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Thursday July 14, 2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Updates


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This forum thread is for posting live feed updates & screen caps that reflect what's going on in the BB house.  Comments and BB18 discussions are in the Big Brother 18 Discussion section.

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother 18 Time is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. I've been tripped up not knowing if "B" is Bronte or Bridgette.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Download PDF And here's DRG's guide by team Cast Cards PDF.

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

British Bedroom (UKBR)

Tokyo Bedroom (TBR)

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)


When referring to Da'Vonne, you can use "Da," "Dav," and, of course, "Da'Vonne," but for some reason "Da' " with the apostrophe, jams my proofreader program.

You are all encouraged to add info in your posts letting others know that you can only stay an hour, or, "I'm done, can someone else take over!" or whatever, so that lurkers, or "floaters" will be encouraged to fill the gaps.  


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 

Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at  http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds and dish about the HGs at the same time.  


Thank you!


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12:30 AM BBT Michelle is finished with her shower. She wonders what her comic book character is going to be. Paulie says that Cody's was the Efronator because he loves Zac Efron so much. Michelle says that Paulie loves Bruno Mars, right? He says that he does. Tiffany says that she is going to ask them questions...1 is true 2 is false. Paulie walks out with his empty food and Paule follows. Zakiyah goes to get a towel and Michelle continues to get dressed (in the WC). Tiffany is left alone in the bathroom. FOTH. Paul and Zakiyah return. Zakiyah gets in the shower. Paul says that he will play Tiffany's game and she said that no one was here to play. They begin to play.

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1:05 AM BBT All HG in bed. But they don't stay there.


1:32 AM BBT Corey gets up and goes to the WC.


1:33 AM BBT Paulie gets up and goes to the safari room.


1:36 AM BBT Corey comes in to the safari room. Paulie says I feel like we haven't been able to get in a room by ourselves without someone walking in. Paulie and Corey trying to figure out how to cover their bases with James and Da'Vonne. Paulie is willing to throw Michelle under the bus saying she's the one who came up with the plan. Paulie doesn't want everyone looking at him and Corey as the ringleaders of the house.


1:51 AM BBT Tiffany comes into the safari room. Tiffany's practice speech:  "So what I've learned over the last few weeks in this house is that dictatorships seldom work as a means of decision making, in the house and in the real world. What I noticed this week is to be especially true especially when said person is spewing out cow manure worse than the gas they excrete on a daily basis. So with that said, if you want to keep me just know I'm targeting said person and you should be safe moving forward". Paulie and Corey are entertained and laughing saying it was pretty much on point. Paulie says Franks going to think she is just saying it on a whim, but when Bronte goes home he's going to be like oh fuck.


1:54 AM BBT Tiffany leaves the room again and leaves Paulie and Corey alone. Frank gets up to go to the WC.


1:59 AM BBT Frank comes into the safari room with Paulie and Corey. More talk about Tiffany and the plan to watch her leave. Then they start going over the pictures again.



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2:00-5:00 AM BBT General chit chat and quizzing all night, just with various participants. Starting with Corey, Paulie, and Frank, and currently with James, Corey, Nicole, Paulie, and Tiffany. Same discussions from the previous night and lots of quizzing over the pictures. James talks about pranks. A few minutes of game talk here and there, but just the same convos. The only new conversation was a brief discussion between Paulie, Nicole, and Corey on whether to include Da in the plan to keep Tiffany. They are afraid Michelle or Zakiyah might tell her so they are deciding if they're going to do it so she's not upset after the eviction.

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I'm calling it a night everyone. Really nothing going on, but if someone wants to go back I stopped right around 5 AM BBT. In addition, Morty and others, I will be on vacation from July 20-July 28, so computer time will be limited. Thanks!

