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Friday, June 26 2015 Big Brother 17 Live Feed / BBAD Updates


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10:30-11:00am BBT: While some HGs are roaming the K, Audrey/Clay continue talking in the lounge, with Audrey making comments about Clay putting a knife in her/Shelli's back.  She keeps suggesting he needs to make her breakfast for her to consider forgiving him.  After a brief WBRB for BB to wake the remaining HGs, Clay goes to start making breakfast, and Audrey goes to find Shelli to fill her in on the conversation she had with Clay.

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Guest 6Borders

11am BBT:  Jeff is whispering with someone in the bedroom.  BB tells him to put on his mic and he heads to the DR.


Audrey is telling Shelli that she (?) said to me "I don't want to help you win" and she has not spoken to her since.

Shelli says the problem is they get all paranoid about things that probably mean nothing.  Audrey says she (I think maybe Vanessa) is super good at chess, and she's so good at everything.  Shelli says what does it matter if she is good at chess.

Shelli said Vanessa is super emotional, she's more trusting of people in the conversations they have had and she thinks she's real and just emotional.  They say they have to talk to her.  Audrey leaves and tells someone  (maybe Austin)"she had a psychic vibe".


11:06am BBT: Clay has apparently made good on his promise and fixed Audrey a good breakfast which she is munching down one.   She's said it's like an egg muffin.  He says bagels are bad, about 130 calories and we go to Fish!

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Guest 6Borders

11:08am BBT:  We are back.  Jason is talking with Shelli telling his passions are Big Brother and fashion.  He's talking about what he would do if he got the money and he sure isn't stocking groceries the rest of his life.    She tells him he won't be "quiet boy" anymore at the grocery store.  He's relating a story about a friend who put all these girls numbers in his phone and if he was the guy's chick he would be in big trouble! 


Now the conversation has turned to black jeans and bleach, and now bleach at the store is different from bleach at home {no clue on that one}.  They are discussing fashion, tie-dying the white shirts BB took away from them and it would be nice if they could get tie-dye for crafts.


Shelli says she has to watch her eating, especially candy.  Clay comes in and says something and....

11:13am BBT:  Fish

11:14am BBT:  Shelli and Jason are talking about diet and she can't cut anything out because

you need certain things.  Jason says he can't drink coffee without sugar, realizes he left his coffee cup somewhere and goes to find it and we go to fish/WBRB briefly.


11:15-11:17am BBT:  Jackie, Becky and Liz are still doing hair and make up in the bathroom and Austin is chatting with them.

They are talking about having a yoga class in the backyard (I guess they are still on indoor lock down).  Liz and Austin are relating the best way to deal with sleeping in the dentist beds!

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Guest 6Borders

11:23am BBT:  (Back...feeds froze for a few minutes and sound is looping & overlapping.  I'll try to fix it and be back later)

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11:02am BBT: Shelli, Austin at the KT table talking  about taking tums. She ask if the have nots can have lemon water and he says i do not know but don't think so. She tells him probably not since it is not a condiment .

11:08am BBT: Jason in the bedroom talking to Audrey,and Becky about working out. In the Kt James is making food as Austin talks to him about playing word games. Clay is making coffee. They are talking about last seasons players and how cute Nicole was on her exit.

11:11am BBT:Clay, James, Audrey and Jeff in Kt talking about the have not rm and Clay heads to the bedroom.Then we get FOTH.

11:14am BBT: In the Bedroom Jason is talking to Becky about making coffee sweet and other foods. Clay is back to the KT making ice coffee. Audrey rubs water on his face and  he yells and she says you know when you get hot pee on your hands? Clay says what? she says you know when you never wash your hands.Clay gets a paper towel to wipe his face with. She then ask if she missed anything and he says no nothing has changed. James walks in and talk stops.

11:23am BBT:In the have not rm  Austin and Jason are talking that need to come up with a name and a good name. James says he does not think the veto comp will be a spelling one but then again it could be. James says it is better to come up with technotronics than to come up with nothing at all. Liz walks in and they talk about doing yoga.

11:28am BBT: Clay and James in the STr rm talking about making an alliance with other people then when they need to they can drop them later  in the game.

11:30am BBT: Vanessa telling Clay she had a rough day yesterday and was so emotional. She says yeah it was hard and one of them days knowing my  family was out there somewhere.

11:34am BBT: Liz and Austin in the have not rm talking about laying low and Austin says we are good. Liz says i am not talking to Audrey at all. Austin says yeah do  not talk to her but i do not think they will put us up.

11:40am BBT: Austin, Liz and da Vonne in the have not rm walking around.Audrey in the Wash area talking to Jeff and John saying if James sleeps in the have not rm again she is sleeping in the HOh rm. Jeff says why is he doing that he put people on slop then he sleeps in there with them.

11:48am BBT: Vanessa says right now she would love to have a letter from home and Jason says i love my family but they know me. In the wash area Jeff and John are talking about  making an alliance and he Jeff said he told Clay they need to solidify their group and make it the core group.

11:53am BBT: Da'Vonne and Austin and Liz in the have not rm talking about  people being strong in this game and how you are that strong how do you mess up in a comp? Da'Vonne says it is day 9 now of being in this house.

 11:56am BBT: Audrey in the STR telling James that Jeff was questioning why he was sleeping in the have not rm. James ask why would he do that? Audrey says i don't know he was wondering. James says if Jeff wants to sleep up there i t is ok with me and Audrey says no if you sleep down here tonight i am taking over your rm.

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12:01BBT James, Jeff and Clay in lounge rm. James says this is him. Jeff says they didnt think anything weird about it. (James sleeping downstairs not in HOH) Jeff says the bond made in the HN room is secure.


meanwhile in HN...Austin and Liz chatting when Audrey and Jackie come in. Austin asks if they are ready for yoga. They think its funny that they have a dentist on the show with HN having dentist chairs.


12:08BBT James tells Jeff and Clay that if he hears info he will let them know. In HN Steve is worried ppl talk about his wondering around. He has told them he is just wondering but ppl think its weird.


12:16 Audrey tells Steve that Jace and Austin are close, they even hold hands. Be careful when 2 ppl are in a room. Vanessa comes in and they talk about how awful the seats are to sleep in.


