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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 11:04am BBT:Judd in the hoh bathroom fixing to take a shower. andy is walking around the house looking bored . Helen is still running. Elissa is being called to the dr. 11:11am BBT: Helen and Andy in living rm talking about her friend that babysits her kids and she pays her in gifts. 11:13am BBT: Aaryn is now up. Helen says Bb you want us to clean the house? come on what do you think we are hg? and they laugh. Helen is now cleaning the bathroom mirrors. 11:18am BBT: candice is now up . aaryn putting makeup on in wa. helen is now cleaning the kt.andy drinking coffee and Spencer sitting in kt watching Helen clean. 11:26am BBT: Spencer asking helen what he can do to help now. Helen says we need the recycle stuff taken to the sr. Helen says we need to vaccum bb the kt floor is gross .In the wa is Judd Jessie and Aaryn just general talk. Candice and Howard in have not rm talking. Candice says you need to stop stressing. Howard says i am not stressed. and we get foth. 11:31am BBT: Spencer Andy, Judd and Helen in hoh rm. Elissa is heading up to hoh rm. Now all hg are heading to hoh rm for an hoh lockdown. Elissa asking Helen if she wanted some fruit and Helen says i am good. Helen says we have alot of eggs left. Jeremy ate alot of eggs and pizza and hg start laughing. Jessie is in the hoh bathroom blowdrying her hair. 11:36am BBT: all hg in hoh rm for a lockdown and we get foth which has now turned to trivia.
  2. 10:02am BBT: Hg still sleeping. 10:05am BBT: we now have foth maybe bb waking the hg for the day. 10:18am BBT: Jessie and Andy in kt making coffee. they go in the cockpit and Andy says that Judd wants everyone in the house to agrree on someone to vote out and lastnight we was in the hoh and agreed kaitlin will go home today. Jessie says ok and they leave the cockpit. Helen is getting ready to run in the house as they are on lockdown. 10:21am BBT: Judd is up in hoh rm gathering everyone dirty dishes from lastnight to take downstairs.Andy is looking at the memory wall as Helen runs in the house for her morning workout. 10:32am BBT: Judd gets a cup of coffee and joins Jessie in hoh rm. Judd is talking about his bear shirt.Jessie wants to wear it but Judd says it is dirty but she could hand wash it. She says i will wait. Helen is still running downstairs. 10:36am BBT: Judd is telling Jessie that everyone wants Kaaitlin out because she wanted amanda out but my reason is because she is a good player and for social reasons. Jessie says yeah she has beat others at comps and she always said her and jeremy was going to win and there are countless reasons she needs to go. 10:43am BBT: Andy joins Judd and Jessie in hoh. Jessie tells Andy that she was just telling zjudd that he did good as hoh. Andy says yeah he did.Judd is asking Andy if he gets to keep the robe and Andy says surely you can. 10:48am BBT: Andy asking Judd what the 5 of them (spencer, Howard, Amanda, Mccrae) talk about after i went to bed lastnight. Judd says nothing really we was just talking. 10:52am BBT: Judd saying Helen is still running in the house.Andy says she is always running. Judd says she talks to Howaed and spencer as she worksout. He says one day we had the screen on and seen her. Andy laugh. Andy says i just fook my last cold shower. Judd says i think i will take a shower up here before they kick me out . He says i am glad i didnt bring all my stuff up here. 10:55am BBT: Andy saying Candice is always slamming doors and cabinets. Jessie says yeah she doesnt care and slams cabinets and i am trying to take a nap and she just slams things. Andy says she cant walk quiet either she shuffles. Jessie says yeah she shuffles and they start laughing. 10:57am BBT: Helen is still running in the house. Judd, Jessie and Andy still in hoh talking about how crazy Amanda is. Judd says we just have to get Mccrae to keep her calm.
  3. 11:02pm BBT: Aaryn and Andy and Judd on by couch talking about pasta and how it turns to sugar as you eat it and makes you tired. helen is running in the by. Jessie is in the kt making coffee. 11:05pm BBT: Aaryn is laughing telling Andy and JUdd that howard came in the rm lastnight and made his bed then left. Aaryn says Howard is always making his bed. and yesterday Judd went in the rm to take a nap and layed on the one bed that was made up and it was Howards. so lastnight after Judd got up he washed the sheets and thats why he was making the bed lastnight. Judd says he washed em after i took a nap and Aaryn laughs and says yes . 11:11am BBT: Judd is talking about what he put in his blog yesterday. he says he told in the blog about coppying everything Andy was doing and they are all laughing.jessie is now on by couch listening and drinking her coffee. 11:13am BBT: Jessie,Judd,Andy and Aaryn talking about danny danoto and how they liked her and how everyone turned on her in season 13.now talk goes to the fish in the tank upstairs. Jessie says dont talk about those fish it messes you up. 11:17am BBT: Aaryn says i want to vomit everytime spencer says things about your breast and your body. Jessie says he says things like that. Aaryn says yeah all the time. she says thats gross why does he do that? Aaryn says he always does. 11:19am BBT:jessie says i am going to pretend you didnt tell me that arryn. i wont even be able to look at him now. and Aaryn laughs. 11:22am BBT: Most hg are still sleeping. Aaryn Jessie and Judd are still talking in the by about spencers girlfriend back home and Jessie is talking about being on slop and feeling tired all the time. helen is still running in the by. Jessie says if anyone makes me a have not next week i swear i will get them back if i win hoh.Arryn tells Jessie if she wins hoh she wont put her on slop. She says if you win hoh next week please put me on have not i need to lose weight anyways and i have never been on it. 11:28am BBT: Amanda is now up and going to str to change her battieries. Amanda looks at the suitcases as she walks to the batteries.Judd tells Aaryn he has to talk to Ginamarie today. Aaryn says just make sure that things arent going to change. Judd says yeah i will. Amanda walks to the kt and says goodmorning to Andy and she says she got so sad this morning. Andy says why? Amanda says Mccrae's stomack made noises and i thought my dog was here. 11:33am BBT:Amanda and Andy in cockpit talking. Andy is just repeating everything to her, she leaves and Andy goes back to cooking his slop. Judd walks in and hugs Amanda. Helen is called to the dr. She says they always call me before i do my makeup. 11:40am BBT: :Aaryn and Jessie and Judd in by talking about who has the votes and who doesnt. Aaryn says if you tell Howard and spencer that the majority of the house is voting out Kaitlin then they will vote with the house. Aaryn says they said they will vote with the house. 11:50am BBT: general talk in the byabout dogs. Helen is in the kt putting dishes away. 11:52am BBT: Helen and Jessie in cockpit. Helen says after you went to bed lastnight everything got pinned on amanda. helen says she had a talk with Elissa but alot of people have been protecting you and if you want to work by yourself do it later but right now you put a target on your alliance. helen says she told Elissa that Howard and Spencer are going to win hoh and come after you now. she says Elissa says well it is my vote and i needed to know the truth.
