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EVICTED - Da’Vonne Rogers (Week 2) - Nominated by Shelli (Evicted 7/09)

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I would love to see Da' go home this week as I don't like her attitude and how easy it is to get her mad.  Great drama but her leaving would not be a great loss.  With that said at this point I really don't think she will be evicted this week.  I seriously think she is going to be able to find the votes to stay.  It seems Liz will go into being blackmailed, Austin will do what Liz says, and Jason is obviously voting for her to stay and all she needs is two people.  I am hoping I am wrong but it seems to me like she might just pull it off and save herself.  If that happens It puts a huge target on Clay and Shelli and that is never a good thing.  Audrey on the other hand seems to have a slowly diminishing target which is good news for her.

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Da believes Austin will vote for her to stay because of her blackmailing Liz. But the Sleeper Cell alliance is meeting tonight. I would bet that Austin and Vanessa are NOT going to screw Clay and Shelli over. Additionally, Da believes she has Vanessa's vote but she doesn't.

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Da believes Austin will vote for her to stay because of her blackmailing Liz. But the Sleeper Cell alliance is meeting tonight. I would bet that Austin and Vanessa are NOT going to screw Clay and Shelli over. Additionally, Da believes she has Vanessa's vote but she doesn't.

I do like to see the scramble, I'm not going to count out Da yet, she needs five....Jason, James, Liz....Austin and Vanessa are way on the outside, Jackie is too, depends on how "production" sets up this Takeover, does Da get to give her speech, and then declare Clay, Jeff and Audrey's votes do not count and then the others see there is light ???  We don't know why they all know three votes will be thrown away, is Da required to keep it secret, so the conspirators can let go, and who knows where John and Steve end up ????   


Not a lot of hope, but I do love a shake up ! :lipsrsealed2:

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I really hope that Da pulls it off and stay in the game. Its true that she needs to tone it down because people are going to put her in a stereotypical box. Just because she is from Inglewood they say she will get loud or be a drama queen. But she did none of that. Audrey is more of a drama queen but look-she stays in the game. She blatantly lied on Davonne and Davonne only defended herself from that rumor. Also, Clay was in the HOH room saying to Shelley that Da had to go because she was "controlling" and that's exactly what Shelli and Clay were being "controlling" in fact they go around picking the other houseguests mind to control their moves. I feel that Shelli, Clay, Jeff, and Davonne are strong forces in this game. But it must be something about Davonne that threatens Shelli and Clay. Maybe they knew that they couldn't puppet her. And Davonnes own words were that it was difficult for her to be fake. Some people can easily be fake while others find it hard.My advise to Davonne if she can pull a miricle out of this....Girl to win in this game, u need to be fake if u have to.

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I really hope that Da pulls it off and stay in the game. Its true that she needs to tone it down because people are going to put her in a stereotypical box. Just because she is from Inglewood they say she will get loud or be a drama queen. But she did none of that. Audrey is more of a drama queen but look-she stays in the game. She blatantly lied on Davonne and Davonne only defended herself from that rumor. Also, Clay was in the HOH room saying to Shelley that Da had to go because she was "controlling" and that's exactly what Shelli and Clay were being "controlling" in fact they go around picking the other houseguests mind to control their moves. I feel that Shelli, Clay, Jeff, and Davonne are strong forces in this game. But it must be something about Davonne that threatens Shelli and Clay. Maybe they knew that they couldn't puppet her. And Davonnes own words were that it was difficult for her to be fake. Some people can easily be fake while others find it hard.My advise to Davonne if she can pull a miricle out of this....Girl to win in this game, u need to be fake if u have to.

Are we watching the same show?  She was getting all up in people's faces last week and even used the term "going Inglewood".....So if there is stereotyping she is doing it to herself!  

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Are we watching the same show?  She was getting all up in people's faces last week and even used the term "going Inglewood".....So if there is stereotyping she is doing it to herself!  


Yes yep yeppers. She has said many times she is going to go "Inglewood" and walks around with the death stare and waves her arms around.


That being said I don't care who goes home. Meg or Da - either one. 

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I do NOT like that Shelli girl... Too bad that she want's Day gone over Audrey.

But as they say, every dog has their day. She will be on the chopping block soon fighting for her life

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Does Da'Vonne have the votes to stay? Or does it sound like she will be leaving the house no matter what?

Sounds to me like she's going going home tonight - Some people are telling her she might have the votes to stay but I think they are doing it to avoid a confrontation with her ... at least until tonight Da tends to become a tad bit aggressive when things don't go her way

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DaVonne is smart, but she lets her temper get in her own way - there is a slight chance she will not be going home, but not much of one - I'm still amazed the house is not targeting couples - Jeff & Jackie, Shelli-Clay, and eventually Liz and Julia - they do realize that if the twins are not evicted in five episodes, that both girls will be in the house right?  another couple?  let them go till fourth eviction then out they go! and I like them - I liked DaVonne, but her anger is making her not that much fun - they should have put up Audrey -

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hmm good twist, wrong week.  


So which one of them is going to tell her it's her nasty attitude that has her where she is now, on the block and evicted come Thursday. I mean there is no saving her at this point so you don't have to worry about her perhaps winning the next HOH and putting you up, so just tell her she needs to have a serious attitude adjustment and let her go home.


All I hear especially from Shelli, (who by the way is really starting to grate my nerves, every time I turn the feeds on all I see is her teeth in HD. I'm like what the hell is she smiling about now?)  anyway, she and her toddler boyfriend keep repeating the same "oh you're such a great person Da".. and blah blah blah.  I wish one person would have the gonads just to tell her to her face that her stank attitude is the main reason for her upcoming eviction, if she chooses to go "Inglewood" because of the truth, then that should solidify all votes to send her home.


What do you mean "go Inglewood"?

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I really wished Mama Da' stayed.  Meg is as vanilla as the come.  Sure, Da' played too hard, too fast.  But she was interesting.  And I wish some of the "outsider" hg's realized that she could change the dynamic of power in the house.

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I was sorry to see her evicted because she was good drama, but she was just a little over-the-top drama and she got loud way too soon.  People who immediately call others on the carpet, as she did with Audrey (much as I loved it) that early get the rest of the sheep very nervous and they follow each other.


I hope she will get some perks and something good out of the experience for herself and her daughter.

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