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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 2:30pm BBT:In Wa Amanda is complaining about the comp and she says she doesnt see how it is fair why couldnt it be like the banana instead we just kept spinning and spinning and it just wasnt fair. She runs her hand under water and cries it stings so bad and heads to get the first aid kit. 2:32pm BBT: Andy wants to explain why he did what he did and he says i was so freaked out and Amanda says it doesnt matter i will go home anyways and i dont see how that comp was fair i went four times and everyone should have went once before we went again. She says do they play comps like tbhis and Mccrae says yeah and Amanda says i just cant believe you put me up there Andy but its ok i am going home anyways. 2:34pm BBT:in the HOh rm they are talking aboit accidents in a car and then relastate in florida. Elissa says everything that Amanda talsk about is inappropriate. and says she is just really excited that "in Amandas words" byeeeee. 2:38pm BBT:Amanda still crying in Wa as Mccrae sits there sick at his stomach and Andy trying to cover his Butt by explaining why he did what he did in the comp but Amanda keeps cutting him off.Now Andy is crying with Amanda. 2:41pm BBt:In HOh rm Gm tells Elissa that she told Spencer she would give him her makeup and Nicks hat to garentee that he wouldnt go home if she puts him up. 2:42pm BBt:Judd is now in Wa with Andy and mccrae and Amanda as Mccrae says he feels so sick and nausous. Andy asking did anyone of you count as we were spinning and Amanda says i did. 2:46pm BBT: Judd is now cooking pizza in the oven and Mccrae tells him to save the cardboard. In the HOh rm Elissa and Gm are talking about eating and Elissa is going to go eat lunch , she says i was gonna work out but i am tired.Elissa gets her shoes and goes down stairs. 2:48pm BBT: In the WA talk is about past comps and how Howard tried to throw the one have not comp. Andy says did Howard not want helen to eat or something and Judd says come on Howard didnt throw comps.Elissa walks in Wa and Judd says whats up Elissa. 2:50pm BBT: mccrae tells Amanda that he just wants to curl up and die and curl in a ball and lay at the bottom of the pool.Amanda says did you feel bad for me as she smiles and Mccrae says yeah. 2:53pm BBT:Elissa goes back to the hoh rm with a beer in her hand and Judd ask if he can listen to some spears and Gm says sure i like you guys hanging out up here and Elissa says i like hanging up here too she says it is boring down stairs. 2:57pm BBT:Amanda and Mccrae in Wa alone now cryinf and Amanda says i dont want to go home though and she says i am glad they picked on me though instead of you. She says nobody saved you but yourself you did it yourself.
  2. 12:03pm BBT: feeds have now gone to trivia as the Hg play the POV comp.
  3. 11:00am BBt: Gm, judd and Andy in HOH rm . Judd is going to go make a sandwich and tells Andy and Gm good luck today and Gm says i hope it is a good one hosting today for you. Andy says give us a thumbs up down there if they are still building. They watch the screen and get a thumbs up from Judd and Andy says guess they are still building. He then says i guess i am going to take a nap. 11:06am BBt: Andy and Gm laying on bed talking about they only have three weeks till Gm gets to see nick again and she says oh i am excited and Andy says it will be so amazing if we make it to final four. 11:09am BBt: Judd comes back to HOH rm to eat his sandwich and Andy ask him what kind of sandwich he made and he says Roast beef and peperjack and Andy says roast beef and peanut butter and jelly and Judd says no roast beef and pepper jack cheese and Gm laughs. 11:13am BBT:Judd finished eating and heading back down stairs. Andy says i hope this is a fun veto where everyone is not puking and Gm says i am excited and my stomach hurts. Judd is now being called to the Dr and Gm says he we go. 11:16am BBT: mccrae is now awsake and out of bed and getting clothes now. Andy in HOh rm says i got to go to the bathroom. Judd comes out and says everyone get ready for Veto and everyone gets excited then Judd yells Just kidding. 11:20am BBT:Gm in Kt making coffee Judd walking around and Andy in HOH bathroom while everyone else is sleeping. 11:27am BBT:Judd is now back in his chicken suit and is walking to the Kt and Andy is in HOh rm eating granola from a coffee mug and Gm is in the bathroom everyone else still sleeping as they wait on the pov comp to be played. 11:33am BBT: Judd just went to Color rm and comes back out with out the chicken suit on.Andy and Gm in HOh talking about how votes went each week and who voted who out. 11:39am BBT: Judd in HOh rm clipping his nails as they talk about Nick and the moving company and Gm says dude i had your back so hard why did you do that to me as she looks at Nicks picture. 