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Wednesday June 29, 2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Updates


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This forum thread is for posting live feed updates & screen caps that reflect what's going on in the BB house.  Comments and BB18 discussions are in the Big Brother 18 Discussion section.

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother 18 Time is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. I've been tripped up not knowing if "B" is Bronte or Bridgette.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Download PDF And here's DRG's guide by team Cast Cards PDF.

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

British Bedroom (UKBR)

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)


When referring to Da'Vonne, you can use "Da," "Dav," and, of course, "Da'Vonne," but for some reason "Da' " with the apostrophe, jams my proofreader program.

You are all encouraged to add info in your posts letting others know that you can only stay an hour, or, "I'm done, can someone else take over!" or whatever, so that lurkers, or "floaters" will be encouraged to fill the gaps.  


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 

Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at  http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds and dish about the HGs at the same time.  


I'm in dire need of late night updaters, newbies always welcome, just start posting, please!

Thank you!

One more favor-- Please include AM or PM when noting the time.


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6:30AM BBT All is quiet in the BB house. Natalie awakens, goes to the WC, exits the WC, pauses at the sink, washes her hands with a long stream of water, all the while her eyes are tightly closed. She turns off the water and wipes her hands on her sweatpants. She awakens Paulie briefly as she passes through his room and opens the squeaky door to her room. He rises and looks around, before settling back next to Paul in the pull-out sofa style bed. 


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9:00 am BBT  The HG are already up this morning. Victor, Paulie, Nicole, James, and Dae are in the KT. Frank, Bridgette, Michelle, and Bronte are in the WA doing ADLs. Someone is in the shower. Dae is called the the DR.


9:05 am BBT Now Jozea is in the KT and so is Frank. Everyone is eating breakfast. Jozea heads to the WA to eat his cereal. Bridgette is helping Michelle straighten her hair. Frank says they are going to lock them up in the HOH room while they put things together in the BY. Bronte says maybe they can spray for ants. James is called to the DR and someone speculates they are doing GOODBYE messages. Natalie is out of the shower and she says, “What a beautiful day to be alive.” She is getting ready to put on lotion and says that if there’s mayo in the lotion she is going to punch someone in the face.


9:10 am BBT  Corey is also in the KT. He asks Frank if there’s a possibility they are doing a comp today. Frank says he wouldn’t think so but that there are bags in the storage room so they might be. The HG in the WA aren’t talking at all (Victor, Natalie, Jozea, and someone in the shower). Natalie is called to the DR. Corey says that he is sorry they haven’t told them when they can get out of their pixels. James says he thinks it’s because they are going to be participating in a comp and Julie Chen will say, “You have been in the pixels for one week.” He then says that maybe if they fail at the comp they will have to wear them for another week. Frank is not on board for that idea.


9:15 am BBT  James wonders if they have changed the Live shows to Wednesday because you never know with Production. Frank doubts it though. Michelle and Jozea are in the Safari room and she is complaining that she has gained weight and she’s embarrassed by it. Jozea asks if she has worked out and she says she hasn’t been able to because of the Pixel outfit. He says that they can workout together when she’s out of it.


9:20 am BBT Cameras 1 and 2 are on James, Frank, and Corey sitting at the island table in the KT. The other cameras are on Jozea and and Michelle. Jozea says it’s not cool to be sitting in ‘those chairs’ (eviction chairs) even though he knows he’s safe. She tells him that it’s almost Thursday and it will be over soon. She asks him who he has done makeup wise and he says lots of gurrs but it’s in the contract that he can’t say. She asks if he does guys and he says yes, but they are easy…hair, bronzer and that 70% wear eyeliner. She asks why they wear it and he says because when the camera goes on their face it looks like their lashes are fuller. Then he starts to give her makeup advice.


9:25 am BBT Frank yells that he is getting a rash from his dirty-ass panties. He needs to get out of this sh*t. James tells Corey that Nicole told him she is going to crack an egg over his head while he is sleeping. Corey says he hasn’t done anything to her. James says that if it happens he will be right there behind her with a carton of eggs. Cameras 1 and 2 switch to the HOHR and Tiffany getting ready. Corey comes up and asks Nicole if she said she’s going to crack an egg over his head. She laughs and says she’d never do it.


9:30 am BBT Now Corey, Nicole, Zakiyah, and Frank are all laying down in the HOH bed joking around with one another. Natalie, Bronte, and Bridgette are all getting ready in the WA.


