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Thursday, August 13 2015 Big Brother 17 Live Feed Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !


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Remember your time zones. Big Brother USA Time is Pacific Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. http://www.mortystv.com/images/bb17/bb17castquide.pdf


Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:


Activities of Daily Living = ADLs

Battle of the Block = BotB

Back Yard = BY

Bedroom = BR

Cabana Room Lounge = CRL

Comic Book/Colorful Room = CBR

Da'Vonne = da

Dining Table = DT

Have-Not Room = HNR

Head of House Room = HOHR

Kitchen = KT

Indoor Lock Down = ILD

Living Room = LR

Ocean / Grey Bedroom = OBR

Outdoor Lock Down = OLD

Storage Room = SR

Washroom Area = WA

Water Closet = WC


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12:00 AM BBT In the CBR, Julia is reporting to Vanessa that Johnny Mac and Steve were whispering in the bathroom and now Shelli is out in the KT talking to Johnny Mac whispering.  Shelli is called to the DR.  Liz comes into the CBR asking Vanessa if she talked to Becky.  Vanessa tells them what she said to Becky, that they are fine on a personal level.  Austin wasn’t up in HOHR yet.  Liz is still mad about Austin ignoring her.  Vanessa says that Austin was supposed to be following Shelli around in order to prevent her from campaigning.  But he’s up in the HOHR and Shelli is downstairs.  Julia thinks Austin should be Jedi mind drilling with them. 


12:02 AM BBT Steve comes into the CBR and they start quizzing him.  James joins soon after and they continue Jedi training. 


12:08 AM BBT Steve joins the HOHR group.  Meg is complaining that she is tired.  She’s looking forward to sleeping in a bed again.  Hopefully it’s a bed inside the BB House.  Austin thinks Meg is pretty safe. 


12:15 AM BBT In the CBR, Julia tells James that Liz is mad at Austin.  Austin is spending too much time with James.  James says that Austin needs some bro time.  The HOHR group are talking about whether friends and family are still watching the show.


12:17 AM BBT The twins ask James if they agree that John was acting weird tonight.  James says that John is probably feeling pretty vulnerable.  He lost Clay and he might lose Shelli so he is probably feeling pretty scared in the game. 


12:18 AM BBT James explains that he and Austin have talked about not letting the people in the middle of the house coming together and picking apart the other groups and setting them against each other.  They don’t want the floaters to be at the end. 


12:19 AM BBT In the CBR they discuss who has to go... Steve, Johnny Mac and Becky.  Vanessa said that she wanted Becky out first but she is amenable to other views on the order.  Steve comes in and asks Liz if they are chessing.  Liz leaves with Steve.  Vanessa and Julia talk about how Liz always acts the opposite of how she feels, and that makes her easy to read. 


12:23 AM BBT Austin and Steve are playing chess while Liz watches and learns.  Austin says he’s forgotten how to play and Steve offers to answer any questions.  Liz tells Austin that she isn’t going to help him much tonight because he ignored her during bowling.  Austin says they have to remember that they are a team. 


12:25 AM BBT Vanessa is rehashing with Julia and James that Becky targeting Vanessa was so unnecessary.  Vanessa says that the purpose of the deal was to get to a certain point in the game without hurling grenades at each other.  James says that he thinks Becky doesn’t like deals.  James wants to make sure Becky doesn’t win the second HOH.  Vanessa jokes about needing to commandeer the voodoo doll.  Vanessa feels like being on the block has changed her attitude and outlook.  Vanessa starts speculating about what the second HOH competition will be. 


12:28 AM BBT Shelli is complaining about Vanessa to John in the WA.  Shelli says she can’t feel good about someone who says they have your back but is okay with Clay and Shelli being on the block.  Vanessa said she wouldn’t campaign against Shelli and Shelli says of course not, because she has nothing bad to say about Shelli.  John says that for his game he has to just nod until he... he makes a stabbing motion.  John feels Vanessa really trusts him right now because she asked him for his vote.  John wants to find out from James what the bottom line is.  John doesn’t think there is any chance of James coming around unless you offered to be taken out in the DE.  Shelli points out that for Meg, Becky and Jackie, it would be better to keep Shelli.  Vanessa is called to the DR and Shelli says “good, this is my time to slide in.”  She thinks Vanessa is in the HOHR [she isn’t...she is in the CBR with Liz, Julia, and James.]

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12:34 AM BBT Shelli goes up to HOHR.  Meg complains about studying.  Shelli wonders if she even needs to be studying.  She says she came up earlier and saw Austin.  She asks what the connection is with him and why is he blocking her?  Meg says she didn’t make the connection.  Shelli asks if she has a shot at all.  Jackie says that she does, but it’s so hard.   Shelli tells them that James is with Vanessa and Julia.  Shelli makes her pitch.  She knows about the 8-person alliance to target Shelli, Steve and John.  Meg says that wasn’t an alliance...just a DE deal.  Meg says they don’t even know who is going home tomorrow.  Shelli says that she has heard things and that she has come to feel the same way as Becky about Vanessa.


12:37 AM BBT Shelli points out that if they vote Vanessa out, they gain Shelli and if Vanessa is out then Austin and the twins are weak without her.  Meg says they are on the same page but Meg is more scared of Johnny Mac than Steve competition wise and that it’s easier to take out Vanessa than Steve or Johnny Mac.   Becky is scared that she will be gone if Vanessa wins.  Shelli says “do you see how quickly she changes votes?”  If Jackie and Meg vote Vanessa out, they would have Shelli and Becky on their side.  They continue debating.


12:42 AM BBT Shelli tells them that she won’t put the three of them up [James, Meg, Jackie] and she is good for her word.  Shelli feels that she can’t get through to James.  The more Shelli thinks about things, she thinks that Clay would tell her to bury the hatchet with James.

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1:05 AM BBT Shelli is talking to Becky, James, Meg, and Jackie in the HOHR.  She makes the point that she has never put up James, Meg, and Jackie.  It was Vanessa, Austin, and Liz who put them up.  Meg says that’s a good point.  Shelli believes that she would not have had conversations with Vanessa if she hadn’t been HOH when she was...Shelli’s HOHs have piggybacked around Vanessa’s.

