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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 9:27am hg are walking around and sitting in by just general chat going on 9:32am MCcrae and amanda telling jessie she will stay on the block but she isnt going home and for her to trust them. jessie says ok i trust you. 9:35am andy telling people in the by that if you want mor dr time just be a have not they talked to him all night about being a have not. everyone is laughing 9:39am :andy, jessie,judd and spencer on by couch talling about the walking dead and first blood .MCcrae and amanda in hoh bed talking about eviction and MCcrae tells her to just relax. 9:47am andy and jessie in kt putting dishes away and talking about movies. spencer and helen in by talking about helen talking about talking to MCcrae. spencer says just be careful how you talk to them. 9:56am candice pops her head into hoh rm and asked if amanda and MCcrae wanted breakfast burittos they says yes please now candice is in st room getting bacon to cook. jessie is doing dishes. 9:58am : howard comes in and says you ladies be careful going outside barefooted he found broken glass between the weights and the hammock. candice said maybe thats what got gina marie lastnight.
  2. 12:03 AM BBT She did NOT say that. She said Elissa shouldn't betray them. 12:00 AM BBT Amanda telling Judd and Andy that she told Elissa that they were keeping her so she has to do whatever they say or she's out 12:04 AM BBT Judd says Aaryn once asked him to work with her and she told him she has friends in this house. Amanda says it's like the 12:11 AM BBT hgs think there will be nine jury members. That's what they "heard." 1:05 AM BBT Spencer and Andy are filling in Helen on their new alliance and their plan to save Elissa. Helen agrees to the plan 1:13 AM BBT Andy/Helen/Spencer are talking about Harry Potter books. 1:14 AM BBT Andy thinks Judd is Elmer Fudd's grandson. 2:38 AM BBT Amanda tells Elissa that after veto ceremony she needs to come clean about being Rachel's sister to the people that are saving her 2:53 AM BBT Jeremy says he can't believe he got stung by a bee, Andy says that was 6 days ago. Jeremy says it's blistered up and hurts 3:40 AM BBT Spencer, Andy, Nick, Judd, Amanda, McCrae still up in backyard, talking movies, everyone else in bed 4:00 AM BBT The group from outside has finally gone inside. 4:16 AM BBT Nick and Spencer talking outside. Spencer fills in Nick on his " mega alliance" with Amanda/Judd/Andy 4:20 AM BBT Nick tells Spencer he feels Helen and Amanda are threats 4:27 AM BBT Spencer wants Nick to vote for Jessie to make him seem clueless to the rest of the house 4:29 AM BBT Spencer wants Aaryn, Kaitlin, Andy and Amanda out before jury 4:34 AM BBT Nick wants to get Amanda out 4:45am BBT just general chat going on 4:59am BBT Spencer is telling Nick that Candice is in "no mans land". Nick says how noeone talks to Candace. She just talks to herself. They both agree that the girls will pick each other off. Spencer seems worried about Jeremy because of Kaitlin. Both the guys are scared of David because he is a smart guy whose good at comps. Spencer tells nick of his hatred for AAryn. He says that she only cares about her acting carrerr. Nick says he would do this show for free. Nick tells Spencer that he thinks AAryn will do whatever it takes. Discussion turns to AAryn telling Kaitlin that they both will not see the boys after the show. Spencer calls her a name and Nick laugh. The two agree that when the vote comes out, they (the girls) are going to freak out. 5:39 AM BBT Spencer "Good Talk" Nick "Great Talk" Spencer goes inside to sleep. Nick stayed outside. Nick finally goes to sleep
  3. 11:07am by couch talk with spencer,andy,david and jeremy are talking about how long it too production to figure out elissa didnt have her word spelled correctly in the pov comp lastnight. jeremy says production loves her family dudes. bb calls them all out and tells the to stop talking about production. andy says if she colapses in the back yard do we help her (elissa) jeremy says she is a have no she gets no help. 11:17am aaryn in wca doing makeup, elissa in wc . most of the gg are in the kitchen and outside getting ready to eat breakfast and lay out by the pool all day. 11:22am :andy in kt doing trivia with the ladies about pancake mix. 11:30am : candice is still cooking breakfast for everyone she has made pancakes, eggs, bacon and french toast. 11:32am david and jeremy in by talking about mccrae needs to use the pov and get elissa out that he knows everyone wants her out. david says aaryn is in there talking to elissa now, jeremy says yeah that makes me nervous. 11:38am helen in wca with aaryn talking about being married and how happy she is. 11:47am helen is waiting for candice to finish cooking so she can make slp pancakes, all the men are in the kt waiting for the eggs to finish cooking so they can eat breakfast. 11:50am amanda and jessie in by smoking jeremy gets up and says he has to leave before they blacken his lungs . 11:55am andy tells aaryn that since elissa is rachels sister she should have layed low this week instead of coming off strong cuz she screwed herself. aaryn says yeah i know .