9:33 am BBT Bridgette whispers to Natalie that she was talking to Frank last night. It’s hard to hear her, but it seems that she says that when he talks to them about voting he is trying to figure out how the house is voting because he thinks James is the flip vote and he wants to vote with the house. Natalie says they need to make sure to tell Bronte and Bridgette says she already knows. Bridgette says she just wants Natalie to know why Frank is asking so many questions.


9:35 am BBT Natalie tells Bridgette that she wishes she could ‘Phone a friend’ for evictions. She would phone her mom because she would set her straight. We get WBRB. Bronte and Jozea are talking in the Safari room now. He tells her they have their bags in the SR. She says they may be sending someone home today. She assures him that he’s not going home and that it will feel so good when Paulie does.


9:40 am BBT  Jozea says then Bridgette needs to go, then Tiffany needs to go. Jozea says he doubts today has anything to do with leaving because they didn’t tell them to get dressed or anything for the Live show. Natalie is called to the DR for the second time. Bronte tells Jozea that it’s the 5 of them and then everyone else she wants evicted. She says that she thought James was America’s favorite and she wonders what on earth America saw in that boy. She said it was a bonding experience for them. She said if someone made up a flat out lie about her it would be so rough. Jozea says they just need to get through the next 24 hours. Bronte says she is going to pee but she has been avoiding it because there are ants all over the WA.


9:45 am BBT  Jozea wakes Paul up and tells him they are getting locked in the HOHR later. Now Jozea heads to the HOHR where Corey, Nicole, Zak, and Frank are all laying down in bed.  Tiffany and Dae are laying down on the couch. Jozea sits down in a chair and doesn’t say anthing. James enters the room and starts to put on lotion. Paul yells, “Why the hell are there crackers on the floor?” Nicole asks Frank if he’s a cuddler and he says, “For the first 15 minutes.” James says that Corey is a cuddler.


9:50 am BBT  Nicole asks what James is doing and Frank says he’s pretty sure he’s masturbating. Jozea is still just sitting in the chair not talking to anyone. He is wrapped in his yellow towel/cape. Bridgette is eating breakfast and someone asks where everyone is. Bridgette says upstairs. The other HG says, “Already?” Bridgette says she doesn’t want to be crammed up there until they have to. Michelle comes upstairs and tells them that Paul is really pissed about the crackers on the floor. James says he’s tired about grown ass men being pissed about petty sh*t. He’s like to see what they are like in the real world. Rent is due. Corey says there’s a comedian that says, “Don’t sweat the petty sh*t and don’t pet the sweaty sh*t.” James says the kid has a lot of learning to do.


9:58 am BBT  Bronte tells Natalie that someone ate crackers all over Victor’s bed last night. Natalie asks who. Bronte says probably James and that these people are pigs. Paul is talking to Zak in the KT while she eats breakfast. He says he’s getting nervous about Jozea and that if they lose a team member, they are fu**ed. He says, Dae is cool, right? Zak assures him that she is. He tells her they need to win the next HOH. Bridgette enters the KT and Paul tells her he made fresh coffee. Bronte and Natalie are whispering in the WA. Bronte is counting votes and saying that even if people flip, the other side will only have 5 votes. She says the only people they can flip are James and Frank. We get WBRB. (You can hear BB building a set in the BY –Morty.)

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10:36 am BBT   The feeds have returned. Nicole is saying that she didn’t know where her key was, but someone said they knew where it was all along. Corey is massaging Nicole’s neck. Someone is singing, so we get WBRB again. Paul, Victor, and Natalie are in the KT and Paul says that apparently they will do the same thing again tomorrow but it will be a lot longer. Natalie says, “Really?” Paul says, “Yep, according to the vets.” Paul realizes they are locked in for the day. Someone asks what they did and they say that they “switched their keys.”


10:40 am BBT   Jozea is whispering to Paul and it’s impossible to hear even though BB turns up the volume. Paul says, “F you!” Paul says, “Did you say that?” Frank says that they’ve never put the keys out this early and they’ve never put bags out this early. Now Jozea and Victor are in the Safari Room and Jozea is telling him what James said up in the HOHR about them being petty. Victor says that James put crackers in their bed and he threw them on the floor. He says that James is the one being petty. They leave the Safari Room and Paul says, “You don’t know what its like to play bills, do you?” Then he says, “These pranks are F-ing petty!” and he repeats it. Frank walks by and they say hello to him. Someone starts singing and we get WBRB.