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123AM BBT"  Becky and Jackie/James in HoH talking about outing Vanessa.  They are discussing the fact that if they pick Vanessa to stay, she will pick one of them off in the DE.  Jackie says one of them have to go.  Meg and Austin are in HN room talking about the same thing.  Becky enters HN room to get clothes.  James and Jackie talking in HoH about how hard to remove Shelli again.  James says Becky makes good points, but there are pros and cons to Vanessa/Shelli staying.


Becky left HN room and the talk returns to who might go up for DE.  James and Jackie both saying there is lying on both sides, so who do we want out of the house the most.   Austin is pushing to Meg about keeping Vanessa cause she will keep her word and put up JMac and Becky and BD Steve (yeah right)


James talking about the one chance to prevent something and we will feel like **** if we don't do the right thing.  If we decide to keep Shelli, we need to talk to Austin and twins, James is up with y'all no matter what he has to do.  Jackie says they need both gone this week.

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130AM Debates continue. James said if they had not won HoH would Becky still be on Clelli's side with Vanessa.  James said he will trust her and she is working with them.  Jackie agrees, but says they can't dwell on "what if"


138 Liz joins Austin and Meg in HN room and Becky leaves (she was back looking for earrings) and feeds switch to Steve talking to Shelli.  They are discussing Vanessa putting up JMac.  Shelli does not understand Steve struggling with vote to remove Vanessa, she says she respects his decision no matter how he votes. 


Becky has entered HoH, talking about how Austin and Liz are both working Meg for removing Vanessa, making promises for her.  James and Jackie both are still confused.  Steve and Shelli hug.


142 All Cams on HoH room.  Becky says Vanessa will say whatever she thinks they want to hear.  Becky says 100% that Shelli will not take one of the four out, and she has no one.  Who would you put up next to Shelli to make sure she left.  Becky says if you stick with plan and get Vanessa out now, Shelli go on DE and she would vote her out.


Becky says Steve will take out the Austwins before anyone else, and JMac be on their side... they have come to a draw, who goes.  counting votes now.  the other side will go after Shelli but not Vanessa, so why keep Vanessa


148 Still debating who goes/who stays.


James says we need votes, Becky says we have them, you three and Steve...JMac with her as tie. 


Becky is bringing up all the denials that Vanessa is spewing and here they sit with Vanessa possibly staying and Shelli going... Becky says they need Vanessa out. The Austwins are campaigning too hard to keep Vanessa .

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201AM James Austin and JMac in bathroom.  talk about HN.  Meanwhile:  HoH room has Becky, Jackie, Meg talking about Vanessa leaving the game.  Meg says she is tired of talking, she wants Shelli to stay.  She starts to say something about the twins and we get FoTH. 


204AM  Meg talking about JMac bonding is new.  Vanessa is in the CR talking to Julia/Liz.  Vanessa wants to know where they are at.  Vanessa keeps repeating that her integrity is her best assest.  She is now chanting again about her self preservation and she has to win HoH cause she WILL put them up.  Vanessa saying she WILL go after them again.  Austin joins the conversation telling Vanessa she NEEDS to talk to them again because Becky is talking to them.  Vanessa taking the "woe is me" position I don't lie, my word is my word.  James is lying to her and I am going to stop this.  Austin saying he has to go talk to JMac right now.  Austin leaves and Vanessa starts laughing.  Vanessa is talking with her hands again (give it up lady, you do not know how to sign)  Vanessa being told for the umpteenth time to move her hair from her mic. 


Becky and Jackie still talking in the HoH room.  They need to get Steve and JMac on board to put up Vanessa if they win.  Liz "please do not obstruct your mic" from BB.  Becky says the bond with Austwins and Vanessa is scarey.  She brings up the switches the past two weeks, look at the messes we have created.  Austin back in CR, saying there is nothing he can do now, James in kitchen, Jackie upstairs, they don't want to talk about it.  JMac following James around, Austin getting upset ..  Vanessa was the one to put Austin up to talking with James.  Vanessa is whispering to Austin and Liz about who is Shelli talking to?  Julia enters room.  shelli is using Becky to connect with rest of house, Vanessa says they have to keep talking to them.  James and JM ac in kitchen talking about clay votes.


214am  James explaining to JMac that he has tried to be straight with him.  JMac brought up the "office paint" did not go as scheduled.  Austin telling Vanessa that he has to make a BIG promise to Meg.  Vanessa says she has made her promises.. Becky and JMac are her targets.


James says JMac is part of the group, you have Becky, Becky has Meg, Meg has Jackie and well, you see I got Jackie.  Whatever the girls decide I will back them.  No matter who goes home.  And here comes Steve.  and topic changes.  Vanessa is in the CR looking all sad and depressed sitting talking to Julia. Julia says Van needs to talk to Becky.  They talking about BD Becky with Steve and JMac as noms


From the kitchen we switch back to HoH and Becky is going back to convo with Austin.  Becky wants Vanessa gone since Austin is so close to her.  Jackie says yeah he is the reason everything got switched and Jason/Jeff gone.

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230AM  James and Becky in HN room talking .  Vanessa, JMac, Steve and Becky all in kitchen.  Vanessa says she is so hungry she is having a battle of will.  Oh Jackie is sitting at the counter.  Vanessa leaves and goes to bathroom.  Meg telling James that Austin's talk.  Becky was topic of conversation and how much she is to be trusted.  Now you see one of the twins head to the Bathroom area.  Vanessa curls up on the couch.


James telling what was going on in HoH and Becky campaigning to keep Shelli of course, Vanessa cannot stay.  Jackie telling Becky when do we put Shelli up if she stays.  Meg says she does not believe that Shelli will not come after them.  the discussion continues in HN room about what might happen.  James and Meg want Vanessa to stay but to promise not to put anyone up, can't make it like we are not with Jackie. 


