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Friday, September 11 2015 Big Brother 17 Live Feed Updates


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Activities of Daily Living = ADLs

Battle of the Block = BotB

Back Yard = BY

Bedroom = BR

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Comic Book/Colorful Room = CBR

Da'Vonne = da

Dining Table = DT

Have-Not Room = HNR

Head of House Room = HOHR

Kitchen = KT

Indoor Lock Down = ILD

Living Room = LR

Ocean / Grey Bedroom = OBR

Outdoor Lock Down = OLD

Storage Room = SR

Washroom Area = WA

Water Closet = WC


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1:40 am BBT Vanessa just finished up a conversation with Liz and then Steve walked in the HoH room after Liz left. Vanessa explained to Steve that she had to fight hard to win the HoH and the obvious play is to go for Austin and Liz because they are a couple. Vanessa looks at incentives and told Steve that she is foolish to think that Steve would take her over Johnny Mack to the finals. Vanessa said that she is in the house with two couples and she has to increase her odds in getting to the final three. Vanessa thinks that Johnny is the clearest choice because he has not done much in the game and is unlikely to win. Vanessa told Steve that game wise it is logical for her to go for Johnny Mac. Steve asked her if she is putting him up and she said that she is getting there. She told Steve that she can’t have Steve go for the same reasons that she wants Johnny Mac to go. Vanessa is going to try and be loyal to the scamper squad.

 1:47 am BBT Steve asked Vanessa if him and Johnny are on the block going into the eviction then what happens. Vanessa said that she has Austin and Liz’s word that they will not vote out Steve. Vanessa said that in final four everyone would take Johnny Mac over her. Vanessa told Steve that Austin could not beat Liz in the finals so he will not want to take her to the final three. Vanessa keeps going over the scenarios with Steve on final four and final three.

 1:52 am BBT Vanessa told Steve that she guarantees that Austin and Liz will vote out Johnny Mac. Steve is worried that Liz is mad at him. Vanessa said that she has guided Liz and made her realize that having Steve in the game is better for her than Johnny Mac. Steve asked Vanessa if she is afraid that Johnny Mac is going to be a Victoria and Vanessa said yes. Steve said that he has won comps just not HoH’s. Steve wonders if the jury will vote bitterly or strategically.

 1:55 am BBT Vanessa said that she is not worried about losing to Johnny Mac she is worried about getting to the final three. Vanessa told Steve that she makes moves by doing the math and she believes what she says by the incentives and she has to do what is best for her game and Johnny is blocking her getting to the finals. 

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 1:58 am BBT Vanessa said that her rule of thumb is if the incentives don’t match up with what people are saying then be weary. Vanessa assures Steve that this does not come from Austin and Liz. Vanessa told Steve that she is getting literally more blood on her hands. Steve understands Vanessa’s argument but he does not see it following through. They discuss Johnny Mac falling in the last HoH comp that Vanessa won.

2:02 am BBT Steve told Vanessa that it makes a lot of pressure next week. Vanessa said that this game is pressure. Vanessa said at least he has a chance to play for HoH next week. Steve keeps repeating that is still a lot of pressure. Steve is trying to make sure that he understands Vanessa’s point of view. Steve is unsure of Liz and Austin voting for him. Vanessa said that she has their word on both of their families. Steve wonders why Liz was so pissed when he asked her to do that for him.  

2:05 am BBT Vanessa keeps going over the scenarios with Steve of who wins HoH and who they would take to the final three. Steve told Vanessa that she just wants to split him and Johnny Mac up. Vanessa said part of it and the other part is her getting to the finals. Vanessa said that she has had a relationship with Steve and the Austwins since day 23 and she has not had that loyalty with Johnny Mac for that long.

2:09 am BBT Steve explains to Vanessa that he needs the votes from the two people that he put up and pissed off last week. Vanessa said that they will do what she says or she dares them to flip the votes. Vanessa said that Austin does not know about their deal and Steve doesn’t believe that Austin has not figured it out by now. Steve again repeats that it puts a lot of pressure on him. Vanessa asks Steve what scenario is there not pressure.

2:12 am BBT Vanessa told Steve that it is different because she has not broken her word to anybody and everyone has broken their word to her. They just need for Liz not to win the Veto. Steve was not expecting to be put up. Vanessa said that she did the math. Johnny Mac entered the room and Vanessa said that Steve is in deep mathematical thought. Johnny Mac asked if there is anything that he should know. Vanessa said no and she wants to finish the conversation with Steve and then he can come back up and talk to her. Johnny Mac left the room and there was silence. Steve is going over the scenario again. Austin was called to the DR. Steve did not think that he was going on the block with Vanessa winning. Vanessa said if they don’t keep to their vote and she goes to jury that she will make sure that they will not have the jury votes in finals.