10:45 am BBT   When we come back Paul, Jozea, Bronte, and Victor are in the KT says it’s about to get really mean in this house after tomorrow. Jozea must have just said something because then Paul tells him that he’s right, he’s right. Frank joins them and then Nicole comes down and says that she wants to pop Frank’s blackheads. She says she’s been thinking about them. They head to the WA. She starts to pop them and BB focuses in on them. She says, “Oh man, these are huge!” Frank says, “I’m a big guy.” He tells her that his is what the Live Feeders are watching right now and she says she doesn’t care. She says other pimple poppers will understand. The KT crew is still talking about what James said.


10:50 am BBT   Nicole goes to the UKBR and tells them (James, Michelle, Tiffany) she popped the blackheads on Frank’s back. She says she thought of Michelle. She says she left the cysty one for Michelle. Tiffany tells them to stop talking about it. Michelle says she thought Nicole was Bronte coming to spy on them. Nicole says that Bronte just gave her a really dirty look. They say she should confront her about it. BB comes over the speaker and says, “Dae, stop it!” Nicole asks whose bed has crackers in it. James says he put them in Corey’s bed and he threw them everywhere. Frank comes into the room and talk turns back to his blackheads.


10:55 am BBT  Franks asks them if he heard them in the KT. He says he heard them say the pranks are petty and he was walking through there and he heard Paul scream F-You! Nicole says they’re funny. Michelle says what’s petty is crying over crackers. Frank says that Corey laughs it off and it was him who it was “getting done to.” Natalie enters the room and Frank says he’s so glad the lockdown was quick. James says, “Who keeps pulling these pranks in the house. It’s some petty sh*t.” They all laugh and they say it’s some short guy with dark hair. Natalie pretends like she was going to throw something at Frank and he says he would get her evicted. James says that’s petty. Frank laughs and says that’s going to be their new word. Natalie says he’s mean. He says he couldn’t be mean on his season because he was always on the block. James says he was his hero but he tricked him. Now he sees the real Frank.


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Wed, 06/29  1:01 p.m.

The four feeds are on the upstairs sitting area and the kitchen.  In the kitchen is Natalie, Nicole, Bridgette and Paul.  Upstairs is Corey, just laying on the couch and looking down at the HG's in  the kitchen area. Kitchen HG's are talking about chess and board games.  Nicole throws some shout outs to friends.  Paul rinses his dishes and leaves.  Nicole shouts up stairs to Corey, who's sitting on the couch outside the HOH room.  Michelle and Bridgett are still in their pixel costumes.  Paul has returned and is checking his beard in the house mirrors.  No sign of the other HG's.


1:06p  James is sleeping in the London room.  There are two other HG's sleeping in the London room, but I can't make out who they are.  All three are in separate beds.


Back to the kitchen - Paul is talking with Bridgette and Natalie, throwing F bombs here and there.  I can hear Corey talking with Nicole, but they aren't on camera.  Michelle came out of the bathroom area and is now sitting alone on the green couch in the LR.  Just general chit chat in the kitchen.  Camera 1 is zooming in and out on Michelle in the LR.  She appears to be in deep thought about something.


1:14p  Corey and Natalie in the LR.  Natalie lays down on her stomach on the floor and Corey is standing over her massaging her back.  I think he's going to pop her upper back.  he's telling her to take deep breaths. Yep, he popped it.  Loud!  She thanks him and they head back to the kitchen.   - ktal16~*






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11:00am-12:00pm BBT: Paul , Victor and James talking in the KT about the ants and about James playing pranks. Victor is not happy about the pranks being played and James tells him to lighten up they are funny.
Bronte and Natalie in the WA talking about the votes for Thursday night and they think paulie is leaving.  Bronte tells Natalie she loves Bridgette but she does not trust her. Natalie says she does not trust Bridgette either, says she flips between groups all the time. Bronte says she thinks the eviction is tonight since the Olympics open tomorrow .
Victor goes to take a nap while Paul teaches Nicole to pay chess. 
Bridgette walks into the Wa and tells Natalie and Bronte that she thinks James is trying to flip votes. they all three get up and head to the KT to make cookies.

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1:17p  Camera 2 showing Jozea and Victor sleeping in the anime room.  Camera zooming in and out on the Godzilla window.  Now doing the same with the kitty and some creepy eyes painted on the wall. 


Camera 3 was zooming in on Jozea's photo downstairs.  Paul comes into the anime room, covers his eyes with a shirt or something and lays down.  All quiet in the anime room.