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2016-07-14-09.19.57-Cam 1.png

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2016-07-14-10.10.15-Cam 3.png

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2016-07-14-10.12.45-Cam 3.png

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2016-07-14-10.16.06-Cam 1.png

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2016-07-14-10.26.53-Cam 1.png

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8:45AM BBT In Tokyo Room, Zak, Nic & Corey discussing the upcoming eviction.  Corey talking about Tiff's speech for tonight.  He says it is going to be great.  The 3 of them say they are voting out Bronte.  They can't wait to see Frank's face tonight.
8:55AM BBT Tiff comes into the Tokyo room.  They all start practicing for tonight's HoH comp.
9:04AM BBT After a brief FotH, feeds come back showing Michelle eating breakfast in Safari room with James talking to her.  James walks out to go to Tokyo room to join Tiff, Zak, Nic & Corey.
9:09AM BBT Day 30 in the BB House.  Tonight is eviction.  The feeds keeping going up and down every few minutes.
9:12AM BBT In HoHR, Nat is taking a shower with James sitting in the tub talking to her.  Nat is telling James that they are going to lose tonight because James didn't sleep at all.  James gets up to feed the fish.
9:00AM BBT Frank, Michelle & Bridgette practicing in the Safari Room.
9:29AM BBT In Safari Room, Frank tells Michelle & Bridgette that he was born color blind & with 1 kidney.  Bridgette says she saw his scar.  Michelle asks why he has a scar if he was born with 1 kidney.  He said he had a "fake" kidney put in when he was an kid.
9:32AM BBT In Safari room, Frank was talking about how they had a similar comp in his season that they are having tonight.  He said that some people stayed up all night that year to quiz each other.  Then he says he isn't worried about how much Tiff is studying since she won't be here for it.
9:41AM BBT In Tokyo Room, Paul is telling Corey, Zak & Nic that he will design a "friendship" design for a shirt that won't be sold through his store.  It will only be for them.  
9:44AM BBT In Safari room, Frank says he is going to start hitting Paul in the nuts everytime he uses the words friendship or piss.  Michelle & Bridgette laugh.
9:49AM BBT In Tokyo room, Nic, Paul, Corey & Zak are talking about the first day in the house & their first impressions.  Paul says that he had stuck his hand out to shake Nic's hand and she ignored him.  Paul says that he had heard that this was supposed to be the year of the showmances.  They are trying to figure out how production came up with that idea.
9:57AM BBT Both those in safari room & tokyo bedroom are practicing for tonight.
10:04AM BBT James & Nat laying in HoHR bed just having a general convo.  Nic is called to DR.
10:09AM BBT In HoHR, James & Nat talking about how it is nice to have someone to lay in bed & cuddle with.  James says when you lay cuddling with someone, you don't feel like getting out of bed.
10:15AM BBT In Tokyo room, Paulie, Paul, Zak & Michelle talking about Frank's game play.  Michelle tells them what Frank was talking about in the safari room.
10:18AM BBT In Tokyo room, Paul ran out & came back quickly.  He said that Bridgette & Frank are talking crap about everyone.  They plan to have Frank's team be havenots for the next week.  Paul is going to run in the havenot room randomly banging on stuff and yelling just to keep Frank off his game.
10:25AM BBT In Safari room, Frank says that they would be stupid to put him up next week because everyone else would be gunning for them.
10:25AM BBT Corey goes to havenot room to talk to Tiff.  He tells her that be careful who she talks to because everyone else is going to deny flipping the house to keep her in.  Corey is telling her to be careful with Frank & Bridgette.  He tells her not to try making deals with her.
10:38AM BBT In Tokyo room, Nic, Da, Paul, Paulie & Zak are talking.  They are saying that the reason they are getting Bronte out tonight is to get one of Frank's army out.
10:44AM BBT Michelle, Nic & Paul are coming up with unique ways to torture the havenots in the coming week.  Besides Paul running into the room banging on pots & pans yelling friendship while they try to sleep, they are also planning on a few other things.  One mention was to hide the extra havenot food so that Frank can't get it and is only stuck with slop.  He will let the others on his team know where he hid it.  Zak said that she will only cook for those havenots that she likes.