  4. 10:02am Judd and andy talking about trusting each other and we get foth 10:08am bb woke all the hg andy and helen by doing laundry . howard brushing teeth judd sitting in wc says he just wants to chill outside all day . 10:10am : judd and andy in kt talking about making food just to smell it since they are on slop. judd says i am so hungry. 10:12am helen says she had to leave the kt lastnight when they made spaghetti cuz that was her favorite. judd says i know i went to hoh to get away from it and they came up there . 10:17am howard is in the plane rm reading the bible to elissa while andy and helen are in wca whispering who they want to leave this week. 10:19am helen is telling andy if they keep elissa they can have an ally nexst week she will be weak and work with us. 10:23am kaitlyn is now up in wc excited to be able to go outside today she starts brushing her teeth and showing everyone her bruises she has from the pov comp lastnight. 10:25am andy says he is going outside today so he can get heated up and then take a cold shower later he hasnt had a shower in 2 days he says. 10:32am : jeremey and spencer on the by couch talking about elissa . spencer is saying he likes elissa but maybe we need to get him out early he is a good competitor . spencer says but you cant talk to MCcrae cuz you cant get amandas ass away from him long enough to talk to him. and elissa feels alone and helen can talk to her. 10:39am most hg in kt general chit chat about food and laying out. spencer , jeremy and judd in by talking about elvis. 10:48am david joins jeremy and spencer in the by . jeremy says i cant believe you got 3rd nomination. david says i cant either i didnt know anyone was against me. 10:56am howard at kt table eating cereal kaitlyn in kt cooking pancakes ,most hg in by sitting around chit chstting and helen walking in by.
  5. 5:04pm elissa tells david that he should get himself off the block that he cant trust his friends. david says if you was mvp would you nominate me? she says she feels like anything in this game to people is used against you she says she feels like all this game is about her and if she is gone is there going to be a story? david said you brought a good point to me. elissa says why would they put rachels sister in a house with normal people? 5:06pm david and aaryn are in storage rm aaryn says no matter what happens dont be upset if you dont get pov cuz you upset easy. 5:10pm arryn says if elissa had come in and said that i am rachels sister then i would have said wow cool i love rachel but she came in and didnt say that but i came in here to tell you if you dont win pov dont freak out and put a target on your back.
  6. 4:34pm : elissa, mccrae,howard and spencer in hoh talking about getting to know everyone better. most of the hg in kt eating and talking just general chat. 4:39pm jeremy is trying to open the back door he is now in wc talking to kaitlyn and tells her he will win hoh and put her up . he promises kaitlyn he will never let her go anywhere. 4:41pm in the hoh rm the talk is about taking a nap they are all tired 4:45pm kaitlyn is telling andy and judd and jeremy and nick that elissa has a stomach problem andy says my stomack hurts too and i am weak as hell. 4:52pm candice and kaitlyn in the bedroom in bed talking bb tells them to not obstruct your mic. 4:54pm david and elissa talking in the hall elissa says do you think i would put you up and want you to go home? david says i dont know. david says are you gonna tell me the truth that you put me up elissa says no i didnt david says are you rachels sister and elissa doesnt say anything david says you are look at your face. 4:56pm elissa says if i was mvp do you think i would put you up david says i dont know elissa says well they are all lying they all want me out of the house and i have never lied about being rachels sister so why do they want me out. 4:58pm elissa says i didnt want to play this game like rachel she was mean at times i aint like her.