2:17 am BBT Vanessa said that the only way that she could leave him off of the block is if he throws the veto. Vanessa said that she is the tie breaker. Vanessa said that if he is on the block with Johnny then he is never going home. Steve asked what happens if Johnny wins the veto. Vanessa said that she has to put him on the block next to Johnny. Steve is upset about that. Steve’s fear is if Johnny wins veto and he comes off the block. Vanessa said that Steve will have Johnny and her vote. 

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2:22 am BBT Vanessa told Steve that she is the HoH and she is going to do what is best for her game. In the meantime Johnny Mac is sitting by himself waiting for Steve to come out of the HoH so he can talk to Vanessa. Steve told Vanessa that she does not trust his word. Vanessa said that she is leery and she just wants to take the safe play. Steve thinks that Johnny would be harder to beat in finals than Vanessa. Steve doesn’t understand why Austin would want to be with him and Vanessa in final three. Vanessa explains her view again to Steve. Steve came up with a scenario if Liz wins the HoH next week. Vanessa said that Steve is right and does some deep thinking. Vanessa just told Steve that he needs to win the HoH that is all.

2:28 am BBT Steve said that she is putting them in a position where they have to win the next HoH and if Liz wins HoH then they have to beat both of them for veto and then they are f*d if they don’t. Vanessa told Steve that she will talk to Liz and Liz will do what she says. Steve told Vanessa that Liz wants to go to the end with Austin and she is incentivized to win all comps that she can and if one of them wins then both of them wins. Vanessa is silent thinking about what Steve just said.

2:32 am BBT Steve goes through the names of the jury members and said that they are all voting for Johnny if he gets to the end. Vanessa said that Meg and James hate her and they will not vote for her. Steve and Vanessa now go over possible jury votes. Steve is trying to look at this from Vanessa’s prospective. Meanwhile, now Johnny Mac is sitting in the WA by himself still waiting to talk to Vanessa.

2:35 am BBT Vanessa said that anyone is going to be taken over her. Vanessa said that she does not understand why Steve thinks they are f*d if Liz wins HoH and then she follows that up with only one of them will be. Now Vanessa is building up Steve about how good he is in comps and how fast he can be. Vanessa told Steve that he doesn’t have to win, he just has to not lose (don’t understand that logic but Steve told her okay so he must understand it).  

2:40 am BBT Vanessa told Steve again that she explained to Liz and Austin why it is better for them to get rid of Johnny Mac. Vanessa does not know what to say to Johnny Mac. Steve said that he will tell him to come up and Vanessa said thank you but can I know what I am going to say to him first. Steve told Vanessa that he is not with Johnny as much as he is with her. Vanessa said that he is the only one that thinks that way. Steve thinks that this is a more risky option. Vanessa said the good news is they will make the final four. Steve said not if I am going on the block.



2:44 am BBT Steve leaves the room and is going to tell Johnny Mac to come up. Vanessa told Steve before he left that she could change her mind and she doesn’t know for sure. Steve sat back down on the bed and said what if Liz wins HoH next week. Vanessa said if they send home one of Lizten and the other wins HoH. They are going over the scenarios again. Johnny Mac came in and said he is tired so Steve left and Johnny is listening to Vanessa. She told him that she is feeling foolish about what she was thinking. She is going over her scenarios of inventiveness for the other people.

2:55 am BBT Vanessa explains that she has two pairs that will pull each other to finals over her and it puts her in a tough spot. Johnny Mac said that he does not feel like he could beat Steve because he has not been socially like Steve has. Vanessa asked Johnny Mac if there is anything that he could say to help her with the math. Johnny no if she wants to put him and Steve up then put them up and he will risk it, thinking that Steve is the target to go. They talk about winning the veto in final four. Vanessa asked Johnny Mac if he won the veto who he would take to the final three. Johnny said that he would get rid of Austin or Steve.

2:58 am BBT Vanessa and Johnny Mac go over the scenarios over who would be taken to final three. Vanessa just told him that she has no idea what she is going to do. Johnny Mac said that he did feel better that Vanessa won HoH instead of them. Vanessa is talking about incentives again.

