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Sunday, September 13 2015 Big Brother 17 Live Feed Updates


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1:46 PM BBT: Johnny Mac in kitchen with Liz and says where's the fun dip when you need it. Liz giggles and says you mean the crack. Liz says live feeders don't even give us stuff anymore, what the heck. Jmac says there's only five of us, we might be boring. Liz says yeah they're over it. Jmac says live feeds might be dead. (If only they knew...) Jmac say would Jason still watch feeds at this point? Liz said no IS Jason watch feeds at this point. Austin chimes in from the stairs that Jason is a glutton for punishment. Jmac says yeah? Austin says yeah. Liz says what does that mean? Austin says it means he likes punishing himself or torturing himself by watching what could have been him.

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212PM BBT  After a discussion between Liz and Austin about Becky and back rubs, the discussion turned to when Austin first noticed changes in the way that Liz acted, before he knew about Julia.  JohnnyMac seems to have taken a shower and done laundry.  Liz and Austin are fooling around in the LR.   Liz and Austin are now in the WA and still goofing around, Liz says she is going to go check on the Laundry, Austin says she needs to take her shower.  Austin gets water from the fridge while Liz walks out and checks the laundry.  Steve is still in bed.  Johnny Mac has his load of laundry in the washer.  Austin is outside chatting with him for a short bit.  Austin says it is time to shower and nap till the sun goes down and Johnny Mac adds "and the booze comes out"  Austin adds "what else is there".  Johnny mac is running water at the kitchen sink, washing out a cup.  Cams 3/4 show Steve sleeping in Comic room. 


221PM BBT  WE now are enjoying Austin watching Liz take her shower.  Small talk between them.  She tells him that after his shower they will do something, it will help him a lot.  We now have visual on Cams 3/4 of Vanessa sitting up in Bed in the HoH room with her Beanie not covering her eyes.  She looks deep in thought.   Liz is joking with Austin he says "as long as I am the only one feeling them" and Liz giggles.   We are seeing an empty WA in HoH and looking out of doorway to HoH room, no sign of Vanessa.  Liz asks Austin about Rachel, he says "I did not contact her about that shit, I did not stop and think about it, just made the decision and whatever", not going back.  " I would imagine it".  We see Vanessa emerge from the WC, wash her hands and mess with her hair, she walks out to table in HoH room, looks at it, walks to fridge, take a drink out of a container, puts it back in fridge, walks to night stand, puts on shoes and takes something off nightstand and leaves HoH.  Vanessa has a box of junk food in her hand.  She walks to fridge fills up a container with water, and finds her way to the WA.  Asking what Austin and Liz are up to. While they are all chatting, Steve walks thru and enters the WC.  Chat stops.  Johnny Mac is sitting in his bed with his bandana across his eyes.  FOTH. 

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1:47 PM BBT: Liz asks Jmac what he though of Jason, she's just curious. Jmac says ummm he didn't have anything against him. Jason didn't do anything to him until he had to run his campaign to stay. Liz says oh right, but even so I didn't hear anything he said about you. Jmac says Jason went to Shelli and clay and told them Becky and Jmac were throwing them under the bus. Liz says wowwww, he was a little weasel that one. Liz says he never tried to campaign to her. Jmac says Jason campaigned to John saying Becky was throwing Meg, James, and Jmac under the bus. Jmac says was like yeah because she's working with me. Jmac says he almost felt like he didn't have to talk game the first week because they talked outside so much about non game stuff that he didn't think Jason would want him to go home even if he did nominate him. Austin says he nominated Jmac with Becky right away. They didn't waste anytime going after that power couple. Jmac says no they probably created it because once they were nominated they hung out to figure out what they were goin to do.

1:49 PM BBT: Liz says yeah she didn't think they were friends until a little while in. Jmac says yeah at least a week or two. Jmac says but then after we did the prom night thing everyone started calling us a showmance so we thought we shouldn't be hanging out so much. Liz chiming in with oh yeses.liz says hey we're so cute together. Liz really liked Becky.

1:52 PM BBT: Liz asks what do you want for dinner. Austin suggests tip irked burgers and Liz says stop it. Austin suggest chicken and no response, they are going to do tuna for lunch.

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1:58 PM BBT Jmac is going to shower and launder and Austin and Liz chat in the kitchen about Steve. Austin says his speech is going to be insane, he hopes he goes second. Liz said it won't top mine though. Austin says it's going to be insane like I'm going to do what you're supposed to do in these speeches and tell them why they should vote him out and not me. Liz says yeah that's true. Austin says its time for the boy to become a man and pay for his lies and the betrayal of everyone in his room. Liz says Omg I can't wait, I'm super excited and it's not going to be live. Austin says you can't hide behind your mommy, you can't act like a toddler you have to pay for what you do. Liz says baaaabe. Austin shrugs says it's true and Liz says it'll be another TV moment for you so like own it. Austin says that's all I care about and I get to be romantic for going on the block for my babe so I like that and keeping you safe. So as long as it goes ok everything is a win. Liz says thanks! And Austin kisses her and says it's the least I can do cause you're so special and sweet and lovable and sexy. Liz says thank you again.

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233PM BBT   We come back from fish, and hear BB telling the HGs, they are not allowed to talk about production.  Vanessa is shoveling what looks like popcorn into her mouth while drinking water out of a pepsi bottle.  Liz has turned off water in shower. 


245PM BBT  Vanessa back in bed in HoH room.  Liz now doing her hair and makeup while Austin is in shower.  nothing exciting happening. 

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2:29pm Liz taking a shower. Austin waiting on couches. Vanessa heads out of HOH to kitchen to get water. Stops and looks in mirror on way down.


2:31pm Vanessa walks into bathroom and asks Austin what time it is. She passed out. Steve wonders in bath area. Vanessa asks if he is a sleepy head too. JMac sleeping in color room.


