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Saturday, August 29 2015 Big Brother 17 Live Feed Updates


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Remember your time zones. Big Brother USA Time is Pacific Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. http://www.mortystv.com/images/bb17/bb17castquide.pdf


Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:


Activities of Daily Living = ADLs

Battle of the Block = BotB

Back Yard = BY

Bedroom = BR

Cabana Room Lounge = CRL

Comic Book/Colorful Room = CBR

Da'Vonne = da

Dining Table = DT

Have-Not Room = HNR

Head of House Room = HOHR

Kitchen = KT

Indoor Lock Down = ILD

Living Room = LR

Ocean / Grey Bedroom = OBR

Outdoor Lock Down = OLD

Storage Room = SR

Washroom Area = WA

Water Closet = WC


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Feeds came back and the twins are talking about Steve being the only who won't be competing in the POV comp.

Meg and James in the have not room with their shades on talking. Meg says I'm going home, I know it. James: Even if your up with Jmac? Me: yep yep. They think Vanessa worst fear is if James wins POV.

Meg telling James that Vanessa will pull him aside, and tell him that she wants to work with him. They are discussing the big brother TV schedule.

Austin, Jmac, Steve, Liz and Julia in the kitchen talking about what the POV comp might be. They are trying to guess how many gumdrops are in the jar, how many peaches are on the tray. Jmac is telling Steve that he is the least important person. They laugh. Liz and Austin talking about when to stay and when to fold. Austin is telling her different strategies. 

They are talking about BB15 bowling comp. 

One of the twins (still can't tell them apart sometimes) is calling Steve sneaky about his chess play. Steve called Julia Liz this morning, so I'm not the only one. John was there when Steve mixed them up, so now the twins are calling John sneaky.

Meg and James are napping in the have not room.

Kitchen crew wondering when the VETO comp will happen.

Austin and Jmac talking about video games, Mortal Combat, Street Racer, Mario Kart. Austin is telling Steve island level is his favorite, rainbow arrows...

Steve puts on his blue hoody, and starts to scamper while Austin and twins analyze his technique. They tell him he is very sneaky and very entertaining. 

James is awake. His stomach is growling. He's going to get some milk.

James tells jmac that he is brave for eating slop plain. Jmac is hosting the VETO comp. James talking about hosting the midway comp "Julia needs to get her bumper fixed".

Liz is asking James when he thinks the comp will be. James says the set up was easy. It only took 5 hours, and there was no banging or nothing.

Steve has Fancy by Iggy stuck in his head. James goes in the storage room reads the label on the milk jug "free from 100 preservatives and artificial ingredients, hmm".

James is slurping his milk and eating slop loudly while Meg is trying to nap. She asks him what he's eating. Meg asks James if he should take a shower, he says "yeah". James stubs his toe on a board in the have not room. James whispers "that's why they put us on have not, they think they can weaken us." Meg, "I can't even" James, "how many times have Liz and Austin been on it?" They both think it was two times. James is looking in the camera "America, I'm trying to get Meg on track, because she needs to win the Veto. She's not doing very good she can't get out of her dentist chair. Thank you America for this delicious slop." Meg is laughing.

James tells Meg she can have a swig of his vanilla almond milk with a touch of chocolate. She says she doesn't like vanilla almond milk. Production tells James to stop that. He thinks they don't like him talking into the camera. Meg calls the slop cootie vomit, and James tells her she needs to get some food in her, and a shower. Meg: "I'm so exhausted. I'm just so tired." James "I'm ready." bouncing up and down. Meg "I know I need a shower, I'm just pissed". James, "I need to win this Veto for both of us. If I don't, I've let us both down." Liz tells him no, "I'm going to get my act together". 

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Austin is up in the HOH talking to Van. Austin is wondering what would be the worst that Meg and James could tell Van, but he says there is nothing. Van talks about the week that she had the most stress, zits and all. Van just said that Meg is a liar. Austin, "We caught her in two lies each". Now they are talking about James lies. Going back and forth about lies, how terrified James is of Van (really?). Austin said James will tell Van that she was cut out of Brass Tacks, but she all ready knew that. Van talks about Meg making fun of her. Austin telling Van that he told Meg and James that he isn't going to ruffle feathers before the Veto comp because he doesn't want him or Liz to go up. Van, "they are being unreasonable. It's the same thing they did to us when they put Clelli up". They think Steve would put Meg and Jmac up next week. Van says that Jmac would put up her and someone else. Van: "Julia said that Johnny Mac was whispering with James and Meg." Austin: "I just don't want him to put one of us four next week. He's in a vulnerable spot because he's not playing veto." Van: "I believe him when he says he will nominate the one who stays this week. He's a smart doctor. Why wouldn't he do that?" Talking about different scenarios. Round and round. Van: "Austin, it is foolish to accept that people are telling you the truth." Do you trust Steve?" Austin: "It depends." Who would he put out if me and Liz were up?" Van: "Who would you want him to put out?" Austin: "I want to stay." Vanessa: "So, you won't pull a Clay?" Austin: "No, I've been a fan of this too long."

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Julia and Liz in bed in the purple room talking about how mean Jeff and James were to Julia when the twins were switching out. Julia: "I want to win everything now". Liz: "Yeah, you have to win something". They are talking about how all the best players got picked for Veto because no one will of them will use it. Liz: "I want James out of here. He's done. Meg ain't s***." Julia: "I felt bad last night because she was crying. Her knee is bad, she should have waited until next year to be on the show." They talk about how much Meg cries. Liz: "James has go to go." Meg is crying because she knows if James wins, she is out." They talk about James and Meg thinking one of them was going to be a pawn. Why would Van do that, they were bullies and mean to people, and have never been on the twins side. They love that James and Meg are in this situation. Liz says she doesn't care what anyone says, Jmac is coming after them, and next time he needs to go out.

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Austin and Van still at it. Austin: "HOH is the most important thing for us next week, not the Veto" Van: "It would be insane if one of the twins win HOH next week." Austin: "Julia has to win." Van: "Well, I'll study with her. I tried to throw that HOH to her, but..." Austin: "They should be trying to butter us up non-stop. We are their only hope. They are like the mean girls. They are being ostracized, and now they know how it feels." Van: "They should be buttering me up! I would make the replacement if one of them comes down." They are talking about how hard it was to keep the twins a secret, and funny it was. Van: "You slipped dummy to Steve". They go on and on about it all again.

James, Julia, and Jmac all napping in the have not room.

Van tells Austin that as far as Steve is concerned Freaks and Geeks is the first alliance that they were in. She asks Austin to talk to the twins about the plan for the veto comp and they can come talk to her if they want to. (I missed the plan)

Austin climbs into bed with Liz. Austin: "We pick who is the best between the four of us, and the first person folds, if you don't know the answer, you can't guess you have to fold." Liz: "so, whoever goes first, goes first, then we all fold." Austin: "right, that's the strategy. We don't eliminate each other, it maximizes our odds" Vanessa might want to get rid of Johnny mac instead." Liz: "why?" Austin: "Because James and Johnny Mac together would be disastrous". Hugging and kissing...