12:20BBT Audrey tells Steve that after this week have of Austins personality will be gone. The best case scenario is Steve can take himself off, worst case is he is up against Jace but,{{should shrug}} Steve asks her if she think who ever plays will us it? She asks on Jackie? He says at all.


12:26BB Yoga in the LR. In lounge.. Clay, James and Jeff talk about solitary being worse then the death penalty. Audrey walks in tells them part of her convo with Steve. Says she thinks Steve is trying to get Jace to use the veto.


12:31BBT Day and Steve whisper in HN. Steve's says he doesn't think this week HOH will be a Jace type comp. I will be an anyone can win it. Steve pulled Vanessa's card day 3 (onto her game)Day says she (Vanessa) is doing the Brian/Ronnie thing.


12:34BBT fast FOTH that turns to Jeff interviews. (my guess would be its time for POV)

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3:09pm BBT: Meg in HOh rm talking to James,Jason and Da'Vonne talking about security and about Jace moping lastnight. Jeff and Audrey in the lounge rm talking  and Audrey ask what did i do and Jeff says you did nothing everyone is talking.

Back ion the HOh rm James says that Jace. said right before the veto comp that someone was a rat and Meg saYS yeah look what he has done. James says he made me look bad.

3:15pm BBT:James says it does not matter what has been said or done to this point cause i am putting Jace up he is going home. James says i am not worried about all that rumor talk it is like being in Charlie brown whomp whomp whomp. Meg says i can not wait to watch this. James says it does not matter what it is my allegiance is to you guys right here.

3:18pm BBT: Jason says i tried spelling a word  and Steve was a beast  he had that thing.

3:20BBT:In the Lounge rm Clay , Audrey and Jeff are whispering and Audrey gets up to go out of the room saying we will say it is multiple people. Jeff and clay says yeah. Clay says we can not talk in the KT anymore cause Audrey questions everything we say she runs to me and ask what i am saying all the time.

 3:24pm BBT: Audrey goes to the HOH rm telling James and meg,Da'Vonne and Jason that someone comes to her and tells her things and they need to be careful going to talk to other people. Da'Vonne ask so clay is coming to you telling you things? Audrey says i am not  saying names  she then says it will all come out when we confront them.

3:27pm BBT: Audrey leaves the HOh rm and Da'Vonne follows her. They watch on the spy screen and says  oh look she is getting them now lets see if Clay goes or not. Audrey takes Da'Vonne,Austin,and Vanessa into the lounge rm and Da'Vonne starts asking Austin who came to them telling them lies about me and Austin says no one did. Audrey ask Austin did i ask you for a final deal and Austin says no not at all. 

3:36pm BBT: Austin and Audrey in lounge rm alone now and he says ok straight you and people are concerned  and Jace  thinks that you wanted him gone and she says why would he think that? Austin says i do not know but he goes to everyone and talks  and i am trying to control him cause i do not want  him to go.

3:38pm BBT: Jace goes to HOh and tells Da'Vonne and Jason that he can not believe that Steve won that and Jason says yeah i knew he would do good but the word trombone? Da'Vonne leaves to go eat a slop patty and feeds switch to the bathroom with Jeff and Jackie he tells her to not worry she wont go just stick to the plan. Jackie says what if they  get me out and Jeff says they wont trust me.

 3:48pm BBT: Audrey is telling Jace and Austin that there is alot of Drama that started and i do not want that. Jace ask who said that. Austin says if multiple people are saying things then we have to watch that cause i am trying to keep our alliance from blowing up here.

3:51pm BBT: Austin is telling Audrey and Jace that yesterday he was training Jason and Jason told him that he can not wait to play in the veto cause people are talking and i just can not wait to play this veto. 

 3:57pm BBT: Jace says this is not one person that there are so many rumors going around and i do not blame you Audrey but there is so much crap going around so who said what?

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4:37PM BBT: In the HOH Room,Jason, Audrey James, Da'Vonne kick out Jeff from the HOH room. Audrey says that Jace said that James was the one who planned to have Jason backdoored.

Day brings up that she heard James asked his nominees to throw the BOtB. He claims this is false. Jason confirms that hte plan is to backdoor Jace.

They decide to clear up who's in the "group". The group contains: Austin Meg, Jeff&Jackie(by default) in addition to James Jason, Day and Audrey.


James doesn't trust Jace or Liz (the twin).


Audrey says that is she wins the HOH she will put up Austin and Liz. Liz is seen as a bigger target.

They realize that Jace and Steve are starting drama by saying there's a plan to backdoor Audrey. Jason plans to do a final 2 with Steve that won't be valid.


Meanwhile, Austin and Clay are gathered in the Cabanna room.

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4:57PM BBT: Vanessa is called to the DR.

5:00PM BBT: James, Jason, Day and Audrey are gathered in the HOH room. Audrey goes to get Jeff.

Jason leaves and Becky comes in but leaves quickly.

5:01PM BBT: Audrey brings in Jeff to the HOH room. Audrey tries to solitify an alliance. She claims that Jace Liz and Austin are starting drama involving her and Jeff. Then they changed their story to blame James. fir the plan to backdoor Jason. Jason comes back and they once again confirm Jace is the target and since Austin is tight with Jace, he must go too.


*Side note: for some reason the HG nails are painted*



5:09PM BBT: Jeff asks what the others think about Clay.  Audrey believes that Jeff should continue to maintain relations with Clay because it will give the group better numbers come eviction night. They decide to name their group the HighRollers. Day goes to take a shower




Meanwhile, Clay, Austin and Jace are gathered in the Cabanna Room.They're talking strategy for next week.

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#BB17 5:10 PM BBT Flashback on Camera 2!! We have a new alliance called the High Rollers. Da'Vonne, Jeff, James, Jason, and Audrey met in the HoH room and shook on it. The alliance is to include Meg and Jackie as well, though they were absent from the meeting.


#BB17 5:55 PM BBT Jeff, Jason, and Da'Vonne are in the Dentist Chair Room. Da'Vonne is telling Jason not to start any trouble with the other HGs. Jason says that the two of them better protect him. "He (Austin I think) might pull me into the back room and rape me."