11:47am BBt: Mccrae is now up and in the KT getting coffee. Andy and Gm and Judd in HOh and Andy says i wish they would start this but then again the time between veto and thursday is boring i wish they would give us something to do then. 11:53am BBT: Judd was talking about breaking his nose and Andy ask how he broke his nose and he says he and his cousin was wrestling and his nose slammed into something and it broke it and he says it was gushing blood and everything. Mccrae is in lounge rm alone drinking his coffee. 11:56am BBT: Judd is being called to the Dr again and Gm says dont mess around this time i cant hardly walk and he says i think this is really it this time and he heads to the dr. 11:57am BBT: Andy says i am getting pumped up right now and Gm says yeah lets get up now and Andy says music totaly pumps me up now and Gm says oh heck yeah and goes to the bathroom. Amanda and Elissa are now up in the KT getting coffee. 11:59am BBT: Gm is now doing stretches in HOH rm floor as Andy listens to music.
  4. 1:02am BBt: Amanda is in HOh rm now telling everyone who her parents were. she starts to leave and says she has tolsd Mccrae alot tonight and she also told him she had a mastwrs and laughs then leaves and goes to KT to get a spoon and says where are the spoons. she now gets in the freezer for icecream. 1:05am BBT: Judd asking andy if he is going to wait on Gm and he says yeah but i am getting sleepy. Spencer is complaining about burning upin that chicken suit and we get foth. 1:07am BBT: Judd and Spencer are heading down to bed they tell Elissa and Andy goodnight. In KT Amanda says to Judd i will ake a deal with you i will wear the costume and you go on the block for me and Spencer says dude i am burning up and he says feel up in here and Amanda says oh my and Spencer says my back is even worse and i wouldnt make you touch that he says and i stink and amanda laughs. 1:10am BBT: Judd brushes his teeth and heads to bed and Spencer then goes to brush bhis teeth. Amanda and Mccrae are sitting in bed with the light now on as amanda eats ice cream. Andy and Elissa are in HOH rm talking about staying together and Elissa keeps giggling and Andy says if you dont stay with me everyone in the house is going after you and Elissa says everyone is already after me Andy says but if you stay with me they wont be after you. Elissa giggles. 1:14pm BBT: Spencer is now taking his chicken suit off to go tobed for the night. Andy and Elissa in HOH rm and Andy is actually repeating things Jeremy said before as Elissa giggles. Andy says ok i am off to bed and i hope you trust me . helen told me before she left alot of things and i dont want to be the reason that you go home. he says i was pissed to start with last week but then i understood why you did it. Elissa says i really felt bad and andy says i really understand why you did it and i love you and goodnight , 1:18am BBT: Andy hugs Elissa and says i love you again and goodnight then hugs Gm and says i love you and goodnight. Elissa hugs Gm and says Goodnight and they both leave HOh rm. Elissa says i love having fun with you,Elissa is heading to bed for the night and Spencer says did she kick you out and Elissa says yeah. Andy is in the Wa brushing his teeth for the night. 1:21am BBT: Amanda says i am going to play hard tomorrow and win . i am going to the jury house and i am done i am spent it is over. Mccrae says you better play hard tomorrow and she says i am .I am going to kick her butt.Elissa is in Kt washing her cup before she goes to bed. Andy ask where Judd is and Elissa says i dont even know where Judd is. (Judd was called to Dr about 5 minutes ago).Elissa now brushing her teeth for the night. 1:37am BBT: Amanda , Mccrae, Judd and Spencer are playing the stae/ capital game in the chaior rm. Elissa is finishing up getting reqady for bed in the Wa and now heads to the bedroom. 1:41am BBT: everyone but Elissa and Gm are in chair rm now playing where are famous landmarks at.Gm has gone to bed with lights out and Elissa is now getting into bed and we get foth. 1:43pm BBT: Spencer has now taken his mic off and chicken head off and is laying in bed. and we get foth again. 1:48am BBT:lghts are out in the chair rm and no talking. Amanda and mccrae kid=ssing and snuggling. Andy and Elissa and Judd in color rm getting ready for bed Andy says night and turns lights out and we get foth again. 1:51 BBT: All lights out in the house and everyone laying down no one talking. 1:59am BBT: all Hg in bed going to sleep no talking go on and i am calling it a night .will be back tomorrow morning before BB wakes the Hg up.
