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JUROR #7 - Austin Matelson (Week 12) - replacement Nominee (Evicted Sep. 15)


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The last words from tonight's episode (where Julia was evicted) belong to Austin.

After Julie Chen says "Goodnight houseguests!", you can hear him quickly say "Put me on 'The Bold and The Beautiful', please!"

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I give Liz credit for never saying to him..."if you love me you will take me off the block" but how did the idiots not take out Liz instead of Julie? Does no one have any strategic sense? Even Van wanting to keep cozy with Aust Angels knows she is never going to get to win with those two vying against her.

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The last words from tonight's episode (where Julia was evicted) belong to Austin.After Julie Chen says "Goodnight houseguests!", you can hear him quickly say "Put me on 'The Bold and The Beautiful', please!"

Lol, I missed that.

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Austin wonders how many Liztin tributes are on youtube!  LOL  His ego is enormous.  I looked and didn't find any tributes but found lots of clips referencing "fingergate".  He told Liz he had anxiety with her not in the house and then wanted to know if guys hit on her.  He really is a jealous person.  He even got jealous when she was hanging out with Steve.  


I am guessing a restraining order is in Liz's future!!

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All the hatred that he is ugly he is dirty he is egotistical bla bla bla


Take a minute and look at his game play


Every season I really focus on the game talk. He has been masterful with Vanessa. After the HOH he was the target. He went to Vanessa and talked her down. He knows just how to listen to her, act humble at times and build up her ego. She loves the art of the game and over the game he has spent hours talking to her about game moves. She keeps saying how much alike they are in the way they play the game. He knows when to act like he is bowing down to her and what to say to her to make sure she feels like she is always in control and how much he respects her game. 


Then we can have Jmac who would not talk more then a few grunting game words with her and then goes to sleep. That is not the way to win Big Brother. The Internet is falling apart with grief that Johnny might be going home. It is the Donnie syndrome all over again. 


When they thought that Jmac was safe and targeting Austin the Internet loved Vanessa...... until Austin was able to turn it around and Jmac was the target. Then they hate Vanessa again.


Jmac went to Austin and Liz last night and said he would throw the POV comp to them and hope that they would see that as trust and vote out Steve instead of him. Seriously? Throw the POV? 


I really wish more people would focus on the "game" and the game moves and game talk and not who didn't wash their hair enough.


The 2 best players this season have been Vanessa and Austin. They may not win but they deserve the credit for playing the game. 

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Well said. My distaste for Van is well documented. Austin's memory wall photo does look like a creepy magician. He certainly does look like he is dirty and smelly. However, his gameplay has been quite good for the reasons mentioned above.

Handling Van the way he has is a minor miracle. She is delusional and he had navigated that several times. I have been resigned to the fact a player I dislike will win for weeks now. Its castings fault.

I have heard several posts state cases against JMac and Steve and what would be best. I would again say Becky, James, Jackie, and Meg will not vote for Vanipulator. No gameplay respect move will move them if any other decent option is available. She would be a fool to go with Steve or Jmac to F2. Probably no shot with Liz either.

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I do not see his game play as being that good.  He CLAIMS victory for Liz's gameplay.  Like the OTEV comp where he insisted in saying he and Liz were co-winners because she beat him in the final.  Or the way he tried to run her HOH's .  


My dislike for him started with the Hicky's.  That is a junior high school method of boys to mark their territory. He seems to be a very jealous person.  Remember when Liz and Steve were laying on the bed talking (as so many do on BB) and he totally freaked out and went off on Liz.  Then every time Steve tried to talk to Liz he stood in between them so they couldn't get close.  (seriously?  jealous of Steve?) Then when Liz and Van got back from the outing what did he say?  "Did any guys hit on you?"  


I don't like the way he uses his body to overwhelm her when they lie down or the way he holds her head so she cannot move away when he wants to kiss her.


It just all gives me a creepy feeling.  I am sure others don't feel that way but I once had a boyfriend that was like that and a few years after I moved away and finally got away from him he went to jail for molestation of a minor.  that is just my opinion.