#BB17 6:06 PM BBT Da'Vonne and Jason are in the Have Not BR. Da'Vonne says they lost out on a great opportunity to get rid of Jackie. They talk about how stupid everyone is. They should have saved Jace.


#BB17 Da'Vonne and Jason are in the Have Not BR. Liz walks in talking about how cold the water is in the shower. When she exits Da'Vonne tells Jason "I wanted to like her. I really did." Meanwhile John, Meg, and Audrey are hanging out in the WA. Just general chit chat.


#BB17 6:21 PM BBT Clay and Austin are in the BR. Clay tells Austin "James isn't with us, he's out." Clay tells him that James is on the outside but doesn't know. Austin is worried about who James is going to put up.

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Guest 6Borders

5:43pm BBT:  Audrey & Jeff are in the storage room.  Audrey is throwing Liz under the bus.

She tells Jeff that Austin is f'ing jealous of what they have.  She says Liz is ruthless, she has an alligence

but she's ruthless.  She says Liz didn't remember throwing the pillow {she probably didn't, might have been

her twin} and then admitted it and then Austin got scared and squealed tho whole thing (throwing Day under the bus).


Jeff tells Audrey they have to get far in the game.  They say they MUST get rid of Davonne!  Jeff wants to know when they should talk.  She says if it has to be 4am she will wake them up.  Shelli comes in {BB needs to oil that squeeky door}.  Audrey and Jeff are filling Shelli in.  Audrey leaves and Clay and Shelli are left in the store room.


Clay says Austin is going out of his way...he's jealous of Jeff, making up all kinds of things.  Jeff says everything is a mess right now and they (Austin & Co) are talking about backdooring him (Jeff).  Shelli said Austin is just trying to save his boy.


5:50pm BBT:  Jeff and Shelli leave the storage room.  Jeff is now talking to Jason in the Have Not Room, filling him in on everything.  Jason says Austin is panicked because Jeff is not the kind of guy to buy everything Austin is selling.

Jeff wants to know why Austin would be jealous of him.

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Guest 6Borders

5:52pm BBT:   Jeff tells Jason they (Austin, Jace, etc) are acting like "rats in a corner" now.  Jason said there are a lot of flooaters; Jeff says some people want to go home...other people want to play so the people who don't should just go home.

They talk about why you play the BB Game...you leave heart and emotions at the front door.


5:54-5:58pm BBT:  Jeff says he has to know when to cut his ties; if they want to ax him at some point just give him a chance to fight!

Jason said Becky grabbed his butt the other day and is always flirting...that she is a big threat and they need to take her out.

Davonne joins Jeff and Jason in the Have Not Room.  They are laughing about Becky flirting and touching Jeff.  Jeff says she is "like a sexual butterfly".  Davonne sighs and says "this is Day 9"

Jason says Austin is now throwing a pity party.  Jason says they are probably realizing they are being targeted.  Davonne gets upset and says don't start no shit right now (repeats it twice).

Jeff says Austin f'ing hates him and he does not know why!


5:58pm BBT:  More talk about Austin.  Jeff says before he gets rid of Austin can Jason please go on a date with him.

Jason says they better sent some security in because Austin would pull him in a closet and rape him and "this is some jail shit"

Discussion turns to Johnny Mac..joking that he will come in during the night and start pulling teeth.  Lots of laughs.  Jeff says Johnny Mac is one of his favs.  He leaves to go fix food


6pm BBT:  Jason and Davonne are now whispering in the Have Not Room.  They both say when they walk into a room everyone gets quiet.  Jason says he is going to be like Jerry Springer and make Zach look like (I think he said a cop??).  Jason says he will go all off.

Davonne says it's going to explode.


6:02-6:05pm BBT:  BB tells Audrey not to obstruct her mic

Davonne says "oh this house".  She said if "they" had not been so f'ing stupid they could have saved Jace!

Davonne says watch your back...whispering but said the "first f;ing thing "he" did was go tell Audrey (Clay maybe?)

Jason says they need to cut emotions out because people will just think they are emotional players.  It's not all stragedy but personality plays a lot.


6:06pm BBT: Davonne says she needs nail clippers but she never just goes to DR, waits until they call her.

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Guest 6Borders

6:07-6:14pm BBT:  Joh, Audrey and Vanessa (?) are talking in the lounge.  They say lots of people threw challenges last year.

The girls says "that's not me" and "I did not come here to throw challenges".  Vanessa says you really have to know/trust someone to do something like that (throw a challenge). 

John says his legs were numb (in the POV comp I assume) but he had to hang on.  He said he would have rather "pulled up on the ball just to feel something in his legs"  Vanessa says he will hear about that comment later and it was funny.

They said they are so happy "he" won (Steve won the POV) and good for him.  John says "he killed it".

They talk about the letter they got and needed (apparently some spelling challenge).

Vanessa says it's a shame not everyone could compete {I agree}.


They speculate on what the twist will be next week.  Vanessa thinks they will get a briefcase for Pandora's box...in a few weeks.

She thinks it might be an immunity idol twist, or it could be the Diamond Veto what's his name won (Matt); how terrible it was that he lied about his wife having the disease.  Vanessa says lying about something like that is "bad karma"!

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Guest 6Borders

6:15pm BBT:  Back in the Have Not room Jason and Day are talking about ice cream.  Jason exits for the kitchen where most of the HG's are gathered, eating, fixing food!  Someone remarks "Jeff is doing dishes".

Lots of general silly chit chat!


6:17pm BBT:  In the WC Jackie is doing her hair and Meg is chatting with Audrey, Vanessa and John...James joins them.

Meg thinks they should have a boy make-up party tonite:  boys do the girl's make up and then they will judge.  John says it will be the first time he would have make up on him in any way.


6:19-6:21pm BBT:  Vanessa is telling Audrey she does not think she has anything to worry about (getting backdoored).  Audrey says it just is hard thinking you can't trust someone you thought you could.  She does not think she has anything to worry about this week.  Davonne joins them and they ask if she is over being grumpy.  Vanessa says she will try to make Davonne something but they have limited options (as Have Nots).  Discussion about slop messes up your stomach.

