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If I Were Vanessa And You Were Steve


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If I were Vanessa and said "Steve, now that we have told Liz that we were taking each other to the Final 2, I would rather not be stressed out about the final HOH competition.  Just between me and you,  I am gonna throw Part 3 to you.  I know that you would not be a Grade A scumbag and change your mind and take Liz because you have already told her and me that you are taking me to the Final 2.  I will do this is to prove that I love you and trust you completely. This will also give you an added incentive to do the right thing and keep your word.  Because you know that your word is everything and you know how I feel about liars. I have never lied to you and never will. So how do you feel about this, Steve? "



P.S.  Little does Steve knows that Vanessa has already gotten Liz to promise to vote for her if Steve takes Vanessa instead of Liz. She has already gotten Julia's promise to vote for her, too.  She could probably count on Shelli, Jackie, James and Meg to also vote for her.  If this works, she will not have to scumbag Steve by evicting him, nor would she have to evict Liz and lose the twin's votes. Do you think that her little scheme will work?

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If I were Vanessa and said "Steve, now that we have told Liz that we were taking each other to the Final 2, I would rather not be stressed out about the final HOH competition.  Just between me and you,  I am gonna throw Part 3 to you.  I know that you would not be a Grade A scumbag and change your mind and take Liz because you have already told her and me that you are taking me to the Final 2.  I will do this is to prove that I love you and trust you completely. This will also give you an added incentive to do the right thing and keep your word.  Because you know that your word is everything and you know how I feel about liars. I have never lied to you and never will. So how do you feel about this, Steve? "



P.S.  Little does Steve knows that Vanessa has already gotten Liz to promise to vote for her if Steve takes Vanessa instead of Liz. She has already gotten Julia's promise to vote for her, too.  She could probably count on Shelli, Jackie, James and Meg to also vote for her.  If this works, she will not have to scumbag Steve by evicting him, nor would she have to evict Liz and lose the twin's votes. Do you think that her little scheme will work?

Hopefully Steve's response to that will be, "Of course Vanessa, I've never lied to you either. Thank you for being such a wonderful mentor (cough!) to me. I'm number 2 to your number 1. Since the beginning!"  


Then win the comp handily and evict her.  :)  (because of course, Vanessa certainly would not throw it, and if she won, would take Liz)


I actually think Steve is too excited to vote her out to change his mind at the last minute. And he sure as hell wouldn't buy that line of crap.  He's also convinced that he would lose to her and probably beat Liz. I really can't figure out how the jury will vote. 


I think of the F5, if Austin (barf) had made it to F2, he may be the only one to be a shoe in, because he would surely take Liz.



Don't have to wonder and speculate much longer! :)

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LOL, Steve may be convinced that he would lose to her, but she is definitely not so sure.  Only 4 more hours left!  I will be so glad when this is over. :lol:

Totally agree!

Until just a few minutes ago, I believed Vanessa would take Liz.  Now I think, that she thinks she needs Liz in jury for those 3 votes she wouldn't have if sitting next to Liz. 


Then again, her chances are better against Liz even without those 3 votes... right?


Oh man. So confused. LOL

Now I want Vanessa to win part 3 just to see what she would do!  

Not really not really!!  I still want Steve to win the comp simply because I think him evicting Vanessa would be delicious TV.  :)

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I don't know, and I hate to say it, but Vanessa may have thrown that comp anyway.  I think that she would never admit it though. That would make her seem totally stupid since she did not know Steve as well as she thought she did.  However, playing the percentages, she may reasoned that Steve taking her was her best option to win first place.  She probably thought that he wouldn't have the nerve to evict her, after all that she did for him and all the promises that they made to each other.  But, it just seems really strange to me that Vanessa would have thought that JMac would have said that the best thing about being in the house was getting ripped instead of not having to drill people's teeth.  Especially when JMac did not brag about his physique or seemed particularly proud of his body this summer.  I  heard him say several times about how skinny he was and how much he was enjoying his vacation from dental work. Was anyone else aware of JMac stating that he was trying to get ripped?  Maybe Vanessa couldn't stand the thought of coming in second and adopted the position that it was either all or nothing.  After the way it turned out, she would never admit it.  


And it goes without saying, I could be entirely wrong.  :dontgetit:

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Those questions are a crap shoot. I would have guessed the answer she did. No way she threw it.

I hate that they use those questions at that point in the game. I would not have a problem if they used comments that players made during conversations in the game. However, asking the questions after the player leaves the game, lessens the chance that the player will give an authentic answer. In the case of Jmac, I would have guessed he would say that the best part of the summer was not having to drill people's teeth. However, I would never have guess that he would say that the best part was not having to drill peoples "nasty" teeth. He's a practicing dentist. Under normal circumstances, in which he knows a large number of his patients are watching, I don't think he would ever use the descriptor "nasty" to describe his patients teeth. 

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I hate that they use those questions at that point in the game. I would not have a problem if they used comments that players made during conversations in the game. However, asking the questions after the player leaves the game, lessens the chance that the player will give an authentic answer. In the case of Jmac, I would have guessed he would say that the best part of the summer was not having to drill people's teeth. However, I would never have guess that he would say that the best part was not having to drill peoples "nasty" teeth. He's a practicing dentist. Under normal circumstances, in which he knows a large number of his patients are watching, I don't think he would ever use the descriptor "nasty" to describe his patients teeth. 

I have to agree!  But when you consider the alternative, it still makes more sense.  Not to beat a dead horse, but I would really like to know if anyone on the feeds or BBAD ever heard JMac say anything about trying to build up his body or to get ripped?  I know that he occasionally exercised with Austin, but I do not recall him going around the house flexing his muscles, going shirtless, bragging about a six-pack or trying to get one.


Remember the answer was "getting ripped. LOOK AT ME !"   Why would Vanessa choose that answer over the obvious? 


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JMac was my favorite and my guess was, getting ripped, Look at me!

I didn't think he would say "nasty teeth", and thought maybe once off camera, he had some time to admire the fruit of his workout labors over the summer  :)

Afterwards, i figured he used those words to throw off one or both of them off, and that's exactly what he will tell his patients and local media, I assume.  

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