  5. 12:06am Btt:Judd says look at jessie he says he feels like jessie was the messenger and Andy says Jessie seen me talking to others and she told me that she knew i was playing both sides and amanda takes credit for Jessie but i was it she knew what i was doing. 12:10am BBT:Elissa goes to lounge rm and ask if they are drunk. Elissa says why dont you guys go upstairs and andy says why are you yelling at us and she says i aint why dont you go upstairs and Spencer says why to play jenga and she says we played jenga for six hours. then sahe leaves the rm and goes to hoh rm bathroom. Andy says ok she is upstairs for sure. Andy says we have been underestemated and i want us three to be here to final three. Then they start bashing jeremy again. 12:16am BBT: The guys leave the lounge and Spencer says it is almost midnight i will hang out for a few then i am going to go to bed. Judd and Spencer head to HOh rm. Andy went to bathroom then heads up to HOh rm now.elissa says oh my gosh you look so hot litteraly and figurativly and Spencer says i am hot that this chicken outfit is hot he says i am fixen to go to bed so i can take this chicken outfit off. 12:19am BBT: Gm is going down stairs very slowly as she chews her power bar. andy in hoh rm says Elissa do you realize we are sitting in a room with two grown chickens. 12:21am BBt:Gm getting a coke downstairs as andy and Elissa talk about each other in the hoh rm . Spencer is yawning and zjudd walking around the hoh rm talking about rachel. he ask is rachel a fun Aunt? she says yeah but bbrendon is the fun Uncle he plays games with him all day long. 12:23am BBT: Andy says did you all play arcade games when you was a kid and Elissa says yeah i liked to drive the cars and andy says his fsavorite game was motal combat. 12:28am BBT: in HOh rm they are talking about actresses as Gm is putting an ice pack on her foot. Spencer pops the ice pack for her and she gets on the bed to relax her foot. In chair rm Amanda and Mccrae are making out then amanda turns over and snuggles against mccrae. lights are off in the rm. they are now whispering and kissing under the covers but cant hear as they are rustling the covers around. 12:30am BBt: Mccrae says tewll me your secret.she says you really want to know and he says yeah and she says my parents and then starts whispering very low.In the hoh rm talk is about music and they keep singing and we keep getting foth. 12:37am BBT: In hoh they are talking about if an avacodo is a fruit or a veggie and Spencer says a fruit it has a seed. Elissa names more fruits and veggies and they get them all right and Elissa says ya'll are good. In chair rm amanda and mccrae talking and amanda says i used to be lesbian and mccrae says yeah and she says yeah. then they go to whispering again. 12:49am BBt: Elissa says Andy dreams about me everynight and i tell him shut up andy i have a husband and andy says no i dont and they go smarting off to each other again. 12:50am BBT: Andy say Elissa is bullying him and look at her she is putting on the headphones so she is now a cyber bully then he starts talking about candiceand how they all know candy now. Amanda and mccrae in chair rm still whispering in the dark very low with no mics on and holding hands and giggling every once in awhile. 12:56am BBT:Just general talk in hoh rm and andy says Gm might have to sleep downstairs tonight since she falls down the stairs then Elissa staets rappin about Candice and we get a brief foth.
