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Shelli Poole (Week 2) - HoH 2


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I guess now we won't get another attempt an a strong girls' alliance. Last week Da'Vonne & Liz were safe from eviction and this week they're on the block together. Shelli must really hate Da'Vonne, she probably won't even get a sympathy vote.

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Is Liz on the block?  I didn't think that had happened yet.

It hasn't happened yet but at first Shelli was talking about Liz as a replacement nominee, but I'm guessing she's changed her mind and is now considering Meg.

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Well depending on who answers that 7th phone call and has the power to have the last laugh this may blow up in Shelli's face. To be honest I am kinda hoping its Day that gets it. She maybe could pull out the votes if she gets to eliminate 3. Shelli once again falls into the let the guy run the HOH for you.

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From what I've heard, it's pretty much going to be a unanimous vote to send Day home, isn't it? I think I heard Jason is voting to keep her, but if he's the only one- I don't think it'll matter if 3 people aren't allowed to vote, will it? I think the house is pretty much voting together.

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From what I've heard, it's pretty much going to be a unanimous vote to send Day home, isn't it? I think I heard Jason is voting to keep her, but if he's the only one- I don't think it'll matter if 3 people aren't allowed to vote, will it? I think the house is pretty much voting together.

 Well you are probably right about the house vote yet again another season of this. I cannot keep track of the number of alliances there are this year and which ones are legitimate if any. I think if Day is able to eliminate 3 votes she could have a good chance of getting some votes but she is probably the one leaving which I think is a big mistake they should have went after Audrey
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I wish the 'last laugh' twist would have happened on a more controversial week when there was not a pawn and no chance of the house voting together. That could have made for a lot of excitement!

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I wish the 'last laugh' twist would have happened on a more controversial week when there was not a pawn and no chance of the house voting together. That could have made for a lot of excitement!

ITA. But with this group of HGs they will most likely vote as a herd and the cancellation of 3 votes won't make any difference because nobody else will vote to evict Meg.

DaVonne may have had a better chance of staying in the BB house if she was on the block against Audrey. It seems that most of the hGs want Audrey out because of all her manipulations. But Clay & Shelli are the only HGs that wanted DaVonne evicted. The other HGs are going along because they don't want to be nominated.

Clay & Shelli's targeting of DaVonne seems personal, to me, and not at all strategic. I hope that Clay and/or Shelli get evicted under Audrey's reign of HOH, if she wins it.

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When you hear repeatedly that someone doesn't trust you and that they are responsible for you getting kicked out of the alliance and they were overheard saying that they were not going to be anywhere near the HOH room. Put 2 and 2 together. It sounds like Day did not trust them and she was not going to work with them. When you are that vocal about it.... It IS strategic because that person is trying to discredit you in the house and you have to wonder if they would have targeted you the following week if you had gone the easy route getting Audrey out.

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 Well you are probably right about the house vote yet again another season of this. I cannot keep track of the number of alliances there are this year and which ones are legitimate if any. I think if Day is able to eliminate 3 votes she could have a good chance of getting some votes but she is probably the one leaving which I think is a big mistake they should have went after Audrey

Not a mistakeat all to evict Da'Vonne at all, in fact it is a great move on Shelli's part.  Audrey has a huge target on her back right now and keeping her in the house leaves a bigger target in the house.  Instead of anyone going after Clay or Shelli they go after Audrey instead and leaves Shelli and Clay safe for another week. 


When you hear repeatedly that someone doesn't trust you and that they are responsible for you getting kicked out of the alliance and they were overheard saying that they were not going to be anywhere near the HOH room. Put 2 and 2 together. It sounds like Day did not trust them and she was not going to work with them. When you are that vocal about it.... It IS strategic because that person is trying to discredit you in the house and you have to wonder if they would have targeted you the following week if you had gone the easy route getting Audrey out.

Clay wants Da'Vonne out this week because Da'Vonne was going to target him this week, Shelli was afraid if Clay was targeted she would be as well and decided to strike first.  In the end I expect Da'Vonne walking out the door on Thursday.

ITA. But with this group of HGs they will most likely vote as a herd and the cancellation of 3 votes won't make any difference because nobody else will vote to evict Meg.

DaVonne may have had a better chance of staying in the BB house if she was on the block against Audrey. It seems that most of the hGs want Audrey out because of all her manipulations. But Clay & Shelli are the only HGs that wanted DaVonne evicted. The other HGs are going along because they don't want to be nominated.

