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Tuesday, July 14 2015 Big Brother 17 Live Feed Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother USA Time is Pacific Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.

To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. http://www.mortystv.com/images/bb17/bb17castquide.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Activities of Daily Living = ADLs

Battle of the Block = BotB

Back Yard = BY

Bedroom = BR

Cabana Room Lounge = CRL

Comic Book/Colorful Room = CBR

Da'Vonne = da

Dining Table = DT

Have-Not Room = HNR

Head of House Room = HOHR

Kitchen = KT

Indoor Lock Down = ILD

Living Room = LR

Ocean / Grey Bedroom = OBR

Outdoor Lock Down = OLD

Storage Room = SR

Washroom Area = WA

Water Closet = WC

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If you post questions or start conversations with each other here, they will be deleted.

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8:11 AM BBT Fish for a second and now the feeds are back everyone is still asleep .


8:18 AM BBT Some people are awake .


8:21 AM BBT John is awake going to the SR getting batteries.


9:45 AM BBT The feeds are off and its wake up time .


10:16AM BBT Jason is in BY deep in though he looks  like he  has a really bad hangover.


10:24 AM BBT Shelli is in WA couch talking to Clay

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11:44pm-12:09am  BBT: Hgt at Kt table playing  the Dare game. Clay had to lick BBQ sauce off jeff's armpit then tells Jeff that it tasted more like Old Spice.Becky licks mayonaise from Steves big toes and everyone yells gross. Becky puts a toilet paper diaper on Jeff and he has to strutt around the Kt with it on. Hg are laughing and yelling. The drinking game breaks up and Hg start moving around the house.

12:35am BBT: Austin tells Liz that some of the other HG are watching  her as she goes in and out of the DR so they might need to  go around talking to other Hg to make sure they are in good with the others.He then tells her that he is in good with john and Becky so he wants to make an alliance with them now cause he does not truast Shelli and Clay.

1:20pm BBT: Steve tells vanessa he is worried about Shelli and Clay. Vanessa says maybe we should target them. Steve is worried and vanessa tells him he does not have to worry about Audrey. Vanessa then says that if Steve wins HOH maybe he should target Meg.

2:13am BBT: Vanessa and Audrey agree to form a female Chilltown .

2:30am BBT: John says to Steve that he will vote to keep Jeff in the house  since Jeff has had his back this whole time. In the HOh rm Audry and vanessa  talk about making new alies and audrey thinks Shelli and clay are already doing that.

2:45am BBT: Liz is trying to figure out where to sleep as she says Austin got mad at her befoe and she does not feel comfortable now vanessa says you need to figure out if you like Austin or not. Liz tells her i like his personality but the hair and beard have to go. plus he has a girlfriend.

2:51am BBT: Austin, Liz and vanessa in the Hoh rm talking about who they can trust weather it be Steve or Shelli and Clay and vanessa says Shelli and clay have their own agenda. Liz says she can wortk with Steve.

2:58am BBT: james and Liz looking for a bed to sleep in. Austin just standing there looking. Liz says you can sleep upstairs and he laughs and austin says Audrey is sleeping upstairs so james says i will sleep in Audreys bed then.

3:04am BBT: Liz ends up sleeping in the bed with Austin and Steve is taling about they all need to wash sheets.

3:30am BBt: audrey and vanessa in the HOh bed with lights out talking about the first two weeks of the game and the votes. audrey says she did not vote for jace or DA. vanessa ask then why would jason say you told him you voted for DA? Audrey tells her i do not know.3:52am BBT: Jeff is talking to becky and jason in the BY saying he is worried he will not have Clays vote to stay this week then says that Clay gave him his goodbye speech like he did to Da.

4:00am BBT: Jason talking to becky in the BY and tells her he does not trust vanessa he respects ehr but not trust her and she is holding on to grudges. Becky says yeah vanessa should not mistake a white lie and turn it to a serious threat.

4:08a BBt: Steve is in the CBR counting as jeff and becky go to the hammock He tells her that if he was home he would be out with the guys and how he hung out with  Haley from The Amazing Race. he says we are very good friends like brother and sister.

4:44am BBt: Jeff tells becky he would ask Audrey for a vote if it wouldnt damage his game but I think it will cause she told me before if i had six votes to let her know who it is and she would see .

4:47am BBT: Becky says audry is trying to get on my good side now and jeff tells her to stay away from Audrey. he then says  he knows jackie could use him in this game and before he leaves he willtell jackie everything he knows.

 5:00am-5:30am  BBT:Jeff tells becky he likes the twins and Liz wants to flirt with him but then Austin gets jelouse and i do not know why cause Austin wants jackie bad. Talk continues about jeffs type to date They finally head to bed and all are sleeping.

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9:58AM BBT Shelli and James is in the WA.  Vanessa is going into the DR. Jason is sitting on the couch in the BR. 



10:07AM BBT Clay and Shelli are talking in the WA. 


10:18AM BBT Clay and Shelli are talking about how cute they are, Shelli is wondering how happing to their Instagram account and how social media is after they get out of the house. Jason is talking to himself saying I wish you here Da'vonne. 


10:23AM BBT Clay is talking about his daily routine before BB, He said he stereotype a lot. He add that he wondering if Shelli want to know him better. Shelli says they have a date tonight. Jason goes inside and get in bed. 


10:28AM BBT Shelli ask Clay to define an "B" personality. Shelli gets up to brush her hair. Shelli said she 90% A personality and 10% personality. 


10:33AM BBT More conversation about types of personality. Clay talking about being stubborn when he was younger. FotH 


10:37AM BBT Feeds are back up. Nothing has changed. Shelli is called into the DR. Clay is making coffee.


10:41AM BBT Vanessa is in the HOH WA. Clay is eating cereal. 


10:46AM BBT Clay is making breakfast. Vanessa is putting on makeup in the HOH WA. Shelli is out of the DR. Austin is called into the DR. Clay said to Shelli "That was fast".


10:49AM BBT Vanessa goes down to the KT. Clay ask if the has a headache. She said no. FotH


10:52AM BBT Feeds are back up.  Nothing has changed. Audrey is sitting at the table. Shelli and Venessa are talking. Everyone else is sleeping. Audrey is told to put her mic on. 


10:56AM BBT Vanessa, Shelli, and Clay talk about eminem. 

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11:00am BBT: Audrey  talking to Clay saying  they will bring someone back in the house. clay whispers to Shelli but can not hear him. James is in bed sleeping with a hood over his face. All other HG appear to be sleeping.

11:03am BBT: Audrey ask how does she push James into Jeff's bed? Shelli goes to the Wa where Austin is straightening his hair. Clay tells Audrey in the KT that she is very special and she thanks him. Clay goes out to the BY and sits alone on the couch.

 11:05am BBt: Bb ask the Hg to please lower the awnings. Clay and shelli start lowering them and Audrey says she is going to go  lay down and she goes to the couches and Clay tells her that is not going to bed  so Audrey says well go move James to Jeff's bed then i will go to bed.

 11:10am BBt: Shelli says we finished that is how you do that. Clay says to Audrey we are going inside and you stay out here that means we are avoiding you. Shelli says are we really going inside and clay says yeah. Shelli says no stay out here it is vitamin D. Audrey says you want to know my darkest secret and shelli says yeah as clay says no. Audrey says i am in an alliance with two couples. You two and Austin and Vanessa, But i am loyal to you two.

11:18am BBT: John has joined Audrey, Clay and Shelli outside. Audrey and Shelli are talking about if they would move to another state or not. Shelli says i would be ok with it .

11:28am BBt: Clay drinking his coffee in the BY  and Audrey looks to be going to sleep, John is just laying there and shelli just staring off in the yard. Shelli then tells them she just wants to travel even if it is in the United States I just want to get out.

11:40am BBT: Clay, Audrey, Shelli and john still sitting in the BY talking about traveling and TV shows.

11:45am BBt: General talk in the BY with Clay, John, Audrey and shelli about what Johns parents thought about him coming to the BB house. John says they did not understand why i wanted to do it.  All other Hg still inn bed sleeping.

11:55am BBt: John, Shelli and Clay talking about cartoons like the Jetsons. Shelli ask what was the dogs name on there and John and clay both say Astro.

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12:00 PM BBT Clay and Shelli talking about Clay’s family and what kind of hair they have, and the color of their eyes.  Everyone in Shelli’s family has blue eyes…her twin brothers’ eyes are especially blue. 


12:03 PM BBT John is sitting in the KT by himself eating yogurt. 


12:04 PM BBT  It’s a lazy afternoon in the BB house BY.  Shelli and Clay are lazing on the couches and listening to a plane fly overhead.  Shelli says if she had one wish right now, the door would open and her puppy would freak out and come over for cuddles. 