2:33pm We get fish when Vanessa and Liz talk about Arianna concert.


2:34pm Back from fish. Steve brushing teeth. Austin gets a not allow to talk about production.


2:36pm Austin talking about the show they get to watch wondering if they get to watch it tonight. Austin saying that the show is cutting edge. Liz hopes they get food. Austin says the show is our intellectual food.


2:39pm Vanessa says she remembers the card saying that the card said to view it on Monday.


2:40pm Liz out of shower. ALERT - Austin is getting in the shower! Complaining that he has to use Suave shampoo. It's awful Liz and Vanessa agree.


2:42pm Vanessa wonders in the kitchen. Steve is sitting at the table eating something. Vanessa is going back to sleep. She is really really tired and needs to sleep more. She climbs into bed and watches the spy cam. Lays down and beanie over the eyes.


2:45pm Austin still in shower. Liz putting on mic after getting called out.


2:47pm Steve called to DR and we get fish.

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259PM BBT  [sorry folks I am posting and doing laundry-Granny]   I come back to find Austin out of the shower with tape on his nose.  Liz has her hair dried.  Steve is sitting on back patio couch.   Liz says it looks like he broke his nose, he says My sister had a nose job.  Steve is talking to himself.  "Expect the unexpected", he keeps repeating this over and over.  Steve is talking about Johnny Mac and what he may do.  [Liz put a black head strip on Austin's nose]  We see Steve walking the yard talking to himself.  He says he is doing a terrible job.  he is sitting on his feet on a lounger by the pool.  Liz is doing her makeup and no sign of Austin.  Steve is talking, BB says "Steve",   " Steve s up walking around mumbling.  "i never thought I would have gotten this far, I am so honored and so ...."  Liz has ripped the tape off Austin's nose, he yells.  [steve seems to be practicing his speech]  "I can't tell Vanessa that Johnny Mac is giving me ideas, I have to do my campaign against a showmance"  he is mumbling and walking.  looking into the mirrored windows around the pool area.  "um, yeah I am going to run scenerios, I have to ..."  Steve walks back inside the house, meets Johnny Mac as he is walking out to check laundry.  Steve takes a couple bags of candy from counter, gets a bowl and says to Austin that he took a nap.  Vanessa is up walking around again.  As he comes down the stairs, she says what?  and continues on her way to ??  Steve is putting something into a bowl, Austin is in the fridge.  Johnny Mac is standing at the counter waiting for his laundry.  Liz is sill applying makeup. BB called Liz to DR, she says she will be done in a minute, can wait that long.

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346PM BBT  WE listened to Johnny Mac finally talk to Steve.  in the backyard, Johnny Mac told Steve he should go to Vanessa and get her to tell Johnny Mac that he is to vote to keep Steve.  Johnny Mac told Steve that Austin and Liz came to him even before veto was played and made deals offering him the moon and stars.  Johnny Mac says Austin is still making promises he cannot keep.  Vanessa and Liz were inside talking about the concert and other things, when we got shut out of the house on feeds and all we focused on was Steve walking the backyard.  We are now back with Liz feeding her face talking to Austin about going for a nap without her.  Steve is pacing in the backyard mumbling.  No sign of Johnny Mac or Vanessa.  Oh wait Austin walked into the Comic room and is talking to Johnny Mac about what Steve said to him out in the backyard.  Austin says so he thinks he is staying?  Johnny Mac tells Austin that there is no way Steve can campaign to him against Austin.  Liz walks out to Laundry area, Steve waves at her she says Hello.  but nothing else.  Austin leaves the Comic room

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2:20-JMac thoroughly cleans his bowl, spoon and glass in the kitchen then checks out his profile in the mirror over the sink. Austin tells JMAc he'll probably shower and wanders into the restroom where Liz is showering. Austin waits patiently in the restroom as Liz showers and shampoos her hair. Liz says shaving her legs is so hard in the shower. She tells Austin that if he wasn't here she'd literally be a hairy monkey.Austin says "Babe, you'd be a hairy monkey?" Liz says it can be so annoying, Austin responds that as long as he's the only one feeling it..he tells Liz after BB she'll need armed security. He then digs under his arm. Liz asks if he was invited to the "Wrap Party" last year. Austin responds with a question. "Rachel's? I didn't even try to contact her." He says he was avoiding it.

Meanwhile, Vanessa is sitting in the HOH staring off into space or maybe the spycam(?). She seems to come to a decision and gets out bed.Camera 3 and 4 were focused on the empty HOH bathroom, but now Vanessa is shown sitting in the bathroom, listening. Cameras 3 and 4 show a sleeping Steve.

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353PM BBT  Austin walks out of the comic room and tells Liz what Johnny Mac said and that there is no way Steve is going to convince anyone to keep him in the house.  Vanessa comes out of DR and Austin and her go upstairs to play chess.  Austin is telling Vanessa that the "boy" is campaigning and Austin needs Vanessa help with his speech.  Austin says  his speech is going to be about how many promises have been  broken. 


Side Note:  When Steve and Johnny Mac were talking in the backyard, Johnny Mac told Steve he really needs to think about how to vote out Vanessa next week.  So they still do not know 2 people will be gone by Wednesday night.


Vanessa and Austin are discussing his speech and how he might want to plug his word means more, his Juda thing and stuff to mention about when pectacular (sp?) was in house  they start their chess game.    Steve is still wandering the backyard. 

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2:35 Austin is doing another impromptu promo for "Life in Pieces". He says that this show will change the world and bring world piece. Liz is asking to raise her microphone. Brief continuation of the "Life in Pieces convo.  Austin then takes a shower and shampoos(YES!) his hair.Liz is drying her hair and is asked to put on her microphone. She says "no". Van makes an inaudible response. They show Austin as he soaps up his beard(YES) He drops the shampoo and goes into an impromptu Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo commercial  Van returns to the HOH room and climbs back into bed. 

