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Saturday, September 19 2015 Big Bother 17 Live Feed Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !


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Remember your time zones. Big Brother USA Time is Pacific Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. http://www.mortystv.com/images/bb17/bb17castquide.pdf


Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:


Activities of Daily Living = ADLs

Battle of the Block = BotB

Back Yard = BY

Bedroom = BR

Cabana Room Lounge = CRL

Comic Book/Colorful Room = CBR

Da'Vonne = da

Dining Table = DT

Have-Not Room = HNR

Head of House Room = HOHR

Kitchen = KT

Indoor Lock Down = ILD

Living Room = LR

Ocean / Grey Bedroom = OBR

Outdoor Lock Down = OLD

Storage Room = SR

Washroom Area = WA

Water Closet = WC


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On the Live feed right now Liz is crying and I really don't know why she is it's Sept 19th 3:44am St. LOUIS MO (Central time) Does anyone know why she is crying? She keeps saying "I am so stupid" and BB KEEPS zooming in on her right hand?? Her hand looks really beat up!

Ok it's 3:53am 9-19-15 Liz has stopped crying in the kitchen and is making what looks like meat patty mixture!

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 1:51 am BBT There has not been too much going on in the BB house. Liz was in the DR from 12:00 am to 1:00 am while Steve sat at the KT table and played with the blocks. Vanessa has been in bed sleeping. When Liz came out of the DR at 1:00 am BBT Steve was called into the DR. Liz pored herself a glass of wine while she made turkey burgers and cried (and kept saying Julia I am sorry). While waiting for the turkey burgers to cook, Liz did some cleaning in the KT and ate some salad that was prepared in the fridge.  

 2:00 am BBT Liz is in the WA washing her face and brushing her teeth. Steve is still in the DR and Vanessa is sleeping.

 2:03 am BBT Liz is done in the WA and back in the KT. Steve is out of the DR and is back at the KT table. He told Liz that he is building a house with the blocks. He wants to build something that is completely suspended in mid air. Liz told Steve that she looks forward to seeing his house built in the morning and then she heads to the BR to get into bed.  

 2:06 am BBT Steve is filling a bowl up with water while singing and BB told him to please stop singing. Steve took the bowl of water to the table and placed it on top of the blocks that he has already built up. Steve started singing again so BB called him out on it again.

 2:11 am BBT Steve is filling a water bottle back up with water to pour in another bowl he has sitting on his blocks. He said if it tips it will be bad because it will be a huge mess. It did tip and water spilled everywhere as Liz walked back in laughing. Steve said that it was an epic fail, he took a risk with water and lost. Steve is glad that it is so funny to Liz. Now Steve needs to figure out how to best clean it up. Steve is telling Liz that he has to give up on building the house. Liz told him not to give up and do it again. Steve is going to put sneakers on so he does not get his socks wet. Liz is going to bed now.

 2:15 am BBT Steve is back in the KT cleaning up his mess. Steve told us that he knew a mess was coming when he started doing it, but he kept doing it anyway. He is throwing away all of the candy that got wet on the table. Steve told us that he really should have known better and why the intelligent person in him would do that.

 2:26 am BBT Steve said that he is going to let the rest of the mess air dry and said cleaning that mess up was more work than the comp. He poured himself some soda and grabbed some chips and is walking around the house eating them.  

 2:30 am BBT Steve is done eating chips and went into the WA to brush his teeth and wash his face. After he was done, he went into the DR and we get FotH.

 2:34 am BBT Feeds are back and Steve is in the CBR changing his clothes, then he went back into the WA to wash his face again and now he is crawling into bed.

 2:40 am BBT Looks like that’s it folks. The lights are out in the BB house and all three of the house guests are in bed. We will be back to updating in the morning!

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10:07am BBT: Steve is up walking around the house and goes to the WA to do ADL's . Liz and vanessa are in bed sleeping. BB calls vanessa to the DR she gets up and head to the DR.


 10:09am BBT: Steve goes back to bed and Vanessa gets a box of cereal and gets her shoes and goes to the KT.


10:14am BBT: Vanessa in the KT eating a bowl od Cinnamon Toast crunch for breakfast . She then goes to the LVR to sit and eat.


 10:20am BBT: Vanessa has finished eating her cereal and is washing dishes now, she then heads back to the OBR and takes Advil then goes back to bed.


10:45am BBT: All HG snug in their beds sleeping.

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11:02am BBT: Vanessa is up and goes to the WC. Liz and Steve still in bed sleeping.


11:09am BBT: Vanessa is now out of the WC and washes her hands then heads back to bed.


11:40am BBT: All is quiet in the Bb house as the Hg are still in bed sleeping.