12:08 PM BBT Shelli and Clay’s conversation has turned to grandparents.  Clay has all four grandparents and not very many cousins.  A small tight-knit family.  Shelli says “that’s all you need” and Clay agrees. 


12:11 PM BBT Shelli and Clay still talking about family members while John eats a bowl of something in the KT.  BB announces that sleep is only allowed in beds.  Audrey has been snoozing on the BY couch as Shelli and Clay talk, and she stirs at BB’s announcement.


12:14 PM BBT Audrey complains that she always gets skipped for things, like Truth or Dare.  Shelli protests that she doesn’t, and Clay razzes Audrey. 


12:16 PM BBT Audrey speculates about whether they will show a segment with Shelli and Clay chatting about family and stuff, and then pan to Audrey snoring in the background.  We get FotH.


12:17 PM BBT Feeds come back to Shelli and Clay moving inside and saying “I wonder what the lockdown is for?”  Feeds pan briefly to the colourful room,  before returning to FotH.


12:18 PM BBT Meg, Jason, Steve and Jeff awake now in the Ocean BR.  Shelli looking through stuff in prep for a “quickie shower.” 


12:22 PM BBT John, Jason, Clay and James all in the KT.  Becky, Steve, Austin and Meg in and out of the WA.


12:25 PM BBT Clay eating from a bowl sitting at the KT counter.  James is wearing his sunglasses as he prepares something to eat.  Steve comes in and says “Good morning” to James and then corrects himself, saying “Good afternoon.”  Meg sits down at the dining table.


12:27 PM BBT Jason, and James go out to the BY couches to eat.  Audrey is there also, and they are talking about grape jelly.  Meg joins them. 


12:29 PM BBT The BY group (Audrey, James, Jason, Meg) wonder if they are being locked out so that they will be up for the feeds.  Or maybe for Vanessa’s pictures. 


12:31 PM BBT Becky is in the KT drinking something.  Steve is at the Dining table.  Vanessa comes out to the BY and is snapping pictures. 


12:33 PM BBT Meg and Jason talking about candid pictures being better than posed photos. 


12:36 PM BBT  Everyone heading outside.  Shelli stopping in the KT to get water.  Jackie grabbing a drink also.  BB announces “Houseguests:  This is a lockdown.  Please go outside and close the sliding glass door.”  Jackie is the last one out and she slides the door closed.  As Jackie goes to the couches, they compliment her on her outfit, saying she looks elegant.   


12:39 PM BBT Clay and Jeff are by the pool table.  Clay is swinging the pool cue as if it’s a baseball bat.  Vanessa is taking pictures, and she asks Jeff and Clay to pose near the pool table. 


12:40 PM BBT Jeff calls James over for a picture.  Vanessa suggests action shots, so they pose as if they are playing pool.  [so much for candid shots].  Vanessa thinks it’s a really good picture. 


12:42 PM BBT  Austin, Liz, and Shelli sitting in the shade on the ground near the couches.  Vanessa still walking around with the camera and taking pictures of everyone on the couches.  She turns to snap a picture of Liz and Austin.


12:45 PM BBT  Shelli and Vanessa take a selfie.  Shelli says “cute.” Shelli takes the camera so that she can get some shots of Vanessa hanging out with the group.  Becky calls out to Jeff to ask if she can play the winner of the pool game.  Jeff says sure. 


12:48 PM BBT  A plane is flying low overhead and making a lot of noise as Austin, Liz and Vanessa figure out how to pose so that they are all in the shade and  not half in sun and half in shade.  They pose in front of the sand castle. 


12:49 PM BBT  A group move over to the hammock to make another shot… Vanessa on the Hammock in between Clay and James… first with Clay and James fanning Vanessa with pillows, and then sitting next to her.  Jeff and Austin looking on and making suggestions for the next shot. 


12:51 PM BBT  Shelli points out that the pictures turn out much better when the subjects are in the shade.  They pose for a group shot with the closed sliding door as a backdrop. 


12:52 PM BBT Vanessa snaps a shot of Jeff with Jackie and Liz.  Shelli pulls a pillow out of the way.  Shelli takes the camera so she can get another picture of Vanessa with a group around her.


12:56 PM BBT  Clay goes over to the pool, takes off his mic and jumps in.  Vanessa asks Shelli to take pictures of Clay in the pool. 


12:58 PM BBT Austin joins Clay in the pool and they pose for some shots together and then bring out the rubber ducky as a prop.  Shelli is sitting on the edge of the pool with her feet in.  Another plane flies over.  Clay takes the camera from her and snaps a picture of her.  Shelli looks at it and says it’s terrible, so she deletes it, then hands the camera to Austin to take a picture of the two of them. 


1:00 PM BBT Jeff, Jackie and Liz are watching the group at the pool taking pictures, and saying they’re so cute … “Clelli”  or is it “Shay”?  More pictures in the works.


1:04 PM BBT  They are setting up a whole-group shot on the couches.   Audrey still snoozing on the couch as they all pose for the photo around her.  She’s trying to avoid being in the shot.  Shelli setting it up with the timer so that she can get in the shot as well. 


1:11 PM BBT  More picture-taking… shirtless guys posing on the couch with hands behinds their heads.  "Oh Mylanta"


1:16 PM BBT The HGs are all checking out the pictures that were taken, and saying they look great.  Being on lockdown means that everyone is in the pictures. .  Clay is back in the pool.  Audrey moves over to a lounger chair by the pool, isolating herself as she complains to Clay about the picture-taking.


1:22 PM BBT General chit chat amongst the houseguests on the BY couches while Vanessa continues taking snapshots. 


1:23 PM BBT Jason and Meg talking about clothes, and then wondering what James is up to. They are watching him, and Shelli goes to take a picture…James has crept underneath the lounger that Audrey is laying on.  He gets out from underneath saying that he needs to work on his stealth skills.


1:27 PM BBT Austin and James settle into loungers by the pool.  Austin comments that it’s hard to find shade.  Jeff and Liz are sitting on the edge of the pool with their feet in, and then Liz moves to the lounger between Audrey and Austin. 


1:30 PM BBT Liz bemoaning that pictures are taken right after she woke up when she doesn’t think she looks good.  Austin wishing he could have kept sleeping for a couple more hours. 


1:33 PM BBT Audrey commenting to Liz that BB is probably building another twist for them. 


1:34 PM BBT  James comments that the loungers feel like sleeping in the dentist chairs in the HNR.   Shelli hands Audrey another pillow.  Liz complains about ants.  Everyone is just lazing around. 


1:36 PM BBT Liz tells Austin that she used to be the worst nail-biter.  She still picks off the nail polish. 


1:38 PM BBT Clay and Shelli chatting as they sit on the side of the pool.  Clay tells Shelli she has very sexual legs and she laughs.  Shelli is embarrassed by how loud her laugh is.  Liz says that a lot of people in the house have funny laughs.


1:41 PM BBT Clay telling Shelli that she has to go hunting with him and she says no way could she kill a big animal.  He says she has to skin it then, and she says no way.  She would scale a fish though.  She loves fishing.


1:44 PM BBT Liz and Austin talking about sharks and dolphins and snorkelling.  Liz tells Austin about a boat that goes from Miami to the Bahamas for the day for only $50.  They talk about cruises in the Caribbean.   


1:47 PM BBT  Jeff comes over to the loungers.  Austin and Liz talking about Vegas.


1:51 PM BBT At pool’s edge, Shelli commenting to Clay that everyone is in good spirits.  She likes it.  Clay says it makes him feel like he doesn’t care about the game.   Shelli says she would be sad if one of them had to leave before jury.  Clay tells Shelli that she keeps him grounded.  She looks after him, and when he gets too agitated she calms him down.  Shelli tells him “that’s very sweet.”  [awwww]


1:54 PM BBT  Shelli feels lucky to be with Clay.  She confides her worst fear that they both ending up on the block together.  She tells him “don’t you dare say that to anyone”  because she doesn’t want to plant the seed.

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2:00pm BBT Liz/Austin talking about winerys. Jeff comes over to Shelli/Clay at the pool, Clay gets told to put on his mic. LD is over some of them go inside. Vanessa gets called to do her Tweets. HG cant find anything different. Jason and James (someone else, I cant see their face)and Meg are back in bed already. Becky walks by and James says she is so hot, doesnt know why she isnt married yet.


2:12pm BBT Shelli tells Clay that she made up the thing about calling Jeff the new Audrey and saying Steve was 3fold-Steve, Stevie and Stephan. The house knows now because HE told them. He was talking about 3fold Steve in front of Steve. She doesnt want Steve to know that they are on to Stephan. It doesnt matter but thought it was a fun thing to keep from Steve.


