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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 11:05am BBt: Judd is now up in the Kt with Elissa and elissa says these bugs are so bad Judd and Judd says yeah i probably shouldnt eat these cookies and she says yeah its bad to leave anything out. She ask judd if he wants some coffee and then says i am so glad you are back i would have died if you hadnt come back. 11:07pm BBT:Judd now goes to By to smoke as Elissa is cooking her breakfast and aaryn is in the shower. All other HG still sleeping. 11:10am BBT: Elissa goes to By and says i have missed you so much and Judd says yeah it will be a stress release to get them three out.Elissa says how will it make you feel to get rthem out and have that relief. elissa says you dont even like BB and you are back in here and Judd says i am kinda glad helen is gone she was after me for some reason and i dont know why. 11:14am BBt: Judd talking about amanda yelling at elissa the other day and Spencer told him that it was rediculous and he went to take a nap and Elissa says i was just laughing and then she says that Amanda said lastnight she was sorry for what she did to her and then Elissa says that amanda told her that her husband would like her and her breast and Elissa says my husband wouldnt either.Judd ask did she talk about your sister too and elissa says yeah she said i bet your sister watches aaryn and Judd and elissa laugh. 11:21am BBT: Elissa and Judd now talking about Rachel and brendon and who left before who then talk turns to lane and Hayden. 11:22am BBT: elissa says i think Hayden had something competitive wise cuz now he is on survivor this year and Judd says you know he is with Kat? Elissa says yeah and talk turns to survivor and who got voted out when. Judd says so hayden is on survivor and Elissa says yeah he was like in final 4 when we came on the show and we get foth. 11:28am BBT: Judd and Elissa talking about survivor and Elissa says she would ,like to do survivor and Judd tells that they live in thr rough andstart their own fires and elissa says i wonder how they brush their teeth and wash their face and Judd says they boil water and to go to the bathroom they go out in the woods and Elissa says oh my gosh i dont think i could do that i would be so embarressed cuz i dont even go to the bathroom in front of my husband and i dont want to see him go either oh my gosh. 11:32am BBt:Elissa and Judd now talking about the real world and Elissa says that Amanda and aaryn should be on real world and Judd says Amanda is to old to be on there and says that Amanda should be on mean girls and elissa says yeah she should be on mean girls. then Judd tells stories about people fighting on them shows. 11:39am BBt:Elissa says she didnt know what i was going to do yesterday i didnt wnt to put him up but i had to and Judd says well either one would have been safe Ginamarie or Andy either one was safe but at first i didnt trust Ginamarie but i do now. Elissa talks about how mean Amanda is and Judd talks about aaryn saying that if she goes to jury she will be more relaxed. 11:43am BBT: Judd and elissa talking about jessie and Judd says i really like jessie and i think after this show i will be friends with jessie and elissa says yeah she is so funny then andy walks out and says who Jessie and Judd says yeah. Judd says reality shows dont help your acting carrier.Judd says you have to be dirt poor for years to becaome and actor. andy says yeah i have a friend that does acting and is dirt poo and works like five jobs. Elissa says did you like the music CD this morning and Andy says yeah i like mariah carry and elissa says me too. 11:52am BBT: Andy, Judd and Elissa in By talking about the nominations this week and andy says for sure i am staying and Elissa says yeah 100% you are staying. elissa says i am so sorry Andy but i had to do it this way so you could see how nasty Amanda and Mccrae was and andy says yeah. elissa says i love Ginamarie and Elissa and Judd says they love her too.Elissa asked if Judd and Andy wants her to make them eggs and Andy says no i think i am going to go back tobed but i will be up in a little bit ready to go. 11:57am BBt: elissa talking about her son and tells Judd you never know how love is till you have a baby and she says once you have that baby your love is stronger than you have for a spouse.
  2. 9:52am BBt: All HG still sleeping and Spencer snoring really loud. 10:00am BBT: All the Hg are still sleeping. 10:08am BBT: we now have foth so should be a wake up call. 10:28am BBT: Judd, Ginamarie and Andy out in BY and now going in the house. Judd goes to the bathroom.B tells Andy and Ginamarie to put their mics on. Ginamarie is going back to bed and Andy has now gone back to bed. ginamarie says i am going to go dream about music now. 10:33am BBT: Judd called to Dr and aaryn now up getting a bowl of cereal. Everyone else in bed sleeping. 10:35am BBT:BB calls Ginamarie to the Dr and she says OK and laughs then heads to the DR. Aaryn is sitting out in BY eating her cereal. 10:44am BBt:Judd now going back to bed after putting the awnings down in the BY for BB. Elissa up feeding the fish and aaryn in bathroom. 10:50am BBT: Elissa is heading down stairsto make coffe. all other Hg still sleeping. 10:55am BBT: Aaryn is nor back out of bed heading to the bathroom again . elissa now has coffee going and is making breakfast.
  3. 6:01pm BBt: Amanda says what fulled my fire with the memory wall and he laughing in my face was her saying they threw the comp to me and it was the best day ever. 6:03pm BBT: Amanda says i want her gone. and Spencer says do you really? I couldnt tell as he laughs.Amanda says i dressed as an old woman yesterday and yelled at her and Spencer laughs. 6:04pm BBT: Andy has gone up to the chess board inside with Aaryn and Ginamarie and Elissa asking if Elissa knows how to play chess and she says yes i do.baci in the BY Spencer and amanda and Mccrae are talking general talk now.then Spencer says why does anyone care about being a mother. Mccrae says thats her defence and my mother would never treat anyone like this. 6:08pm BBt: Amanda bad mouthong Elissa saying tnhhnat she sold her soul for a seventy eight year old man and says oh i love my husband so much and she she loves her son so much but what about her step kids she never talks about them. Spencer says if i had step kids i would love them just as much as my own kids. 6:14pm BBT: Andy now heads back outside to BY. Mccrae is waking around throwing a ball and Spencer is heading inside, Amanda says elissa talks about my mess. andy says Elissa is playing chess with aaryn and Ginamarie right now and Amanda says they are playing chess with Elissa? and Andy says yeah Elissa is locked out of hoh. 6:18pm BBt: Mccfrae and Amanda , andy and Spencer talking about what the hoh comp might be thursday night and Amanda says it wont be before or after cuz Judd was gone for two weeks. Mccrae says i think it will be zingbot questions since we has zingbot. Andy says why didnt you tell me that i wanst listening to them all. 6:23pm BBt: Aaryn and Ginamariein the hottub and Mccrae and Andy walking around BY Spencer and Amanda laying on by couch as Elissa is in HOh rm curling her hair. In BY talk is about helen and how she played the game and how howard sucked at eveything including chess. 6:31pm BBT: Mccrae and andy and spencer raising the awnings over the windows as amanda lays on the couch and Ginamarie and aaryn are in the hottub with general talk going on. Elissa is in the HOH rm reading her bible. Amanda now asking aaryn how her talk with Elissa went and Aaryn says she screamed at me the whole time and Amanda says she screamed at you and BB calls aaryn to the DR. 6:35pm BBT: Ginamrie gets in the pool and staets throwing ducks at Andy and andy misses the duck and falls in the pool . Everyone is laughing and Mccrae takes his wet mic to the storage rm for BB. Aaryn comes out and Spencer says you just missed Andy falling in the pool. 6:36pm BBT: Andy goes to HOh rm to change clothes and tells Elissa that he just fell in the pool and Elissa says i was just thinking that no one has fell in the pool yet this summer and laughs. Aaryn is down in the BY telling Amanda about Elissa yelling at her and how Elissa will get Spencer and Ginamarie to vote for her and she says i wish you and mccrae would vote for me and amanda says i dont have the votes to keep you aaryn. 6:38pm BBT: Aaryn says if you and zmccrae arent going to keep me then i have to try my own way to stay in this house cuz i dont want to go home and Amanda says yeah you have to try and aaryn says i dont care what i have to do but i have to try to stay here.Spencer and Mccrae come back out to By laughing about Andy falling in the pool when he jumped to get the duck. Ginamarie starts laughing and mccrae says they have to show that now and they all laugh. 6:49pm BBt: Amanda Spencer and Mccrae in BY general talk about plane rides home and how long lay overs will be.elissa in hoh doing yoga. 6:54pm BBT: Andy and Judd sitting in By together wearing orange shorts and green shirts. general talk in By about grandparents and if they are living or not and we keep getting foth off and on.
  4. 1:00pm BBT: Judd telling a story about being drunk and flowwing his friend home.Elissa in HOh getting her hair and makeup done.Amanda and Spencer and Ginamarie sleeping. 1:10pm BBT: In the By Judd , Aaryn and sndy talking about drinking and driving and just general talk. Mccrae is in chair rm putting on deodarent the heads back out to the BY. 1:17pm BBT: Aaryn, Andy, Judd and Mccrae in By still telling storys about drinking and driving and car wrecks on the higheays and andy says he is scared of highway driving after a simi truck hit him and ripped his door off. 1:24pm BBT: All is quiet inside the bb house as most Hg are sleeping and Elissa in the Dr. Aaryn has gone inside now as Judd, Mccrae and andy sit in the By just general talk and stories about their houses and cars.