  4. 10:04am BBT: Andy laying on the hammock alone. Aaryn in wa washing her face. 10:07am BBT: Helen is now in the wa changing her clothes.Aaryn putting on makeup. andy still laying on the hammock alone in the by. 10:09am BBT: Judd is now up in wa helen says good morning Judd he says morning. 10:15am BBT: Helen goes out to the by Andy says is there anyone else up yet she says Aaryn is. Andy says did you talk to Elissa lastnight. she says i did i asked her why she said anything to kaitlin . she said i just needed to know the truth about what was happening.helen says Elissa said she doesnt need protection and helen told her she needs protection they are all coming after you.Helen says Elissa told her that her vote is her vote and helen told her that if they are in an alliance then they work together. 10:18am BBT: Helen says i told Elissa that she owes Judd an appoligy for going out and calling them all a liar.She says she does not owe Judd an appoligy.helen says i told her that she does judd is always keeping you in here and voting for you. she says she told elissa that they dont need any more targets on their backs and this will put a target on us. 10:20am BBT: helen says she told Elissa if she wants to work with me then think about what you are saying or come talk to me first. Helen says that one conversation with Kaitlin has damaged your game you went from a high in this game to a target now. 10:24am BBT: Helen says i need elissa to work with us but i feel that i am working for the alliance and Elissa is for herself but if she wants to be for herself then she needs to go before she outs us all when she gets mad at us she might. 10:27am BBT: Judd has now joined helen and andy by the hammock and they repeat what was going on lastnight. Judd says he still is confused about it. 10:28am BBT:helen saying she told Elissa that they could have takin Kaitlin out without blood on her hands but now we cant.helen says do we tell her tomorrow who to vote? Judd says i dont know. Helen says thats how we get Howard and Spencer to vote. 10:34am BBT: Helen and Andy and Judd still talking about what all Elissa had done lastnight. Helen says Elissa wont talk about it today but i think Kaitlin will keep it going and wont let it drop. 10:40am BBT: helen , Judd and andy still at the hamock repeating themselves alot and talking about the end of the show on finale . helen says i will take 2nd place. She says if Ginamarie makes it to jury i dont know.Aaryn is in the kt making breakfast for herself. 10:46am BBT:Helen says we have to make sure that whatever is said about amanda get squashed.Judd says being hoh your safe but you catch it all. Helen says i hope i win hoh again. helen says we all have to play as hard as possable. 10:51am BBT:Helen says i really think Howard is the mvp this week . she says i think he got the black vote and he might be daniell.s brother. Judd goes to the by couch to sit with Aaryn. helen says she is going to go run. she tells Aaryn that she did well lastnight when all the yelling was going on. Aaryn says thank you.Helen says Kaitlin is going to keep this going today so just stay cool today and keep quiet. Aaryn says yeah. 10:55am BBt: helen tells Aaryn that when she gives her word she keeps it but after lastnight she is going i cant do that. Judd says to Aaryn just stop aurguing with Elissa though ok? Aaryn says i did and starts laughing and saying Judd is starting crap and they laugh.
  5. 9:04am BBT: All hg still sleeping. 9:32am BBT: hg are still sleeping. 9:46am BBT: we are now on foth. Might be a wakeup call.
  6. 12:06pm BBT: Mccrae is now up he and Helen go to str. helen tells him that Andy.Jessie and judd have been talking about getting kaitlin out and that we need to tell them kaitlin is after them. Helen says i think if Aaryn gets it we have her put Spencer and Howard next week but they have to go up together. Mccrae says yeah they do. Helen says ok thats what you missed and they leave the str. 12:13pm BBT: Mccrae goes out to by and Judd and Andy tell him that they are going adter Howard and Spencer next week but dont tell amanda. He says ok i wont tell her. 12:17pm BBT: Andy asking Mccrae who he will put up if he wins hoh Howard and spencer? Mccrae says yeah we all need to be on that plan.Judd says i just dont want to be their target. Mccrae says you wont be Amanda and i will be. Judd says they want Amanda out before you Mccrae. 12:21pm BBT: Jessie is sweeping the kt. helen took a shower and is getting ready to go lay out by the pool. Judd and Mccrae and Andy sitting on by couch repeating everything about trying to get Spencer and Howard out and that they have to win hoh this week. Mccrae gets up and walks into the house and Andy says Mccrae has to go too i dont trust him then he says just kidding. 12:26pm BBT: Helen is taking amanda and Elissa to the str to talk she says ok Judd has been upstairs with spencer and Howard and Howard is working with Kaitlin so howard needs to go up with spencer next week.helen says dont tell anyone about the Judd , Howard and Spencer thing lets keep it quiet. they will go up next week. Amanda leaves the str and Helen tells Elissa that Howard is making deals with everyone in the house cuz they tried making a deal with me for final 4. 12:37pm BBT: Helen sitting in by with JUdd and Andy they are repeating themselves as Helen eats. Elissa and Amanda in the kt just general talk. 12:44pm BBT: Amanda is now out in by with Helen. Judd and Andy and jessie telling them everything that has already been sais and how Howard is telling things in the house that most the hg want her and Elissa out. she says he knows that i know he is making alliances with everyone in the house. Amanda says if i win hoh i am putting up Howard and Spencer for sure. andy says we all are. 12:47pm BBT: Elissa and Howard in the kt. Elissa is washing dishes.helen comes in and says i was gonna do those. 12:52pm BBT:helen is now washing dishes as Elissa is chopping onions for her breakfast she now goes to rinse off the cherry tomatoes. amanda and Mccrae and Judd and Andy still in by on couches talking about Howard and spencer going up when they win hoh and how they cant win veto against any of them. 12:56pm BBT: kaitlin is now up and goes to by . All talk stops and Kaitlin yawns and says it is hot out here. helen is still washing dishes. Elissa is cooking and Andy comes inside and ask zjessie if she will make slop balls today. Jessie says yeah. Howard is now in the by doing the eliptical.
  7. 11:01pm BBT:Andy says i feel like Aaryn feels more defeated than Kaitlin. kaitlin is mor aggressive than Aaryn.Helen says can we tell Howard and Spencer that the house is heard through the house that Kaitlin is after you and we need to get her out. Andy and Jessie agree. Jessie says plant the seed of doubt. 11:06pm BBT: Helen says after Andy goes in the house that she needs to go to confession after this show. She says i dont lie but i bend the truth alot. Andy runs to hoh to tell Judd what all has been said outside. 11:09am BBT: helen is telling Jessie that when Howard is gone Candice will be fine she will throw a fit at first but she will be ok. But if she wants to make it farther in this house Howard needs to go. 11:17BBT:Jessie says whats good is Judd will come out of this hoh looking good. Helen says yeah and Aaryn will be saved and i wouldnt do this if Judd wasnt ok with it. 11:19pm BBT: Helen saying last week her goodbye message to Aaryn was mean but this week was much nicer. Helen says and With Ginamarie it is either happy or mad at the world there is no medium with Ginamarie. 11:32am BBT: General talk with Helen and Jessie and Andy in the by about minority peopel in the workforce. all other hg still sleeping. 11:35am BBT: Jessie says i think our veterans are treated so bad. Helen says yeah if they are in the iraq war or any war they should have a job when they get back.Jessie says yeah they have so many skills from that. 11:38am BBT: helen says if we respect the military then why are they working like a bank clerk why dont they have high jobs in the government. 11:40am BBT: Jessie says i am down for some vollyball today. Helen says cool. she gets up and says i think i will have a cup of coffee then a shower then lay out for awhile this morning. Andy in the kt says there isn't one clean cup in this kt as helen walks through. 11:43am BBT: Helen and Andy looking at the pictures on the memory wall and talking about peoples looks and how good they look. Helen says look i have wrinkles in mine. Jessie is cleaning up and putting chairs back around the pool and moving pillows around. 11:48am BBT: Judd joins Andy , Helen and Jessie in the by he says he thinks Ginamarie is a doctor or a nurse or aomething. Judd then laughs and says i am just kidding. and they all laugh. Andy says i was fixen to get pissed. Helen telling Judd what they are going to tell spencer today to get him to vote out Kaitlin. Helen gets called to the dr. 11:51am BBT: Andy says i am just going to pretend that i am Howards best friend today and he laughs. Judd says Jessie come over here when you are done. She walks over there and Judd says i am sorry for outting you on the spot lastnight.Howard is now up and changed his batteries and now going to the wa. 11:58am BBT: Judd talking about him and Jessie and Andy will start voting out others when they are down to the three of them left in the alliance.