2:16pm BBT Clay says Steve is smart, he knows the game, he has a master plan. Shelli thinks Steve and Audrey are working together.  They say if they dont target Steve then should agree to work with him. If one of them wins HOH Shelli says the targets would be Jason/James.


2:20pm BBT Meg wonders how her softball team is doing. James cant believe she plays softball, why didnt she catch more tomatoes? Jeff walks in in a towel and Meg asks if he took a shower. Austin massages a sore muscle on Jackies neck. IDLD called, Shelli/Clay, Becky/Steve go inside.

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2:31pm BBT Jeff/Clay/Shelli talk about shopping and keeping pets. Austin gives Jackie sleeping tips to keep her shoulders aligned. Austin worries he lost the ability to do his double back hand spring, he had just gotten it down. In HOH Liz tells Vanessa they are on IDLD. Vanessa shows Liz their new sign...3 fingers, then bump into 4 fingers.


2:36pm BBT Clay tells Jeff about some of their animals: cows, chickens, racoons, dog, cat, African serval. Its bigger then a normal cat but smaller then a big cat. It has its own sanctuary they built for it. I can go outside and then come inside. It sleeps in the bed with mom/dad. It can jump from the floor to the ceiling. It's the size of a runt lab. The just had a bobcat.


2:47pm BBT Jeff/Clay/Shelli talk about siblings. Clay and his brother (26yrs old) live together. Jeff says he and his brother have always been together. For him one twin will play the big brother, Jeff is older by 2 minutes.


3:00pm BBT Vanessa goes over comps/happenings with Liz. What Gronk party was where and what ppl did.


3:09pm BBT Liz/Vanessa continue Jedi training. In CBR Austin/Steve/Jackie just chit chat.


3:14pm BBT Jackie says she has been on BB longer then they were on TAR. She says some days on TAR they were locked in their hotel rooms. She says booking their flight from Japan to Thialand was the most stressful thing she has done. (We keep getting FOTH, guess BB is protecting TAR production) Back and TAR talk is over.

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3:22pm BBT Austin says his last name came from the movie The Crow. He is inspired by Brandon Lee and the movie. He tells the story line of The Crow to Steve and it takes Steve a few minutes to understand Brandon died at the end of filming the movie not the character.


3:30pm BBT John has been doing dishes for 1.5 hours. Liz is cleaning the fridge door, Jason is cooking turkey dogs. They talk about how much food they waste. HG start wondering into KT. Jeff finally remembers the type of meat that he and Clay couldn't think of before...prime rib.


3:39pm BBT Jason is having 3 hotdogs, Jeff is having 2 hotdogs. Jackie wants one too and Jason tells her to cook it herself. She asks what to do? just charcoal it? HG agree the veggie dogs are gross.


3:45pm BBT Jackie cooking Hotdogs, but she didnt have the burner on. She keeps saying she can cook...just not right now. Every BF she has had has been a good cook, she hasnt had to cook much..but she can.


3:56pm BBT had about 5 minutes of FOTH. Austin is now in KT, he hopes they aren't locked down until Thursday. In HOH John/Vanessa talk about venus fly traps and Little Shop of Horrors. (Feed me Seymour!)

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3:59 PM BBT In the HOHR, Vanessa tells John how hard things have been on her. She says, she is happy that she got her comfort foods & letter. Austin, Liz, Clay & Shelli are in the KT. Austin asks if it's 4:00 PM BBT. He wonders what's going on in the BY. Austin asks Liz if she will got on a date night with her. Liz says, yes. Liz says, they always used to say going steady years ago.


4:04 PM BBT Austin feels confident they'll get the BY back. He says, if they beef cakes have to start setting up for Thursday's comp on Tuesday, then something's wrong. He says, then they need to fire those beef cakes, & get new ones. He says, the BY is not that big for something elaborate. Meg walks through the KT. She says, hi to Austin. He asks her, what's up? She says, she feels like a human being again, it's great.


4:07 PM BBT Austin is standing while he eats. Meg walks in the KT, & says, she's hungry. Shelli looks for her grapes that she took out earlier. Jeff walks in the KT. Clay is looking for mayonnaise because there was a full container of it yesterday. Austin says, "Oh, Mylanta," & goes to ask Jason for his opinion whether they will get let outside today or not? Jason says, he thinks they will. Austin says, o.k.


4:10 PM BBT Jeff & Meg are in the SR looking for shaving cream. They go by the OBR, & then go back by Liz. They are whispering & laughing. Jeff says, Liz ruined it. Liz says, she's sorry. In the HOHR, Vanessa & John are still talking about things to come up in the game. John says, he got credit for winning Steve's Veto from James. John says, he's only won 2 Veto's. He says, people are forgetting that Steve spelled trombonists & won the Veto also.


4:15 PM BBT Vanessa tells John about Audrey's dream of him being up against another man in the final 2, & him winning. John says, thanks Audrey (she's not in the HOHR). Vanessa tells John that Audrey now thinks they are tight because she didn't put her up. She tells John she only put Jeff up because of something he lied about, & that doesn't mean she trusts Audrey.


4:16 PM BBT John says, he'll squash that idea if he hears anything. Vanessa says, that would be good if he would do that. Vanessa says, she feels bad that no one talks to her though. John says, she's funny. Vanessa agrees. John tells her that no one blames her for doing this, because it was the right thing to do. Vanessa says, she's telling him stuff so, so she's trusting him not to say anything. He tells her that he's still give Jeff his vote, because he did good things for him.


4:19 PM BBT Vanessa tells John the pros & cons of winning the HOH comps. John says, he completely was thrown out of one of the HOH comps, & the other one, he didn't do his puzzle as he went along. He says, every time he goes out to the Veto comps, he has a good shot at it. Vanessa tries to talk John into throwing the next HOH comp. She tells him if it's memorization, he may want to try for it, but if it's strength or endurance, he may want to not try as hard.


4:21 PM BBT Vanessa asks John what he said to Steve. John says, he told him that he's giving Jeff his vote, & it doesn't matter who he votes for. Vanessa is telling John that Jeff is not trustworthy, & what he did to her wasn't personal. She tells John that if he votes for Jeff, other HG's may hold it against him later on. She says, that's her opinion, but really she's trying to get him to change his vote.


4:23 PM BBT 4:24 PM BBT Shelli, Liz & Austin are sitting at the DT. Jason, Becky & Meg are in the KT at the glass table. Jason says, production, production, production. Becky asks Austin if he gotten called out yet for saying beef cakes? He says, not really. Austin says, what people at home don't know is that there's a team of beef cakes behind these walls. We see FOTH. The feeds come back up to the HOHR.


4:25 PM BBT Vanessa says, Jeff is pretty much a sinking ship this week. She tells John again, that he needs to make sure he doesn't get put up next week, for people being upset that he's voting to keep Jeff. She tells John, he needs to campaign for everyone not to put him as a pawn, because he's competed in all these comps. John says, he may rethink his vote. (Just what Vanessa wants him to do.) John says, he doesn't want James to go home though, & he's already told him he won't put him up.


4:28 PM BBT John tells Vanessa that Jason or Meg would put him up before James would. BB tells Liz to please attach her microphone to her shirt. The camera view switches to the DT, where Austin, Shelli, Becky, Meg & Audrey are all sitting. Austin says, he's going to ask the DR about the BY, because he wants to work out. Audrey says, maybe they are starting to build now, so they don't have to pay people overtime. Liz sits down at the DT.


4:31 PM BBT Audrey, still wearing Clay's clothes from yesterday, asks Liz if Vanessa is passed out upstairs? Liz says, Johnny Mack was up there listening to music. Becky says, some of her nail polish feels so sticky compared to the Urban Outfitters nail polish. Shelli says, she wonders how much they cost. Meg says, she's surprised they're so good, & she hasn't tried them yet.


4:34 PM BBT Back in the HOHR, John tells Vanessa that Audrey has been a lot better the last couple days. Vanessa says, she seems to be more open. She says, she thinks Audrey is realizing to be out with more people, to not talk strategy so much, & to have fun. Vanessa asks John if he's enjoying being there? John says, yes, it's different then he thought it would be. He says, it's been more stressful. Vanessa says, if he's been stressed, no one can tell.


4:35 PM BBT Vanessa says, he must have learned that in dental school. John says, he handles the stress well. He says, people would stress out over getting an A on the exams. He says, he would never go to class, but would cram just before the exams. He says, he needs a little time to get stuff done, & that gives him stress. John asks Vanessa if she finished school? Vanessa tells him she left law school after 2 years. She says, she was going into Securities Litigation.


4:37 PM BBT Vanessa says, she didn't want to be a lawyer anyway, so there was no reason to finish school. She says, she met her now ex-husband, & did what she wanted to do. (She told Steve she has several degrees yesterday). Vanessa tells John that she went to school for free anyway, from scholarships. She says, she has an undergraduate degree from Duke University. She says, her mom is unhappy with her decision. She says, she made the right decision & loves being a D.j.


