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The fallout from the "secret room" has turned the BB house upside down - and I love it.  Although all 12 HGs have an envelope with an equal  chance to re-enter the game after an eviction (within the next 4 weeks) some of them are  still pissed off & upset.


The  Hgs who were napping are pissed that no body bothered to wake them  up from their naps.  The HGs that figured out the code on their own are pissed at the HGs who couldn't figure it out, and now they're calling them stupid.


Corey & Nicole are upset with each other for different reasons.  Corey is pissed at Nicole for not waking him (sooner ?) and Nicole is mad at  Corey because he didn't  give her the code - Victor did.  Corey's rationale for not giving Nicole the code right away was that he didn't want "them" mad at him, or something about "they" didn't want him to give it to her.  If Nicole had her head in the game she would have immediately asked Corey who is "them and/or they" and why would they be mad if she had the code?  Nicole is supposed to be aligned with Corey but his response to her doesn't make sense - unless he's in another alliance that does not include her.  Corey's response and rationale to Nicole is "sketchy" but she's more infatuated with Corey than she is invested in the BB game.


And poor Paulie is extemely pissed because he has been working overtime trying to micro-manage everything to fit his master plan to win the game for himself.  Paulie thinks he is playing this game like Derrick - but Paulie is no Derrick.  Paulie is too arrogant and stubborn and eventually the other HGs are gonna get tired of him dictating their gameplay.  Paulie is confident that his bros will dominate and the girls  will be easy to get out, but I have a feeling that one of the girls will be responsible for his eviction.

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14 hours ago, BBLover4ever said:

I knew it! Production is working to keep Frank with the secret room. Wonder if the envelope with the round trip is even in here? They can add it when he enters...... 


I'm not big on conspiracy theories. They seem to surrround BB every year, are proven wrong, and vanish. The secret room "twist" was announced before the last HOH comp. If production was going to influence the game in such a major way, I think Tiffany would have come back in the game instead of Victor. She probably would have been much more interesting and caused more drama.



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5 hours ago, sandhitch said:

I cannot stand Paul. He and Paulie do the same thing Frank does but act like it's ok. Such arrogant people.

 I didn't like Paul at the beginning but since Jozea and Victor got evicted, I have liked him more and more each week. 

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Here's the thing - none of us are perfect right?  But what kind of ignoramus goes on national television and tries to portray themselves as some sort of modern day Plato?  As though no one watching has ever read a book or been exposed to a dictionary.  It's just gross that Paul thinks he's so savvy and has such knowledge of the world.  Meanwhile, he's still living at home with mommy and daddy.  The entitlement of some of these people is off the charts.  It's just gross.

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I, like many others, do not like Paul.  Last night was an example of how ignorant he is.  Confronting Frank with the crap that flowed out of his mouth, but for no apparent reason.  As Frank said, no matter how much he talked to Michele, he was not the one to name a replacement.  So why was Paul so in his face.  And his antics during the veto comp.. He is a camera hog.  Anything he can do to attract the camera to him, he will do.  I hope he goes soon, as the others are seeing how volatile he can get, and for no reason.  

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I don't like Frank but he really loves the game. He is just trying to stay in the game and that is what BB is all about. If someone can get another person to change their mind and keep them in the game, then that is playing the game. I felt bad for Frank and Bridgette when they all ganged up on them and were so cold. Every single one of them have lied and backstabbed to get further in the game yet somehow Frank and Bridgette are the only ones who deserve to be treated so harshly.

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I actually felt sad for Frank. He looked so defeated on the block when Michelle said she wasn't using the POV.   And Paul is a real douche bag!  He doesn't even make sense the majority of the time.   I am really starting to want Frank to come right back tonight!  That is, of course, if they stick to their plan to evict him.

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I'm just waiting for someone to overthrow Paulie's control of the house.  I can't understand why everybody constantly defers to his judgement.  I wanna see one of these guys  challenge his authority, but they all want to align with him.


I had hopes of Victor, Paul and or James planning an attack against Paulie & Corey, but instead they've formed a boys alliance to pick off the girls.  I hope that Davonne, Bridgette or Natalie wins the next HOH and puts Corey & Paulie on the block together.  I really don't want Nicole or Zakiyah or Michelle to win HOH because they will only do what Paulie dictates.


The boys alliance have their pecking order for future evictions but I haven't heard what they plan to do if Bridgette or Davonne wins the HOH.  They only view the women as available for nomination and posible votes, but never as HOH.  I wish this season had more committed  women players because Nicole, Zakiyah & Michelle are quite disappointing.  They are all way too insecure and it's negatively impacting their BB game.

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I hope Frank somehow gets a ticket back into the house assuming he's evicted tonight.  I would love to see the looks on all their faces.