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1:15pm BBT: HG still sleeping and Steve is snuggling with his teddy bear.


1:27pm BBT: Steve is now up and goes to the LVR scratching his butt then to the KT for a bowl of cereal.


1:41pm BBT: Liz is now up in the KT then heads to the WC. Vanessa still sleeping.


1:44pm BBT: Liz out of the WC and now brushing her teeth.


1:48pm BBT: Liz and Steve in the WA  and they run to the KT saying yay it is open then Liz goes back to doing ADL's in the Wa.


1:54pm BBT: Liz is brushing her hair to go to the DR and Steve is heading out to the BY to do laundry. Vanessa is still asleep.


 1:58pm BBT: Liz is now i9n the DR and steve is in the BY starting laundry. 

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2:05pm BBT: Steve is walking around the BY picking up weights and talking to himself he then takes weights inside the house takes his jacket off and goes to the table to play with the Lincoln  logs.


2:08pm BBT: Liz walks outside and says yeah it is hot out there then goes inside to get a swim suit then goes to the Wc to change.


2:11pm BBT: Vanessa is now up and in the WA doing ADL's. Steve is using the weights on the Lincoln logs at the KT table and then says he might can use a dumbbell and see how that works. He goes out to get one and Liz goes to the Wa with Vanessa.


2:18pm BBT: Steve goes out to get more weights to build with then tells Liz he is waiting for the weight to cool down cause it is very hot. Liz is cleaning the KT as Vanessa is in the Wa doing ADL's.


 2:20pm BBT: Steve adds more weights to the logs and says he is probably putting more stress on there than he needs so he will stand to the side just in case.


2:23pm BBT: Steve says this is not wavering at all this is more what i needed and Liz says it is better to be safe than sorry.


2:24pm BBT: Steve says suspended house mission complete. Liz says she does not like the top, part at all and Steve is redoing it now.


 2:28pm BBT: Steve ask Liz how it looks now and she says that is better and he tells her 55 pounds of weights is all it took suspended house complete.


2:31pm BBT: Steve is now taking his suspended house apart and says he can move on to something new now. He then goes to the BY to put the weights back up.


2:35pm BBT: Liz making  herself something to eat in the KT and Steve comes in and starts making himself something to eat. Liz says could you imagine if Vanessa had fallen in the first round can you imagine Vanessa playing in that comp yesterday and Steve says no.


 2:36pm BBT: Liz says it was so cruel that crazy crossword puzzle. Steve says it was fun and Liz agrees it was fun.


2:40pm BBT: Steve and Liz talking about past comps they played in and Vanessa comes out of the Dr and says she is so out of it and Liz says she is making her an omelette. Steve says you are not making me one , Liz says you do not like what i out in the omelettes.


2:43pm BBt: Vanessa is now in the BY laying on the round lounger in the sun. Steve and Liz still cooking in the KT.


2:46pm BBT: Steve is switching laundry then goes inside and says his sweat pants have less red in them now after washing them. Liz is pouring herself a cup of coffee and finishing  up cooking the omelettes.


2:56pm BBt: Steve says can i say something weird? He says i am trying to picture our families being in this house isn't that weird? Vanessa says they will not be in this house and Steve says yeah they will finale night. Vanessa and Liz  are now eating breakfast at the KT table. Steve is going to wash dishes.

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3:08pm BBT: Liz and Vanessa eating and Steve washing dishes just general talk going on about clothes and dishes.


3:10pm BBT: Steve says help me please i am stuck in a house with all women please help now if they was both straight and single i would be ok but they are not.


3:20pm BBT: General talk going on at the KT table with Steve, Vanessa and Liz.


 3:37pm BBT: Liz says they weighted them yesterday before the comp and  she says i am so disgusted with myself i need to work out and lose weight. Vanessa ask how much you weight? Liz says i do not even want to say. Liz says she weights 140 and Vanessa says she is 133 and Steve laughs and says  he is 170.


 3:33pm BBT: Liz is washing her dishes and Steve is walking around the KT they are talking general talk. Vanessa goes to the OBR and goes back to bed.


3:48pm BT: Liz is sitting in the BY with her feet in the hot tun. Vanessa in bed sleeping and Steve pacing in the CBR.


3:57pm BBT: Steve is headed to the WA to change clothes and put his shoes on. Liz is back at the hot tub with her feet in the water sitting alone.

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4:02pm BBT: Steve now has swim trunks on and heads to the BY and gets Gatorade from the BY fridge then walks around drinking it.


 4:10pm BBT: Steve is eating a lemon in the KT while Liz is making a snack.Vanessa is in bed sleeping.


