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Tuesday July 5, 2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Updates


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This forum thread is for posting live feed updates & screen caps that reflect what's going on in the BB house.  Comments and BB18 discussions are in the Big Brother 18 Discussion section.

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother 18 Time is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. I've been tripped up not knowing if "B" is Bronte or Bridgette.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Download PDF And here's DRG's guide by team Cast Cards PDF.

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

British Bedroom (UKBR)

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)


When referring to Da'Vonne, you can use "Da," "Dav," and, of course, "Da'Vonne," but for some reason "Da' " with the apostrophe, jams my proofreader program.

You are all encouraged to add info in your posts letting others know that you can only stay an hour, or, "I'm done, can someone else take over!" or whatever, so that lurkers, or "floaters" will be encouraged to fill the gaps.  


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 

Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at  http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds and dish about the HGs at the same time.  


I'm in dire need of late night updaters. Because many of us are on the east coast, midnight comes at 9PM BBT.  Newbies are always welcome, no invitation required,  just please start posting!

Thank you!

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  • morty pinned this topic

 9:00AM BBT Paulie & Vic talking in BY about how to be aware of people who might want to hurt you when walking down the street.  Other HGs still sleeping.
 9:03AM BBT Frank walks out to BY.  Just as he sits down, he gets called to DR.
 9:09AM BBT In BY, Paulie tells Frank & Vic "here is why you should always disarm & dismember your attacker".
 9:12AM BBT In BY, Franks tells Paulie that James came into the room last night worried about the girls.
 9:19AM BBT  In BY, Frank says we have to nip this in the butt to Paulie.  Paulie says that Bronte will take care of itself this week.  They then talk about making sure they get rid of more of the girls in the next 2 weeks before teams are gone.  Frank says Da was targeting him & wanted him out before jury.
‬ 9:42AM BBT Vic working out in BY by himself. Paulie & Frank still sitting in BY talking. The convo goes back and forth between game play and general.
 9:44AM BBT HGs are told to go outside because they are going into lock down.
 9:47AM BBT HGs rushing through ADL to get outside for lockdown.
 9:49AM BBT Paul asks what is happening.  Frank says that Vic told him that he was told they were coming in to fix the sink this morning.  Paul says oh yea.  It is filled with plates.  feeds go down to WBRB for awhile.
 9:53AM BBT Paulie was called to DR.  Other HGs were now wondering what was going on since they were on lockdown.
 9:57AM BBT BB came over loud speaker reminding HGs that sleeping is only permitted inside.
 10:05AM BBT Frank is called to the DR.
 10:10AM BBT Nicole called to DR.  All other HGs in BY having general convo.
 10:13AM BBT Da is called to DR. HGs again wondering what is going on.  Those who have already been in DR aren't saying.
 10:15AM BBT  BB reminding that this is a lockdown & they have to go outside & close the sliding glass door.
 10:30AM BBT  In BY, Frank, Da & Nic talking about who they want out.  Frank says as long as Vic, Bronte & Tiff don't make it to jury.
 10:32AM BBT Da asked who all went to DR.  Frank says he & Paulie were the first.  He also said that it was quick because they only asked one question.  Da said good because she is tired.  Frank said they will probably be out there awhile because they are fixing the sink inside.
 10:43AM BBT Vic & Corey playing pool.  BB comes overhead & says "Do not quote from movies".
 10:55AM BBT  HGs are looking for a key to the portapotty since they are locked out of the house & some of them are needing to go to the bathroom.  
 10:57AM BBT In BY, Zak tells Michelle & Tiff that when she has kids, she is going to build a havenot room for the times they are misbehaving.  Frank then announces that he found the key to the portapotty.


Ending my shift for the day.  Have a wonderful day!

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12:01pm BBT: Most Hg laying in the By around the pool. James in the KT with frank eating left overs from last nights celebration.

12:06pm BBT: Nicole goes into the KT to make food and frank ask her if she is still voting Victor out and she says yeah.

12:26pm BBT: Paul in the KT talking about having to eat slop and complaining about how long it takes to cook. James and frank in there talking to him about movies.

12:34pm BBT: Most of the girls are in the BR talking about the girls getting dressed up tonight and having diner together. Da'Vonne in the Kt with Nicole and Corey making  herself some slop.

12:47pm BBT: just general talk going on around the house  about food.

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1:13PM BBT Paulie has the HOH camera out. HG taking their weekly pictures.