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12:10pm BBT The HG were starting to wake up from their mid-morning naps when feeds went to Jeff's Reels. We ain't fakin', there's a whole lot of picking going on. Time to pick players for the Veto competition??!!

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12:10pm BBT The HG were starting to wake up from their mid-morning naps when feeds went to Jeff's Reels. We ain't fakin', there's a whole lot of picking going on. Time to pick players for the Veto competition??!!

I think they already did according to the updates? Not sure who picked who but James/Meg vs Vanessa/Austin/Liz/Julia and they think it's a counting game where you have to guess over/under and you can fold if you don't know the answer. Jmac is the host.

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James won veto!

They are wearing shirts that say Hide & Go veto. The house is a mess. It was a hide the veto competition.

James hid his under a rug. Vanessa upset saying she knew James usually goes high so, but he went low this time. Shes in the HOH room talking to herself.

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Twins are saying they are not cleaing up anyone else stuff, only their stuff.

Twins are angry and talking about where they should have hid theirs. They are very upset and cleaning their things up in the bedroom.

They don't see the point of that comp. It required little skill and was very infuriating. And it was hot.

They are angry because someone messed their clothes up. The twins want to know why they couldn't just feel under their clothes instead of throwing them all over the place. Steve comes in and says his stuff isn't as scattered.

Liz hid hers in a pizza box in the fridge. Julia hid hers in the parlor room under a cushion.

Meg hid hers under the mattress wedged in the middle of the daybed.

Vanessa found Austin's taking him out.

James found Meg's and took her out.

James said he's going to make deals and not hide this week.

James said he's going to tell them if they send Meg home, he's going to take them all out one by one. Meg says James is due for an HOH win soon.

One of the twins sitting on a bed eating an apple.

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5:01pm BBT:  Hg are walking around the House and it is a mess as they ask who hid things where. James has the POV on his neck.


 5:03pm BBT: James hold up the POV and says for you Bailey. Vanessa in the HOh rm saying she had all the information she needed and just messed up. Hg walking around trying to straighten up the house  now saying that it is terrible. James says thongs and underwear are everywhere.


5:05pm BBT: Austin is  picking up the mattresses and putting them back on the beds while James is moving things. Liz says this is the worst comp i have ever played in. Steve is  watching  in a tux shirt as he hosted the comp. Vanessa in the HOh rm pouting alone.


5:10pm BBT: meg says she his hers behind the dresser thing. James says every time he came in  someone had thrown alot of crap on top of  the table so i kept throwing it off looking for anything. Austin says he came in the OBr and throwed things around so people wouldn't find where he hid his. he says I was playing defense. James says that's good.


5:15pm BBT: Julia and Liz in the CBR complaining about the mess and how hot it was outside. James says they tore up the HNBR pretty good. Austin comes in and says Jesus. they start talking about where they was hiding their things and Liz says Austin yours was good. Austin says yeah mine was good but not as secure as james's


5:19pm BBT: Austin helps Steve put his bed back together and Steve says looks like we will get the By tonight so we can start working out.


5:23pm BBT: James tells meg she did not deserve to go on the block and I am sorry. He tells her go talk to Julia and Liz and see what she can do cause they know Vanessa is a sitting duck next week.


5:25pm BBT: Steve comes to the CBR with Liz and Julia and says he is going to put his clothes in the drawers and do all the laundry tonight and rewash everything. James and meg  in HNBR and James says i feel shitty cause i took you out of the one comp you could have won and meg tells him not to worry about it. we get FOTH.


 5:30pm BBT: James and Meg talking about who Vanessa might put up against her and if she would have the votes to stay and meg says what if she puts Austin up and James says  she won't. Meg says should I go talk to her now and James says sternly no let her sweat for now.


 5:32pm BBT: James pacing in the HNBR alone. he says put the veto around my neck and let it soak in for a bit. He says right there baby let it soak in . Austin in the cabana rm fixing it up.  Julia goes to the HOh rm and Vanessa says i do not know how i missed James's  i knew it was under a carpet and i looked there  i did. She says i Just want to cry now. Julia says i was so sad he won. Vanessa says i do not know who  to put up to make sure meg goes home and Julia says put john up and Vanessa says you have yo make sure the three of you vote her out then.


 5:36pm BBT: Julia says if James saves her then he will go home so it will be stupid if he uses it on her. Julia says James was so sneaky that he put the yellow sectional over his carpet he hid his thing under and it was smart but he put it over it and it was so heavy. Julia says so you have to put up John or would you put up Steve? Vanessa says the reason for putting up John was to get rid of a tough competitor then he won but i do not know now.


 5:39pm BBT: Liz ask who dumped all the cereal and Austin says i didn't do that. Liz says i am not cleaning  up no food cause i did not do that with the food. James says i dumped the gum drops but that's it. In the HOh Julia ask who do we vote out meg or John cause i really do not care which one leaves. Vanessa says i don't know.


 5:42pm BBT: Vanessa says what guarantee do i have that you guys will vote John out over meg cause john is coming for you guys and meg sucks. So what is it that i can do to get meg out this week so i just do not know what to do i am screwed.


5:45pm BBT: Vanessa says she will be down stairs in a few minutes as Julia leaves the HOh rm. James is talking to Austin in the OBR about what Vanessa has done and deals that she made and how she put me up 2 weeks now and it was not  my fault cause it was something that was done 5 weeks ago. So I need to talk to her in a little bit.


5:50pm BBT: John is sweeping cereal up in the KT floor. Liz walks in and says she did not do that and will not clean it up. Steve walks through saying wow. 


 5:54pm BBT: Most Hg in the OBR making beds. Vanessa in the Cabana rm saying we need to vacuum in here too as john is sweeping the KT. Vanessa goes to the Kt to start cleaning the counter. BB calls James to the DR.


5:58pm BBT: Julia walking around saying who did that as she refuses to clean the Kt and spilled food. Meg is making slop for her and James. Austin walking around looking at things.

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6:03pm BBT: Austin, Liz, and Julia in the cbr talking about Vanessa  saying that she is afraid that we will vote John out over meg and Austin says what is she going to do put one of us up? Julia says no and Austin says there is some strategies here but we can do what she wants but if we keep john and James together right now then that is bad but if they put Vanessa up next week we have the power to keep her. Austin says I will talk to her.