 4:11pm BBT: Bb comes on and says remember Hg if you win the 500,000.00 prize you will never have to eat peanut butter again. Steve says i love you PW and BB says you are not allowed to talk about production and Liz says  you mean slop. Steve and Liz talk about eating peanut butter and  Bb says you have got to be kidding me. Liz and Steve laugh.


4:19pm BBT: Steve and Liz in the WA talking about how hard the comp was lastnight .


4:22pm Liz and Steve now in the OBR with Vanessa talking about Steve having a little booty, he ask Vanessa if she wants to touch it and she says no i do not want to touch your booty. Liz says she just wants to sleep till Wednesday cause she is so bored and it is to hot to be outside.


4:32pm BBT: Hg in the OBr just sitting and laying around. Bb has opened the By up but no one is going out of the BR.


 4:36pm BBT: Steve in the BY now  trying to get the elliptical to work. he says it is not plugged in and plugs it in then gets on and starts his workout.


4:47pm BBT: Steve gets off the elliptical and gets a drink then restarts the washer, he goes in the house and gets a paper towel to wipe the sweat off his face. Liz and Vanessa are in bed ion the OBR asleep.


 4:54pm BBT: Steve is walking around the BY doing laundry and talking to himself about the red coming out of his clothes and the goop coming out.


4:56pm BBT: BB calls Vanessa to the DR. Steve in the BY talking and says even the pool table is red, Everything is red i do not get why you had to do the red cause the food coloring did not change the competition it was just a pain in the butt.

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6:00 PM BBT By the jacuzzi in the BY, Steve & Liz are talking about Johnny Mac leaving & Liz' goodbye message to him. She says, she said, "Goodbye Rockstar," in the goodbye message. Steve tells Liz why he had to put her & Austin up. He says, he had to keep the person least likely to win the Veto off the block. Liz says, she figured that out. Liz tells Steve if he gets to final 2, that he can say he took out a twin, because no one had the balls to. Steve says, that's true.


6:03 PM BBT Steve tells Liz that he didn't go after the twins until he had no other choice. He says, you can't take a solid three person group like that to the final 5, unless you are in that group. Liz says, "100%." Liz says, Johnny Mac should have told Austin that he was going to vote for Steve. Steve says, Vanessa did the same thing. Liz says, Vanessa wasn't close to Austin like the two of them were.


6:04 PM BBT Steve says, he would like for his fame when he gets out of here to be a voice for BB. Steve tells Liz that Derek is writing for Big Brother Network. Steve says, that's what he would like to do. He wants to be involved in the community doing You Tube Videos, Blogs, etc. Liz asks what else Derek is doing? Steve says, he's not doing anything else, because he didn't want the fame.


6:06 PM BBT Steve tells Liz that he really didn't think he was going to even get casted for BB. He says, they only sent the video crew & they sent the videos in. Liz tells him, that's insane & he's really lucky. Steve says, he knows. Liz tells him, she thinks he can win this season. Steve says, he sent a video in to BB in December & didn't hear anything. So, he went to the Open Casting Call where they sent the videos in. Steve says, he got a call from C C who works for R K. BB tells them, "You are not allowed to talk about production." Steve says, he didn't meet C C until the spaceship. Liz says, she loves C C, she can't believe he knows him. We see FOTH.


6:09 PM BBT Liz tells Steve that she was advised not to drop her pieces because they could get a time penalty. We see FOTH briefly. Liz says, she deliberately dropped her pieces & she didn't get the time penalty. Liz says, the set for yesterday's comp was huge. She wonders how it fit in the BY. Steve says, there are some good people in production. Liz & Steve both say yesterday's comp was phenomenal. Liz wants to redo the comp just for fun. Steve says, with different clues though.


6:11 PM BBT Liz & Steve go over some of the clues & answers from yesterday's comp. Vanessa is sleeping in the OBR, with her brown beanie pulled down over her eyes. Liz says, she had no idea what Bustin' Moves was. She says, "I feel bad for complaining that I wasn't there, but I had no idea." They talk about last season's comp.


6:13 PM BBT Liz tells Steve that she heard bats when she was doing the comp yesterday. Liz says, she hasn't eaten anything today except an omelet. Steve asks Liz if she's feeling o.k.? Liz says, yes, & she's not really that hungry. Steve says, "And Austin's gone, so no more midnight treats." Liz agrees. Steve says, he has a lot of hair around his nipples. Liz says, "Steveee." Steve says, he's just being observant. He asks Liz if that's bad or good. Liz says, good. They start talking about yesterday's comp again.


6:16 PM BBT Steve says, "The buzzer wasn't actually a buzzer." Liz says, "They're going to ring it for the show." Liz checks the washer & tells Steve his favorite bathing suit is ruined. She says, so is her favorite sports bra & underwear. Steve asks, "You wore your favorite everything for the comp?" Liz wants to wash the clothes again on the Afresh setting on the washer that needs the Afresh tablets to clean the washer, not wash the clothes. Steve tells her that you needs the tablets, but she says, no.


