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Monday, September 7 2015 Big Brother Live Feed Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !


If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.


Remember your time zones. Big Brother USA Time is Pacific Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. http://www.mortystv.com/images/bb17/bb17castquide.pdf


Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:


Activities of Daily Living = ADLs

Battle of the Block = BotB

Back Yard = BY

Bedroom = BR

Cabana Room Lounge = CRL

Comic Book/Colorful Room = CBR

Da'Vonne = da

Dining Table = DT

Have-Not Room = HNR

Head of House Room = HOHR

Kitchen = KT

Indoor Lock Down = ILD

Living Room = LR

Ocean / Grey Bedroom = OBR

Outdoor Lock Down = OLD

Storage Room = SR

Washroom Area = WA

Water Closet = WC


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If you post questions or start conversations with each other here, they will be deleted.



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12:01 AM BBT Steve, John, and Julia are talking about what America has voted on.  They only heard about one thing, and that was a have-not food.  They speculate about what else they have might have voted on. John comments that America has to be involved in some way. 


12:02 AM BBT The group at the HT talk about Da’Vonne and how random her selections were for people who were not allowed to vote.  They don’t know why.  John says he can’t even remember the alliance pattern anymore it was so long ago.  They talk about how the original alliance [the insiders] are all gone.


12:07 AM BBT John tells Steve and Julia that Da’Vonne approached him to work together to the end.  Steve says he had a Day 1 alliance with Da.  John tells Steve and Julia about a reference Da made to a character in a movie that implies that Steve is a mastermind.  John explains the story line and the character’s role. 


12:13 PM BBT Julia and John are going through their Wack Street Boys routine ... seated version.  Julia and John claim they had a Wack Street Boys alliance and they did a good job.  Three of the four people in the group are still here so they did good.  They talk about Jason, who is the only one in the band who has left.  


12:16 AM BBT Austin and Liz are silent as they cuddle on the hammock.  They seem to just be listening to the conversation going on by the HT. 


12:17 AM BBT Julia tells Steve that she prefers the full version of his name.  She asks John if he prefers to be called John, Johnny, or Johnny Mac.  John says he doesn’t like to be called “Johnny” but he likes “Johnny Mac.” Julie Chen called him “Johnny Mac.”  Steve gets up and leaves the HT area.  Julia comments to John that it’s the Labour Day weekend and asks John what he would be doing.  She asks him about his office and how many people work there. 


12:21 AM BBT John and Julia talk about having to put money aside to pay taxes.  John says he has already paid his June and Sept quarterly installments.  John notes that he might have overpaid because he isn’t making as much in the house as he would as a dentist.  Julia says obviously you come here for the experience and there is the potential to win a lot of money. 


12:22 AM BBT Steve comes back to the BY wearing his trunks.  He gets into the HT.  They talk about kool aid and “Family Guy.”


12:24 AM BBT Liz tells Austin that there is so much pressure.  Austin tells her not to listen to anyone, just listen to her heart.  He loves her no matter what, and he just doesn’t want her to give up on herself.  Liz says she has this feeling that he wants her to go and he asks her then why is he telling her not to.  Austin tells Liz that he doesn’t want her to go.  He doesn’t want to be apart from her for a minute.  Liz says that showmances never make it to the end, though, and Austin says he doesn’t care.  Liz tells him that she feels stupid if she would have thrown her that last HOH. She doesn’t have one HOH.  Austin says she has done so much in this game, and why would she want to walk away from that.  But if it doesn’t mean that much to her, she can do it.  He isn’t going to vote her out though.  If she wants to leave, the others will vote her out.  Liz asks who would bring her to final 2 and Austin says he would.  Liz says he has a final 2 deal with Vanessa; she’s not stupid.  Austin says that everyone has deals with everyone, it doesn’t mean anything.  Liz gets up from the hammock.  Austin is frustrated with her.