I am not fond of any of the people left on the show actually.  Just my opinion

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If by some strange chance Austin makes it to the final 2 with Vanessa, can she try to hold him to his word of not winning BB17?  Remember Austin told Vanessa if she would not backdoor him he would tell everyone not to vote for him as BB winner?  He said he only wanted to stay in the house because of his love for Liz and not for the money.  Vanessa agreed not to put him up and put up Jason instead. Did he actually tell everyone?  I don't recall. But even if he did, can jury members hold his words against him?  Better yet, would any jury member be allowed to use his words as an excuse NOT to vote for him?  Just curious!

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I agree with you.  People seem to have a distaste for Austin based on appearance and possibly vocation.  I, however, like him. A lot.  I think not only is his game play and handling of Vanessa better than anyone else has so far, he also plays a very good social game.  The HG's seem to like him.  And that has gone a long way for keeping him off the block most of the time for so long.  He also seems to be able to win comps when he absolutely has to.  


Johnny Mac with his PeeWee Herman like yelling and squawking in the DR annoys the crap out of me.  He also seems to fly along by the seat of his pants and has no real plan.  I can't get behind all the love for him when I don't feel like he deserves to win. 

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I would rather Austin win than any of the others at this point.  No, I don't think he's played a great game -- he had the potential to do MUCH better.

But of what's left, I feel he's played better than the others.


I would love to see Austin evict Vanessa at final three (and take Liz -- duh, a no brainer -- or even John) over her. 

Vanessa's ego needs that kind of re-alignment.

I would love to see Austin beat Vanessa IF they were sitting at final two.  Again, her ego needs that reality check.


If Austin or Liz make it to final two without the other, they will automatically have two votes from the jury -- something the rest of the house

should have been thinking of for a very long time.  But it's one of those seasons where you don't have a lot of brain power going on, so it

is what it is.  How Vanessa plans to overcome being at final three with Austin & Liz, I still don't get.  For someone who is praised on here for

her hard-core strategizing, the strategizing must have stopped at final three and making it to that point in the game apparently is her final goal.

Either that, or she is 100% certain she is going to beat them to become the final HOH. 

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I think Austin beats anyone in the F2

Vanessa likely beats Liz or John but maybe not Steve

Liz might squeeze out a win over JMac but loses to the rest

Steve beats Liz & John; it's a toss up with Vanessa

Jmac beats Liz if the stars align just right :)


anyone agree with these scenarios?

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I think Austin beats anyone in the F2

Vanessa likely beats Liz or John but maybe not Steve

Liz might squeeze out a win over JMac but loses to the rest

Steve beats Liz & John; it's a toss up with Vanessa

Jmac beats Liz if the stars align just right :)


anyone agree with these scenarios?


I have been thinking a lot. I think some of this jury will not vote on gameplay - 


I Jmac maybe getting the votes of - Becky, Jackie, Shelli and it would depend who he is up against. 


I see Vanessa winning over everyone 


I see Austin winning over Liz


Just so hard to tell....

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Johnny Mac with his PeeWee Herman like yelling and squawking in the DR annoys the crap out of me.  He also seems to fly along by the seat of his pants and has no real plan.  I can't get behind all the love for him when I don't feel like he deserves to win. 

I know what you mean, sporadic. I don't understand how he has gotten so popular. But instead of PeeWee, I am reminded of Beavis and Butthead.  I can't tell which one is which, but JMac looks and sounds just like one of them.  

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I hope that someday somebody teaches Austin, who is a college graduate, when to use the word "myself".  All season long he has used the word "myself" when he should have used "me" or "I".  I know he's trying to sound smart, but it's not working. 

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I hate to hijack a topic thread like this, but it's kind of a slow week around here! LOL

The word "myself" can be strange.

I, myself, use it only one way, to refer to myself. (Ha!)

But there are a few other legal uses for the word, most of which sound wrong or funny to me, but which are accepted uses.

And yes, it is absolutely possible to use it wrong.