6:06pm BBT: James is out of the DR and Bb calls Steve in. James helps meg make slop  and tells her how to do it and meg yells James it is to much water and James says that is how it was last time and it came out good.
6:11pm BBT: Julia and Liz folding their clothes and talking about eating and what to wear. Vanessa is vacuuming,  Meg and James making slop. Austin cooking dinner for him and Liz,   Steve is sweeping the WA.
 6:18pm BBT: Vanessa and Austin in the HOH rm and Vanessa says you was sweating and i should have known it was you moving everything and i looked i did and i couldn't find it. Austin says i just kept going back to my room and covering mine up and making sure it was still there. Vanessa said i knew it came down to you and James though i knew cause the girls had give up you could tell and i found that one and i thought it was his so i did not know. Austin says it is ok. Vanessa said each time i barley got to the buzzer and i was sweating and i couldn't do it. I could not find anything.
 6:22pm BBT: Vanessa tells Austin she is F'ed cause she needs meg out and if john or Steve leave i an f'ed So i need meg gone this week. Austin says they will go and it is bad all the way around here. Unless we can get James to use the Veto on meg . We tell him that meg is the target and tell him that we will vote meg out and maybe he will use the veto on her but we can try that you know. Vanessa says yeah maybe. Austin says i do not think meg will go for it though she will not let James use it on her. Vanessa says what if i put Steve up instead of John cause Steve will not come after me next week and John would cause i put him up and Austin says will Steve understand? Vanessa says i thin k he will.
6:27pm BBT: Austin says if we get meg, John or Steve out it isn't going to matter cause they are all three good a mental  comps. Austin says  that James is a threat to me and John both. Vanessa says that I absolutely want meg gone this week for sure. Austin says then she will be. 
6:30pm BBT: Austin says we need to think about who will do what we need them to do next week so there is something to think about you know? Vanessa says James will go after me. Austin says he will put you up for sure but that's ok if he puts Steve .
6:32pm BBT: Cooking and House cleaning is going on in the KT and Vanessa and Austin still in the  HOH rm repeating themselves.
6:36pm BBT: Austin and Vanessa  talking about who they might put up when James comes off the block. Vanessa says here is the thing if John or Steve win HOh they will not put each other up and if i send meg out of the house then James comes after me. Austin says why do you put yourself there then. Vanessa says this is awful why did it happen like this. Austin says my strategy was  rip everything apart in the house  so people would look more. Vanessa said i knew the answer and i put myself in James head i knew he put that under the carpet and i did not go there. 
 6:40pm BBT: Austin leaves the HOh rm and  Vanessa says she is drinking as she sits and opens her bottle of wine. In the KT Everyone but James  is  making food and eating just general talk going on.
 6:46pm BBT: Julia and Liz talking about how hot it was outside while they was doing the POV comp. Julia and meg eating their slop while Austin and Liz are making Steak and salad, Vanessa is in the HOh rm eating her snacks and drinking wine watching the other Hg on the spy screen.
6:50pm BBT: Liz, Meg, Julia and Austin talking about how messy the house got and how fast they cleaned it up and Julia says the house is cleaner now  than it was before we  did all that. Austin says it is .Steve is in the HOH rm talking to Vanessa and says she thought that she had James card and it was Austins and now she has bruises on her legs and arms . Steve says you have 48 hours  now and right now you are in a state that you are flustered and can not decide what you are doing. He says when i get flustered i have to take a break. Vanessa says even Johnny Mack has not come to talk to me since James won and we get FOTH.
6:57pm BBT: Steve and Vanessa talking and Steve says i think you need to take the night off and just relax and think about everything. Vanessa says ok but what if they  keep meg and Steve says i will beat them next week. Vanessa says ok but they are pushing so hard for you or John to go up this week but i promise you that you will not be going up but we are both going to be a target after this do you understand this? Steve says yes.
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7:03pm BBT: Steve and Vanessa in the HOh rm still talking  about what to do and then about drinking the wine. Vanessa says isn't my girlfriend cute and shows a picture. Steve says it is day 73 in this house and i am going crazy and i will leave it at that. Vanessa says  are you saying what i think you are saying and  Steve says it is day 73 Vanessa and i have been good. Vanessa ask can you make it another 3 weeks? he says i am going to try. Vanessa ask if he can get James so she can talk to him? 


7:08pm BBT: Vanessa ask Steve if he wants to get drunk with her and he says no he does not care for wine and he hugs her and leaves the room. In the HNBR James and Meg are talking about Vanessa going to the HOh rm and hiding. meg ask who is she going to put up and he says i do not know. James says Vanessa knows she messed up. Meg says  she seen Steve go to the HOh rm and James says he better stay up there cause  she knows she messed up. Meg says what if we both get to stay? James says we might cause she knows she messed up.


7:12pm BBT: James says i am going to tell Vanessa that if she takes you out it is a waste of an HOH and i am going to tell everyone that so do not take it personal. Meg laughs and says ok i won't.


7:15pm BBT: James says he is pissed and he will make sure Meg gets off the block  he says you just wait and see. James says stay tuned Big brother. John comes in and they start talking about american eagle pants. Meg ask John if he is eating the sour dots and he says yeah. James is eating slop and pacing the room.


7:20pm BBT: Austin and Liz in HOh talking to Vanessa and Austin says just be glad we will all be here on Thursday. Liz says i am scared of James and Austin says well he is here now.  Austin is saying that James and johnny Mack i see them winning to final with me cause they are strong together. Vanessa says johnny Mack has not been up here one time since i been hoh so why wont he talk to me. Vanessa shares her wine with them and Austin says you are going hard at that bottle and Vanessa says i know.


 7:25pm BBT: Austin, Vanessa and Liz talking about where everyone hid their vetos at and where they was looking and the mess they made. In the HNBR Meg, James and johnny Mack are talking about James winning the Veto and James says Johnny Mack and i know what to do when we have our backs against the wall.


7:27pm BBT: Vanessa says i know i can not put Steve up on the block and i can not put you are Liz up cause you both are a target so the only other person i can put up as a pawn and i am just going to throw this out there is Julia cause Steve will vote Meg out and you two would not vote Julia out so i might have tot put her up. But if i put Johnny Mack u[p he might be the one to leave if the votes get flipped.


7:34pm BBT: Julia joins the conversation in the HOH rm and Austin says Ok meg goes and Johnny Mack stay and  he is talking to James alot and if Johnny Mack wins HOh he will not put Steve up and then Meg will not win anything so if it is physical and meg can not win it. OK so if Johnny Mack wins HOh in the double eviction does he put James and Steve up or what so who leaves cause there is no guarantee that he will put them up. So now we have to think what is best for the 4 of us. In the HNBR James is saying that she put Vanessa in a pickle huh. Meg says yeah.


7:42pm BBT: In the HOh rm Liz, Julia, Austin and Vanessa talking about How James needed to go this week. Liz says i can beat Meg and i can not beat johnny Mack. Vanessa says yeah but if meg stays then James still is strong with her and if meg is gone We can convince him to put johnny Mack and Steve up and Austin says how can we do that he wont do it i do not think.


7:50pm BBT: Austin still telling Vanessa that if john went out this week then bye Rambo. Vanessa says can you guys guarantee that you all can beat meg in a comp? Austin says yeah and Liz says without a doubt. Austin says even Steve can beat meg. Vanessa says Steve will be mad if i get rid of johnny Mack though. Vanessa says then when do we get meg out i do not want her here. Austin says i know she will go.


