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Thursday July 14, 2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Updates


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7:53 PM BBT Paulie says that Frank only wants the girls left because he thinks that they can't beat him. They all agree that they can beat him, & he has a scenario for each and every person there. Paul says they need to keep the HOH out of Frank's hands for next week. Paulie says they need to be balls to the wall no matter what. Paulie says that James can win the endurance comp. He says, none of the girls can win the endurance comp, except Bridgette. He says that Frank has alligned himself with the strongest girl in the house, so if they are going to get them out it has to be done by their hands. Paulie says that Frank needs them to be safe.

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7:58 PM BBT James & Natalie go in the Safari Room. James says that they were hiding in the sky bridge. Paulie tells them they are putting Tiffany up again. Paulie tells them that Frank won the Veto the first week & last week. He says that he put Bridgette & Bronte both up. The cam view goes to the LR with Frank & Bridgette trying to figure out who flipped their votes. Natalie gets called to the DR. Frank tells Bridgette that he doesn't know. Michelle is whispering to where we can't hear her. She tells Frank that she did vote for Tiffany to leave. Frank says it's o.k. if she flipped, because everyone flips in the house. He says he's not mad at her or anyone, it's all a game. She says she has to wait until midnight again for the HOHR. Paulie & Paul go the LR.

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8:05 PM BBT In the HNBR, James tells Nicole, Zakiyah & Da'Vonne that Natalie thinks he flipped his vote. He tells them that he didn't & he told Natalie that. Da'Vonne says that she didn't want to yell at anyone in this game & she did. Zakiyah says she doesn't trust Bridgette. James says that everything pops up at one time. Corey goes in the HNBR. Zakiyah says that Tiffany started it & she should have gone home. James says they shoudn't have rocked the boat. He says he knew that would happen. She says that Michelle was so set on getting Bronte out. Zakiyah says what's done is done, they need to do what they can this week. James says that Paulie will probably put up Tiffany. Da'Vonne says she will get put up if Frank wins the Roadkill. James says, "Damn, that was not a good idea, they should have sent her ass home." James asks what Michelle thinks now? Da'Vonne says, "Pissed." James says he's not going to say anything to her, but he wants to tell her he told her so. Nicole says what a photographic memory her butt. Da'Vonne says that Michelle didn't remember anything.

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8:10 PM BBT Da'Vonne says that Tiffany blew up Bridgette also. She says that she said that Bridgette told her about the all girls alliance. Nicole says, "Crap." James says, "Damn, damn, damn, damn." Nicole says this should be the easiest strategy ever. She says that peope aren't eligible to go up. Tiffany walks in & tells Nicole that she has an ant on her leg. She thanks her for telling her.

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8:13 PM BBT Everyone leaves the HNBR except Nicole & Zakiyah. Tiffany asks why people leave when she walks in the room? Nicole tells her that she doesn't think it's her. She says that people are just upset. Tiffany asks if people have been filling their heads with doubt about her? Nicole says, no. Zakiyah asks how the blow up happened? Tiffany says that she told Frank that all of this wouldn't have happened if he didn't try to target her. Zakiyah says she wouldn't have said anything. Tiffany says that she wants to know why he was targeting her. She says she needs to ask him. Nicole says that she should ask him. They both tell Tiffany to have a one on one conversation with him. Nicole says that Frank yelled at her. Zakiyah says that Frank can lie on cue. Tiffany says she is someone that can be super trusted. She says she's heard so many things from so many people. She says it doesn't make sense at all. She says she wouldn't go after anybody. She says she feels that people are planting seeds. Zakiyah asks if she feels in the house that she can trust? Tiffany says she thinks she does. She says that they obviously kept her. Zakiyah tells her that she should trust who she thinks is trustworthy. She tells her as long as she stays in the house she should go on. Zakiyah says that she's not going to break down & start a blow up. She says she's broken down a little. She says she sticks with the people she trusts & keeps it moving with the people she doesn't trust. She says that she is only cordial to Bridgette & Frank for the sake of her social game.