(I can't attest to whether or not Austin has been using it inappropriately, as I've just never noticed.)

Personally, as a pet peeve, what bothers me more is when people blindly say "<insert name here> and I", assuming that it's the correct form, when sometimes "<insert name here> and me" is actually called for.

Ex. Shirley and I went to the store. (Correct!)

Ex. Me and Shirley went to the store. (Incorrect!)

Ex. The teacher yelled at Margaret and I. (Incorrect!)

Ex. The teacher yelled at Margaret and me. (Correct!)

(The simplest way to know when it's proper is to remove the other person from the sentence, then see if "me" or "I" sounds right.)

Anyone interested in reading more about usages of the word "myself" should head over to: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/myself?s=t

It's actually a pretty good read!

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I hate to hijack a topic thread like this, but it's kind of a slow week around here! LOL

The word "myself" can be strange.

I, myself, use it only one way, to refer to myself. (Ha!)

But there are a few other legal uses for the word, most of which sound wrong or funny to me, but which are accepted uses.

And yes, it is absolutely possible to use it wrong.

(I can't attest to whether or not Austin has been using it inappropriately, as I've just never noticed.)

Personally, as a pet peeve, what bothers me more is when people blindly say "<insert name here> and I", assuming that it's the correct form, when sometimes "<insert name here> and me" is actually called for.

Ex. Shirley and I went to the store. (Correct!)

Ex. Me and Shirley went to the store. (Incorrect!)

Ex. The teacher yelled at Margaret and I. (Incorrect!)

Ex. The teacher yelled at Margaret and me. (Correct!)

(The simplest way to know when it's proper is to remove the other person from the sentence, then see if "me" or "I" sounds right.)

Anyone interested in reading more about usages of the word "myself" should head over to: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/myself?s=t

It's actually a pretty good read!


Well, ok, but I still don't like it.  :hide:


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Well, ok, but I still don't like it.  :hide:

Yeah, neither do I.

I only like the intensive or reflexive uses.

The informal usage (used in place of I or me, especially in compound subjects, objects, and complements), as well as when used in place of I or me after as, than, or but really don't agree with my ears.

But they have established precedents.

And Austin, as someone who has a background in medieval periods, may be familiar with those usages from his studies of these matters.

But yeah, we don't have to like it.

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Austin said in his speech to not be evicted he plans to attack Steve about not being able to hide behind his mommy now.  I just don't understand the purpose of that type of speech when he is talking to two voters.  It just sounds like he wants to be a bad a$$.  


Oh well I don't really care who wins.  Game play is Vanessa.  2nd I guess is Austin. Liz is last for me

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Austin said in his speech to not be evicted he plans to attack Steve about not being able to hide behind his mommy now.  I just don't understand the purpose of that type of speech when he is talking to two voters.  It just sounds like he wants to be a bad a$$.  


Oh well I don't really care who wins.  Game play is Vanessa.  2nd I guess is Austin. Liz is last for me


Yeah, if Austin really does say that he'll only make himself look bad.  It reminds me of Liz's goodbye message to Jason.  She made a reference to him living in his mother's basement.  I didn't like Jason at all, but that remark was unnecessary, IMO.

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Well, Vanessa seems to have changed her mind and is asking JMac to vote out Austin instead.  This should be very interesting.  Now she will have to face Austin to vote him out!  I wonder will Vanessa blindside him. I wonder if Liz will seek revenge.   I wonder if she will forfeit the Austwins votes in jury if she makes it to F2.  Hmmmm, I can't wait to find out, LOL!

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Well, Vanessa seems to have changed her mind and is asking JMac to vote out Austin instead. This should be very interesting. Now she will have to face Austin to vote him out! I wonder will Vanessa blindside him. I wonder if Liz will seek revenge. I wonder if she will forfeit the Austwins votes in jury if she makes it to F2. Hmmmm, I can't wait to find out, LOL!

Maybe Van is setting up Jmac and wants to "show" Listin that they can't trust Jmac and would keep her for final 3 since she would be the tie breaking vote to save Austin?

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