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 4:03pm BBT: Steve still walking the BY alone as Vanessa and Austin are playing Chess in the house.


 4:07pm BBT: Steve in the Kt now washing his bowl and Liz walking in the Kt getting a drink.  Steve goes to the CBR and gets his letter and gets in bed telling Johnny Mack he is so tired.


 4:17pm BBT: Vanessa gets called to the DR and comes out with a card calling everyone to the LVR. the card says Final 5 so we have decided to reward you with food and Vanessa says just Kidding, Liz yells Vanessa and Vanessa is laughing. She then reads the card and it says this weeks Photo booth (then throws herself in the floor laughing)  this photo booth week is a classic sit next to your HG and turn them into silly wabbits. all the Hg start booing and Vanessa is laughing hysterically.


4:20pm BBT: HG doing photo booth shots now, johnny Mack and Steve go back to bed and then Liz comes out of the cabana rm and says the photo booth is fixed again.


4:31pm BBT: Hg still doing the photo booth and laughing alot. Steve kisses Vanessa on the cheek and Vanessa says Mel is going to kill you now, Steve says i am sneaky and Vanessa says he is sneaky.


4:37pm BBT: Austin, Vanessa and Steve in the KT talking about scampering, Liz laying on the hammock in the By alone.


4:39pm BBT: Liz still on the hammock alone in the By and Austin and Vanessa back tom playing the chess game.


4:55pm BBT: Vanessa and Austin still playing chess in silence. Liz still in BY on the hammock in silence.

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 5:07pm BBt: Vanessa runs into the HOh rm and yells what are you doing and then laughs. Austin ask what he is doing and Vanessa says reading that damn letter again. Steve comes out laughing and Vanessa ask how he likes the music  then Steve says it is strange.


5:08pm BBT: Vanessa and Austin continue the chess game. Steve goes back inn the HOH rm and listens to music, Liz still in the BY  on the hammock alone.


5:17pm BBT: Liz is up off the hammock qnd goes to check the laundry then goes inside the house, gets a drink and heads to the OBR, takes off her headband and her earrings and shoes then goes to the WA and combs her hair.


 5:19pm BBT: Steve walking around the HOh rm listening to music, Vanessa and Austin still playing chess.


5:26pm BBT: Vanessa and Austin have finished the chess game as Vanessa says she has such a headache as she goes into the HOh rm and  gets in bed. Steve still listening to music and then he gives her the headphones to listen to a song.John, Austin and Liz in the KT eating cupcakes that the live feeders gave them today.


5:30pm BBT: Liz yells to Steve and Vanessa about having cupcakes from the live feeders. Vanessa says really? Liz says they love us they really really love us.


 5:33pm BBT: Liz in the Wa doing her toe nails as Austin watches. In the Kt Steve, Vanessa and john eating cupcakes and Vanessa says that is so nice of the live feeders they must like us.


5:37pm BBT: Vanessa tells john in the By that they are in a good place to be in the final three and she says  realistically i am happy with 50K. She then says i do not think i am in that bad a situation alot of people left this house but not by me i was guiding but they did not know i was guiding do you know what i mean? john says yeah .John says if we take Austin and Liz then we vote him out next then Liz and Vanessa says yeah but if she wins HOh then things might stay but if she wins Hoh and Steve wins veto then we are screwed but i have always gone for chances.


5:42pm BBT: Vanessa says here is the advantages and disadvantages are so the advantages of us keeping Steve is to keep him to get to final 3 and the against for Steve is he could beat us .


 5:44pm BBT:  John says the one thing i regret is i am going to wreck a super fans dream and Vanessa says one thing about a super fan is that they are not a bitter juror so that's the advantage with Austin and Steve but i do not mind if you want to vote Steve i can break the tie and keep Steve.


 5:49pm BBT: Vanessa and john talk about the same this  if they should keep Steve or not and  Vanessa says i will say they all have to go but i want to be the last one to go. Vanessa then says how do we do this? john says are you just going to keep them in suspense? Vanessa says yeah i think this is a week that no one is being happy. John says  that Steve thinks he is not staying this week. He is a little scared though.


5:53pm BBT: Austin heads to the BY and John and Vanessa start saying  that the next HOH comp might be a puzzle  or the shovel game.


 5:54pm BBT: BB tells the Hg to please lower the outside awnings, Austin john and Vanessa go to lower them. Liz still in the WA doing her nails.
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6:07 Steve pulls Liz into the former hammock room to ask for her vote. He says that he feels awkward asking her but, "It would be rude of me not to at least ask." I wouldn't really ask you to vote against him. Liz laughs and says she understands. Liz goes to the bathroom to paint her nails. Vanessa is taking a nap in the Hoh room

Meanwhile Austin and JMac are in a conversation in the backyard

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6:32: 4 of the remaining HGs are in the backyard.. Steve in the pool, JMAc on a lounge chair,. Liztin is on the hammock. They are talking about various game and non game subjects.They discuss Tinder profiles...JMAc teases LIZ that her profile was probably lame. Van joins them at around 6:36. Austin brings up the TV program. Austin claims to have loved it, however JMAC calls him out and says.."Austin you hated the trailer." 

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6:00pm BBT: Austin and Johnny Mack in the BY working out and lifting weights now, Liz still doing nails in the WA.


6:07pm BBT: Steve and Liz in the cabana rm and Steve says i feel,like it would be rude of me not to ask for your vote this week but then it is rude of me to  ask you to vote  against Austin but i have to ask you and i know it is hard for you. Liz laughs and says yeah i  did not think you was going to talk to me. Steve says i know i just had to  be good and not be rude  and that's all i have to say.