  5. 11:01am BBT: Aaryn and Ginamarie in color rm talking and Ginamarie says just be cool and talk to her and be calm about it. Aaryn says i dont think it will help though. 11:04am BBT: amanda is in kt with Elissa getting in her face as she cuts a lemon and asking Elissa whats wrong am i scary? what ya doing?Elissa just smiles and giggles at her and keeps cutting.Amanda says why dont you look like your pictures what have you done to your face and elissa laughs and Amanda saYS YOUR FACE IS A JOKE. aMANDA SAYS HOW MANY DAYS YOU HAVE IN HOH 2? THEN YOU ARE BACK DOWN HERE WITH ME AND I WILL LAY WITH YOU BUT THERE ARE NO DOORS TO LOCK DOWN HERE IS THERE"? aMANDA SAYS aNDY IS THERE ANY DOORS THAT LOCK DOWN HERE AND HE SAYS DR AND aMANDA SAYS YEAH LOCK YOURSELF IN THE dR YOU do that anyways and elissa heads upstairs to her hoh rm 11:07pm BBT: amanda goes to chair rm and tells Mccrae and Spencer she decided to attach herself to Elissa. 11:10 am BBt: correction: Elissa was cutting an orange. She is now in HOh rm reading her bible and eating her orange. Judd and Andy in chair rm talking to Mccrae and amanda and Spencer.Amanda tells Andy he was the only person in this house that hadnt been nominated and Andy says i liked that title. 11:15am BBT: Amanda telling Spencer and Andy that if Elissa does not leave this house next week i will kill myself. She says i hate her so much and Andy says if i leave this house before she does i will slit my throat and Spencer laughs and says i wish the By would open up i want to go smoke. 11:16am BBt: Ginamarie has gone to bed to take a nap. Spencer reading the back of a box as mccrae bounces a ball in the chair rm. Mccrae says BY is open now and Amanda yells yay and they all go to the BY. 11:20am BBT: Andy in BY saying well Elissa has made another ememy and amanda says shocker and andy says well i was her enemy all along i never stood up for her ever.Elissa is heading down stairs and Andy says the BY is open and she says yay. Elissa goes to the sink and washes her dishes. 11:22am BBT: Elissa comes out to the BY and amanda says here she is here she comes making an enemy out of a friend and Elissa goes out and unrolls her yoga matt and mccrae throws a fit saying the grill is gone and Andy says yeah the grill is gone. Andy is called to Dr and he says yeah i get to talk about going on the block for the first time and amanda says you can thank Elissa for that one. 11:26am BBt:Spencer talking about making a fire pit and getting a hammock for his hpuse. he says he has projects and that he is constantly working on somthing. 11:33am BBT: Spencer says it is chocolate milk time and Amanda says i love chocolate milk on a hot day and laughs. Amanda is smoking and watching Elissa do yoga and then kisses Mccrae. 11:35am BBT: Amanda talking to Mccrae about Elissa's husband saying i wonder if she was the secratery or the misstress maybe. she was married before.Spencer is now in the STR with Judd and Judd says i was thinking about keeping Andy and Spencer says oh thank you i was worried about that.Amanda is now in bed laying down with aaryn laying in the other bed but neither one is talking. 11:39am BBT: Andy walks outside and says what happend did Amanda scare elissa again and feeds swithc to Judd knocking on HOh door and Elissa doesnt answer. 11:41am BBt: Amanda telling Aaryn what to say in her speech thursday and aaryn starts crying and Amanda goes and gets in bed with her and hugs her.Elissa now in Kt talking to Judd they are whispering and rattling bags then Elissa goes out to By to finish her yoga and Bb tells her to put her mic on. Andy is spraying fly spray on the table outside and Spencer and mccrae are yelling to not get it in their coffee and milk and andy says move it then i am spraying it anyways. 11:47am BBT: Amanda is now in bed crying saying she tried so hard and Aaryn in the other bed crying worried she is going to go home and she says this is going to look great on my reseme when i get home.Aaryn says Ginamarie is going to work with Elissa no matter what and amanda says no she is not she wont have power next week. 11:49am BBTL Aaryn tells Amanda dont use this unless you have to but Spencer is going to put you and Mccrae up if he wins and Judd is going to put you two up and Ginamarie will too and Andy i dont know what he will do. amanda says when did thay say that and Aaryn says they didnt say it straight up so be careful with them. 11:52am BBT: Amanda telling Aaryn that she came here thinking she could win at least 2nd place and she tells her she has ran this game and she came here to play this game and so did you. Amanda says she is good at this game and she is running it. 11:54am BBT: Andy walks in on Amanda and aaryns conversation and says whats up ladies and amanda says we are just taking about this game. Andy says if i go home or aaryn goes home it feels like it is a lose lose and i feel like everything that could go wrong went wrong. 11:55am BBT: Amanda says Elissa wasnt kidding when she said she would come after you , me, Mccrae and aaryn if helen left and thats why she has to go and Andy says yeah my radar is up. Amanda says i want her to go home next week more than anything. Andy says unless she gets a pandoras box and the diamond veto she will and Amanda says oh gosh andy. 11:57am BBT: Aaryn says i tried and Andy says she is a loose cannon and Aaryn says i tried i deffinatly tried and i knew that if she won this would happen.
  6. 10:51am BBt: Feeds are back and andy has been nominated. Judd says i am just going to vote for myself and andy says i just wanted to punch them in the face. 10:53pm BBt:Amanda saying that she wants her gone and that no one will side with her so she has to be gone next week. Amanda is now calling Elissa an idiot and Andy saying nothing makes sence to me. judd says i said i was only smoking one ciggarett today but i think i need another one. 10:56am BBT: Elissa is now in Kt with Spencer and Ginamarie then goes to STR to get an apple. In have not tm Judd Mccrae , Amanda and Andy still talking and repeating themselves. Andy says this is gonna be a long Three days . he says i trust you guys but it is going to be long. 10:58pm BBT: Amanda hugs Judd and Andy and says sorry dude and Andy says its all good. Amanda and Mccrae leaves the have not rm and Amanda blows her kazoo and Elissa is smiling.
  7. 10:01am BBT:Mccrae and Judd in lounge rm talking about smoking and Judd says he will quit after this and Mccrae says i got my friends e ciggarets and Judd says yeah maybe i need to do that too with my friends.Ginamarie and Andy in color rm telling Andy that if he goes up today then she will save him and next week her target is Amanda and mccrae. Aaryn walks in and ask how did it go and Ginamarie says not well but she is saying that she didnt tell and they people she probabaly didnt tell is me and Andy.Aaryn says Gins i ned this or i am going home and if i go Amanda and mccrae are going to win everything. Ginamarie says no thats not true. 10:07am BBTL Aaryn telling Ginamarie she just wants to stay here and have another week to get them out of here. Aaryn says are you thinking of voting me out sand Ginamarie says no way are you serious? Aaryn says i am scared i just need one more week. 10:10am BBt: Judd and Andy in BY talking and Andy worried about goinhg on the block and leaving this week he tells Judd he has a bad feeling and Judd says you know i felt the same way you do but i left a different way you know and Andy says yeah totally.Andy says i am going to go inside cuz we will be out here in 10 minutes and Judd says yeah i got to go to the bathroom and Amanda is called to the Dr . Andy says we will be back out in just a minute. They go inside to the Kt and Elissa says its gonna start in just a minute dont you think and Judd says yeah i think so. 10:13am BBt:Feeds have now gone to trivia for the POV ceremony.
  8. 5:03pm BBt:Spencer and mccrae in By and Mccrae says man i dont know what i am going to do about Aaryn she is going to turn everyone against each other. Spencer says she already is dude. 5:05pm BBt: mccrae says i figure tomorrow Andy will go up and spencer says i know and i dont want to mess up your game and mccrae says i dont want to mess yours up too. Spencer says if Ginamarie goes up then she cant answer any questions or anything. mccrae says yeah but everything we say to her gets around i dont know how but it does. 5:09pm BBt: ginamarie is in the photobooth with Aaryn and Andy Spencer and mccrae in BY talking about what is realistic in this game then judd walks out and talk stops.and they start talking about what Amanda has put around the house and yard for Elissa. 5:15pm BBT: mccrae and Andy talking in By about the noms and Andy says i do not want to go home on Elissas HOh weel and Mcfrae says yeah i dont trust Poopy at all.then Spencer walks out and they stop talking then mccrae goes in and spencer and Andy talks about Poopy leaving. aaryn comes out and andy ask if Elissa is still baracaded in the hOh rm and she says yeah ginamarie went up to get her and she wouldnt answer. Spencer says it has been a bizar day in the house today then talk turns to Farting. 5:22pm BBt:Amanda says i am going to torcher Elissa every day this week and next week and i dont care what anyone says. Mccrae says i want her gone so bad and amanda says she messed with the wrong person. 5:26pm BBt: BB calls elissa to Dr and amanda is in Kt and says Elissa has to go to the Dr and smiles then we get foth.