3:02 am BBT Vanessa asked Johnny Mac to make arguments to stay. Johnny Mac does not know what to say except his good bye message today was mean then BB gives him a warning that he is not allowed to talk about his DR Sessions. Vanessa said if she puts him and Steve up and Steve goes will he hold it against her and he told her no. The veto controls who goes to final three and who goes home.

3:06 am BBT Vanessa told Johnny Mac that is basically what she is up against. Johnny Mac told her that she is in a tough spot. Vanessa keeps saying that she should not have won the HoH. Johnny Mac thought that Vanessa was going to throw the HoH to him and Vanessa said that she thought about that but Austin was too close and she is not good at throwing things. 

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3:10 am BBT Vanessa told Johnny Mac that she really does not know what she is going to do tomorrow and she will not get any sleep thinking about it. She may just put one up from each side. Vanessa’s rule in BB is to go with incentives. Johnny Mac said that he has been telling her for weeks that his word is no good. Vanessa told him that he is a funny character. Vanessa said that she will be happy with fifty k. Vanessa said that everyone else had one or two people to play with and she had zero. Meanwhile we see Steve in the CBR going over the scenarios with candy. Vanessa told Johnny Mac good luck in the veto no matter what and that she is torn over this.

3:15 am BBT Johnny Mac said that he is ticked off at all of them and he wants to evict them all one by one. Vanessa told Johnny that the five person alliance never meant anything once Austin fell in love and told Johnny Mac that he should be mad at Steve for having him on the side. Johnny Mac wonders what the name of the five person alliance is. Vanessa told him it does not matter now. Johnny Mac said if it keeps him off the block in any way that Steve did not know that her (Vanessa) and him (Johnny Mac) were so tight. Vanessa said at this point she would let them play rock paper scissors to see who goes on the block. Vanessa said that it would be so much easier if she did not like them all.

3:21 am BBT Johnny Mac is going to bed and Vanessa said that if she knows before who is going up she will tell him. Vanessa said that if noms stay the same and Johnny is off the block would he vote the way she wants him too. Johnny Mac told her that he would vote her way. Johnny Mac told Vanessa about the last time he got evicted he told Julie that he would go after Meg and Julie looked at him weird. Vanessa said that his odds in veto are good because she can’t lift her arms. Vanessa told Johnny Mac to get some sleep that BB wants everyone showered and ready at 9:45 am.


3:27 am BBT Steve went back to the HoH to go over numbers. Vanessa told Steve that Johnny does not know that he is the target and then she tells him that she does not know what she is going to do. Steve brought M&M’s to run scenarios. Vanessa told Steve that Johnny Mac has her convinced that she will not win the game and that he even said that to her. Steve gets out the M&M’s to go over the scenarios. 

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3:32 am BBT Austin walked in the HoH room and surprised Vanessa and Steve. Austin asked if he was interrupting and Vanessa said that he is going over scenarios then Steve leaves while Austin stays. Vanessa told Austin that Johnny Mac knows about the five person alliance. Vanessa is explain that she is in the house with two couples and no matter what she does she is going into final four with one couple and one person that just lost their other person. Vanessa told Austin that Johnny Mac told her that his word is no good (while she laughs) and that he hates all of them because they all evicted him. Austin asked if this is the Dr Will strategy and Vanessa said that she does not think that Johnny Mac even seen Dr Will. Vanessa told Austin that Johnny Mac told her that she will not win and that everyone hates her she is a lock to lose.

3:38 am BBT Vanessa explained to Austin that if Liz wins HoH he cannot throw veto. Vanessa said that Steve does not know how much she trusts Austin and Liz. Now they discuss that if Steve throws someone under the bus to them then it is guaranteed that he is working with them. Vanessa said that she is open minded to keeping Johnny over Steve in case one of them wins HoH. Austin said in that scenario that is where he is throwing the veto. They are both concerned that Steve could win the HoH. Vanessa said that her initial gut instinct is Johnny Mac but at this point she is fine if Johnny wins veto and Steve goes.

3:43 am BBT Austin told Vanessa that he knows that he could not beat Liz in the game. Austin will hopefully come through in the next HoH for Vanessa. They think it will be the before and after. Austin is not going to drill on the before and after with Liz this week because Liz is already confused about it so he will not help her. Vanessa and Austin will drill on the before and after alone. Vanessa said that if Liz and Austin do their job and win the veto then they will be okay. Vanessa will throw the veto to Austin if it comes down to it. Vanessa is going to do the math and give Steve the benefit of the doubt.  

