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Steve Moses (Final Three) - HoH Part 2 winner, Part 3 winner, SEASON WINNER


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Nope, but I am not buying the little boy lost routine.  I can't really feel sorry for Steve. I don't think those excerpts are an indication that he "threw" the competition.  I think, instead, they indicate that he tried to win but maybe didn't try as hard as he could have. He is kicking himself for not trying harder because he feels that he could have won if he had exerted more effort. All the crying is just for show. It is his way of making his mother feel bad for him, so that she will be more forgiving. All the teddy hugging reminds his mother that he is still her baby and she won't be as angry with him in the event that he loses this game. He wanted to be the one to evict Vanessa, but if he couldn't then he had hoped that JMac would win the veto so that he could take out Vanessa for him. When Vanessa won, he realized that his big plan to evict her was blown,  He feels really bad about that. He feels that he let his mother down. He sounds like he knows Vanessa will evict JMac. And he had hoped that JMac would stay. Now he is under extra stress to win the final HOH, because he is unsure if either Liz or Vanessa would take him to F2 if she wins.  He realizes that even if Vanessa does take him to the F2, he has no argument that he could use to negate her myriad accomplishments.  Even his "breaking up the twins" was outshined by Vanessa's "breaking up the showmance."  He feels that he cannot beat her. He is not buying her "all the jury hates me" mantra. He believes the jury will appreciate her gamesmanship.


This is my take on it, I could easily be wrong.

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Even with Liz having 2 sure votes, if he wins final HOH and gets to chose, then I think he would win the game. Liz did win HOHs but she was carried through the game, never making her own decisions.

I agree. I think if he evicts Vanessa, he should be able to get the 4 votes needed to win. It has been so long since liz did anything in the game, I don't see any way she could get more than 2 votes. 

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Well he can make the argument that he broke up the Austwins first by putting up Liztin then put up the twins when Autin won the POV which led to one of the twins leaving, Then he can say not only did he win the final HOH but he did something nobody else could do and that's evict Vanessa.

On the other hand Liz could argue she had to start the game playing at a disadvantage by having to switch with her twin and not only did she make it past the 5th evictition but was able to make it to F2 due to her social skills but winning comps.

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I agree. I think if he evicts Vanessa, he should be able to get the 4 votes needed to win. It has been so long since liz did anything in the game, I don't see any way she could get more than 2 votes. 

I am sure you meant the 5 votes needed to win, since it will be a 9 person jury.  Well, there is the possibility that Jackie would vote against Steve, after all he put her on the block and got her evicted. Jackie may be a little bitter about that.  And I am not sure Vanessa will be woman enough to give Steve her vote after the epic blindside. Would any amount of explanation be sufficient to earn her vote after all the hard work she put in to bring him to F3?  But I would hope that Vanessa would vote for him anyway.  She should definitely be understanding, seeing how she would have probably blindsided him if she had the choice.  But all in all, I agree with you, joystiick, there is no way that I can see that Steve can't garner the votes he needs to win if he evicts Vanessa.  

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I am sure you meant the 5 votes needed to win, since it will be a 9 person jury.  Well, there is the possibility that Jackie would vote against Steve, after all he put her on the block and got her evicted. Jackie may be a little bitter about that.  And I am not sure Vanessa will be woman enough to give Steve her vote after the epic blindside. Would any amount of explanation be sufficient to earn her vote after all the hard work she put in to bring him to F3?  But I would hope that Vanessa would vote for him anyway.  She should definitely be understanding, seeing how she would have probably blindsided him if she had the choice.  But all in all, I agree with you, joystiick, there is no way that I can see that Steve can't garner the votes he needs to win if he evicts Vanessa.  

Isn't she planning to do exactly that? 

I think Steve just might get her vote if that's the way it pans out..

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Please, oh please Steve pull this out, watching Vanessa win this would be painful, and for those who feel she "deserves" it, bite me. :censored: :censored: Because crafty gameplay aside, doesn't mean I have to like her, and some of the treatment Steve has dealt with, "Boi," overall itchiness from both Vanessa and Liz, their sweetness to his face is negated. JMHO

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Please, oh please Steve pull this out, watching Vanessa win this would be painful, and for those who feel she "deserves" it, bite me. :censored: :censored: Because crafty gameplay aside, doesn't mean I have to like her, and some of the treatment Steve has dealt with, "Boi," overall itchiness from both Vanessa and Liz, their sweetness to his face is negated. JMHO

Bite me??? I hope you were able to release a little of your frustration. As far as liking Vanessa, you don't have to like her. You don't have to think she is deserving. You don't have to like any of the people that has ever been on BB. The site is here so that anybody who wants to give or not give their opinion can or cannot. I don't see why you take offense to other people giving their opinion. you have freely given your opinion on a number of occasions with out a problem. Why not respect the right of other people to give theirs, whether you agree or not?  
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Dear watchers and joystick,