  8. 10:10am BBT: Judd,Jessie.Helen and Candice in by. Helen says i dont feel like starting my run. 10:12am BBT: helen says i cant believe Ginamarie swallowed 2 spoons of cinnamon lastnight. She says i always miss the good stuff or the bad when i go to bed early. 10:14am BBT: Andy come in and motions for Judd to go to hoh rm.Judd says Candice is so annoying.Andy says what did Kaitlin say when she wa with ya'll lastnight.Judd says he told Ginamarie on the hammock that he heard from a reliable source that Howard was the mvp and what he did it looked like Elissa did it.Judd says they are all thinking that Kailtlin is loyal and i might need to get you to tell them that kaitlin is coming after Howard and Spencer. Judd says i have to do something they are getting suspicoius of me wanting to keep Aaryn. 10:19am BBT: Judd and Andy are laughing that Howaerd and Spencer has an alliance with evryone in the house. Andy says do they not think that we all talk.In the kt Jessie is making coffee. 10:24am BBT: Andy tells Judd it is getting to the point where he cant stand to be around Spencer he is driving me crazy. Judd says yeah but Howard need to go. Andy says yeah he does need to go. 10:34am BBT: Andy says as soon as we get rid of the big threats then we can get rid of Elissa, she is a loose cannon. Judd says do you think they are trying to get rid of all the guys? Andy says no. Judd says thats what Spencer said. Andy says no Howard and Spencer lie about everything they need to go. 10:36am BBT: Helen is in the by running her laps for the day. Jessie is doing laundry. Most hg still in bed sleeping.Judd and Andy are doing alot of repeating themselves.Andy says to Judd i think Jessie is really loyal to you though. 10:45am BBT: Andy and Judd still in hoh talking about the other hg. Jessie cleaned the by and is now washing dishes and cleaning the kt. 10:49am BBT: Jessie is now on the by couch drinking coffee. Judd is in hoh going back to sleep. 10:52am BBT: Helen .Andy and Jessie in by talking about voting out Kaitlin this week.Helen says i want to win hoh this week and put Amanda and Mccrae up one of them needs to go.Andy says i dont know what they are thinking they have formed an alliance with everyone. Helen says yeah except Elissa and Me. Helen says where is Howards loyalty to Candice lay? Andy says i dont know. 10:56am BBT: Andy says i canr help but think if Howard or Spencer gets hoh this week they wont put up Aaryn or Ginamarie they will put up one of us. Helen says yeah.jessie says how did Howard get MVP? Helen says they are trying to portray him as a family man.
  9. 3:08pm BBT: Amanda and Mccrae in kt cooking and candice and jessie in by talking just general talk. 3:16pm BBT:Helen and Elissa and kaitlin still on by lounger. Kaitlin says someone is lying and we will find out who it s, she says everything else gets out eventually. Helen says yeah.In the kt amanda is still cooking and Andy walks in and says i am going to take a nap soon. MCcrae comes in and watches Amanda cook, he then leaves the kt. In the wa is Arryn who just got out of the shower and is combing her hair. 3:19pm BBT: Howard and Spencer on by couch talking. Howard says it is about time to strengthen their week and tell her we aren't voting her out. Howard says Helen and Elissa was up in Judd's rm talking to him for awhile and they stop talking.Spencer then says when the sun goes down we need to shoot some pool. 3:23pm BBT: Candice is now talking to Helen and Elissa she thinks Amanda might have the mvp this week. She says Ginamarie talked to Amanda earlier and after she seemed comfortable like she knew she wasnt going home. 3:26pm BBT: Judd is in hoh talking to Jessie.GinaMarie is in the by talking to Spencer and Andy. Ginamarie says they pick on the kid that is solo they took out my partner. Kaitlin comes out and says Ginamarie listen to this what if us 3 gurls ger voted out and they bring back David, jeremy and Nick. and she laugh. Ginamarie says good i can play with the boys and Andy laughs. 3:34pm BBT:candice and Helen and Elissa are still on the lounger and repeating themselves. Judd, Mccrae, amanda GinaMarie and Spencer on by couch talking about they are suprised that Ginamarie got put on the block. Amanda says i have to admit i didnt see that one coming. Judd says i didnt either. Amanda says i might take a nap you want a nap? Judd says i already took a nap but i might take another one. 3:39pm BBT: Kairlin in the shower tsalking to Aaryn. she says they have already said that Ginamarie wont be voted out. Kaitlin says whoever stays will be right back on the block next week unless we win. Aaryn says well keeping you safe doesnt mean you wont be on the block and i haven't even talked game to anyone not anyone. 3:44pm BBT: Judd in hoh rm talking to Arryn as Jessie is listening to music. Judd says i am suprised thsat ginamarie went up. Aaryn says i know. Arryn says do you guys think i am going home? judd says i dont think so. Aaryn says please tell me should i campaign or what. Judd says i dont know i am just listening right now. Arryn says Ginamarie mopes around here all the time and i want to be here this has been a dream of mine for a long time. Judd says dont tell anyone but i am trying to get you to stay. Aaryn says you know i have had your back from day 1 and you know that. 3:48pm BBT: Judd tells Aaryn after she says she will never put either him or Jessie up if she stays that he put her up as a pawn and he never wanted her to go home. Jessie says thats true he has told me that all week long. 3:51pm BBT:Amanda is now laying down for a nap.Judd and Arryn and Jessie are still talking about how to keep Aaryn in the house. Judd says i am ticked off that Ginamarie was put up instead of a stronger player.
  10. 2:06pm BBT: Andy in the pool spraying Elissa with the water hose. ,kaitlin,helen.Elissa, Arryn and Jessie laying out to get a tan. Amanda andf MCcrae sitting on pool steps in water.Howard and Candice sitting in hammock . 2:12pm BBT: Howard goes in to get dressed and Spencer is awake. Howard says Andy got in the pool with Candice and I for the first time today. Spencer says ok i will take over your shift and howard laighs and says ok they are all out there.Spencer says here i go as he heads out to the by. 2:22pm BBT: Andy is peeking his eyes over the edge of the pool and looking around and Amanda is laughing at him. Elissa is in the kt getting a drink. All other hg either sleeping or laying in by not talking. 2:29pm BBT:Helen and Elissa in hoh bathroom talking as GinaMarie and Judd are sleeping in hoh bed.Helen Has turned on the water in the bathtub so Judd and GinaMarie cant hear them talking. and then they whisper where you can't make out what is being said. 2:36pm BBT: Elissa and Helen saying that kaitlin might be the one to take out she will win hoh and come after us since jeremy left. Helen says Howard and Spencer has made a final deal with Judd and they have made a final deal with MCcrae and Amanda. Elissa says lets go talk to Arryn in the by and Helen says lets wait till Candice goes to take a nap. 2:40pm BBT: Helen says you know like when Rachel left her season then everyone was rooting for Brendon its like that with Kaitlin since Jeremy left.Helen says we have to take Kaitlin out and Howard out. they are dangerous and next week you only need 4 votes and that scares me. Helen and Elissa come out of the bathroom and Judd is up and they say sorry we had to use your bathroom. 2:49pm BBT: Most hg are now in the kt making food and drinks. some are saying they need to go take a nap.Kaitlin is still at the pool yawning.Helen joins her at the pool.Spenceer is still laying in a lounger by the pool as Kaitlin moves accross the yard with Helen and Elissa. 2:58pm BBT: Elissa and Helen are whispering to kaitlin with their mics covered some it is hard to hear the whispering, but some is they howard is more dangerous than howard but spencer isnt as good at comps as Howard is.Howard and Candice are on the by couch talking about keeping Aaryn and getting Aaryn to work with them. Howard says Aaryn scares me if she gets into a position of power though.