6:18 PM BBT Steve goes to the WA to change his clothes. Liz goes in the WA & then goes in the WC when Steve is finised. There is a huge dirt spot on the turquoise rug, with two other spots near it. Steve washes his face & brushes his hair. Liz comes out of the WC, tells Steve he left a pair of shorts in there, & she walks out, without washing her hands. Steve thanks her, gets his shorts out of the WC, & puts his royal blue hoodie on.


6:23 PM BBT Steve puts some deodorant on & cleans his glasses before leaving the WA. He goes to the BY. He tells Liz he thinks he might make his signature dish. Liz says, "HLT." Steve asks her, "Would you care for one?" Liz says, "No," as she begins to play pool by herself. Steve tells her, "I have to put my laundry away first, I'm going to do that." He goes to the WA & gets his shoes, passing a green headband that's on the floor in the dining area. He goes to the OBR & puts his socks & slippers on.


6:26 PM BBT Steve goes to the KT to make his HLT. Liz is still playing pool in the BY, & Vanessa is still sleeping in the OBR. Not a whole lot going on in the BB house at the moment.

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6:30 PM BBT Liz goes in the KT. She looks in the refrigerator. Steve asks her if she can hold it open for her? She does, & Steve thanks her. Liz asks Steve, "Has anyone ever told you that you cut tomatoes weird?" Steve says, it's how he's always cut them. Liz complains that BB knows that they love the ham the most & they give them turkey. Liz goes in the SR & freaks out because they got playing cards. Liz says, she wants to play soo bad. Vanessa gets out of bed, picks the cards up from the DT, looks at them, & says, "Yay." Liz says, they may have mislabeled the ham as turkey breast. She says, she's been using it thinking it was ham. Vanessa goes to the BY to get cold water out of the mini-fridge.


6:34 PM BBT Vanessa goes in the KT. Liz tells her that all of their clothes are ruined & none of the red came out. Vanessa asks if her bra is ruined? Liz says, her bra is dark anyway. Steve is the one that requested the playing cards. Vanessa asks if there is any iced tea? Liz tells her she may want to check the SR. Steve says, he may clean tonight. Vanessa tells him he doesn't need to do that, he just needs to pick up after himself.


6:36 PM BBT Vanessa gets a huge container of powdered instant tea from the SR, & takes it to the KT to make herself a cup. Steve says, he needs to take care of his laundry tonight. He leaves the KT. Vanessa says, she can't wait to play cards tonight. Liz asks what they should play? Steve goes to the SR for something else he needs. Steve says, he only knows how to play Euchre. Steve says, it's usually two teams of two, but it's probably easily adaptable. Vanessa asks if it's like spades? Liz says, she's heard of it.

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6:38 PM BBT They discuss how bad Steve washes dishes. Steve asks if they are going to have guac? Liz says, she's going to use the avocado for her turkey burger. Vanessa wants some salad & really wants to play cards. She tells them to let her know when they are ready. Steve says, he's going to be a little while since he still has to do his laundry & dishes. They continue to make their dinner.


6:40 PM BBT Liz says, she can't believe they got cards, all they had to do was ask for them. Steve says, it's not uncommon to get them at the end of the season. Liz tells Vanessa that there is fresh avocado. Vanessa says, "Nom, nom, nom." The 3 of them continue to talk about Steve doing dishes. Steve sticks his tongue out at Vanessa twice. Liz is sitting at the DT starting to eat.


6:44 PM BBT Vanessa asks "Did anyone get on technotronics today,? as she is eating her salad at the DT. Steve says, "I did, I did a mile." Vanessa asks if that was like 8 minutes? Steve says, he didn't know. Liz asks Vanessa if they gave her another muscle relaxer today? Vanessa says, she can have 3 a day. She says, she never took them before, & she didn't know what they were for. They talk about how a lot of the HG's would leave their dishes for them to wash all the time.


6:46 PM BBT Vanessa says, she is really a neat freak, & had to let it go a long time ago about the cleanliness, or lack thereof in the house. She says, it really bothered her about the dishes because of the ants. Vanessa asks who they thought played the game better, Meg or James. Liz says, socially, Meg, & competitively, James. Vanessa says, if you had to pick one. Liz says, James. Steve says, that's a good question & he doesn't know. Vanessa says, James, because he avoided the blame that she put on Meg. Steve is cleaning up his dishes, & says, he won't get to eat his sandwich for at least 5 minutes. Liz tells him to eat it, or it will be cold. Steve says, no, he's doing the cleaning first. Vanessa goes to they BY.