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8:18 PM BBT Da'Vonne tells James that they are going to put up Natalie. He tells James not to say anything. He says, he's not. Da'Vonne tells him that Tiffany is the Target. James asks who the Roadkill will be? Da'Vonne says if Frank wins that he will put her up. James says that's when they vote Tiffany out & no changing this time. Da'Vonne asks if Natalie is upset with her? James says she just doesn't trust anyone right now because of the 5 votes to send Bronte home. He says that she was salty with him. Da'Vonne says that she needs to talk to her. James says he had to chase Natalie upstairs.

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8:21 PM BBT James tells Da'Vonne that Paul will be up Paulie's butt. Da'Vonne tells James that he's going to attach himself to Frank to try to get information from him. She says that Frank doesn't know anything. Back in the HNBR, Nicole tells Tiffany & Zakiyah that on her first season she was there for summer vacation. She says it's not like that now. Tiffany says that being on the block is tough also. Zakiyah says she has to be a strong ass woman. She says that's why women can't be President, because you have to be strong. Nicole tells Tiffany not to believe what other people are putting in her mind. Tiffany says he was throwing out weird sh*t. Nicole says that she doesn't even know the truth about what she heard. She tells Tiffany if she has questions to go to that person & asks them directly. Tiffany says that she doesn't believe a word that Frank says.

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8:24 PM BBT Paulie & Paul have joined Da'Vonne & James in the Safari Room. Paul walks out. James tells Paulie that Tiffany causes to much drama. He says that Bronte kept to herself & didn't cause all this drama. Paulie says everything flipped this morning. He says Tiffany has another week to say whatever she wants. James asks what happens if she wins Veto? Paulie says that they need to make sure she doens't win it. James says it's good to give Paul a break from being on the block. James says he hates Bridgette. He tells Paulie to stay away from her, but he can't because she's on her team. Paulie says if Tiffany would have left he would have dropped out of this HOH comp early. BB tells Paulie to please move his microphone higher. Paulie says he watched the season with Vanessa & he watched what she was doing. He says when she is on the block again, there's no hiding that he wants him gone & she will be gunning for him. He says that he will say she's not the target again this week. He says for everyone to stay around Tiffany & not let her talk to Frank or Bridgette. Paulie says he wants Tiffany gone. He says no matter what the Veto comp is he is trying hard for it.

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8:29 PM BBT James tells Paulie that he's f'n  beast. Paulie tells him not to say those words. BB tells him to please move his microphone higher again. Da'Vonne says he's going to have a choker on. James says he wants a physical comp already. Nicole gets called to the DR. James says that last comp was a mental comp. He says they shouldn't do another mental one back to back. Paulie says all of the Veto comps have been mental so far. Paul goes back to the Safari Room. He says that Bridgette has some balls & they need to castrate that bull very soon. Paulie says they need to beast out that Veto. Paulie says if he wouldn't have mixed himself up in the last Veto he would have lasted longer than her. Da'Vonne says he can't believe that Frank is going to jury. Da'Vonne says she wanted Frank to go this week, because he may be able to come back. Paulie says when he leaves he's not going to know what the situation was if everyone keeps their mouth shut. He says if he comes back they need to get him out right away. Paulie says they need to get Bridgette out quick also. He says everyone needs to be on their A game. Paul says they are going to be dropping some real bombs. Paul walks out. Paulie says once the teams are gone Frank is going to go after him. 

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8:34 PM BBT James asks Paulie if he's going to talk to Natalie before he puts her on the block? He says he will, but if someone else wants to step up he will put them up. James says that no one is going to step up right now, especially with the votes flipping this week. He says he will sit her down & talk to her. Da'Vonne says, 20 minutes. Paulie asks if that's ever happened before where the vote flipped the day of the eviction. Paulie says he's sending her home this week, & he doesn't want her to stay. Da'Vonne says she doesn't want to hear anything about targets, she's going, bye.