In the kitchen Bridgette is making cookies and talking with Natalie.  Nicole is making some sort of food at the counter by the sink.  Corey is walking in and out of the kitchen, now sitting down.  Paul is called to the DR.  The talk in the kitchen is light and nothing about game.


Nicole goes to the London room and grabs her sweatshirt, fixes her hair in the hallway and then goes into the storeroom - where continues to fix her hair and check herself out in the mirrors.  She grabs the mayo and mustard and heads back to the kitchen.  Corey is telling another long drawn out story to the girls in the kitchen.  Nicole is making tuna fish salad.


1:32p  Camera 1 is now showing the HOH room where Zak and Paulie are napping in the HOH bed.  Da is sleeping crossways at the foot of the bed.


1:37p  Bridgette just put down a giant platter of cookies.  Corey says "Fine, I'll try one."  Natalie replies "Oh Corey" and giggles.  Z gets called by production to do something...I think go to the storeroom.  Paul is out of the DR, so I think she's going in there.  Nope, she must have went to the storeroom, because now she's in the HN room brushing her hair.  She can't find something in her bag and heads to the bathroom.  Paul's in the bathroom washing his hands and brushing his teeth.  She doesn't find what she's looking for and heads back.  Natalie came out of the WC and she and Paul are talking at the sink while he washes his face. Water is running and I can't understand who they're talking about.  Paul asks Natalie if she wants to show him some cheer moves.  He says he was on the cheer team for about 1/2 a year in school - dating the flyer.   He says when he and that girl broke-up the other girls on the squad said they didn't like her and thought she was a bitch to for revenge they all "banged" him.  [what!? - ktal16]  Paul is telling Natalie that he's a softie and generally likes people.  It's only when someone pisses him off that he gets "mean".  He says he just can't with Michelle anymore.


1:50p  Da is up and walking around the kitchen. Victor is up and heads to the bathroom.  Camera is showing the "occupied" sign o n the wc.  Natalie is laying on the bench in the bathroom playing with her hair.  Paul is heading back to the bathroom.  He (Paul) is whispering to Natalie to watch to see if someone is coming.  He's now whispering to Vic who just came out of the wc.  He tells Vic that "James and Corey are 100% working together...1000%!"  Telling Vic that Corey said something to the effect of "Just play chess with him (Vic) and look at him in the eyes and say "I'm going after your queen, bro."  Vic says he doesn't care and goes to wash his hands.  Paul is trying hard to convince Vic it's something big. Natalie must have given the sign to Paul that someone was coming because he quickly changed the subject. Paul leaves the bathroom.  Vic and Natalie are discussing lunch/dinner.  Natalie will "surprise" him with something delicious.  Bridgette comes in and goes into the wc.  Vic and Natalie leave the bathroom.  Bridgette comes out and washes her hands.  Vic returns, sees Bridgette at the sink and immediately turns and leaves again.


1:58p  in the London room Bridgette is removing her bottom pixels and putting on some black shorts over her tan bottoms.  She then puts on a work out bra and removes her top pixels.  Vic is in the kitchen going through the fridge with Natalie looking for stuff to eat/make.  Paul is still talking to Da at the large table.  All cameras are on the kitchen/dining area.   - ktal16~*













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12:00pm-1:00pm BBT: Chess game is still going on and James is talking about victor and how he wished he had heard what victor said about knocking him out. Nicole tells Corey do not get into all that or he will leave the house then she will be mad.
Natalie and Bronte go to lay down and leaves Bridgette to bake the cookies alone.
most Hg napping and Bridgette baking cookies while Nicole , Corey, James and Paul sit at the chess board.

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2:19p    In the kitchen, Paul, Vic and Natalie.  Natalie is cooking for Vic and Paul is washing/drying dishes.  Paul and Vic are joking about smoking pot and losing the lighter.   Vic says "Kill'em with kindness" and Paul says "And win competitions".  Paul has been telling Vic that he (Vic) is "their" target.  Paul is telling Vic that he beat Nicole at chess, even though James and Corey were helping her.  They wouldn't shake his hand afterwards.  Paul is saying he "beat three people".  He's very impressed with himself overall.