  7. 1:00pm :amanda is in the br looking for her glasses that have dissapeared. she says she doesnt think anyone would steal them but she cant find them. 1:06pm Aaryn is doing her hair and gina and helen are sitting and talking about cleaning the bathroom and how everyone dirtys up all the towels helen says everyone says they should all have their own colored towels so they didnt have to use other peioples towels. then talk goes to tampons and the applicators and how unsanitary it is. 1:13pm howard is at the table eating just general chat going on through the house as they wait for MCcrae to come out of the dr. 1:21pm candice and nick in br talking about the pov and that there will be 7 players in the pov the head of household the three nominees and 3 other players selected nick says thats right your right. 1:27pm helen and MCcrae are in the hoh talking helen tells him he is up against the wall now and he says yeah but i have to do it i just have to helen says i know you do. helen says she told me about rachel and that she said she told you but she didnt say she told amanda. MCcrae says amanda we have to watch and helen agrees. 1:33pm helen and MCcrae talking about getting stronger players out quick and soon she wants to backdoor jeremy. 1:35pm helen says she is gonna conitnue what she has been doing cuz elissa trust her and she is gonna keep it that way. untill they can send her out. 1:43pm nick, howard and amanda talking about they need out in the sun cuz in the house you go crazy..amanda says she needs to sleep she is tired. 1:44pm amanda says she doesnt trust nick as far as she can throw him after he walks out of the room and howard laughs she says he is playing and acting like dan . 1:47pm foth
  8. 12:08pm : nick and elissa in the kt nick is making fries and elissa is making slop. 12:10pm Aaryn in wc saying to andy and amanda that she cant believe that someone made helen cry she is so sweet and she was crying. Aaryn is pleading to america to make helen mvp next week. spencer is trimming his beard. 12:12pm Aaryn tells spencer that she hope america doesnt keep voting for elissa because she is rachels sister it sucks and i was feriouse about it. 12:16pm MCcrae is telling candice that she will get pulled off of the block if pov is won and elissa will go up she screwed herself. amanda says if we save you dont come after MCcrae ever cuz you were not the target you never was. 12:22pm andy and jessie talking and andy says you know you aint the target you will be safe everyone wants you to win you know that right? she says yes i am excited now. 12:28pm in the hoh jessie is saying she wants to know who the 3rd nom is amanda asked Mccrae if he is eating today he says he isnt eating he didnt eat yesterday either from stress if he eats he will get sick. amanda tells candice and jessie they have to win pov and thsat it is a matter of staying or going this week. 12:31pm hoh rm is talking about how to count numbers in a comp and amanda says they try to confuse you though. 12:39pm : kaitlyn anf jeremy making their bed as candice watches them and elissa is playing with something on the dresser. elissa says her face is so dry. candice asked do you have lotion elissa says yeah i even used neosporin on my face but it is still dry. 12:43pm elissa , gina and aaryn are cleaning the wc kaitlyn is cleaning the br's and gathering towels to be washed. 12:48pm amanda and MCcrae are still in the hoh rm tsalking about elissa and amanda says the house thinks you are in an alliance MCcrae says they will see when i put her up. amanda says i need to eat and MCcrae says he does too. 12:49pm MCCrae called to the dr and he says oh here we go and everyone leaves the hoh rm. 12:53pm most hg in kt and upstairs around the chess game just general chit chat about cheerrleading and cooking.