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12:31 AM BBT Austin follows Liz inside and finds her in the WA just as she is leaving.  She says it’s okay and he doesn’t owe her any explanation.  Austin follows her to the OBR and asks her why she is saying all this. She says that she just feels like if she stays in the game, it will just tear them apart even more.  Austin asks her to talk to him.  She is exasperated with his question saying she has told him how she feels and she doesn’t know what else he wants her to say.  She says she’s not an idiot, she knows what he is doing.  Austin asks her what he’s doing and she says she doesn’t know and the game is just getting to her.  Austin asks again what she thinks he is doing. 


12:33 AM BBT  Austin waits for Liz to respond and there is a long silence.  In the BY John, Julia and Steve are talking about reality shows.


12:34 AM BBT Liz turns toward Austin finally and Austin tells her that he just wants to know what she really thinks.  She says that part of her wants to throw in the towel and another part doesn’t.  She thinks that her being there isn’t good for his game.  Austin says probably not...they will probably be put up again...but he doesn’t care.  He wants to stick with her. He says he loves her and she says she loves him too.  They kiss and Austin gets onto the bed and they cuddle. Liz asks Austin to promise her one thing; that he will go after Steve.  Austin says “of course, without question.”  He will try his hardest to do that.  Liz is crying.  Austin tells her that she doesn’t have to sacrifice herself if she doesn’t want to.


12:37 AM BBT Liz is emotional saying that in real life, Julia has always gotten the short end of the stick.  Austin says that if she wants to give it to Julia that’s okay.  Liz is sobbing and saying that she has always gotten everything better than Julia.  Liz wants to stay so bad, but she wants Julia to have it.  Austin says he understands, and then asks Liz what Julia wants her to do.  Liz says she doesn’t know.  Austin holds Liz as she cries. 


12:39 AM BBT Liz tells Austin that Julia just wants what is best for both of them.  Austin says there is no way to know, and Liz says that’s why it’s so hard.  They talk about what Julia’s chances are for future competitions.  Austin points out that Liz could win those comps.  Austin says they can’t predict the future, she just has to go with what is in her heart.  Liz says she doesn’t know what is in her heart.  At this point it’s not about who stays but how to maximize their chances.  Austin urges her not to try and think of all the what-ifs because they are unknowable. Try not to think past final four.  Liz repeats that no one will want to go to final 2 with her.  He tells her that if she is in final 3 with Steve and Johnny Mac it doesn’t matter because they are taking each other anyway.  They talk about the jurors and who the jurors like.   Austin tells Liz not to give up on herself because he is not going to give up on her.


12:44 AM BBT Austin tells Liz to remember that it’s a game and they have done great.  Liz says that they have all come this far and of course they want to go to the end.  Tearfully, Liz says that she just loves Julia so much.  Austin tells Liz he knows and she has the biggest heart.  Liz doesn’t want to disappoint Julia.  Austin makes a joke about a down payment on a yacht.  Liz laughs, and then repeats about being glad they have gotten this far and the struggle to decide who stays and who goes.  Austin tells her that she has to play to win.  He brings up Rachel as an example.   Austin urges Liz to think about her fans.  They are entertainers, they are on TV. Austin tells Liz he will let her make her own decision, but he just wanted her to know that he doesn't want her to give up.  Liz thanks him for talking to her.  They kiss and they both say "I love you."


12:49 AM BBT Julia is called to the DR, leaving John and Steve at the HT.  Steve says he misses not having to be a shitty human being.  John says he isn’t a shitty human being.  John says he believes in objectivism.  Steve asks what he means by that.  John says it’s rational self-interest.  Steve says he is exercising that. In about 12 hours he is putting Julia on the block.   It’s like survival of the fittest.  You don’t go out of your way to hurt people but when you are working for your own best interest, it’s okay.  Steve feels bad about hurting not just Julia, but her sister at home and her parents.  John says they’ll get over it.