  9. 2:04pm BBt: andy now getting the broom and dustpan from Str and Amanda in STR eating candy. Aaryn and Mccrae on By couch with aaryn eating but no one talking.Amanda is now back in bed eating a banana. 2:11pm BBT: Ginamarie is now up and going to go straighten her hair and get ready for the photo booth that she says they should get turned on soon.Amanda is now up and going to the Wa to talk to GInamarie.She says the good old fashion to wash the front of the hair to make it look clean and Ginamarie laughs and says yeah. Judd, Mccrae and Spencer on BY couch saying this is day 66 in the house and Spencer yawns. 2:15pm BBT: Elissa and Mccrae are in By arguing and Elissa says dont touch my stuff and mccrae says i didnt touch it and you are the most down grounded person ever Elissa comes back out and says tell your girlfriend to not touch my stuff and mccrae says if you want to balme anyone blame ginamarie. elissa says she went through my drawerss and seen what i was wearing and i i am telling you right now dont touch my stuff again and mccrae says i am telling you if you touch my stuff again i will go pitt bull on you and Elissa says if you touch my stuff again i will tell production and mccrae says i will go to production now. 2:19pm BBT: Andy comes out and ask what is going on and elissa says i am tired of them touching my stuff. mccrae comes back out and says Production says dont touch my stuff and Elissa says i am sure they said dont touch my stuff either and they yel,k at each other more repeating themselves and elissa says you have dirty clothes in your drawers that hasnt been washed in like 3 weeks you are so gross and Mccrae says your gross so dont touch my stuff either and have respect for other peoples stuff. 2:21pm BBt: Elissa says just done touch my stuff and Mccrae says i wouldnt want to touch your upper class crsty stuff anyways and Bb says Elissa put your mic on and aMANDA COMES OUT AND Mccrae says dont touch her stuff and says she is high and mighty and you cant touch her stuff. amanda says why would i touch her stuff. Amanda says zingbot says it best that she is the trash of her sister.Mccrae says i dont know how you can live with scum it must be low for you and Amanda says she has her 70 year old husband and kid that she doesnt know whos kid it is but must not be his. and she never talks about her step kids thats a loving step mom there. 2:25pm BBT:Amanda is now in the Wa with Ginamarie and aaryn and telling them what all was said out in the BY.amanda says i want to be here dont you know thats all of our jobs we all want to be her. 2:27pm BBt: Ginamarie comes out and ask Mccrae if he needs anything washed and he says no i like being dirty and amanda says to aaryn in the WA that something doesnt add up Elissa has a 70 year old husband and an 8 year old kid and she wants to talk about my pregnancy. 2:39pm BBT: Spencer tells Judd he is just going to lay low. Judd gets up and goes out to the BY and ask Mccrae if he is cooler now and he says yeah. amanda in Wa telling Aaryn she didnt touch Elissas stuff but now i am. 2:40pm BBt: Judd and Mccrae talking and Judd says i am cool with ya'll but Amanda does speak wrong at times.Amanda comes out and ask how did all that start and mccrae says that Elissa came out and said tell Amanda not to get stuff out of my bag and he says i told her first of all it was ginamarie that took the ball out of the bag and second she took all my stuff out of the drawers. Amanda laughs and says i just hung her heres elissa sign and hung it on the bathroom door and Mccrae says dont touch her stuff. 2:46pm BBt: Amanda , Ginamarie and Aaryn getting the worms on a string out to do a puppet show with them Amanda is Candice and Ginamarie is herself and Aaryn is Amanda and they are yelling making fun of Candice. 2:51pm BBt: In the BY Judd and Mccrae talking about Judd when he was evicted and Mccrae tells hi tnhat once amanda was convinced that Judd was the Mvp then she was on board to evict you but i was never on board. 2:55pm BBt: Aaryn. Amanda and Ginamarie still playing with the fuzzy worms on a string doing their mean girl act and putting people down and cursing alot. 2:57pm BBT: Mccrae and Judd still in BY talking about floaters and how being a floater can either help you or hurt you. Andy is now out there too and says well when you have the MVP you dont know if you are mean to the wrong person.
  10. 1:05pm BBT: Judd has now gone to the Kt as Aarynis in the Wa doing makeup and Judd walks in says goodmorning poopy then says my face is broke out so bad.Judd says the back yard is flooded where Andy put the house is to fill the hottub earlier and they had to lock the BY back down. Aaryn says oh really? 1:09pm BBT: Judd goes rto color rm and Ginamarie is just waking up she ask what time it is and he says one then wiggles a worm on a sting at her and she laughs.Andy is now awake too he is saying what andy did to the Hot tub and hpw they got put on lockdown for it since it was flooded and Andy says sorry BB. 1:18pm BBT: Judd and Elissa in KT taking Electralite tablets and Elissa says drink a full glas of watwer with them. She says i guess i am the first person to ask for electralite drinks for have nots in here and Judd says really and Elissa says i guess they never gave them to us before. Elissa goes up to HOH rm and says she is going to change then be out to the BY. Judd goes to the BY and sits on couch. 1:25pm BBT: Amanda is now up in Kt getting orange juice. Ginamarie and Aaryn in Wa after Bb calls them both to the dr then Bb says Ginamarie to the Dr and aaryn is doing her hair and says someone was hiding it and we got foth. 1:32pm BBt: Judd goes back out to the BY after making a ham and chese sandwich and joins Amanda who is eating also. Aaryn has now joined the BY and Judd says good morning and Aaryn says Hi.Aaryn says Amanda has like the perfect sking and Amanda says no i dont and aaryn says yeah you do you dont turn pink you dont have dark circles and you dont brake out what more can you ask for? 1:41pm BBt: Elissa is leaving the HOH rm wit laundry. In the BY Aaryn and judd and Andy talking general talk in the By about power bars that Elissa got in her basket and how good they are. 1:43pm BBTL Spencer is now up in the By and elissa comes out with him with her yoga mat. 1:47pm BBt: Andy and elissa in the Kt as Andy is cleaning tbhe Kt and says i am clean at home and this bothers me as he wipes the counter. Elissa heads out to BY to start her yoga. Aaryn, Spencer4 and judd talking about Ciggaretts and then about the finale and Spencer says he cant wait to have naked time with maryline. 1:53pm BBt: Andy in lounge rm talking to amanda and Mccrae. Andy says if i go up i got to get to Judd before aaryn does so he will trust me. He says i have to tell them that i am going after Amanda and mccrae and Amanda talks louder and says yeah then he will put us up if he gets power and andy says then what do i say and Amanda calls for mccrae and heads to the Kt. 1:56pm BBT: Andy is back to cleaning the KT and Spencer and Aaryn are in kt with him. Amanda and mccrae outside smoking and not talking.
  11. 3:02pm BBt: Amanda and mccrae in lounge rm talking to Aaryn saying that Elissa doesnt want to take you to final three and just tell her that Ginamarie is coming after you and start a fight about it so that she will put up Ginamarie. aaryn says i dont know and amanda cuts her off and says aaryn this is to get you farther. Aaryn walks out of lounge rm and Andy walks in and says if i go home i wont be happy and Amanda says you wont go home. 3:05pm BBT: Aaryn burst into the HOh rm and tells Elissa a lie about Ginamarie and leaves the rm and Elissa says oh i dont know i dont know if i trust her. 3:07pm BBT: aaryn now in color rm talking to Ginamarie saying i am afraid that Elissa is goig to put you up against me i just went up there and she said if she put Ginamarie up then she wont keep you. Aaryn says if she thinks you are going to keep me then she will put you up. 3:09pm BBT: Aaryn tells her that Amanda does not like you and she will evict you if you go on the block and Ginamarie says forget Amanda i aint scared of her.Aaryn says to Judd i went up to hoh and told Elissa that if you think Ginamarie is going to work with you next week then you are wrong and then i walked out. 3:11pm BBT:In HOH rm Spencer is still talking to Elissa and Elissa says this sucks and spencer says good thing is you have till monday to think about it but i know people will be throwing my name out there but i aint going to worry about it and if you hear anything just tell me and i hope you just make a good decision.In the KT amanda and Mccrae are walking around . In the lounge Aaryn is sitting alone. 3:14pm BBT: Elissa tells Spencer that mccrae and Amanda are strong together. Spencer says if Andy is up there he will stay this week. spencer leaves and Elissa follows him to Kt to take her dishes down. 3:15pm BBt: Ginamarie heading to hoh rm to get nail clippers. Spencer and Mccrae are talking about the cake and how big it was and spencer says man they could have gotten a smaller cake.Elissa is washing her dishes. and now making a salad with ranch dressing. Amanda talking about her allergies being so bad and Judd says mine too but they arent usually this bad this early but they are bad this time. 3:19pm BBT: Amanda and Mccrae in kt Amanda says after this there is only one person that doesnt play in the veto.Mccrae says yeah. Mccrae says are we going to bed or what and Amanda says yeah as she pours a drink. mccrae says i will be back and Amanda says no i am coming to you. 3:21pm BBT: Amanda asking what Elissa said to him and he said she wouldnt tell me who she was putting up and that i am safe and she wont put me up and all she said was about Ginamarie. he says that Elissa said she wasnt going to waste an hOh on him leaving this week. And that she was just in love with Ginamarie . 3:24pm BBT: Andy comes in and Spencer tells him what Elissa said and andy gets nervous.In color rm Judd and Ginamarie are going to sleep. In chair rm Spencer is now laying down for a nap and mccrae and Amanda are drinking drinks and eating. andy says he needs to go talk to Elissa but is scared to he ask who is with her now and Spencer says nobody but she said she will come down later. aaryn says i am so mad. 3:27pm BBT: Andy goes to lounge rm and cries and Spencer comes in and talks to him and Andy says Judd is friends with everyone though. 3:33pm BBT:Mccrae goes to the DR and Andy and Spencer in lounge rm talking and andy says if i go up i will tell her i wont work with her next week. Spencer says if you go up you dont have to pack your bags cuz you know me Amanda and Mcfrae will keep you here. 3:36pm BBT: andy says i am not here to be an adam i am the reason that Amanda is still here and that you are still here and mccrae is still here and if i get backdoored i will die i want this money so bad and if elissa takes me out i will die. 3:40pm BBT: Spencer says dude we got to figure out how to keep you safe. Andy says i think Amanda is really dangerous and spencer starts whispering that Mccrae told me that the only way for him to stay is for him to take out Amanda so everyone knows he is here to play and andy says ok. Spencer says mccrae is more loyal to me and you than he is to her. andy says ok . 3:43pm BBT: andy telling Spencer about the 3AM alliance and how he and Mccrae talked about it wasnt gonna work but it kept them safe for a little bit. Spencer says i will keep my distance from you so they wont think we have a side. 3:45pm BBT: Aaryn has gotten up and gone in to talk to Ginamarie and says we have to tell her she needs people and Ginamarie says we have to tewll her that we will put up Amanda and mccrae, Aaryn says yeah but if she puts you up i will go home she knows you are a vote for you. aaryn says obviously Amanda is not looking out for me so i am trying to figure out what is best for me. Ginamarie says she dont so we got to get Elissa not to put me up there and Aaryn says whoever i go up against is bad. 3:50pm BBT: Andy leaves the lounge rm and Spencer leaves behind him Amanda in Wa doing her hair. Aaryn and Ginamarie in color rm repeating themselves.Andy in Wa now with amanda and says i hope my two months of loyalty is good if i go up and amanda says it is. 3:53pm BBT: Aaryn comes in Wa telling amanda and Andy what her and Ginamarie had a talk about and Andy says Spencer just came to me and said that Elissa said she wouldnt put up Him or Ginamarie and she wont put Judd up so that leaves me. Andy says oh how did that happen?