3:48 am BBT Vanessa is now telling Austin that if she goes to jury she will poison the jury against whoever it is that gets her out. Now Vanessa is explaining to Austin how Steve has been disloyal to her. Vanessa said when it comes to the game of BB then Steve is a computer. Vanessa said that she has not broken her word in this game. They both discuss Johnny Mac again and the things that he was saying. Austin said all that is coming from a guy who slept his way through the season.

3:53 am BBT Vanessa and Austin both cannot figure out Johnny Mac’s game and they are worried that Johnny Mac might hurt their jury votes. They are both yawning and said that they have to win the veto tomorrow. Vanessa told Austin that she knows when something is bothering them. Austin said that his strategy when Vanessa is HoH to just tell the truth. They both agree that Johnny Mac is not in a good place right now.

3:58 am BBT They continue to discuss the things that Johnny Mac said. Austin keeps talking about how Johnny Mac slept the whole first half of the season. Vanessa is going to keep doing the math. 

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 4:04 am BBT Vanessa and Austin continue to go over the things that Johnny Mac said and they both agree that they would be glad to be in the final two with each other. They continue to talk about Johnny Mac being the wild card. Austin said it is scary to go any further with Steve because he will win comps. They are talking about how hard the HoH comp was and how it will be a joke that Austin can lift 400 pounds but couldn’t move ten eggs without hurting bad. Vanessa is explaining how she did the comp using her hands as a basket.  

 4:13 am BBT Vanessa thanks Austin for allowing Liz to take her on her luxury trip instead of him. They both discuss the after party and how they are going to have to worry about other people hitting on their love. Vanessa told Austin to go and get some sleep and she is going to do the math with M&M’s. Austin leaves and she is now doing the scenarios.

 4:19 am BBT Vanessa is sitting on her bed going over the scenarios with the M&M’s. She is mumbling to herself so we don’t know what she is saying.

 4:27 am BBT Vanessa still in the HoH going over sceneros while we see Johnny Mac get up to use the WC. Vanessa just finished with the M&M’s but has not said anything out loud as to what she is going to do. She brushes her hair, gets a drink of water and heads downstairs to go into the DR. We hear a bit of her DR someone said that she is an angel and Vanessa responded that it is already 4:30 and she really has to go to bed then we get FotH.

6:33 am BBT All lights are out and we see sleeping house guests. There is a message scrolling across the screen that the live feeds will be down Friday, September 11, 2015 starting at 9:45 am PST and resume at 11:30 pm PST. 

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8:00am BBT BB wake up call... HGs are up and doing morning routine of getting ready, eating breakfast.


Message scrolling at top of feed states:

"The live feeds will pause starting on Friday 9/11 at 9:45am PST and will resume at 11:30pm PST.  We appreciate your cooperation. Please enjoy the hightlight commentary in the "

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 9:00am BBT: HG have been up for awhile and doing ADL's and eating. Steve says he is now going to go to sleep again and BB calls Vanessa to the DR, Steve says i will wait then i guess , Liz said it is probably for her meds and Steve says i will just wait then till she comes out. 


 9:04am BBT: Austin and Liz are making breakfast as John and steve watch. Vanessa in the HOH WA doing ADL's.


 9:10am BBT: Austin pours himself a cup of coffee and talks to John about youtube and how east youtube is to use, John says  yeah it is easy on youtube.


 9:14am BBT: Austin, Steve and John are talking about plugging in electric drums to an amp and how it is not the same as real drums. Austin says there are certain sounds the electric drums can not capture that real drums can.


9:20am BBT: Vanessa still doing her hair in the HOH WA. In the Kt is general talk with Austin, Steve and John while Austin washes dishes.


 9:28am BBT: Steve and Austin talking about  two weeks left till they can go home and Austin says less than two weeks now.


9:41am BBT: Vanessa walking around the HOh rm looking at everything, Austin, John and Steve in the Kt just general talk going on as Austin continues to clean the KT.


9:45am BBT: Vanessa comes out of the HOh rm asking what time it is and Austin says 9:45 then Vanessa goes back in the HOh rm and get on the bed and sits there, Steve is pacing the House  while John and Austin are in the Kt all is silent in the house.


 9:48am BBT: Vanessa talking to herself very quietly in the HOh rm. Austin is now alone in the Kt stretching and Steve walks in just pacing.


 9:52am BBT: We have now gone to Jeff's reels.

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