  11. 1:32pm BBT: Amanda in the kt cooking. Judd and GinaMarie in hoh sleeping. Most hg in by sitting in pool or laying in the sun. just general talk going on about tanning oil. 1:41pm BBT: Most hg in by talking about American Idol and Xfactor. elissa is getting ready to go out and join the other hg in the by. Judd and GinaMarie are still sleeping in the hoh rm. Spencer is sleeping in the have not rm. 1:46pm BBT: Amanda is talking about her dog, they go to the dog park and if some kid is kicking a ball her dog will get it and pop the ball. Amanda says i warn kids if you kick a ball in the dog park my dog will pop it and run around with it. 1:55pm BBT: Hg in by talking about movies and just general chat going on.
  12. 6:04pm BBT: hg are still on ld in the by general talk going on and helen and howard are still playing pool and candice and elissa are still on the hammock talking about arryn repeating themselves over and over. 6:09pm BBT: amanda and judd laying on a lounger. amanda is whispering real low cant make out what she is saying. jessie joins them and amanda shuts up. judd says i feel like i need a shower and to brush my teeth. 6:13pm BBT: amanda telling judd that candice and spencer have a deal o the side. she is telling everything that happened lastnight. she says when everyone went upstairs it was just spencer and candice down stairs. 6:20pm BBT: the ld is over hg are in the cockpit taking pictures in the photobooth. 6:24pm BBT: spencer and judd are going in the house spencer says he is goin g up there to hoh and judd says i will meet you up there. judd tells other hg he is going to take a shower then he will be down for pictures. 6:27pm BBt: in hoh rm spencer and judd are talking. spencer says i dont know where candice,s vote is right now. judd says kaitlin is scheeming. spencer says yeah i know she is. judd says i heard them talk in the wa lastnight but i dont know who she was talking to. spencer says kaitlin and amanda was together alot lastnight but he doesnt know thats why he lays low and stays quiet. 6:30pm BBt: in the cockpit arryn , kaitlin and ginamarie are all in there but they are not talking to each other.spencer and judd is still in the hoh rm talking about where the votes are going and who is scrambling. 6:33pm BBT:andy now comes into hoh and talk with spencer and judd stops. judd says he is going to take a shower so he can do pictures.Amanda and jessie are in the wa doing their hair before they take pictures. 6:40pm BBT: spencer is telling mccrae that everyone is saying they want elissa and amanda out but i want you to know we have your back but i dont want amanda to get scetchy thinking we are after her. just let her know that candice is trying to make deals ok just let amanda know that we are all cool and we have to make sure that the twist doesnt mess us up. 6:43pm BBt: candice and howard are sitting on the hammock talking about walking candice's dog and she says sometimes on sundays she goes on a date. back in hoh rm spencer is still telling mccrae that he needs to talk to amanda. mccrae leaves the hoh rm. 6:46pm BBt: mccrae took pics alone and now mccrae and elissa are going to take pics together.judd is now out of the shower as spencer is listening to music. 6:52pm BBT:hg still taking pictures. amanda in hoh spencer telling her that if you ask anyone in this house they want elissa and you gone. amanda says if i am taking heat why isnt mccrae? he says its because they think you are just dragging him alone. amanda says if you dont give names then i dont believe it. he says arryn kaitlin and ginamarie almost everyone in this house but dont go telling everyone that i trust you cuz i do trust you. 6:55pm BBt: arryn comes in to hoh and talk stops she says bb doesnt wash your clothes they only fold and fluff . she says read the paper. so spencer reads the paper and it says fluff and fold only.
  13. 5:00pm BBT:kaitlin on hammock saying how bad was it lastnight. and andy starts laughing and saying ginamarie was making waves all over the room lastnight. mccrae says fart waves. mccrae says he and amanda have a date tonight and she is making chicken for them. andy says i get slop balls tonight but i am over maccaroni and mangos. 5:10pm BBT:ginamarie and howard and kaitlin on by couch and ginamarie says i sit in the bathrrom and do my hair and i get pulled into crap. howard says i get that but dont get pulled into her crap. 5:15pm BBT: howard says jeremy should have been here but they got him and i have candice so just trust me. he says people try to control you and if you get in with people that have power they want to control you. i just need people to be a rebel and fight.howard tells kaitlin that spencer and i would love you to be with us. and i know mccrae has a good heart and amanda is the one who stirs things. it is time for judd to get out of his solitar room and they are all yelling and celebrating that he is now out. all the hg go in to see his room and yell seriously after seeing the porta potty. they have pizza and beer waiting for him as he comes out. 5:20pm BBT: howard and candice are hugging and candice says she is going to the hammock as the other hg are still looking in the cockpit at judds solitary rm. 5:21pm BBT: most hg are in the kt eating while judd eats and the have nots have gone out to the by. 5:24pm BBT: spencer says they all have to go outside for a ld so bb can clean up the cockpit and we now have foth. 5:34pm BBt:all hg on odld some hg are talking to judd as he smokes and says he slept through that alarm and some hg are playing ball. 5:38pm BBT: helen, spencer, howard and candice playing vollyball. all the other hg on couches in by talking about other bb seasons and libra leaving her 5 month old babies to come play bb. 5:45pm BBT: helen and Howard are playing pool. all other hg are sitting around by not saying much. elissa and candice go to the hammock and are laughing about elissa using the veto tomorrow. candice says do it like Janelle" i use the veto on MYSELF" and they laugh again. elissa ask did she use to go up alot and Candice says yeah all the time. elissa says i just want some hair coloring. Candice says why your hair is so pretty. Elissa says i just want to know who is mvp this week. candice says howie would tell me for sure so it isnt him. 5:53pm BBt: candice says i think people are gonna like that amanda is the hot girl with the nerdy boy. i dont think that has ever happened in bb before.candice says we will know tomorrow who will be up but i think aaryn will leave she is bad. candice says i dont use my mouth to destroy people i learned to control my mouth but when she started amanda would start cuz they are buddy buddy. 5:56pm BBt: spencer telling most hg about being in a dojo. helen and howard still playing pool. amanda yelling she wants to stir her potatoes. arryn sitting not talking to anyone.