4:39 PM BBT John tells Vanessa, that's ballsy. She says, she's a ballsy girl. She says, she knew what path she wanted to go on, & took the chance. John says, music is so risky though. Vanessa says, it's not that risky. She says, she made way more money gambling, but she could make a whole lot more money in the future. She says, she can fall back on the gambling, or even going back to school later.


4:41 PM BBT Vanessa tells John to put away enough money to live for 1 - 2 years, but at least 1 year. She says, for him to give it his all, put all the videos on You Tube as possible, & then he can fall back on his dentist job. She says, if he doesn't own his own practice, he can do it part-time. John says, he doesn't own his own practice, & he's in debt $250,000 from school loans. He says, he pays $3,000 a month on those. He says, he lives with his parents right now, & he's been there almost 1 year.


4:43 PM BBT Vanessa asks John what kind of hours he works. He says, they're technically 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., but he usually works until 7 or 8 p.m. John says, maybe he can cut back on his hours to like 3 p.m. or so. He says, there are 4 guys there, & they do a lot of dentures there. He says, he's not even the lowest on the totem pole. He says, another guy started, & now there's 3 of them. He says, he actually went to dental school with the other new guy.


4:46 PM BBT Vanessa says, he should use Johnny Mack as his stage name. Vanessa is trying to remember a heavy metal band member’s name, but can't remember it. Vanessa says, he can use the Mack Attack, or Johnny Mack Attack. John says, both those are gone now. Vanessa says, she'll shut up while they're on feeds. She asks him if his videos were removed from You Tube. John says, he thinks they were blocked temporarily. BB tells someone to stop singing. Then BB says, "That's really annoying."


4:48 PM BBT Vanessa asks who that would be? John says, obviously it's them downstairs. Vanessa says, she watches Apple TV at home with  her headphones on. At the DT, Austin tells BB it's original, & they can own it, & put it on iTunes & everything. Austin says, they don't have enough beef cakes to put a competition together in 10 hours, & they are going crazy. Liz asks Clay if he was singing? Clay asks if it was them? Austin says, yes. Austin & Liz keep singing.


4:51 PM BBT Audrey asks Austin if he would be shocked if the Jace & Austin song was iTunes when they leave the house? Austin asks if they can happen? Audrey says, they probably own the rights when they sing the stuff there. Liz sings, the song, & says, she'll never forget it. Audrey gives a scenario they could use the song. Steve walks in the KT, & Audrey gets up from the DT.


4:52 PM BBT. Liz asks Audrey is she puts salt in the water when she cooks pasta? She says, yes. She asks Liz if she shouldn't make the whole package of noodles? She's told she should just make them, & put them in a Tupperware container in the fridge. Liz says, the boy's will eat them, one of the fatty's will eat them. Liz keeps singing. Clay goes by the KT. Audrey tells Clay that she thinks Vanessa & Johnny are up there. Clay goes to the HOHR. Audrey tells him to chill out, because he's up there 24/7.


4:55 PM BBT Vanessa tells Clay that she thinks she has a hangover. Clay says, he gets them bad. Vanessa says, when he gets older it will be worse. She says, however bad they are for him now, they will be times ten. He says, then he won't be able to drink. Clay says, he thinks he's dehydrated also. Clay tries some of the candy from the glass table in the HOHR. Vanessa asks if Shelli was hung over? Clay says, no.


4:57 PM BBT Vanessa asks Clay what's going on downstairs? Clay says, not much. Vanessa says, that's strange that Steve, Jeff, Jason & Meg haven't been seen in a while. Clay tells her, Steve's in the KT. (Obviously she wasn't watching the TV that well, because Meg was in the KT & at the DT table). Clay says, the others are sleeping. Vanessa says, it's weird that Jeff isn't campaigning more. Clay says, he came up to him last night, & tells her the story.


5:00 PM BBT Clay tells Vanessa more about Jeff, & says, he's the one that needs to go home this week. Clay rehashes more about Jeff, & he mentions that he & Shelli could've been back-doored before. HG's in the KT say they have to use the rest of the food that's in the house, & they will get more in a few days. Steve says, the HG's complain more here, than on Survivor. Audrey says, she's never seen anyone pop so many Tums, as they do there.


5:05 PM BBT Audrey asks what Tums are even for, because she thinks they are like a vitamin. Shelli tells her, they settle your stomach. Shelli tests the pasta by throwing it at the wall. she says, it made an "S". She says, she better clean that up really quick, before she gets a stop that. Liz & Audrey both say, that's so annoying. Audrey says, since they are stuck in the house, they should make up a BB Musical.


5:08 PM BBT Shelli tells Audrey, they tried to make up things, & they keep getting in trouble. Audrey sits at the DT, where Meg is still sitting, doing her nails. They talk about a possible BB Musical. Audrey says, that would be so fun. Shelli, still in the KT, & sitting at the glass table with Liz, says, she's not a brand person. Shelli asks Liz about her sunglasses. Liz tells her that she got them at a boutique in Miami. (She's told HG's this several times already).


5:10 PM BBT Audrey says, she feels that Liz has packed the best out of everyone. Liz says, she had more stuff that was white, but they took it. Liz & Shelli both talk about things they brought that BB took, & they say they can wear them inside out because of the logos, if they would give them back to them. Shelli says, she doesn't even want to talk about everything they took. Audrey gets up to check on the pasta.


5:12 PM BBT Liz tells Audrey to put the pasta back in the pan, & just put pasta sauce on top of it. Austin walks in, & asks what seasonings are in there? Liz says, the seasonings are in the sauce. Shelli is putting the sauce in the pan, & asks Audrey to get Oregano, Basil & Rosemary from the drawer in the KT. Steve sits down by Liz, at the glass table. Liz tells him that someone sued the hospital & got a lot of money. Steve says, he'd rather have his health. Liz says, money can make you healthy. She says, she's kidding.


5:14 PM BBT Steve tells Liz that we have been on earth for a small fraction of time. Austin sits at the glass table with them, next to Liz. Shelli says, if they had more food, she would put fresh tomato in the sauce, but they don't have a lot of food. Shelli is going to put fresh garlic in the sauce. BB says, "HS's are over, you are now able to move freely about the house." HG's go to the BY, & say nothing has been changed, except the weights are moved.


5:16 PM BBT Audrey keeps singing. She comments how BB told her that's so annoying already, but she keeps doing it anyway. We see FOTH on cameras 3 & 4, but we still hear Austin & Liz in the BY. Liz says, the camera's want him (Austin). Austin asks Liz if he (Jeff) has talked to her yet? Liz says, "No, he's such a pu**y." Austin says, Johnny Mack for sure is giving Jeff his vote. Liz asks, to stay or go? Austin says, to stay. Austin thinks they cleaned the flooring outside. Liz says, it does look better.


5:19 PM BBT Austin tells Liz that he thinks Shelli & Clay will flip. Austin says, they need to make sure they have enough votes. He says, they need to tell Jeff, they aren't making a decision until Thursday. Audrey walks by Liz, & says, she doesn't care what the hatters say, they are finishing that f***ing song. Liz laughs, & Audrey walks away, eating her bowl of pasta. Audrey get a lawn chair, & sits by the hammock that Liz is rocking herself on.


5:21 PM BBT Liz asks Audrey if Jeff has talked to her yet? Audrey says, no, but she thinks that Jeff feels safe he will stay. Audrey says, he probably thinks that he has Clay & Shelli's vote. Audrey says, she would be shocked if Jason would vote out James, because they've been in an alliance since day 1. Liz says, it's hard for her to believe anything that comes out of Jeff's mouth, & she can't believe that he thinks she owes him anything.


5:23 PM BBT Vanessa gets called to the DR. Audrey says, they need to win this week. Liz says, she was just going to say that, & she really hopes it's going to be endurance. She says, she has been trying to memorize the order of the parties, which one came before the other one. Audrey says, she hasn't studied yet, but they could study together. Liz names off all of the parties in order. (She wasn't in the house though, Julia was). Audrey & Liz start to sing, & we see FOTH.


5:25 PM BBT The feeds come back. Audrey says, the east & west coasts are so different. Liz says, they are like night & day. She says, she would love to live there. She asks if the rent is expensive? Austin says, it's expensive in Miami also. Liz says, it depends where you live. Austin says, that's the same here. Audrey tells Liz she would be surprised is someone didn't see her on the show & grab her. Liz says, she will cry if it doesn't happen.


5:28 PM BBT Audrey tells Liz that Victoria slept all last season, & she's mad busy now modeling for people. The camera view goes to the weights in the BY. Austin is spotting Jeff. When Jeff is finished, he says, he can't see anything, he's blinded by the light. He & Austin start to sing, & we see FOTH again. The camera view switches to the KT, where Vanessa & Steve are talking about how much computer science he had in school.