  6. 11:02pm BBT: Gm says that amanda told her she was never coming after her and Gm says what thats why you were telling people to put me up . Elissa says amanda is just a rule breaker.Judd says what and elissa says Amanda is just a rule breaker and thats why your going home amanda and Judd says what if she wins the veto? Elissa says lets hope she doesnt. 11:05pm BBT: Amanda and Mccrae in Wa brushing their teeth. Judd and elissa and Gm talking in HOh about Judd being a stripper chicken. elissa says i heard him making deals with all the chicks today and she laughs. Gm goes on about her foot hurting and Judd says you have to relax your falling apart. 11:08pm BBt: Andy says it is funny them in a chicken suit and Elissa and Gm says we call them the big mac and the chicken nugget. and they all laugh. 11:10pm BBt: they get wine and beer tonight and Amanda says she will take wine and mccrae doesnt want anything so then Amanda says she doesnt want anything that someone else could have her wine. Andy says he will drink wine if Judd wanted his beer instead of wine. Elissa comes down and wants wine too. Spencer has two beers and Judd has two beers and Andy and Elissa are sharing the wine. 11:15pm BBT: Amanda and Mccrae in chair rm and amanda says she has to take the writing off mccraes brush. Mccrae says why and she says i have to take it off. The chickens are walking around drinking and yelling it aint easy being a chicken. they go to the living rm with andy as they drink .Andy says he likes the white wine so much more than the red and Judd says really i am the opposite. Elissa goes to hoh where Gm is in bed and elissa says you going to bed she says no i am resting my foot then they start talking about Nick. 11:20pm BBT: Andy saying if the exterminators stay together and amanda or mccrae leaves this week and if Elissa wins hoh next week then the exterminators are still safe she will put the other up that didnt leave this week. Andy says Elissa scarws me she will make an alliance with anyone so she scares me. 11:23pm BBT: Gm telling elissa in HOh rm whay she told amanda today about why she had to go on the block and elissa says yeah we had to do something with the strong romance. Gm says yeah and i didnt want no part of that wedding and elissa says i didnt either. Gm says i did her hair and makeup even after what she said about Nick and then i couldnt even tell aaryn anything cuz she went back and told amanda. 11:28pm BBt: In the lounge rm Andy says this could be another double eviction and what if Elissa won it. Judd says she will put up Amanda. andy says if it is a double it would be better to let Elissa or Amanda win it so we can all play in the next hoh.Spencer says we will face it when it happens just fight like hell. Andy says we just dont know where Elissas head is. 11:31pm BBt: Judd says i am impressed with Gm and andy says oh me too and then judd says i am so impressed she pulled me out of that water and she gets hurt all the time and she keeps going. 11:32pm BBT: Spencer says i hope this is a double cuz Amanda is so shaken up that she wont win anything. andy says then we might have to get rid of Elissa and Spencer says yeah . 11:45pm BBT: Gm is listening to music in HOh rm and Andy Judd and Spencer in lounge rm and andy says who do you think the most outragous player was this year and they say candice. and Andy laugh and says get this Candice made jury and jeremy didnt and they all laugh.Andy says if i could switch Candixe for howard i sure would. 11:47pm BBT:Andy is talking about helen and how she would scream when she talks and he would have to tell her to calm down.Andy tells Judd that he would have been gone sooner if it hadnt been for him cuz helen every week was teying to get him out.Spencer says yeah she was always coming to me for that. 11:53pm BBT: andy goes to see where elissa is at and Judd says i love her but she eaves drops alot.Andy comes back and says Elissa is upstairs so we are ok. 11:57pm BBT: Andy Judd and Spencer still talking about Hg that have been evicted and how they said things and he believes he either saved them or got them out of the house. he says he caught most of them evesdropping alot.