Vasnessa says her stomach is upside down because she does not eat anything with gluten.


6:22pm BBT:  BB tells Clay to put on his mic.


6:22-6:25pm BBT:Audrey says she hopes her friends are watching and laughing.  Vanessa says it would be hard to watch and laugh and her girlfriend is probably so stressed out right now and her mom is probably freaking out.  She knows her girlfriend is watching the feeds and thinks after her meltdown last night her mom probably is too, but she would be proud of the way she handled it.

Davonne says it will get better as people start to leave.  Vanessa said some people are probably happy to just go deep enough and know there is enough luck to go to the end of the game they understand the stress!

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#BB17 6:28 PM BBT Vanessa is challenging the other HGs to an arm wrestling match in the KT. She beats Shelli and then gives Jeff a run for his money. Jeff gives her credit. "You are really good."


#BB17 6:31 PM BBT Jeff tells Austin that he needs to arm wrestle Vanessa. She says she knows she can't beat him but wants to know if he thinks she is good. Austin practically lifts her off her feet so, it isn't really a match, but tells her that he can feel her power.


#BB17 6:34PM BBT Vanessa gives Da'Vonne arm wrestling advice in the KT. She explains how it's all about who can crack the wrist sooner. If you can crack the wrist, then it's all about wearing your opponent down.


#BB17 6:37 PM BBT A little fun in the HoH Room. Becky is laying on the couch listening to a DVD. James and Jeff are squatting down and hiding at the end of the couch. They keep touching the top of Becky's head with a piece of paper. She keeps scratching at her head. They do it three times before she catches on.


#BB17 6:41 PM BBT Becky is talking to James in the HoH room. She is talking about how she is proud of everyone who played in the comp today. She says someone always misspells a stupid word or really stands out. She is proud that everyone came up with a good word. James thought he had it in the bag until he saw Steve's word.


#BB17 6:44 PM BBT Jeff exits the HoH WC and jokes with Becky and James about how many times people have called him (jokingly) an asshole today. Becky "Well I can honestly say, you are my favorite asshole."


#BB17 6:51 PM BBT In the HoH James and Jeff are talking to Becky. She is talking about almost all her boyfriends of the past are really tall. They tell her that means only Austin has a shot at her. Meanwhile in the WA meg is washing her hands and Austin is using the hair straightener.


#BB17 6:54 PM BBT Da'Vonne and Austin are now alone in the WA. He explains to her that he did not make a final deal with anyone. He hasn't even had a chance to talk game to anyone. "I'm not trying to play that fast. I'm safe. There's no need for that. I'm thinking jury. Not final 3 or 4. I'm not playing that fast." Da'Vonne says Uh huh and leaves shortly after.

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Guest 6Borders

6:25-6:30pm BBT:  In the Have Not, Liz & Austin and are talking about how "she" is planting seeds so she can just throw every comp all summer.  Clay is going to talk to Audrey and tell him Davonne is a sketch-ball.  Austin says they need to win and then they can celebrate in her face.  He tells Liz to talk to Becky and see if they can pull her in.

Austin says he has made an effort to work with Davonne and be nice to her and why would she do this.  He thinks James might have told Davonne that the discussion was she was the mole and ratted her out.  They both leave the Have Not room.


6:30pm BBT:  In the kitchen/dining area Vanessa is arm wrestling with everyone.  Austin takes her up on the challenge.  He says she is really strong and it was hard (I guess he won, I could not see).  Austin is talking about fake wresting on WWE.

Johnny Mac is now up to arm wrestle Vanessa.  He wins but it's not easy.


6:33-6:38pm BBT:  Audrey is talking with James about the comp being hard.  Audrey says they (BB) has an impressive art department.  James says every set has a squirrel in there.  He thinks he might take a nap.  She says she still has not listened to his music at all.  He's looking for a blanket Liz stole from his HOH room.   James puts on someone's cardigan  to see if "she" notices (Meg I think) and says it's comfy and no wonder everyone wears this kind of stuff.

Becky is listening to music with the headphones & Jeff is touching her head with things to annoy her.  He and James are hiding behind the couch and ducking down so she won't see them.  She thinks something is falling on her from above...finally catches them.  Good laugh about it all around!


6:38-8:42pm BBT:  Becky says James should do a favor and ask for a free refill on the beers.  James says technically he was HOH for two weeks so he should get extra beers.  They are chit-chatting about music and it's nice to kind of get away from everything and it takes you away from the BB House for a while.  Becky says it's a treat like the HOH.

James tells her she did good in the comp today.  She says there is always a dumbass who spells their word wrong and they all 6 got a word.  She is proud of their whole group and James says until he saw Steve's word he thought he had it in the bag (POV).  Becky can't believe Steve's word, how long it was!  Becky says if you dove under the water it washed your chip off.

James said at the end he was winded and she says you don't realize how much energy you had to use to get through the mud.

Jeff joins them to listen to the music.  He's teasing that he gets called "asshole" a lot and he's been respectfully declining Becky's advances.  She says he's her "favorite asshole".


6:449m BBT:  BB tells Jace to put on his mic.

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Guest 6Borders

6:48pm BBT:  In the WC Jason comes in with a bunch of vitamins and supplements and Austin is

explaining them to him.  They are discussing which ones they want to take.  Jason looks at the

pill he's going to take and said 'THIS IS HUGE'.  Austin and Liz tell him to pay attention to his swallowing.

Austin says cut it in half and Jason says he's going to do that.


6:51pm BBT:  In the HOH Becky is regaling James and Jeff with a rundown on the guys she's dated and the only

guy in the house who would have a chance is Austin.  She said her dates are always tall and always foreign...CEO types.

James says "so if I was 4-5' taller I'd have a chance".  They are laughing about a lot of gold diggers out there.

James says "this is the BB house, you could bounce checks".  James says "that just made her (Becky)


Jeff says when he hears the name Becky it reminds him of a friends mom who was like a 2nd mom to him growing up.


6:54pm BBT:  We get fish for a minute.


6:546:58pm BBT:  They are watching on the spy screen and scare Meg when she comes in.  She wants to take a nap and says now

she has to sleep on their sheets and why can't they sleep in the bed they were assigned.  Becky is telling about the guys messing with her hair when she was listening to music. 