12:51 AM BBT John says it’s at the point where it’s hard to trust anyone because everyone has deals with everyone, so you just have to win it.  Steve says that does happen towards the end of the game.  John says if he doesn’t win, he is probably in trouble.  Everyone is in trouble, even if you aren’t nominated, someone might win veto and you’ll be up.  You have to fight, win, live.  Steve points out that there are five comps left.  John asks if Steve thinks they will have a full week next week.  Steve says no.  They work out what they think the schedule might be. 


12:54 AM BBT Austin and Liz are playing chess.  Liz calls Julia up to help her. 


12:55 AM BBT John talks about how his perspective changed by being evicted once already.  Steve says he has had a very fortunate and lucky life up to this point.  He has never had a death or serious illness of anyone close to him. He has had a stable and loving home where all his needs are met.  He feels like he is very lucky.  Because he hasn’t had any hardships, BB is the hardest thing he has ever done so he doesn’t have the perspective that hardships would give him. He is very thankful, but feels he has a harder time with the game than anyone else. John says this is hard because it’s constant, but dental school was harder. 


12:59 AM BBT John and Steve talk about grading in university.  Steve talks about how it worked when he was a TA.

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301AM BBT, Feeds are back.  Steve is cleaning his ears in WA of HoH.  Muttering to himself.  Cam 3/4 is still focused in on Liztin in bed.  Steve has his letter in hand.  sets letter down and continues to dig at his ears.  he is muttering to himself, leaves WA with headphones on, and letter in hand.  takes off hoodie, heads back to WA.  runs water in sink and washes hands.  He has headphones on and is smiling, now close to bed, starts to jump, goes back to WA and dances in front of mirrors.  Goes back to Bed, does not get in, just setting up his pacing path from WA to bed and back.  Waving his hands around dancing as he walks. 


310AM BBT Steve is still pacing. Make out session is still on Cams 3/4.  Steve continues to pace for another 2 mins then steps out on to the Sky Bridge staring down at the Living room.  He still has on the headphones.  HE tries the door handle at the end of the walkway by the Chess table.  He says okay to someone, [i think BB told him softly to stop that.  I did not hear it, but he took off his headphones and left the door-Granny] Steve returns to HoH room to dance across the floor to WA and then back to the nightstand to look at pictures.  He now takes off mic, then puts it back on.  "I do not know what to say that is not an exact repeat of what I have already said"  "Steve tomorrow is a big moment in BB history, two twins on the block, that is big"  he mutters something, then goes back to headphones.  "Someone just has no clue, Harrison what do you think, I am the one responsible for the end of the twins."  Steve yawns.  "you are very cute Harrison" he is staring at the picture of his new nephew.  headphones are off his head.  "Um, as I already stated earlier this week, my decision is mine and have been entirely my own"  {he is practicing his speech and everything is choppy and changing- like a jumble of words-Granny}  Steve keeps yawning.  mentions triplets on survivor and it sucks.  "who would have guessed I would be HoH now instead of twins"  scratches back, and starts back muttering with his speech "As everyone knows, um, I want to back up and talk about the twin fest.  I want to make some holistic comments about the twin infest in the house.  sniffles" gets off bed and starts pacing again, he has put hoodie back on.  Digs into couch cushions looking for something.  FISH  Make out session continues on Feeds 3/4


322AM BBT  We come back to "I am not going to argue" there are no cameras on me, I want to hook the two couches together, which I did."  He walks into WA, talking about the Twins in Season 5 and how he wants to do a history on the twins for this season.  He continues to pace the room.  Adrian and Nat in Season 5, he counts how many years ago Season 5 was (11 years), He is comparing those twins to Liz and Julia, one huge difference, Twin fest for 4 weeks, then Adrian came in game, this season it was similar [he is mumbling a lot].  Season 5 evicted their twins shortly after they both got into game.  Steve is now back looking at kitchen from Sky Bridge.  [the mumbling I think is cause he is trying to remember stuff about season 5-Granny]  He re-enters the HoH room and starts over with his speech "Eleven years ago during Season 5, the first twin twist started with BB, swapping in and out pretending to be one person.  They were allowed to enter as 2 separate people.  Differences between them and our twins, however there is a big difference, [he keeps repeating sentences] however they were both split up soon after both entering the house Liz and Julia are now survived 7 weeks and 7 evictions.  I never thought the twin twist would come back, you have proven me wrong and that twins in the house would be huge targets, you have proven them and me wrong, I don't know how you two did it, amazed and impressed by your abiility to get this far, nothing short of some of the most amazing good work, unfortunately I want you to know, Julia you have to take a seat. "  [i missed some  of what he said cause he kept repeating sentences and changing words-Granny] 