7:54pm BBT: Austin says Johnny Mack and meg on the block together does not mean one has lost cause it could go either way you see what i mean? Liz says i want James out so bad i can not stand  him. Austin says i know but  we cant now. Vanessa says My HOh was a waste and Liz says no Austins was a waste  and Austin says no look at it this way we were kept safe.


 7:58pm BBT: John and meg in the BY sitting with their feet in the hot tub  as the Hg have the By back open now. Steve comes out and  starts laundry.

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8:03pm BBT:James now carrying his clothes to the washer to wash after Steve does. Austin in the HOH rm saying that  Meg is the best to keep this week for the future. Julia and Vanessa say they can not believe that Vanessa did not find James's  Veto.  Vanessa says she will talk to meg and she will talk to johnny Mack also. Austin says  if you put Johnny Mack up then we have an option but if you put Julia up we have no options.


 8:10pm BBT: Meg tells James that they are either going to put Johnny Mack up or one of them she will not put Steve up and they are up there right now talking about it. James says we need to go talk to Vanessa and see where we are at. Next week if I win HOh that ass is mine. Johnny Mack says when two more people leave then there is no more back door anymore.


 8:17pm BBT: HG repeating themselves in the HOh rm and in the BY about who to put up and who to vote out and who will be leaving if James wins HOH next week.


 8:21pm BBT: In the By Johnny Mack and Meg at the Hot tub while James paces the By and they talk about they will see what happens. johnny Mack is going to go talk to Vanessa now and meg says it is you and i James to play pool.


 8:22pm BBt: In the HOh rm Steve, Liz, Julia, Austin and Vanessa talking  and Johnny Mack comes in and lays on the bed as they talk about the glass table getting knocked over in the veto comp. talk turns to talking about food and calories.


 8:29pm BBT: In the HOh rm just general talk about past HOh  comps. meg and James playing Pool in the BY.


8:33pm BBT: Austin telling how he just ransacked room his first time in the house looking for the veto cards. Steve says they played this game before as a veto i think Danielle won it. Liz ask where Danielle hid hers at and Steve said the slop bucket in the fridge. Austin says he is going to go work out and leaves.


8:36pm BBT: Austin talking to James and meg in the BY and he says he needs to get Johnny Mack out since he took him out already and he will come after me. James says well me i have a beef with Vanessa and i want her to know i never made a personal attack on her and she has thrown me on the block twice now and she probably said she wanted me to go home. Austin says  he wants to be careful of Vanessa seeing him talking to them until, johnny Mack is on the block then i can convince her to keep meg.


8:43pm BBT:In the HOH rm Vanessa and Steve talking to John and Vanessa says she is faced with a dilemma and  she feels terrible. She says tell me what you would do if you was me so think about it and get back to me tomorrow. Vanessa says i should not talk game when i am this drunk so both of you should come talk to me tomorrow when i am sober ok are you ok with that? john says yeah.


8:46pm BBT: In the By Austin is talking about John and how he walks around with his Rambo bandanna but he says i do not know what she will do. Meg says it is so hard not knowing her game.


8:50pm BBT: Austin is talking to James and meg still and Liz is standing there Listening.  Austin says we do not know why she is thinking  this way. Liz ask did you guys ever have a problem with me? meg says no we never have.


 8:53pm BBT: James says to Austin and Liz that he and meg have no beef with them at all. meg says no we do not. and we get FOTH,.


8:56pm BBT: In the HOh rm John, Steve and Vanessa talking  and Vanessa says so basically this is alot more risk i wanted to take on and john says i will take on risk with you. Vanessa says how will you do that? john says if you trust them i will go up there and Vanessa says that is the thing they are pressuring keeping Meg and saying it is a waste of an hoh if  meg leaves. they are scared i think cause they have seen you hang out with James and that is their fear.

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9:00 PM BBT In the BY Julia asks Meg if John knows he may go on the block? Meg says, no, he thinks that his deal is still intact. The twins are talking nicely to Meg now. Julia says, they are trying to convince Vanessa to put John up. Meg says, she doesn't understand why Vanessa would think she's a bigger threat than John.


9:02 PM BBT Meg says, John shot himself in his foot last week with Steve. Julia says, everyone he was close to is gone. Julia tells Meg, they would rather have her here over John. Meg says, he's bound to start winning. Julia says, the two of them haven't won sh*t, so they aren't threats.


9:03 PM BBT Meg & the twins all say the DR hasn't asked them anything about the Veto competition, but they did for James, since he won. Meg says, she took a cold shower before the comp. Julia & Meg both say how tired they are. They say they will sleep tonight, even in the dentist chairs. Julia says, how hot it was during the Veto competition. Julia yawns. Meg says, she wishes the Veto Ceremony was tomorrow. Julia says, they have the stupid Photo Booth tomorrow. Julia says, if they get take-out that would be awesome!


9:06 PM BBT John goes to the BY. Austin says, what he's doing, & tells John to use his legs & not the back. John says, he's going to change. Austin says, he threw everything in the OBR. Austin says, he put a shoe on the bed, so it felt like the Veto. He says, he didn't want people looking in that room, because he wanted people to think it was already gone through.


9:08 PM BBT Steve leaves the HOHR. Vanessa has he head laying on her fist, & she seems to be thinking about everything. In the BY, John has joined the twins & Meg by the hot tub. Julia asks Meg is she feels like a cow from the slop? Meg says, she feels like a fat foul cow. Julia repeats, fat foul cow a couple times.


9:10 PM BBT Julia says, she's mentally & physically exhausted & hopes they call her to the DR tomorrow. She asks Meg if she thinks they will call them tonight? Meg says, yes. They stay quiet for a couple seconds. BB says, you are not allowed to talk about production. Julia keeps yawning. (Yawning is contagious!) They all talk about the voice during the competition being annoying.


9:12 PM BBT Steve goes to the BY. Julia says, they got new chlorine on a positive note. Steve goes by the hot tub & said hi to the duck. Steve gets in the hot tub. Julia tells Steve to pass her the beach ball. She says, Jerry, Jerry, Jerry. Liz & Julia make fun of Steve's nipples. Julia asks him if he'd rather have shrimp for nipples or crayons for teeth? Liz says, shrimp for nipples, because you can't hide your teeth. Steve says, he's never had a conversation about his nipples before now.


9:15 PM BBT Julia tells Steve he doesn't want big ass nipples. Liz says, he doesn't want big ass orangutan nipples. They go through would you rather. Steve gets out of the hot tub to get something to drink from the BY mini-fridge. Julia tells Steve they need to have a chess game today. Steve says, o.k. Julia says, Becky would be the best mom ever referring to a would you rather question about having 12 kids.