  12. 1:14pm BBT: Still on trivia 1:15pm BBT: Feeds are back and Amanda is walking around with the Veto in her neck. 1:17pm BBt: Aaryn and Ginamarie are wearing birthday hats in the KT and mccrae is wearing a birthday hat in the chair rm blowing on a hermonica.Back in the KT Ginamarie is going through a party bag. Spencer is in bed 1:18pm BBT: Judd is walking around and goes to chair rm and then walks out singing baby baby zing bot. Ginamarie and Andy in HOH with Elissa and Ginamarie complaining that she got hurt by falling and Amanda got ahead of her. Amanda and mccrae in color rm talking to Aaryn saying that Ginamarie is going home and we just have to keep our cool. 1:25pm BBT: Amanda tells Aaryn no more talking and making deals with Elissa you hear me and aaryn says i was just doing that lastnight. Aaryn says i mean i swear to go whoever goes this week is ok as long as it isnt me cuz i am so scared. Amanda leaves and goes to the KT where Judd is to get a drink. 1:27pm BBt:Ginamarie and Elissa in the hoh bathroom talking as Elissa is taking a shower cant hear alot with water running except Ginamarie saying she worked her butt off.Aaryn has now joined the hoh bathroom.Aaryn says i will come up later i guess Elissa and Elissa says yeah ok . 1:29pm BBT: Amanda in WA talking to Judd and she tells him that if she wins hoh next week and Ginamarie is still here she is putting up Ginamarie and Elissa up and Judd says yeah. Ginamarie is now in Wa and says congrats Amanda. 1:32pm BBT: Aary n and Amanda talking and aaryn says she will now try to work with you since you cant go on the block and Amanda says i hate her and i will come after her.In the chair rm Mccrae and Spencer were talking and Andy walks in and talk stops then Ginamarie walks in and her and mccrae are playing with toys from their party bags. 1:34pm BBT: Amanda telling Andy and aaryn that there will be seven people after this week and it is only 6 playing in hoh. Aaryn says she is going to go see elissa now and amanda says she better watch herself i will murder her in her sleep she better watch out for me. Andy says i went up there and with Ginamarie and she asked me to leave and Amanda says oh yeah. 1:36pm BBT: Ginamarie is putting the cake in the freezer cuz it is to hot to eat right now after being outside in the sun.Amanda is in shower. In chair rm Spencer says that Ginamarie was at 70 when Amanda had to start over and Ginamarie said yeah man i was hussling . Andy walking from room to room and conversation to conversation.Spencer and Judd says there was no shade in the BY and Mccrae says yeah with that canopy up it was like fire in there. 1:40pm BBT:Andy and aaryn in lounge rm and Andy says i dont think there is any way she will put up Judd and Aaryn says would she put up Ginamarie and andy says no i dont think so and Spencer came in and they stop talking and spencer says that was an endurance and Spencer says that Amanda is calling her in the bathroom. 1:43pm BBT:Elissa telling Judd that she doesnt know what she is going to do and Judd says if i go up then i know i will go home and aaryn says next week i dont know what i am going to do but if you put someone up that helps me stay then next week i wont target you but i wont say who i will target cuz i dont want it to get back to them. 1:47pm BBT:aaaryn says i am so scared of going home and i want to stay i dont want to go home. elissa says i dont know what i am going to do Aaaryn and Aaryn says that Amanda told her that she was going home and elissa says no when she was in the shower but if you keep me safe i wont target you. Judd says who would they vote out though besides me?Aaryn says i dont know are you voting me out too? Judd says no but who would they vote out over you Ginamarie? aaryn says no thats a vote toward me. 1: 50 pm BBT:In the Lounge rm Ginamarie joins Andy Mccrae and Spencer and Judd walks in and says see ya later and Ginamarie says what was that? Spencer says i dont know and he and andy go to see him. Spencer and Judd now in KT and Spencer says dude your face is so red you need to cool down some and Spencer says did you hear me yell at production that Judd couldnt breath and we get foth. 1:55pm BBT:Judd goes to lounge rm and ask Ginamarie and Spencer and Mccrae if they are ok and in the Wa Andy walks in and says if i go on the block i wont go home right? and Aaryn yells and says i dont want to go home i want to stay i am so mad i dont want to go home. 1:56pm BBT: Amanda tells Aaryn that Ginamarie will be a vote to keep you here right? Aaryn says yeah and Amanda says over Andy and aaryn says i dont know.Andy walks back in and talk stops. 1:57pm BBT:Andy says i voted out my best friend and i was mad that zinbot called me a floater today. aaryn now in shower and andy leaves again.
  13. 11:05am BBT: we are still on trivia as HG are playing the POV comp. 11:35am BBT: We are still on trivia . Will have results of PoV comp as soon as feeds return. 11:57am BBT: Still on trivia
  14. 4:00pm BBt: Andy being called to the Dr. before he goes he tells Aaryn that amanda sobed all night long cuz she knows mccrae is going to go up.Elissa and Judd in By talking by the hottub and Judd says he does not trust anyone of them and he says lastnight amanda was mad cuz of the mvp thing and Elissa says did you have MVP and Judd says no not at all then Elissa says it must have been America then. 4:03pm BBt: Elissa talking about not being able to trust Aaryn and says she lies all the time. Judd says i will stay loyal to the people i am loyal to. Elissa says with Candice was it oyur idea to vote out Candice or hers? Judd says well she told us to vote her out and thats what i did. Elissa says they told me i was your target. Judd says you never was. Elissa says they told me that and mccrae just came up and lied to my face. Judd says i feel so stupid cuz now i see so many lies she told me now. 4:08pm BBT: In BY at the hottub Ginamarie and elissa and Judd talking about flat tires. aaryn in color rm getting dressed all other hg sleeping. 4:14pm BBt: Elissa and ginamarie talking about hair and Ginamarie wants bangs to hang over her eyes and Judd is just sitting there listening. 4:18pm BBt: andy walks out to the BY and Elissa ask did you think Jessies comments were rude ot entertaining? Andy says why cant they be both and they all laugh.Spencer is getting clothes after taking his shower. Aaryn was called to dr and Amanda and mccrae are sleeping. 4:22pm BBt: Aaryn is now out of the Dr and talking to Spencer. Aaryn says i am not eating out of this BB bowl it is to deep i will use it for something else.Ginamarie called to Dr and comes in and tells them she thinks it is for a pottery for plants. aaryn says i dont think so it doesnt have holes to drain water. She says i am thinking about putting my keys in it by my front door and Ginamarie says thats a good idea and heads to the DR. 4:29pm BBt: Spencer,Andy and Judd at hottub talking about the canopy that is now hanging over the By and wondering what it is for and spencer is doing dirty rymes. Aaryn comes out and says that Ginamarie has totally lost it. She says that her and Ginamarie were talking about what to put in that pot like keys or makeup or jewelry or other things and aaryn says i just wanted to figure it out before i go home. Spencer telling Judd about aaryn drinking fingernail polish remover and that BB called her to Dr and asked why and how much nail polish remover she drank. 4:38pm BBt: Judd goes to HOH to talk to Elissa and Judd says everytime i try to talk to you he shows up and Elissa says Spencer and Andy and he says yeah. He says i did trust Spencer before i left here but now and Elissa satys lets work together and get them out and you and i go to final two and Judd agrees. 4:42pm BBT: Judd tells Elissa he trust her 100% more than anyone else. In BY Andy and ginamarie talking about working out and being have nots. Ginamarie says at least Helen made slop balls and so it had its advantages. 4:46pm BBt: Elissa tells Judd that she saw a whole different side to Amanda last week. Judd says yeah. Elissa said they wanted all of us against each other in the jury cuz they wanted us to look like bad guys in there. 4:53pm BBt: Judd says it feels like the humidity in the BY with that Canopy up and Spencer and Ginamarie agree with him Aaryn is not out there joining By crew and andy has joined them. Spencer says is Elissa upstairs and Judd says yeah . Spencer says i am going to go shout at her for a minute and Judd goes inside to take a power nap. 4:56pm BBT: Spencer goes to HOh and Elissa is in the shower he tells her i will catch up with you later and leaves and heads to the KT where Andy is walking around and says we got to have noms soon and Andy says yeah for sure.