6:21pm BBT: Austin, Johnny Mack and Steve in the BY working out and talking general talk and talking about the cupcakes the feeders gave them and how they had to do bunny ears for the photo booth.


6:26pm BBT: Vanessa in the HOh rm in bed, all other Hg in the BY talking general talk as Steve is in the pool and Liz and Austin on the hammock and Johnny Mack  sitting near the pool.


6:40pm BBT: Vanessa comes to the BY and Hg talk about Tuesday may be an eviction and then Wednesday another eviction, Austin ask they have a special Tuesday episode and Steve says no that makes no sense. Austin says i think it will be Wednesday an eviction and Thursday a live eviction then part one of the HOh comp.


6:45pm BBT: Austin is now stretching  near the hammock as Liz blows on her nails, Johnny Mack just watching.


6:53pm BBT: All HG in the BY watching Austin workout and flip all over the yard. johnny Mack says there is a huge bug in the BY and Liz jumps to look at it and Austin says be careful Liz. She ask what are we naming this one and johnny Mack says Roxanne.


6:56pm BBT: johnny Mack gets a cue stick and gets the bug down and Liz says it is so cute then it flies off and Liz screams as johnny Mack ducks saying i did not know they could fly. It started flying towards Austin and he runs saying it is coming after him, He then tells Liz she is going in the pool for that and Vanessa and Liz are laughing as Liz says it landed on your back Austin and he says i do not want to be bit. Liz says you ran and screamed like a little girl and Austin says i was joking, Liz says you was not joking and laughs.

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#BB17 6:58PM BBT Liztin is in the BY wrestling. Liz told Austin that he messed up her toenail and he said well that’s what you get. She tells him she hates him. Steve and Jmac are in the BY as well chatting about random things. Liz was punching Austin for a little bit.


#BB17 7:00PM BBT Liz is now trying to do a handstand in the BY. Austin had to hold her legs up in the Air for her. She kicked Austin’s mic. Austin is trying to coach her on how to a good hand stand. Vanessa is in the HOH room. By herself. In the BY Liz starts doing cartwheels and flips. Austin does a hand stand and holds it for a good amount of time.


#BB17 7:03PM BBT Vanessa is laying down in the HOH room and we get FOTH.


7:04PM BBT Feeds come back on and Vanessa is still laying down. All of the other HG are in the BY. Steve is laying on the round couch. Liz is by the Jacuzzi and Austin is somewhere off camera. They are talking about reality TV shows.


7:06PM BBT Steve asks why fat people want to go onto a TV show. Austin says because they are ready to lose the weight. Steve wants to know why they need a TV show in order to do that. Austin says because they want to be on TV. Austin also says that it will motivate them more to lose the weight because they know people are watching them.


7:09PM BBT Liz asks why the show is called the Biggest Loser. There is a short silence. She then has a light go on in her head and answers her own question.


7:12PM BBT Austin goes to the free weights while they are all talking about Clay. Austin says that he is to dead. They are wondering when Clay will go on his Ireland trip. Austin says it will be next year sometime. Jmac asks what is there to do in Ireland, Austin replys “Drink”. Jmac chuckles and says you can also visit Dublin.  Steve makes fun of Liz because she said Tampa is four hours away from Florida, she meant Miami.


7:14PM BBT they are talking about Audrey calling the twins out. Liz says Julia was so mad. Austin says that Audrey was so pilled up. Liz says that Audrey had no business trying to be funny with anybody in the house because Audrey was in hiding for three days.


7:16PM BBT Jmac asks Liz if she knows that the twist is everybody in the house has twins and they were told that they were the only twins out of the HG. Jmac is now talking about his fake twin brother. Liz says that if Julia wouldn’t have messed up her tooth, they probably would have been able to fool the house longer. Liz is now asking what days the Gronk parties were because she was not in the house for them. 

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7:20PM BBT The HG in the BY are still talking about past competitions and things that happened in the house over the season. Its exactly like a reflection episode. Liz and Austin break the conversation and go into the house. The feeds stay on Jmac and Steve. Steve says the scampering has been strong today.


7:22PM BBT Steve says the scampering has been strong today, again. Steve then said there has been much scampering today. Jmac says that he farted and that it smells funny. Jmac says that he has a problem with gas management.


7:24PM BBT The feeds cut off of Van and go to Liztin in the KT. They are cooking. Steve scampers into the KT area and sets his dirty bowl on the counter. He then walks into the BY again. Austin says that he is going to cook because Liz is too slow. Liz argues with him about this.


7:28PM BBT Liztin is in the KT still chopping thing and talking about what they are doing. Steve scampers in and out a couple of times saying random things. Austin says that the Live feeders do not understand that they get to watch the premier of Life in Pieces. Austin says that he is so excited about it because they love CBS. He says that he already loves Life in Pieces.


7:31PM BBT Jmac is in the BY kicking the beach ball around by himself. No game talk at this time.


7:32PM BBT Austin asks Liz what megs favorite moment in the house was. Steve sits there thinking and says that it probably was something with Jason. Liz says that it has to do with Pot Ball. 

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7:56 Austin calls Liz a B...because she said she didn't like the chicken he cooked. She got upset and called him an a-hole. HE threw food on her. She insisted he clean it off. She threw food on him. She said you don't treat your girlfriend like that. He said you do when you're rude. Later Liz became very upset...about it. 

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8:01 PM BBT In the KT, Liz is complaining to Austin about the marinade he used for tonight's dinner. She told him he shouldn't have thrown food at her. She even asked Johnny Mac is he would throw food on a girl? Johnny Mac said he would. Johnny Mac told Liz that she is being bitchy. Austin says, she is not a bitch, she's just be bitchy. Liz says, no guy has ever thrown food at her, & he's just lost some points. Johnny Mac says, those guys are boring. Liz tells Austin he's on a 24 hour kiss probation. Austin says, he was just giving her a taste of her own medicine.