6:50 PM BBT Steve clanks a glass to make some noise with it. Liz asks Steve if he cleans at home? Steve says, he does because he knows he can't win with his mom. He says, he doesn't win with his dad & he tells him the same things they have been telling him. Vanessa is back at the DT. She explains to Liz & Steve how to play Gin. She says, they don't use a Joker. Liz thanks Steve for taking out the trash. Vanessa has to show Liz how to shuffle cards, because she doesn't know how. Vanessa explains the rules of Gin to Liz & Steve.


6:54 PM BBT Liz asks if you can do the straights with different suits? Vanessa tells her, no, they all have to be in the same suit. Steve wants to know what they want done with the salad. Vanessa says, she wants to put in a baggy, & she will in a few. Steve does it because he doesn't want it to stay out. Vanessa tells Liz that she doesn't want to hold onto high cards that aren't in her groups because the person that gets 20 points for getting Gin, also gets the extra points that are in their hand. She also tells her that she can play her cards on the other person's sets that they lay down.

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7:00 PM BBT Vanessa continues to teach Liz the rules of Gin.


7:03 PM BBT Vanessa & Liz begin a practice round. Steve says, "I like that you get points for going down." Liz says, "Steveee." Liz & Vanessa begin their practice round. Vanessa asks Liz if she knows how to hold her cards all fanned out? Liz says, no. Liz says, "I hear beef cakes."


7:04 PM BBT Liz goes through her cards, & is looking at the bottom of the cards for the numbers instead of the top of the cards.


7:06 PM BBT Vanessa tells Liz to try to remember what she picks up, that way she knows what not to lay down, because she gave her a set already.


7:10 PM BBT Vanessa gets Gin & lays her hand down. She tries to figure out if Liz can use any of her cards on her stacks. Vanessa tells Liz she lost that round, & was holding high cards.


7:12 PM BBT After Vanessa explains everything to Liz, she finally understands. She says, they can start playing for real. She wants to clean her dish first. Liz tells Steve that the KT is soo clean. Steve goes outside to get laundry & take it into the house.

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7:14 PM BBT Liz asks Vanessa if she lost because of her high cards? Vanessa tells her that it was her extra cards that were not in a group. Liz says, "Mind equals blown." Liz says, it's time for champagne. Vanessa says, it may be getting close to time for her next pill, so she will be getting loopy. Steve threw out his sandwich because it got cold. Liz adds orange juice to her champagne. Vanessa thanks Steve for cleaning the KT. Steve makes himself another sandwich. Vanessa says, she's going to teach Steve how to play Gin. He says, O.K. Liz goes to get a jacket on, & says, it's fun & Steve will be good at it.


7:18 PM BBT Liz shuffles the deck of cards at the DT. Vanessa goes to the WC. When she comes out she tells Steve that she can't believe he wasted his food when there are people really starving. They go on about this for a few minutes.


7:20 PM BBT Liz & Vanessa go to the BY to check on the laundry in the washer. Liz throws away her underwear because she says they are disgusting. Liz says, her beautiful sports bra is ruined. Liz doesn't want her shorts. She says, they're ugly. She asks Vanessa if she wants them? Vanessa says, "That's o.k. I like mine, they're the right size." Liz goes in the house & Vanessa follows, carrying her wet laundry.


7:23 PM BBT Liz says, her stuff is probably permanently died. Vanessa says, she has some on her hands to. Liz is sitting at the DT playing with the ends of her hair. Vanessa goes to the KT & tells Steve not to throw away his HLT now. Vanessa sits down with Vanessa & says, they can use a point system. Liz says, they can use the M & M's. Steve takes the cereal to them to use for keeping score. Steve says, "I've went another 2 minutes without getting bit." Liz explains to Vanessa that "getting bit" is getting in trouble for doing something wrong.


7:25 PM BBT Vanessa & Liz start their game of Gin to count for points this time. Liz discards a card before drawing her first card. Vanessa says, "Normally you take a card, & then discard."

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7:27 PM BBT Steve says, "I just remembered what my favorite Beatles song is." Vanessa asks, "What?" Steve says, I just like to do it in the road. (It's actually Why Don't We Do It In The Road.)


7:30 PM BBT Vanessa gets Gin. She gets Liz' 9 extra points. Steve sits down at the DT to eat. Vanessa explains the Gin rules to him.


7:33 PM BBT Vanessa tells Steve & Liz that if she would have put her cards down & her points were less than Liz', Liz would have gotten the 20 points & the extra points from Vanessa as if she got the Gin. Vanessa explains to Steve that he can use some of his cards to play on her group also for points purposes.