1:20PM BBT Zak tells Da that Frank was talking with her about who he wants in the finals. Da says it is of course a guy he wants. Zak tells her it didn't sound natural coming out of his mouth. Zak tells her that he told her that he wants Zak, Da or Michelle to win HOH. Da says to do his dirty work.


1:22PM BBT In the BY Natalie and Frank talking about Victor. Natalie says that she cuddled with him and he isn't very nice to her. Says that he only complimented her once. She says she compliments everyone. She says now he tries to help her and cook with her. She said that he told her he didn't want a showmance and she said that isn't right to play with her emotions. She said she questioned if she flirts with everyone too much but realizes it is just her personality.


1:24PM BBT Natalie starts to cry. She said it hurt her feelings when he told her that he didn't want a showmance and she wen to the girls and vented. She says that she felt so bad the next day that she made him breakfast. She says she is over it and whatever. Frank tells her that she will find a nice guy.


1:33PM BBT Nicole, Da, Zak and Corey in the WA. Talking about how Tiffany became paranoid about HG being called into the DR. She tells Nicole that she thinks there is a Team America.

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1:46PM BBT In the BY Natalie and Frank continue to discuss Natalie's life. She says she realizes that at the age she is, that every decision she makes affects the rest of her life. In the WA Nicole, Paulie and Corey play with the HOH camera. Nicole is deleting unflattering pictures f herself.


1:55PM BBT Da and Nicole in HOH talking about Frank and James. Da says that James does not scare her in the game except in the case of a woman. Nicole says that she thinks Frank has a F4 with everyone in the game.


2:02PM BBT Da talks to Zak. She wants to know if Zak looked at the pictures. She wants to know if Zak saw anything that implied that there was a guys alliance. Zak says she saw a lot of guy pictures. Da says that Nicole said there is a lot of stuff going on in the house. She tells Zak that Nicole and herself were trying to piece together theories.


2:09PM BBT Zak and Da discuss HOH scenarios. Who can and can't win. They are whispering but are trying to figure out who would put who.


2:17PM BBT Da and Zak on the landing, Corey comes by because he can't get in the HOH shower yet (Nicole is in there). General chit chat. When he leaves Zak tells Da that her acting skills are coming in handy. That they didn't let on to Corey.

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2:23PM BBT Paul and Paulie in the BY. Paul says he wants to bounce a few ideas off of Paulie. He wants to know how many of the HG want Vic out. Paulie says significantly. Paul wants to know if anyone besides Vic has rubbed everyone the wrong way. Paulie says all three on the block. Paul asks if it would not be beneficial.. then he loses his thought. Paul says that Vic is under the impression that they are all fair game.


2:24PM BBT Paul tells Paulie that base don the convos he has had with Vic, there is no animosity against Paulie. Vic says he can not go after James because they are on the same team. Paul asks if it wouldn't be beneficial to keep him one more week to ensure their safety. Paulie says it makes sense and he has thought about it.



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3:31PM BBT Nichole goes to the HNR where Da and Zac are after she has left the HOH room with Coey and Frank.  Nic says that they need to get Frank out now.  She says that Frank told Corey and her that I want Tiffany out next week not Bronte get over it Nichole.  Frank then said that she is coming after me.. I'm not sitting on that block...then Da says oh you will be.  Da ask if they thought James would vote him (Frank) out.  Nichole said yes..then Da says then we have five votes...Tif, you,  me, Zak and James.  Da says we gotta do it next week.  Nichole says he is gunning for her like no one's business.   Nichole says Frank is gonna cover his butt with Paulie because Tiffany is gonna go up and an Eight Pack is gonna do it.  Nichole then says Frank is going to tell Paulie about the eight pack.  Nichole says they should tell Paulie first, but then they decide not to and just take the heat because Paulie and Frank are close.  Nichole says we should just take the heat from Paulie.  They are then saying that they have to win HOH next week.  

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7:01 PM BBT In the HNBR, Zakiyah tells Da'Vonne that she should just talk to Paulie normal. Da'Vonne tells Zakiyah that she can work things with Paulie after Frank is gone. She says that if she tries to work it before Frank is gone it will blow up their whole game. Da'Vonne says that Frank told Paulie about the 8 pack. Zakiyah says that she didn't know that Paulie knew anything. Da'Vonne says there will be another come to Jesus moment when Frank leaves. She says that was a very selfish move to cover his own ass. Zakiyah says she wishes that she could just come out & say that. Da'Vonne says that Frank just put all of them in a shitty situaion. Da'vonne tells Zakiyah that Corey was sitting right next to Frank when he told Paulie. She says, so both of those boys went to tell him. Da'Vonne says, James wasn't included in that. She says they all should have gone as a team to tell him.