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8:37 PM BBT Paulie tells James & Paul that he found out that Tiffany wanted to keep an all girls alliance. Da'Vonne & Zakiyah are in the WA. Da'Vonne says that Bridgette is a witch. Zakiyah says that b*tch is a little to cocky for her. Zakiyah asks why she is acting like that? Da'Vonne says it's because she's safe this week, so she can act whatever way she wants. BB tells Zakiyah to please put on her microphone. She says, "No," but does it anyway. She says she feels bad because she's not good at the comps. Da'Vonne says that Bridgette didn't know anything about that comp & Frank was pissed.

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8:40 PM BBT Zakiyah says if Bridgette keeps staring her up & down she is going to ask her if she can help her. She says she better not kiss Paulie on the neck again. Zakiyah is changing her clothes. Da'Vonne can't believe that Tiffany confronted Frank. Zakiyah says that sh*t blew up. Back in the Safari Room, James tells Paulie & Paul that Frank is going to hit his target. Paulie says that he has it narrowed down that Paulie & James voted for Tiffany. Paulie says that Frank is probably narrowing it down to James, Corey & Nicole for who the 4th vote was to get Tiffany out. Paulie says he's telling both him & Corey that he knows they voted for Tiffany to leave.

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8:44 PM BBT In the UKBR, Da'Vonne tells Frank that she told him on Day 2 that she wants to be Final 2 with him. She says that's two powerhouses & he's smarter than this. He says he might be. Da'Vonne asks if she can act like she hates him for a week. He asks her what the votes were? Da'Vonne says she doesn't know. She tells Frank that she voted Tiffany out 100%. He says everyone is telling him that. She says she doesn't know who flipped, but when it came back 5-4 she thought there would be some sh*t. Frank asks who it would be? Da'Vonne tells him to think about who wants him out of the house. Frank says her (meaning Tiffany). She asks who may use her. Frank says he thought they were good. Da'Vonne says obviously not when she found out that Frank was going after her. She says she's not going to tell Frank, because of how things went down. James goes in the UKBR. He asks if they need time? Frank tells him to give them a minute. He leaves. Frank wants to know who told her that he was going after her. She says she can't tell him because she can't tell him now. Frank says he thought that she was still upset for him hitting her on the butt. She says, no, she's over that. She says that she distanced herself when she found out he was putting a target on her back. Frank says, no. She says it went from Tiffany to her. She says she didn't understand why he was talking to her about these boys. She tells him that she thought he was playing her. She tells him that she should have went & talked to her. She says it's very weird now. Frank says he's not worried about it. She says it's awkward. She tells him that she looks at him like an older brother. In the Safari Room, Paulie tells Natalie that he knows who the 5 people are that voted Bronte out. He says it was supposed to be unanimous, so he's trying to figure out who opened their mouth.

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8:51 PM BBT Paulie tells Natalie that he found out that Tiffany was trying to start an all girls alliance. He says that he wanted her out for different reasons, because of her sister. He says it's all changed now. Natalie says she's not with Bridgette. Paulie says that he wanted to get her & Bronte to jury. Natalie says he's friends with Bridgette, but after this she doesn't know. Paulie tells her that they don't want any information getting to Bridgette. Back in the UKBR, Frank tells Da'Vonne that people approached him about getting her out. Da'Vonne tells Frank that they need to trust each other moving forward. Frank says he's close to Paul & Paulie, but he's not too close. Frank still wants to know who told her his name. She says she can't tell him that. He says she can & then he can put them up as Roadkill. She tells him she has to be able to trust him. Frank says he doesn't trust Natalie. He says he only trusts Bridgette & she has a bum ankle. He says it's him & Ashley all over again. He says he said her name to Paulie a minute ago. She laughs that he told Paulie to put her on the block. She says it all good. Frank wonders if all 4 vets are the only ones to vote Tiffany out. He asks why they would have wanted to send Bronte home? Da'Vonne says she didn't think about that. He says he called Nicole out & she wasn't happy. Da'Vonne says she heard pieces of that, but she was scared though. Da'Vonne says that James has motive. Frank says, it probably could have been James. Da'Vonne says that Natalie couldn't have voted Bronte out. Frank says she could have. He says she was dancing all over the house. 