2:26p   Frank and Da talking in the LR.  Paul joins them.  Franking is asking Paul about his tattoos.  Da is listening but she looks like she's either in deep thought or she just cannot stand the sound of Paul's voice any longer.  Paul changes the topic to James putting crackers in someone's bed last night.  He says "If ants come into that room I'm going to lose it.  Paul is now speculating about them possibly having a HN comp today.  Frank says it wouldn't make sense.  Frank wants to take off the pixel costume bad.  He hates feeling like his ass cheeks are always hanging out. -ktal16~*





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2:00pm-2:30pm BBT: Natalie in the KT cooking and talking to Victor just general talk while Paul is in  the LVR talking to DA and frank about tattoos.

2:45pm BBT: Natalie and Victor in the KT talking about if their ia meat on her hands she opens the fridge with her feet.
In the LVR Zakiyhah, Paul and Frank talking about how far they live apart from each other.

2:54pm BBT: Victor in the KT doing dishes.
Frank telling other HG that tomorrow will be a busy day for them and for production.

2:59pm BBT: Just general talking going on and we get WBRB

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3:45PM BBT ILD continues. The HG are split between napping in approved areas and carrying on meaningless "getting you know you" conversations. 

In the LR we have Zakiyah, Da'Vonne, Jozea on opposing couches, Natalie in the ejection seat, and Tiffany perched on the back of a couch above a stretched out Victor. 

And as I was about to begin typing the fascinating conversation, we get FOTH!



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3:10pm BBT: Frank is up walking around in the KT making himself something to eat. Victor in the LVR talking to DA about his family.

3:27pm BBT: Most Hg taking naps, Frank eating in the KT talking to Paulie.
 Da, Victor, Jozea in the LVR talking about cutting hair. 

3:44pm BBT: Hg gathering in the LVR, Tiffany laying on the back of the couch and we get WBRB.

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5:08PM BBT In the HOH Nicole, Frank. Zak and Da are talking. They are hoping Paulie wins HOH. Frank jokes that Zak would be able to be up in HOH cuddling all week.


5:15PM BBT Michelle is in the WA removing her extensions. She claims she has gained weight in the house and has never been this big. She says she was crying earlier. Nicole says she doesn't look like she gained weight at all.


5:34PM BBT In the LR Victor says this will be the first season of BB that his Mom will be watching. Victor says it took him two tries to be on BB. he tried two years ago.


5:35PM BBT His arrival on BB was random Jozea says. He was scheduled for Top Model and ended up on BB.


 5:43PM BBT We are getting FOTH on and off as HG discuss people and singers etc.



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5:57PM BBT IN the KT there is a discussion about watermelon. Da tells the girls that she doesn't like watermelon. In the HOH Frank, Paulie and Corey chatting in general. No game talk.


 6:13PM BBT Jozea and Paul talk with Frank. Frank tells them that he has to have Paulie think he has his vote. Jozea and Paul say of course. They feel Paulie is going.


6:35PM BBT Jozea and Paul talk about the comps. Jozea says he has played in all of them. Paul tells him he missed one.


6:46PM BBT Natalie says they are supposed to clean the bathroom tonight. Says she isn't going to. She has already been on her hands and knees cleaning. Paul says he has already done his share of cleaning. Victor says he does the dishes every night.


6:54PM BBT In the HOH room Nicole talks about spending 77 days in the house. James spent 76. Nicole, Frank and James all went out 7th place they say.


6:59PM BBT Natalie is putting foundation on Paul. Paul tells her to be careful of his nose ring because it is sensitive.

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7:00 PM BBT In the HOHR, the discussion has been about the fish in the fish tank. Nicole says that the Nemo fish isn't doing so well. Tiffany says, Dory is just out there. Frank, Michelle, Corey, James & Paulie are all up there as well. We see FOTH briefly. When the feeds come back everyone is yelling about something getting back to Bridgette & Bronte. James admits that he told them. Nicole tells James that he has the biggest mouth in the house. Frank tells Nicole that she told him, & he's the one that told James. Franks says the other side of the house thinks they are planting seeds. Corey says he loves it. Nicole is worried that she will now be one of Victor's targets. Nicole says she won't go on a date with anyone for a year. Meanwhile, in the Safari Room Bronte, Victor, Natalie & Paul are chatting it up. Natalie is putting make-up on Paul. Bronte says she can't stand someone. Victor says he can't wait to send him home one day. No name is given. Paul says, "I don't look like a pirate, I look like a transexual."

