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Posts posted by scarletkate

  1. Probably iif you don't know the answer, pick A. But why would they agree to that? If they all picked A and B was the right answer then the person that picked B would win. An alliance would be silly to agree to do that - they could all be out on the same question. Errors in HOH completions are not a new thing....Hello Julie Chen!!! ( she's made more mistakes than Elizabeth TAylor picking husbands!). Much like the officiating at the NCAA championship and The Masters....mistakes happen. All part of the game.

    *competitions. I really do know how to spell....auto correct is a pai!

    *pain. When will this end...lol

  2. Well said Shrinra - I my opinion he hasn't done anything to warrant winning. My vote is on Emmet' Jillian or Andrew. But who knows with a HG coming back (likely Gary) what the heck will happen. It would offer an alliance to some one who might not feel they have a true alliance right now. (Talla comes to mind)

  3. I saw that he said it was to avenge Liza - however unless he wins HOH ( hope he doesn't ) he's likely on the block.

    Having said that, who knows what he's thinking. Very interesting that he's started to wins comps....if he gets to the end I can hear it now....didn't get blood on my hands...won comps when I needed to...et cetera.

    Omg. Did Jillian win HOH?

  4. Why didn't he put Peter up? Would have assured Peter or Topaz went home.....damn! Now Peter will take Topaz off - he'll have a strong alliance with her. Andrew will have to go up and will go home because they won't vote Talla out. She's not a threat. Damn. Damn. Damn.

    Omg. Shocker....thought he was going to save Topaz!

    I can't wrap my brain around this. He would have had an assured alliance with Topaz. (I think...but my thinking has been wrong....)

  5. Here is the "Official Rule" #5

    5. One participant will receive the grand prize of CAD$100,000 (subject to change in Producer’s and/or the Broadcaster’s discretion). A weekly stipend will be provided for each participant for each week that he or she remains in the Big Brother Canada House. Stipend payments and prize winnings will not be paid until after the broadcast of the final episode of the show.

    So, they may have added a second place prize, as it is at the show's discretion.

  6. Peter or Topaz. I'd love to see the East Coast Alliance go to final three. I'm just really not a fan of anyone else who is left in the game.

    Also, I feel a bit naive - always thought the "live shows" we're live. However this was on the BBCanada website:

    "Last night’s Veto episode confirmed the double elimination would be part of Thursday’s “live” show, but that also means there’s a good chance spoilers will leak out since those shows are taped hours before broadcast." :(

  7. Well, I've certainly heard some doozies over the course of the show - but I just read one on the LFUs that's not likely to make the show, but it's got to be the best Andrew line so far!

    " Talla and Andrew were talking about boobs. Talla says she has some legit. She pulls her shirt tight and Andrew says "But that is a padded bra... I am not touching your boobs, not interested." She says "I am a C38." Andrew says "What is that? My underwear is large, just in the butt... C38 You have sunk my battleship!"

    Priceless! Do you have a favourite line so far?

  8. I just want to say thank you so much to the LFUs - your time and efforts are very much appreciated. I'd hoped to be more involved but life does throw us curves some times (much like BB). Having pitched in a few times I realize how very dedicated you have to be to do LFUs and I want you to know that your efforts have not gone unnoticed.

    What people see on the televised show often doesn't reflect what really goes on in the house.

    As a huge BB fan I want to extend my thanks to you, Fuskie and last but certainly not least, Morty.

    Lots and lots of hugs for you all.

  9. 1:04 BBT

    Talla, Jillian, topaz in the kit hen talking about BbUSA - how Dan made it to the end despite everyone knowing his game.

    Back to the hot tub - Emmet telling Alec about how Andrew said Alec should go and brought up the 10 grand. Alec says it shouldn't matter - it's all in the past. Alec tells Emmet that he trusts him. He says that he and Peter should have talked to him more, but leaving Topaz in the game would be a mistake. A little hard to hear with the hot tub noise. Alec again suggests getting rid of Topaz. Asks Emmet what makes him think that Talla would go after Topaz (if she wins HOH). Alec says Talla would put him up because she has been trying to get rid of him from the beginning. He says that Peter and Topaz will come after Emmet (like its unlikely to happen if its Peter and Alec).

    Emmet says its only Monday - lots can happen between now and then. Then Emmet says let's go in.

    1:20 BBT and I am out. Hope this helped a bit.

  10. 12:41 BBT

    Offering a quick update - sorry if it doesn't follow the rules - no one else seems to be reporting right now

    Emmet (looking hot) in the HT with Alec. Alec says he's looking forward to the end. Alec says the dumbest thing he did was to vote out AJ and Keep Andrew. It was an emotional decision. Says he likes Andrew...but (Alec trying to save himself).

