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Tiffany Rousso - (4th Evicted - day 37)


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1 hour ago, mayzee said:

What Tiffany (and Vanessa) don't seem to understand is that tone & attitude are the differences between having a conversation and being interrogated.


last season vanessa treated Steve like crap and he made the right choice in taking Liz to F2 instead of her, because he won first place.  had Vanessa been nicer to Steve it may have made a difference.


I think Steve knew not to take her regardless of how she treated him. Vanessa was the reason for a majority of BB17 HGs to go out the door. She would have easily won if she had made it to final 2.  

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15 hours ago, mayzee said:

Tiffany needs to chill out, relax and lay low.  She's trying to play the same game as her sister.  Tiffany is picking fights  and blowing up for no good reason.  Instead of getting sympathy from the other HGs, she painting a big ole target on her back and has no one else to blame  but herself.


The women in the fatal 5 alliance are getting tired of her emotional outbursts, faux crying and trying to portray herself as a victim.  Now she is turning to the Spy Girls for support?????


Tiffany continues to professs her strength & smarts, but I just don't see it.  This is BB and she really needs to get her emotions under control.  She's starting to remind me of Audry from last year.  She's  playing way too hard  and it's only week 2.


I agree. She really needs to tone down on showing emotions this early in the game and for the reasons she is choosing to play them on. As much as people hate that Vanessa was an emotion disaster last summer, it really helped her game play. Tiffany no doubt knows this and will use it to her advantage, although I agree that this is way to early to be using it in the game. I think she realized it somewhat late last night by agreeing to use the PoV on either Bronte or Paul if she wins. Hopefully she sticks to that plan and tones down the paranoia a bit. I have high hopes for her if she does.  

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On Saturday, July 02, 2016 at 7:21 PM, Everest said:


I agree. She really needs to tone down on showing emotions this early in the game and for the reasons she is choosing to play them on. As much as people hate that Vanessa was an emotion disaster last summer, it really helped her game play. Tiffany no doubt knows this and will use it to her advantage, although I agree that this is way to early to be using it in the game. I think she realized it somewhat late last night by agreeing to use the PoV on either Bronte or Paul if she wins. Hopefully she sticks to that plan and tones down the paranoia a bit. I have high hopes for her if she does.  



I think that Tiffany's main problem right now is that she is spreading herself too thin  by trying to get information from too many people.  


Tiffany attributes Vanesa's loss last year to disloyalty among her alliance that's why she keeps going off on Frank.  But Steve was never really disloyal to Vanessa, he knew that he probably could not win against Vanessa, which is why Steve chose Liz.


It seems to me that the Russo sisters expect 100% loyalty from their alliance members even if it damages those hg's game.

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1 hour ago, BBLover4ever said:

I think she will be voted out this week instead of Victor. 


All it takes is 6 votes the 4 Fatal 5  (Nicole, DaVonne, Zakiyah & Michelle) votes + Frank, James, and/or Paul.  Paulie would be pissed off, but he'd get over it because even he can see what a mess she is.  Frank could probably even talk Corey & Bridgette into voting her out.  All it would take is another freak-out & crying meltdown.

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Paulie has been a staunch Tiffany defender whenever questions come up about her temperment.  But now that Frank spilled the beans to Paulie about the 8pk alliance, he only seemed to be concerned about whether Tiffany was in the room when the group formed.  I get the feeling that Paulie may start to question his trust in Tiffany going forward.

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Could just be that I don't care for her and didn't like her sister's play at all, but IMHO she come across as thinking she's entitled to be there and go far.

All her early paranoia about being back-doored and needing constant reassurance have put the target right between her eye's and I for one don't blame anyone but Tiffany herself.

The others don't want to put up with the instability. Back-stabbing, treachery and lies, they all signed up for, but you can't be successful with any of that playing with someone that unstable. 

Again all just my opinion

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It's looking like the Fatal 5 girls alliance has some life left afterall.  The girls are rallying to keep Tiffany, but at this point it's not clear if they're gonna evict Paul or Bronte on Thursday night.  I really hope that they don't change their minds or get influenced by the boys.  the girls are on board and so is James.  I just hope that the weak links of Nicole & Zakiyah don't get talked out of it by Paulie & Corey.


I don't feel bad for Bronte or Paul because they will have another chance with the Battle Back comp.