7:35 PM BBT Vanessa & Liz start another hand. Steve is watching them play this round.


7:36 PM BBT Vanessa tells Steve that he can sit behind her to learn how to play if he wants to. Steve says, he wants to try & watch without looking for now. Vanessa is drinking champagne while playing the Gin game. Vanessa tells Steve that a lot of people throw out their high cards in the beginning because it's dangerous for points. (Is that so she can get them?)


7:38 PM BBT Steve asks what happens if you run out of cards? Vanessa says, you shuffle the discard pile & keep going.


7:39 PM BBT Vanessa wins another hand, & they are playing to 50 points. Steve asks if he can join in the next hand? Vanessa says, she is almost done to the 50 points, sot they are going to finish. Vanessa tells Steve to watch her & he will learn a lot. Steve asks if it's really about throwing out the cards? Vanessa says, knowing when to go down is very important, because you don't want to go down too early. Steve says, "Mel taught you about that." He stands behind Vanessa to watch what's going on. Steve checks Liz' cards to see what she's holding & then goes back to watch Vanessa. Vanessa tells Liz to throw out her highest non-useful card. She explains why she took a card that Liz layed down. She says, it bridges two of her groups.


7:43 PM BBT Vanessa asks Liz if she remembered the cards she layed down? Liz only remembers one of them. Vanessa has picked up all the cards she layed down.


7:44 PM BBT Liz lays her cards down & wins that hand. Steve calls her kid names & says, now he doesn't get to play.

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7:45 PM BBT Steve tells Liz that he bets Vanessa is going to pick up the card that started this hand, because she likes picking up the high value cards. (Is that why she told them to discard them?) Vanessa asks them if they know how to play Texas Hold'Em? Liz says, "No, but I want to learn again. I know it's fun though." Liz gets upset if Vanessa is collecting 6's, because she says, "It's going to screw me."


7:47 PM BBT Steve asks Vanessa if people usually lay their cards down early, or do they wait for Gin? Vanessa says, most of the time they lay down early. Steve asks if you usually have 11 cards in your hand? Vanessa says, yes.


7:49 PM BBT Steve is watching this hand. He is making noises & comments. Liz lays down first again, & wins with 5 extra points. Steve says, Liz is ruining the cards because she's bending them when she shuffles them. Vanessa tells Liz to treat the cards like they are babies. Liz asks, "Like Steve?" Vanessa tells Steve she knows what he can do while he waits to play. Steve asks, "Clean something?" Vanessa looks at his plate. Steve says, he left a piece of sandwich on there on purpose so the plate is still in use. Steve tries to shuffle the cards & deals them for the girls. He says, he doesn't know why he did that. He starts to eat the M & M's they are using to keep score.


7:53 PM BBT Vanessa says, she's really happy that they got cards. She says, "I can literally do this for hours." She says, her neck hurts & she might need to take some Advil.


7:55 PM BBT Vanessa & Liz finish their game. Steve sits across from Liz to start a game with her. Vanessa tells them, "She's glad her game is a hit with you guys." Liz says, "It is."

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8:00 PM BBT Vanessa gets in the shower in the WA. Liz says, "Gin Rummy," & lays down her cards. She goes to ask Vanessa what points she gets. Steve tells her she just got 40 points. He says, this game is over & it hasn't even started yet. Liz laughs, screams & says, "Thank you." Steve says, "That was quick, I'm already getting annihilated." Liz goes to the BY to get some water out of the mini-fridge, & comes back to play another hand with Steve.


8:04 PM BBT Liz tells Steve she needs to get her life & find her momma. They begin to play the next hand.


8:08 PM BBT Steve lays his cards down & gets 4 points that hand.


8:09 PM BBT Steve is really excited that he did something & scored some points. Liz wants to shuffle the cards another time. She says, "Because I suck." Steve says, "At camping." Steve thinks he's crossing the line tonight. Liz says, "That's not crossing the line, because I know I don't suck at camping." Steve says, "We have to see what Austin has to say." Liz says, "He better not say anything." Vanessa yells to them & asks who's winning? Liz says, "I am with 40 points, & Steve has 4." They begin the next hand.


8:14 PM BBT Liz lays her cards down & beats Steve. She yells to Vanessa to tell her that. Vanessa is brushing her teeth in the WA. Steve & Liz start another game of Gin. They both say they have rotten hands.


8:17 PM BBT Vanessa walks through the dining area. Steve says, "Liz is soo boring at how bad she is doing." He says, that jokingly for Vanessa to hear.


8:18 PM BBT Vanessa goes behind Steve. She asks if he's left-handed? Steve says, "No." Vanessa says, "It's weird that you went the opposite way." (With how he's holding his cards.) She stays behind him to watch them play.