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333AM BBT Steve is repeating his speech. Still comparing Season 5 twins to Liz and Julia.  Cams 3/4 still focused in on Liz and Austin.  Mumbling is bad now with Steve he is talking with Candy in his mouth.  His pacing path is from the WA to the door of the HoH, he stops talking, but is still pacing.  "In this twist, you came into the house both pretending to be one person, till they were both allowed to come in house, mmmm  mmmmm, they swapped in and out as one person till allowed to enter the house, however mmm mmmm like this season, however mmmm mmmmm, Adrian and Nat were both split up and targeted immediately, mmmm mmmm, 7 you both have survived 7, mmm mmmm  I was involved in some online forums," now putting potato chips crunching in his mouth to his ramblings.  "I have been on forums, [crunch] mmmm mmmm discussing possible return, mmmm mmmm of the mmm mmmm identical twins would almost immediately [crunch crunch] mmm mmm in final two.  Is a huge and you two mmm mmm "  now brushing teeth and muttering while doing so.  "All my discussions  of the possible twin twist [brushing] mmm mmmm could not and will not mmmm mmmm, spit," muttering "serious twin", almost turning to a humming mutter now. rinses out mouth and spits, goes to WC.  Flushes toilet, goes to bed area, returns to WA, "I was convinced the twin twist would not ever return, by you both sitting here you have proved mea nd .... dead wrong"  He washes hands, returns to WA to get toilet paper to clean up spill on floor.  "I was in the camp that the twin twist would not and could not return because they would be targeted immediately, as you sit here in final 6 you have proved me and ..... dead wrong"  He keeps repeating himself over and over.  He now leaves the hoH and returns to stand on the Sky Bridge looking down at the LR.  He tries the door handle again at the end of the hall,  walks back to railing looking down at Kitchen now.


345AM BBT  We see Steve looking over rail at Kitchen below.  Cam 3/4 on Liztin.  returns to hoh room and starts repeating "return of twins to the game, I have to finish what I started, Julia I am sorry"  he removes his mic and puts on the headphones, leaves the HoH and re-enters the HoH turning off the light, puts down the headphones, Climbs into bed, cuddles his bear, still sitting on bed, not laying down yet, puts his hoodie back on, pulls up blankets and lays down.  Bear is laying next to him in bed.  He starts talking under the covers practicing what he has already said, " I think it is weird that 5 people keep being nominated"  "I have to finish what I started"  Steve gets out of Bed, wanders to WA, runs water and splashes his face.  returns to bed.  coves back up.  [mumbles under covers]  lets out a long sigh, Grabs Teddy Bear and tucks himself under the covers further. 


351AM BBT Seems all the HGs are now tucked in for the night.

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9:57 BBT All HGs sleeping. Little movement. We just went to FOTH about five minutes ago. 

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09:00AM BBT All of the HG are still sleeping. It should be a busy day of game talk due to the Veto Ceremony today. Will Austin use the Veto? Who will Steve put up to replace Austin?


09:44AM BBT We get FOTH. Must be time for a wakeup call.

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10:03 BBT: off of FOTH but everyone is still sawing Z's. Strike that. Vanessa is in the BY eating something alone. 