9:18 PM BBT James is practicing on his pool skills at the pool table by himself. Austin is working out in the BY. James looks at him self in the mirror by the pool table to fix his hair, as he finishes up at the pool table. James gets water out of the mini-fridge to drink. James asks if they would rather be dead as ugly or have a big d*ck? The girls say, Jamessss, in unison. Austin & John head to go in the KT, & John says, size doesn't matter. They go in the KT to talk about what they are going to do with their workout. John goes to the CBR to get clothes to change into.

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9:22 PM BBT Meg gets called to the DR. Julia goes to the hot tub eating a pickle. Austin goes over to Steve by the hot tub & asks what John said upstairs? Steve says, he was up their briefly. James goes back by the hot tub. Steve says, everyone thinks size is important. James says, he knows how to work it, & he has a kid. James says, if you ever hear a girl laughing like they did in their headphones when he pulls his pants down, then he has something to worry about. Steve says, he's never been naked in front of a girl or guy. James says, he was naked in front of 6,000 guys, & he had to take a dump in front of them in the military. He describes how the toilets were set up.


9:26 PM BBT Steve says, he's never showed his body. James says, his buddy pulled his pants down at a movie theater when he was in line for tickets. Steve asks if that includes his underwear? James says, he didn't have any on. He says, his buddy couldn't believe he just stood there. Julia says, she's so comfortable about her skin. Steve asks why she would be upset about a nip slip then? Julia says, that's so embare. She says, you don't want that on national TV or on live feeds. Steve says, he never saw nip slips until 1 week before he went to the show to find out exactly what mistakes HG's made previously.


9:28 PM BBT Julia asks if Cody was naked? Steve says, he's not sure, he knows he was pretty far, but Frankie is the one who didn't care what anyone saw. Steve says, only the girls had the genuine oopsies. He says, girls have a lot  more to cover than guys. Liz says, she's going to take a shower. Julia says, that's true. Steve says, girls have 2 things to cover, & guys have 1. (He may mean girls have 3 things technically to cover.)


9:30 PM BBT Julia asks Steve if they usually call everyone in after the Veto competition? Steve says, he's not sure. Julia says, she thinks that they called her on Sunday last time. James asks Steve if he wants the dryer? BB tells Steve to please put on his microphone. Steve says, that's what I'm doing. Julia goes in the house, as Steve goes to the dryer.


9:32 PM BBT So, it's actually Steve's clothes that are done in the dryer. He uses the pool table to fold them. He says, he'll do another load later, & he's going to probably move to the CBR. James tells Steve that he has the same shirts he does. Steve says, yep. Austin & John are now working out together in the BY.


9:33 PM BBT In the CBR, Julia tells Liz that she would never put Meg as a pawn over anyone. BB says, humming is the same as singing, please, stop humming. Julia tells Liz that Meg is not going to win, & John is a freaking target, & he's due to win. Julia says, her number one target is James. She says, the next couple weeks they are going to win, & he's going up. Julia talks about other scenarios that could have gone on. She says, at this point in the game, you have to put them both up & hope they don't win. Liz says, James is so Napoleon & is acting fake. Julia says, James & Meg are both acting fake.


9:35 PM BBT Liz says, they just need to play nice so they don't put them up. Julia says, Vanessa is stupid if she doesn't think they will put her up. Liz says, it's not their problem, so they need to stay out of it. Julia says, James & Meg can not win the next HOH or one of them will for sure go up. Julia says, John is clinging on to them, so he needs to go up. Julia says, she went in John's dentist bag during the competition. They both say, they wish they did so much more. Julia says the cushion in the chair has a cushion & no one would have looked in it. Liz says, it would have been the winner.


9:38 PM BBT Liz says, she's so pissed that stupid Austin threw their clothes, & he knew they were their clothes. She says, he's so annoying & she hates him. Liz says, she threw Meg's clothes all over since their clothes were all thrown. Liz thinks they may have something of Megs, but they won't ask her if it's hers. Julia says, they found something of Shelli's & she knows it's hers because of the spray tan in it. Liz laughs.


9:40 PM BBT Julia says, she looked under the rug in the OBR. Liz says, she broke Megs bed. She says, she can't even believe that they allowed that competition, because it was so dangerous. In the BY, Steve says, he was just humming again. He says, humming is the same as singing. He hums a little more as he continues to fold his clothes on the pool table.


9:41 PM BBT Liz goes in the WA to take a hot shower. James goes in the HNR to straighten out his clothes in his bin, after the Veto competition that had the house torn upside down.

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9:43 PM BBT In the WA, Liz tells Julia to get her a coral reef towel, even though she offers her other. She tells her to get her some lotion also. They talk back & forth in Spanish. Julia asks Liz if she thinks they will call them to the DR? Liz doesn't know. BB tells Austin to please put on his microphone. Julia asks Liz if she wants her to do their laundry since the washer is open? Liz says, she just wants to do it tomorrow.


9:46 PM BBT BB tells Austin to please put on his microphone, again. Julia asks if Liz found the silver robot? Liz says, no. Julia says, Meg found it & put it back on the cabinet. Julia says, she thought Meg was going to try to steal it. (Why would Meg steal something?) Julia goes in the WC, & comes back out. Liz has mascara running down her face in the shower.


9:48 PM BBT Liz asks Julia if she uses the nasty shampoo & conditioner? Julia says, she uses the Suave. Liz complains that it's the worst shampoo & conditioner. She says, they could have at least given them TreSemme. Liz says, she got the world's worst HOH basket. She says, no more Fruity Pebbles or Oreo's. She says, no more of the crappy music, & just complains. Julia agrees. Steve goes in the KT, where Julia is now making herself a protein shake.


9:50 PM BBT Julia says, she can see why they closed the BY later. Steve says, a couple hours to set up & tear down. Steve says, he wants a munchie. Julia says, it must be nice. Steve says, he forgot. He says, it's the last week of HN's. They talk about this week being the right week to have the third meal they won in the competition. Julia says, she will request it for sure. Julia asks Steve what he's snacking on? Steve says, a banana. He sings a banana cheer, & Julia does also. Julia asks him if he's going to shower? Steve says, no, he may go back in the pool.


9:52 PM BBT Steve says, he napped during & after the comp. Julia says, she's tired, & she may go to bed in an hour. Steve says, he probably lost his back rub again. Julia says, yes. Steve says, he needs to do the scare thing with James again to get his back rub back. Julia says, she doesn't want to be scared anymore. Steve says, it was so fun watching James scare her. Julia says, thanks Steve, it wasn't fun for her. Steve says, it was, she watched it during the live show. Julia says, it was nice seeing the tidbits during the show of Meg hitting her face, & James scaring the crap out of her.


9:54 PM BBT Steve asks Julia if it's rude to eat in front of her? Julia says, no. Steve starts to chomp on Lay's Potato Chips. Julia keeps thinking of different places of where she would have hidden their Veto's. Julia asks Steve where he would have hidden it? Steve says, maybe the slop, that's where Austin got the idea. Julia tells Steve she hid in the cushion in the CRL. Julia lays down on the couch in the WA.