5:31 PM BBT Vanessa asks Steve about screen savors & random number generators. Meg walks through the KT, & says, she's going to do her laundry since they will be on lock-down soon. Vanessa says, that's a good idea. She tells Steve she will see him later, because she's going to take a shower now. The camera view switches to Audrey & Liz by the hammock in the BY.


5:33 PM BBT Audrey says, with Jace gone it's different. Liz says, he was high energy. Audrey says, when Jeff leaves it will be different also. Liz says, he's the grue, & they are his minions. Liz says, she wants to see another Podcast. Jeff says, from across the BY, that tonight is date-night & someone needs to make out. Audrey & Liz wonder what would happen if Jeff leaves, & comes back in. Liz says, that wouldn't be fair for them to watch the show. Audrey says, they would be in sequester for the whole time.


5:36 PM BBT Audrey thinks it could be possible for one of them to come back. She says, if Jeff comes back, she doesn't feel he would be after her. Liz says, that's a long time to be in sequester, & they would still get paid for it. Audrey asks Liz if Austin has talked to Meg yet about what's she thinking? Liz says, no, but she has to be so torn. She says, she's a huge gamble. Liz asks Audrey, if she thinks Jason will keep James? Audrey says, she doesn't know. Liz says, Jeff's a huge threat for her game. Audrey says, if he got her out, he was going after Austin next, & she (Liz) is connected to Austin.


5:39 PM BBT Liz says, both James & Jeff should approach her to plead their cases, because she's not going up to them. Liz says, that's what she would do if it was her. Audrey says, at least James came clean about what he did. Liz says, Jeff has done her wrong, & James hasn't. Audrey says, that's perfect justification. Audrey has her arms crossed over her legs, & is watching everything going on in the BY.


5:42 PM BBT Liz says, she really wants to win this week. Audrey says, she's going to wash her bowl out. Her & Clay tell each other to wipe their mouth's. Shelli & Meg are on the round lounger. Shelli tells Meg exactly what picture she wants of her & her twin brother, & she describes the pictures in detail of the ones she wants, into her microphone. Shelli asks Meg what pictures she would want her mom to send? Meg says, she would like her roommates. Shelli says, she would like to see the New Girl cast that she talks about.


5:44 PM BBT Shelli asks Meg about her best friend Cory that she lives with. Meg says, he was 2 years ahead of her in school. The camera view changes to the Liz & Clay on the hammock. Clay tells Liz that almost everyone knows, but they haven't gotten confirmation from her. Jeff goes by them. Liz says, it's Clay, Clay time, & he can't lay or swing with them, because he's not Clay. Jeff walks away. Liz tells Clay, she's surprised that no one has said anything to her.


5:47 PM BBT Clay asks Liz is she's going to vote for Jeff or James? Liz says, she doesn't know yet. She says, neither one of them have talked to her yet, & she feels they need to. She says, she feels she's a huge swing vote for them. She says, Jeff has done her wrong, but James hasn't. Clay says, they really need to win this week. Clay says, they really need to get the bigger targets in the house now. Jeff says, it would be fun to keep him. Clay says, they aren't there for fun. Liz says, she knows they need to get him out. She says, she's not saying anything, & she knows Austin's in on it.


5:49 PM BBT Clay tells Liz that he told Jeff he didn't know how he's voting yet, because of what he did to him & Shelli with the possible back-dooring. He says, Jeff lies to cover up a lie, & he can't trust him. Clay says, James is easier to work with. Clay says, James hasn't come up to him yet. He says, Jeff talked to him, but didn't ask for his vote. Liz says, Jeff told her that he did her a favor. Liz says, what favor? She says, he's taking the credit for saving her, when Meg went up.


5:51 PM BBT Audrey went over by the hammock & tried to get on it with him & Liz. Audrey tells him to stop pointing his finger at her. She tells Clay, he's a football player that little kids look up to. Clay tells Audrey that he wants to throw her in the pool. He says, Audrey finds him every time he's in the shower, & stalks him. Audrey says, the guys she's interested in have an IQ above 3. Liz says, it's a love/hate relationship with them both. Liz says, Audrey was stalking him yesterday when he was with Shelli. She says, she has Clay's clothes on, even his underwear. Clay says, she's a stalker. Audrey says, she's protective of Shelli.


5:56 PM BBT Audrey says, all of Clay's ex's are probably talking about him now. He says, he only has 2 ex's, & neither one of them would say anything bad. Audrey says, that's the biggest b.s story ever. Clay says, he's almost 2 picky with girls. Liz asks Clay if he's a boob or butt guy? Clay says, butt, all the way. Austin says, they can't have a smaller butt then them. Austin is doing push-ups in the BY by the hammock, with the blue band around him.


5:58 PM BBT Liz asks Clay if he likes short or long hair better? Clay says, long hair all the way. Audrey says, she likes Jackie's hair, but that's impossible to have in real life. Clay says, it is nice, & asks why? Liz says, it's extensions, duh. Adurey asks Clay if he will do something for her? Clay says, no. Liz gets off the hammock, & Clay stretches out. Audrey tells Clay he has foul morning breath. Clay says, he doesn't, but he knows she has halitosis breath. Audrey asks Clay to spell halitosis. Jeff spells it correctly, from across the BY.


6:00 PM BBT Jeff asks who has halitosis? Clay says, guess. Clay says, he can smell it from where he is. Audrey tries to come back to it. Clay tells her, she can't take his joke & spin it. He tells her to come up with her own. Audrey is talking, but she doesn't seem to have her microphone on, because we can't hear anything she's saying.


6:01 PM BBT Audrey talks about being a psychic. Clay says, it's the least of his worries. Clay gets called the DR. Audrey says, yay, & raises her arms. Clay says, "Yay, thanks BB, so much." He gets off the hammock & goes to the DR. Audrey puts pillows around her, & lays on the hammock as soon as he gets up. The camera view shows Jeff sitting on the work bench, & then shows Shelli, Becky & Meg all on the round lounger in the BY. We see FOTH.


6:04 PM BBT Live feeds come back. Becky says, the breeze feels great, & it makes her want a beach. Steve is standing by the round lounger, & says, he doesn't know how they get the breeze in there, but it nice. He says, it's like the perfect temperature.


6:05 PM BBT Steve tells Austin he looks swoll today. He says, Becky looks completely passed out today. Becky says, she's looking tired, & doesn't know why. Becky moves a little, & accidentally hits Meg. She stars to say she's sorry to Li (Liz), & than changes it to Becky. Clay comes to the BY. Becky says, that was fast, did you already go? We can't hear what Clay says. He walks around the BY.


6:07 PM BBT Clay is messing around in the BY, & Shelli tells him it's inappropriate behavior. Steve tells Austin he's never worked out so much until he came to the BB house. The girls on the round lounger are watching Austin work out. Clay & Steve are sitting on lounge chairs by the pool. They get up, & go by the weights. Steve takes the blue band, kneels down, & tries to do push-ups with the band around his back. Steve says, this is not going to end well. He does a push-up, & the girls all tell him he did good. He continues to do some, & says, the band doesn't do much.


6:14 PM BBT Steve & Clay go back to the lounge chairs. Steve says, that was difficult. Clay asks Steve how's he's doing? Steve says, emotionally he's o.k. He says, he's finding it hard to evict people. He says, he thought he would get sick of people, but he's not. Steve asks Clay if he's noticed things missing around the house? Clay says, they took the beach balls. Steve says, they took one of the airplanes off the dresser in the CBR. He says, there were 3, & now there's only 2. Steve thinks there's an end table missing from the CRL. Clay says, the orange thing in the LR was missing yesterday. He says, they will check when they go inside.


6:17 PM BBT Steve says, they need to look at everything in the house. Clay says, he will look in the KT, he knows the decorations that were in there, & that there were 5 glass jugs. Jeff goes by them, where they are now laying on the double lounge chair. Steve says, he thinks that will be the next HOH comp, where they ask what's missing. He says, the last time was is Season 10. He says, they gave a riddle with what was missing, & you had to guess the room it was in.


6:19 PM BBT Clay says, he thinks they should look at the stuff around the house. He asks Steve how he feels in this game? Steve says, he feels like an outsider, because people are skeptical of him. Clay says, he's telling him this in confidence. Clay says, they think Steve has a master plan. Clay tells Steve that people like him, & aren't saying anything negative. Steve says, in confidence, Jeff & James are both pouring on the sugar this week with him, & being a lot nicer to him.