  14. 3:00pm BBT: candice says howard was a country boy and lived on a farm has 2 sisters and went to his grsndmas every wednesday for bible study he did chored his sisters were older. he lost his viginity when he was 15.and he played football he had a lady and she cheated on him and he became a ladies man.you were engages but it didnt work out and sandra was in the picture but now sandra is mad at me. you love your pastor he is like a brother to you.he is heavely involved in his church and childrens misistries and you dont like plain jane girls.he says i think beauty lies on the inside not the outside. he says i want to know who you are but can we have a conversation without you feeling insecure thats what i look for. helen says yeah yeah. 3:05pm BBT: amanda now at the cockpit door talking to judd and keeping him company. 3:15pm BBT: mccrae goes to the hammock and talks to spencer he says i am sorry for the mvp thing last week she screwed us over pretty much and spencer says yeah i just want you to be honest with me and its all good. to be honest with you we say that you two me and howard have a thing going and i think you all have other deals goiing. mccrae says yeah and spencer says just keep me in the know and dont put me in the middle of things i wont scumbag you at all. and after this we will be friends so its all good man dont worry seriously. 3:19pm BBT: aaryn and amanda and kaitlin in wa . aaryn curling her hair . they are talking about candice and what happened lastnight. arryn saying after being here i feel like i have been chastized enough where i feel like i am not even me no more. ginamarie says yeah me too. arryn says let her talk i aint appoligizing to anyone anymore i already done that several times. ginamrie says candice is a loser. and laughs. 3:27pm BBT: mccrae and spencer still in hammock talking about peoples social games. spencer says how loyal he is mccrae says yeah. in the wa arryn and ginamarie are still talking about candice and fixing their hair. judd is still in solitary confinment. 3:39pm BBT: arryn says to ginamarie that she hates us you know that right? ginamarie says i dont care if she hates me arryn i dont care if i am a horable person. arryn says are you getting attutude with me she says no if she hates me she hates me i dont care. arryn says you yelling at me she says no. .but i dont care if people hate me arryn tells her she is out of line she says i dont care arryn says go tell her then ginamarie says who and arryn says elissa and ginamarie goes out to get elissa. 3:32pm BBT: ginamarie says step into my office and any is there too. ginamarie says i am going to be straight up and i know we ahve had problems before and i do like you i do like you if i didnt i wouldnt talk to you. people tell me things and i am not mad at you.elissa says i am done with dramma with the younger girls . ginamarie says i like you i wont lie and your pretty and have a great family.ginamarie says i know amanda got upset so whatever you can talk to her and make your own judgement.elissa keeps interupting things. ginamarie says to be honest i dont think you hate me and if i dont like someone i wont talk to them it isnt my thing to do.she says not naming names when people say others hate each other i dont like that word and i dont want to be hates i am generally a nice person. elissa says i tried to make some kind of peace with arryn lastnight i have no vendetta with her. i want to play this game like everyone else i dont think about you guys. 3:38pm BBT: ginamrie says i told them we had a little head butt and we resolved it and i said it in a positive way . elissa says anything i say to people is general nice and i tried lastnight to talk to arryn and i think anything i say to her she twist it arouns and i am done with her and kaitlin. 3:40pm BBT: elissa said lastnight arryn had no reason to talk about me cuz i have been nothing but nice to her. ginamarie say sometimes personalities dont work. ginamarie says aaryn has postive and negative comments. elissa says she made racial comments and ginamarie says i didnt hear what she sais. elissa says it was bad and i am not intersted in her thing and its intolerable.ginamarie says i never said anything negative about you and the only thing i had was the little tiff we had and we solved it. if there is a problem i take it to that individual not to everyone i am 33 years old i am not doing that high school bull crap. 3:44pm BBT: elissa says that she will not speak to arryn or kaitlin anymore in this house or in this game and i was hurt that you was in there when they was talking about me. ginamarie says i was in there but i wasnt in it i was talking more to amanda.ginamarie says i dont point fingers and says she said this or she said that. elissa says you get brought down everytime you are around them . they twist everytnhing you say or add things you say. elissa says i felt bad for her lastnight. 3:50pm BBT: ginamrie and elissa still talking repeating themselves on how they need to talk to each other and not listen to others.in the hall by the cockpit door arryn is laying in the floor talking to judd saying she wanted to win really bad.judd says this 24 hours was for nothing now. arryn says its almost done. he says i have had alot of thinking time in here. arryn says i dont know what i am going to do he says yeah thats what i been thinking about in here but there are certain people i need to talk to when i get out of here. 3:56pm BBt: elissa is now helping ginamarie with her hair and arryn still talking to judd under the door. judd talking about the porta potty. and then says i bet we have a lockdown to get this stuff out of here. arryn laughs and says yeah.
  15. 2:02pm BBT: aaryn and mccrae in by talking about how old their moms are. in the kt howard is talking to candice as candice cookes slop balls. 2:07pm BBT: mccrae,kaitlin andarryn in by talking about the different comps they have had. kaitlin says i didnt have no mud in my face yesterday and i must have been the only one. aaryn says who told you that? kaitlin says i am not allowed to tell. helen says she liked the comp yesterday it was amaerican with mud and picnic and everything about it. 2:10 pm BBt: candice asking howard how sexy he feels on a good day howard says on my best day about an 8. jessie says what do you rate him and candice says a 10 of course. 2:15pm BBT: helen and aaryn in by as aaryn does laundrt and kaitlin on the eliptical. aaryn says i went to fold a sock out of the dryer and bugs flew out of it and now i feel like they are crawling on me litteraly. 2:17pm BBT: elissa and spencer in wa talking. elissa says i just think some people have bad charicter. spencer says absolutly. and elissa says i am going to go do yogo. spencer says do you need me to help you wrap up in saran wrap? she says yeah i felt amazing yesterday sweating. judd is now talking to mccrae under the door. mccrae says that pizza will be ready when you come out. judd asked do you feel older now? mccrae says no not really. judd says you look older. and mccrae laughs. 2:25pm BBT:helen and elissa are whispering in the pool cant hear them for they have no mic on. ginamarie is laying in the floor talking to judd under the door telling him that the lights in the by went out lastnight and it was so great. she is now whispering about what happened lastnight with amanda. she says i will tell you when you get out cuz alot of people are in the kt. she says it is cloudy out right now so i might go out in a minute. and i guess we are going to do pov ceremony tomorrow. judd says yeah they will call elissa to dr before we have it. 2:31pm BBt: helen elissa and jessie are in the ht talking about slop. helen said amanda made them coffee icecream for a sweet the first week of slop. helen says you should have asked your sister (rachel) about some recipies for slop before you came in and elissa says i dont know what my sister was thinking she just said you will have fun. then talk turns to dreams and nightmares. 2:34pm BBt:mccrae and howard in have not rm howard is giving mccrae a bible to read chapter in then he will be back in 5 minutes after he reads it and talk to him about it. mccrae says awesome dude and howard leaves and mccrae starts reading. 2:38pm BBT: andy,candice and kaitlin in kt just general tsalk in kt. candice drops a slop ball and says one down and andy says jessie never drops them and laughs.mccrae still reading the bible . howard returns and mccrae says that was good. howard says thats all i have for you man. mccrae says i get that man thank you i like that alot.howard says you a good dude man this game is for you man. he says this is not statagy or anything your just a cool dude man. and they hug . howard says start reading the bible and study it man and mccrae says i will and leaves the room. 2:44pm BBt: andy,jessie,helen and elissa in ht talking about soap operas and the bb game on live feeds. in the kt is arryn kaitlin and candice talking about working out as candice is still making slop balls. 2:49pm BBT: in the kt aaryn and kaitlin and jessie are talking about reading books. candice walks out of the kt and goes out to the by where howard, elissa, andy and helen are sitting at the ht just general talk going on . 2:55pm BBT: kaitlin is now in the kt cooking and goes to str looking for an avacodo and comes out and says thats fast they are all gone. mccrae comes in and ask how she is doing she says fine and he ask what she is making and she says omletts. in the by there is general talk about relationships.