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8:58 PM BBT Da'Vonne tells Frank that she needs to be able to trust him. BB tells Da'Vonne to please move her hair away from her microphone. Frank wants to know when he became a dictator. Frank tells Da'Vonne to tell her. Da'Vonne says she has to wait a couple days. Nicole goes in that UKBR really quickly to get clothes & leaves. Frank says he's on an island again. Da'Vonne says she had her signs & picket sticks again to get him out. Da'Vonne tells Frank they will figure it out. They hug each other & both leave the UKBR.

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9:00 pm BBT  Nicole, Michelle, and Zakiyah are sitting on the skybridge area talking and Tiffany is in the LR with Paul and Bridgette. Bridgette says that it sucks that she doesn’t know what’s going on. Paul says he didn’t know what was going on this week, didn’t know last week, didn’t know the week before. Tiffany says if she were home she would watch just to watch him. Camera switches to the Safari Room and Natalie is hugging Paulie. She leaves the room and Paulie tells Corey that he’s reeling her in because he wants her away from Bridgette. Da walks in and she tells Paulie that she is doing damage control with Frank because they are working together. She leaves. Corey and Paulie are confused. Frank comes into the room. Paulie tells him that he just had to listen to Natalie beg him not to put her on the block. He said that James came in to ask him not to put her on the block, too. Frank says that Da told her that she voted Tiff out. Paulie says that a lot of people are scared to tell him the truth. Frank says WHY ARE THEY AFRAID OF ME? I’M JUST A 32 YEAR OLD MAN WHO HASN’T WON SH*T. He tells Corey and Paulie that if they voted Bronte out, he won’t be mad, he just wants to know. Paulie says that he campaigned hard for her to go and it may have made people uncomfortable. Paulie says that he outlined the reasons why she needed to go even explaining how she compared to Vanessa’s season. He says now he’s pissed because now these people have put him in the position to put Tiff up and if she stays she will come for him next week.


9:10 pm BBT  Frank says that a lot of stuff will come down in the wash after next week’s vote. They talk about how they are worried about what a liar Tiffany is. Paul has come into the room and he says that she has really sealed her grave, especially after her speech. Frank says that Da lied to his face like a pro, too by telling him that she voted Tiffany out. Frank says there are 3 votes in this room and he is curious to know who the 4th vote is. Paul says he was banking on her going home because he is sick of her. Paulie says if he gets to pick in the veto he will pick one of them. Paulie tells them they can live with Da a little longer and that it’s time for Tiffany to go. They discuss that there need to be 3 girls on the block for sure. Probably Tiffany and Natalie. Frank says it can be Da unless he’s worried about putting her up because she will come after her. Frank says if they win Roadkill they will have to put up Nicole, Da, or Zakiyah because they are the only options. Meanwhile, the girls are still up on the skybridge and the are still lamenting over the pictures in the HOH comp.


9:18 pm BBT  Frank tells Paulie that leaving Natalie on the block is worrisome because she’s there weakest player and getting rid of their weakest player helps their side. Paulie says he could go to Nicole and say that when she asked him to go on the block, he did it. Paul says if he can guarantee him something, he will play. They all agree that they don’t want him up there. Paulie says they need his vote. Frank says they need to put up Tiffany, Da, and Zakiyah. He thinks they got in people’s ears this week and who knows what they can do next week. He says his confidence is shot. He really thought he was going into this vote unanimous. They said the mock vote was 5-4, too. He admits that he’s paranoid and after a good night’s sleep maybe he will be better off. Paulie says they can’t let paranoia get the best of them and the first piece is to send Tiffany home. Frank says he’s fine with that. Paulie says if she pulls herself off, maybe Da. He’d rather send home a strong player. He says it does make him angry that Natalie puts the school loans thing on him again. Paul says that he went to Pepperdine. He has plenty of loans.