They all want the yard to open up.  Meg finally realizes that James has her jacket on.  Becky loves when guys wear olive colored shirts. 

Becky is back to the guys she has dated!!


7pm BBT:  Davonne and Audrey are in the storage room.  Dav says Austin just apologized to her.  She is whispering.

Says then Shelli comes around the corner.  Audrey says Austin told her he wanted to talk to her too.  Davonne says he probably wants to apologize to her too.  Audrey wants to know if Austin told her what he and Clay talked about.

She said Clay wanted to talk to her and she said she would talk later.  They are running down who is where.

Davonne says she was trying to get information.  Audrey says she's not going to over think it {yeah...right!!!}

Audrey and Davonne say they had the hardest time with being lied to their faces.


7:03pm BBT:  Brief Fish


7:04 pm BBT:  Davonne says something is biting her in the house and we go to Fish again.

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Guest 6Borders

7:07pm BBT:  Feeds are back.  

Davonne is talking to Johnny Mac in the kitchen.  They are talking about someone they are going to vote out.

Davonne says while he's here don't make him feel bad, let him enjoy the experience.  Davonne says that is her fear that if she gets close enough to him she won't be able to control her mouth.  John says you don't have to tell me anything and she says she doesn't have anything to tell.  She says she's not directly involved and that's why she does not have any alliances "other than what I am trying to build here" (with John).  She asks him what his goal is for this game.  He said "I want to win".

Vanessa comes through on her way to the WC!


John says he has a feeling "one of them" is going this week (no clue).  Davonne says it's a toss up.  John says Jason was freaking out thinking he was going home.  She says she doesn't have a problem with Jason personally and John says he likes him too.


John apologizes to Vanessa for eating pizza in front of her.  She says no worries, it does smell good though.


7:12-7:15pm BBT:  Davonne tells John she's been painting a picture to other people that he is wanderer.  She says if they think he's a solo person they are not paying any attention {not this cast in my opinion} and they won't pay any attention to her.

She asks which side he would align with and he says he doesn't know who the sides are.  Good laugh!

John says it seems unanimous that Jace is going.  Davonne says she is worried that the girls in the house will try to save Jace.

Davonne says if Jace wins she and John will be targets. 

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11:21pm BBT:


Austin tells Audrey that he told Liz to talk to her. Then switch to idle talk when he mentions the people in hoh are prob watching.


Back yard is open. All happy.



Audrey tells Jeff that what their doing is working on Jason.



Audrey and Da telling each other that they are alright. Audrey told her about Austin talking to her.Da tells Audrey and James that when they hear anything from the outside to bring it to each other or they are going to fall apart because if today had gone the way "they" had wanted it to their group would have fallen apart. Open communication. James hurrying to enjoy the outside. James says his loyalty is with them.

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when James leaves Da tells Audrey that she (Audrey) is f... because James was in the bathroom when Audrey mentioned the only people she trusts and didn't say his name.



Audrey goes to talk to Steve to let him know that Liz, Jace and Austin tried to turn her and Da against each other. Just as he asks her about what Da was upset about with him Da walks in and gets an attitude. Steve gets stressed and goes looking for Da to smooth things over. Audrey tells Da that Steve hasn't said anything bad. Steve says "I adore Da". Da tells Steve that all is ok but she won't tell him what was said to her. Acts cold.


Steve tells Audrey that he hasn't said anything bad about anyone.



Audrey tells Steve that he's in a better position going into next week. Also fills him in that Liz and Austin pinned things on Jeff.


He asks her if anyone is threatened by his veto. Audrey says no.

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Audrey lets Steve know that Liz and Austin are in trouble next week. He wants to know what he can do to know what's gong on, Audrey says to just keep talking to Jas. Audrey mentions keeping her mouth shut for the next few days.




Steve talks to camera and says Audrey is good! That if he had to call it, he'd say she's going to win. As he walks out in hallway, under his breath he says "... telling me not to play emotionally when she's being emotional."

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8:58 PM BBT Austin tells Jace in the HN room that he knows what Da'Vonne does for a living, because she's been asking for a deck of cards. He believes she is a Poker Dealer.


9 PM BBT Austin and Jace continue game talk in the HN room. Clay, Jason, Da'Vonne and Audrey are in the HOH talking game. While Jeff, Meg and Jackie are in the CRL talking game as well.


9:13 PM BBT Liz, Shelli, John and Vanessa are in the LR playing a guessing game. Becky, Da'Vonne, Jason, Clay and Audrey are talking about slop in the HOHR. James walks around and out of the HOHR, followed by Clay.


9:16 PM BBT Austin is doing hand stands in the LR, while the guessing game is still going on. Cam view changes to the CRL with Jeff and Meg talking about Meg's alliance with James and more. Jeff says he and Jackie are working with them now.


9:25 PM BBT Jeff, Meg and Jackie are in the CRL. They want to work with Clay and Shelli, but they aren't going to say anything. Meg tells Jackie that James' main goal is to get Da'Vonne out of the house. Meg says they agree Liz & Austin need to go next. Jeff agrees.


9:27 PM BBT Meg tells Jackie that Jace and Austin have been playing dirty to get people to report back to them. BB tells Jackie to move her hair away from her microphone. Jackie says no one is talking game to her because she's on the block.


9:29 PM BBT Becky gets called to the DR. Jeff asks why Jace & Austin didn't try to get him on their side. Meg says they were gunning for him next. She says, they thought he and Jackie are a team. Jeff says, Jace thinks he's God's gift.


9:35 PM BBT Jeff says that Austin thinks Jeff is jealous of him. James goes in the CRL acting like a Sheriff. Clay walks in also, and James leaves. Jeff says he's moving in on Meg, and she tells him not to be creepy.


9:37 PM BBT Clay says, you just got to get there. Jeff says, it will be good to say that when he votes Austin out, and points to the door.


9:38 PM BBT Jeff tells Clay that Austin hates him, and he's trying to get him backdoored. He says, I have my boyfriend, jokingly. Meg asks him to do a Magic Mike move. Clay slides off the couch to the floor, and gets back on the couch.


