humans also. Frank says it's silly for them to say she may do the same thing as her sister. Tiffany says that her sister was super competitive & she's only won one thing out of 15. She says she doesn't know how she even did that. Frank syas he's Dictator Frank & Bridgette is his Cabbage Patch Kid. in the Safari Room, Da'Vonne, Paul, Michelle, Paulie & Zakiyah are all talking about next week. Paulie says that he needs to be on the block next to Frank. Paul leaves the Safari Room. Paulie says that if Frank wins HOH he may just put him up himself. Paulie says that Frank said that they need to put up Paulie, Da'Vonne & Zakiyah. Da'Vonne says she's ready for Thursday. Michelle asks Tiffany if she's scared at all? Da'Vonne says no, because they all think she's going home.

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8:50 PM BBT Paulie says that Frank won't throw the HOH comp to Paul. He says they may not even blow up. Frank goes by the Safari Room where they are talking. He says they need ant hotel traps. Zakiyah says they have sticky paper for ants. Paulie says that he's getting really tired. Frank yells when he talks & says the ants were bad & they got worse & worse. He says they were never this bad though. Michelle says that they get more tunnels over the years. Paulie says it's a studio & they can spray for the ant. Frank says there is mildew by the cabinets from the water that wasn't cleaned up. Michelle says they can clean the water up & they may have to build part of the house. Da'Vonne says they should bomb the house & lock them down outside. Frank says that the ants are all over the place. Michelle says that she feels they are crawling on her now. Zakiyah says that she went to the DR to talk & they told her they can't take her seriously in her cupcake outfit.

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8:54 PM BBT Paul goes back in the Safari Room. Paulie tells them all that he's going to take a nap for a while. Michelle asks Da'Vonne if she knew that Vanessa was a poker player? She says, no, because she doesn't watch poker at all. She says that she is definitely somebody. Michelle says that Vanessa was on MTC Cribs & she is loaded. She says that she has a million dollar home. Da'Vonne says that she shouldn't have gone on the show if she's already loaded like that. She says, "Greedy ass, no I'm playing." Paul leaves the Safari Room to see if Frank is lurking around. Michelle tells Zakiyah & Da'Vonne that if they go up they are 100% safe. She says that Tiffany has to go this time to squash that bug. In the HOHR, Paulie tells Corey that he's pissed with Paul. Corey says that Da'Vonne will go up tomorrow when he comes down. Paulie says he has to go to the bathroom. Corey tells Paulie that Da'Vonne made up the whole thing about Bronte. He says that she had a Final 2 deal with Tiffany. Paulie says that he doesn't believe anything that Tiffany says. Corey says that Da'Vonne is so sketched out & she is not trying to let anyone talk to Corey. Paulie says they are going to tag Da'Vonne as soon as Frank is gone. Corey says that Tiffany said that Da'Vonne tried to do an all girls alliance, & Nicole confirmed it. He says that there was more things that Da'Vonne lied about. Paulie says that he doesn't believe anything that Frank or Tiffany are saying. He says that they can get Da'Vonne out as soon as they need to. He says they need to get Frank out before her though. Paulie says that he wants to keep Da'Vonne cool, so he can take the heat that she has for them & put it somewhere else. He says they can strike her later.

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9:01 PM BBT Paulie says that they need to tag Da'Vonne before even Natalie or Bridgette. Corey says that Da'Vonne cried because she knows he is going to pull himself off & she's going up. Corey says they have a lot of information now that they can use. Paulie says they can hold it in to use it against her later.

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