8:20 PM BBT Vanessa says, she can't believe that she has pink hair. She opens the back sliding door & comments how nice it is. She says, she's going to do her laundry tomorrow. She tells them, she's going to take a nap to rest her neck for a little while. Liz asks if they can play Gin with 3 people? Vanessa says, she thinks it's for two people, but they may be able to play with three. She goes to the OBR, lays down & puts her ice pack under her neck. She covers up & pulls her brown beanie over her eyes.\


8:23 PM BBT Steve is now holding 12 cards, instead of 11. He says, he made a "Boo boo." He tells Liz he needs to discard two cards now. He discards the two cards, & calls Gin Rummy. Steve gets 20 plus 2 extra points of Liz'. Liz tells him, "Let's not do that again, Steve." Steve says, "I clearly f'd up & that was my error." Liz gets up to get more champagne. She says, "What the hell, that's all we have left." Liz sits back down with her champagne & Steve deals the cards for their next hand.


8:26 PM BBT Steve gets up to put a hot patch on the back of his neck. Liz asks if she goes first this hand? Steve says, he dealt, so she goes first. He sits down at the DT to continue their game.

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8:32 PM BBT Liz lays her cards down. Steve says, he said too much. Steve thinks Liz gets 59 points, but she didn't get Gin Rummy. Steve says, then she gets 39 points. Steve was waiting on a jack. He says, Liz wouldn't have put her cards down if he wasn't talking soo much. Liz says, she wouldn't have. Liz says, she hears the beef cakes, they are being soo loud. She tells Steve how she saw one of them laying on the roof today. BB says, "You are not allowed to talk about production." Liz says, she is so retarded at shuffling the cards. She says, "Sorry, can't use that word." She says, she sucks when shuffling. She shuffles good on the next try.


8:35 PM BBT They start their next hand.

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8:37 PM BBT Liz says, "I'm going to fold." Steve says, she's probably going to get a lot of points again. Liz gets 26 points. She says, "At least I can beat you in cards." Steve says, "And in Jenga." Liz says, "Yes."


8:38 PM BBT Liz asks Steve if he likes this game? Steve says, "No, because I'm losing." Liz tells him he got 22 points on the one hand. They start their next hand. They keep shouting out to Jace on Twitter.


8:39 PM BBT Steve tells Liz that each of the pre-jurors will get a generic question about what surprised them the most.


8:42 PM BBT Liz tells Steve she messed up. Steve says, "We're both sucking real bad so it's o.k." Liz stands up to pull her shorts down some.


8:45 PM BBT Steve lays a 2 down that Liz says is very helpful to her. Liz calls the hand. Liz gets 20 points. Steve says, "You're winning, & I don't like it." Steve says, "I'll be right back." He goes to the KT to get a bowl & spoon. He takes it to the SR to get some ice cream. Liz deals the next round of cards.


8:49 PM BBT Steve sits back at the DT with his ice cream & they begin to play the next hand.

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8:53 PM BBT Steve lays his cards down & gets 2 points. Liz says, he did good & she's going to get ice cream. She gets her bowl & spoon. She uses her fingernail to scrap something off the inside of an orange bowl & then she smells it. She keep walking with it. She goes to the SR to get some ice cream. Steve shuffles the cards & deals the next round. Liz leaves the SR & goes back to the DT. Vanessa is still sleeping in the OBR.


8:56 PM BBT Steve tells Liz that Steve always ate his treats at midnight. Liz says, his dinner treats were always earlier though. They begin the next hand. Steve says, he likes the heat pack on his neck. He says, "I'm a fan."


8:59 PM BBT Vanessa gets up. Liz lays her cards down. Steve tells Liz she gets 4 points. Liz tells Steve, "You held your own finally." Steve says, "That was my deal, so this is your deal." Liz tells Vanessa to come look at their scores. Vanessa goes to the dining area & looks. Vanessa asks Steve if he's trying his best? Steve says, he's trying different strategies. Liz says, Steve is holding on to higher cards & giving her the lower numbers, so she is winning. Vanessa asks if they want to learn Texas Hold'Em? Steve says, "One card game." Vanessa says, "O.K., Gin for tonight, & we'll play Texas Hold'Em tomorrow."


9:02 PM BBT They begin their next hand. Vanessa stands in the KT, wearing her black satin pajamas. She tells Steve she's enjoying her peanut butter right now. She's eating it off a spoon. She tells him, "I'm incapable of thinking." Steve says, she'll never have to eat peanut butter again if she wins the half a million. (If he only knew.) Vanessa says, she sees a spider. She washes her spoon off. She asks, "Will somebody come kill this spider?" Steve says, "I'll be right there." She says, "It's bizarrely hanging in limbo." Steve kills it & throws it away. Vanessa thanks him.