  7. 10:03pm BBT: Gm talking about Amanda and Mccrae and how they arw acting still and says it is all rediculous and i am over her. Gm says i like the girl but geez she is to much. Andy says there are a few moments that i was very weary of her. Gm says with the horn blowing to Elissa was rediculous and Amanda said she did it for Aaryn. elissa said today nuh uh. Gm says yeah who torches someone for Aaryn? Elissa says do you not understand when you are an adult that isnt cute. Spencer says especialy whe you are suposed to be a grown woman. Gm says it is all hitting her now and i feel bad about it but she cant treat people like that. 10:07pm BBT: Elissa says you know Amanda has to have some kind of strange behavioral problems. Amanda in chair rm with mccrae says i am just afraid of my ex boyfriend. Mccrae says why and she says i dont want him to ruin my life. she says i just dont want to talk tohim at all and i owe him a thousand dollars so i might just mail him a check or something. 10:10pm BBT: Gm and Elissa and Andy playing Jenga and talking about cereals they like and talking about making up their own rules and Elissa sk Andy what he eats for breakfast in the mornings and Andy says a granola bar and a banana. 10:14pm BBT: Amanda says i really thought we was going to be ok this week and Mccrae says yeah. Amanda says well they know how good we are.In the HOH RM Elissa is telling a story about a little girl with fake eye lashes on and how cute she was. back in chair rm Amanda asking what the jury house looked like last year and mccrae says i dont know she ask if everyone gets their own rm and he says i dont know.l Amanda is being called to the Dr now. mccrae goews back to reading the bible. 10:18pm BBT:In the hOh rm Elissa and Judd and Gm talking about a tarzan chicken and laughing and they have Judd going bock bock bock in his chicken suit as they all laugh. 10:23pm BBT: Andy won the Jenga game against Elissa. Now Gm is going to play Elissa a game of jenga . Spencer is listening to the CD that Gm got in her basket. Judd is just sitting around talking with andy and Gm and Elissa. just general talk going on about a hair dryer. 10:35pm BBT: jenga game still going on in HOH rm Amanda still in Dr and mccrae now eating dinner sitting in bed. 10:38pm BBT: andy telling about movies that he likes as Gm and Elissa play Jenga. 10:40pm BBT: Mccrae finishes eating and goes to Kt and washes his own dishes.In HOH rm Judd says he took his Nephew to see the movie Cars. and Elissa says Cars wow thats racie.Spencer is being called to the DR and Amanada is back in bed polishing things on other items.Mccrae is going back to bed and Sopencer says i will hollar at you when i get out of DR. 10:47pm BBT:In HOh rm talk is about past seasons otev comps and how people got kicked and hurt. Judd says otev is always violent. In chair rm amanda and mccrae are laying in bed (shocker) she is playing with his hair and ear.Amanda says did you ever think we would end up ,like that? he says no. she says me either. 10:54pm BBT: general talk about Jenga in the hoh rm then andy says we are surrounded by a city see the windows and Elissa says yeah down town new york. Elissa then says to Gm that the jenga game is very wobbly she then says she is like in a daze today.