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11:06am BBT: Paul, Tiffany and Paulie in the BR talking general talk. Most Hg going to the HOHR and laying down for a nap.

11:22am BBT: Tiffany laying in bed staring at the wall. Other Hg walking around the house. Paulie and Zakeah sitting in the LVR not talking and we get Jeff's Reels.

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12:56am BBT: HG are coming out of the HOHR and Bridgette moving her stuff out.

1:00pm BBT: Frank in bed as Paul packs his things for tonights eviction. Michelle in the Kt washing dishes.

1:06pm BBT: Bronte in the WA curling her hair and Natalie talking her to. In the BR is Nicole, Da'Vonne, Michelle and James talking about what they are going to do tonight. Nicole says i am open to anything but Bronte runs to them and she will go after Paulie. James says where did you hear this stuff at and Nicole says straight from the horses mouth as she walks out the door. James looks at Michelle and says can you guarantee that Frank will leave next week if we do this? Michelle says i hope so. 

1:11pm BBT: James says Frank is going g to know that half the house flipped on him if we do this and he is going to be going for HOh this week. They plan who will vote Bronte out instead of Tiffany, But Frank can not know who switched votes and so the 5 need to vote one way and the other two vote Tiffany out. James says frank is going to wonder what is going on as he laughs.

1:14pm BBT: Paulie comes in and James ask do you know about the plan? paulie says to vote Bronte out instead of Tiffany? James says yeah. Paulie says yeah ok how will that work and Da'vonne says 5-4 vote or something like that. James says ok so we all just vote Bronte out and Nicole says no only two on that side can vote Tiffany cause she already has 2 votes against her so we have to split the vote. Paulie says if you have doubt who to vote for just vote Bronte so we insure she goes.

1:17pm BBT: James says if we do not win HOh one of us will be sitting on the block if Frank wins HOH. They are deciding how to split the votes and get Bronte out this week.

1:25pm BBT: Corey in the WA talking to Bronte and Natalie as  they get ready for tonights show. Paul in the BR talking to Da'Vonne and paulie about making it to jury and wanting Tiffany gone. James has gone to the WC and Tiffany in the shower.

1:35pm BBTT: Paul, Paulie and Da'Vonne talk about Tiffany's speech tonight and Paul does not want her saying she is going after frank in her speech. They then talk about each others shirt colors for tonight.

1:42pm BBT: Nicole, Zakiyah and Bronte in the KT eating. Natalie, James , Paulie and Bridgette in the WA getting ready and talking general talk.

1:52pm BBT: Corey talking to Da'Vonne about the plan tonight and he ask her if she knows that Michelle walked into the room with him and frank and asked if he knew the plan for tonight? da'Vonne  shakes her head.

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7:04 PM BBT Live feeds are up. In the Safari Room, Paulie is talking to Frank, Corey & Bridgette. They are discussing who to put on the block. Paulie says that he will be able to compete in the Double Eviction. Paulie wonders who flipped the votes. He says they have a week to figure it out. Frank is laughing & says he's so paranoid right now. They think that Michelle flipped her vote. Paulie says he doesn't see James flipping. Bridgette thinks that Natalie flipped. Frank says that he doesn't think Nicole flipped either. Paul joins them in the Safari Room.