9:25 pm BBT Paulie says he thinks they may break up the teams next week since it will be time for jury. Frank says they may not even be going to jury next because someone could be coming back. They agree that they doubt it because they would have had to have housed someone for over a month. Corey says he can’t imagine staying in a hotel for over a month. Paulie says that optimally it would be best for Glenn to come back because he didn’t even have a chance to socialize. They can tell him things about the girls. Frank says he’d rather Bronte come back than any of them. Paulie says that Tiffany is going to be walking into every conversation this week and she’s going to be in his HOHR. Upstairs Michelle is telling the girls that she swears on her life that Frank said he’s going after Paulie. Natalie heads up there and the girls tell her to join them. Michelle tells her that she will give her a massage because it’s her specialty. They ask Natalie if she’s OK and she says her best friend is gone and now she’s alone. They tell her she’s not alone. Someone says she may even come back.


9:30 pm BBT  Paulie has left the Safari Room and now he and Paul are talking in the Tokoyo BR. Paul is saying that Tiffany is a liar and she is getting on his last nerve. Meanwhile, Corey and Frank are talking. Frank has asked Corey what his gut feeling is. He babbles for awhile and then says he doesn’t know what to say about it truthfully, but he has Frank’s back no matter what. If he’s on the block, he’s got him. Same thing with Paulie. Frank says if the others are talking about Corey or Paulie, he nods his head, but that’s it. They agree that it’s what you have to do. We get FotH. Corey says that Da said WE ARE DOING HIS DIRTY WORK, LET’S GET BRONTE OUT. Corey says he’s the most loyal person in the house, but he thinks they saw him connecting with Bridgette and they freaked out. They all think the 8 pack is still a thing and it freaked them out. He’s just being honest. He says you can go ask people. He asks Frank why he would want him out of his game. Corey says that he’s not against anyone right now. Whoever the group wants, he’s for. Nicole comes in the Safari Room smiling and Frank asks what she’s smiling about. She says nothing. She notices Corey has shaved. No game talk. Just silence. Frank asks her why she is looking at him all crazy. Then Nicole leaves to go change. Corey tells Frank that he thinks they all just thought it would be better for their game and they thought it wouldn’t be a big deal. Frank says it’s a big deal because he now can’t trust people he thought he could trust.


9:35 pm BBT  Nicole comes back into the Safari Room and asks Frank if he thinks she flipped because she is sick of hearing that he thinks that. He says NO. She says that he needs to be 100% loyal to her. She says that Da just made her feel like if Frank got Roadkill that she would be going up. She says that  Frank can’t go to Da now because it would blow things up for her. Meanwhile, Paulie is talking to James in the SR. Paulie is talking about his conversation with Natalie. He tells him that Natalie told him that he has no loyalties to anyone in the game but that she’s closest to James. James says that as soon as Bronte left she has done a 180. If he enters a room she leaves or moves away. Paulie says if she acts that way than she is exposing that everything she did up until this point was fake or something. But she’s not in a position to act that way. Especially if she’s going to do it in front of Bridgette.


9:40 pm BBT James said that it happened to him with Meg in his season and now it’s happening with Natalie this season. Paulie says sometimes you need to nip things in the bud before they get you. James said he’s definitely not chasing her. Paulie says they will see how things play out this week. Back in the Safari Room, Frank is telling Corey and Bridgette that he guessed on both of the last 2 questions in the HOH comp. In the SR, James tells Paulie he will tell him if he hears anything from Bridgette. Paulie says one of the reasons she might have wanted him out is because he doesn’t talk game with her. Paul enters the SR with James and Paulie. He tells James that she’s running around crying to everyone. James says she might try to realign herself with Frank. Paulie said he already told Frank not to listen. James said why did they let this happen. He’s not trying to name names, but 2 girls started to get things to turn around and he doesn’t understand why they let it happen. He played with her sister last season. She’s a strategist and she can make things happen. He was afraid of this. Paul says she’s going to throw them under the bus to get closer to Frank. Meanwhile, Bridgette is questioning Corey about how the vote went down.