6:21 PM BBT Steve tells Clay he thinks that the votes are going to be really close this week. Clay says, it can go either way. Steve says, he hasn't made a promise to either one yet. Clay asks Steve if he's talked to Vanessa yet? Steve says, no. Clay asks what are the advantages of keeping either one of them? Steve says, there are advantages to both. Clay says, he talked to Jeff, but didn't promise him his vote. Clay says, he thinks James would be straight if he does anything. He says, he feels that Jeff would back pedal, & lie. Clay says, Jeff has the ability to pull people though. Steve says, James has some people already. Clay asks who? Steve says, Jason & Meg.


6:23 PM BBT Clay says, he was hoping that one of them would self-destruct to make it easier. Steve says, unless you count what happened with Jeff as self-destructing. Clay says, no, that's not. Steve says, he originally told Da'Vonne he was going to work with him, & then she told everyone she had him in his back pocket, so he couldn't work with her after that. He says, the last two evictions were easier than this one will be. Steve says, it's going to come down on who the bigger threat will be later on in the game. Clay says the same. Steve says, you have disadvantages both ways. He says, Jeff can pull people, & he has thrown his name out there.


6:26 PM BBT Clay tells Steve that Jeff was going to try to back-door him & Shelli. Steve says, he never heard that, because he heard it was going to be him, Becky & Meg. Steve asks who he heard this information from? Clay says, he really doesn't want to say, because he promised he wouldn't say anything. Steve tries to guess. Clay says, he confronted him about it, he lied, & then he backed it up. Steve says, then Clay has a really easy vote then. Steve says, if his convinced that's true, which he thinks he is, then it should be an easy vote this week.


6:29 PM BBT Clay says, he may try to do this in Jeff's favor, because you don't know if he will help him down the line. Steve says, every time you try to guess what's going to happen in the game, you are wrong. Steve says, if they discussed nom's for this week, he would've never guess Jeff & James would be up. He says, if you try to guess next week, they'd be totally wrong still. Clay says, no one would've guessed him & Da'Vonne were working together. Steve says, it's like Danielle Reyes from Season 7 All Stars.


6:31 PM BBT Steve tells Clay, that he & Shelli are not on his radar. Clay tells Austin he's looking beefy. Clay tells Steve that he & Shelli were discussing not putting him up next week if they win. Steve says, he can guarantee Clay he wouldn't put them up. Clay says, he can guarantee for himself, that he wouldn't put him up. Clay asks Steve who he'd put up? Steve says, he would put Audrey up. Steve says, she told Steve there was going to be a vote flip last week, that never happened. She actually switched her vote.


6:34 PM BBT Clay says, supposedly Audrey tried to cut a deal with Da'Vonne, but it didn't work. Clay says, he would like to work with Steve. He says they can talk week to week, & if anything they say gets out, they will know who said it. Clay says, if they are both there at a certain point in the game. Steve says, they can make things work. Clay says, keep making it week to week. Steve says, that's what he's doing. He says, they (Clay & Shelli) haven't thrown his name. Clay says the same about him.


6:36 PM BBT Clay says, they are Stevie fans, but Shelli may be a Stefan fan. Steve says, he's a Clelli plan, & they have been playing a clean game. Steve says, the HOH's make the game impossible from week to week. Clay says, it was a 180 this week. Clay says, he & Steve has very similar interests, he thinks. Steve says, he agrees, because their names have been thrown around by the same people.


6:38 PM BBT Clay says, common enemies bring people together. Steve says, they do. He says, he's going to go run. Steve says, he's going to whisper Meg's name, & she doesn't hear him. He gets louder, & says, he's been staring at Meg for so long, & she doesn't seem to notice. She finally hears him. Steve says, he's being nice to Meg today. Meg says, she's told him that's impossible for him.


6:40 PM BBT Steve stands by the round lounger scratching his beard. He says, he doesn't know if he wants to give a true compliment, or a nerdy pick-up line. Meg says, either will work. Steve says, are those space shorts? Shelli says, because your body is out of this world. They are laugh. Steve sits by Meg on the round lounger & says, boop, as he pokes her. Steve walks away. The girls get up.


6:42 PM BBT Meg says, everyone will be up all night, & she's getting tired. Jason asks what BB did out there today? Meg says, nothing. He says, it may just be maintenance day. Clay & Shelli are laying on the double lounger in the bake yard. They discuss what to make for dinner. Shelli wants chicken & potatoes. She says, she missed mushrooms, & she likes them a lot. Clay wants to cut up some bell peppers. Clay tells Shelli he has scars on the back of his head. Shelli asks if they are from football? He says, no from when he was little. Shelli says, that may be why you are so crazy. They laugh.


6:44 PM BBT Shelli asks Clay if they are still going to have date night tonight? Clay says, he would like to. Shelli says, she would like to split a bottle of wine, & just sit there talk, & get giggly. Clay says he's getting like Steve with her. He says he can't stop, he just keeps staring at her.


6:45 PM BBT Austin tells James that he has his vote in the WA. Austin says, he saw Jeff in the bed, & Jeff went in there to talk with her. James says, he told Johnny Mac that he told him to give his vote to who he wants to, & he won't hold it against him. James says, he doesn't know what Meg will do, because her & Jeff have become cuddle buddies. Austin tells James that Jeff basically told him if he didn't keep him in the house, he would go next.


6:51 PM BBT James says, he's still not really going to campaign. He says, he so out of the loop right now. Austin seems to be scared that the vote will change, & is really trying to figure out who's voting what way. Austin leaves the WA. Meg walks in & goes by the sink. James asks Meg if she's seen that jeff is super campaigning right now? Meg says, no. James tells her that Jeff basically threatened Austin, that if he didn't vote for him, he could be next this coming week. Meg says, what? James says, that's what he's screaming. He says, it sucks, because he thinks that Jeff is his friend, & he's campaigning against him right now. Meg says, he thinks there's a secret alliance? James says, he says he will tell Austin after the vote.


6:54 PM BBT James fills Meg in on what he's been told. He says, maybe he's not campaigning hard enough, & he didn't want to, but maybe he needs to start. Meg says, she hasn't heard anything about it. Meg asks if Jeff threw names to Austin? James says, not yet. Meg says, is he talking about the people he talks with? James says, it seems to be the people that is in his group. Meg says, she's confused. James says, he is also, because he just learned this.


6:58 PM BBT James tells Meg that he thinks it's the people that Jeff is friends with, that are supposed to be working together. James wants to bring Austin in the WA to talk to him. Meg goes to find Austin, to bring him in the WA. The camera view changes to the CBR. Jeff is laying in bed with Liz. She says, are you going to make me an offer I can't refuse? She gets out of the bed, & says, our date's over. Jeff asks, why she got up like that? She says, she's sorry, to be continued. They both walk to the CRL, & both say, "Oh, Mylanta.


7:00 PM BBT Jeff tells Liz that he doesn't care if the twin thing is real or not, & he's not going to hold it against her. He says, they have different personality traits. Jeff says, he, Austin & her will probably have a talk about it, & tells her to act surprised. He says, Austin doesn't really care, & no one really does cares. He says, if it is true, than good for her, & he hopes they both will get to play in the game. He says, he hopes they win money.


7:02 PM BBT Jeff says, people tell him he & Liz look cute together. He says, it's stupid that they can't hang out together because people are jealous. Liz says, she doesn't feel that way about Austin. She says, she started hanging out with Jace, & then Austin was like a third wheel. Jeff says, Austin has been laying with Jackie, & he didn't do anything against Jeff. Jeff & Liz hug, & you can hear their hearts beating. She tells Jeff, she hopes he doesn't go. She goes to the BY & starts swinging on the hammock.


7:04 PM BBT James tells Jason what Austin told him. Jason says, Jeff will go down about his lies. Jason says, he told Meg that he's voting for James either way, because if Jeff stays, he will manipulate people. Jason says, but he's good, he's a salesman, he can sell water to the ocean. Jason says, he's to hungry to stay there.


7:07 PM BBT Jason says, Audrey tries to crucify everyone, & then wants to be the person that tries to save them. James says, she's a loose cannon. The camera view switches to the HNR where Austin tells Clay that he thinks Jeff has the votes to stay. Jeff says, he has been campaigning. Clay tells Austin not to self-destruct right now. Clay says, that's hard for him. Liz walks in, & Austin asks her what that was about? Austin says, everyone's on edge about them being in bed together. Austin asks why they were under the covers together?


7:11 PM BBT Liz says, they were talking, & 2 other people were sleeping. Austin asks if he was asking about the twin thing? Liz tells him, yes. Austin says, he knew it, & he's going to kill him, outside of the game. Liz says that Jeff told her that he has a twin brother, & they may have more in common than she thinks. Liz says, she was acting stupid. Austin says, so are they switching out too? Liz says, she acted like she didn't know what he was talking about. She says, she asked him who started the rumor? She says, Jeff said the person that started it is already out of the house. (Refering to Da'Vonne). Audrey walks in  asking about a potato, & then asks if everything is o.k. (Because she has to be in the middle of everything). Austin says, Jeff is bullying & intimidating everyone. He says, he's sick of him (Jeff) talking about the house.