Two cams on Vanessa alone in BY deep in thought and eating. Other two cams on Steve with hoodie over his eyes and under blankets in HoH. [mercifully none on Liztin]

10:07 BBT: Vanessa wanders back through the kitchen (Brief stop near fridge)  into the CBR aaaand...she's back in bed. 

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09:58AM BBT Feeds comeback on. The lights are not now, but all of the HG are still sleeping except Vanessa. She is in the BY eating a something. Could not tell what it is because she got it during the FOTH.


10:00AM BBT Vanessa walks back into the house to go lay down again. All HG are in their beds now. 

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10:08 BBT: BB:"Liz Austin Please change your batteries.'


Onecam on steve. One cam on... I think JMac, and one cam with an overview of the CBR. Shuffling in bed but no real movement. 

10:11 BBT: Liz and Austin wander into storage for batteries. No talk. Wander back out across living room and in to kitchen 

Steve restless in HoH. 

10:11 BBT: Liz goes into the WC. Austin at sink looking in mirror doing ADLs. 

Rest of house asleep. 

Liz out of the WC and also doing ADLs. Not a word between them yet. 

Liz and Austin speaking in at bathroom mirror but I can't hear what they said. water running too loud. 

Liz brushing teeth on two cams. Sleeping but restless Steve in HoH in other two cams. 

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10:15 BBT: Literally just the incessant sound of Liz Brushing her teeth.... 

10:16 BBT: Liz comes up behind Austin. Hugs him from back at bathroom mirror. No words still. 

10:17 BBT: Austin using hair straightener in bathroom. Liz has wandered off, but not on a cam. 

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09:58AM BBT Feeds comeback on. The lights are not now, but all of the HG are still sleeping except Vanessa. She is in the BY eating a something. Could not tell what it is because she got it during the FOTH.


10:00AM BBT Vanessa walks back into the house to go lay down again. All HG are in their beds now.

10:03AM BBT BB tells Liz and Austin to go change their batteries.


10:07AM BBT Austin and Liz have changed their batteries. They walk in to the WA and Liz goes into the WC. Austin is doing ADLs. Liz then walks out of the WC and starts doing her ADLs.


10:11AM BBT Austin and Liz have finished brushing their teeth, so Austin takes advantage of this and kisses Liz. Liz walks out of the WA. Austin is using a hair straightener on his long hair. We can hear Liz yawning really loud from somewhere in the house.   


10:16AM BBT Feeds are back on in the CBR. Liz has dressed herself. She is looking in the closet for something. Austin is still messing with his hair.


10:18AM BBT Liz goes back into the WC. Austin does not notice her because his is really into doing his hair right now. Feeds go to Steve sleeping in the HOHR. He looks so comfortable. BB tells Liz to go into the DR.


10:20AM BBT Liz tells BB “Your gonna need to give me 5 min, Okay thank you.” BB does not reply to this. Liz continues to put her makeup on and Austin is still with his hair. 

09:58AM BBT Feeds comeback on. The lights are not now, but all of the HG are still sleeping except Vanessa. She is in the BY eating a something. Could not tell what it is because she got it during the FOTH.


10:00AM BBT Vanessa walks back into the house to go lay down again. All HG are in their beds now.

10:03AM BBT BB tells Liz and Austin to go change their batteries.


10:07AM BBT Austin and Liz have changed their batteries. They walk in to the WA and Liz goes into the WC. Austin is doing ADLs. Liz then walks out of the WC and starts doing her ADLs.


10:11AM BBT Austin and Liz have finished brushing their teeth, so Austin takes advantage of this and kisses Liz. Liz walks out of the WA. Austin is using a hair straightener on his long hair. We can hear Liz yawning really loud from somewhere in the house.   


10:16AM BBT Feeds are back on in the CBR. Liz has dressed herself. She is looking in the closet for something. Austin is still messing with his hair.


10:18AM BBT Liz goes back into the WC. Austin does not notice her because his is really into doing his hair right now. Feeds go to Steve sleeping in the HOHR. He looks so comfortable. BB tells Liz to go into the DR.