245 Vanessa and Jackie talking in Bathroom.  Vanessa saying that she won't say she has no target.  I won't throw HoH.  James and Meg still talking in HN room, studying.  Jackie trying to get info out of Vanessa and she is not giving any promises.  Vanessa says she has Austwins, but needs another to make sure she stays.  Vanessa says she is not gunning for Jackie.  She does not apologize but says she saw how upset Jackie was when Jeff left  Vanessa says she does not control Austwins, but she is friends with them (HAHAHAHA I got a laugh)


255AM Jackie and Steve talking in Bathroom, about studying.  James and Meg still talking about Becky being with JMac and Steve.


302 Meg, Jackie and James in HN room Meg talking about Becky claimed checkmate and walked out the door.  Jackie says Becky talks differently to her than the rest of them.  Jackie repeats convo with Vanessa and who Vanessa wants out.  Jackie says she is finding it harder to hide and scamper out of the path of others.


305 Steve is pacing between kitchen and LR.  Meg, James and Jackie talking about him in HN room. 


307 Jackie saying that Shelli is not selling them the right ammo to keep her.  Shelli talking about taking out Austwins.

312 James scares Julia ... he was in her bed again

315 James ran to the bathroom, Steve says he got a stop that for the oranges (first time).  James staying in kitchen chatting with Steve.  Vote as of now Shelli gone, James is not sure if Van or Shelli would be better at the upcoming comp.  James tells Steve that everyone on same page, Vanessa to stay.  Steve says Thank you, but James will let him know if anything changes.  James tells Meg and Jackie that Steve stopped him and that James told him that they keeping Vanessa over Shelli.  James tells Meg it doesn't matter which way Steve votes they have enough to get out Shelli.


330AM Steve on Sky Bridge, looking around .   Meg Jackie and James still talking about the "dumbasses" and eviction.  They are going over who would put up who in the DE

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At 345AM,  James and Jackie talking in HN room.  Becky and Austin are in Bathroom talking and says they will talk more tomorrow.  Steve in Cabana room, Meg checks on him.  Steve says he got a "stop that" for juggling oranges.  Austin is standing behind Meg in hallway pointing at Steve.   Austin leaves and Steve Meg start studying. 


402AM James Meg and Steve are studying in Cabana room.  Jackie just sitting in dental chair (looks like she is trying to go to sleep) Lights are on.


415 Lights out in HN room, but Meg Jackie and James still chatting.  Rehashing stuff that Vanessa has said.  Steve has fixed a sandwich and is wandering around the house eating it. James is saying that they need to figure out who they can trust so they know who to keep in the game.


432 looks like Steve is headed to bed finally.  Some movement in the HN room, but they are settling in for the night also.


445AM all the Squirrels are tucked into  bed.  Steve has a sneezing fit, but settles back down.  Sorry James and Meg are still chatting about comps in HN room.  Meg is really restless in her chair.. and yawning begins and chatter ends


450AM Jackie is now up and moving.  She is beating up her chair and Meg is giggling.  ...


SIDE NOTE:  As of this posting they now have a 5 to 3 vote to get rid of Shelli... the debate will continue :)  Meg, JMac and Steve have not committed to their votes. 

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8:58am BBT: Steve is up goes to the WC then washes hands and face  then heads back to bed.


9:00am BBT: Steve gets back up and heads to the STR and changes his batteries then goes to the OBR then to the KT then back to bed in the OBR.


9:20am BBT: We are now on FOTH as BB wakes the HG to get ready for tonight's Live Eviction.


 9:37am BBT: Steve and Julia in the WA doing ADL's.all other HG still laying inn bed.


 9:41am BBT: Meg, Jackie and James in the HNBR awake but still in their chairs covered up talking  general talk about the music. In the WA Vanessa has joined Julia and Steve doing ADL's.


 9:44am BBT: Liz and Austin are now in the Wa also doing their ADL's BB tells the HG to clean the bathroom and mirrors today. John is in the HOH rm talking to Becky and says i think i am protected as long as i vote with you guys and Becky says yeah.John is getting on the couch to lay down to go back to sleep as the HG prepare for an HOH lockdown. 


 9:50am BBT: HG are doing ADL's and getting breakfast and coffee before going to the HOH br.


9:52am BBT: Becky says it was my decision to put Vanessa up and  if i am not safe after the HOh comp then i will deal with it. Jackie says we have the numbers.Becky says if i make it through this one and Steve has my back then i will be ok.

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 12:22pm BBt: Vanessa in the CBR packing her things, Austin in the Wa doing his hair as Becky is getting dressed and Liz and Julia  are looking in the mirror. Steve has gone to bed in the OBR.


 12:24pm BBt: Hg walking around the house  cleaning and making food and doing ADl's.


 12:28pm BBT: Becky in the HNBR telling meg and Jackie that BB will try to trick them in the HOH comp tonight like  true or false was there an orange pillow in the background of the wack street boys picture. Jackie says that is good to think of that.


 12:35pm BBT: Julia and Vanessa in the  STR talking about  what will happen tonight and their alliance. Julia leaves and Vanessa is ironing her clothes. Julia goes to the KT and talking about carrots that say keep refrigerated and ask if they are bad as they was not in the fridge.


12:38pm BBT:Liz is finding ants in her hair and they keep falling out, Julia says let me look. Shelli walks up and says they are all over and laughs.Liz freaks out and says she told Julia to check her and Julia says i am but you keep moving away from me. John just sitting at the counter eating and watching them.


12:45pm BBT: James in the HNBR eating  buns talking to Jackie, meg and becky as they go over the videos from lastnight for the HOH comp.

In the KT John is sitting watching Julia sweep the floor and Liz cleaning the counters saying these ants are not loyal.


 12:51pm BBT: Austin in the HNBR Studying with  the have nots. Vanessa reading the bible in the OBR.

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1:28 PM BBT Julia tells Vanessa in the BR that they need to get Becky out before Steve. She is public enemy number 1.


1:32 PM BBT On Feeds 1/3 Julia tells Vanessa that no one cares about her vote. They just need Liz's vote. She wants Becky out. Feeds 2/4 show Steve shaving in the WA as he prepares for tonight's eviction.