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7:08 PM BBT Live Feeds come back. Nicole is in the Safari Room now. Everyone leaves except Nicole & Paulie. Thy hug each other. Paulie tells her that they want him to put up Tiffany & Da'Vonne. Nicole says that Frank is going to start taking shots this week. In the Tokyo BR Frank is arguing with Da'Vonne. He says she's lying, that's why she yelled & walked out. Paul leaves & Tiffany is talking to Frank about a conversation. Paulie & Zakiyah go in the Tokyo BR. Tiffany tells Frank that someone went up to her & told her that Frank was targeting her. She says it was the 4th day. He says that didn't happen. He says that he wasn't going after her until Da'Vonne told him that she was going to go after him. He says that's true. Tiffany says that he's been saying a lot of things to a lot of people & she doesn't believe a damn word he says. Da'Vonne goes back in the Tokyo BR. She says that he's been telling people to put Da'Vonne on the block. She tells him that he will be going home. She says they took swings at him, & they got him. She says it's o.k. Frank keeps yelling at her. Paulie tells them not to blow this house up & let cool heads prevail. Da'Vonne says she's drinking orange juice & apple juice & she's not worried about damn Frank. Frank says that he can't let someone say he's lying when he's not no matter where they are at. Paulie asks Frank if him & Corey weren't o.k.? Frank says they were all o.k., because he had to tell that side that. He says that he would never go after them, because he wanted two girls put on the block.

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7:14 PM BBT Paulie says that he wants his HOHR by himself for the first hour or two of having it. Corey goes in the Tokyo BR & says he's ready to go to bed. Tiffany tells Frank that she did talk about his gas. Back in the Safari Room Zakiyah goes in where Nicole, Da'Vonne & Michelle all are. She says that Frank is lying. Nicole says it almost was worst case scenario. She says she is hungry & needs some peanuts before she passes out. She leaves the Safari Room. Paul walks in & says that Frank told him that he's all he has left in the house. He says, "Pissed, he's going home as soon as he's HOH." Paul says the first question was about a red tie. He says, f him, there's no way he remembered that. Da'Vonne says she thought that everything was blue. Paul says they wanted something really meticulous for the first round. Zakiyah says that she doesn't remember going over that at all. Paul says they never did go over that. Paul, Michelle & Zakiyah all leave.

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7:18 PM BBT In the Tokyo BR, Frank tells Paulie that they want to get him out, but they can't now. Frank says that he thinks the votes were him, Paulie, Natalie & Da'Vonne. Paulie says that he can't see Corey flipping his vote. Frank says that Natalie might have flipped & it could be them with Corey & Nicole. Back in the Safari Room, Paul tells Da'Vonne & Zakiyah not to let any of them get to them. They think the Double Eviction will be next week. In the Tokyo BR, Paulie tells Frank & Bridgette to rest easy because they have another week in the house. Frank says he didn't campaign for anyone. Bridgette says it's cute that Tiffany called her a Cabbage Patch.

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7:24 PM BBT In the KT, Nicole, Paul, Tiffany, Michelle, Zakiyah & Corey are all sitting at the table. Michelle is cutting something on the counter. Da'Vonne walks through the KT & goes to the BR area. Everyone says, oh no. Paulie goes in the KT & says that Frank is going to be grilling everyone. Paulie tells them all to just relax. In the Tokyo BR Bridgette says she's pissed that Bronte went home. Paul says he's pissed. They are talking to Frank. Frank says everyone is in the Safari Room. Bridgette says she doesn't want to sleep with everyone in the UKBR tonight. Paul says he might spoon Michelle. She says that's perfect. She leaves the Tokyo BR. Da'Vonne & Paulie are in the Safari Room. Paulie says that Bridgette is upset. Paulie says that he wants to have Natalie on the block. Paulie says if Frank wins the Roadkill he'll put her up. He says he won't do it to her. She says she'll be o.k. Corey goes in the Safari Room with them. Paulie tells Da'Vonne if they want to win next week to go for it. Paulie says that he baited Da'Vonne & he & Bridgette are self-imploding. Paulie tells Corey that Frank straight up lied to their faces. He says there's no way he just spit that off his tongue.