I think Frank might go after some of the guys after he's seen how horrible they've been to him this week.  And yes I like Paulie but he has

gotten way too full of himself.

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Unfortunately, unless Bridgette wins HOH, she's going on the block. If she doesn't win HOH or Veto, she is going home. But, in my opinion, once Frank is gone, voting out Bridgette is a waste of an HOH. These folks have their heads so far up Paulie's ass, they don't even consider thinking on their own. Does anybody have a final 3 that doesn't involve Paulie?  

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I have a gut feeling if Bridgette doesn't win HOH... she won't be put on the block.

There will be 2 other flavors of the week.

(She might get put up as a replacement if a Veto is used tho)

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Finally some game being played out on BBAD.  Lots of scrambling and jockeying for position and the usual throwing people under the bus.


Congrats to Paul for wining the  HOH   :clap:  


Paul has been quite open  about nominating Bridgette because according to "the house" (Paulie) she is the target this week.  Paul wants someone from his "team" to volunteer to be a pawn alongside Bridgette on the block.  However, no one is stepping up and your Boy is PISSED!  Paul promised James,  Victor & Michelle safety for the week, so they are not options.  Paulie & Corey want Davonne up;  Nicole & Zakiyah want Victor up; Victor, Natalie, & James want any HG who hasn't been nominated before to be put up as the pawn; and Davonne wants either Nicole or Zakiyah up.

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4 hours ago, BBLover4ever said:

He was given a chance to stay.   Just didn't work out for him.


That's true BBLover  - - and now the RT ticket could be in the hands of one of them who I don't care for  *Ha!

During Julie's house tour before the season started she had talked about the special up stairs phone and wondered if anyone would figure out how to use it. I had thought she was talking about the HOH phone that they were using and couldn't figure out what made it "special". I didn't even notice the upstairs phone booth until a couple weeks ago  *duh. 



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2 hours ago, BBLover4ever said:

Wow, Paulie is ok with going up on the block?  Hmmmmmm  I see a surprise in the works.

If we had real players in the game, he would be toast. Unfortunately, I believe most of them will allow him to control their vote from the block. 

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I just don't understand why they want Bridgette out.

She's no threat whatsoever at this point.

I guess no one wants to make a gutsy move by throwing any names out there.....

But, the next HOH will have to step on some toes.... ohhhh,  it's Big Brother  :D


Ooops forgot... they have Mama Da on the easy list.....


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3 hours ago, joystiick said:

If we had real players in the game, he would be toast. Unfortunately, I believe most of them will allow him to control their vote from the block. 


Ugh! the return of "The Stupid People" is just what this season needed to be boring & predictable.  They all like to talk about being  so smart and they can't seem to make a move without consulting with Paulie.


All the guys talk about how useless & stupid that Natalie is, but she is the only one who can see right through Paulie's schemes and manipulations.  If Natalie won an HOH,there is no doubt in my mind that she would nominate him straight up - no backdoor plan.


Davonne & James at times seem to be aware of Paulie's control of the house, but can't do anything to counter it.  It looks like their new strategy is "if you can't beat em - join em."  But they are not valuable, or core membes of Paulie's group so they won't last longer than 2 weeks.  i am quite disappointed in James & Davonne's game play - I expected so much more from the vets.

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1 hour ago, mayzee said:


Ugh! the return of "The Stupid People" is just what this season needed to be boring & predictable.  They all like to talk about being  so smart and they can't seem to make a move without consulting with Paulie.


All the guys talk about how useless & stupid that Natalie is, but she is the only one who can see right through Paulie's schemes and manipulations.  If Natalie won an HOH,there is no doubt in my mind that she would nominate him straight up - no backdoor plan.


Davonne & James at times seem to be aware of Paulie's control of the house, but can't do anything to counter it.  It looks like their new strategy is "if you can't beat em - join em."  But they are not valuable, or core membes of Paulie's group so they won't last longer than 2 weeks.  i am quite disappointed in James & Davonne's game play - I expected so much more from the vets.


I think Natalie would want to nominate and get out Victor because she doesn't like him. That's what "the house" would probably want as well (aside from Paul) and what James would steer her towards.


The problem with this season was that roadkill ensured that the house got what it wanted each week pretty much. If you were in the minority or smaller group not much you could do unless you won everything.


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Hi guys! I am new here, my first language is not English so any mistakes i guess you will forgive me. My friends in my country don't watch Big Brother, even the our version (our version is based on BB UK, without HOH, Veto and stuff which i think is really not cool -.-) so I always wanted to be a part of some forum and discuss BB, so here I am.

Back to the theme, about this week I feel Davonne will go home. My fav is Natalie, so as long as she doesn't go anywhere, I don't care who gets evicted :D

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