  15. 2:00pm BBT:Spencer and mccrae are talking to Andy and Judd and talking bad about Elissa and laughing about it. Mccrae is mad he is being put on the block this week . Spencer says bout nap time for me boys and Andy says bout shower time for me. 2:03pm BBt:Spencer says to Andy that he thinks this is the way to get Aaryn on Elissas side so she can use the veto and Andy agrees. In color rm Aaryn and Ginamarie are talking as ginamarie is trying to cheer up aaryn. 2:05pm BBt: Andy walks in to color rm and interupts ginamarie and aaryn. Aaryn says i was crying earlier and she was calming me down. they are now talking about otev comp and Ginamarie cant say otev and they laugh. 2:08pm BBT: Mccrae goes to chair rm to eat in bed while amanda sleeps. Spencer is geting in bed and puts his shades on so he can get a nap. amanda now awake asking what Mccrae is eating. 2:10pm BBt: mccrae says he went to talk to EDlissa earlier and Amanda says what did you say and Mccrae says he told her that she needed to put Ginamaire on the block with Aaryn so that she will go home. 2:13pm BBT: Ginamarie says they need to go out of here i like mccare but she messes with my head and i dont like that. Aaryn says if this is a veto we have to wake up in the middle of the night and Ginamarie says might be questions like that and Aaryn says i dont care what it is i will fight but id=f she doesnt put me up and i dont get to play veto i will be mad. aaryn says how many will sit out ofthat and Ginamarie says two. 2:17pm BBT: Aaryn says i have won four hoh's and one veto and i am still here so with % wins under my belt and i am still here is amazing. and i think unless someone ties me and i make it to final 2 then i will win since i have five wins under my belt. Aaryn says Candice wont vote for me though. 2:21pm BBt: In chair rm they are talking about the comp lastnight and in color rm they are also talking about the comp lastnight that Ginamarie says she stayed up and never held on to the thing. 2:29pm BBt: Andy and Apencer telling Judd about the have not comp where they got slimed and how hard it was to get the slime out of their hair and clothes and spencer says i had to comb my leg hairs to get it out. 2:36pm BBT: Aaryn has her makeup done now and has gone to lay down for a nap then gets up geting things from the dresser. Most hg in chair rm talking general talk about the otev comp. 2:45pm BBt: Andy talking about Candice and if she had come back and said that she wanted rto go home and i went on the block i would be mad if i left over her.Spencer, Judd and Mccrae laughing at andy. Aaryn laying in bed and ginamarie asleep. and we get foth. 2:52pm BBT: Spencer says he was so mad that Candice got 5000.00 and all he got a a bull horn. andy laughs at him. Now talk turns to Zingbot and they all laugh. Aaryn and Ginamarie are sleeping in color rm. Andy says i think i am going to go take a showe and Spencer says yeah right you will walk around for 3 hours before you do. Andy says no really i am . 2:56pm BBT: andy goes to Dr and ask if he could take a shower in there and she says yeah. Elissa says i didnt mean to make everyone stay out of here and andy says no he understands when he was hoh he wanted his alone time too. Elissa asking what everyone has been doing and Andy says just shootin the crap.
  16. 12:00pm BBT: Elissa tells Ginamarie that she never blamed her for anything. Elissa says Aaryn is not a good girl and she will drag you down with her. Ginamarie says i liked Candice and Candice only got mad at me cuz i defended Aaryn. Elissa says well aaryn has won alot here and if we dont get her out now then Amanda and Mccrae will she si strong and she needs to go. 12:03pm BBT: Elissa says the fight with you and Candice should have never happened and it was all aaryn starting it and she even has me mad at you before. Ginamarie says yeah i know and i tried to be her friend and protect my friend. 12:05pm BBt: Elissa says i want to tell you that you are not nominated and i need Aaryn to go she got helen out and she will pin everything on you and Ginamarie says i know i know and Elissa says if you win the veto what will you do ? Ginamarie says i will keep the noms the same if that is what you want and Elissa says i want you to fight for the veto Aaryn has to go she has to go.Ginamarie says if someone comes off do you backdoor Amanda and Elissa says i tried that so we will see. 12:08pm BBT: Ginamarie says i dont have to kiss butt for a vote and Elissa says they are all telling me to put you up and do you realize that this isnt Amanda telling me to do this it is Aaryn do you not realize they are working together? ginamarie says i thought they might be. Elissa says i feel like aaryn needs to go this week and Amanda needs to be the target next week.Ginamarie says i gotcha and i want you to know i like you you did my hair and i was most happy and i told you from the beggining i liked you. 12:13pm BBT: Ginamarie and Elissa still talking and Elissa says i need aaryn to go she disrespected other with her cutlural coments and i work with people well we all do with differnt cutural backgrounds.Ginamarie says i knowElissa tells Her that she just wanted to tell her that she was safe and not going on the block. 12:16pm BBT: Ginamarie says i will hold back a little bit in the veto comp and try not to have to use it so you wont be mad at me and other mad at me for using it but if i had to save myself i will win it and it wont bother me if someone is upset. but i will do what you want to do. elissa says if someone comes off i have an idea who will go up and Ginamarie says ok i will work with you and if you need anything just let me know i respect you. 12:19pm BBT: andy in by with Spencer, Judd and Mccrae he says i am checking the STR to see if it is restocked and then we will know if we are having have / have not comp tonight. Spencer says they might put us in LD in a couple of hours and have a night comp. 12:21pm BBt: andy comes out and says the STR has been restocked there are mr goodbars in there now.in HOH Elissa and Ginamarie are still talking about taking Aaryn out this week. 12:26pm BBT: Andy goes to HOh and ask if he can come in and Elissa says no we are talking and says sorry he says thats ok i undersyand and leaves Ginamarie says thank you for talking to me and if you need anything come to me and we get foth. 12:31pm BBT: Aaryn in hoh talking to Elissa and tells her that she didnt want Helen out that her target was spencer.Elissa says you have to except reality and you are the one who always targeted me i never targeted you so you did this to yourself. aaaryn says Helen told me you was targeting me and elissa says i dont know why Helen thought she could talk to me i have a mind of my own and a mouth. Aaryn says i understand you will do what you want but if you wont put me up this week i will do what you want and elissa says for me to help you i would have to be safe for the next 3 weeks. elissa says there is someone here that you do all her work for her and Aaryn says i was scared i would leave this house and Elissa says you would vote out amanda? aaryn says i will do what you want even if it takes out Amanda i will do anything you want with votes and nominations and i mean that i promise on my family and everything. 12:36pm BBt: Elissa says i have alot at stake being here to play BB and Elissa says i know you do and i do too and i swear to you i will do anything for you this money would chage my life and i swear i will protect you if you keep me here and do anything you like and i understand if you dont want to keep me. elissa says i feel like i cant rrust you since you sent helen home this week. Aaryn says i understand but she wasnt even my target they made me do it . 12:42pm BBt: Elissa tells Aaryn that she feels like she has credibility cuz she never went after aaaryn . Aaryn says well you tried to get Mccrae to put me up week one and elissa says no i didnt Aaryn says you have been after me since week one and Elissa says no i was never after you . 12:44pm BBT: Aaryn says really Elissa i will do anything you want me to do if you keep me off the block and Elissa says i dont know what i am thinking now but if you stay this week i just want you to play for yourself. aaryn says yeah everyone in this house except Judd who just came back in this game wants you out you were thweir target this week. 12:45pm BBT: Aaryn says Elissa if you keep me off the block this week then you have my loyalty and all i can do is give you my word and i have saved you like when Ginamarie wanted to put you on the block before and i stopped her. aaryn says thank you for talking to me and leaves hoh rm. 12:47pm BBT:Elisaa snd Andy now talking. Andy says are you still thinking what you was lastnight and Elissa says yeah.Andy says i was loyal to everyone till some people got in my ear last week. andy says i will honor anything you want this week and if i get to play in veto i will fight for it and Elissa says you better. 12:50pm BBt: Elissa says if we can find people to play a good game and have a good final 2 and Elissa says who would you put up if you won hoh and andy says Spencer and Judd cuz they try to flip the house on me. Elissa says i feel i cant tell you anything cuz you go tell them and andy says no i dont i am scared of everyone and now that Helen is gone i dont have a partner and you dont have a partner and i feel like we are sitting ducks. 12:52pm BBT: andy tells Elissa if you dont put me up i wont put you up and elissa says for two week and Andy says yeah. 12:54pm BBT: Elissa is downstairs getting clothes to chage to and Spencer Mccrae and Judd in lounge rm talking about voting Helen out and filling Judd in on some house things that have happened. 12:57pm BBT; Andy walks through the house announcing the nomination screen is up now and Elissa says i know.