  9. 11:07am elissa in hoh talking to MCrae he tells her he doesnt put up the mvp she does.MCrae says if my noms come off with pov then i pick someone else to go up and if the mvp comes off you pick she says really he says i think so if not then that is super blood on my hands. 11:09am MCcraE tells elissa that she needs to put up the strongest person so we can get a strong player out. elissa says if i have mvp and then you get it then we can work together ya know. she says Aaryn has been so mean to her that she would like to put her up but she wont. elissa says i just dont want a mean girl to like bully me but i dont think she will go home. 11:11am MCcrae tells elissa he wants to work with her and keep her safe but not at the cost of his own game then spencer comes in. 11:13am spencer leaves and elissa says dont tell anyone she got mvp. Mcrae says the best bet is to put up someone that wont get mvp. elissa says she will tell nick not to win veto and she wont put him up. MCrae says you could put up david. elissa says will they vote him out? MCcrae says i dont know. 11:16am elissa says i want to work with you but i cant if you cant commit that you wont put me up. MCcrae says i cant do that i cant promise that, 11:18am MCcrae says if i have to put you up and elissa interupts and says if you put me up and i dont go home then i wont work with you.elissa says what if we tell everyone to keep the noms the same and MCcrae says it wont work candice will go off. 11:26am Judd joins the hoh room and asked elissa if she got the mvp she says no that Aaryn must have gotten it.judd says really she says yeah and then says how mean Aaryn is. judd says you swear you didnt get it elissa says i wont swear but i would tell people if i did. elissa says i feel like i have told everyone everything and it screwed me. judd says me she says no just everyone and she tells judd that MCcrae says he is gonna put me up. judd says candice will probably go home she is pissing people off left and right. 11:28am elissa says i told you if i go on the block i will go home and if i dont i will not trust you. elissa says i am not saying anything to anyone cuz what you say they use against you. 11:30am amanda has now joined the hoh and elissa is sitting there not talking now playing with her hair 11:34am nick , gina and andy talking about the pageant lastnight and how helen won. gina says she likes to have people feel good about themselves and she doesnt judge people. 11:37am MCcrae is telling elissa if she puts up a strong player this week and you tell people if she stays this week then next week she has the target and he says she will stay this week. 11:39am elissa says she feels like candice and jessie arent playing the game. MCcrae says i feel if there are others on the block then you wont go home. 11:42am MCcrae says he is gonna tell everyone that we could get david this week cuz elissa will self destruct next week and david is in a strong showmance and this might be our only chance to get david out. 11:45am MCcrae says if you put david up and someone else gets the veto then they will take david off cuz he is liked then that screws us and you have to pick someone else to go up.elissa says i still think you make the replacement noms. Mccrae says if i have to choose the replacement i will be pissed that makes 3 i have to put up. 11:49am amanda in kt telling candice that her conversation with helen and her telling helen the plan to backdoor elissa screwed herself. amanda says you telling helen things and if helen wins pov she wont use it and you are going home. so you need to watch what you say. candice says ok thank you for telling me but helen and i have just been talking. 11:52am : amanda tells candice that no matter what happens in this veto comp to keep your cool or else you will go home so just keep your cool no matter what. 11:53am amanda now in wc talking to helen telling her to just lay low and not worry so she can stay safe. helen says ok thank you for telling me. 11:58am elissa leaves hoh as spencer, jeremy and judd comes in and says i heard it was getting a lil tense in here so we come to save you . MCcrae says she hates me now.
  10. 10:03am : amanda is still making her iced coffee in the kt . most hg are in the lr talking about movie stars and who they like and dont like .elissa still in hnr reading a bible, 10:10am howard and david are now upstairs playing chess. helen in lr saying her husband was probably watching the feeds late lastnight and he is probably at work now. 10:15am aaryn and kim talking about arryns hair extentions. they are perminent and can stay as long as she wants them to stay she says they can be reused untill they turn bad. 10:20am elissa and andy are talking in the hnr elissa is worried she is going to go up and is worried about this pov comp andy tells her if she gets lucky enough to get in there to fight her ass off. andy gets called to dr. david and howard are still playing chess . spencer, MCcrae,Aaryn and helen in lr talking about aaryn not ever getting roses on her birthday. 10:24am gina, amanda. and nick in br talking about the music bb played this morning amanda says in the beginning it was scary 10:31am gina saying that she has had to rescue people from elissa and if certain people go on the block then we know that elissa is mvp but since she is rachels sister she might have mvp this week . 10:34am gina says elissa tries to hard . amanda says the first day when elissa talked to me she cried to me and she cries to everyone. gina says she is cool with howard and she kisses my ass. amanda says yeah now. gina laughs and says yeah now. 10:36am amanda telling gina elissa has several personalities and we keep getting foth. 10:41am nick asking if MCcrae puts people up does he get to vote too. amanda says no only if there is a tie. nick leaves the room and amanda and gina are talking about how many votes you will need to stay. she says we dont count MCcrae or candice or jessie and we dont count the mvp. ginna says if it is a tie like 4,4,4, then MCrae breaks the tie do you think he will vote her(elissa) out? amanda says no. 10:45am nick ,david, and helen in kt talking about nick throwing his boxers away after the first hoh comp because they was brown after the comp and he didnt want people to think she messed in them. 10:49am amanda telling gina and Aaryn that if elissa doesnt go on the block then she is the mvp. they both agree with her. 10:53am spencer walkes in the room where the girls are talking. gina says people are acting weird. amanda says the other day she started cooking cuz she felt weird. and its weird when people are getting called to the dr. gina says she is just chilling if anything happens it happens. 10:59am helen and david are in the kt talking about helens family.amanda,gina and Aaryn are still in the br talking about elissa. amanda said that elissa said if she won mvp she would put up nick.
