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Saturday July 16, 2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Updates


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11:31 am  Paulie and Frank in the WA.  They are discussing they are having a hard time falling asleep at night.  Frank is still pissed about how eviction night votes went.  Paulie agrees.    They are speculating on when a double eviction will be.  They feel they have the strongest team in the house. 

They both say how important it is they win today's competition and get Tiffany out because she will be coming for them next week.  They are interrupted when BB calls Paulie to the DR.  Feeds switch to Da in bed in the UKBR.

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11:33AM BBT  Paulie says he just has to pull out a win today.  Paulie called to DR again.  Frank goes to kitchen where Paul is telling [yet another--they seem endless] a story about getting his phone taking by a really tall kid and about his fighting experience making him turn and trip the kid so that Paul pins him down and makes him give him his phone back after Paul "whooped his ass."  End of story he got his phone back.  


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11: 53AM BBT Frank and Bridgette talking in the Tokyo bedroom.  Whispering and mumbling are making it hard to hear.  Bridgette says, "I was kinda hoping they would keep him up all night." Frank asks who, and she says Corey.  Frank says he doesn't hate him, but that Nicole and Corey are reminding him of Brittany and Shane by lying to him so much. Franks says he told Nicole that she told him something that reminded him of Brittany. 

11:55AM BBT Frank says he is exhausted, not physically but just with putting up with some people. He says he would love to put a damper on their shit this week.  Bridgette asks if Frank thinks Nic would have put them if up had she won.  Frank says maybe. 

11:57AM BBT Bridgette says she hates all their stories.  Frank says he wants to play and to win.  


[Gotta run...it's been fun this morning/afternoon updating, but I hope Kueszoo and whomever else is following this thread can keep updating!]

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12:01 pm Frank & Bridgette in Tokyo bedroom.  Frank forgot yesterday was Bridgette's birthday.  He says we should have baked you a tofu cake.  She replies nobody cares but Frank  insists he cares.


Paulie announces its time to pick players for the veto comp and we get BRB.

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2:14 pm James and Natalie hanging out in the WA.  She's fussing at him because she's been looking for her pink and black hairbrush all week and James has had it.  He apologizes.  She whispers to him she's nervous about Thursday's eviction.  He assures her that she'll be fine either way.  THey think it will be another 3 hours until the veto comp.  She is wondering what to wear since all of her athletic wear is dirty.  In James fashion he tells her to wear the dirty clothes since it's going to get dirty again.  Corey comes in to check on them.  THey are discussing strategy for the comp later today.  Corey tells him that he would have picked James to play if he had the chance.

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2:20 pm Natalie, Corey and James discussing the BB house falling apart.  They joke that BB is testing them and there will be a comp to see who can name in order the things in the house breaking.  First it was the ants, then the fridge and now the lake.  Corey jokes he wanted to take the boat out on the lake (the kitchen sink leaking) but the boat wouldn't start. James leaves to check the status of the growing lake in the kitchen.

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2:23 pm 3 unidentifiable lumps under covers in the EUBR.  BB calls Z to the DR while she is trying to nap in the Have Not room.  Natalie alone in the bathroom off in thought.  James is laying down in bumper car alone.  Corey and Nicole talking in the Tokyo bedroom.  NIcole is telling Corey she doesn't realize how tall he is until he stands next to someone and that it's funny how super tall he is.  Corey says she makes it sound like he's a freak or something.  She asks Corey if he feels "super tall"?  He says no since all of his friends at home are about the same height.  Now whispering about the impending POV comp.


Edited by Kueszoo
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2:35 Nicole and Corey whispering that Tiffany is now in an alliance with Frank and Bridgette.  Also about James wants a 6 person alliance with Nicole, Corey, Paulie., Z, and Da butthey are not sure about it.  Nicole thinks everything that comes out of Tiffany's mouth is crazy. Frank comes in talking about BB will be turning off the water to repair the leak and the puddle is bigger and the water looks disgusting.  Nicole leaves to go check it out.

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2:41 pm Nicole and Bridgette primping in the WA.  Nicole licks the end of a qtip and runs it along her bottom eyelashes {EEEWWWWWW}. Bridgette complaining about how she can't make her eyeliner look even.  Now we have fish tank!