  17. 10:02am BBt: Judd , Andy and Spencer in livingroom just talking about the jury coming back in then Judd heads to bathroom where Elissa is and gives her a hug.Andy walks in laughing at Elissa saysing something about a five dollars circle k card and she says do you think that is funny? Andy says no no and laughs more. 10:04am BBT: Elissa says to Judd and Andy that i just want Aaryn out cuz i cant play this game cuz she is always listening and Amanda and Mccrae tell her what to do. Andy says i think you have a good plan. Andy says if Mccrae comes down who is the replacement? Elissa says i dont know yet. 10:07am BBT: Andy says to Elissa i wonder why we are going to go on lockdown at 11am cuz it isnt like you are making nominations already and they arent building anything out there yet so it probably isnt food comp or anything. Elissa says i dont know but he said to eat breakfast. 10:10am BBT:Elissa and Judd start talking about Amanda crying and worried and Andy walks back in WA and talk stops and Andy talks about the banana song theu got this morning. 10:13am BBT: Judd says i want a ciggarett but i have to ration my ciggaretts. Elissa says they should give them E ciggaretts in here. she ask Judd do they give you ciggaretrs in the jury house and Judd says no. Elissa says see they care about your health. 10:15am BBT: Elissa says guy i didnt sleep at all lastnight i think it was the excitment. Andy says yeah i bet it was and Judd says i was that way too when i was HOH.Aaryn, Spencer, Amanda , Mccrae and Ginamarie are still in bed sleeping. 10:17am BBT: Andy, Elissa and Judd laughing about Candice jumping off the hoh comp lastnight and says bye guys i have more fun in jury. Judd laughs and says i didnt realize till jury that candice talks so much and you cant get a word in with her. 10:21am BBT: Elissa, Judd and Andy talking about the eviction lastnight and how fast they voted. Judd laughs and said i was so nervous but i was nervous comeing back in here too. 10:23am BBt: Aaryn is now up in the Wa with Judd and Andy and Elissa and then BB calls her to the DR. 10:31am BBT: Ellissa and Judd in HOH rm talking and elissa says when Aaryn is up here she talks so bad about candice and she is such a liar and she has to go and she wins alot so she has to go and we get foth. 10:33am BBT: Judd tellign Elissa that Amanda was crying when they came back in and he doesnt know why. Elissa says i dont know why you ever got mad at me and we get foth again. 10:35am BBT: Elissa says they Amanda and Mccrae told Spencer that he keeps getting off the block because of them. Judd says well with Spencer i was working with him before and i almost said lastnight because i thought i was going to fall off that if anyone put spencer up they woildnt have my vote. Elissa says if you me and Spencer works together we can get them out. 10:38am BBT: Elissa says i think Ginamarie will work with us and help get Amanda Mccrae and andy out if we all stick together. Judd says yeah and Andy walks in and Elissa says we was talking about Jessie cuz i just love her. 10:42am BBT: Andy and Judd talking about Candice telling stories and Judd eating snacks in Elissas HOh basket. 10:46am BBT: Andy tells Judd he was so scared when Jessie was doing so well lastnight. He says didnt she have like 4? Judd says yeah i think so.Judd says i was floored when i seen Helen lastnight and told her i couldnt believe she was evicted. 10:48am BBT: Aaryn and Amanda in Wa doing makeup and hair getting ready for the lockdown.Andy in HOH wondering why they are having a lockdown soon and thinking maybe they wont have no have have nots this week. 10:51am BBt: Ginamarie is now up on Wa with Aaryn and Amanda Aaryn tells Ginamarie that if she wins veto to use it on her to see if Elissa will put up Amanda and Mccrae. She tells Ginamarie that there is no need to worry. Ginamarie says i will fight for veto it is on now and i will work hard for it. 10:55pm BBT: Judd has now gone to the color rm to get a shirt . Mccrae is now up getting dressed and now going to bathroom.Spencer is getting up and Getting dressed. 10:57am BBT: Ginamarie in KT making food as other HG are getting dressed and rwady to go out for a lockdown.
  18. 3:05pm BBt: Andy goes to have not rm to talk to Elissa he ask her if she is ok and she says no not reallt. elissa says is there any way and andy says i dont think anyone is going to budge. He gets up and says i will leave you to it.and leaves the rm. Andy now walking to tthe Kt where Amanda and mccrae are fixing food. 3:07pm BBt: Helen in color rm talking to aaryn and she says i wanted to tell you that i have the highest regard for you and i want you to listen to me you are the only one that knows what i have done in this game and not even elissa knows and when you watch this show you will see i never lied to you and never talked bad about you.helen says as she cries that over the last few weeks i have really enjoyed getting to know you and i hole you in the highest reguard. 3:14pm BBt: Ginamarie comes in as helen leaves and Andy is crying.aaryn and Ginamarie whispering as Andy sniffles and aaryn says i know your upset i know and we get trivia.
  19. 2:04pm BBt: Ginamarie and Elissa go to Wa to do makeup and hair and Elissa says i am a little fired up today and Ginamarie says thats good keep it that way and Elissa says i might get a little fiesty and Ginamarie laughs and says that is a good thing. 2:11pm BBT: General talk with Elissa and Ginamarie. andy is walking around waiting for slop balls to be readt that Helen is now cooking. 2:15pm BBT: Ginamarie and andy whispering and then Ginamaroe says go ask her to bring me her makeup and if she says it is already in here then tell her we cant find it.Andy goes and gets Aaryn but he cant find her since she is in the Dr. 2:21pm BBt: andy and Ginamarie talking to Aaryn in lounge rm about keeping helen this week. Aaryn says but if helen stays it is going to make Elissa stronger. Ginamarie says we can control Elissa and andy says i think and my gut tells me we are making the wrong move. 2:22pm BBt: Ginamaroe telling Aaryn that Amanda and mccrae lies to everyone and i mean everyone and i know Helen does to a little bit.Andy tells Amanda that they are talking making sure that they are mamking the right move and amanda saYS are you questioning me? ginamarie says no but Spencer is a little to comfortable by not packing so we are just talking. Aaryn says do you want Elissa in power and they say no and Aaryn says Spencer will take her out.Ginamarie says i dont think Helen will come after us so why are we getting rid of someone who isnt coming after us? 2:26pm BBt: andy says we wanted to make sure that everyone is on the same page. Aaryn says but helen will put us up and Ginamarie says i dont think so. Ginamarie says we just wanted to check with you. and aaryn leaves the lounge rm.Spencer walks in and Ginamarie says we are waiting for Amanda to talk then you are next. Spencer says whats going on and Ginamarie says oh nothing just making sure we are all on the same page. Amanda now comes in and Ginamarie says i am nervouse that if Spencer wins HOH he wont put up Elissa t6hat he will put up me and aaryn and Amanda says no. 2:29pm BBT: Ginamarie says i am worried Spencer put me up in round 2 of that comp so i want to make sure that he is on the same page. amanda says elissa is next to go.Aaryn tells Spencer the conversation about him not packing so he is now up packing his clothes for the live show tonight. 2:32pm BBt: Mccrae and Elissa in STr and Mccrae tells her we have to fight hard for HOh and it has to be either you Me or Amanda and Elissa says yeah and they leave str.back in lounge rm and Aaryn walks in and Ginamarie is saying she is worried about Spencer and his lies. Amanda asking what she will do if she wins and Ginamaroe says i just want to know what he is going to do. 2:35pm BBt: mccrae in loungerm now with Ginamarie she asked Aaryn to send Spencer in he wants to talk to him . He comes in and she says basically we wanted to confirm with Aaryn that if you win hoh that you put Elissa up and Spencer says absolutlly what other plan would it be?Ginamarie says i just wanted to make sure everything was good. spencer says why is this even a question and Ginamarie says it isnt we just want to make sure we talk to everybody. 2:37pm BBT: aaryn and Andy in color rm talking and repeating what was said in the lounge rm and andy says do not worry. aaryn says you would put Amanda and Mccrae on the block and vote Mccrae out? Andy says absolutly.aaryn says i went to spencer and asked him if he was 100% putting Elissa up and he sais yes. 2:45pm BBt:andy and spencer and Mcfrae in color rm and telling them what Ginamarie said in lounge rm and blaming it all on Ginamarie. Spencer says he has to pack but he doesnt have much to pack. Most of the women are in the Wa doing makeup and hair. 2:48pm BBt: amanda in color rm with Aaryn and tells Aary that she better get ginamaries mind off me and mccrae and back on to Elissa and Spencer. Ginamaroe tells helen to go talk to aaryn again and she is telling helen about Spencer lying to her and she says i can not trust his butt. helen says i hope she knows she is going up if she trust him and Ginamarie says i know. 2:58pm BBT: Andy and Elissa and Mccrae in color rm talking and Andy says i think we are ok no matter what and mccrae says yup and andy says we dont know what elissa will do if she wins it and mccrae says yeah Elissa asked me to throw HOh to her and andy says elissa asking to throw it makes me mad.
  20. 1:01pm BBt: helem in KT making slop balls for the last time she says. Elissa washing dishes saying she is so hungry. Andy walking around KT. Mccrae and amanda coming down stairs to the KT. Aaryn in color rm unpacking her things and Spencer has gone back to bed in chair rm.Ginamarie in Wa blow drying her hair. 1:06pm BBT: Mccrae Aaryn and Andy in color rm talking and saying if we all stick to this and we all switch off winning hoh then this will work and andy says yeah we have to Mccrae says we dont know what Elissa will do so we have to win.Aaryn says yeah i trust you guys so you have to win. 1:13pm BBT: Amanda and Mccrae talking with Andy and Spencer about selling their BB stuff like their costumes for comps and bags and things and about how much you can get for them and then Mccrae says what about Judds bear shit.Spencer says that will go for alot man, 1:18pm BBt: Andy saying they will probably have to wear athletiv wear tonight so Spencer says he will wear the pants that Howard left tonight.In the KT helen is making slop balls and Elissa complaining about her stomach hurting. 1:24pm BBT:Helen blowdrying hair now and Elissa doing her hair and putting deodorant on as Amanda went to bathroom and told Elissa if its endurance tonight not to wear cotten cuz if it is water it will make her colder. 1:32pm BBT: Aaryn, Andy. amanda, Mccrae and Spencer in chair rm talking about past comps and what to wear for a comp tonight. 1:46pm BBT: helen and Elissa in lounge rm whispering really low. in the color rm all Hg but Ginamarie is talking about eskimo pies and eskimo huts in texas.andy tells mccrae he looks like he has lipstick on and mccrae looks in the mirror and says i been drinking koolaid. 1:55pm BBt: general talk about movies and movie theaters in the color rm. helen in Wa with Elissa and Ginamarie doing her hair and saying the flat iron doesnt work. 1:58pm BBt: Elissa and ginamarie in lounge rm and elissa says wanna make a deal before hoh and Ginamarie says absolutly. elissa says if i win hoh i will not put you up and Ginamarie says i wont put you up either and i told helen that earlier and i feel like we need to put Mccrae and Spencer up cuz they lie alot and Amanda pushes people into things but i need one of them out and you are a ok in my book and i am gonna work my butt off this week it is my birthday and i want to win. Elissa says i am going work hard to but if we are up there we can make a deal now instead of out there so what do you think? Ginamarie says i am going to work hard and put my heart into it and i want everyone else in it to but when we are up there we can make a deal thats fine.