1:34 PM BBT Liz, Austin, Meg, Jackie, and James are hanging out in the Have Not Room. They are studying for comps. Meanwhile Steve is shaving in the WA and John is cleaning the mirror.


1:37 PM BBT Becky comes out of the WC. Steve is in there shaving. He  says (seemingly in half jest) that being HOH has really gotten to her head. She says "I'm pretty great if I do say so myself." Steve "Okay Devin." They talk about how Steve got in trouble with BB for juggling oranges.


1:43 PM BBT Julia is venting to Vanessa in the BR. She tells Vanessa that Austin is brown nosing everyone and is going to throw the comp. She says she told Liz earlier that she needs to get rid of Austin and start putting them first.


1:55 PM BBT Becky is in the Have Not room with Meg, Jackie, and Jason. She tells them that John is not making any attempt to develop relationships with people in the house.


1:46 PM BBT Liz has joined Julia and Vanessa in the BR. She tells them that Austin is NOT going to throw the comp. Vanessa says it's not cool because she is going to go up if he does. Vanessa "The definition of loyalty means you can't be loyal to everyone. You have to have levels of loyalty."


1:48 PM BBT Julia and Vanessa are drilling Liz about Austin. Julia tells her that he went upstairs last night promising to share whatever information he learns. He has shared nothing with them.


1:52 PM BBT Steve and Austin enter the BR where Julia, Liz and Vanessa are. He tells them where his belongings are in case he leaves in double eviction tonight, which he expects he will. Julia hugs him and says "No, that's can't happen."

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2:02PM BBT In the PBR, Austin and the twins go over who they would put up and what promises they have made. They are referring to who can put up Vanessa.


2:07PM BBT The twins and Vanessa talking. Vanessa complaining that no one pulled her in to study. She says she has an eidetic memory. Julia says no one pulled her in to study either. They are complaining about Austin as well. Vanessa feels that Austin might be trying to mislead them on the videos.


2:11PM BBT Julia says that she trusts Vanessa since she has a photographic memory. Vanessa says its an eidetic memory where she can make a word out of it and then remember it forever. She says that she doesn't like Austin's attitude and says he acts like she owes him something. She says she got blood on her hands and she has been the most loyal alliance member.


2:16 PM BBT Liz goes to the WA and talks to Austin. He tells her he is sick of Vanessa. He says he is tired of her bible stories and her paranoia and her yelling at him.

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2:25PM BBT Austin, Liz and Becky in the WA going over the videos and what they saw. Trying to study for the comp.


2:29PM BBT Julia returns to Van in the BR after going scouting. Van says that Austin has always put up with her and now he picks a fight? She says something seems fake. She is wondering what they are up to.


2:33PM BBT Vanessa says she hopes she wins HOH and it's not a DE. She needs time to go through all the information. Julia tells her how much she hates Austin and how he spoke to Vanessa. She says that Vanessa could have kicked him out of the house.


2:38PM BBT Liz returns to Vanessa and tells her what Austin said. Vanessa says that he has gotten further in the game because of her. She says she will no longer watch out for him. Julia tells Liz that she needs to listen to Vanessa about the video and where items were.


2:45PM BBT Becky and Austin talk. Becky says that if Vanessa stays then she knows she will go. Becky says that if she goes then she knows she has a chance to come back. She says she had to face the worst case scenario. So she became more okay with it.

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2:54PM BBT Austin and Becky studying in the HNBR. Julia and Liz studying in the PBR.


3:04PM BBT Van is packing. In the PBR, Shelli and John talking. John feels someone confused Steve for the competition. He goes over one of the videos with Shelli. She confirms that Steve is incorrect with what he was told.


3:10PM BBT We have gone to Jeff Reels for tonight's show.

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7:09 PM BBT Feeds return. John is sitting in the KT by himself. Vanessa, James, Meg, and the twins are in the WA. and Meg says she was better at the veto comp than she thought she would be. They say that Steve said his wasn't working and we get FOTH.


7:12 PM BBT  Feeds return and Meg says they can't even sad eat right now (still on slop). Becky has joined them in the WA. James leaves and joins John in the KT. James asks John if he's alright. John says yes and asks James if he's alright. James says "yup... double evictions suck ass." Meg says that they don't even get goodbye messages. John tells James that he feels terrible. He tells James that he needs to calm down and then they'll talk. James says he had to make a tough decision. Everyone does at one time or another.


7:15 PM BBT  One of the twins asks who got evicted in the double eviction last year. They figure out that it was Jocasta and Hayden. The WA crew discuss that they are jealous that Shelli and Jackie will get drunk. Vanessa leaves them and joins James and John. She thanks them for keeping her. She thanks John for his vote, telling him that she knows he wanted to give his vote to Shelli. In the WA they discuss where everyone is sleeping. Meg laughs and tells everyone they should avoid sleeping with her. Whoever sleeps with her goes home.


7:20 PM BBT  John is sitting in the KT with his knees up and his head resting on them. Julia comes to the KT sink and is cleaning. James tells John that at least one of them gets the chance to come back. Julia agrees. James says they will wait to evict at least 2 more people before they will probably play to come back into the house. Becky, Austin, and Meg are talking about the pictures they used in the HOH comp, specifically the one with Clay holding the bowl. Liz and Vanessa are talking in the OBR. They are discussing that they are surprised Vanessa wasn't put up on the block. Austin is telling the girls in the WA that he thought he was getting backdoored.


7:23 PM BBT  We go to FOTH. We come back and Becky says she had no idea what he was going to do because he doesn't talk to anyone. We go immediately back to FOTH. We come back and Austin says that it's a lot to process. Becky says she feels like the story Steve gave was a cover up and the whole environment in the house changed. Meg says, "Why Jackie?" Becky says that he and Jackie always got along. They weren't buddy buddy, but they hung out in the evenings by the pool. Becky says she thinks he will be a wreck and Meg says that she doesn't feel bad for him.