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6:06PM BBT: Paul, Frank and Tiffany are talking in the Tokyo room. Frank is saying he is really annoyed because people think he won the Roadkill (Tiffany won it). Tiffany says she feels naive for believing people in house. Paul says that he has been lied to a lot in the house too. Paul said that he was told she was going home last week. Corey walks in the room and Tiffany says he did really good (He won POV).

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6:10PM BBT: Corey, Day and Natalie are in the HOH room chatting. They are talking about last season and how Cody took Derrick to the final two. Paulie says if he was in the same position he would never take the "easy" choice. He says Cody showed that loyalty and respect is more important to him than money. Paulie says Cody and Derrick are best friends. Cody calls Derrick a brother and so Paulie considers him a brother too and he would do anything for him and his wife and his two kids.

Edited by ewillie
I originally wrote "Corey" instead of "Cody" regarding last season :)
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6:15PM BBT: Tiffany, Paul and Frank are still talking in the Tokyo room. Paul is playing dumb and acting like he's pissed. Paul says he is worried about who to trust because he is getting boned left and right in this game. Tiffany says me too and they fist pound. It is all pretty irrelevant because Paul is just acting and Tiffany and Frank seem to believe him. Tiffany is telling Paul how the girls had an issue with Frank and "this girl" was using her the whole time too. Paul says he is equally as upset. Tiffany says all she is going to do is tell the truth. Zak walks in and now they are talking about food.

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6:18PM BBT: Zak and Day are whispering about Tiffany. Zak says Tiffany thinks she is close to her and she is going to let her think that. Zak says she is not "not happy" that Corey won the POV, but she was just wondering now who is going to go up. Day says she loves Corey but "ya'll my girls". Day says Paulie gave her a beer.

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6:22PM BBT: Frank walks into the HOH room where Paulie and Natalie are still talking. They are talking about tofu.


6:24PM BBT: In the have not room Paul tells Corey he is "in" like a "jk fk" and he has all the goodies. Paul tells James that "your boy is a spy" that Tiffany and Frank were telling him "that he is on the outside that he was lied to". Paul is pretty excited. Paul says that Tiffany told him there is a 5 person alliance and that he is just a number to them.

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6:27PM BBT: Paul tells Corey and James he is going to try to keep finding stuff out. (I just realized Michelle is in a bumper car there as well). Paul says no one is not going to vote for Tiffany except Bridgette and Frank and "me" (for some reason he says Tiffany and Frank think that Paul is on their side and they count him as a vote). Corey says he thinks they are going to put up Nicole. Paul tells them that Tiffany HATES Corey and Nicole. Michelle says that Tiffany calls her and Zak brats.

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6:29PM BBT: Paul goes back into the Tokyo room to talk to Tiffany and "tell her what he found out". [Paul is clearly not on her side and she is still believing him..]. Tiffany tells Paul that Day told her that she is playing both sides and planting seeds to everyone. Tiffany says you can't trust her and that she is an idiot for trusting Day. Tiffany says that is why she was pissed at Day. Tiffany says Day fucked her over with everything and that she is so hurt and the girls should be trusting her and now they are trusting Day. [It seems she is using Paul to deliver a message]. Paul asks Tiffany what he should do.

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6:35PM BBT: Nicole, Corey, James and Michelle talking in the HN room. James says again that he thinks Corey should save his ass and again talks about what happened to Bronte. Nicole says she is not afraid of going on the block because she has four solid votes. Michelle tells Nicole that Tiffany told Paul about the "8 pack". James says that Paul needs to be lucky that he wasn't a casualty from the aftermath of that group- spying. Michelle asks them if they fully trust Paul. Nicole says she isn't counting him as her four votes, Corey says he does trust Paul. James says when they aren't in power they just need to watch everybody. Nicole says the people that are freaking out are freaking her out. Natalie walks in and tells James that his dinner is served and that Bridgette made him muffins and she made him garlic bread.

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6:39PM BBT: Tiffany now in the Tokyo room with Corey and tells him that she wants to tell him everything and that she won the Roadkill and she is the one that put him up. Tiffany says she wants to tell him everything and she believes him. Tiffany tells him that someone has been "fucking her since day 2 and has been playing everyone". Tiffany tells Corey that it is Day. She tells Corey that Day has told her everything.

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