9:39 PM BBT Jeff and Clay start to talk a little dirty, and Meg says their parents are watching. Clay tells them more things that were said today.


9:40 PM BBT James in the HOHR says, once the hammer drops it's going to be crazy. Da'Vonne says, she's just needs to chill until eviction. James says, that once things go down, he will be the target from Austin for getting his boy out, referring to Jace.


9:42 PM BBT Jason says, who else is there to throw under the bus? Are they going to tell you to get Meg out? James didn't answer. Audrey and Da'Vonne are up in the HOHR with James and Jason talking about previous BB show alliances. They discuss Steve becoming HOH next week.


9:45 PM BBT Jason talks about the live feeders wanting the HG's to talk directly to them. He says, it's weird that he's not at home watching it this year. James try to figure out where the cams are. They all discuss the cams and who’s behind the walls.


9:46 PM BBT Da'Vonne asks James what his girlfriend’s name was, and he says, Amy. Jason says, they may fish tank you. Then we see FOTH. They talk about adding more people to their lists, & then discuss upcoming shows.


9:48 PM BBT In the WA, Austin, Jace and Jeff are talking about the Veto comp. It was a spelling game, and they said Steve played the word trombonist. They all believe that he will use the Veto. Austin says, it would be great for the BY to be opened again.


 9:51 PM BBT Jeff says, he just wants the ceremony to happen. He wishes it was the same day. They say it will be tomorrow. Jace says, it's so embarassing to be the first one to go out. Austin says, it's too much anxiety for 9 days.


9:52 PM BBT Jeff says, there are too many people trying to be puppet masters. He says, how can someone be a puppet master when they are safe all the time. Austin tells Jeff his theory that Da'Vonne is a Poker dealer because she keeps asking for cards. They all want her to go.


9:54 PM BBT We see FOTH again. The guys in the WA continue with game talk about Da'Vonne being manipulative, and wonder how much pull she has. Jeff says, he's trying to stay away from the KT to stay away from the cams. Jeff says, he has to poop, and goes to the WC, while Austin and Jace are still in the WA.


9:57 PM BBT Jeff asks about the cam in the WC actually taping them, and they talk about previous HG's in the WC. Austin and Jace whisper that they need to learn how to be a puppet master, and be on the same page. Jace starts to sing about smoking, and Austin asks if they are going to get the BY.


9:59 PM BBT Austin and Jace leave the WA. John gets called to the DR. Austin and Jace join Meg and Jackie in the CRL. The conversation in the HOHR are trying to guess upcoming comps based on previous BB shows. BB tells Jackie to move her hair away from her microphone again.


10:01 PM BBT Audrey says, it's weird because you don't know what kind of editing you are getting. Jason says, he doesn't really care. Da'Vonne says, she just wants to be edited that she's playing the game. Jason says, they can't edit her like Victoria or Jacosta.


10:02 PM BBT Da'Vonne says, that Steve and James are coming into the house wanting to conquer things. BB tells Jeff & Austin to stop that, and then we see FOTH.


10:03 PM BBT Audrey says, she's getting sick of them getting in trouble. Jason says, it will still be going on Day 30, and the live feeders have to keep seeing the fish. Jason says, he's gotten all of his production info from watching the live feeds over the years.


10:06 PM BBT Audrey says, she can't hang out with the other people in the house, and Austin eyes are red. She says, she's really upset, for not being vulnerable. Da'Vonne says, they are being nice to her face. Audrey says, it's too early to be that fake. Jason says, you don't even have to be that way.


10:07 PM BBT In the CRL Jackie says, they should have the BY for the rest of the week until they shut it down for the next comp. Her and Jace both say they will shut it down on a different day. Meg says, she can't wait to see Julie Chen come on the TV. She says, being live is such a cool thing.


10:09 PM BBT Meg says, she wishes she could hate on Steve, but he did so good, and deserves winning the POV. Jackie agrees, and Jace walks out of the CRL.


10:13 PM BBT Meg and Jackie are talking about their hair and eyes as they look in the mirror in the CRL. As they walk out Meg is chanting to get the BY. Cam view goes to the LR, where Liz, Shelli, Vanessa, Steve, Jeff and Austin are all siting on the couches and chairs playing a guessing game.


10:14 PM BBT BB tells Liz to rearrange her transmitter. Steve sat by Liz and Shelli, and moved back to the other couch. Jace is in the LR now. Jeff has left, and Austin leaves. Jace starts to sing. Da'Vonne and Audrey are talking about Liz and Austin in the HOHR.


10:17 PM BBT LR convo changed to the word Steve made in the comp, and then they were curious as to what time it is. Everyone agrees it seems early. Liz wants to play 20 questions. Vanessa says, there has to be more games they know to play. Steve says, they can make a story one sentence at a time. He tells about playing with his family.


10:20 PM BBT They start playing the game that Steve suggested. They tell Steve he made a run-on sentence. Steve says, Jace's mom is a run-on. They keep playing. In the HOHR, Audrey tells Da'Vonne that as soon as she heard something earlier today, she immediately went to her to talk about it.


10:22 PM BBT Audrey tells Da'Vonne she's over it, & wants to move on. She says, she's never thrown her under the bus, and if something seems strange, it's not from her. Da'Vonne gets loud talking to Audrey, & tells her that she went to their core. She tells Audrey that she wasn't going to trust anyone when she came in the house.


10:24 PM BBT Da'Vonne says, Audrey touched her, and that's why she started to trust her. Meg walks in the HOHR all peppy, and Da'Vonne says, the feedsters are going to love that. Jackie walks in next. Da'Vonne says, they were building something in the BY, and where saying their names over and over. We see FOTH twice.


10:26 PM BBT Da'Vonne says, she's hungry, but she's over the slop life. Clay walks in the HOHR, and says, he's instructed to get the glasses. He has a tray with him to get them, & he acts like a waiter. He says, anything else ladies, as he walks out of the HOHR. Da'Vonne watches him on cam, and says, for him to hold his balance.


10:28 PM BBT The 4 girls in the HOHR are trying to catch each other up on what has been going on. Audrey says, Liz is instigating a lot of stuff, and trying to pit them against each other. She says, they were trying to sell her up the river to Da'Vonne. Da'Vonne says, they are trying to get anyone to sit in the back-door seat except Jace.