  16. 1:01pm BBT: andy running in by then starts limping elissa ask if he is ok he says he rolled his ankle a little elissa offers to go get ice for him he says he is ok and sits down as helen ask spencer if he wants a turkey sandwich he says i am a have not remember. helen feels bad for asking him now. elissa is back to running around the by. andy gets up and jogs in by now jessie ask him if his ankle feels ok he says yeah. 1:05pm BBT: candice and elissa are now in by talking.czandice says i just want you to know that amanda got mad when you said to put whip cream on the boobs so amanda and kaitlin left the rm to go get a beer and i wanted to let you know when i went down amanda was crying saying she kept you safe for 3 weeks and on and on. candice says i dont know why she was crying i know she is an actress and she isnt secure with her body so i dont know what it was so you might talk to her about it. 1:11pm BBT: Howard and Amanda are at the cockpit doot talking to judd. amanda says you only have 4 hours left thats awesome.judd is laying on the floor talking under the door. he says i want everyone to see my bathroom now. they all want to see it. spencer says i bet it smells bad huh . judd says no i only peed in it thats all. 1:15pm BBt: amanda walks out to by where candice and jessie and elissa are sitting and candice hushes, amanda says candice will you tell me what you told her before i say something. candice says i just told helen that your feelings were hurt and how you was uopset and your feelings were hurt. candice says first you was drunk and your feeling were your feelings and that how you felt. amanda says i wss ready to wake up this morning and yeah. helen says i am sorry your feeling were hurt and you was crying , no one should cry in this house. 1:19pm BBt: mccrae walks out and lights a ciggarett and amanda says i am sorry i was ready to wake up this morning and forget about lastnight. candice is going to put her makeup on before she gets called to the dr.. 1:20pm BBT: helen ask mccrae what he wants to do for his birthday? vollyball waterball . bandana ball. mccrae says nothing i will wait for judd to get out and maybe a date night with amanda. jessie says there are steaks in there we can make. helen says what did you do lastyear for your birthday? he says last year i sit in my house and watched bb live feeds and told everyone if they wanted to spend time with me to come to my house and watch the live feeds with me. helen says thats awesome you watched it last year and now this year your on it and mccrae laughs. 1:32pm BBt: amanda mccrae,helen and elissa are in the by talking about who all will vote arryn out this week. helen gets up and heads inside and andy joins amanda and mccrae and elissa at the couch. elissa asked how far did you run andy he says 3 miles.howard and helen in have not rm and helen says i want you to know i took a couple of days to think about the moving company and i do forgive you guys and i miss you guys and i thought what would i do if it was me and i thought about it and i would have done the same thing. 1:36pm BBt: helen says i just wanted you to know i know what you went through how do you come in the house and get picked day one and you dont know who people are in this house then you have to try to figure out how to get out of it. howard says well nothing has changed and helen says i know i know. and i want to hang out with you guys now and play chess and pool. 1:42pm BBT: amanda and elissa are still going on about what went on lastnight when amanda was drunk. amanda says i just wanted to wake up this morning and it all go away.helen, howard and jessie in the kt getting food and drinks. they yell at judd he has 3 and a half hours left. helen says spencer you look so cute laying in the floor like that. helen tells judd he isnt missing anything right now everyone is just getting up. judd says i heard. helen says i have to go to bed in 6 hours. judd says yeah. 1:50pm BBT: helen is telling judd under the door that when the alarm comes on it comes through the bathroom speakers . judd starts laughing and says really. andy is now sitting at the door in the floor talking to judd with helen. they are going to have him a cheese pizza ready when he comes out of solitair. helen asked wich is worse solitair or have not and judd says have not. he says at least here he gets out in 24 hours and have not is a week. 1:55am BBT: candice says america slop is gross and shows the slop on the feeds she says it clumps up in your body and it is gross. arryn says they are making cupcakes for his birthday and mccrae says he doesnt really like cake. mccrae says well we will wait till judd comes out though. aaryn says for sure.
  17. 12:00pm BBT: jessie joins helen and spencer on the hammock talking aboit people talking about sex in front of other people. helen says i dont get that i cant do that i keep it to myself it is like personal. 12:05pm BBT: helen is talking about some girls dont care what they show and it makes me feel uncomfortable with that. she says the first few days in the house she took her jacket off her shoulder as a strip act but that was as far as she was going. helen says i was glad i went to bed early lastnight so i didnt have to see amanda cuz i would have been more uncomfortable. 12:08pm BBT: spencer says he told them lastnight at midnight they would hold mccrae down and give him a birthday spanking. jessie says spencer just be careful cuz if mccrae didnt like it and threw a fit you could be out of the game so just be careful. spencer says i know we wasnt doing anything wrong. 12:11pm BBT:elissa and candice in str talking and andy walks in. elissa leaves and candice tries kicking andy as they laugh.candice is whispering about elissa and andy says i am not going to assume anything till i see who the 3rd nominee is. 12:16pm BBT: candice says this doesnt make sence amanda told me that his name isnt howie its howard. and amanda and kaitlin staged that fight in the first week and amanda told her she was going home so now i feel like they are working together. she says helen has a good heart she knew howard was going to get backdoored and helen told us. andy says i knew there was the moving company but it was broke up and i didnt hear anything about howard going up. 12:19pm BBT: andy and candice leave the str.ginamarie and kaitlin are still sleeping. candice returns to the sr to chage batteries.she now goes to the by and says hi to helen , jessie and spencer. 12:21pm BBT: spencer, helen and jessie on hammock as candice comes out talking about rachel and brendon falling in love on the hammock with annie there and now they are married. jessie says spencer do you want some slop for breakfast he says yeah i need to eat something. 12:23pm BBt: helen telling jessie that at 8pm curfew she has no eating no talking and has to wear a night mask till 5am. 12:27pm BBT: spencer says i need a shower today but i dont want to. andy says i am going to run today and get hot then take a cold shower i havent had a shower in 2 days ever since the have/have not comp. 12:31pm BBT:helen and candice are now on the lounger in the by. candice is talking about what happened with amanda lastnight. she says amanda put on a liatard and we made a whip out of a black spoon.candice says amanda kissed mccrae,s chest and smacked him with a spoon and it was no big deal then elissa started teasing like put whip cream on and let him lick them. and elissa went down with aaryn and amanda was drunk.she says arryn , kaitlin ginamarie and amanda were all in the wa talking about elissa then amanda was crying but i aint sure of everything that happened. candice says i just left so i aint sure about everything but i know aaryn was being very vocal and amanda was crying.but anyways the real aaryn is back. 12:36pm BBT: Helen tells candice that the whole house wanted her to put up howard too and she wouldnt do it and they are trying to do the same thing with judd and i told him dont do it arryn needs to go this week. candice says yeah. 12:42pm BBT: arryn and jessie in kt. jessie is making slop to eat. aaryn goes out to by. andy has now joined helen and candice on the lounger. they are talking about amanda thinking that she is leading the show and candice says she is not leading the show like the producers are. helen says i think i am going up. helen says really candice i dont think that elissa got mvp this week . csndice says ok i believe ya and i love elissa cuz everyone wanted her to put up howard last week and she didnt so i respect her and love her for that. 12:48pm BBT: elissa is in hoh bathroom getting dressed she leaves hoh rm to head downstairs. jessie is in the kt cooking. elissa goes out to the by and says hey girls.she goes back in kt to get ice water, and jessie ask id amanda and mccrae awake. elissa says no. candice and helen still in by talking about amanda and arryn and she told them she wasnt going to change for anyone. 12:54pm BBT: andy is in the by running so he can take a cold shower. spencer is still laying in the hammock not talking . candice and helen are still goiing on about strong players and how she gets it that they are all strong. jessie still cooking and elissa heading out and tells jessie lets talk later. jessie says ok. 12:55pm BBT: arryn goes to cockpit door and says hello judd how are you doing he says ok she says ok see you soon and he says ok see you soon. judd is just walking around the room. elissa is now running with andy in the by . helen says if i hadnt already run i would run with you but i got up at 6am. she tells candice she was so hungry lastnight she didnt know she couldnt eat after 8pm so this morning she was starving. 12:57pm BBT: amanda and mccrae are now up in the hoh rm. they are making the bed as bb calls mccrae to the dr.elissa and helen are on the by couch and helen is repeating everything candice just told her.