  11. 1:38am a few of the hg are in the kt fixing themselves a snack before bedtime just general chat going on. 1:45am jeremy gina and kaitlin talking about how much money they gave bb to get their stuff jeremy says he told bb to take it off his tab at the end since he is gonna win and the girls are gonna give him the money.
  12. 1:19am MCcrae is in hoh playing with a plane that is on the dresser saying oh god. feeeds switch to have nots sleeping on the plane seats in have not room. 1:21am in the wc gina and arryn are taking off makeup. in hoh MCcrae and andy are talking about talking to judd .MCcrae says he needs to talk to judd and tell him to stick with him and he will go far. 1:28am andy in hoh telling MCcrae he has had so many one on ones today its crazy . they are saying someone doesnt talk game and its scary and they need to talk to him . andy leaves the room and we get foth. 1:31am gina, arryn and candice in wc gina is sticking tampons up her nose david comes in and arryn says stop grabbing your wienner then asked gina what she is doing she tells him putting tampons up her nose . arryn says are you happy now that you wasted 2 tampos and gina says yeah.
  13. 11:52pm david walks in the room with jeremy and jessie to get his toothbrush jeremy says andy needs to follow you to brush your teeth david says yeah and they laugh david cant find everyone else jeremy says he will have a target now for laying in bed and talking to jessie she says no you wont and they hug and jeremy leaves the room. 11:56pm arryn is talking about she will go home this week and how the bbmvp is crap cuz no one will help her she is on her own 12:03am candice is telling david she needs to get her ass off the block so she needs to win veto david laughs and says yeah. 12:11am candice is mad she was put on the block and she is bad mouthing MCcrae.... she says i just dont get it. jeremy is saying he is going to go confront mccrae about him being with one of the girls and why he is. 12:20am :candice and jessie talking about them being put on the block and how they think elissa has mvp and putting someone up and jessie thinks MCcrae is wanting to work with the mvp 12:21am candice says the game of pawns is different now and now they have the mvp that makes it different now. jessie says if the mvp tells her they are then everyone will think america likes you 12:27am aaryn is telling david that upstairs they was talking about mvp and how if its elissa she will get put up and if she wins the pov and takes herself off then she is still safe because she is mvp david says he didnt think about that. 12:37am :talk in the hoh with most hg are talking about the mvp helen says in a normal season you might go up on the block 2 or 3 times and now you might go up 6 times helen says here is the problem with mvp is you might go home sooner 12:38am gina says ok i got a question if it was americas vote this week then what happens next week? and is it gonna be the same person every week if america votes cuz america likes one person? 12:44am : amanda says that MCcrae said if he wins pov he will take candice or jessie off the block and put up elissa. 12:50am most hg are getting ready for bed most lights are off already and most talk is about the mvp and the veto comp they think will be tomorrow 12:53am :amanda and gina is storage rm talking aboit kaitlin being upset with jeremy and amanda says i knew she was mad and jeremey came out odf the room and said are you made at me too and amanda said she told him now but she is upset with you huh and jeremy told her yes. 12:56pm aaryn says as she takes off makeup that she cant believe that gina made them look like playboy bunnies and she could never do her make up like that on her own. 1:00am most hg are saying goodnight and andy turns the lights out. in the have not room they are sleeping on airplane seats.
  14. 11:26pm jessie telling arryn about jeremy and kaitlin and how they are snuggling now after herself and jeremy was untill she was nominated now she feels jeremy is making a fool out of her on national tv and we get foth. 11:36pm jeremy talking to jessie about her getting upset over kaitlin snuggling with him and he says he told jessie to come sleep in his bed that first night but she didnt come sleep with him and he didnt mean to hurt anyones feelings and he has no intentions of hooking up with kaitlin. 11:39pm jeremy says jessie is not processing any of this she gets upset when he with kaitlin only not when he is with others. 11:41pm : jeremy tells jessie all these girls are coming on to him he isnt trying to hook up with any of these girls in here but i wont push them away he says but if we wasnt in this house you are my type. 11:43pm jeremy says you girls are mind bangers and this is a game and i dont want to get screwed. jessie says i know where you are coming from and you are playing this game for yourself. 11:44pm jeremy says to jessie i want you to know i have eyes for you but i am playing the game and i wont push anyone off and if i do it shows we are together and we met in this situation not anywhere else and i i am sorry i dont mean to hurt your feelings.