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7:06 PM BBT Back in the HOHR, Zakiyah has now joined in. She says that Victor is playing games. Corey says he's heard Victor saying that he can't wait to get out of the house to hook up with other girls, in front of Natalie. Paulie says it would be great to get two of their people to vote for Jozea to leave also. Tiffany wants to know what Victor said to her. She says that he really likes her personality, that she's his type, & that he wants to hang out after the show. Paulie says he's an f boy to the fullest. Frank says they are starting to fall apart at the seems. Franks says that Victor was telling him that he & Bronte would throw a comp to him if they can put James up on the block. James tells him to do that. Paulie says after the vote come out they can blame Natalie & Bronte for voting for them, & they can say James did it to so it will be sabotaged. James says if they have a puzzle comp he's going to put pieces up that they put up & throw them across the yard. James says he loves it that they want to throw a comp to put him up. James says if they win he's safe, but if they throw it they're f'd. James says they should get Zakiyah to tell her group to throw the comp to get them put on the block since James has been pranking everyone. James says that he was trying to start some sh*t so they would tell Natalie. He says he's already thinking how he could stir more sh*t up. Corey says he is to. Paulie says they have no idea how this game works. Corey says he thinks they are all safe. Frank says that Da'Vonne told Victor to only pack his socks. James says they will make him pack. Tiffany says that Da'Vonne is still circulating on the outside to them. Paulie tells James to talk to Natalie. He tells him to say something about Victor asking other girls out on dates, if she will go out on one with him. He tells him to tell her how beautiful she is. Nicole says that James is going to get out & look like an ahole. (That's how she said it.)

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7:15 PM BBT Nicole tells Corey he needs to work his magic to help keep her off the block. Nicole says she is putting herself in the situation, & she feels bad. Corey tells her that they called her an antique. Back in the Safari Room, Jozaea has joined in the party. Paul is now putting make-up on Natalie. They are talking about blending of the make-up. Natalie is laughing so hard she's about to cry. Paul is gripping the back of her head. He says, this is fantastic & she looks great. Victor says he thinks it's awesome. Paul is using a brush to put on some type of liquid make-up on Natalie's face. The cam view switches to Zakiyah & Da'Vonne going to the HNBR. Zakiyah says that Nicole is being hella nieve. She says she truly thinks that Victor wants to take her out on a date after they leave the house. Zakiyah says he's playing his part, & he's not into her. She says that Victor & Natalie have something going on, but they are playing in front of everyone. Zakiyah says she's not nieve. Da'Vonne says the girl got the hat, t-shit & the book. Zakiyah says she doesn't understand why Frank said anything. Da'Vonne says he wasn't supposed to say anything. They leave the HNBR.

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7:23 PM BBT Zakiyah says she's going to the bathroom. Da'Vonne goes to the HOHR. Tiffany asks her if she heard the latest? Da'Vonne says she did. James says he moved up the sh*t list on Team Unicorn. Da'Vonne says it's not like he lied. Da'Vonne says Victor & Natalie are using themselves as their strategy. Nicole says she genuinely believed him. She says it doesn't matter to her, because she doesn't want his feelings hurt. Paulie says his feelings won't get hurt, because he's an f boy. He says he is a straight up player. Nicole tells everyone what he said again. She says she hopes he likes Natalie, & it really is just strategy. Da'Vonne says she doesn't want Nicole to fall for the okie doke. Paulie tells Nicole that Victor wants to play a social game. He says it has to do with the way she played with Cody. Nicole says it doesn't matter, because she doesn't like him in that way. Frank says he will take her out to a nice steak dinner, & treat her like a princess after the show. She says she doesn't want to feel like a princess. Frank tells them that the other side was talking about throwing the HOH to him or Paul if they can. Da'Vonne says she doesn't mind fighting Paul. Frank says once Jozea is gone, it's two to one. Zakiyah is in the HOHR now also.

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7:29 PM BBT James wonders if Natalie knows what was said. Paulie says that there is no way they can be that stupid to throw a comp. Tiffany says there is. Frank says that means he can't say anything to Jozea when he walks out the door. James says he can in his goodbye message. James says they need to cover their bases on who said what. Frank says to say it was James. Tiffany says everything goes back to James. James says he's trying to put a wedge in between their group. Nicole says she going to call him Frankie. Da'Vonne says the way Jozea was saying it, he & Jozea were going to go at it. James says that what about crackers. He says that Jozea went at him. Zakiyah is holding a little giraffe. She says it's so cute. James says he was scared for his life. Corey says that Victor had put his head down & said something about stupid petty sh*t.