9:06 PM BBT As Steve & Liz are playing, Vanessa goes behind Steve to show him what to do. She tells him he's in card playing school right now. She says, he's not a card player yet. Vanessa whispers in his right ear. She tells her not to do that because it affects him. He tells her not to tell him again, not so closely. Vanessa goes to help Liz. She turns Liz' cards the right way. Liz was still holding them upside down. Liz says, she can see them better now.


9:08 PM BBT Vanessa shows Liz what she has in her hand. Liz didn't see it. Vanessa tells Steve he would have won if he put his cards down earlier. Steve says, "I want more points." He gets rid of the card he wants to get rid of. Vanessa says, she didn't think of it that way. Steve says, "Thank you, Duke." Steve says, "She calls me Cornell sometimes." Vanessa goes back to look at Liz' hand. Vanessa says, "Good," after she discards. She goes to look at Steve's cards. Liz lays her cards down. This hand is done.

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9:12 PM BBT Liz says, "Damn, I dealt, but you went first last time, screw you." They begin their next hand. Vanessa goes to the WC & then washes & dries her hands. She goes back to the dining area. Liz tells her that Meg couldn't handle James whispering in her ears either. She says, it drove her crazy. Liz says, it gives her goose bumps. Vanessa tells Steve that he's holding his cards weird also. Liz says, she was holding her wrong again also. She changes the position of her cards. Vanessa helps them both.


9:15 PM BBT Vanessa goes back to the OBR & then goes back to the dining area. Liz folded & wins that hand. Vanessa says, "She's still kicking your ass." Steve says, "No, she's not. I don't know what you're referring to." Liz says, "We can't beat him in Sling Band, but we can beat him in Gin." Vanessa wants to do a magic trick for them before she goes to bed.


9:18 PM BBT Liz asks Vanessa how she learned a magic trick? Vanessa says, "Because I have skills you don't even know about." Vanessa says, she's going to read Liz' eyes. Steve says, she's not reading her at all, by the way. Vanessa tells Steve that's going to piss her off. Vanessa gets down to the 4 & 5 of hearts. She figures out that it's the 5 of hearts, & it was her card. Liz wants to know how she knew. Steve wants to know also. Vanessa says, she knows a couple more tricks she'll show them tomorrow. Vanessa tells Steve that she has talents he doesn't even know about. Steve says, "In bed."


9:23 PM BBT Vanessa tells them that her dad is a magician & taught her some things. She says, he used to tour Brazil to do magic. She says, she's such a dork. Vanessa is walking around drinking some more champagne, as Liz & Steve start another hand.


9:24 PM BBT Liz talks about a shirt that one of the beef cakes had on yesterday that said, "Not today Satin." Steve says, "I'm going to take a risk," & lays his cards down. Steve wins that hand. He says, "I did something right, Yay." Liz says, "You took a gamble & won." Vanessa says, "You hate gambles, but calculated gambles work in your favor." Vanessa says, "One good game can end the game." Steve talks to Vanessa about playing off of Liz' cards.

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9:30 PM BBT They finish this round. Vanessa tells them they are quick little learners. Steve goes to the SR to get more ice cream. He's going to use the same spoon he just ate with to get more ice cream. Liz says, she's obsessed & could play this all night. Vanessa says, just wait until she shows her more games. She asks Vanessa if she likes playing Texas Hold'Em? Vanessa says, "Yeah." Liz asks if she plays that at the casinos? Vanessa says, "Yeah." Vanessa tells Liz to be delicate with the cards, she's already got them bent in half. Vanessa talks to her in another language. Steve goes back to the DT with more ice cream.


9:33 PM BBT Steve & Liz start their next hand of Gin.


9:34 PM BBT Vanessa tells Liz that Austin will like that she likes card. She says, that means she'll like Poker, & he likes Poker, so they can go to the Casino together. Liz says, she wants to drink at the Casinos. Liz looks at her cards upside down again. Liz tells Steve what she picked up of his. She taps her finger nails on the DT & her wrist, & keeps doing that. Vanessa goes to the OBR & gets back in bed.


9:38 PM BBT Liz lays her cards down. Steve says, she got him badly. Liz gets 16 points that round. Steve says, he needs to be more of a risk taker. Liz says, she knows. Steve says, that's his problem. Steve tells Liz jokingly, "You're soo bad at this, I needs some decent competition." Liz goes to the BY to get more water from the mini-fridge. She comes back to the dining area, drops her mouth, points toward the wall behind Steve, & says, "I just heard you." Steve says, "Bless you." Liz says, "She didn't sneeze, she was just laughing." Liz sits down at the DT to start the next hand.

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