  15. 10:43pm jessie . kaitlin and aaryn are in the wc talking and changing clothes.they head to the lvr with everyone else is sitting and talking about fears. 10:48pm : kaitlin and aarynin bdrm changing clothes everyone else in lvrm just general chatting . amanda called to dr. 10:50pm candice and gina on couches talking about googling each other candice asked gina if she googled her would she find anything gina says yeah like 20 pages with pageants and stuff. 10:53pm : aaryn says she thinks something bit her and conversation in kt turns to bugs. 10:56pm kaitlin is in hoh talking to gina about someone being mad at her she says nick is coming up. they are talking about someone being jelouse of kaitlin 10:59pm nick now joins kaitlin and gina after he goes to the wc and says he needs to start washing his hands more. 11:03pm : andy asking gina how her foot is she says its hurts like hell and they start laughing (her foot was hurt in the have/havenot comp) down in the kthelen is teaching jeremy and howard how to season food 11:04pm helen says she is making slop balls . they have been on slop for 5 days now howard says. 11:08pm gina and McCrea are dancing in the hoh rm and gina says she needs to do a strip tease for andy and they laugh 11:11pm elissa is in the bdr putting lotion on her leggs and talking to amandashe tells her i just want to say look rachel i love you and brenchel army you better be watching me. 11:13pm :elissa joind gina and kaitlin in the hoh and we get foth 11:19pm :jessie has gone to bed and is in the dark talking to judd and nick about being a nominee she says she is fine with it and she knows like in the back of her mind she can never trust anyone and that she has her wits about her and is just chillin.
  16. 9:27pm most hg are in a plane room playing trivia nick and and howard are in hoh talking about jeremy 9:28pm nick and howard saying if elissa makes it past 2 weeks she might be a problem howard agrees it might be. 9:30pm amanda is in plane room playing trivia with jeremy ,spencer, andy and mccrea 9:32pm back in hoh nick tells howard it is tough not talking to the guys during the day, howard says he is going to talk to spencer later . 9:34pm howars says that bb told them that the live feeds would start in 45 minutes, nick says so we are on now howard says we are on 9:37pm nick asking elissa how shwe is holding up? she says you mean like my stomach nick says yeah. she says i wish i had something and nick says you need to drink more water and elissa agrees. bb gets on to elissa for her mic not being on 9:38pm elissa says that the have have not comp was not as tough as the hoh comp at least you werent as cold as in hoh comp. 9:40pm elissa says ok i am going to go to the fashion show. jeremy says there is a fashion show she says yeah but i dont think the girls are ready as elissa leaves nick tells howard that the best and hardest thing is is to trust each other and not hang out together or else this alliance wont work. 9:44pm candice and helen are in the bathroom getting ready for the fashion show and talking about there is a huge oppertunity but it is just who will take the oppertunity then jeremy walks in and tells them about the plane room and how you can prop your feet up and make the seat in there like a pallet 9:48pm david is carrying gina marie through the lr and into a bedroom and sits her down on a bed she tells him thankyou. 9:50pm mccrea and andy are in the hoh rm mccrea asking where the fashion show will be at andy says i dont know i walked out. 9:52pm andy and mccrea talking mcrea asking who are have nots he says me judd,howars,helen and elissa are 9:55pm the girls are in the lamp bdrm dressing david in a dress and heels saying how tall he is.
  17. hi everyone i am excited for the new season right now is an 8 but as we get closer it will go up fast.... hope for an all ner cast this year also just hope we do not see jesse this year at all. we have had enough of him and rachel
  18. @Frankeudy you are amazing frank so glad you won Americas choice.

  19. Want to see if anyone sees this

  20. just wanted to say hello and let you know i am ready for the lfu this season again see you in chat soon

  21. hope to see you soon suzy

  22. rest in peace my friend you will be missed very much here

  23. peeking around the corner

  24. hmmmmmmm cant remember am i new????? hmmmmmmm nooooooo i guess i am old well anyways miss everyone in chat



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