  8. 8:30pm BBT: Andy and Spencer in Living rm talking about traveling and Andy says what do you think the four ladies in the jury house is doing right now and Spencer says talking. 8:33pm BBT: Andy and Spencer talking about their elementary library teachers and how they would like to slap them . amanda in chair rm says i cant wait for you to meet baxter. she ask Mccrae are you gonna come see him and Mccrae shakes his head yes. Amanda now says look how beautiful your brush is now after she polished it with nail polish and he says pretty then she starts kissing him and saying i love you so much. 8:36pm BBT: Amanda says can you come to florida so i can take care of you and cook you food and Mccrae says yeah and she says i can walk with you and be happy with you.She says i want you to fight hard for that veto tomorrow and then says i am going to fight hard for it to just for you. 8:41pm BBT: Amanda says if Andy or Spencer wins pov they will probably take you off but if Elissa Judd or Ginamarie wins it they will probably keep it the same. But i think it would be good for us if i go cuz you are stronger in the game.she says people wont target you anymore they are only targeting you cuz of me and targeting us together. Amanda says dont worry i wont say one word to campaign against you but you do it though ok and Mccrae takes a deep breath. 8:44pm BBT: Amanda says you love this game and i want you to go the whole way. She says dont be sad and he takes another deep breath as she rubs his ear.she says we did everything we could and we made so many good moves and we did it together.she says i didnt think we would last this long together it is amazing that we protected each other this long and you do what you have to do to make sure you make deals however you have to. 8:49pm BBT:Elissa walking around going to the color rm to get dressed after her shower and Amanda whispers to Mccrae and says i think i hate her (Elissa) .n the living rm Spencer and Andy talking just general talk and Andy announces he has to go to the bathroom and Spencer says go. 8:55pm BBT:andy and Spencer says i cant believe there was that many baloons in this house today and andy says i wonder how long that took. Gm comes back out of Dr and says it could be broken but they dont know without xrays and i told them i have a comp tomorrow and i need to be on my A game buddy. she says she has to put an ice pack on her foot now as the Medic says it is bad.
  9. 8:04pm BBt:Everyone finishing up with Dinner and just general talk and laughing.Andy asked where Amanda went with the nachos and Gm says she went to Dr. 8:08pm BBT: Mccrae is out of bed and in STR looking at the food then walks out and goes back to bed eating a chocolate bar. He is now reading the bible again. In the Kt talk is about the veto and being hot in the chicken suits. 8:11pm BBT: Spencer is going to take trash to the STR for Gm and she ask him to bring dish soap back and Andy says they wouldnt let me in the STr a minute ago and Spencer says ok and andy says they probably wouldnt let me in cuz i am gay. Andy says i am gonna start using that i am gay and he laughs. Now they are all planning to go to HOH rm and play cards tonight. 8:14pm BBT: Amanda is now out of the DR and goes to chair rm and ask Mccrae did you est he says no and she says want me to make you a plate and he shakes his head no. In the KT talk is about sleeping and Gm is called to the DR. 8:20pm BBT: In the living rm Judd is complaining about the hot chicken suit snd Spencer says it is made out of wolly mammoth fur and Andy laughs. they then talk about everyone but one person will play in the pov tomorrow and one will host unless they have a guest host. 8:24pm BBT: amanda keeps whispering to Mccrae who is ignoring her snd not talking to anyone at all. he now rolls over and puts his back to Amanda and covers up. In the living rm is talk about music .
  10. 7:33pm BBT:amanda and Mccrae in bed whispering as amanda wipesand blows her nose from crying.In the Kt Elissa lays a pack of chicken on the stove top and didnt realize the burner was on and it melted the bag and she says how bad it smells now. 7:36pm BBT:Amanda and Mccrae says i wanted this exsperiance but i dont care anymore i love you and thats all i care about. She tells mccrae not to cry and he wipes his eyes as she wipes hers and her nose.Amanda says Gm said something to me about us being a power couple and she wanted us to fight for ourselves. 7:41pm BBT: Elissa and Gm in Kt cooking and amanda and Mccrae still in bed and Amanda says well they wanted a show as she rubs Mccrae face and hair. Judd in bed taking a nap so he could take off the chicken suit for a little bit as he is hot with it on. 7:44pm BBt: Amanda yells at Gm and ask how much longer to the chicken parm and Gm says aboit 15 to 10 minutes. mccrae is now reading the bible . 7:46pm BBt: Amanda getting Extra cheese for her chicken parm and spencer comes in and says how many boxes of rice a roni is this and Gm says one i thought we had more i can eat this box all by myself. 7:48pm BBT: as Amanda makes her plate she says i am taking some of this as she gets rice and says cuz Amanda is doing whatever she wants this week and then licks her fingers. 7:50pm BBT: Mccrae is still laying in bed reading the bible and Gm is going to go wake Judd so he can eat. Everyone else in KT making them a plate of chicken parm and a salad. 7:54pm BBT: Judd starts eating and says if nick doesnt put a ring on it i might and Gm laughs and says i dont know about that.now they talk about how everyone cooked and what they cooked. 7:58pm BBT: Most HG in Kt eating dinner . Mccrae is still in bed reading the bible and Amanda was called to the DR.just general talk going on at the table.