9:56 PM BBT Julia complains to Liz that there are soo many other places she could of hidden her Veto. Liz says, she thinks that designed to that, & she's over it now. She says, she can't believe that someone found it in the pizza boxes. She asks Julia if she would have looked there? Julia says, no, she thinks it's a good spot. Liz says, she even turned it sideways. Julia says, she was seriously over it, & didn't care who won. She says, she was over searching & started walking. Liz says, she was over walking, & was like f**k this.


9:58 PM BBT Steve goes in the WA, & tells Liz she's wearing a towel hat. He asks if he talked to both of them about the towel hat? Liz says, it was her, & it helps dry your hair. Liz asks if his mom wears a towel hat? He says, his sister does also. He says, he doesn't understand them. Steve says, you rub the towel on your head to dry your hair. He says, he may think about it way to much, & it's a mystery to him. Liz tells him that his bathing suit is so wet. Julia asks what else is a mystery? Steve says, everything about women.


9:59 PM BBT Steve says, he gets the menstrual cycle as much as a man can. He says, another thing he doesn't understand is...Liz cuts him off, & says, that women are always right, & even when they are wrong, they are right. Steve says, no, he doesn't understand why women wear high heels if they aren't going to be able to wear them all night. He says, they should just wear flats. Julia says, they take them off & get dirty feet in Spanish. She translates that to Steve. Julia says, women want to wear their new shoes right away. Steve asks if they ever though the shoes wouldn't hurt, but then they did? Julia says, yes. They talk about wearing high heels to prom.


10:03 PM BBT Liz says, Miami girls do not take their shoes off. She says, when she went to Las Vegas, all the women had their shoes off, & that's when you can tell a boss ass bitch from a basic bitch. She says, they stick to their guns. She says, they are seasoned to keep their heels on. Liz says, a lot of the shoes on the market now are cheap & cute. She says, she always buys quality shoes so she doesn't usually have a problem.


10:06 PM BBT Julia asks Steve why guys don't shave their legs? Steve says, it's work & effort & guys don't care that much. Julia asks why guys don't put on face masks? Steve says, it's work & he doesn't care enough to go through that effort. Julia asks why guys don't open the car door for girls anymore? Steve says, he does, & his sister's fiance does it for her. Austin goes in the hallway by the WA, & says, he's opened the DR door for Liz. Julia says, he probably won't open the car door for Liz. Austin says, he would let her decide.


10:08 PM BBT Steve says, he's never dated anyone with a car, & he doesn't drive. Julia says, she doesn't understand why guys don't get manicures & pedicures, even if they don't paint them. Liz says, they can clean them up. Steve says, he never even knew what the cuticle was called before this show. Julia says, she doesn't understand why guys don't go shopping for clothes or get facials. Steve gives the same answers. Liz says, they are lazy. Steve says, they are too lazy to care. Julia asks about the car door thing again. Steve gives the same response. Julia says, she doesn't understand why guys can't let you win in pool or chess. Steve says, they've only played a couple times.


10:12 PM BBT Steve says, on TV the girl is usually more attractive than the guy. Austin goes in the WA & says, he doesn't understand why they are having this conversation. Liz says, they are just having a normal conversation. Liz & Julia takes digs at Austin. He comes back to everything they say.

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10:13 PM BBT They keep the not understanding things about guys going back and forth. Meg joins in the conversation with them while Austin is in the shower. John is in the BY lifting weights, he makes faces as he's struggle to get the barbell up and down. He goes the in KT. He spills out what's in his orange glass, & goes to the SR. He puts the orange glass on the counter, & gets the chocolate milk out of the refrigerator. He fills his glass with the chocolate milk, puts it back in the refrigerator & leaves the SR.


10:18 PM BBT John goes back to the KT & adds protein powder to his chocolate mils. Meg tells John that she is going to cook some more slop to eat, because she is still hungry. Liz & Julia are still going on about not getting what guys do in the WA. Austin is still in the shower with his ponytail still in his beard.


10:20 PM BBT John tells Meg that he tried balsamic vinegar & oil today in his slop. Meg says, she forgot they can have the protein shakes. She says, she hasn't had one yet. Liz goes to the KT & asks Meg if she can think of anything? Meg says, she hasn't been in the dating world to think of it. Liz says, she needs to think of some things & gear them towards Austin, because he needs a lot of fixing.


10:22 PM BBT Meg goes in the WA & says, she doesn't get why guys don't tell her if she should take a sweater with her or not when it's cold out. Steve says, because no matter what answer they say, it would be wrong, & it would be their fault.


10:24 PM BBT In the KT, John asks Meg when she thinks Apps will become outdated? Meg says, not for a long time she feels. She says, everything is going to Apps. Meg wonders if the Apple pay thing has gotten any bigger. John says, you can just go into the Apple Store & pay with your phone. John leaves the KT. Meg gets BBQ sauce out of the refrigerator to add to her slop. She sits down at the glass table to eat. John goes back to the KT, picks up his glass, sets it back down on the glass table, & walks around. He stands by the glass table. Meg tells him she has to shower, even though she's dreading it. She says, it will be a fast one. John says, a quickie? Meg says, yeah. John says, see what I did there? Meg says, yes sir. Austin walks through the KT. John goes to the BY.

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10:27 PM BBT In the WA, Julia says, one of the guys is leaving the baby powder out. They talk about Shelli using baby powder on her vegetables. Julia says, it may make you not smell when you are sweaty. BB says, "Please go to the DR, Liz." Liz says, she is no where ready, please call a guy. She starts to blow dry her hair. Austin gets called to the DR. Steve laughs after Austin says, he doesn't understand why the girls take so long to get ready to go to the DR.


10:31 PM BBT Liz says, she will be ready in about 10 minutes. Julia wants Liz to asks the DR if they are going to talk to her tonight, so she can get her make-up on. Austin went to the DR. Julia belches, & doesn't say excuse me. Liz says, Austin was soo mean. Julia says, usually when people first start dating, they don't see how the other person lives. She says, they are in a rare circumstance, & they will get more agitated, so she needs to think about that. Liz says, very true, very true. Julia leaves the WA, & asks Steve when they will play chess? Liz continues to blow dry her hair.


10:33 PM BBT In the OBR, Meg tells James they have a long week ahead of them still. Meg says, well at least she does. James says, they can bargain for that Veto. Meg says, oh yeah? James says, the gifts & a one cuddle sesh. Meg says, she will absolutely kill him if he uses the Veto on her. Meg asks if they should have gone to talk to Vanessa tonight? James says, no, she's scared. Meg says, everyone else was up there. James asks if she wants to go later? Meg says, she might. He says, he will go with her, & he wants to talk to her, before it gets back to her, even though she might already know what he was saying. Meg says, they should probably go up their separate. James asks if she's trying to throw him under the bus?