10:30 PM BBT Audrey says, Jace and Austin are trying to get Da'Vonne out next week. She says, when she confronted Liz about it, she back-tracked. After Liz lied, and left the room the boys threw her under the bus. Austin admitted to everything with Liz in the room, while she was lying. She says, then when Liz was found out, she apologized.


10:33 PM BBT Audrey says, they were going to try to get her out, by getting her back-doored. Da'Vonne says, she's the target next week. Meg asks who they want to get out, and Audrey says, Jeff. Meg laughes. Audrey tells the girls how Austin said that Jeff is jealous of what he and Jace have. Audrey says, it seems so like what?


10:35 PM BBT They continue game talk in the HOHR about what might happen next week. Shelli & Clay are in the HOHR. Shelli tells him that no one ever tells her anything. Clay says, he doesn't know a whole lot. Shelli asks him if it's true that Austin and Jace were trying to throw Audrey under the bus? Clay tells her yes.


10:37 PM BBT Clay tells Shelli that Audrey has her hands in so much. He says, she wanted him to go to Da'Vonne and tell her about the 3 approaching them about an alliance, but he didn't want to, because Da'Vonne is a ticking time bomb. Audrey wanted him to tell her to gain her trust.


10:38 PM BBT Shelli tells Clay that when he talks she has a hard time following him because he talks to fast, and he's telling to many stories. Clay says, that Da'Vonne has been the cause of all the drama today. Clay says, everyone there is so easily influenced. Shelli asks where Audrey is, and he tells her she's in the HOHR, and who's she's with.


10:40 PM BBT Clay tells Shelli that if Austin, Jace or Liz win they will go after Da'Vonne 1,000 percent. Shelli asks where James stands? Clays says, he doesn't know. Shelli asks if James is in with Jace and Austin? Clay says, it's not an alliance, and they were trying to do a last ditch effort so James wouldn't put Jace on the block.


10:42 PM BBT Clay tells Shelli that he can't trust James at all. He says, he went to the HOHR earlier, and Jace was there the whole time, but he wouldn't give him any information. He says, he doesn't trust him as far as he could throw him, and he won't say anything to him. Shelli asks, who he trusts, and Clay changes the subject for people walking by.


10:43 PM BBT Austin walks in the CRL & talks for a few minutes. He walks out, and Clay says, he doesn't know when the next time will be that they can fornicate. Shelli tells him not to say stuff like that. Shelli asks if they can trust Audrey, and Clay says, she's kind of everywhere.


10:45 PM BBT Da'Vonne, Audrey, Jackie & Meg are talking more game about either Austin or Jace needing to go next week. Jackie says, she's cautious about Becky, and everyone agrees that she's cool. Da'Vonne says, she's a competitor, so she will have to go at some point. Audrey says, Jace went off on Becky last night for her shushing him.


10:48 PM BBT Da'Vonne says, they just need to make sure they have the votes to get Austin out next week. She thinks the house will want to keep him for the work-outs. The girls agree there are enough fit people to keep them working out. Audrey says, everyone needs to just vote with the house. Meg says, their true colors will come out next week.


10:50 PM BBT Austin comes out of the WC, and Vanessa goes into the WC. Austin sits on the couch in the WA with Liz. They talk about the confrontation earlier today. Vanessa comes out of the WC and washes her hands, before walking out.


 10:52 PM BBT Austin is telling Liz what to say to Da'Vonne about not wanting to cause issues with her. Austin tells her to say that she trusts Austin, and that he wants her to trust her.


10:53 PM BBT Austin says, there are about 10 or 11 people in the house that didn't even know what happened. He says, James isn't trustworthy. Liz asks Austin if he's worried they are going to talk about him? He says, he's not worried about it. He says, the B.S. is over, & the lines are drawn.


10:56 PM BBT More game talk continues with Clay & Shelli in the CRL. Becky tells Austin and Liz that she's making some ice coffee. Steve walks in the WA, and asks Liz to go up to HOHR with him. She says, she's so comfortable in there, and he says, he can make her more comfortable. Liz talks about her school mascot.


10:59 PM BBT They talk about Shelli's name being Melissa Michelle, and her nickname is Shelli. They say, the Shelly from Season 13 is spelled with a y at the end. Cam switches to HOHR, where Jason, Meg, Da'Vonne, Audrey & Jackie are talking more game. They take guesses as to what the next comps are going to be.


11:02 PM BBT Jason says, it's completely your fault if you throw a comp. He says, there's no reason to throw it, unless that's your whole strategy. He talks about Dr. Will, Dan and Nicole (Season 2), from previous seasons. He says, that everyone was pushing Krista, and that Monica flipped on her over something that wasn't even true. He brings up Janelle's name also.


11:04 PM BBT They bring up Erica & her boy messing up her game. Then they bring up Shannon & her toothbrush. Meg says, Netflix is looking good, while watching the TV in the HOHR. James, Vanessa & Clay are talking about McCray in the HN BR.


11:06 PM BBT Vanessa tells Clay she's a sharing person. She says, she has a cowboy hat at home & loves it. James asks Clay to cut his hair when they can, & they discuss how Clay wears his hair.


11:08 PM BBT HG's in the HOHR are talking alliances. Jason says, if Austin makes it jury, hell will literally freeze over. Meg says, he will be lucky to make it to the halfway point. Jason makes funny of Jace and Austin's nickname of Jastin. Everyone starts laughing about their annoying song.


11:10 PM BBT Jason says, CBS owns that song now, and please don't let them sell it, in God's name we pray. Jason says, when he hears the long air, he thinks, run, run. Meg says, she had to hold her mouth today when Jace was literally sitting on her lap earlier today.


#BB17 11:12 PM BBT Jason says, this game is all about patience. He says, if he's not on Adderall someone needs to call his mom. They say, BB should stop giving him his meds. Jason says, everyone thinks he has ADHD, but when he's around him, he feels sane as a mother f'er.