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7:34 PM BBT James says they probably have 5 security guards at each exit waiting on Jozea when he leaves the house. Paulie says he didn't ruin the neck of the giraffe when he pretended to choke it. Frank leaves the HOHR. James asks if he's supposed to go & talk to Natalie. Da'Vonne tells James not to say anything else. Michelle says that Bridgette is cooking again. Paul & Natalie go to the HOHR. Paul asks who did the better make-up? Natalie says that Paul spiked up her eyelashes with mascara. She doesn't know how to get it all off. She wants a house vote on who's is better. They leave the HOHR. Da'Vonne says that Natalie was talking about being so in love with Corey. Da'Vonne says she wishes he didn't turn her away. Corey says every girl in the house is cute, but he doesn't like her like that. Nicole says he liked her on Day 2. Corey says he was never into her. Nicole says she won the coconut competition. Corey says, the coconut competition? Nicole says it was before that competition that she said something. Da'Vonne says it's strategy, because they both could pull them. Da'Vonne says Natalie said that & then she had her arms around Victor when she left the room. Meanwhile in the Safari Room, Paul, Jozea & Victor are talking about who they have for the votes. Victor & Jozea both say that Da'Vonne is voting for them. Jozea says they HG's in the HOHR outweigh them. Victor says, if they are only hanging out. He asks Paul what they were saying? Paul says they are just in a circle. Victor tells Paul to go up there & hang out. Jozea says, no. Jozea says they aren't going to carry Da'Vonne or Zakiyah to the end with them. Paul says he's concerned. Jozea one is a returning cast member who was voted out before. He says she was voted out by all the caucasian's, because she was the only black cast member. Paul asks Victor & Jozea if they are confident? Jozea says, yes. Victor says he doesn't want to go up there & stress, & he doesn't want to sit down there & stress. Victor says he whole-heartedly believes in Frank, & Frank believes in Da'Vonne. He says, if they have those two they are fine. They are worried about Michelle flipping & voting with them. Victor says if Michelle flip-flops she can't expect to stay long, so they will let her go as soon as they can. Victor says he's confident & he doesn't want to stress. He says they will know tomorrow who voted for who. Paul says he's right. Victor tells Paul to take the make-up off his face & just chill. He tells him to take the make-up off his face. He says 5-7. Paul says Zakiyah used to roll with them, but now she's with them a lot more. Victor says she's the one to see when the votes come out. He says when they lose someone, AKA, Paulie, then Zakiyah will see that she voted the wrong way. Victor says the less people they have to protect the better. Paul says it was dead quiet with 8 people in the room. Jozea says they have Zakiyah & Da'Vonne, so they are good. Victor says, it seems bad, but two people up there can't vote, Nicole & Paulie. Victor says they really can't do anything but have another conversation with Da'Vonne. Jozea says she's going to sit up there & listen & tell them what goes on. Victor says Da'Vonne was trying to give Jozea information on Zakiyah. They agree to touch base with Da'Vonne & Zakiyah tomorrow. Jozea says they know, they're not stupid. Victor asks if they want Jozea or Paulie to go home? Victor says they've been with Jozea from Day 1. He says they don't want Jozea to go home. He says he doesn't think that honestly. He says if they do, they played Paul like a fool. Jozea says Da'Vonne got played like a fool on her season, so she won't do that. He says, they will be in the conversation & observe & take notes. Jozea says he rides for them. He says they don't want to f themselves over. He says he's done what he can, but it will show tomorrow who's social game is stronger. Jozea says Paulie is try to out social game him, but he can't He says Paulie is a gym trainer & he's a make-up artist. He says, women are real to both of them, but he goes to their houses & goes places with the girls. He says, Paulie will never be like him, because he's a guy & he's straight. He says, being gay comes with a lot of benefits.

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7:52 PM BBT Paul is worried about what's being said in the HOHR. Jozea says they know they are the ring leaders. Victor says they need to pick them off one by one. Jozea tells Paul to go to the KT. Jozea says he has good hearing, & he heard someone talking about James. Jozea says he's the next one out, he has to go next, he's really bad news. Victor says they have to see how things go tomorrow. Victor tells Jozea to check the stairs to see who's coming down. Jozea says no one is coming down. He says when you watch the show, you will see who really had their back. He says he never talks sh*t about anyone, ever. He says he keeps his promise & doesn't play that. He says it will be on their dumb end. Victor says it will be their fault to. Jozea says, Zakiyah won't let them persuade her. Victor says, someone is coming down now. In the KT, Natalie, Bridgette & Frank are at the KT table. Tiffany comes down from the HOHR. Back in the Safari Room, Victor tells Jozea he wants him to win HOH, because then they all will be safe. He says, even if the BB Road Kill person puts one of them up, they will still hold all the power.