10:20AM BBT Liz tells BB “Your gonna need to give me 5 min, Okay thank you.” BB does not reply to this. Liz continues to put her makeup on and Austin is still with his hair. 

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10:40 Liz out of DR.  Aus called in.  Liz tells Julia what he was going to say at Pov Aus or I'll I shall say Judis, you've earned this Vito far and square.  Weve come so far in this game... and I care about you so much and I know this means so much to me, I will never ask you to use the Vito on me. Liz and Julia talk about the speech at a Vito ceremony.   

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10:28AM BBT As Lizten is getting ready for the day we get FOTH for a moment. Feeds come back on and Austin asks Liz if she is ready. Julia is awake now and walks into the WA. Liz tells her good morning. Liz walks to the sink and tells Austin that he is going to get yelled at because his hair is everywhere. He seems to blow this off and walks into the KT.


10:32AM BBT The twins are in the WA getting ready for the day still. Austin is in the KT drinking some coffee. He looks like he is not fully awake yet. Steve is still comfortable in the HOHR.


10:35AM BBT BB calls Austin to the DR. Liz is talking about what she is going to say in the Veto meeting. Basically she is going to tell Austin to not use the Veto on her.  Liz keeps practicing her speech. “Austin, or shall I say Judas, you earned that veto fair and square tutu and all. We have come such a long way in this game and I care about you so much therefor I would never ask you to use the veto on me.” Julia tells her this speech is so stupid.


10:40AM BBT The feeds are not on Liz but we can hear her shaking a container with liquid. She is still quietly practicing her speech to herself. Julia is doing her makeup in the WA. Liz starts humming for a second. We can hear her mic but we cannot see her on the feeds.


10:42AM BBT It sounds like someone opened up the sliding door to the BY. Liz went into the BY for a min and then walked back into the KT. Liz says that she thinks she will have her morning coffee and cereal outside. She walks into the BY to eat her breakfast. She sits down and starts practicing her speech again.


 10:45AM BBT We can hear Liz slurping down her cereal. Then BB asks Jmac to go into the DR. So Austin joins Liz outside in the BY and gives her a kiss on the cheek. We can also hear that Liz has the sniffles. She is yelling at a fly now. She says ok we are done here and walks back inside to finish her cereal. The fly was too gross for her. She tells Julia about the fly.


10:48AM BBT Jmac is now awake and he walks into the WA to get ready for his DR. Liz shows Austin some pants that he can wear for the veto meeting. She says Austin has the cutest clothes ever and asks why he never wears them. He said he forgot.


10:51AM BBT Most of the HG are awake now except for Vanessa and Steve. Julia is looking around for clothes in the CBR. She yells to Liz if she has seen a white shirt. Liz does not reply. Liz is finishing her breakfast. She is happy that Austin put on the pants she found for him.


10:54AM BBT Liz starts singing “She’s a maniac, maniac, on the floor”. Julia tells her not to sing that song. Julia tells Austin that she likes the pants that Liz picked out for her. BB tells Julia to put on her mic and then tells Julia to go to the DR.


10:56AM BBT Jmac sarcastically tells Austin that his pants are interesting. Liz whispers that she is making him wear them. She says the pants are so cute. Austin does not seem to like the pants. Julia tells him again that they are cute on him. Jmac goes out to the BY to eat a banana.  We then get FOTH. 

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 11:05am BBT: BB calls Steve to the DR. vanessa in the WA doing ADL's.


11:12am BBT: Steve comes out of the DR and tells everyone they have 10 minutes till the POV ceremony. BB calls Vanessa to the DR.


11:18am BBT: Steve Pacing around in the HOh rm he says final 6 that's a huge accomplishment as he grabs his jacket and heads out of the HOH rm. Liz, Julia and Austin in the KT talking about past HG and eating. John in the BY sitting alone and Vanessa is in the DR then we get FOTH.