  21. 11:05am BBt: Elissa is running as Helen is doing situps in the living rm Bb calls Amanda to the Dr.Aaryn is in HOH shower. 11:11am Bbt: helen talking to Ginamarie telling her that she has alot of highs but when he have your lows its low but when you gave your soeech lastnight i started crying cuz i seen your compassion lastnight. Helen says i want you to know that i am a different person walking out of here and i just want you to know that and i know the tital and the prize here will never change you cuz you are not ashamed or to proud. Ginamrie says than you helen thank you. 11:14am BBT: Helen tells Ginamarie if she could make a deal with Elissa then yall can go far and Elissa might not be able to work with Aaryn but she will with you. helen says you have to get in Aaryns head and tell her what is going on in this place cuz i am leaving but ya'll can go far. 11:15pm BBT:Helen telling Ginamarie that Amanda , Andy and Spencer and Mccrae are working together and they are going to get ya'll to pick off Spencer for her. And Amanda will never go up unless you Elissa or aaryn put her up cuz Andy Mcfrae and Spencer will never put her up. 11:20am BBt: helen still telling Ginamarie that she has to work woth Elissa and Aaryn and one of them win hoh and they will have two votes to get Amanda out or Mccrae out. She says that They are working everyone turning people against each other but you need to talk to Elissa and i will talk to Elissa for you too . 11:27am BBT:Amanda in Wa after taking a shower and is now getting makeup out. Helen and Ginamaire are still talking in Have not rm Helen is repeating herself alot about everyone protecting Amanda and how she didnt want Jessie to leave even though she got mad at me. 11:34pm BBt: ginamarie and Helen leave the have not rm. Amanda heads to the Hoh rm and says hey poopy and Aaryn says hey. Amanda says i want to go back to sleep and crawls into aaryns bed and covers up. 11:36am BBT: Helen now in lounge rm talking to Elissa telling her she needs to talk to Ginamarie and work with them.Elissa whispering real low and helen says Ya'll could make a big move. Elissa says i am fired up and helen says i know you are fired up. 11:40am BBT: All HG are now up and heading to the HOh rm with coffee for their lockdown to get ready for tonights live show. and we have now gone to TRIVIA.
  22. 2:01pm BBT: Aaryn says that elissa said she will stay in this house cuz she is rachels sister and that she was kept in this house cuz she was rachels sister.Andy says i dont even understand why i was talked to like that. Ginamarie says Andy if someone talked to me like that there would have been two hits me hitting you and you hitting the floor. Now Andy is laughing that Elissa went to the Dr to see if she threatned me . 2:07pm BBT: Ginamarie and Andy are bashing Elissa in HOh rm as helen sits and listens and Andy sits there mad and Helen says i am so sorry that this has haoppened this morning.Amanda now has coffee and heading back up to the hoh rm. Helen says i dont know why Elissa is doing this she went off on me too and helen is crying. Aaryn says there is no excuse and Ginamarie says Aaryn you won those hoh's fair and square . Aaryn says apperanly not. Helen says i dont know why Elissa took that tactic to keep me in the house and i am sorry i just wanted to stay in this house. Aaryn says i cant believ this just happened to me and Zhelen says i am sorry aaryn i dont know why she did and Amanda says she isnt all there . 2:12pm BBt: Andy now in lounge rm with Mccrae and Spencer telling Spencer all that was said upstairs and andy has been crying. Aaryn and ginamarie and Helen still in HOh and ZAaryn says we are niot working with her GM its over. Ginamarie says i know i know. 2:17pm BBT: IN the lounge rm Amanda and mccrae and Spencer and Andy are talking about how nasty Elissa is and in HOH Aaryn and Ginamarie are bashing Elissa with Helen sitting there listening.Helen says she is in shock that Elissa spoke to her the way she did and Aaryn says it isnt your fault Helen it isnt your fault. 2:21pm BBT: Elissa is back up in HOH rm and says that Andy is a liar and Helen says it is what it is so obviously i dont have his vote and it is what it is. Elissa says well at least you know right? Helen says yea at least in know. Elissa says why did you change tyour mind Ginamarie and Ginamarie says it comes down to what is best for Me and aaryn and it is like i protect her and she protects me kinda like you and Helen and elissa says no me and helen are not together. 2:25pm BBt: Elissa leaves HOh and Helen says ok everyone HUg me and she tells em all she loves em and Andy comes in and says what did Elissa say when she came back up here and Ginamarie repeats what was said and then ginamarie says that elissa says that Elissa was saying she didnt want to listen and go up and left. 2:29pm BBt: Helen is now sitting at the KT cabnit and Mccrae and Spencer are there. Mccrae says he drinks to much coffe all day and Helen says does that keep you up all night and he says yeah maybe.Helen says now that i know i am leaving tomorrow lets just have a good time and be cool . Mccrae says yeah i will give you Judds plate before then and Helen says what you want me to tell him that you miss him? Mccrae says i dont get what Julie said about the Jury still being apart of the game. 2:36pm BBT: Andy and helen in lounge rm and andy says what the hell? Helen says i dont know she was just upset with the whole thing cuz i am on the block and aaryn just told me what she said. andy says one thing i wanted to say to you that the reason i was considering voting you out and i want you to know i love you but you are connected to someone i just do not love. and i feel if i line with Elissa it freaks me out. helen says why didnt you tell me these thinhs and Andy says as of two days ago i was keeping you but after going up there i was like amanda and mccrae would never talk to me like that and when you Squashed things then that was the helen that i know and love. 2:40pm BBT: Helen says she cant be mad at Elissa for trying to keep me in this game and just know i am sorry she got upset with me this morning too and i cant get upset with her for what she did but know that i do love you and in all the loyalty thing i got buggs in my ear and heard things and Andy said i know. 2:47pm BBT: Helen and Andy in lounge rm crying and saying they love each other and helen says she is proud she got to play this game all summer. In the HOh rm Mccrae, amanda, Spencer, Aaryn and Ginamarie are bashing Elissa still. Helen in lounge rm says i could have done things differently and got evicted week 2 and we get foth. 2:53pm BBT: Ginamarie in HOh talking bad about Elissa and Aaryn still repeating what elissa said earlier. Helen and Andy still in lounge rm crying and repeating themselves. 2:55pm BBT: Aaryn asking Mcfrae id he said that he wanted to get the blood on his hands to get aaryn out and he says no . amanda says who said that helen? aaryn says yes and amanda says noone said that lets get Helen up here and ask her now. Aaryn says that Elissa and helen told her that Amanda says everything to them that i say to you and Amanda says no way i have not i told you what i told them.