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7:56 PM BBT Jozea says that when he wins HOH he would put Nicole up right away, but he may wait if they can guarantee she doesn't win HOH again. Victor says to put up James. Jozea says to put up Jozea & Corey, so Nicole will be left by herself. He says, then all Nicole will have is Tiffany. Jozea says then TIffany would be left with Nicole. He says if they get BB Road Kill, they will put up Tiffany, so no one is left. Victor says, no more game talk. Jozea says he really wants to ask someone what she's thinking. Victor says, she's in the bathroom. Jozea says he really wants to talk to Michelle, because she likes him a lot. He says, he wants to talk to her with Victor there. Jozea starts to hum. We see FOTH briefly. When the feeds come back on, BB tells Jozea to please reattach his microphone. Jozea says, "It's attached, what are you talking about gur?" He fixes it & then asks if they hear him? Jozea calls Tiffany in the Safari Room. Tiffany asks who's been letting them rip? Victor says it might have been him. He says he didn't know he was going to call anyone in there. Jozea tells Tiffany that he wants to ask her where her head is bluntly? Tiffany says she's voting with the house, & she's not going to do anything crazy. She tells him that it seems that he's staying. Tiffany tells him he's asked her like 3 times. She tells him he should have nothing to worry about from what she's heard. She says even people that he wouldn't think were voting for him, or voting for him to stay. Jozea says, the next round he wants Tiffany to start taking the lead in their alliance to be a baton & make moves with them. Tiffany says, definitely. Tiffany says no one really tells her where the lines are drawn. She asks Jozea who they will go after next? Jozea says they need to get 4 main people out to get to them. Tiffany asks if it's the vets? Jozea says not necessarily. He says, he's cool with Frank & Da'Vonne. He says, it depends who wins what. He says, that way they stay there. Tiffany says, the BB Road Kill thing throws it off. Victor says it shouldn't matter if they keep the control of the house. Jozea if two people go up that they want, two people are fighting, & they can put up the third. Victor says they can put up who they don't want to have their votes count that would be better. Jozea they would run the house until like top 5 or 6. Victor says they all want to get to the jury at least. Tiffany says that sounds like a plan to her. She tells Jozea is becoming more chill the past couple days. Victor says, he's been talking to him a lot. Jozea says, he's been having dreams & nightmares, & he's been getting up at like 5 a.m. He says it's been scary being in the hot seat. He says he likes the hot tub & going to his bed to sleep, so he doesn't have to think about it. Paul is just sitting in the Safari Room listening to what's being said. Tiffany says she hopes she's not on their radar. Jozea says, she's not, there are more people to go for first. Tiffany says to go strong for this HOH. Jozea says, unless it's a crap shoot. Victor says they have water shoes for this comp though. Tiffany says they have to watch out, because they are on different teams. She says they are safe, even from BB Road Kill. Victor says, that's a really big spin on the game. Jozea says, that's why you have to have trust in the game, to know who has your back. Victor says, he's not even worried about tomorrow. He walks out, & says, he's getting some water & he will be back.

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8:08 PM BBT Jozea is worried about being on the hot seat & then having to change into the athletic wear for the competition after the eviction. Paul says it will be a big adrenaline rush. Victor goes in the WA, where Natalie is getting ready to wash al the make-up off. He tells her that Paul did an amazing job. She says, she's so excited, & she's ready to take it off. Victor goes in the WC. Natalie is washing her face. The cam view goes to the Safari Room. Natalie walks in the Safari Room asking someone to play chess with her in the LR in 5 minutes. She leaves, still washing the make-up off her face. Jozea says he's a chill person normally. Jozea says he'll be back to normal in 24 hours. He tries to strategize some more with Tiffany. He tells her he doesn't want her to be in a crossfire. He says she will never be one of her problems. He says he'd rather have her in jury, than one of the other ones. Tiffany tells him she hears her. She says they are all going to be pumped up for HOH. Jozea says he's going to be nervous. Tiffany says it will be all adrenaline. Jozea said he would have freaked the f out if he had to do the coconut competition. He says the castle puzzle comp, everyone on his team was listening to communication.

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