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7:04 PM BBT Da'Vonne tells Zakiyah that she had to go & pull Tiffany outside. She says that she told her if she starts to act like her sister she will be in trouble. Da'Vonne tells Zakiyah not to act any different around Paulie, & to act like she doesn't know. Zakiyah says that Frank needs to leave next week. Zakiyah says that Paulie told her that she can trust him. She says that Paulie says that he trusts her. She says she was giving Paulie fish food to see if he would take it. She says, Nicole is upstairs paranoid as hell. She says that Nicole was pretending to be asleep when Bronte came in earlier. In the BY, Corey is laying on the hammock & James is sitting next to him on the ground. Corey says that Bronte has a great bod. James says she has a great stretch. Corey says that Bronte's parents have to be athletic. Corey asks James if he fishes? James says he does, but he hasn't been fishing in Texas yet. Back in the HNBR, Da'Vonne is still talking to Zakiyah.

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Hey yaahyaah, great update, Cass has just started updated what's going on now, but it would be great if you continued posting the stuff we missed.  I know it'll be annoying to read, being interspersed with current stuff, but I think including the info is more important than having everything tidy.

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7:08 PM BBT Da'Vonne says that she hopes that Frank just planted a seed & really didn't tell him. Zakiyah says they prayed about it, & put it in God's hands. She says if she thinks anymore about it she's going to blow up. She says she needs a mint, her breath is hot. She says she will get further in the game with her breath feeling a little minty. Zakiyah says that when she went upstairs Frank was right there. She says he was cock blocking. She says that Paulie wanted her to cuddle with him for about 2 minutes. She says this is complicated & she's not going to worry about it. She says she can feel the hesitation from Nicole & Michelle. Da'Vonne says that she told Tiffany that she needs to take into consideration that everyone is still scared. Tiffany walks in the HNBR. Tiffany says that Frank is talking to Natalie a lot. She says she thinks that Frank is trying to replace the strong women with the ones they can control. Tiffany says that Frank probably thinks that Da'Vonne is passive, since she's so chill. Da'Vonne says she wants them to think she's dumb. Da'Vonne says she doesn't know where Michelle or Nicole is. Tiffany says Corey is on the hammock, but she doesn't know if she's out there or not. Tiffany leaves the HMBR. Zakiyah says that's Frank's project for the day. Da'Vonne says that Natalie shouldn't have let Frank know she's heartbroken.

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7:14 PM BBT Da'Vonne says she's ready to get down to the damn final two & be sitting in the chairs. Zakiyah says they are almost a quarter of the way in. Da'Vonne says they got 2 out of jury unless there's a buy back. Meanwhile in the UKBR, Tiffany is laying in her bed. Bronte is letting Bridgette read the bottle from her leave-in conditioner. Bronte says that she doesn't really drink milk, & she feels the pasta was a little too milky. She says she's going to take a Tums & dry her hair. She says she's going to call it a day because she's exhausted. She leaves the UKBR. Bridgette asks Tiffany if she's  o.k.? Tiffany says, yes. Bridgette says she hopes that Victor wasn't bothering her or anything. Tiffany says, no. The cam view goes to the BY with James still talking to Corey by the hammock. James says they probably shouldn't go after Tiffany right now. Zakiyah goes to the HOHR. She gets some water out of the big water bottle that is up there.

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7:19 PM BBT In the BY, Corey tells James that it's hard to tell when people are really telling the truth. James says he thinks that Natalie really just wants to make it to jury to make a little money. Corey says he really likes Natalie, & wishes they were closer. He says he will feel better when Victor leaves the house. James says he backed off Nicole for Corey. Corey asks James if he liked Nicole? James says it wasn't like that. Corey says he had no idea if he did. Corey says he's friends with both Natalie & Nicole. James says he told himself he wasn't going to get in a showmance. James says Natalie is kind of growing on him. Corey tells him he has hearts in his eyes. Corey says he told himself he wasn't going to get in a showmance either. Corey tells James they are literally playing it on TV, & putting hearts in his eyes. James says he will know if they are playing it on TV, if they call him in the DR & start asking him questions about Natalie. BB tells James, "You are not allowed to talk about production." We hear Frank talking about meeting people after the show. James says it would be good TV with Corey & Nicole. Corey says he doesn't want to scare all the other chickies off though. James says he cuddled with Natalie for about an hour the other day.