  23. 1:00pm BBT:Elissa tells Aaryn that if helen leaves and amanda gets her way then she desreves to win this game i swear she does. 1:04pm BBT: Aaryn says there is no reason for me to go forward in this game cuz apperantly everyone has used me and now wants me to go.Helen says i dont throw people under the bus and i would never do that so someone is telling you things and us things and Elissa says i have always wanted to talk to you and Ginamarie but Amanda always kept us apart. 1:06pm BBT: Mccrae gets out of bed and Spencer tells him that Helen and elissa are in HOH talking to Aaryn and Helenis crying on the bed and he laughs.BB calls Ginamarie to the DR. 1:13pm BBt: aaryn says Elissa you are right i have messed up this week and i am only loyal to Ginamarie and Helen says i am loyal to Ginamarie also and i was loyal to you too and if the four of us are working together then you have the votes to stay cuz we can control this house. Elissa says we need to talk to andy and Ginamarie but i am not tryiong to munipulate anyone but if Helen leaves our game is over. Helen says please believe me aaryn i love you and i have always talked good about you. 1:16pm BBt: Spencer tells Andy to go to the HOh rm that there is alot of crying going on and they sent him out about ten minutes ago. 1:25pm BBT: Andy is now heading to the hoh rm.Aaryn leaves to go get advil and andy to go get contacs and they go to the lounge rm and Aaryn is telling Andy everything that was said upstairs in the hoh rm and Andy says that is bull crap and you will see when we leave here. 1:29pm BBT: Elissa and helen are waiting for Aaryn and Andy to come back to the hoh rm and for Ginamarie to get out of the Dr so they can talk to Andy and Ginamarie about flipping the house 1:31pm BBT: Andy now going to HOH rm . helen says hi andy and Elissa says goodmorning. andy says whats going on and helen says lets wait for aaryn. Elissa says we know that you are planning on voting zhelen out and Andy says i am thinking about it but it has nothing to do with you it is just for my game and i know you arent coming after me . helen says then why would you vote some out that would never vote you out? .1:34pm BBT: Elissa says if you vote Helen out then Me , aaryn and Ginamarie will vote you out next you will be our target. Helen says if you do vote me out then you have targets you never had before. elissa says if you vote her out you are giving Amanda and mccrae the game. Helen says people are trying to pit us against them and the jig is up and i need your help to stay here. 1:36pm BBT:Helen and Elissa repeating everyrthing that they have already told Aaryn and Aaryn says i always wanted Spencer out.Elissa says ok people that have been my allies have never threatened me and i dont like this . helen says i am not threatning you and Andy yells and says please you just called me up here and threatned me.Helen says i am sorry i dont want you to feel that way and i take that back. Helen says i just want you to consider keeping me and Andy says i am thinking about it. andy says but earlier in the week i felt like yall didnt trust me and helen says i am sorry andy i do trust you and i knwo you been loyal to me in this game but people have been in my ear telling me you dont trust me. 1:41pm BBt:Aaryn goes to have not rm and tells Ginamarie and Amanda about getting attacked worse than ever even in high school. Aaryn says that helen and Elissa told her that Amanda made her get all the blood on her hands and that i dont play for myself and they are threatning me. aaryn says they are talking to andy right now and amanda and Ginamarie get up to go to hoh rm. 1:44pm BBt: Aaryn is now upstairs and now Amanda comes in and says why is this bash amanda . helen says no one is bashing you and Elissa says no one is bashing you Amanda we are campaining for helen.Helen says we ghave heard that spencer said things that i did not say.amanda says if you are going to say things about me that isnt true. helen says i didnt say anything that isnt true i said things to aaryn and i have not said anything to throw anyone under the bus. 1:47pm BBt: elissa says all i did is say that i was trying to keep Helen in this house and to get spencer out i never said anything bad about you. elissa says aaryn made things up that i nevrr said . Amanda says thats big brother and Helen says that is big brother but all tbhis comes from all of us not just you just all of us. 1:53pm BBT: Elissa and Andy yell at each other about being threatned and Elissa says i didnt threten anyone and Andy says yes you do and elissa says i am done talking to you people you are all rediculois and Helen says lets listen to Ginamarie and Elissa says no i am done with you fake people i will go to the Dr and say what i want about anyoneand elissa leaves the rm. 1:55pm BBT: Helen says i am trying to stay over spencer and Amanda says then why did Aaryn come down crying saying she was being threatned and Helen says i dont know what Elissa said before i came up here. Andy tells Mccrae that when he came up they told him if he didnt keep Helen then he would be voted out next is that a threat and Mccrae says yeah sounds like it to me. 1:57pm BBT:Everyone in HOh but Elissa who is in the Dr now. Mccrae says i am suprised about Elissa and Helen says she is fired up today and i dont know what she said before i came up here? Aaryn says that elissa sais.why would anyone want to keep me here over her and i am rachels sister and she deserves to be here over anyone.
  24. 11:09am BBT: Helen is getting clothes for a shower after her workout. Amanda is getting up to go get her batteries changed as Bb told her and aaryn and mccrae to change them. 11:15am BBt:Aaryn making a bowl of cereal in the KT. Elissa is changing clothes Amanda is heading back to bed helen has gone to the shower. all other HG still sleeping. 11:25pm BBT: elissa is saying that something is so gross that is on the counter in the KT she ask Aaryn what is it and Aaryn says it might be the gravy and laughs. 11:27pm BBt: Amanda goes to chair rm and crawls in bed with Mccrae,Elissa is now washing dishes Aaryn went up tp her hoh rm to eat her cereal. 11:29pm BBT: mccrae ignores Amanda so she gets up and goes to color rm and gets a pillow and then to have not rm and goes back to bed. 11:36am BBt:Elissa and aaryn in hoh rm talking about Elissa being worried about Ginamarie coming after her and Aaryn says i can talk to her and we need to stop going after each other. elissa says we are like two totally different people i am married and have my life and you are 22 and still in school and there is nothing in your life that i want so we dont need to go after each other and we could have fun together but amanda and Mccrae are after all of us. 11:40am BBT:Elissa telling Aaryn that they can work together and that next weel she thinks they are going to go after andy Aaryn says yeah i know.amanda and Ginamarie in have not rm talking about bb taking Ginamaries hair dye and they didnt take elissas. Ginamarie says they told me i couldnt cut my hair and Elissa gets to walk around here with her long haIr looking glamorous. 11:44am BBt:elissa is telling Aaryn that amanda always says she has to talk to the children and Elissa says you and ginamaroe are the children. Aaryn says the only reason Helen went up is that Amanda told me that you and Helen was the only ones coming after me and elissa says yeah we wasnt but can you see now that Amanda is using you? Aaryn says yeah 11:48pm BBT: Elissa tells aaryn that she isnt playing Her own game that she is playing Amandas game and there is no way you will win they wont take you and you dont deserve to win cuz you are playing Amandas game not your own. Aaryn says but if i had put up anyone else would have made people mad at me and i wouldnt be here. aaryn says i didnt want to put you and helen up i wanted Spencer up and i want Spencer to go home not Helen. Elissa says then you need to make them vote him out talk to Andy and tell him what you have to to get him to vote Spencer out. 11:55pm BBt: Aaryn says i am not stupid and you say i am not playing my own game but even if i am being carried i am still here and if yall are talking bad about me on live tv then ok . Elissa says i am not talking bad about you but Amanda is talking bad about everyone. Aaryn says i dont want to go to final 2 with amanda and i dont want them to make it to final 2 together. Elissa says then now is the time to get Spencer cuz after this week they have the numbers to run this house. Elissa says if helen leaves this week then next week i will vote for them , Aaryn says amanda and Mccrae to stay and Elissa says yes if you wont work with me then yeah. Aaryn says i am not saying i wont work with you.
  25. 2:01pm BBT: Spencer is in the Kt and ginamarie comes out of bedroom and Spencer tells her that Andy is the bathroom and Helen and elissa is outside and that Aaryn is up in HOH blogging. 2:12pm BBt: Elissa is running in the back yard now and Andy goes to wake up Amanda tells her that it is now 2:30pm And Amanda says thats why i sleep all day is cuz i am hungry and Andy laughs at her and tells her she cant have a cuter alarm clock then him and she says you are a cute alarm clock. 2:15pm BBT: helen is washing dishes as Spencer and Andy are in WA talking and Ginamarie walking around and Amanda in bathroom. 2:20pm BBT: Andy, Spencer, Ginamarie and Amanda talking about past comps they have played and are laughing. elissa is still running on BY as helen does laundry. 2:28pm BBT: Spencer is now outside and zhelen is laying out in the sun by the pool after starting a load of laundry. Amanda now joins Spencer in the BY for a smoke. Andy in Kt makign food and Ginamarie in Wa doing her makeup. 2:31pm BBt: Bb calls Amanda to the Dr and she tells them she is going to finish smoking forst then would be there then she yells can you call someone else so i can smoke this and do makeup so i dont look like a hag? Mccrae walsk out to BY to smoke now and Amanda says heeeeyyyy. 2:36pm BBT: Spencer, Mccrae and Andy talking about music. Ginamarie comes out and says how nice it is in the shade. amanda now going to the Dr. she pushes the buttons and says diaharia room i am allowed and BB still doesnt open the door. Aaryn in HOh rm doing her hair. 2:43pm BBT:Helen and Amanda in lounge rm talking and helen says i am sorry i have respect for you and mccrae as a couple and after i had that conversation with Mccrae i didnt feel good about it and when it comes down to it i want you and Mccrae in my life i do and when i came down to it i just didnt feel good about it and i want you to know i realize that you know i didnt like who i was and i love this game and i dont want to be the one who put you down and i will talk to mccrae seperatly. amanda says my feeling were hurt. and with Jessie she attacked me on a personal lever and i dont want that with you. 2:46pm BBT: Amanda says yeasterday i felt like Elissa was on the helen train and helen says she was just talking to me cuz i am leaving. Amanda says she was ignoring me and laughing at me. Helen says Elissa has the up most respect for you and i am telling her to do what is best for her game and elissa is Elissa she will play her own game.Amanda says i wanted to talk to her yesterday but i felt like the odd man out cuz ya'll was talking to everyone but me. 2:48pm BBT:helen is saying i love the way you play this game Amanda and if i was watching this game and not playing i would love the way you are playing this game you are awesome at this game. helen says i will talk to Mccrae seperatly. amanda says with tears in her eyes that i completely love Mccrae and my drive isnt for this game it is for him. 2:50pm BBT: helen says i know i only have a couple of days here and i want it to be good i want to hang out with you and Mccrae and Andy i dont want it to be bad cuz i love this game and it is like my dream to be here. helen says i wont talk bad about you in jury or anything and Amanda says yeah i wont talk bad about you either and i want this week to be comfotable with everyone. 2:54pm BBt: Amanda says i need Elissa and Elissa needs me too and Helen says you and Elissa needs to talk about that i know Elissa has admiration for you so you and her will have to talk. helen says i know Elissa will campain to keep me and amanda says i know it isnt me and you on the block it is you and Spencer. Helen says i just wanted to appoligize to you for yesterday and i know we have done so much together in here and i want to leave being good with you. 2:56pm BBT: Helen says you and mccrae , andy and spencer and Elissa are my people and i started this game with you guys and i want to finish with you guys so no matter what you guys are my people inside and outside of this house. helen and Amanda hug and leave the lounge . 2:57pm BBT:Elissa is getting dressed after taking a shower and in the By Aaryn and amanda and Andy and Mccrae and Spencer sitting around on couch just talking about dirty heads.



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