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Steve Moses (Week 8)


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Steve is socially awkward. Made dumb choice as DE HOH not getting rid of Vanessa. That was done probably because whenever Vanessa was in power he would hold secret meetings with her. But as the game goes on we'll find out how ready for BB this young man is.

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Vanessa is Steve's BB Mommy. The only problem he has now is that his love for her is no longer unconditional. Vanessa has made herself a huge target, so Steve should be happy because he believes in keeping big targets in he game so he can continue to slide by unnoticed.

Steve has noticed how Vanessa uses her emotions to gain sympathy from the other HGs. That's part of the reason that he broke down and cried after the DE.

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IMO, Vanessa has been diminished tremendously and is no longer such a big threat.  I can't understand why it doesn't seem to occur to anyone to suck the power out of the Austwins by evicting Liz (preferably) or Austin. I wouldn't be surprised at all to see one or two of them in the F2.

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Vanessa is Steve's BB Mommy. The only problem he has now is that his love for her is no longer unconditional. Vanessa has made herself a huge target, so Steve should be happy because he believes in keeping big targets in he game so he can continue to slide by unnoticed.

Steve has noticed how Vanessa uses her emotions to gain sympathy from the other HGs. That's part of the reason that he broke down and cried after the DE.


I agree.  Steve is playing the game very strategically or so it seems.  I'm not really sure at this point.  I just can't stand him.  Not taking anything away from his game play though.

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Steve would have been silly to take out Vanessa I actually think Jackie was the perfect person for him to target.  Are we all playing the game to get rid of the people WE as fans want out perhaps? haha

Getting rid of Jackie was smart! It cut off the head of the Goblin group.

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He seems like he may truly have a developmental disability. I know that BB casting likes to give us "characters." There is always a young pretty blond, a jock or two, and a stereotypical angry black woman and at least one older person. They have even been throwing an Asian the last few seasons. But Steve doesn't seem to be wrapped to tight. I don't think he's playing at being a nerd or unemotionally astute either. It's kind of sad actually to watch.

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He is playing the part that he thinks is best for him, the needy, socially awkward nerd. He may be overplaying it but it seems to work with these people.


I had thought he would go after Becky with his HoH but Jackie was probably his best choice. Getting Becky out would have alienated JMac. The only ones hurt by losing Jackie were Meg and James but they don't matter very much to his game.


By getting Jackie out, he reestablished some trust with Vanessa, made the Austwins happy since he could have put two of them up and made them trust him more and kept his relationship with JMac's in good shape.

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He's still low man on the Totem pole with that bunch.

Maybe a little above Vanessa... but they're keeping her for insurance because they feel like she'd be voted off before them.

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He's probably does have Asperger's syndrome. Don't think he could handle being HOH for a whole week. I found it weird when he read his letter from home he told someone only his Mommy knew he was coming on this show, none of his siblings knew.

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I think Steve knows exactly what he is doing,  He is playing the "socially inept nerd" very well. On BBAD, he faces the camera and tells us that he is faking it sometimes and also let us know some of his game strategy.   A lot of it makes sense, since he does not want to be seen as a threat. He admits to throwing comps or trying to throw comps when he needs to.  He loves being included in alliances because of the protection they afford him. He continues to fool Becky, James and Meg into believing he is on their side while at the same time letting them believe that Vanessa "tricked" him into putting up Meg and Jackie. His strategy of playing both sides of the house is excellent, neither side suspects he is really a savvy player.  In my opinion Steve is playing the hell out of this game.


I agree with you 100%.

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