 11:20am BBT: WE are now on Jeff's Reels as the HG do the POV ceremony.

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12:02pm BBT: Feeds are back Julia in the Wa crying and washing her face. Vanessa, Steve, John in the KT just  talking general talk. Liz in the OBR getting clothes. Austin walks in and we get FOTH.

12:07pm BBT: Vanessa says in the KT that she has such a big heart she just wants to cry. Liz in bed in the OBR with Austin talking about eating, She tells him she had cereal and closes her eyes. Austin kisses her and she just lays there not kissing back she then starts kissing his face.
12:11pm BBT: Steve and Vanessa talking about drinking and Steve says i would say i would drink wine tonight if we got any but i know i would chicken out. Vanessa says i do not understand how you can drink fireballs and not wine and he says cause they go down quick and wine doesn't. 
12:15pm BBT:Vanessa goes to the OBR and opens the door to the CBR and ask where Julia is and Liz, Austin says she is in the DR. Vanessa says are ya'll ok and Liz says yeah. Liz says that she has cried more than Julia in here and now it is Julia crying. Liz then says that steves speech was great and he says thank you.
12:20pm BBT:All HG in the OBR talking about if there were two or three of all of them and Austin says he would love to see three Johnny macks.
12:22pm BBT: Vanessa tells everyone she recommends that they all move their stuff out of the have not rm and Liz says yeah Austin. Vanessa said do you want them to box it up and move it? Vanessa says never mind you do not care. Austin says i am hungry then goes to the KT to make food.
 12:27pm BBT: Liz and Steve in thew OBR talking and Liz says Steve your speech made me cry, Steve says Austin had a good speech too and liz tells him i know but yours made me cry and his didn't. Liz then says both your speeches made me cry so stop that. Steve says Ha Ha  and says give me one more hug and then he goes to the KT.
12:29pm BBT: Vanessa goes out to the BY and lays on the hammock  alone. Austin in the KT making food while Julia is in the OBR changing clothes and crying with sunshades on.
12:34pm BBT: Steve goes to the BY with swim trunks on and gets on the elliptical , Vanessa still laying in the hammock, Austin making an omelette in  the KT, Julia in the WC changing to a swimsuit, John in bed in the CBR and Liz in the DR. 
12:36pm BBT: Julia in the BY now getting her things set up by the pool to lay out. Steve says i will probably join you in the pool as soon as i finish my run. Vanessa has gone back in the house to the CBR and goes to bed.
12:42pm BBT: Steve running on the elliptical and you hear a loud noise, Julia ask what happened and Steve says he broke it, Steve looks at it and moves things and says i fixed it gets back on and it breaks again. Julia yells it's broken. 
John and Vanessa in the CBR sleeping.
12:48pm BBT: Steve in the KT eating cereal, Austin sitting at the KT table eating his omelette all is silent in the house.
12:53pm BBT: Liz is out of the DR and Steve is called to the DR. Steve tells Liz that the elliptical is broke and she says no. She then ask where Julia is and Austin says outside.Liz starts cleaning the KT while Austin keeps eating.
 12:57pm BBT: Julia making herself something to eat and getting a juice. Liz eating an apple and getting a juice. Liz tells Austin that his speech almost made her cry  and she did not want to cry. Julia said i did not want to cry either but i did. Liz says do you realize the Dr is going to show us as being little bitty babies? 
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1:03pm BBT: Steve is in the DR, John and Vanessa asleep in the CBR, Liz, Julia and Austin in the KT talking about Liz blowing kisses at Austin in the Veto Comp today and he missed ti then Julia made him go to the LVR and pick up the kiss, Liz just keeps smiling, Austin says i found it walks back to the KT and hugs Liz.


1:10pm BBT:Steve out of the DR and Vanessa called to the DR now. Steve in his rm walking around. Liz ask Austin  if he is going to go workout and he says yeah. Austin ask are going to go to the pool and Liz says I do not know i don't feel like it. Julia says come on Liz it is labor Day. Liz starts to sing and we get FOTH.


