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I always wonder every new season..... who are are the new people? Are they new or just people that have been here before and just use a new name. It is always a guessing game with me.


Anyhooooooooo Welcome to all the newbies. :daisy:

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Hello everyone. It's been quite a while since I've been on Morty's. Hello to the oldie but goodies and to all the newbie's out there.

I haven't studied this years batch of lab rats yet and I'm thinking of keeping it that way until the show starts. That way I don't get any preconceived opinions of anyone. I just hope we get a good mix of people that I can love to root for and some that I can love to hate.


We shall see! 

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33 minutes ago, stevea11 said:

Hello everyone. It's been quite a while since I've been on Morty's. Hello to the oldie but goodies and to all the newbie's out there.

I haven't studied this years batch of lab rats yet and I'm thinking of keeping it that way until the show starts. That way I don't get any preconceived opinions of anyone. I just hope we get a good mix of people that I can love to root for and some that I can love to hate.


We shall see! 


Have you picked "your girl" yet? :naughty:

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Any guesses on how long it will take for the 1st allience to be formed ?

Will it be all guys again ??


This is one of the main reasons that I hate them being in the House so long before we get to see them.

They've had plenty of time to check each other out.

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On June 17, 2016 at 6:18 AM, Slimcruz said:

Not to mention that I would likely break my neck getting in and out of that platform bed.


Whoooo hooooo


Slim is here! :lol:

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Thank you so much for posting the Julie Chen house tour!! Now im super excited for BB 18. I HOPE and pray they make them really work for stuff this year like food, and I know this is foolish to hope for in the age of technology, but I want them to bring back the pulling of Keys! That was the most fun! and Food Comps...I wish I could LFU, but I my right hand, and my fingertips tingle, so I type with two fingers. not fast enough to keep up. But I wanted to say thank you to Morty, Marty, Morty TV Admin and all the LFU!! You bring Joy to my summer. =)

Colo (Kim)

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Hey!  I'm a newbie to the Forum, but not a newbie to Morty's.  I registered to do the on-line updates.  I'll be doing them for After Dark.  I may switch to the live feeds...maybe.  I didn't watch season 14, because I immediately didn't like the "coach" twist.  So, I'm interested to see how this will all work.  :D

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  • JEDI pinned this topic

Hey all :)  I'm out here, trying my best to figure out how to partake in the first week of BB18 while also helping out at a teen camp all this week!  At least I've got internet, and my computer, so that's a start....


I'll work on figuring out how to get active with LFU stuff, and hopefully not get too far behind everything that's going on in the house!



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just looking at the pics of the house. For bedrooms we have Tokyo and London. There is a connecting phone/subway booth between Tokyo and London with a phone that connects to the HOH LOL. Seems the photo booth room is now a Safari woodland retreat. New pool/hot tub combo, they've moved the BY couches out away from the wall. The kitchen island is built from the cowling of a 727 jet engine.

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Hi everyone not sure I am liking the coaches thing but I am going  to have a positive attitude because who am I kidding I will be watching anyway LOL. Hoping it will be a great season  and looking forward to watching along with everyone.

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On 6/16/2016 at 1:42 PM, Marty said:

I always wonder every new season..... who are are the new people? Are they new or just people that have been here before and just use a new name. It is always a guessing game with me.


Anyhooooooooo Welcome to all the newbies. :daisy:

Fresh meat.......................................................

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Just want to say hello to all! I am also so excited for BB18.....I have been counting down the days and now I am just counting down the hours. I hope they change up some of the comps so they are not so predictable for the super-fan house-guests and bring back pandora's box or the diamond PoV or even the Coup d'Etat!

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