  18. 11:28am BBT: andy and jessie are at the hottub talking about who needs to leave. elissa is in the kt looking in the fridge. 11:31am BBT: elissa asking helen if there is any spaghetti sauce. elissa says everything works so much better with jeremy gone doesnt it? helen says yeah. 11:32am BBT: elissa and helen telling judd he isnt missing anything that it is cloudy outside and it is very over cast. they say you havent missed anything judd. he says i hear i missed amandas show. elissa says amanda always has a show and the alarm starts going off again. 11:34am BBT: andy and jessie at ht just general talk about andy working. judd in lockdown says he has about 5 more hours then he is out of there and it is his friends birthday today and he has a beer he might have to crack open when he gets out of there. 11:42am BBT: judd says there is the alarm again and as soon as it goes off i have to hit the snooze button again he says it is annoying. he sits back down to read the bible that he found left in the room. 11:44am BBT: helen and spencer on the hammock taking . helen says she just needs to vent sometimes and we get foth. 11:46am BBT: helen telling spencer she has thought through everything alot and she just wants to go back to being friends with spencer. spencer says ok thank you. helen says and howard too i have to talk to him too but you guys are like brothers to me and i never had brothers. 11:49am BBT: helen telling spencer that aaryn needs to go this week no matter who gets put up as the mvp nominee. spencer agrees. 11:51am BBT: helen says i much rather work with you and howard than anyone else. spencer says sure sure we want to work with you too. Andy and jessie are still talking by the hotub just general chat. 11:53pm BBT:helen tells spencer that when your hoh everyone tells you everything. so i just needed a couple of days to think about things. spencer says yeah of course. 11:56am BBT: andy is called to the dr and jessie goes in to get a cup of coffee.helen and spencer still repeating themselves on the hammock.
  19. 2:03pm BBT: we are still on trivia as the hg are playing the pov competition. 2:28pm BBT: hg are still playing the pov comp. we will have the results as soon as the feeds are back on. 3:11pm BBT: we are still on trivia for the pov comp.
  20. 10:49am BBT: helen is hugging elissa in the chair rm candice comes in an mccrae comes in.andy and amanda in cockpit talking.andy tells amanda you cant use it and amanda says yeah. mccrae and amanda now in cockpit. amanda says do you think elissa nominated herself? mccrae says she wouldnt do that. 10:52am BBT: arryn comes in cockpit and tells amanda and mccrae and says who is mvp and put her up she will think i did it and i will go home. amanda says no you wont win pov. aaryn says who won mvp and put her up? 10:56am BBT: candice is telling elissa it is ok you have a good life outside the house but you are still here and you have to sit and be quiet and pray about it but you wont go home. helen comes in and says its ok you arent going home everyone in here loves you you wont go home.
  21. 10:02am BBT:judd is pacing back and forth in the house and stops to talk to mccrae . judd is telling mccrae he doesnt know why elissa is acting the way she is acting. mccrae says put her up. Judd is now being called to the dr. 10:05am BBT: helen says did judd just get called to the dr? candice says yeah and helen says i am gonna go sit on the couch cuz i think it is fixen to happen.(pov picking players for comp) elissa is cooking and jessie is washing dishes and amanda making food. 10:08am BBT: amanda and helen and elissa in kt talking about different religions and the difference between judisum and christians. 10:11am BBT:helen and jessie in hoh bathroom talking about jeremy being the target last week and that it didnt matter that he was the target and amanda was mad that i wouldnt put up howard but the target was jeremy. helen says if your hoh you take out who you want to take out.helen says tell judd he needs to do what is best for his game. 10:15am BBT: ginamarie laying in color rm floor talking to candice as kaitlin sleeps in the bed about the pov comp and how many people are left. candice says we have 13 people left and only 9 weeks left in the game so i am just worried.jessie comes down from hoh and goes to have not rm to change clothes.helen and spencer are on the hoh bed talking mccrae enters now and ask whats up. helen says didnt the frozen yogurt taste bad yesterday, Mccrae says it was gross, helen says i hope the pov comp is questions today. 10:21am BBT: helen and mccrae talking about eating the flavord frozen yogurt yesterday and how gross it was. mccrae wants to play in the pov for prizes and wants to take a chum bath. helen says what is chum. mccrae and spencer tell her it is fish guts like they use to attract sharks. helen says gross i almost wish i hadnt asked. andy comes in and they talk about gross things they had to eat on fear factor. 10:24am BBT: amanda and arryn in kt talking to elissa as she washes dishes.they are talking about jewish and greek weddings. elissa went to a jewish wedding and how they stomp on glasses to break them. 10:30am BBT: judd comes out of the dr and yells i need everyone to gather in the livingroom. they ask is it time to pick players for the veto comp and judd says yeah and we get foth.
  22. 9:03am BBT: hg are up and getting ready for the pov comp . Andy and Jessie and Judd in hoh talking about sweet tea and organic tea. Mccrae and amanda laying in bed not talking. 9:07am BBT: elissa and Judd in str. Judd asking her if she got mvp she says no maybe america got it this time i dont know then judd leaves and goes to dr. spencer and andy in hoh rm talking about the pov comp andy wants them to hurry up and play it. 9:12am BBT: spencer, judd and andy in hoh talking about the mvp nominee. spencer says i think if america was voting they would have told us and announced it so you couldnt retaliate against america .he says we did our nominations yesterday so if it was america i think we would have known yesterday. in the wa downstairs candice and Aaryn are doing their hair and makeup getting ready for the day. 9:20am BBT: Judd was whispering to spencer saying jessie was mad about something amanda said then judd gets up and says he has to go down to the str and see if the pepto bimol is there yet.jessie is in kt cleaning and aaryn in kt eating. Howard is in the shower and candice is doing her hair. judd now goes to color rm and tells ginamarie and kaitlin to get up and get ready they say we are ready we are just resting and we get foth. 9:25am BBT: Judd and Elissa talking and judd says are you with me she says yeah he says you aint lying to me then she says no i dont have mvp i dont know whats going on.elissa says everyone keeps asking me things i dont know about.jessie is cleaning the kt and talking about making slop. 9:28am BBT: judd is telling elissa that he hasnt ever said anything mean or hateful to her and wants to know why she is treating him this way. she says i like you but i dont know any more than you do i am just excited Judd says about what she says about this twist to see what it is. Judd says i am dissapointed in you. elissa says why i havent done anything. judd doesnt say anything 9:32am BBT: judd is now in kt getting coffee he says i cant pour this coffee pot.jessie says judd you crack me up. he says about what? she says you been on slop for a week and aaryn is cooking it up and you opt for a cup of coffee. he says i dont eat alot of breakfast.judd goes to talk to amanda and mccrae and says elissa is making him mad cuz she isnt taking all this serious and it is important to the rest of us. 9:39am BBT: judd goes back to hoh rm and tells spencer that elissa is freaking him out. spencer says dude something is going on. judd says i hate to do it but i might have to i asked her what was going on and she told me i am a mole in here. spencer says dude thats fine with me you do it.spencer says whoever wins pov and have them pull themselves off and put elissa up and they will owe you. judd says i might have to pull aaryn off and put elissa up. spencer says man lastnight i was thinking mccrae and break up amanda and mccrae but dude you do what you want this is your hoh. 9:47am BBT:in the lounge rm helen and jessie are talking about andy and others being mad at howard . andy comes in the rm and talk stops. jessie leaves to go get coffee.andy says what was that about helen says she was nervouse and i was telling them you have to trust people on your side. 9:50am BBT:back in the hoh rm judd and spencer still talking about things that are told to you as hoh. Judd says this hoh is everyones so eat what ya want take a shower listen to music do whatever you want.Judd now goes to the bathroom saying his stomach is so upset today. spencer lays on the bed waiting for judd to come back out. 9:54am BBT: jessie, andy, helen and candice all in the cockpit tslking about jeremy leaving. helen says i did jeremy for the house everyone was happy about it and i didnt want jeremy here for another week winning comps and everything. candice says yeah.helen says people told me things i didnt even want to know but i stick it back in my brain. candice asking if elissa got mvp and helen says not that i know of and she tells me everything.