11:12 PM BBT Jason says, this game is all about patience. He says, if he's not on Adderall someone needs to call his mom. They say, BB should stop giving him his meds. Jason says, everyone thinks he has ADHD, but when he's around him, he feels sane as a mother f'er.


11:15 PM BBT James, Clay & Vanessa are in the HN BR talking about the Veto competition. James says, he should've spelled splitters again for Donny. They discuss what the point values were for each letter, and that may have not been good this time. James says, that threw him off with the point value on the letters.


11:16 PM BBT They talk about how when they were at home watching the show everyone always thinks it's rigged, but when you are there, you can tell it's not. They talk about the other comps that can happen this season. Cam switches to the KT. Austin tells Audrey how he wants to go to the BY. Audrey says, she thinks everything going to blow over.


11:19 PM BBT Austin tells Audrey that he talked to Liz about talking to her. Austin asks who's in the HOHR? She tells him, and says, they could be watching them right now. The HOHR convo is about what the next BB Takeover will be. Jason says, they have him & Steve there, and they are both BB Superfans. He talks about the golden key in Season 13, & he explains it.


11:21 PM BBT All the HG's get excited because the BY is open again. They say how it's back to the way it was. Audrey & Jeff go to the grey BR to talk a little. They get clothes to put on because it's cold outside. Jeff wants to go in the jacuzzi, but he wants to play pool. All the HG's are all over the place.


11:25 PM BBT Audrey & Da'Vonne go to the HOHR to talk about trusting each other, & going to each other about what they are hearing from others. Da'Vonne says, she wants to stay friends with Audrey when the game is over. They hear someone in the HOHR WC. Da'Vonne looks in, & it's James. Da'Vonne says, she thought it was an outsider.


11:28 PM BBT Audrey asks James how his convo went with Clay & Vanessa? He says, they talked about the Veto comp & there was no game talk. BB tells James to please put on his microphone. In the BY, Clay & asks Liz to put her hair up for her. Liz is sitting in a chair with just her feet in the jacuzzi.


11:31 PM BBT Becky gives Liz advice on working out. She says, a trainer told her to eat a banana when you wake up, & then work out. She says, she was told to wait 1 hour after the workout, because your body stays hot. Steve is walking through the rooms of the house to the WA, & is talking to himself. Clay walks in the KT from the BY.


11:32 PM BBT In the HOHR, James tells Da'Vonne & Audrey that he needs to act like he's distancing himself from them, so no one thinks anything. He says, they are still working with Clay. James says, Vanessa was trying to pick his brain about who he's going to put up.


11:34 PM BBT Becky says, she's hot & steaming. Liz says, she literally is. Becky get out of the jacuzzi & goes into the pool. She hits a beach ball out of the pool like a volleyball. She gets out of the pool & kicks the beach ball. The guys outside act like BB telling her to stop that. She gets back in the jacuzzi, & Meg has her feet in the water.


11:36 PM BBT Jackie joins them in the Jacuzzi. Jason comes by them saying that someone took 1/2 a pack of his cigarettes. Jason explains why he packs his cigarettes, & how they taste different when you do pack them. Cam switches to the Bridge & then to the pool table. Clay & Jeff are discussing how Clay is being excluded from meetings in the house.


11:39 PM BBT Jeff tells Clay that he has to many rumors going on about him today, & they need to get their people together. Clay says, they need to put the washer on a regular was so it doesn't take 1 hour 13 minutes to wash. Jason says, if the dryer takes like 2 hours, that's way to long. Jason is excited to finally be able to smoke.


11:41 PM BBT Becky, Vanessa & Austin go to the BY. Da'Vonne tells Steve in the grey BR that everything is water under the bridge. Steve tells her that he has not said one bad word about anyone in the game. Audrey tells Steve that Jason trusts him. Audrey tells him he's good. Steve says, he thinks Jace is really trying to get buddy buddy with him.


11:43 PM BBT Steve tells Audrey that he's definitely using the Veto to save himself. He says, he's not going down in BB history next to Marcelles & Lawon.


11:44 PM BBT Audrey tells Steve about the back-door plan & what happened with Da'Vonne, Liz & Jace today. Steve says, he doesn't want anyone thinking that he's spreading anything, or saying anything bad about anyone. James walks by, & says he's telling the truth, he thinks. Steve says, he actually likes everyone there.


11:46 PM BBT James congratulates Steve for winning the POV. He says, trombonist will be with him forever. Steve says, he's glad he can contribute something. Audrey tells Steve who the targets are for next week. Audrey says, Da'Vonne knew she was going to talk to Steve.


11:47 PM BBT Jeff & Clay are still playing pool in the BY. Jeff says, they need to talk later, because to many people are around. Clay won the game. Liz walked by them, and went in the house. Cam view goes to the Bridge, looking down on the KT, where Liz is.


11:49 PM BBT Audrey tells Steve the Liz basically pulled a Bill Clinton, saying, I did not sleep with that woman. Steve asks Audrey exactly what happened? Audrey tells him that Jace & Austin were trying to bait Da'Vonne to get a back-door plan, & Liz got pulled in. Audrey says, Liz is going to break herself off from Austin.


11:51 PM BBT Steve asks Audrey what he needs to do to become more aware of things? Audrey tells him to keep talking to Jason. He says, he likes Jason. Steve asks if he should just drop things with Da'Vonne? Audrey says, yes. Steve tells Audrey that he's trying to help Vanessa personally, that there hasn't been game talk.


11:53 PM BBT Steve changes the convo to him being excited for winning the Veto, because Becky walks by to go to the colorful BR. Steve asks Becky if they are hot-tubbing? Becky says, she's doing hot tub & work-out. Steve says, he wants to join on work-out.


11:55 PM BBT Steve talks to the cams in the colorful BR. He says, Audrey is good at this game, & if he had to call a winner now, it would be her. He wonders where his bathing suit is, & looks in the WA. Becky comes out of the WC, where she changed into work-out clothes. Cam view changes to the Bridge hearing voices in the BY.


11:57 PM BBT Three cam views are on Bridge & one cam view is on the BY showing Austin, Jace & Shelli working out. Audrey says, she can't stop looking at the guys butts. Jace picks up a moth off the ground that Shelli thinks she stepped on & may have killed.

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