I also hope that Tiffany keeps her cool and wins the HOH comp on Thursday.  The look on Frank's face will be priceless and quite entertainng.:D

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Tiffany is crap. Her sister was crap. Glad to see the clones going home. Frank and Tiffany have most successfully destroyed each others game. 


Then they piled on their own game. Frank with the ego that blinded him to how others felt. And Tiff try to convince people she was different from her sister even though she sits starring in rooms with sunglasses on like they don't know she is watching. Din forget tears. Victim, paranoia, and trapping people for information. 

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8 hours ago, BBLover4ever said:

Nicole and Zak have already talked to their boys and have backed out of voting to keep Tiffiany.  Just once I would like Frank not to get his way. Ugh. 


Nicole & Zakiyah were all about having a girl's alliance, now they're much too willing to sacrifice one of their own because their showmance boyfriends are against it.  These girls obviously don't totally uderstand how a "secret girls alliance" works.  I can understand why Nicole may be hesitant to align with girls because of what happened to her with Christine in her season.  But now Nicole is playing  a weak game by aligning her & Corey with Frank & Bridgette.  That very play by Clay & Shelly last year was a very big part of their downfall.


Now I totally understand why DaVonne didn't want to be a 5th wheel in the showmance alliance with Zakiyah & Paulie and Nicole & Corey.

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16 hours ago, Somerandomguy said:

She SUUUCCKS. So boring, whiney and lacking in self awareness. Its not that I want her to go home, I am lost as to how she got here in the first place. 


I agree, except that I DO want her to go home.  I didn't think anyone could have a personality as unattractive as Vanessa, but Tiffany is every bit as nauseating.  Is there another sister?  Listening to three of them would be unbearable torture.  :no:

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I really wanted to like Tiffany, especially after listening to Vanessa on RHAP.  But Tiffany came on much too strong the first couple of weeks and the fighting with Frank didn't help.  Since James & DaVonne both played with Vanessa they're both cautious when they see Tiffany behaving the way that Vanessa did.  They know that Tiffany is smart & calculating and it scares them, but they seem willing to give her a chance.


Paulie, however, is 100% convinced that Tiffany is Vanessa 2.0.  When Tiffany gets overly emotional Paulie sees Vanessa.  Nicole & Corey are clearly afraid and intimidated by Tiffany.  Michelle does not like how Vanessa played last year and she' s transferring that to Tiffany this year.  Initially Michelle was close to Tiffany, but then she starting isolating  Tiffany because she saw Nicole  & Zakiyah doing it.  (Not a good look ladies - kinda  mean Girls ish).


But Tiffany kinda brought it on herself by over-reacting to any info that the other HGs told her about herself.  The constant sulking and sunglasses indoors at night made the other HGs uncomfortable and more suspicious of her.  DaVonne & Michelle tried to help her but then Tiffany started isolating herself.


I think what really hurt Tiffany's relatinship with Paulie was when Frank outted the 8 Pack alliance and Tiffany didn't tell Paulie about it beforehand.  Tiffany trusted the 8 pack alliance, but they kept her to get Frank out.  When that plan failed, they turned on her.  I understand why Tiffany feels so betrayed because in her mind she was loyal to them and they treated her like crap.

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Tiffany just lost the veto comp, and Corey won and nowTiffany is blowing up the fatal 5 girls Alliance to Frank & Paul. She plans on naming DaVonne as the replacement  nominee if Corey uses the veto on himself.


For some reason??? Tiffany is blaming DaVonne for screwing up her game from the first day.  (Apparently DaVonne made a seret F2deal with Tifffany the first few days in the house and now Tiffany feels extremely betrayed when she discovered that DaVonne had made other F2 deals with Frank  & Nicole.  Tiffany obviously felt that DaVonne was the one person in the house that she could trust 100%)


Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned...And Tiffany is definitely PISSED at DaVonne.  Tiffany also threw Zakiyah under the bus by telling Frank that Z was responsible for all the girls targeting Frank.  WTH!!! Nobody in their right mind would believe that Z has that kind of power or influence in this BB house.


Personally, I feel sorry for DaVonne because I think she did the best she could in dealing with all the drama that is Tiffany Russo.  DaVonne never shunned Tiffany like the other girls did because she would talk to Tiffany when the others would always run away.  DaVonne was honest with Tiffany about her emotional outbursts and  how it made the other HGs uncomfortable.  But Tiffany is a grown ass woman and 100% responsible for her own behavior and interactions in the BB house. 


Tiffany is a sore loser and she's taking it all out on DaVonne, which I think is quite unfair.

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