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7:32 PM BBT Paul & Nicole go in the Safrai Room. Paulie tells them that Frank is trying to figure out the numbers. He says they are shell shocked. They try to figure out what the picture colors were. Paul says there's damage control. Paulie says he can put Natalie up as a pawn. Paul asks if Natalie or Tiffany is going to go home. Paulie says they only kept Tiffany because of this vote. Paulie says he may just shut his door & lock it tonight, because he doesn't want anyone talking to him. He says they can eventually, but he doesn't want Frank or Bridgette up there. Nicole leaves the Safari Room. Paulie says he doesn't trust them at all. He says it might go to individual next week. He says they are going to go straight for him as soon as it goes to individual. Da'Vonne says it could be the wall comp & James will be gold. Paulie thinks that the wall comp will come after the Double Eviction. He says the first person voted out is jury. He says he can't compete next week, but he can for the Double Eviction.

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7:37 PM BBT They run through scenarios of what will happen with the Double Eviction. He says that Natalie may end up going home. Corey says that Nicole is an easy target to pick on, & Frank is blaming her for flipping her vote. Paulie says he doesn't want Frank going after the girls to intimidate them. He says that Da'Vonne is the only one that's not afraid of him. Da'Vonne says that she's not scared to go up after him. Paulie says Frank & Bridgette both have to go up together. He says that Frank is going to say a lot of bullsh*t & they need to stay strong. He says that Frank is going to be prying for information. Paulie says that Tiffany is just like her sister. Da'Vonne says all this stuff started with Tiffany confronting Frank about everyone going after her this week. Paul says he told them that she is an f'n loose canon. Paulie says they know she is. Da'Vonne says they shoud have sent her ass home. She says James wanted her to go also. Paulie says they know Frank is going to try to pull her to his side. He says that she already felt outcasted by their side. He says let Tiffany go home this week. He says that Natalie will go up next to her. Paulie says that he's not going to let Tiffany win Veto this week. He says they need to pull James to play. He says they need to stack it. Paul says that they did that red tie question to f'n throw them all off.

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7:43 PM BBT In the UKBR, Frank is drilling Nicole to try & find out who flipped their votes. Frank asks Nicole why James would flip his vote against them? Nicole says she doesn't know. She says she doesn't talk game a lot with anyone. Frank asks Nicole what his read on Paulie is? She says she feels he's close & she doens't think that he would put her up this week. He asks Nicole if Paulie would have flipped his vote? She says she feels that he's loyal. Nicole says that this happened to her when she was HOH before. She says she doesn't know. She says they have to do something this week. She says she needs to stay safe. Frank says he told Paulie to put up Da'Vonne & Tiffany. Nicole tells him that he wants Natalie up there. She says getting Natalie up is a waste, because they can get her out at any point. Frank says if Da'Vonne & Tiffany are up there that's two votes they don't have. He says they can win the Roadkill & put up someone else. Nicole says she wants to win the Roadkill bad. Frank says he's kind of glad he didn't win that HOH, so he can win next weeks. Nicole says that everyone is going to start saying crap.

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7:48 PM BBT Nicole tells Frank that he, Paulie & Corey are all straight up to her. She says that she heard her name straight up that people are saying she wanted to have him back doored next week. Frank asks if they said that about him? She says, yes. Nicole says that she doesn't open her mouth to anyone. She says if it's not important she doesn't want to get people rattled. Back in the Safari Room, Paulie tells Corey, Paul & Da'Vonne that he told Frank that if Tiffany had one he would have been on the block. He says he's trying to keep the heat on Tiffany. Paul & Da'Vonne both say that Tiffany can NOT win the Veto. Paulie says if Frank or Bridgette play they will try to do what they want. Paulie says that he's not telling Frank anything, because he will tell Tiffany. He says he's going to tell Frank that it wasn't Corey or Da'Vonne because he wants to get James & Natalie split up. Paulie tells Paul to try to get information, but not say much. Da'Vonne leaves. Paulie tells Paul to tell Frank that Tiffany has lied about him 1,000%. He says for him to tell him that she wouldn't have given that speech if she wasn't going to go after them.

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