8:04 PM BBT Liz screams up to Vanessa to help her. She tells her that Austin just threw vegetables all over her & she didn't deserve it. Vanessa comes downstairs. Austin says, he slaved over the BBQ chicken & all Liz is doing is saying it sucks & it's terrible. Liz says, it's not to her liking. Vanessa says, really, twice. Liz tells Vanessa that Austin won't say he's sorry for throwing the food. Austin says, he will say he's sorry after she does. She says, she's not saying she's sorry, hell no. Austin says, he'll be the bigger person & he does tell her he's sorry. Liz doesn't respond & she throws her food away.


8:06 PM BBT Austin tells Liz that Vanessa likes the food. Liz says, she's the house dog, & she'll eat anything. Austin says, Vanessa's is French, & she has a good taste in food. Liz continues to complain about the vegetable getting thrown at her. Liz asks Johnny Mac if he thought it was funny? Johnny Mac says, he finds a lot of things funny. He says, the whole argument is funny. Liz wants to throw vegetables at him now. Liz says, Austin ruined two items of her clothing. John says, she can use Shout on the clothes when they leave the house. Liz starts to sing the Shout song. Liz says, "The chicken sucked, just like you," to Austin. She goes to the WA.


8:09 PM BBT Vanessa is sitting at the DT eating. Austin, Liz & Johnny Mac all ate at the glass table. The conversation changes to the Spice Girls & who each of them liked. Liz comes out of the WA. She says, she can not believe he just did this to her. She tells guys to take note of what not to do to their girlfriend. She says, she has to change her clothes now. Vanessa asks who she's talking to? Liz says, she's giving the live feeders advice on what not to do to their girlfriends.


8:12 PM BBT Austin tells Liz she's not qualified to give that advice. She says, "I sure the heck am." John says, you forget the live feeders are watching. He asks if there is a way to find out how many people are watching the live feeds? Austin says, there should be a way to find out. Liz goes to the WA & Austin follows her. They kiss & she whines & acts like a little girl about what happened. Liz tells him he stinks. Austin asks if he can make her a plate of treats. She tells him that she doesn't like the way he makes treat. She tells him he has to make her breakfast tomorrow, clean the KT, do the dishes & clean the sink. He says, damn it, that's a lot of things. He goes to the KT. Liz goes to the WC, after she says, "Damn it, I wasn't supposed to kiss you for 24 hours."


8:15 PM BBT Liz screams, "Ewwww," from the WC, but she's still in there. Austin has started cleaning up the KT. Johnny Mac is still sitting at the glass table. Liz comes out of the WC, after she changes her clothes. She says, she was taking off her shirt & tomatoes & zucchini came flying out. She washes her hands & checks her teeth in a mirror by the couch in the WA. She puts her microphone back on.


8:18 PM BBT Liz decides to do a load of laundry. As she walks through the LR, she checks herself in a mirror, & then goes to the OBR. She leaves the OBR & Austin goes to the OBR. Liz puts her clothes in the washer, leaving the washer door open. She messes with her shorts & picks pieces of hair off her clothing. Austin brings his clothes out to go in the washer also. She calls him a meany head.


8:21 PM BBT Austin & Liz come inside after starting the laundry. Austin wants treats now. Johnny Mac wants to wait until 9 PM BBT to wait for POP TV to play Sling Band. Austin says, he's getting his treats now to get it over with. Vanessa asks how fried ice cream is made? They try to figure that out.


8:23 PM Liz & Austin are getting their snacks made. Austin says, Clay was living on ice cream when he was in the house. Steve walks into the KT. Liz sets up the plates for Sling Band, as Austin is still eating his ice cream. Vanessa says, 30 minutes to Sling Band. John says, he's going to lay down for 30 minutes. Austin says, 30  minutes to Pot Ball, but they are playing Sling Band tonight.


8:29 PM BBT Vanessa is in the HOHR WA. She walks into the bedroom part & looks around. She looks at the camera a few times also, as she messes with her hair. She lays down in her bed & pulls the covers up over her to take a nap.


8:31 PM BBT Liz is in the KT eating something soft but making a lot of noise doing it. She is smacking her lips & making grunting noises. She looks at the Sling Band set-up & says, it seems that it's really far. She practices her shots. Austin says, he thinks she has it.

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8:32 PM BBT Liz moves a couple plates around for the Sling Band set-up & she asks Austin if it's right? He says, yes. They make-out in the KT. Austin goes to the HOHR. He tells Vanessa that Johnny Mac wants Austin to throw the HOH comp to him if he votes for him to stay. Austin says, he won't honor that deal. He says, he's saying o.k., because he wants his vote, but he's not going to do it. He tells Vanessa he wants her to know what he came to him with.


8:36 PM BBT Vanessa tells Austin that she can't ask Johnny Mac to vote for him, because that will get back to Steve. Austin says, Johnny Mac wants to blindside Steve. Austin says, he's not going to tell him because of that reason. Austin says, Johnny Mac hasn't told Steve how to campaign. Vanessa says, Johnny Mac is smart right now. She says, Johnny Mac is playing really well, because he realizes Vanessa is keeping him, & his vote isn't really needed. Austin says, he finally decided to play on day 88. Vanessa tells Austin he does't owe Johnny Mac anything. Liz goes to the HOHR.


8:39 PM BBT Austin & Liz both say they have vegetables on their microphones. Vanessa gets called to the DR. She says, it's meds, they forgot. Liz asks what she takes, she though it was Adderall. Vanessa says, no, she takes Strattera. Liz asks what the difference is? Vanessa tells her it's a non-stimulant, & she really doesn't want to talk about it on feeds. Liz says, she over the HOHR & she's sick of kissing up to people. Liz & Austin talk about what John said. Vanessa comes back in the HOHR.