10:36 PM BBT Meg says, she is trying to play into Vanessa's game a little. James asks what Meg would do if someone pranked her & cut half of her bangs off? Meg says, she would be sad. She asks James if he's going to talk to Vanessa tonight? James says, no. He asks what he needs to talk to her about, he's safe? Meg says, he just said he was going to talk to her. Meg says, she's probably going to go up after her shower. James says, he needs to talk to Vanessa about her. They go to the WA.


10:38 PM BBT Meg is getting ready to take a cold shower. Julia & James are both brushing their teeth. Liz is using the flat iron on her hair to finish getting ready to go to the DR. James asks Meg if she's having fun in there? Meg makes noises like she's shivering. Julia asks Meg is she checked all the towels during the comp? Meg says, yes, she had to check all the obvious places.


10:42 PM BBT Julia says, there were 5 people's found before Liz' was found. They discuss the places they looked. Julia asks James how he came up to hide his under the rug? He says, he came up with that idea when they got their shirts. Julia says, they may have had more time to think about it than Meg. Liz says, she was going to hide it in a shampoo bottle & throw it away if it folded. Julia says, that's smart. James says, he took the trash bag out to look, but someone took the trash out of the big can. James says, they literally have no cereal left. Liz says, they don't care. Julia says, zero f**ks given about the cereal & food being wasted.


10:45 PM BBT Liz says, she took a Cliff bar to the BY to eat during the comp. Meg says, that's funny. Julia tells James obviously he had the competition in the bag, because he searches jail cells for contraband. Julia says, thank God the SR & the HOHR were off limits.


10:47 PM BBT James says, he's glad he didn't put his in a pillow, because he thought of that also. Julia says, Steve hid her nipple petals in the cushion of the chair. She says, she should have hid hers in that same spot. Julia says, Austin didn't find anything either. James says, Austin just tried to play defense the whole game, by covering his up each time. Liz says, that's so good, she didn't think about that.


10:48 PM BBT James says, he was happy to see no one got his spot. Julia says, she wouldn't have ever looked there. She says, he had the best spot. James says, he had Liz' in his hands & didn't know it, since it was in the pizza box. The twins talk about someone in a different season putting theirs in the slop. Julia says, she put her hand in the slop.


10:50 PM BBT Liz says, someone could have hidden theirs in the Ziploc container. Liz says, she was going to go to the HNR, until they said it was off limits. Liz says, she's ready to go to the DR now. Meg asks what time it is? Everyone thinks it's around 11 PM. Liz goes to the KT, & says, it's 10:50 PM BBT. James says, he's soo tired, that if he lays down, he will fall asleep. Julia says, how tired she is & can't believe that Austin is working out. Meg is using the blow dryer on her hair.


10:52 PM BBT Julia asks James if he was scared when Vanessa said she had to do heavy lifting? Jame says, he was like, oh shit. Julia says, she found Austin's. She leaves the WA. James gives Meg her microphone & tells her he doesn't want her to look like a hot mess in front of America. Meg says, she needs to go make an appearance upstairs. James says, he doesn't know what deals to make with her, because she is going to want to make deals. Meg asks what Austin said? James says, Austin says, she doesn't want to be put up against Austin next week, she wants to be put up against Steve so she has a fighting chance. Meg asks what he thinks about that? He says, he thinks it's fair. Meg says, at least she's not asking not to be put up at all. James wants Meg to let him know what she says to her. Meg says, she's not planning on talking game with her. She's just going to campaign to her.


10:55 PM BBT James wonders what he should say to her. Meg says, he should talk to her tomorrow maybe, because he's allowed to have some cool off space. James says, Vanessa hasn't been around anybody. Meg says, that's why she needs to go play her game. James wonders if she's mad or upset. James says, he told Austin twice that if Meg goes home, he's going to go Taxi Cab on everyone. James says, Austin says he told Vanessa that there will be two vigilantes in the house. He says, he thinks Austin will make that point. Meg says, John may be shitting bricks. Meg says, John hasn't won an HOH ever. Meg heads to the HOHR. James goes to the BY.


10:58 PM BBT Vanessa tells Meg to go in the HOHR. Meg turns on the light. She says, she'll be 2 seconds. She says, she wants to stay in this house, & she may be her smartest game move. She says, they have all day tomorrow to talk, but she didn't want to bother her. Vanessa says, she drank wine & would offer her some, but she's a HN. She says, she ate 920 calories of sea salt ice cream. Vanessa says, they can have that conversation tomorrow. She says, it does bother her that James is being so vocal about going after her. Meg says, he wants to talk to her tomorrow. Vanessa says, to her face he's being cool, but behind her back he's not. Meg tries to smooth it over.


11:00 PM BBT Meg says, tomorrow is a new day, & they can have as many talks as she wants. Vanessa says, she's totally open-minded to listening, & has no idea of what she's going to do. Vanessa says, her HOH's always go terribly. She thanks BB. She says, nothing goes as plan, ever. She says, it's to Meg's benefit this time. Vanessa says, it would be nice to have people in the game, so she didn't have to win so many HOH's. She says, it's terrible, & it's not fun. She says, no matter who she puts up she will piss two more people off with whomever she puts up. She says, she will piss half of the house off no matter what she does.

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11:01 PM BBT In the BY John and Steve are on the hammock talking about talking to the media and about being unaware of world events while in the BB house.  In the HOHR, Meg is telling Vanessa that she feels like there is a re-set every week after each new HOH competition. Vanessa tells Meg that maybe James thinks that acting mad at Vanessa is a good strategy because it will make Austwins feel safe that Meg and James are gunning for Vanessa and not Austwins.  Vanessa says that if that’s the case it’s a bad strategy because it’s affecting her decision now.  Vanessa wants James to come to her if he has an issue. Meg is sure that James will talk to Vanessa and doesn’t want to speak on James’ behalf. 


11:10 PM BBT Meg goes out to the BY to find James.  James takes one look at her and says “Oh God.  What was that face?”  Meg: she’s like... I think you just have to kiss her a** tomorrow.  Meg relays Vanessa’s message that there is still hope for Meg.  Meg tells James that Vanessa has heard from multiple people that James is threatening her, and that Vanessa wants James to talk to her directly.  Meg tells James what she told Vanessa about not speaking for James or getting in the middle of the conversation. 


11:13 PM BBT On the BY hammock, Steve and John are talking about politics and global warming.


11:16 PM BBT James and Meg are in the HNR.  Meg tells James that Vanessa drives her nuts.  James says so it’s a personal thing, and Meg says that Vanessa says it’s not personal.  James asks why then?  Is Vanessa trying to make him angry and go rogue on everyone?  Meg says that him getting angry is what is making her want to send Meg home.  James is convinced that it’s personal or else she would take Johnny Mac.  James thinks that Vanessa wants to send Meg home because she’s angry that James won veto and thwarted her plans.  James says that he was obviously the target and Meg confirms that Vanessa said James was the bigger threat.  Meg tells James that Vanessa’s other option is to put up Julia as a pawn and Vanessa’s only hesitation for doing that is the way that James is acting. James tells Meg that he’ll go ask Vanessa what she wants.  As he leaves the room he says “time to start world war three.”