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7:24 PM BBT James says that Natalie told him not to hurt her the other day when he was cuddling her. He says they talked for about 1 1/2 hours in the bedroom. He says he wanted to hang out with Natalie today when she was cooking, but he had to stay away. James tells Corey that he & Nicole are a cute couple. He says he doesn't want it to have any backlash on either one of them for the game. He says they both love this game. He says he doesn't want to ever be a reason that they both get put up next to each other, & one of them gets evicted. James tells him to keep it innocent flirty. He says not to be with her 24/7. He says then everyone will say that Corey & Nicole will be a problem. Corey says they never even talk game that much, they really only talk about stories. James says that Natalie looks really good, & he wants to go hang out with her on the couch, but he's not doing it. James says he's not sure what's going on this week with the HOH, but he doesn't want to throw it again. He says he's tired of throwing comps. Michelle is walking back & forth in the BY. Corey asks James if he would put Tiffany up? James says he would probably put up Paul & Bridgette. He says then someone can win the Road Kill & put up Tiffany.

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7:29 PM BBT Michelle joins Corey on the hammock. They talk about their group getting the person out that they want out. Michelle says that Frank is trying to give the girls advice. She says he was telling Bronte she needs to come out of her shell more. Michelle says she wouldn't tell them anything & she wouldn't talk to them. James asks Michelle if Tiffany told her anything? She says, no, she's been distancing herself from her. In the HOHR, Paulie is cuddling with Zakiyah. She tells Paulie that Victor was saying that he had a bad taste in his mouth today. Paulie says he doesn't have any problems with Tiffany. Zakiyah says she doesn't either. Paulie wonders if Da'Vonne has any beef with Tiffany. Zakiyah tells him not that she knows of.

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7:37 PM BBT Paulie thinks that down the road they are going to have some trouble with some people in the house. He says, there are only 3 of the other side of the house left & they need to get them out. He says that Paul may be emotional today, because Paul's about to go home. He says, he may feel that Bronte will be next. We can still hear Paulie talking to Zakiyah, but the cams show the UKBR, where Natalie & Tiffany are talking. The sound goes to them & nothing is being said.


7:39 PM BBT James says he's not going to have 3 teams throw the HOH comp. He says he is not going to be a Have Not. Frank gets told that he's not allowed to talk about production. Paulie tells Zakiyah that it's hard to see people break down. He says he got a little teary-eyed when he did a shout out to his Aunt Karen that has Cancer. He says she's a strong ass woman. Zakiyah tells him she will keep everyone in her prayers. Paulie says, "Thanks Z babe." They just snuggle with her rubbing her foot on Paulie's right foot.

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7:47 PM BBT In the UKBR, Tiffany asks James if the laundry is done? He says he was outside, but he doesn't know it it's done or not. James aks Tiffany if they pillow in the yellow pillowcase is his? He grabs it to take it with him to the bed where Natalie is. Tiffany says she's going to check the laundry. James asks Natalie if she cares if James hangs out with her? He says he will leave if she wants him to. She says, no. He tells her that her pasta was good. Natalie says that she thought she f'd it up. In the BY, Corey & Michelle are still on the hammock. They agree that she's been sneaking around since Day 1. Frank goes to join them on the hammock. Michelle tells Frank that she has no problem putting Tiffany on the block. Frank says she has to, because she's going to win HOH this week. Michelle is worried about the girls coming after her after. Frank says Natalie is not a threat. Michelle that Bronte talked about being a physical competitor in her speech. They all agree that she can be a physical competitor. Frank lets out a loud fart. Corey's eyes get huge from it. Frank says that everyone in the house has different reasons for wanting to make it to jury. Corey says they can go home & make more money then they are making there. We see FOTH briefly. Michelle says that she wonders who will come back for pre-jury buy back if they do one. Corey says that would be a lot of days in a hotel. Frank says that the people stayed in individual houses on his season & lived with a handler. Michelle says they will get out the next eviction if they come back. They talk about Paul being bummed today.