8:42 PM BBT The three of them talk about how bad Steve looks right now. Liz says, she told him she's not voting for him. Vanessa says, he wants assurance from her & she's not giving it to him. Liz says, checkmate & he can't expect much. Vanessa asks if Johnny Mac wants to blindside him? Austin says, it seems that he wants to have fun with it almost.


8:43 PM BBT Liz & Austin say that Steve is probably just going to campaign to her. Austin says, Johnny Mac could be just saying that, & then it's one to one, & put it on Vanessa. Liz asks why Steve is going up to the HOHR a lot? Vanessa says he asks if there is anything he can do, he's been listening to music & just general chit chat. Johnny Mac is laying in the CBR with his light blue headband covering his eyes.


8:46 PM BBT Vanessa tells them that Johnny Mac's vote is meaningless, so they don't need to promise him anything at this point. Austin says, even if he makes a deal, he's going back on it. He says, John didn't throw the Veto to them. Austin says, they are going to have campaign Monday for an eviction on Tuesday. (They don't know it's actually being taped tomorrow.) All three of them say they can't let Johnny Mac win HOH. Vanessa thinks Liztin are favorites for the HOH over Johnny Mac. Liz thinks it's Before & After.


8:49 PM BBT Austin thinks they are taping the eviction show on Tuesday for Wednesday, & then there will be another eviction on Thursday. (It's actually being taped tomorrow for a Tuesday show & then another eviction on Wednesday.) Austin says, there may not be a Thursday show for some reason. Vanessa says, she thinks the Veto is on Wednesday. Austin says, they may not see the light of day again because of all the comps. He wants all three of them there on finale night.


8:51 PM BBT Austin thinks the third person has to go to the jury. Vanessa thinks they go that night. Liz says, America has to vote for America's Favorite Player. Liz says, she really wants that HOH. Vanessa asks Liz is she studied? Liz says, she did for about 30 minutes on the hammock. They run down the Gronk Parties. Austin says, they may not ask that question because Liz wasn't there. She wasn't there for the telephone booth either. They think Jeff or Jackie had the phone booth power. (DaVonne had the power not Jeff nor Jackie.)


8:54 PM BBT Austin tells Vanessa that John voted for Jeff because he didn't want him to out their alliance. He says, he told him people in that alliance to trust. Austin says, they should give a tip in the future for HG's not to name their alliance. Vanessa says, "Here comes Steve." Steve actually goes to the BY. He looks at the washer & dryer & goes back in the house. They are watching him on the TV in the HOHR.


8:56 PM BBT Liz says, it was really weird that Steve asked her to vote for him. She says, yeah, not happening buccoo. Liz picks the ends of her hair. Austin asks if she said buccoo? Liz says, no, but she should have. Austin says, he should make mention of all of the nicknames they call Steve on the show. Liz says, they may not have made mention of it of the show. Liz says, they only probably know of it on the live feeds. Austin gets excited that he will get a live mic on the eviction show. Vanessa says, it won't even be live, the one loophole. Liz says, they will cut that shit quick. Austin says, it will be him standing up & Sitting back down.


8:59 PM BBT Liz complains that she only got shampoo & conditioner in her HOH basket. She says, she never got anything cool like the beanies. Vanessa says, she's still recovering from the concert. Liz says, they didn't even do any drugs or anything. Liz says, she just wants to go to be early tonight, but they have to play freaking Sling Band. Austin says, they don't have to play. Liz says, she already set it up. Vanessa says, you can get rid of Meg & James, but you can't get rid of their games. They change the topic to chess.

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9:03 PM BBT After the chess discussion, Liz leaves the HOHR. Vanessa asks if they are playing Sling Band now? Austin says, they might as well get it over with now, 10 rounds. They leave the HOHR. Liz tells everyone to get their Sling Bands, they only have 3 downstairs. She says, one more would be good. Vanessa complains about her skin being all messed up from the way she's eating & not working out.


9:04 PM BBT Vanessa practices her Sling Band. Steve says, the set-up is drastically changed again. Vanessa says, Liz doesn't know the set-up. Steve says, it's not this, but it's fine. Liz & Austin are in the WA. Austin is leaning over the couch saying the balance beam comp messed him up. Liz uses her EOS on her lips before leaving the WA. Austin is now stretching in the hallway by the CRL door.


9:07 PM BBT Austin is limping as he walks out of the hallway. The HG's try to figure out the scoring for the way the plates are set up. Steve is the scorekeeper now since Meg is gone. Liz goes to get Johnny Mac to play Sling Band, & she asks him where his band is. Liz tells Steve she found his. Austin says, they have lots of colors now. Liz tells Austin they need to put the Band Aid or the broom down. Austin talks about Life In Pieces starting on CBS & thinks he's talking to POP TV viewers, but it's on commercial, so they didn't hear him at all.


9:10 PM BBT Austin starts off Sling Band scoring 30 points. Johnny Mac goes next & scores 10 points. Vanessa scores 10 points on her turn. Liz scores 15 points on her turn. Steve scores 25 points on his turn.


9:14 PM BBT Austin doesn't score anything on his next turn. Johnny Mac doesn't score anything on his next turn either. Vanessa scores 15 points on her turn. Liz scores 25 points on her turn. Steve scores nothing on his next turn.


9:16 PM BBT Austin scores 45 points on his turn. Johnny Mac scores 20 points on his turn. Austin thinks you should get bonus points if you get two on one plate. Vanessa scores 10 points on her turn. Liz says, the green & the red bands are the best. Vanessa likes the blue. Liz scores 10 points on her turn. Steve scores 5 points on his turn. Austin asks how many more rounds? Liz says, he's winning so he wants it over quickly.