11:20 PM BBT James goes up to HOHR and finds Vanessa in the HOHR WA.  He tells her he wants to hash things out.  Vanessa says she is putting on her make-up because she expects to be called to DR.  She tells him that he can talk while she is putting make up on but James says he will wait.  She warns him that she had something to drink and is in a rotten mood.  James says that he is feeling a certain way about being on the block.  He recaps the history of being put on the block.  Vanessa asks if he is wondering whether she has anything personal against him, and he says “right”.  Vanessa says absolutely not and she is open to working with him, but it hasn’t happened.  Options were limited with so few people and It came down to a game move.  She expected that he would understand it was just a game move. Of all the people in the house, he is one of the ones she respects most game-wise.  On a human level, she is happy for James and respects his PoV win. 


11:25 PM BBT Vanessa tells James that she didn’t have anything personal until four people came up to her and told her that James was angry.  James reminds her of the deal that he would be safe and that he could keep another person safe. Vanessa says true, but since then he has breached her trust, and there have been other stronger deals between them.  James says that she breached his trust in between all that also by telling others that they can’t trust James because he likes to make big moves.  Vanessa tells James that she didn’t say that until after she nominated him and refers back to him saying that he has said he would put two of Austwins up on the block and would not be afraid of getting blood on his hands and has done it before.  Vanessa repeats back what she thinks James said and tells him that’s what he said “verbatim” and claims that she has an eidetic memory.  James disputes that he would not have said that because he wouldn’t put both up at once.  He would leave one of them to be a secondary target. 


11:30 PM BBT  James tells Vanessa that before Vanessa’s HOH, Austin told James that Vanessa was going all different directions and telling Austin that James couldn’t be trusted.  James tells Vanessa that he (James) doesn’t read into the game like Vanessa does.  James tells Vanessa that she is playing the game too hard.  She says that’s his opinion and she respects that.  James says that he is cut and dried.  When he wins HOH he knows he has to put two people up.  Vanessa interrupts him and asks if he is insulting her right now.  She tells him it’s best he goes downstairs.  She starts swearing and telling James he is being disrespectful and that what he is saying is a criticism.  He just literally criticized her to her face.  James remains calm and states that that is not what he intended.  He was saying that he plays the lazy way.  Vanessa says that she has given him an accounting and she had nothing personal against him until this conversation.  The more he pisses Vanessa off, the more he is sealing Meg’s fate. James: so you’re gonna take it out on her? Vanessa says no, it’s a game move.  James asks why can’t they ever have a casual conversation and it doesn’t go around the house like he’s trying to take her out.  She points out that he is wearing his sunglasses. He apologizes and removes them. Vanessa tells him he just has to ask her to keep their conversation confidential. 


11:35 PM BBT James is trying to tell Vanessa what Austin told him about Vanessa saying that James couldn’t be trusted.  Vanessa asks him for context and details.  She claims that she wouldn’t have said that because she does in fact trust him.  She tells James that those words have NEVER come out of her mouth.  Vanessa promises to ask Austin for clarification and she has no recollection of it.  James says he should have talked to her about it earlier.  These are things that have been bothering him and that’s why he was upset earlier in the day.  That’s why he wanted to come up and hash things out and they were all just little things.  He acknowledges that her targeting him makes sense.  Vanessa tells him that she wanted noms to stay the same and he was not actually her target because she has so much respect for his game.  The water works start as she tells him that she is super disappointed in this conversation and very insulted.  James was not actually her target.  James says “oh sh*t” What ticked Vanessa off was that Meg made fun of her about Brass Tacks and Vanessa thinking there was an alliance when there wasn’t, so that was personal.  James has never ticked her off.  James apologizes and tells Vanessa that he doesn’t want her to cry.  Vanessa asks him to be careful with his words.  She isn’t playing too hard...she’s playing like someone whose back is against the wall and has no one on her side.  She’s trying to do what’s in her control and be a decent human being while she’s at it and stick up for herself.  People shouldn’t judge each others’ games because everyone is different.


11:40 PM BBT Vanessa points out that she has a great memory and she uses that in the game, but her game is completely different from Meg’s, for example, because Meg can’t win comps.  James tells Vanessa that his memory is terrible and he probably won’t even remember everything in this conversation.  Vanessa keeps talking... she tells him that what he is telling her that Austin told him doesn’t sound like something Vanessa would say because she doesn’t make generalized statements like that.  She gives facts and evidence and lets others draw their conclusions.


11:43 PM BBT Vanessa talks about something that happened three weeks ago during Becky’s HOH, when Austin got mad and left the room.  She asks James if he remembers them pulling Liz into the room to verify something.  James seems to recall.  Vanessa tells him that she doesn’t remember what she said in that moment.  She was on the block and whatever she said was borne of her paranoia about being on the block, but it had nothing to do with James.  It’s the only time Austin’s ever been mad at her.  She didn’t know what she did wrong.   Oh...she remembers why he was mad...Austin felt that Vanessa wasn’t appreciating the campaigning he had been doing.  James wasn’t even HOH so Vanessa doesn’t know why his name came into it.  James says maybe Austin just generalized it.  He just knows that Austin came to him. 


11:47 PM BBT Vanessa says again that she wants him to understand that he insulted her with his comments on her game.  James says he didn’t intend that and apologizes.  He tells her that he said something else that really offended everyone.  He doesn’t always word things well. Vanessa says they are on a bigger platform being on TV so they have to be responsible with their words.  James points out that they have done well to get to this point.  James says he isn’t the type to want to offend people or to have an enemy in the house.  Vanessa says they are not enemies.  She congratulated him today and meant it.  The closest thing she had to an enemy was Becky and she didn’t even have a bad bone feeling about Becky. 


11:50 PM BBT James tells her he wants to keep things on a game level because they don’t have that many days left in the house and he hopes they will be friends.  Vanessa says that he is someone he would have voted for if she was in jury but he hurt her feelings.  She sounds tearful and is sniffling.  James apologizes again and says he doesn’t want to hurt girls’ feelings.   Vanessa says it’s never easy to send someone home.  She doesn’t know what she will do.  Different people want her to do different things.  She won’t be able to compete for HOH next week so she has to consider what’s best for her.  They start talking about today’s PoV competition.  Vanessa tells him that she was even looking under a carpet under furniture.  He hid it so well that even though she had a feeling about where James would hide it, she couldn’t find it. 


11:59 PM BBT Feeds have been on FISH.  When they return, James is telling Vanessa that he likes her and wants things to be cool between them. Vanessa says they’re cool.  She gets heated fast and she gets over things fast.  James tells her that he doesn’t hold grudges.  In the BY, Steve, Julia and Liz are on the hammock talking about homework. 

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