Clay & Shelli's targeting of DaVonne seems personal, to me, and not at all strategic. I hope that Clay and/or Shelli get evicted under Audrey's reign of HOH, if she wins it.

I think you say that because you like Da'Vonne and want her to stay in the house.  Shelli and Clay felt they were targets for Da'Voone so they decided to strike first, that is very much strategic.  In fact Becky wanted to Backdoor Audrey that was 100% personal and not strategic.  Backdooring someone in the game is smart game play for when the person who want out is a huge threat and giving them two opportunities to save themselves is not smart.  Audrey hasn't shown she can win competitions yet so backdooring her makes little sense.

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bbjag: you're right that I wanted DaVonne to stay in the house. Initially, I wanted to see an all girls' alliance in the BB house and thought that Audrey, DaVonne and Shelli would or possibly could make that happen. At first they seemed like very strong personalities and I really wanted to see that play out.

But then Shelli went 'boy crazy' over Clay; then Audrey went 'rogue' and DaVonne went 'Inglewood'.

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bbjag: you're right that I wanted DaVonne to stay in the house. Initially, I wanted to see an all girls' alliance in the BB house and thought that Audrey, DaVonne and Shelli would or possibly could make that happen. At first they seemed like very strong personalities and I really wanted to see that play out.

But then Shelli went 'boy crazy' over Clay; then Audrey went 'rogue' and DaVonne went 'Inglewood'.


The girls in Big Brother can't ever get the job done. They target each other for some silly reason. I am usually rooting for one of the guys anyway.

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The girls in Big Brother can't ever get the job done. They target each other for some silly reason. I am usually rooting for one of the guys anyway.

I long for the likes of Janelle, black Dannielle, June, Allison, and even Rachel. They were all strong female players who didn't have to rely or depend on a man to carry them through the game.

i like a good underdog story, so now I'm rooting for Jason & Steve.

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I really like both Johnny Mac and Steve. I have always liked nerdy guys. 


I read somewhere on the feeds that Day is really mad at Steve because she said he was avoiding being seen with her. She is on the warpath with her Steve hate.


I don't like when I see the other HG keep saying.... I just don't trust Steve. 

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At first I was sorta rooting for Steve and John but now I don't like how they are up Shelli and Clay's behind. Can they see that they are being used? I mean really used. I understand that they want to jump on the boat that floats however- what about their game in the long run. If they keep Meg in then they also fall into the pool of targets. I have found that Audrey is talented at what she does (manipulate and lie) and it's possible she can kinda stay in the game like that. At least she is playing her own game and not being puppeted (sp?). I like Jeff, Davonne, Audrey, Vanessa etc. Some underdogs are cool and I could cheer for ( Jackie, Liz, and surprisingly even Austin). At first I was going for Steve and John until John threw Steve under the bus for that 5person alliance (and he is being undercover pimped by Shelli and Clay, because Jeff is smart enough not to trust Clay and Shelli and only aligned to throw them off and not be their targets. Though it may be tuff, I somehow hope that Davonne pulls it off. Then Big Brother will be super entertaining and interesting.

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At first I was sorta rooting for Steve and John but now I don't like how they are up Shelli and Clay's behind. Can they see that they are being used? I mean really used. I understand that they want to jump on the boat that floats however- what about their game in the long run. If they keep Meg in then they also fall into the pool of targets. I have found that Audrey is talented at what she does (manipulate and lie) and it's possible she can kinda stay in the game like that. At least she is playing her own game and not being puppeted (sp?). I like Jeff, Davonne, Audrey, Vanessa etc. Some underdogs are cool and I could cheer for ( Jackie, Liz, and surprisingly even Austin). At first I was going for Steve and John until John threw Steve under the bus for that 5person alliance (and he is being undercover pimped by Shelli and Clay, because Jeff is smart enough not to trust Clay and Shelli and only aligned to throw them off and not be their targets. Though it may be tuff, I somehow hope that Davonne pulls it off. Then Big Brother will be super entertaining and interesting.

ITA!! John & Steve are definitely being used. They are followers but I wanna see how they act if and or when they win an HOH. It will be interesting to see if they carry out their own plan, or will they be led astray by their so-called alliance.

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