9:19 PM BBT Austin scores 15 points on his turn. Johnny Mac scores 10 points. Vanessa & Liz keep talking with an Irish accent. Vanessa scores 5 points on her turn. Liz scores 10 points on her turn. Steve scores 10 points on his turn.


9:20 PM BBT Austin doesn't score any points on his turn. Liz tells Austin she can not stand him today. Johnny Mac scores 20 points on his turn. Steve says, Johnny Mac is now tied for second place. Vanessa scores 40 points on her turn. John talks about his dating profile. Vanessa tied Austin for the lead. Liz scores 10 points on her turn. Steve scores 15 points on his turn.


9:23 PM BBT Austin scores 15 points on his turn. Johnny Mac doesn't score anything on his turn. Vanessa scores 10 points on her turn. Vanessa dances around. Liz doesn't score any points on her turn. Vanessa is excited that she's actually scoring points. Steve is using the chocolate candy for 100 points. Steve scores 25 points on his turn.


9:25 PM BBT Austin doesn't score anything on his turn. Johnny Mac doesn't score anything on his turn either. Austin is only in the lead now by 5 points. Vanessa scores 20 points on her turn. She is soo excited. Liz doesn't score any points on her turn. Steve scores 40 points on his turn. The HG's keep shouting Jace out on Twitter.


9:27 PM BBT Austin scores 10 points on his turn. Johnny Mac scores 5 points on his turn. Vanessa scores 35 points on her turn. Vanessa is in the lead now. Liz doesn't score any points. She says, she's f'n sucking tonight. Steve doesn't score any points on his turn.


9:29 PM BBT Austin doesn't score any points on his turn. Liz says, he gets soo angry & he hates losing. Austin is limping back to the glass table. Johnny scores 20 points on his turn. Vanessa doesn't score any points on her turn. Liz scores 35 points on her turn. Austin says, "Wow, good job." Austin tries to take a turn, but it's Steve's turn. Steve scores 5 points on his turn.


9:31 PM BBT Austin scores 20 points on his turn. Johnny Mac doesn't score any points. Vanessa doesn't score any points either. Liz is the next HG not to score any points on this turn. Steve needs 5 points to pass Liz, & scores 10 points.


9:33 PM BBT Austin scores 15 points. Steve is giving updates after every turn. Johnny Mac scores 35 points on his turn. Vanessa is in the lead by 5 points, & she doesn't score any points. Liz scores 15 points. Steve scores 15 points on his turn.


9:36 PM BBT Austin starts off the last round by scoring 10 points. Johnny Mac doesn't score any points. Vanessa scores 20 points on her turn. Liz scores 15 points on her turn. Steve 40 points on his turn. Steve takes the lead. They decide to do one more regular round.


9:38 PM BBT Austin doesn't score any points on his turn. Johnny Mac doesn't score any points either. Vanessa is the next HG not to score any points. Liz follows her with no points scored. Steve scores 5 points, & is the only HG to score on that round. They get ready for the Glory Hole round.


9:40 PM BBT Austin starts the Glory Hole round. Liz points between her legs for Austin to hit his band there & everyone laughs. Austin doesn't score any points. Johnny Mac hits the Glory Hole & the band falls off. Johnny Mac doesn't score any points.


9:42 PM BBT Vanessa gets close but doesn't score any points. Steve talks about challenges in the game show Minute To Win It. Austin tells Liz to sit down during her turn. She tells him to shut up. Liz doesn't score any points. Steve almost makes a Glory Hole shot, but doesn't score any points either. Steve wins the Sling Band game tonight! Second place is Vanessa, Liz & Austin finish in a tie for third place, & Johnny Mac finishes last.

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10:15 PM BBT: Vanessa comes out of HOH and looks down on Steve and Jmac talking. Vanessa asks Jmac if he wants to finish their talk they didn't finish earlier. Jmac says sure he wants to listen to Moby. Steve says he's gonna do laundry and Vanessa says yeah you should because we don't know when we're gonna get closed in and next time it might be for good. Steve says don't say that to me, I'm not going to think about it, it's too scary.

10:15 PM BBT Jmac is not even settled when Vanessa starts.

Vanessa, "Come into my lair. So I'm ready to do something crazy. I just want to do something crazy. I want to make a big move. I'm tired of doing everything F'in predictable. And this cumbiya BS. Like literally, let's leave our mark on Big Brother history, let's do something no one has F'in done this season, we're gonna blindside someone and I want to do it in a big way. Like, we need to anyways we need to like be able to say to jury like F like this is what we did. Like we took down a big target and I mean quite frankly, Steve's not it."

Edited by morty
Great job IndyMom
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9:44 PM BBT Vanessa says, she wants to watch a movie really bad. Austin says, he wants to watch Life In Pieces. They begin talking about a zoo & an aquarium. Liz & Austin go to the BY to play pool.


9:50 PM BBT John, Steve & Vanessa are by the glass table. They talk about the morning Meg left. John tells Vanessa that he told Steve & Austin this morning to check their nuts for lumps. He says, 24 is a good age to start that. Steve asks Vanessa if it's better to blow your nails dry or let them air dry? Vanessa says, she air dries them so she doesn't do something clumsy. Vanessa says, she doesn't poop. Steve says, he has to use gas management. Steve says, he's dunn with this shit. He says, that was the big thing in BB9.


9:54 PM BBT They are discussing whether a narwhal is a real animal or not. (Narwhals are real animals.) Steve thinks Jokers will shred him over this. Johnny Mac says, his dad is a Physical Education teacher. John says, his mom taught High School English, Second Grade & Fourth Grade. Steve says, she has to have different qualifications for them. John says, she bounced around a bit, & she just retired in March, maybe. Steve says, his mom's last year of teaching was his last year when he was at Cornell. He says, that was a hot topic in band that year, & he doesn't know why. Steve wonders what people at his High School think of him being there. He says, everyone at his High School knew who he was.


