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On 8/10/2016 at 2:20 AM, SuzyQQQ11 said:

Does anyone out there find it very annoying that Z constantly plays with her false eyelashes or that Bridgette uses the F word constantly or that Nicole has the most whiney voice ever? 

Yes, and Yes.. but then humans have tics like that. I play with my hair 

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UG. Why Nicole, America? She has been up Paulie and Corey's butts this whole time, hasn't done a damn thing game wise and was needlessly mean to Z. She would sit there and listen to all the stuff Paulie would say about Z and then go to Z and tell her that the relationship with Paulie was sooo good. When she gets caught out in her lies and back stabbing she whines, says it's all lies or it wasn't her fault.


I think being called a snake has really messed with her head, though. She doesn't like the idea that viewers will see her as a snake. But this care package is going to boost her ego. She will be thinking that America has her back.

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America got it right. Nicole is safe anyway this week because Victor is targeting Paulie/Corey. And if either wins the veto & takes themselves down, the other one will only have two votes to stay. Counting this care package there were three left. Natalie & James aren't eligible because they've already won a care package. Victor is HOH so no care package. That leaves the last two packages, the most important ones, for Michelle, Paul or Victor...whoever isn't HOH. If America votes the next two care packages to Victor, Paul or Michelle, the underdog side of the house will rule for sure. It's about time, too. Now we have a GAME to watch instead of one boring week after another. Bridgette, Natalie & Michelle sure did a great job waking everyone up!

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11 minutes ago, BBLover4ever said:

Paulie all sulky. Like how He knows that the POV is his only lifeline.   

Paulie is in complete shock. In the last 48 hours, his BB life has been turned upside down. He keeps trying to find somebody to blame, but he keeps coming up empty. 

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My wife and I disvovered a new drinking game last night.  We were joking around and said we would have a sip of wine every time one of the houseguest used the word "literally". Next thing we knew we had downed two bottles of wine. :lol:


Edited by BBinMiami
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Finally some real game play!  I'm so excited!  Worse case scenario, Nicole wins the veto and takes down Corey.  But then Paulie will go home anyway.  I honestly don't think Nicole is even going to play too hard to win the veto.  I don't think she wants to have to be put in the position of having to state her loyalty to one or the other.  It's interesting that now that her alliance is on the outs she is trying to make all nice to Natalie and Michelle, who she really didn't give the time of day to, prior to her boys being nominated.  The good thing is it seems like Natalie and Michelle see right through her.  As long as Paulie doesn't win the veto today he's gone!!!  And that haircut side burn thing is horrible.  It oddly works for Paul.  Paulie, not so much.


Already looking forward in the game past Paulie leaving.  If Corey stays, he is a comp threat, but he's never going to have the votes.  It will be interesting to see who becomes the alpha male and they sway in the house once Paulie is gone.  James or Paul?

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Paulie is a really sour person when things don't go his way. I can see where he might treat women on the outside just like he did Z in the house. 


Paul is working paulie for his jury vote huh?  He telling him he had no idea Vic was going to put him OTB. Lol. 

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On August 12, 2016 at 9:36 PM, Naddaclue said:

America got it right. Nicole is safe anyway this week because Victor is targeting Paulie/Corey. And if either wins the veto & takes themselves down, the other one will only have two votes to stay. Counting this care package there were three left. Natalie & James aren't eligible because they've already won a care package. Victor is HOH so no care package. That leaves the last two packages, the most important ones, for Michelle, Paul or Victor...whoever isn't HOH. If America votes the next two care packages to Victor, Paul or Michelle, the underdog side of the house will rule for sure. It's about time, too. Now we have a GAME to watch instead of one boring week after another. Bridgette, Natalie & Michelle sure did a great job waking everyone up!

My votes going to Corey regardless if Paulie is a jerk. I despise Natalie and Meech more. Can't wait till both of those crazy wenches are on the block and Natalie gets sent home. She doesn't deserve to be in the house. She's a user and a .... 

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Since Big Brother originally announced that this is the last week for the tickets, and they are planning on keeping Corey/Paulie on the block, wouldn't it be smart of all of the remaining houseguests to open their ticket to see if they have the roundtrip ticket to guarantee Paulie/Corey is going to jury for sure?!!?!?!  Big Brother shouldn't have announced the date of the final ticket so that it would have been a mystery, but now they should take advantage of it to make sure they are going home, otherwise they would know someone up for eviction might have it. 

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8 minutes ago, Curtis044 said:

Since Big Brother originally announced that this is the last week for the tickets, and they are planning on keeping Corey/Paulie on the block, wouldn't it be smart of all of the remaining houseguests to open their ticket to see if they have the roundtrip ticket to guarantee Paulie/Corey is going to jury for sure?!!?!?!  Big Brother shouldn't have announced the date of the final ticket so that it would have been a mystery, but now they should take advantage of it to make sure they are going home, otherwise they would know someone up for eviction might have it. 

I agree. I don't know if this group would even think of it tho. 

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I'm voting Vic for ACP. Im not sure who I want to win but I'm sure I want Nicole/Cory to lose. He can't play in hoh but Paul can and Vic winning keeps Paul safe also. It will keep Michelle from going back to Nicole if she decided to. 


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20 minutes ago, Addy08 said:

I'm voting Vic for ACP. Im not sure who I want to win but I'm sure I want Nicole/Cory to lose. He can't play in hoh but Paul can and Vic winning keeps Paul safe also. It will keep Michelle from going back to Nicole if she decided to. 



I think the majority of the votes will be for Michelle, Paul and Victor. I just hope they are not so split up that Corey ends up getting the pkg. by default. 

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I'm not saying that  Paulie could have the return ticket, but please let it not be so. One way please.  Enough of his antics thinking he is running the house and feeling over confident that he will walk away with the prize.  Once he is gone, I really don't care who makes it to the end but at least it will become a more interesting BB.  That is, everyone playing the true BB game.  The king is dead (Paulie, in his head) and please production, do not tamper with the results.  

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I think it was Michelle on BBAD who mentioned they ought to rip open their tickets, maybe they're just afraid they'll get in trouble. But I know I'd want to make sure it isn't Paulie that has it, what a mess that would be! I'm also voting Victor the care package. I started out splitting votes between him & Michelle, figuring Paul would probably win HOH. But the rest of my votes are to Victor after seeing BBAD last night & how strong he is in standing up to Paulie. Like Omahaguy, I'm worried splitting votes might give it to Corey.

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On August 13, 2016 at 6:25 AM, BBinMiami said:

My wife and I disvovered a new drinking game last night.  We were joking around and said we would have a sip of wine every time one of the houseguest used the word "literally". Next thing we knew we had downed two bottles of wine. :lol:


"Literally" the "It is what it is" is driving me to drink too!


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Corey is as much a douche bag as Paulie! Talking about all the "aggressive people in the house" and he calls out Bridgette, Michelle, etc. doesn't mention his crazy pal Paulie. Lol 


didnt care are for him when he clapped along with Paulie in HOH room when Pailie was very aggressive to Natalie. Hope he goes next week. 

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Corey is a follower. He has followed Paulie's lead since the first week in the house. I don't think he has had one thought of his own and he has no idea how to play BB. It seems to me that he thinks he is in the BB frat house, he has his bros, girls that are for using and then dumping and fun games to play a few times a week. Only thing missing is getting knee-walking drunk, watching one of the bros try to set an innocent animal on fire and then puking and passing out.

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