1:18pm BBT: Steve has put his headphones on listening to music, gets in bed and reads his letter. Vanessa in the KT with Julia.Liz getting dressed in her bikini to go out to the BY and Austin has gone to the BY to workout. BB calls John to the DR.


1:25pm BBT: Steve in the HOh rm watching the spy screen saying Vanessa i do not trust you. he then goes to the door listening and says i do not trust you Vanessa not at  all Johnny Mack might but i do not.


1:27pm BBT: Steve goes to the KT to see what Vanessa is talking about with Julia and Liz. Steve stands and listens then Julia says Steve broke the elliptical. Vanessa says Steve and ask how it broke. Vanessa goes to see how broke it is. Vanessa is trying to fix it.


1:30pm BBT: Julia and Liz go sit with their feet in the pool, Julia talking about  her crying when she got put on the block and she says i do not even know why i cried i suspected it anyways.


1:32pm BBT: Liz and Julia sitting at the pool and both are crying they hug each other and says they love each other. Austin is lifting weights. Steve and Vanessa in the KT talking and Vanessa says you are a good kid Steve and he says no i am not, she says yes you are.


 1:40pm BBT: Julia says i was not going to cry today. She says that her and Liz are not independent on each other. they never learned to be separate. Vanessa sitting there listening to them. Austin is still working out and says this is a hotter day than yesterday. Steve is heading out to the pool now, John is back in bed sleeping.


1:45pm BBT: Liz gets off the pool , Steve ask did you get out because you do not trust me? She says no i am hot. Steve ask will you get back in the pool if i get off the ball? she says when i get hot here then i will. Julia ask why they can not have music it is Labor day and then she ask you think we will get music with out take out later? Austin says yes we will.


1:50pm BBT: Liz, Julia, Vanessa and Steve talking about getting out of the house soon and how they can not wait to get their phones and cars back and to have real food and alcohol. Steve says i am scared of my email and Liz says yeah me too.


1:55pm BBT: HG in the BY talking general talk as they lay by the pool and in the pool. Austin is back to lifting weights.

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2:03PM BBT Steve is talking about a Greek community group in college that he pledged. Austin is working out.


2:08PM BBT The HG talk about Jeff. Liz says his body wasn't bad. Austin says compared to what? Liz says he had big muscles. Austin says they were storing fat.  Austin says he could lift more but doesn't work at it.


2:12PM BBT Now they discuss who the Hg liked. Austin says that Jeff was jealous of Austin's friendship with Jace and then wanted Liz. Liz says that Jason was interested in Austin. Now they are wondering if any of the HG had sex in the house this season. They can't figure out what Shelli wouldn't kiss Clay in the house. Liz says that Shelli is 33 and should be able to kiss a guy.


2:15PM BBT Steve says that there are the 4Fs of bases. French... feel..finger and then.. Steve refuses to say it. Liz says why I haven't I ever heard of this. Austin says because you don't hang out in Jr. High locker rooms. The twins laugh.


2:29PM BBT The twins are asking Austin where San Rafael is. He says he has no idea. Then they ask about Haight Ashbury. Austin says he knows it's in San Francisco and he wants to go there for a fitness guy. The twins realize they have been to CA before. They went to San Diego.


2:37PM BBT Vanessa sits on her bed and enjoys some yogurt. Liz and Austin discuss what Liz wants for lunch. Then they talk about hearts and Liz says "so much love". Liz says he never does the stuff he used to before he got her like give her a massage. He says he will whenever she wants. She wants a date night too.

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2:45PM BBT Liz puts on a new tight red shirt. Austin says he really likes it. Julia laughs and says it's Austin approved. Steve is pacing his HOH room.


2:53PM BBT Vanessa and John sleeping. Austin and Liz talking about her red shirt. Liz says he is sweating and gross. Austin says he cleaned off.

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