7:15 PM BBT BB tells them to please raise the outside awnings. Austin gets upset, & says, "We're not outside." Liz says, Jeff told her to be careful of Audrey, & he likes Austin. Austin says, of course he likes me. Austin says, he sealed his fate. The camera view goes to the HOHR. Vanessa is talking to Meg. She tells Meg about the day with Jeff asking her to go to a meeting. The camera view changes to the KT. Clay & Shelli are upset the conversation even happened.


7:18 PM BBT Shelli & Clay are cooking dinner is the KT. Clay asks Shelli if that's Balsamic Vinegar on the counter? Shelli says, yes, she loves Balsamic Vinegar. Clay says, it's going to get out of control. Shelli says, it's going to blow up tonight. Shelli sucks on a pepper, & takes it to the trash. Audrey tells Clay, she almost hit her. Audrey says, she's so desperate because she hasn't had soda in forever. She goes out to get Gatorade, because she said the water tastes gross.


7:20 PM BBT Clay won't stop whisling. Jeff is standing by the glass table. Audrey sneezes, & he blesses her. He asks her if she likes Clay's shirt? She says, yes. Jeff says, he wishes he brought more comfy & relaxing clothes. He says, he feels like he wears his hoodie all day long. James & Jeff go to the BY. Clay says, he wishes he would've listened to his mom to get more clothes. Shelli says, she would say to get every color.


7:22 PM BBT Clay asks Shelli if she marinates a lot? She says, no, because she doesn't think it holds in the flavor. He agrees. James goes in the KT to make a PB&J sandwich. Audrey goes to the BY, & lays on the couch. She covers up with a blanket. Jeff asks Jason if they are going to do the date thing tonight? Jason says, it's Vanessa's thing, so he'd have to ask her. He says, it could be something that could be fun, or get awkward. Jason says, he doesn't date. Jeff goes by the pool table, & says, it does have a nasty roll. Audrey says, it does. Jeff says, he kind of wants to fix again. Jason says, they will say, stop that. He & Jeff keep saying that.


7:27 PM BBT Jason says, everyone thinks they're good in there, but you can see right through them. Audrey says, by them, do you mean Jeff? Jason shakes his head, yes. Audrey says, she's voting to keep James. Jason says, everyone is scared to say who they are going to vote for. Audrey says, you only need 6 votes. She says, she thinks it's poetic justice. She says, everyone that wanted her out, it's now coming back to bite them. Steve goes to the BY to get some Gatorade. Steve says, he thought it was going to be cold. Jason says, no, they just brought it out. Steve thanks Audrey for telling him it was there, & he goes in the house.


7:29 PM BBT Jason says, the vote can go either way. Audrey asks if he really thinks he can gets the votes? Jason says, he's campaigning so good, & people are forgetting what happened. Jason says, people should be thinking it's scary that he's doing all that to just earn one more week. Jason says, he's worried. Audrey says, a lot of people have come to her one on one & apologized for what they did to her, after they compared notes. Audrey says, he's saying there's been a secret group, & she thinks there has been. She says, she thinks there's a group, & it's not who people would suspect.


7:31 PM BBT Audrey says, she saw all these people meet in the CRL late at night, when everyone one was passed out. Jason says, it's weird that Jeff & Austin went from enemies to Podcast buddies in one day. Audrey asks Jason what she did or said to him? Jason says, it wasn't anything she said to him, but he cross-checked notes with others, & they found out how she was lying. Audrey says, her issues were with Da'Vonne, not him. She says, she doesn't want to have him as an enemy. Jason says, she's not on his list to be his enemy, & there's enough that still want her out. Audrey says, it's easier for people to capitalize on others. She thinks some HG's are throwing HOH comps. Jason says, he will try to win this week. She says, she will also.


7:34 PM BBT Audrey says, when she told him that she would have used Veto on him, she would have. Jason says, everything that happened between them was early on in the game. Audrey asks why she was the vote? Jason says, he doesn't know, but he wasn't going to tell her. Audrey tells Jason she tried to help Meg, because she didn't want Da'Vonne to stay. She says, if she wins HOH, she doesn't want to go after him, but she feels defensive.


7:36 PM BBT The camera view goes to the WA. Clay & Jeff are talking. Clay says, he's heard some things. Jeff thinks it's from Audrey. Clay says, no, it's 2 other people. Jeff says, Austin is acting all kinds of crazy right now. Jeff says, he was laying in the bed with Liz, just having a conversation about life. Clay asks where Austin would have heard about an alliance. Jeff says, the only thing he's ever says, was that if he gets d***ed over, he might blow up some people's games. He says, he's not going to even do that. He says, that was only when he was first put up, he thought that. Jeff tells Clay that there's a possibility he can stay, & he doesn't want to ruin anything.


7:38 PM BBT Clay says, he's tired of the assumptions, so he wanted to ask Jeff. Jeff asks Clay what he & Steve were talking about in the BY, because they never talk. Clay says, it was completely random stuff. He says, they were just talking about this week really. Jeff wants to know who's trying to get him out of the house so bad, they are making this stuff up? He tells Clay what he just told him a few minutes ago.


7:40 PM BBT Jeff tells Clay that Austin came in the CBR, & was really mad he was laying the bed talking. He says, Liz told him that Liz is scared to even talk to him because of Austin, & she doesn't even like him in that way. Jeff says, Austin told him that his testosterone is all over the place after he worked out. Jackie & Clay are both in the WA with him. Jeff asks if Vanessa is trying to campaign against him also? Clay says, she didn't say anything to him. He says, her & Johnny Mac were talking about a movie earlier.


7:44 PM BBT Jeff tells Clay about a conversation that he had with Austin & Clay was near by. He says, he told Austin to hold Clay tight. He says, Austin asks him about him working with a group. Jeff says, he can't confirm who he's talking to. He says, Austin kept trying to drag it out of him on who he is working with, & he wouldn't tell him. He says, he told Austin he was doing the right thing, & he should continue to work with him & Clay. Jeff says, what pi**es Austin off is his paranoia in this game, & the fact he wouldn't give him the information he wants. Becky come in & goes to the WC.


7:48 PM BBT Jeff tells Clay that he talked to much, & he didn't inform Clay & Shelli when he should of. He tells Clay, he doesn't know if he forgives him for it, but he hopes he will. He says, he meant the talk they had on the hammock. Clay says, he doesn't hold anything against him. Jeff says, he will continue to rack his brain to figure out where that came from. Becky comes out of the WC. Clay tells Jeff, the vote may be closer than they think. Jeff says, he appreciates him talking to him. Clay leaves. Jeff tells Jackie that Austin asks like a jealous girl about things. Jackie asked what Austin was saying? Jeff says, he's been acting so f***ing weird, & he's taking things out of context.


7:50 PM BBT Jackie asks if Austin know who's in the alliance? Jeff says, no, but he was picking his brain to find out. Jackie says, that's not his place to say, & it's not his (Jeff's) fault that he's not going to put it out there. Jeff leaves the WA. Jackie finishes doing her make-up, & puts her hair up. The camera view changes to the BY by the couches. Jason says, Clay doesn't have a whole lot of clothes. Audrey says, she has a feeling they just wanted him shirtless the whole time. John comes out, & Jason says, hello. Meg says, what's up Johnny Mac? He says, he just woke up from a nap.


7:54 PM BBT Meg says, she only thought there was yellow Gatorade until she was in high school. Jason says, they send them so many palates at work. He says, he likes orange, & strawberry lemonade. The camera view changes to the HNR. Clay tells Shelli what Jeff said to him. He tells her, he wouldn't tell him where he heard the information from. Clay tells Shelli he says, that he said he didn't say he wouldn't expose the alliance. He says, he threw out there for Austin to trust Clay.


7:56 PM BBT Clay tells Shelli about what Austin said about his testosterone. Shelli asks what Jeff & Liz were doing? Clay says, Jeff said they were only talking. Clay says, he was seriously pi**ed off. He says, Jeff's not going to expose them. He says, Jeff was going to do a speech to expose Audrey, but he's not even going to do that.

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8:03PM BBT Austin and Vanessa talk about his GB message to Jeff. Says if he knew for sure that Jeff was out he would go wild but since he isn't sure he will some up with something else.


8:07PM BBT Austin talks to Vanessa about that he was told that Jackie has interest in him and wants to know what his situation is with his girlfriend at home. He says he isn't interested in her as long as Liz is in the house.


8:15PM BBT Jeff in the BY talking to Jason and John. Talking about call centers and outsourcing.