7:25 PM BBT  Meg says that Steve didn't even have a conversation with Jackie. Austin tells them they need to try to compose themselves before the next HOH. He says he thinks it will be days or before and afters. Vanessa and Liz are talking in the CBR. She says she can't believe she made it. They jump up and hug. Liz says she doesn't know why they are so mad. She says they have never been nice to Steve. Vanessa says things are going to work out. She says she was so scared because she thought everyone was lying about how they were going to vote.


7:28 PM BBT  James joins Becky and Austin in the WA. He says he thinks it will be a long HOH comp. Becky says they will fill the next show with how everything went down for the double eviction. James says if this one is another question answer style, then the next one will be a physical one. Becky says there are 9 people left and James says they have lost 8 people...they've reached the halfway point. Liz tells Vanesa she didn't know what John would do. Van tells her that John is after the other side of the house. Vanessa says she doesn't understand why they didn't go for Becky. Then she realizes it's because JohnnyMac is close to Becky or Steve would have.


7:32 PM BBT  Becky says that she never thought Jackie would be leaving. James says it was mentioned that if Steve won he would throw a curveball. Austin says he wants random sh*t. Becky says Steve talks so little game that she doesn't think they will ever know why. James says he may have heard some friendly fire or he heard something that wasn't even true. Austin says that he does remember everything that was ever said. Austin says that he may have been afraid to go after Becky or him. James says that Steve told him that he's not his target. Austin really thought he was the target.


7:34 PM BBT  Vanessa and Meg are talking in the HNR. Vanessa tells Meg that she thinks Jackie was his target and that he sees Meg as the least likely to win a competition and come after him. Meg asks why Jackie and Vanessa says she really doesn't understand why. Vanessa tells her not to take it personally. Meg says it's funny because Jackie wasn't going after him at all. We get FOTH. Vanessa says she could barely handle a speech, then sitting thru the vote, then Shelli going home, then playing in the comp, etc. She says she doesn't think she's ever had so much adrenaline in her life.


7:38 PM BBT  Vanessa leaves the HNR. James joins Meg and asks her if she's OK. He promises her he had nothing to do with this and she says she knows. He says that he thinks either Vanessa or Austin did. Maybe they offered him protection with the twins. He just doesn't think he would have done this by himself. Meanwhile, Vanessa is talking with Julia in the CBR. She tells her that there's about a 50% chance that one of the twins will make the top 2. Liz comes into the BR and they all jump around. James and Meg speculate as to whether John and Steve are working with the other side of the house.


7:42 PM BBT  Becky joins Meg and James in the HNR. She tells them that John tried to talk to her and she told him NOT NOW. She says that she lost 2 people today. Becky says the only thing she can think of is that John and Steve are mad that they sent Shelli home. James said that may be true, because they struck strategically. Meg says that now they are motivated though. Becky says that she was probably their closest connection in the house. She highly doubts Steve is working with the other side and John always talked about Clay. Feed 3 and 4 switch to Steve and John in the KT.


7:45 PM BBT  Steve says he wants to get in an apology. John says they are in the HNR. Steve says he's not in a good place right now, but he wants to apologize. He's just not in a calm place yet. He says when he's in a calm place, he will be happy to talk to them. James says OK. He leaves the room. Becky says that he has only ever talked about Austin. Meg says she has felt like an idiot every week. Becky says the only person who is ever safe is the person they announce is the target on Thursday night. Steve goes into the CBR and the twins ask if he's OK. He says not even a little.


7:50 PM BBT  James says they are on the bottom of the totem pole. They will pick them off one by one. Meg asks what they have done in this game. Becky says the only thing she can think of is that they were a solid 4. Steve tells the twins and Vanessa that he hopes he made the right move. Steve goes and joins John in the KT again. Becky decides she is going to ask John what happened. James says he believes Steve and John will be straight about what happened. Meg says do they realize that Jackie was the last person who was coming after them. James says if he heard she was he will keep it in his head.


7:53 PM BBT  John joins the HNR crew and asks if they are OK. Meg starts to cry and says absolutely not. John says that Steve said it was OK to tell them that he asked him not to use the POV. Meg says she just wished that people would talk straight. She says all he ever mentioned was Austin and then he just puts up people who are mean to him. John says that right up to the end they walk into the hammock room and says are you OK with not using it. John says OK. Meg says I know it's not your job to explain it. John says that it is his job to do it. James is called to the DR. Steve is talking to himself in the KT.


7:56 PM BBT  James comes out and sees Steve and Steve asks for a hug. Steve asks if he should go sit with them and James says it probably isn't a great idea right now. James goes to the WA to get ready for the DR. Meg says she really thought he was going to backdoor someone and she really feels really played by him. Meanwhile, Steve is talking to himself and saying that he has never been this angry before. He whispers, "I did not want this HOH." He seems James as he heads to the DR and says that he just wants his basket. Steve tells James that he's happy he did what he did and he thinks he did it correctly.

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8:00 PM BBT  James wheels in Jackie's suitcase and says that she has requested they pack her stuff. Becky comes out of the HNR and sees Steve. He tells her that he doesn't think they should talk just yet because neither of them is in the right frame of mind. They hug. Austin and Liz are in the CBR talking talking about who they think everyone is going after. Austin is so glad that Steve won. Liz says, "Thanks for doing my dirty work, Steve."


8:04 PM BBT  We return from FOTH and Julia, Liz, and Austin are talking to Steve in the KT. They are discussing the days in anticipation of the HOH. Becky and James are talking in the HNR. Becky says she wants to talk to John to see if he knew anything. She wants to be sure she's not being played a fool. She says she can see it both ways. She says she can see them playing together and she can see that Steve keeps his game and double eviction plan to himself. He never talks game. Becky says she told Jackie that if Steve won someone else would leave the game and blood wouldn't be on their hands.


8:08 PM BBT  James says that all he knows is if somebody doesn't come together, they will get picked off one by one. All their groups have been split up... Clay, Shelli. He says there is one group that hasn't lost one person the whole game. Becky says that Vanessa and Austin are trouble. She says that he has a tattoo of BB. He knows this game. He says that he's just here to protect the twins. He loses the comps, but she thinks he can win games, he can win endurance comps. James says that Becky and him are a power couple. In endurance comps the only other person they have to worry about is John.