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7:55 PM BBT Frank says that he just doesn't want Paul to self-evict in the next 36 hours, & then Victor would stay. Michelle says she really doesn't think he would do that. Corey asks if there really is such a thing with self-evicting? Frank says you can press the red button & walk out, or go to the DR & tell them you don't want to be there anymore. Michelle tells Corey that Chima got charged for her microphone & no stipend. We see FOTH briefly. Corey says there are some good people in the house, & he likes a lot of them. Frank asks Michelle why she got a stop it earlier? She says for what he's doing. Frank says he got told 3 times, "Frank stop talking about production." We see FOTH briefly. Michelle says that she hasn't made a connection with those girls & she doesn't want to. Frank says he wants to take Bridgette to the Final 2. Michelle says she can see that. They all laugh. Frank talks about how good she can cook. Michelle says she reminds her of June. Frank says he doesn't know about June. Michelle says she did exactly what Bridgette is doing. She says she would want to be the one to send Bridgette home. Michelle says that Bridgette reminds her of her old roommate that she didn't get along with. She says she was more masculine in her personality test.

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8:02 PM BBT Michelle is worried about getting kidnapped by someone in a white van. Frank says no one is going to kidnap anyone with a nose ring, because it's known that they are bitters. Michelle says it's probably true, because she tried to bite a nurse once. Frank says he never cared for Tiffany's sister's gameplay, so he wouldn't mind sending her home. Frank says they both use the waterworks. Michelle says she doesn't like being talked to in the tone of voice she uses. Corey saya that Tiffany freaked out on him Day 1. Frank says he doesn't want that paranoia to spread to anyone else. Michelle asks Frank if Tiffany has said anything to the 3 girls about working with her? Frank says he heard that she is trying to get all the girls to work together. Frank says Bronte's personality has changed 100% since Jozea went home. Michelle says that she is trying to talk more. Frank says that she was all cocky until she was put on the block. Michelle says that's why she needs to be sent home. Corey says, if he were Paulie, he would want Bronte out this week. Michelle says she feels bad that Victor is playing pool all by himself. Frank lets another long fart go. He says that Victor tried to get on the show 2 years ago. We see FOTH briefly. Frank says that he didn't have his hair like he does now back then. Michelle says, Victor thinks he will get an acting job after the show. In the UKBR, James whispers to Natalie that Bronte said she was going to go take a nap in the HOHR bed. Natalie says she's been trying to tell Bronte to mingle with everyone.

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8:09 PM BBT Natalie & James are playing with their microphone packs. Natalie says they are together. Natalie whispers that she heard that Tiffany is going home. Tiffany is laying in her bed. Natalie & James laugh. James says that Natalie said that to Bronte also. Natalie puts the microphone to her mouth. She says, "This is James testing 1, 2, 1, 2." The cam view goes to the HOHR. Nicole is napping in the bed, with Paulie & Zakiyah cuddling. Zakiyah is rubbing Paulie's fingers on his left hand. They are talking about the stuff that Frank was saying earlier. Zakiyah talks about ass slapping. Paulie says that's just something that he never did or does. He says he might ask him after the show why he was slapping girls asses? He says, he doesn't give girls respect. (No name has been given as to who they are referring to.) Zakiyah says he told him to chill, & that he couldn't be doing that. Paulie & Zakiyah both close their eyes, so they may be trying to take a nap. Zakiyah says her stomach is making noises.

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8:16 PM BBT In the BY, Frank & Michelle are by the washer & dryer. Frank says that he can't believe that Tiffany has that many dirty clothes. He asks if she hasn't done laundry at all? Frank says, she's the worst. Michelle says, Bridgette is the worst. Frank says, no, she makes him cookies. They try to figure out what place it will be that Bridgette leaves. He says if they are still doing group comps, they may have to throw a comp to make sure she goes home. Michelle tells Frank that he has a lot of clothes also. Michelle washed her hair extensions in the washing machine. She says they were her ride or die. She says she may be able to save them with conditioner. Frank says if they were in the old school washer with the agitator they would be wrapped around it, & she would have ruined the washer. Michelle says she can't believe that Tiffany didn't tell her that her hair extensions got ruined. Frank says he can't believe that Tiffany is 32. Michelle says that Frank is more mature than James. Frank says he's just little. Michelle is pissed about her hair extensions. Frank tells her not to let it bug her. Frank says, he wears some t-shirts. Michelle can't believe that Tiffany has 2 loads of laundry to do. Frank says she has 1 or 2 more loads to do. Michelle is trying to fix her hair extensions.