8:23PM BBT James in the BR talking Jackie, Shelli and Clay about what he heard about a 6 person vote. He is discussing how he can campaign.


8:26PM BBT Talk in the KT about date night. Jeff says if they aren't getting alcohol he is going on the date. He says he isn't looking to sober date.

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8:30 PM BBT Austin using a hair straightener. Talking with Clay about votes. Clay says James should be staying. Austin says he better be.


8:35PM BBT Audrey asks James if he is going to try and win HOH this week. Says he isn't sure. Says he is just trying to get past Thursday. They start to discuss the possible comps.


8:40PM BBT Jeff and Austin talk in the WA. Jeff telling that Liz asked him why he was so hot and cold with her today. He says he told her so much was going on.  Austin is adding product to his hair. Jeff tells Austin that he asked Liz to talk to him closer to Thursday.


8:45PM BBT Austin and Jeff continue to talk in the WC. Jeff says he isn't looking to throw Austin under the bus. He starts to tell Austin about a convo he had and we get FOTH.


8:54PM BBT We still have FOTH

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8:55PM BBT We are back from FOTH and just general chit chat in the house.


9:02PM BBT Austin and Becky talking in the WA. Austin tells her that he is 100% voting Jeff out. Says he has lied too many times. Becky says that she is keeping quiet about who she is voting out.


9:05PM BBT Austin asking is he should put his hair up or down tonight. They decide down. In the BR the other HG are doing voices and laughing.


9:11 PM BBT Jackie, Becky, and Austin are in the WC getting ready for the possible date night. No game talk.


9:16PM BBT Becky comes in and tell the HG that BB wants the t-shirts back from the competition returned to the SR.


9:28PM BBT Austin joins Liz in the WC. Says he just asked for alcohol. Austin says that Jeff says she approached him and asked why he is so hot and cold. She says she quoted a Katy Perry song and he approached her not the other way around.

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9:33PM BBT James asks I the date night is cancelled if there is no alcohol. Others agree - they say it isn't any fun without alcohol.


9:37PM BBT Jeff and Becky play pool. Jeff says he just wants people to vote how they want to vote.


9:46PM BBT Talk of vampires in the BR. Audrey says she knows some vampires and they are very down to earth.


9:51PM BBT Jason and Becky discuss that the Sweet and Low was confiscated to avoid them writing. Jason talks about how the feeders hate rule breakers. Discussion of the consequences of breaking rules.


9:59PM BBT Just general chit chat in the house. Talk about the prom night. No game talk.

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10:01 PM BBT Jackie comes to Jeff in the WA telling him that James feels like Jeff is campaigning against him and that bothers James because they agreed that they wouldn’t.  Jeff says he’s being telling people that when it comes time to vote for who to stay remember who could help you in the game later.  That’s all he’s been saying.


10:03 PM BBT Jackie feels Austin is trying to keep James this week and to get Jeff out.  Jackie says it almost sounds like he promised James his vote but now he’s saying that Jeff has the votes just to keep Jeff from campaigning.  Meanwhile idle stories and goofiness happens in the OR by Shelli, Clay, Vanessa, Steve and James.


10:06 PM BBT Austin has been playing a sketchy game.  Jeff is getting tired of Austin running his mouth behind his week.  Jackie says he was HOH for a day.  Jeff says he’s acting like he will but won’t vote.  Jackie says everyone will because it’s awkward.  Jeff says he’d just rather people not talk then.  Jeff says he’s shady.


10:08 PM BBT Jeff leaves the WA and Jackie tells him not to worry about the small things.  She follows him to the KT door and says he needs to calm down.  He says he can’t help but sweat the small things.  Jackie tells him to cool down and not be upset because of what she said.  She’s still in the house.  He’s still in the house as well.  He tells her not to say stupid things to him.  He opens the door and heads out.  She follows grumbling telling him not to be upset at her.  Meanwhile over in the OR idle chit chat continues.


10:17 PM BBT Vanessa is going to make something to eat.  Clay stands up from the bed.  Steve gets up and tells Vanessa she isn’t going to make herself something to eat (playfully).  Idle chit chat continues in the BY.


10:20 PM BBT Shelli and Audrey make their bed in the OR while singing(ish)/chanting.


10:25 PM BBT Idle chit chat continues in the OR.  Jason has joined them saying he’s never seen anyone make a bed in the house.  Out in the BY Jeff comments that Johnny Mac is trying to get ripped.


10:28 PM BBT Meg has joined the OR and they are making her and Jason’s bed, meanwhile Shelli and Audrey make the guy’s bed.  Out in the BY Johnny checks out Jeff’s teeth.  Feeds switch to Clay working out in the BY and James is with him saying he knows Clay would tell him if there was anything to be worried about.


10:31 PM BBT Shelli begins to sing a made up song similar to something you might here in a Disney musical and the feeds switch off her to the couch in the BY.  You can hear her in the background.  James comments “They’re still going at it?”  The workout feeds switch to the KT where Jeff is now pouring himself a cup of coffee.


10:33 PM BBT Meg, Jason, Audrey and Shelli continue to sing and act goofy in the CR.  James, Steve and Clay observe.  Out in the BY Jackie comments on how weird the house feels.  Jeff feels that way.  Liz agrees.  Jeff says if anyone should act weird it should be he and James.


10:37 PM BBT Idle chit chat continues in the BY.  James and Clay rummage in the SR looking for something to eat.


10:30 PM BBT Johnny Mac is laying face down on the couches in the LR lost in thought.  Jason heads out into the BY.


10:43 PM BBT Idle chit chat has continued.  Popcorn has been made and is being shared with the BY crew.  Steve, James, Meg and Clay has joined them.  Meanwhile in the OR Shelli and Audrey continue to clean up.


10:49 PM BBT James and Steve have rejoined Shelli and Audrey in the OR.  Shelli says everyone needs to find a spot to put their bags especially in this room because it’s shown the most.  Idle chit chat continues in the BY.


10:50-10:58 PM BBT Idle chit chat continues in the house.


10:59 PM BBT Shelli can be heard singing inside once more.  Jason and Jeff say she’s lost it or ate something today.  It’s commented that Shelli felt like she was too subdued.  Jeff says “good for her!  I wish I could have!” (jokingly).  Idle chit chat in the KT


11:04 PM BBT Feeds switch briefly to James sitting in Meg/Jason’s bed talking to Steve.  Steve thanks James (unsure what he said because the feeds switched late) for what he said.  James says he really does mean that.  Out in the BY the topic of discussion is whether or not Steve sent in a video.  FoTH.


11:06 PM-11:13 PM BBT Idle chit chat/roaming/eating continues around the house.


11:14 PM BBT In the WA Jeff tell’s Clay that he doesn’t understand why he (the one person that isn’t named) is running around saying stuff about him.  Jeff keeps biting his tongue, he has too.  Jeff leaves the WA.


11:15 PM BBT Clay and Shelli doing ADLs and Clay wonders why they’re the middle men.  Austin told Clay that Jeff told him that Clay told him about the six person alliance.  Shelli wonders which six person alliance.  BB calls out Shelli to put on her microphone.  Clay wonders if he can sleep in the same bed with her tonight if it’s ok with James.  Idle chit chat out in the BY.


11:20 PM BBT Clay and Shelli up to the check board.  Jeff shouts up wondering if Clay knows how to play connect four using the chess board.  Shelli asks Clay what “he” said was missing within the house.  Idle BY chat continues between Jason, Austin, Jackie and Steve (sitting quietly).


11:21-11:36 PM BBT Idle chit chat/roaming continues.  


11:37 PM BBT Liz cleans up the Cabana room before heading into the WA.  Feeds switch to the OR.  Jeff is ready to get in bed.  Over in the WA Meg, and Liz do nightly ADLs.


11:44 PM BBT Jeff can’t sleep and heads out to the BY.  Idle chit chat in the KT.  Jeff chats with Steve for a moment before heading back inside.  Jackie tries to clarify their earlier conversation and Jeff says it’s good.  She said he ran off though.  Jason comes outside and starts talking which makes their hushed conversation difficult to hear because all four feeds are including his voice over theirs.  Jeff says Austin is annoying him.  BB calls Jeff and everyone looks at Jeff for his mic and they laugh.  BB calls Jeff to the DR.  Becky is running in the BY.  Jackie and Jason chat out in the BY.


11:50 PM BBT Feeds switch to Vanessa, Johnny and James chatting in the HOH.  They need to change the subject to something not sad.  “Look Cheesits!”  Idle chit chat commences.  Down in the BY Steve Joins Becky on her run.


11:51-11:59 PM BBT Idle chit chat continues with cameras wandering aimlessly around the house.  We have HGs casually moving to/from the HOH, KT and BY.

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