8:12 PM BBT  Camera 1 is focused on John in the KT. He is sitting by himself talking to no one. Feeds 1 and 2 switch to Austin and Vanessa reviewing  days in the CBR. Liz is helping Meg pack Jackie's clothes. Liz finds a pair of Shelli's pants and James grabs a sticker with Shelli's name on it to put in Jackie's suitcase. Feed 3 and 4 switch to John and Becky talking in the CRL. John tells her that Steve isn't thinking like them. He wasn't ready to get rid of Vanessa yet. He wanted to get rid of someone who would be a comp threat. He thinks if he had used it James or Becky would have gone up.


8:18 PM BBT  John worries aloud that he doesn't know how he will convince Meg and James that he isn't working with Steve. Meg and James are talking in the HNR. Meg says that she doesn't know who to take out now. James says it's everyone for themselves in this game. Becky is telling John that she just needed to find out if he knew ahead of time what the plan was or if he just went along. Becky tells John to tell them (James and Meg) that he honestly thought if Jackie came down Becky would go up. It would show loyalty. She tells him to tell them everything he told her.


8:23 PM BBT  Becky goes to the HNR to tell Meg and James what John told her. She says that John started to tell her but that she stopped him and told him to come tell all of them. She says that it honestly made sense and seemed like the truth. Meg asks why Steve isn't talking to them. James says he isn't ready. James says not to yell because it could shut down game play. Becky says they are getting info they need no matter who they are getting it from. Steve, Austin, Vanessa, and the twins are reviewing days in the CBR.


8:27 PM BBT  Becky tells Meg that what happened happened, how do they overcome it. They are hurting for numbers. She called Vanessa out. She says "that girl was a b*tch to pull Meg aside." Meg says that was wrong (not sure to what she is referring). Becky says, "OK, JohnnyMac, I said to give me 5 minutes. You can come now." Meg says that she's going to want to bite his head off. They tell her she can't. Becky tells them that Steve didn't want to put Vanessa up because he's close with her. Becky tells them about a conversation she had with Steve about 'being close with Vanessa.'


8:31 PM BBT  Becky tells Meg and James that Steve is easily manipulated by Vanessa. But he's also close to John and he's been close to her. Becky goes out to get John. Meg and James discuss whether to trust Becky. They decide she didn't know about what went down, but that they do have to watch their backs with her and that Jackie would have wanted them to work with her. Meg is crying again and she tells James that he has seen her at her worst...every day. Meg says she can't wait for her DRs. Every week... "Why are they taking my peeps?" Becky says they have to get Vanessa and Austin out or they are a dying breed, but they have to be super smart.


8:35 PM BBT  John joins them in the HNR. Meg tells him she's trying to hold her cool. She says she's not upset with him, but she's emotional. He says if he felt if he used it, someone like Becky could have gone up. Becky says to tell them his guess as to why Steve would have put Jackie and Meg up. Meg asks if it's because he thought Jackie was going to backdoor him. John says he doesn't know because he didn't ask him. Meg says all she knows is that they are dwindling down and they are the only people playing the game. Becky asks if Steve will join the other side of the house now. John says he doesn't know.


#BB17 8:38 PM BBT  They ask John who he thinks is the most dangerous person on the other side of the house and he says Vanessa. Meg says, "Who would have thought Vanessa would have Steve in her pocket." Becky says that's what she does. She molds people and creates numbers/votes. She creates paranoia and makes people think she is giving them a helping hand. Becky says she guarantees Vanessa fed him a story that Jackie was after him. She says Vanessa is always in the center of the plans but her hands are always clean because one of her puppets did it.


8:41 PM BBT  John says they need to get ready for HOH. Meg asks what it will be. James says maybe a puzzle. Meg says that the others think it will be days but she thinks that will be at the end. Becky says it won't be physical because they've had 2 physical in a row. James says it could be a crapshoot. Becky says she thinks it will be a puzzle. John says that Steve is available to them. Becky says they need him and that Meg needs to be nice. Meg says she will but that he's RUDE. She has a hard time with people who just won't make conversation. Becky says he doesn't have social skills. We get FOTH.


8:43 PM BBT  Steve is telling Vanessa, Austin, and the twins that he feels empty. Austin tells him to wait until HOH. If it goes well, he might feel better. Steve says if it doesn't, he could be backdoored. They go back to reviewing for the HOH comp. Steve leaves the room and Austin is called to the DR.


8:47 PM BBT Back in the HNR Meg, James, Becky, and John are discussing that one of them needs to win. Meg is saying that she hasn't eaten or slept and she hasn't gotten her period, so evidently she has a baby inside of her. James asks her if she's on birth control. She says yes, but you still get your period when you're on the pill. He says that you don't. She says that you do. He says that girls don't get their period on some birth control... they spot. Becky and Meg are laughing hysterically.


8:50 PM BBT Becky says she thinks if she were watching the show she would definitely like her side of the house. She says if she were to win, she would nominate Vanessa and Austin and if one of them won POV she would put up Liz. Meanwhile, John is talking to Steve in the KT. He tells him that everyone has calmed down. Steve asks if he should go talk to them. He heads to the HNR. He tells them that he wasn't prepared to win HOH. He said she was the only person he had heard was going after him and he has struggled to build a relationship with. He said that over the last few days Austin has worked to build a relationship with him.


8:54 PM BBT Meg tells him that Jackie was never going to go after him and that they had even talked that if he was up on the block, they would take him down if they won veto. Becky says that he should question the person who told him that Jackie was after him. She wants him to know that that person lied and has a vendetta. She said he should picture that person and to think about that. Meg says the one thing she asks of him is that from now on if he hears anything talk to them. Becky asks if it was coming from one person or multiple people. Steve says if you had to guess you'd probably be right.