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8:21 PM BBT Frank says they've really only evicted 1 person, because they only had to live with Glenn in the house for 1 night. Michelle asks Frank how it is when you have like 7 HG's left in the house? Frank says, it's the worst, especially when you don't like the people in the house. Corey & Paul are talking to each other, while sitting on the couch upstairs in the hallway. Paul tells Corey that he likes the people that he's there with, the nature of the game is to make you feel isolated. Corey says it's intense. Paul says he doesn't want to be HOH. He says he doesn't want that responsibility. He says they can keep the ice cream. He says he doesn't think he can look someone in the face to put them on the block. Corey says that has to be hard, because it's nothing personal. Corey says that people are just fishing for reasons to get people out. He says, it's unnecessary, but it's part of the game. Paul says that tone of the house has cleared a lot. He says, he's not as stressed, anxious or worried. Corey says it will get better each week. He says there will be ups & downs, but the smaller the house gets, the closer they will get. He says it will be harder to get people out. Paul says it's going by fast. He says they've already been there for 21 days already. He says it feels like they just got there 5 days ago. Corey asks if tomorrow is episode 7? Paul says, yes. They both say how crazy it is, that it's going by so fast. Paul says they're about to be in the thick of it. In the WA. Natalie is trying to help Michelle fix her hair extensions. Natalie says, they're really f'd up, she's not going to lie. Natalie says, she's going to drench them in a leave-in conditioner & that's their only hope. She says she's going to put some serum in them. Zakiyah goes in the WA. She asks Michelle what she did to them? Frank goes to the WC. He tells Zakiyah that she washed them in the washer. Natalie is going to do her best to massage the extensions to salvage them. Zakiyah asks to see one to try to help. She says they need a comb. Natalie is using a brush on them. she says they are coming out. Natalie says they may get a little messed up, but they will be o.k. Michelle asks them if they've ever done that? Zakiyah says, no. Natalie says hers get ratty from throwing them in a drawer. Michelle says she's so glad she brought a spare.

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8:31 PM BBT Natalie says it may take them a couple days. She says they may not be able to save all of them, but they may be able to save some of them. Zakiyah says she needs to brush her teeth again. She asks Natalie if she can use her hair brush on the extension she is holding. Michelle says the live feeders are probably asking, "What the heck?" Victor walks in the WA. Michelle tells him that they are trying to salvage them. She tells him what happened. He asks if she can asks for more? Michelle says she has a spare, but there not as nice. She says they are expensive. Victor goes to the WC. You can hear him start to pee, before his microphone is cut off. He comes out & washes his hands. Zakiyah leaves the WA to get her comb. Victor leaves the WA. BB says, "Paul, Corey, you are not allowed to talk about production." Natalie & Michelle continue to work on Michelle's hair extensions. Michelle says she can't believe that tomorrow is Victor's last night. She says he's being really nice now. BB says, "Paul, Frank, Corey, you are not allowed to talk about production." Natalie says, Victor is being really nice. Zakiyah comes back to the WA. Michelle asks Natalie if she thinks that Victor knows? Natalie says they can be in a room for hours & not talk. She says she doesn't think he knows. She says he heard that he thinks he has her vote. Michelle says he hasn't talked to her at all.

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8:36 PM BBT Bronte is laying on one of the couches in the LR. Victor is talking to Frank about the left-over salmon. Frank says they need to finish it in the morning, or it will go bad. Back in the WA, Natalie says there are berries. Frank yells to Zakiyah that there are berries in the SR. Zakiyah says she will be back. Michelle asks if it's even worth trying to save the hair extensions? Natalie says that they should try, they have nothing better to do. Natalie asks how she found them? Michelle says that Frank found them with her laundry. Frank goes in the WA. He tells Natalie that he's at his limit for talking to her. He says he's talked enough for the next two weeks, & she won't be there that long. Natalie says, "Jamesssss." Frank says, there you go. Natalie realizes that she called him the wrong name. Frank leaves the WA. Michelle says that a lot of hair is falling out of her extensions. Michelle says she wants to eat some berries, but she feels bad. Natalie says, berries are the best. Natalie asks Michelle to pass her the other chunk of her extensions. Frank lets out another fart, that they can hear in the WA. Zakiyah goes back to the WA. Michelle asks Zakiyah why Frank keeps saying she has jacked up teeth, when she has nice teeth. Michelle says that she would cry if someone said something about her teeth, because her bottom teeth are crooked. Zakiyah says that she has a gap in her teeth. Natalie says that's high fashion now, & all of the models have gaps in their teeth. The cam view goes to the UKBR. James is napping, & Frank is on the side of his bed, messing with his ear. James wipes his ear. He jumps up & says he knew that the third time he felt that someone was messing with him. Bridgette wakes up now also. Frank leaves the UKBR. He tells Da'Vonne that there are berries now if she wants some. Frank tells Bridgette that he was going to go behind the door & scare her. Bronte is sleeping on the couch in the LR.

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