9:58 PM BBT Steve says, usually Freshmen don't get a lead in the High School musical, but he did. He says, as soon as he got that, everyone knew who he was, because there was a lot of drama. John says, drama in drama. John says, you have to earn it. Steve says, they made an exception for him because he was a generic smart kid. John says, he doesn't know what he was, he was definitely dorky. Steve asks if he was the smart kid? John says, he didn't come off that way, but he did well.


10:00 PM BBT Steve talks about his Honors & AP classes have only 5 or 6 students in them. John says, they had dumb nerds. Steve says, there are smart nerds & video game nerds. He says, he was somewhat of a video game nerd. John says, he can't wait to get out & play Destiny. Steve says, he's done with this game, but he's not yet. He says, it's like finals week in school, & counting down until you are done. He says, you can do all you can while it's in your control, but when it's not in your control you can't do anything. John says, it's pretty good not having to work & it's definitely not a 3 month vacation. Steve asks him if he thought it would be? John says, he didn't grasp how hard it would be. He says, he didn't think he would make it this far. Steve says, nor did he. He says, he didn't think he would miss the fall semester of school. Liz goes in the house carrying clothes & says she beat him at pool.


10:02 PM BBT Liz says, Austin gets lucky on his games & he has no skill, that's why she hates playing with him. Liz asks if Vanessa went to sleep? John says, she went upstairs. John says, she finally got her album today. Liz asks why it took so long? Steve says, it's a strange album. Liz puts her clothes on the chairs for them to dry. She goes to the BY. Austin is in the BY stretching.


10:04 PM BBT John & Steve talk about Vanessa's music. Liz gets on top of Austin in the BY & kisses him. She gets up & goes by the jacuzzi. Steve tells John he made it to the final 6 with an alliance of 5. John asks where Jace went? He says, damn you Jace, why? Steve says, he's on his Twitter. Steve says, he's going to make a Twitter for fans to contact him. He says, Christine Tweeting him was a big deal. He says, he will probably do Skype calls & donate the money also. John says, he's getting more zits than he used to. Steve says, he's been getting them for a couple weeks now. He says, more white heads, it's probably stress. Steve talks about it feeling like finals week. He says, this game is like the length of a semester. John says, he's right.


10:08 PM BBT John says, he forgot about semesters, because you go year round in dental school. Steve says, he doesn't know what his mom did for him for school. He says, he gave her everything, all his passwords & accounts. He even gave her a Power Of Attorney. Steve says, he's trying to picture the phone call when his mom said her son is on a TV Reality show & she needs to withdraw him from school. Steve says, he's hoping his Adviser thinks it's o.k. He says, he told him it was a summer gig with CBS in L.A.


10:10 PM BBT John tells Steve just not to lie to him. Steve says, everything he told him was the truth. He says, he remembers the casting call. John asks if there were a lot of people there? Steve says, there were hundreds of people there. He says, he's the only one from there also. Steve says, they don't do those out of New York a whole lot. He says, hopefully they are inspired to do more like that. Steve says, Ian grew up in Pennsylvania.


10:12 PM BBT Steve says, they are all from different states now. He says, New York, California, Florida, Pennsylvania & Nevada. They discuss where the rest of the HG's are from.


10:13 PM BBT John asks Steve if he knows where everyone from all the seasons if from? Steve says, no, he's trying to remember the winners & can't remember them all. Vanessa comes out of the HOHR & asks John if he wants to finish their convo they didn't finish earlier? John says, yes. He gets water & heads to the HOHR. Vanessa tells Steve that the next time they are locked in might be the last time. Steve says, no way, it's too scary & he doens't want to think about it.


10:15 PM BBT Vanessa tells Johnny Mac she wants to do a big move in this game. She says, she wants it to go down in BB history, & Steve is not it. John says, really? Vanessa asks if he thinks he is? John says, no. Vanessa says, it's Austin.


10:16 PM BBT John tells Vanessa that someone put it in her head that he & Steve are a showmance. Vanessa says, Austin started telling her this last week. She says, she wishes she would have thought about this sooner. She tells John they are going to definitely do this. She says, she will deal with Liz afterwards. John says, he wants to win or at least get some money. Liz is going upstairs. John tells Vanessa to keep telling Austin that they are going to vote to keep him, but they are going to take him out. John says, they have to take him out. Vanessa says, we are doing it. Vanessa tells him it's good for his game & he can't win without doing this. She says, people in jury will probably cheer. She says, Steve is not a threat & look at how he is down there.


10:19 PM BBT Vanessa tells John that Steve will not be ready to win HOH since he thinks he's leaving. Vanessa says, Liz will be an emotional mess. She tells John to keep telling them he's going to keep him. John says, he's going to tell Austin that Vanessa is all over the place, but he's sticking with it. Vanessa asks if he really will do this? John says, yes. Vanessa says, it's going to be a bomb dropping on the house. She says, the jury will cheer when he gets there. John asks Vanessa about the top single from her music. She says, it's Porcelain. She says, it's from a movie that Leonardo Dicaprio is in called The Beach. She explains the movie to him.


10:24 PM BBT The movie conversation is still going on in the HOHR. John says, he would never buy an iPod Shuffle because you can't pick anything. Vanessa says, the Apple Watch would be great. John says, some of them are over $10,000. Vanessa says, some are insane, but they have them for like $300. She says, she wants one. John says, he's watched people get carpal tunnel surgery. Vanessa says, she may need it actually, & people say it really works. She says, she started as a Violinist, played with Casino Chips & always uses her hands as a D.J. John says, he uses his hands a lot for working. They talk about how they did the Veto Comp.


10:28 PM BBT Liz & Austin are playing chess. Vanessa continues talking about how she did the Veto Comp with her fingers. John has the headphones on & is listening to Vanessa's music.

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