8:57 PM BBT Becky tells Steve that she's very good. Meg says that when they are HOHs, they tell people what they are doing because that's who they roll. She says she will be up front with him and she expects the same from him. Steve says that Jackie was the only person he ever heard anything about and it sounds like it was wrong. Meg says 150% it was wrong. Becky says to be careful about that person. She says that she fell into the same trap. She says that person seems helpful but she's like the snake in the Adam and Eve story. Steve says they had the right to be more angry than they are acting and he appreciates it.

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9:00 PM BBT Steve tells Meg & Becky that this game is the most traumatic thing that's ever happened to him. He asks them if he's told them about the story about is dad? They both tell him yes. Meg tells Steve she thinks he's been set up to be their next target. Steve asks if he thinks he was told that information on purpose? Becky says, hell yes. They all figure out that Steve was set up & so were they.


9:02 PM BBT Becky tells Steve that it's o.k., because they know what she (Vanessa) is doing. Becky says, look who was by Shelli & Clay the whole time. Becky says, they know where it came from, & they know the information that led him to that decision is the same person that did things to them. She says, they don't want them in this game & they don't want them doing that to them again. Meg says, they know, & please keep that quiet. Becky asks them to keep that very quiet.


9:03 PM BBT Becky tells Steve that it works in his favor to let them think they are totally mad at him. Steve says, he was going in there to tell them that when he gets the HOH basket, it would be totally o.k. if they didn't want to see his pictures. Meg says, no way, that's not her. Becky tries to talk to Steve, & Steve says, they are good. Becky says, take it to your grave. Steve says, or the DR.


9:05 PM BBT Becky tells Steve that he's probably in a better position than he thinks. Becky tells him, that tit for tat will be overlooked, & they will bury the hatchet. They thank each other. Steve asks for hugs? They exchange hugs. Steve says, he's a type of person that thrives on contact. He says, that one relationship at Cornell is the only time he's done overnight cuddling, & says, not to misconstrue it with doing anything else.


9:07 PM BBT Steve says, he hopes his HOH basket isn't as controversial as Derek's was last year. He tells them he got a bad print on the picture he received. (Even though we know that's not true.) Steve says, he's so sorry. Meg & Becky tell him Jackie will come back. Steve thinks Jackie will be upset with him if she does. They tell him they will handle it. Meg tells Steve they will not throw people under the bus like the others do. Steve says, it sucks being an outsider. He says, they are using him, & he just f***ed them over.


9:10 PM BBT Steve tells them he just did the opposite of what he told them he would do. Becky tells them that he can't believe it was a double eviction. Becky says, he would have gone mad doing that for a full week. Steve tells them, he's made it farther than he ever expected. Meg says, they have also, so let's keep it up. Steve says, he went with what everyone was doing, because that's what he told him to do.


9:12 PM BBT Meg tells Steve that all of the 4 of them gave them their word that they would not put them up. She says, Jackie would have been good at that game, & they still took one of them out anyway. Steve says, so basically he was their b*tch. Becky says, she got messed over before. Becky says, she's been doing this with Jackie for a long time now. Steve seems to be upset. Meg says, Jackie is the only one that called Vanessa out on her sh*t to be honest. Becky says, she couldn't do anything through her so she used Steve.


9:14 PM BBT James goes in the HNR. He tells Steve that this group has not been after him at all. James tells Steve, he was manipulated, there's a difference. Steve throws the HOH key on the floor because he's upset. He says, he broke the key. Becky says, he likes to throw things, it's o.k., & they will give him a new lanyard. Meg tells Steve she won't go after him. Becky says, that same person tried to get her to go against Jackie, & leave her side. They tell him everything that Vanessa did to them.


9:16 PM BBT Steve says, as a super fan, Vanessa is brilliant. Meg says, she could have been gone already. We see FOTH for a moment & then Jeff's reels.

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10:15 PM BBT Live feeds are back. In the KT, Vanessa says, it was a competition that has speed, & was logical. Liz is the new HOH.


10:16 PM BBT In the WA, Liz is jumping up & down & she has the HOH key on her neck. Austin keeps hugging her. He grabs her to kiss her, as she's walking out of the WA. Julia tells them they will be in the Brenchel room now.


10:17 PM BBT In the KT, Austin says, they were tricky. Julia says, that was an even playing field. Julia goes to the OBR room, & then goes in the CBR. She bends down to the blue stand by the door, & says, "Yes, f*** you, that's my girl." She puts some clothes away & takes some things out of the CBR.


10:20 PM BBT Vanessa goes in the CBR. She gets really excited & says, "Yes," as she squats down with her hands in the air. She goes to the hallway with her suitcase.


10:21 PM In the CBR Julia & Vanessa are very excited. Julia says, they have nothing to worry about. Julia says, if Johnny Mac would have won he would have put up Austin. Vanessa says, if Johnny Mac would have won, he would have put both of the twins up. Julia says, Becky was going to go after them, so they need to go after her first. Vanessa says, they need to get Becky out now, so when one of them comes back from jury they are totally isolated.


10:23 PM BBT Vanessa is going to tell them what to do, who to put up for front door & backdoor targets, & what to say. Vanessa says, they are a shoe in for the top 5. Vanessa says, Becky broke the deal last week. She says, they are the 4 headed monster. Julia jumps up & down, getting excited, flipping her 2 middle fingers.


10:25 PM BBT Liz goes in the CBR. Julia says, "I get your bed b*tch." They all dance around. Liz says, "We are the good girls." Steve goes in the CBR, acts all excited, & hugs them. Liz tells Steve he can sleep in her bed & not worry about it. Vanessa tells Liz that she needs to get rid of Becky because they need to send them all to jury, so that if 1 of them comes back they will be isolated & have no one. John walks in on the conversation.


10:27 PM BBT Liz is complaining about wanting the HOHR already. She says, she can't wait 2 hours for it. Liz says, she wants better pictures this time, instead of the sh*tty a** one's she got last time. Vanessa says, this is the year of 2 HOH's, & now Liz has one two. (She was dethrowned her first one). They talk about HG's that have & have not won. Vanessa says, she feels bad for Steve, & she talks in a baby voice, saying she was acting like his momma, & he's a cute baby boy.