    Emmet says making out is just for the show - not a real relationship - just friends making out.

    Alec says that his and Topaz's breakup was legit and that it is weird that they are on the block together.

    Emmet asks if Topaz is mad - Alec says yes - at Jillian.

    Alec (again trying to save himself) says that Topaz has the ability to win the whole thing.

    In the meantime, on another camera, Topaz and Talla are dancing???

  11. I have to admit, she's grown on me. I hope to see her and Andrew in F2.

    I'd like to see them in the final two as well, but....if you look geographically at the votes in the jury house she could win. If they judge on better game play then he would win I think.

    Talla is a sweetie - just has a little growing up to do. But, one thing I will say for her is that what you see is what you get - no pretence about her.

  12. Based on what I've seen and read I would say they are definitely in trouble. Jillian decides in the end who goes home this week. If she puts Alec and Peter up and wants one of them gone they are done for. If one of them wins POV and comes off the block, Topaz will go up. Emmett and Andrew will vote the way she wants them to. Even if the other two don't vote the same way, Jillian will break the tie - she decides who goes. IMO they are in big trouble!!! (Doing the happy dance!)

    Edited after reading LFUs. I didn't know that Jillian had made a deal with Topaz....I still think that in the end one of them (Peter or Alec) will go out the door - and it will be quite a interesting evening seeing that its a double eviction....fasten your seat belts.

  13. I've so loved watching the show so far. People say that Canadians are too nice - and I am happy to say we are. With a few exceptions on this show, we just find it easier to be nice than to be nasty. For example, Emmet telling both nominees they were going up. And the lack of major drama when HGs have left. We are so polite for the most part aren't we? For those who thought we were going to get the American version of BB - sorry to disappoint, but we are who we are and should be proud of it - the kinder gentler version of BB. Keep enjoying the show.

  14. Just read the rest of the message - it said live feeds would be back after 9pm on Sunday. Enjoy your weekend off LFU's.

    Yes, it means that the Live Feeds will be off until after Sunday's 9PM broadcast.

    And it's not the live feeds that are only free until March 31st. Those will remain free throughout the season. What they are referring to is that the Slice "Free Preview" ends Sunday, March 31st. I presume this means that Canadians will have to begin paying for the channel if they don't already. I don't know much about it as I am an American, but that is what I've gleaned from the BBCA Facebook page.

    Thank you Shrinra - I just figured out the live feeds not being available until Sunday - but I have Slice as one of my channels so I don't need to worry about that particular part of it. Happy Easter!

  15. Yes, from the footage broadcast certainly wasn't the innocent prank that it first appeared. However also from the broadcast footage Tom was stood in front of the cubicle when it was opened so nothing could have been caught on camera anyway.

    Anyhow, with Tom gone I think Alec is in danger of turning from the good guy to the bad guy - maybe power really does go to peoples heads in BB but since he won the Veto then HoH I've found him far less likeable.

    No spoilers here, but it will be interesting to see how things go with the new HOH - I don't think he or she will show their true colours yet.

  16. Just went online to check in on the live feeds. The message says that a surprise eviction is about to shake up Big Brother Canada - and we're keeping it secret until Sunday Night's episode....does that mean no live feeds until then? Also, I've seen a few lines that seem to imply the live feeds are only free until March 31 - can anyone enlighten me on that?

  17. Telling Emmett that he wants to take Peter to the end instead of him. Well played Alec. Telling Andrew he would fight to save Peter if they were on the block together. Another nice maneuver! Why doesn't he go tell Topaz he wants her out soon too while he's being so honest and upfront with everyone?

    Well said - talk about putting a target on your back - well he just handed over the proverbial gun. Topaz (if its possible that she would be loyal) would be more loyal to Gary than she would to Alec. We've seen what happens to people who get too cocky in this game.

  18. It's funny how he thinks he has the game in his hands, yet he totally was played by Liza. His alliance with Alec isn't controlling anything.

    Agreed - with any luck their little house of cards is going to come tumbling down. I am just trying to imagine in my own little mind who I want to be responsible for evicting him.....Gary would be great but it would be better if he were played by Talla....roflmao!

  19. Hopefully before too long Emmett will go so she can start to focus on the game. I have high hopes for her.

    Agree with you Zig - of the female players left she's the only one I'd like to see win. I would have liked to see Suzette near the end, but I think it's almost a forgone conclusion that she's gone this week. My favs - Jillian, emmet, Gary and Andrew. The others are just to cocky and full of themselves....thinking that their being in the final four is almost assured. Come on BBC shake up this game again.



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