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9:45 pm BBT  Bridgette tells Corey that one thing that gets her in trouble with this game is that she always wants to see the best in people. Corey says that people are looking out for their own games. He says that he doesn’t like people who are running their mouths a lot. Corey is rubbing Bridgette’s back. He asks her what’s wrong. She says she’s just confused and he says that they are safe this week. In the SR Paul, Paulie, and James are talking about who can win vetoes and HOH comps. James says he’s waiting for a good endurance comp. Paul says Frank is old and he’s not worried about him in a physical comp. He also say that he thinks Frank is too confident and no one is that good of a player. Paulie says that he has won 2 Roadkills, but this HOH shows that he’s mortal. The Safari Room camera switches to the KT and Frank and Nicole are in there. No game talk. Paulie says the way he is going to keep the paranoia at bay is that he’s going to tell people that Tiffany’s only move is to align with Frank and that’s not going to happen. They only reason she was kept here was because she thought she could win and take out Frank in the HOH and it didn’t happen. So, she’s going home this week.


9:55 pm BBT  Paulie says another girl will go home this week and the numbers will even out this week. Da said that Tiffany called out Frank on the BB Roadkill and Paul and Paulie said they think Bridgette already knew that. They discuss who will be Have Nots. Paulie says that there were 5 people who went out in the first round of HOH comp. He says if they don’t do that then if he has to choose a team he may have to choose Nicole’s team again because it will weaken Tiffany again. He isn’t expecting Corey to win a comp after the way he performed in the one where he was dizzy. Paul leaves the SR and James and Paulie talk about Natalie again. Paulie tells him that if she alienates herself from him she’s alone. Even if she’s not alone, she’s with Frank and Bridgette. Big deal.


10:00 pm BBT Meanwhile, Da, Corey, Nicole, and Paul are talking in the LR. Da is telling them about the conversation she had with Frank earlier where they agreed to try to reestablish trust with one another. She says that Frank thinks Paulie was involved in the flip. Tiffany has joined the group in the LR, so game talk has stopped. Corey has decided to go to bed. Paul is talking about the question he was asked about shaving off his beard. He asks if Donny was asked that question. In the Safari Room Zakiyah and Bridgette are talking to Frank. Frank tells them that everyone thought he was just the old man who slept all the time but it turns out he’s just an evil dictator. Zakiyah and Bridgette laugh. Nicole tells everyone in the LR that she noticed Corey shaved and she wants to go see his baby face, so she goes to the Have Not Room. Corey tells her that Frank is OK with them and he definitely does not trust Michelle. They are both in the same bumper car and they are laughing hysterically. Corey says that Frank was asking Paulie and him who voted Bronte out and he was just wanting to laugh hysterically. Corey said that he has been saying stuff to him over the last couple days like he wasn’t sure about the votes because Bronte is talking, etc. So, he just told him, “Dude, did I just not tell you that you told Michelle you were going to put Michelle on the block, etc.” and Frank told him that he knows he has a big mouth. Corey says that he really thinks that Frank thinks it might have been Paulie.


10:10 pm BBT Corey says that people noticed that he was hanging with Bridgette and Bronte all week and it probably made people nervous. He also told him that from Day 1 he aligned with Nicole and Nicole told him that Frank could be trusted and they’ve always trusted him. He really believes that Frank trusts him. Nicole said that Tiffany told Frank that none of this would have happened if he had come after him. He told Tiff that Da told him that she was coming after him since the very beginning and she said that wasn’t true. So, Tiffany is really pissed at Da. Tiffany walks into the Have Not Room and Corey and Nicole tell them not to associate with Bridgette and Frank because people think she’s making a deal with them. Corey says didn’t we just prove that we have your back? Tiffany says YES. She can prove that she didn’t make a deal with them. They say NO, you don’t have to do that. Tiffany says that she doesn’t trust Da. Nicole says that she thinks that has gotten back to Da. She said Paul somehow knew and told Da. Tiffany is super angry and asks why Paul is doing that. Nicole said everyone tells everyone everything in this house.