10:29 PM BBT Vanessa & Julia want their own beds in the CBR tonight. They aren't going to let any of the HN's in there. Liz says, they can sleep 2 in each bed in the OBR. (Glad she decides that.)


10:31 PM BBT In the HNR, Meg says, there's no question in Meg's mind that Vanessa turned Steve against them. Becky says, that girl has her hands in so many HOH's, plans, votes, & everything going on. Becky says, she's behind it all. She says, she's that chess player, that poker player, she is good at manipulating. Becky says, & she's still in the house, & can turn people with the snap of her fingers against them.


10:32 PM BBT In the CBR, Vanessa talks to Steve about cookies. John says, he feels he will go on the block because he just won a Veto, & did so well. Steve starts to talk about his thing in the Veto, & we see FOTH.

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10:34 PM BBT Vanessa tells John that she promises him if he goes up on the block he will not go home. (She's promised this before.) Vanessa complains about her day. Steve says, that he had about 7 panic attacks today to. He says, they did 2 HOH comps today.


10:36 PM BBT Steve tells Vanessa he has a project with the chain he's holding. Vanessa asks him how he tied so many knots in it? Steve says, because of everything. Vanessa says, they are going to all sleep well tonight. Steve says, he's going to sleep with something from his HOH basket. Vanessa says, this is one for the good guys, it's been a terrible week. Steve says, that's been interesting for a new comp. Vanessa says, she would have done better in the day time, he brain was completely fried. Steve agrees.


10:38 PM BBT Liz & Julia are sitting at the DT. James & Austin are in the KT, & Becky is standing by the glass table. They are talking about Shelli & Jackie having fun in jury. Liz tells her sister she's been pi**ing her off today, so she may have to put her up on the block. Liz says, they already took away Jackie's key, and she's dying.


10:40 PM BBT Becky says, after Thursday the table shrinks. Liz asks if Zingbot comes in the house when Zingbot comes in the house? Austin says, yes. Liz says, it's her dream to see Zingbot, & she hopes she will be there for it. Austin tells her she will be there, because it should be there next week. Julia says, Liz will get zinged for being a heart breaker, & she will get zinged for not being able to win anything. They go back & forth about not being sharp crayons in the box or tools in the shed. We see FOTH.

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10:43 PM BBT (Taken from BBAD) In the CBR, Vanessa tells Steve to go & put his medicine under his tongue. John says, it makes sense to put him up. Vanessa says, if he goes up, he's a pawn, & has the votes. She says, if he goes this week, she will eat her sh*t. John laughs. She tells him to keep that to himself.


10:44 PM BBT Live feeds come back with Becky telling Meg that they will say they can't trust her in this game, & that's why she will go on the block. Meg's face looks like she's been crying. Meg asks how this can happen? Becky says, the pendulum always swings. Meg says, there's more to go, it's a long game. Meg tells Becky not to be mad at herself. She says, there's not one thing that did all this. She says, every little thing has led to it.


10:47 PM BBT Meg says, it all started with the week Vanessa was going to backdoor Austin. Becky says, she has a 1 in 6 chance of winning POV, & a 1 in 4 chance of coming back in the game. Meg asks if Vanessa really worked on Steve today? Becky says, she's sure. Meg says, last night Steve told her what he was going to do. Becky says, he wouldn't tell them the truth. Meg says, so he was just lying about the whole Austin thing?


10:49 PM BBT Becky says, she doesn't know, but they know she's sh*ting herself. Becky says, she thought she was going to play with Jackie in this game for longer. Meg says, she knows. Becky says, she tried to go after a big target, & no one took her out. She says, she hopes she gets a lot of cheering. James gets called to the DR. Meg asks why he keeps going in there? She says, she hungry, sick of the chairs, & overly tired. Becky says, she just wants to leave, ever since Tuesday. Meg tells her to keep her chin up.


10:51 PM BBT Becky says, Vanessa stayed, Steve got Jackie out, Liz won HOH. Meg asks how Liz won that? Becky says, because they are at summer camp. She says, they've never been on the block, so no one has ever seen how they perform. Becky says, she just has to be a beast at comps. Meg says, they just have to wait. Meg says, Steve, that was the plan all along.


10:52 PM BBT Meg says, that was there loop hole in everything. Becky says, she wishes there was more than one thing that she was better at in these comps. Meg says, it doesn't matter sometimes, it really doesn't. Meg says, she's so horrible in those situations. She says, competitive situations, she's so horrible, that's why she never played sports. Becky tells Meg, she's paired up with others.


10:54 PM BBT Becky says, summer camp ended. In the CBR, John tells Steve, they will throw him under the bus to save themselves. Steve says, they will throw him under the bus to save themselves to. Steve says, they will talk to them later. Steve tells John if he's put up as a pawn he's golden. Steve says, if they throw him under the bus, he's even more safe. Steve tells John he's sorry about his HOH if that upset him.


10:56 PM BBT John says, he's probably going to get yelled at, because he was talking to the goblins earlier saying he needs to get Vanessa out. Steve asks if they are on his side? John says, yes. Steve says, they will probably be over there saying to put Vanessa up. Austin walks in the CBR. Steve thanks John for saving his behind. Steve asks Austin if he's sleeping upstairs tonight? Austin says, ah, yeah. Steve asks why he said it like that? Austin says, is that even a question, of course.


10:58 PM BBT Steve & Austin walk out of the CBR. Julia asks if Steve's HOH box will be put upstairs by Liz'? Liz says, no. Steve says, that's Liz' room. Liz says, he can go up in the HOH anytime he wants, he can shower up there, he can use his saltwater up there. Steve asks if that means he can have the HOH bed? They all tell him he has to fight Austin for that. Austin acts like he's smacking Steve around.



10:59 PM BBT Austin tells Liz to make up a lie to tell the goblins that she made a deal with Steve. Austin tells Vanessa that Liz needs an excuse to tell people why she's not going after Steve this week? Austin tells Vanessa she should tell them, because Steve didn't backdoor him, so she's not going after Steve. We see FOTH.

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