If you were personally offended by my "Bite Me" remark , I sincerely apologize.  I do not want Vanessa to win on a personal level.  I liked Vanessa to start with, it is her game play, crying antics, and overall behavior I dislike.  It was just my humble opinion, and don't worry I do not take any reality shows too seriously.  I am one who on this site and in real life, to stand up for all to give and hold their own opinions, including my own.  I really enjoy Morty's BB site, I have meandered through some others and they don't come close to the content I enjoy on the update pages, and here in the forum.  When Vanessa gets out of the house, I still feel for her dealing with negative social media, but she has been counseling Steve and Liz to ignore and not spend time looking for others opinions, so I think she will be all right.  There are contestants I like and dislike, but I understand they are on a reality show, and hope all prosper and have great lives outside the house.  I still don't want the Vanipulator to win :frusty:

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Dear watchers and joystick,


If you were personally offended by my "Bite Me" remark , I sincerely apologize.  I do not want Vanessa to win on a personal level.  I liked Vanessa to start with, it is her game play, crying antics, and overall behavior I dislike.  It was just my humble opinion, and don't worry I do not take any reality shows too seriously.  I am one who on this site and in real life, to stand up for all to give and hold their own opinions, including my own.  I really enjoy Morty's BB site, I have meandered through some others and they don't come close to the content I enjoy on the update pages, and here in the forum.  When Vanessa gets out of the house, I still feel for her dealing with negative social media, but she has been counseling Steve and Liz to ignore and not spend time looking for others opinions, so I think she will be all right.  There are contestants I like and dislike, but I understand they are on a reality show, and hope all prosper and have great lives outside the house.  I still don't want the Vanipulator to win :frusty:


I actually laughed when I read that remark because I figured you really didn't mean it to be insulting or rude, and if you did your remark would probably been much different.  "Bite me" is something I might say when I'm joking around, but if I'm actually angry my phrase would probably include "stick it ......"  or, you know, the f-word (though I'm always disgusted with myself for sinking to that level).  Of course it's all about tone, which isn't easily conveyed on a message board. I don't like Vanessa either, but I have to say, I wouldn't have been personally offended if someone said that about my opinion on any of the HGs that I do actually somewhat like.  I'm entertained by these discussion boards and don't take them too seriously.  Hopefully I don't offend anyone here.  I'm sure you're all very nice people like me.  :)

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Well wingfan728, I was offended and I accept your apology. I understand why some folks feel strongly about Vanessa.  But as far as I am concerned, she is the only reason why I continued watching this season.  The other HG's, IMO, with few exceptions were just lambs being led to slaughter, LOL.  I think I witnessed masterful gameplay, yet I know my feelings are in the minority.  And at the end of the day, no matter who wins, not a one of us on this board will get a dime of his/her winnings or will our lives be affected, in any way, by the outcome.  It is just fun to express our opinions. I look forward to this every year. 


I am assuming that there is no gambling on this board on the outcome of this game.  But, is there a bookie in Vegas taking bets on who will win Big Brother 17??????  

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Well wingfan728, I was offended and I accept your apology. I understand why some folks feel strongly about Vanessa.  But as far as I am concerned, she is the only reason why I continued watching this season.  The other HG's, IMO, with few exceptions were just lambs being led to slaughter, LOL.  I think I witnessed masterful gameplay, yet I know my feelings are in the minority.  And at the end of the day, no matter who wins, not a one of us on this board will get a dime of his/her winnings or will our lives be affected, in any way, by the outcome.  It is just fun to express our opinions. I look forward to this every year. 


I am assuming that there is no gambling on this board on the outcome of this game.  But, is there a bookie in Vegas taking bets on who will win Big Brother 17??????  


You hit the nail on the head, linda60639.  None of us really benefit because a certain HG wins or suffer too much if our favorite loses.  Like I said awhile back, it's like watching the Superbowl when "my" team isn't in it.  I still watch.  I'm still entertained.  But the outcome doesn't ruin my life.  Of course the outcome of the Superbowl doesn't ruin my life even when my team is in it.  I'm a big fan of my team, but it's really just for entertainment. 

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Come on Steve I want to see you win part 3 and Vanessa GONE.  I do not want to see her win.  If you make it to big brother final 3 then you have done something right and if you win so be it.  I will never think that Vanessa played a good game because I dislike her that much.  I quit watching my live feeds and after dark because I was tired of looking at her in that ridiculous beanie and listening to her mouth always telling Steve what to do.  I truly hope I never have to see her again on a tv.

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Then maybe you should avoid the new show called Poker Face that Vanessa will allegedly host on CBS next year.   Or ignore the new documentary called Post Oak Bluff: The Politics of Poker that Vanessa has participated in that will be released before the end of this year.  And I have a feeling that this is only the beginning of her television career.

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Then maybe you should avoid the new show called Poker Face that Vanessa will allegedly host on CBS next year.   Or ignore the new documentary called Post Oak Bluff: The Politics of Poker that Vanessa has participated in that will be released before the end of this year.  And I have a feeling that this is only the beginning of her television career.


LOL, yeah, it's safe to say that I'll be avoiding anything with Vanessa, as well as anything with Steve or Liz.  Or any of the others.  It's not just that I don't care for Vanessa.  I also can't imagine a show about poker being appealing to me. 


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