10:15 pm BBT Corey tells Tiffany to lay low. Nicole tells her not to scapegoat her to Da and Paul about what she just told her. Corey said if she hears anything to come to them and they will tell her if it’s true. Tiffany said that she feels like she just has her team. Tiffany says she would NEVER tell Paul that because he runs his mouth. Corey says that he is getting a lot of new info and doesn’t know what to do with it. Nicole says to just be careful with Bridgette…and to be careful with everybody. Nicole says that people are saying things that she didn’t say, too. Meanwhile, Bridgette is telling Frank that she was trying to prove that women can be true to each other be honest. She says that she doesn’t understand girls and she doesn’t know why Natalie is running from James. Frank says that he doesn’t trust Paul 100%. He definitely doesn’t trust Zakiyah. Da is whispering to Paulie in the KT, but it’s impossible to make out what she’s saying. James is in there with them. Da asks Paulie if Frank told him that she and Frank made a deal. He says no and that he even suggested putting her up. She is laughing about it.


10:20 pm BBT Frank says that it was funny when he called out Michelle and her response. He says he thinks it was Zakiyah, Paul, James, and Natalie –missed the other name he said. Bridgette asks if he’s sure Nicole didn’t flip. He says he thinks Corey and her would vote the same. Frank says he’s not 100% sure about Paulie but he is gung ho about getting her out this week. He says that their best bet is to work with Nicole and Corey and hope that they are being genuine and if they’re not, they’re screwed anyway. Frank says it’s his fault because he was impatient and he hopes it didn’t bite them in the butt too hard. He tells her that she’s the only one he trusts 100%. He said that the only thing that makes him trust Nicole are her reactions because she cried when he called her out. Bridgette said she cried when Paul was put up for Roadkill. He says that he thinks she’s a little tougher.


10:25 pm BBT Frank says he would rather believe it was James and Natalie that Corey and Nicole. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking. They agree that Natalie sure is acting strangely. Frank said maybe Nicole thought Bronte was going after her and Tiffany wasn’t. Bridgette says that Bronte was going after guys. Frank says that he says that even if she did it, that might be why. Bridgette asks who Paulie is putting up. He says he only knows Tiffany for sure. He says maybe Natalie. Bridgette asks why? She says why won’t he swing hard? Frank says he can’t talk more because he’s the Dictator. They laugh and she says, “And I’m your Cabbage Patch.” Meanwhile, Paulie is recounting everything that is going on in the house for Zakiyah in the SR. Then he heads to the Have Not Room and talks with Corey and Nicole. Frank is telling Bridgette that the fact that Paulie is wishy washy about putting up Zakiyah makes him not trust him.

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10:30 pm BBT Bridgette says it would have been funny if he had farted at the end of Tiffany’s speech.  Frank tells Bridgette that he was pissed about Tiffany’s speech. Frank says at least they are safe this week and they get to play in next week’s HOH. In Have Not Room James, Corey, Nicole, and Paulie discuss who needs to go up. Paulie says that Tiffany may not have won anything yet, but she has studied the game and, just like her sister, she may not have won anything yet, but she may win things later in the season. It’s time to get rid of her. They don’t need her to take Frank out. They’ve got people who are smart and physical. Nicole tells him that she’s grateful for him. Paulie asks why and she says because he just comes through. They all say that they guessed on several of the questions. Paul comes in to the room. Paul tells them that he went into the Safari Room Bridgette was playing with some jewelry. She asked whose it was. Frank says it was Davonne’s. Bridgette dropped it in the crack of the couch and said OOPS and they both laughed hysterically. Nicole said they are evil and they need to go. Da walked into the Have Not Room and Paul said that he has something to tell her but she can’t lose it. So he tells her everything. She kind of laughs. Then Paul tells everyone that if Tiffany doesn’t leave this week he’s self-evicting.


10:40 pm BBT Frank is telling Bridgette about the alliance of 8. He tells her that he said lets name it after Corey and call it the 8 pack. He tells her that he had to ask Paulie to go up for them. He said that it was his idea to backdoor Victor. Then he said that he threw Da’s name out there and had he never done that this probably never would have happened.


10:45 pm BBT Frank says he thinks it’s funny how Da was trying to bring his first Roadkill comp win up in front of her. He was like, it’s too late. He tells her that he’s going to bring up putting up someone besides Natalie to Paulie again. He says the great thing about being safe this week is that they can see how things shake out this week. Meanwhile, in the Have Not Room, Natalie has joined Corey, Nicole, and James. She is sitting in the same bumper car as James. She says they were having a nice GT session and he should have joined them. He said he was trying to give her some room and he was scared. She asks why and he says he was just trying to give her space. Nicole is saying that last time she was in the house she lost weight. This time she’s gaining weight. She says this time has been more stressful and she’s an emotional eater. James says this time has been more stressful for him, too.