  23. 4:00pm BBT:amanda and Kaitlin curling their hair in wa as ginamarie sits and watches. Judd and jessie in hoh rm with elissa and helen. Judd is eating as jessie listens to music and then asked judd for a hug. judd goes to the bed and gives her a big hug. 4:03pm BBT: Howard and Candice in color room talking. candice is playing with her mic so hard to hear what she is saying. she now says she is ready and Howard gets up and is giving her a massage. he says you know you are paying me for this right? she says no its part of a bet remember . he says oh yeah.in hoh judd is still eating and jessie and elissa are in the bed laying down as jessie is listening to music. andy has now joined the hoh rm.andy says he has had one week as a have but they got macaroni and mango for the have not food to go with slop. 4:12pm BBT: judd telling andy about ginamarie yelling at jessie asking her if they could wear shorts over their swimsuits in the food comp. and ginamarie said she was tired of everyone asking her that and she didnt want her backside showing all over tv so she kept her shorts on. and judd and andy laugh. mccrae now in hoh laying down on the couch. andy says it is a good thing i ate alot lastnight. 4:17pm BBT: aaryn and Kaitlin are in the kt eating asking where everyone is when ginamarie walks in. she says that candice is getting a full body massage and everyone else must be upstairs, she says i am going to go up there. kaitlin is now washing dishes and aaryn gets water from the fridge and says eewwww look what came out of the fridge water. kaitlin says that is discusting 4:19pm BBT: Arryn was heading to hoh rm and kaitlin heads up there too. andy leaves hoh to go eat a mango. Ginamarie says everyone is napping as mccrae says he is tired. kaitlin says i am for sure about to go take a nap and she leaves the hoh rm. 4:24pm BBT: andy goes to cockpit and tells amanda and mccrae that judd doesnt want to put up ginamrie. amanda says if he doesnt put up howard then everyone will be after him. andy says he doesnt want howard up either and amanda says if he doesnt put howard up everyone will be after him. andy says he wants kaitlin gone this week. amanda says why and andy says i dont know. amanda says he better backdoor howard and if he doesnt do that he is saving people. 4:32pm BBT: Judd now joins the cockpit. amanda ask him what he is thinking. he says i dont know. she asked him why dont you want to save ginamrie. he says i dont know. amanda says if you save her and try to backdoor her you are pissing her off. arryn and howard and kaitlin need to go first. amanda says aaryn is alone in here and howard is strong he needs to go first. judd says if i do that then there are to many girls here. amanda says do you think there is a girls alliance? judd says i dont know.amanda says if you dont go after howard he is going to come after us the alliance and break us up. 4:38pm BBT: amanda is repeating herself about howard needs to be backdoored this week and remeber there is a twist. judd says what you think it is. amanda says i dont think its the cud de ta. amanda says why do you care if it is a girl that goes home or not. judd says there is 8 girls and 4 guys and i am afraid soon it will be all girls. amanda says we have your back we are getting out all the smart guys. 4:45pm BBT: amanda telling judd that kaitlin would go home before ginamarie would and judd says no . amanda says yeah she will. amanda asked did you already put in your nominations and judd whispers. amanda says you dont want to piss off elissa either. amanda says you want to think about the long run too and keep them in the house and the time howard has he will scheme. she says you dont know how howard is he is full if crap am i wrong? andy says no your not. 4:54pm BBT: amanda telling judd now that howard will go after everyone you elissa ginamarie all of us. amanda says i swear there is no girls alliance. amanda says what if you put up candice and howard. judd says if i do put her up and howard walks in and talk stops.
  24. 2:01pm BBT: we are still on trivia 2:12pm BBT: feeds are back hg are taking sahowers . ginamarie andJudd and kaitlin are in the cockpit talking.ginamarie is saying i dont want everyone to throw me under the bus because someone is a havenot.in the hoh rm is helen , candice and jessie and elissa. helen says this is so exciting.amanda just got out of the hoh shower. amanda says i hope we get to keep the bathingsuit and helen says i know i like the bathingsuits. 2:16pm BBT: andy comes in cockpit and tells Judd that the nomination screen is up . ginamarie says it is? he says yeah and ginamarie says i need to go get a shower.Judd and Kaitlin are talking. kaitlin asked if aaryn is the target this week judd says no i promised her i wouldnt put her up. kaitlin says if it is me will you be honest with me and tell me he says yeah you might have to be a pawn. 2:19pm BBT: Jessie comes in to cockpit and judd asked if he could have a couple of minutes with kaitlin. jessie says you want to talk to people by yourself she says it doesnt matter to me you are hoh. Judd says yeah just let me talk to kaitlin a few minutes and jessie leaves. 2:21pm BBT: helen is walking around in the hoh bathroom saying she killed us and i think with the right comps she can win.candice is in the hoh shower.in the cockpit judd says to kaitlin if you go on the block win and get the power so you can come off the block.spencer is now in cockpit talking to judd . judd says i told kaitlin i ma putting her up and if i win veto i will take her off and everyone wants aaryn out. 2:28pm BBT: spencer is asking if he can have the hoh rm for a few minutes to talk to kaitlin and judd says well i just talked to her. he says ok then. spencer says i think if we put up kaitlin and aaryn and if she comes off then put up ginamarie. spencer says if elissa gets mvp again and aaryn isnt on the block which she will be then elissa might try to put me or howard up ya know. he says if you want to make a big move we have your back ok. 2:30pm BBT: mccrae is now in cockpit talking to judd . judd says kaitlin is 100 % ok with going on the block as a pawn. judd and mccrae start whispering and its hard to hear them.in the color br is kaitlin and andy talking feeds swithc to arryn and amanda in chair rm getting dressed after their showers. 2:32pm BBT: back in the cockpit mccrae has left and amanda goes in . judd says here is the deal ginamarie and kaitlin are the pawns. amanda says i except anything you do.in the hoh bathroom is mccrae, elissa and helen. talking about who will go up and helen says as long as one of the 3 people go home this week we are ok .helen says aaryn is making crap up to kaitlin and mccrae says totally. 2:38pm BBT: amanda and judd whispering in cockpit about ginamarie. amanda says if you keep her safe and tell her she wont come after you but if you put her up she is going to gun for you. 2:41pm BBT: helen and mccrae and elissa in hoh bathrrom . helen says are we going to get howard out this week or are we getting out ginamarie this week which is a waste. 2:43pm BBT:in the wa hg are still taking showers. Judd is talking to ginamarie in the cockpit and says i am thinking about putting 2 pawns up this week are you ok with going up as a pawn? ginamarie says are you freaking serious.ginamarie says i dont like the pawn situation pawns go home. judd says let me explain. there is a twist and if there is a power then you will not go home.ginamarie says who else is a pawn he says kaitlin she says oh crap.just like was said it will be the three of us. judd says i cant say who else it is ginamarie says judd i dont know what jessie has been telling you i just want to tell you something jessie went to every guy in this house even mccrae. and she is sticking to you and using you. nick didnt use me i had feelings for him. i dont like it but we dont know what the power will be. 2:49pm BBT:in the have not rm spencer and andy are sitting and talking.spencer says it doesnt matter who goes up but this week we have to keep our votes together he tells andy from what i have heard from helen and elissa is that aaryn will be gone this week. 2:53pm BBT:judd tells ginamarie out of evertone in the house he enjoys her. he says i dont want you going. ginamarie says if you dont put me up and i dont get a chance to play for veto then i get backdoored that would suck too. ginamarie says i might not like being a pawn but you have to do what you have to do. 2:55pm BBT:in the hoh rm helen amanda and elissa are talking.elissa says arryn is trying to break up our little circle here. amanda says arryn or howard one needs to leave this week. 2:57pm BBT: judd is now talking to candice. candice is saying how aaryn has hurt her feelings. judd says mine too. candice says she just wants good people to make it to jury and she wants good people in this house so we can all have a good time.
  25. 12:22pm BBT: we are still on trivia as the hg are playing in the have/ havenot competition.



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