10:50 pm BBT  Frank tells Bridgette that they need to win Roadkill tomorrow so they can control one nomination. If Paulie puts up Tiff and Nat, he wants to put up Da. In the Have Not Room, Paul and Natalie are discussing that they might be Have Nots tomorrow because they were among the first 5 to get the first question wrong in the HOH comp. They want to eat a lot and take warm showers. Natalie says she’s scared. Natalie asks James what if his girlfriends get jealous. He asks what if her boyfriends get jealous. Nicole tells Corey that her palms didn’t get sweaty today and asks if he’s proud. He says, “Awww.” Frank and Bridgette leave the Safari Room and join Michelle, Paul, Paulie, and Zakiyah in the KT. Natalie tells James that they need to go on a binge before being Have Nots tomorrow. Nicole tells them it will be 2 days. Natalie asks if James thinks it will be just their team or if it will be the 5 who got out in the comp. He thinks it will be their team.


10:55 pm BBT  We get FotH for about 30 seconds. When we return, not much has changed. James is not feeling well and he tells Natalie that he thinks it’s probably too much glucose. Natalie says, “So, if you’re a Have Not, you can only nap in these cars?” Nicole and James tell her yes. She tells Corey and Nicole that it would just be her and James because they are the only ones left on their team. James says that everyone can nap for a couple days because that BY isn’t coming for awhile. Nicole and Corey start playing I Spy. Natalie suggests that James and her take a walk to help with his tummy. He says that he needs a Tums because he ate too many Mike ‘n Ikes. They decide to head to the KT. Natalie says “BRB.”



11:00 pm BBT  Tiffany is laying down in one of the bumper cars, too (just realized it). Nicole is telling Corey that she smells deep fried food. In the KT Paul and Paulie are making chicken and sweet potato fries for everyone. Nicole asks Tiffany if she’s trying to sleep and she says she’s just resting. Corey starts to make a noise with his mouth and Tiffany wonders what the noise is. She sits up in her bumper car. Then she asks if they can whistle. Now Tiffany is whistling, Nicole is trying, and Corey is still making his weird noise (things are fun in the Have Not Room)! Nicole tells them that she’s going to go get some water and maybe a cough drop. She says she will eat some peanuts and popcorn but she doesn’t think she’s going to eat anymore slop until they are done being Have Nots. Tiffany asks if she thinks she’s lost weight. Nicole says NO, but Corey says he thinks he has. Tiffany thinks she has, as well. Corey says he thinks he thinks, for some reason, that he might be a Have Not again because he was one of the first 5 out. Tiffany says NO because what if there were 6 out in the first round. Tiffany says, “So, you and Nicole?” Corey says, “No.” She says, “Why not?” He says that he just likes to cuddle. She says maybe after? He says that he thinks Nicole is really cool, but that he had a plan when he came into the house and he’s sticking to it for the most part and he didn’t want to get in a showmance or anything. She says that aside from the game, she thinks they are the cutest thing. He says that he’s not ready to date. That he was in a relationship for 9 out of the last 11  years. He says he will keep in touch with her and he’s not ruling it out. He says she is a good girl and that’s the most attractive thing.



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11:05 pm BBT   Tiffany says that at least Nicole isn’t like Natalie. Corey says NO KIDDING. He spotted that a mile away right at the beginning. She says that she thinks Natalie is a nice girl, definitely the nicest out of the 3 of them, but the flirting thing drives her crazy. Then she asks him what he’s learned about himself playing this game. He says he just knows it’s a game.  He says he really thinks it’s social and in the beginning and throwing the HOH to Nicole worked the best for him even though it’s not what others wanted. He says he’s used to playing games and strategy. So, he thought he had a good chance to winning 50% of the games and he hasn’t won anything. Tiffany says the same for her. He says it’s killing him that he’s not winning.


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