  11. 7:00pm BBt:amanda crying again as she ask Gm what is wrong with judd and Gm says Judd is afraid since he was voted out and just came back in. Gm says you two fight for this and if it was my choice i would take your place and i wanted to play with my heart but i cant and i came in here alone and i will leave here alone. 7:05pm BBT: Andy talking to Spencer in Wa and saying if i didnt go on the block then how do i protect myself next week and Spencer is whispering very low. BB yells at Elissa and Judd to not talk about production. Spencer says i am fic=xen to take this shirt off and go to the bathroom. Amanda and Gm still in lounge repeating themselves and Gm says this is just what i had to do and Amanda says ok and Gm says i am making chicken parm if you want some and amanda says ok and Gm leaves the lounge rm to go finish cooking. 7:11pm BBT:Amanda now back in bed with Mccrae and all other Hg in Kt while Gm is cooking dinner and they are taking about baby carrots. spencer says he likes baby tomatoes. Judd says i am going to go lay down and get this off for a few minutes i am hot.Judd says we have 26 more hours but i hate that i have to get ready for veto and everything in this. Gm says i bet they let you tsake it off for veto. 7:19pm BBT: general talk in KT about crickets and now talking about popping baloons this morning and andy asking where everyone was popping them at and elissa says she was in the Kt and andy was in the livingroom and Judd was all over and Spencer was in the bedroom. 7:22pm BBt: talk in the Kt is about Sam Goodys and movies as Gm is cooking . In Chair rm Amanda is poilishing her nails as Mccrae sleeps. 7:28pm BBT: Amanda is drawing with nailpolish on her blank disk she found today writting i love you on it for Mccrae.Evertone else still in KT snacking and Gm cooking dinner just general talk going on.
  12. 6:01pm BBT: Amanda laying in bed with mccrae and says she does not want to see Elissas goodbye message.Spencer, Judd and Andy in KT doing dishes and. Spencer says he would help but he doesnt want to get his feathers wet and Andy laughs and says thats fine. Elissa joins them and is drying the silverware. Amanda in chair room crying more and complaining to Mccrae. 6:05pm BBT: ELIssa asking Ginamarie if she is making the chicken parm tonight and she says yeah in about an hour or so.Ginamarie goes to chair rm to talk to Amanda and Mccrae and says Hey buddy you know i love you right? He says yeah i know i love you too and she tells them she is making chicken parm and will make them some and Amanda ask if they can have the hoh rm for one night before and ginamarie says sure absolutly do you want ti before or after veto and Amanda says we will see. 6:09pm BBT:Amanda and Mccrae now kissing alot in chair rm.In the Kt Ginamarie showing her bruised foot and Spencer says yeah ginamarie that looks broken. Ginamarie yells i need a medic please. and Spencer says yeah get her a medic. then he tells her that there is tylenol in the STr and she says forget that crap i dont take that stuff.Elissa is running in the house. 6:13pm BBT: Andy and Amanda in STR talking and Amanda says i just want to go home now and Andy says dont talk like that just stop it. Amanda says where did this come from and Andy says i dont know but i will find out and Amanda says i dont want to stay here with her joker face walking around here and i cant believe she is letting Elissa stay in this house for another week.. Andy says i dont know why she did this and Amanda says Aaryn told her to do this. 6:15pm BBT: Spencer walks into the STR and Amanda tells her she wants to appoligize to you for freaking out and Amanda leaves and goes back to bed with Mccrae saying Elissa was ,listening at the door. Elissa runs through and she says listening at the door and Elissa ignores her and keeps running. then stops to tell Gm what she said and Gm laughs. 6:18pm BBT: Gm in the KT cooking dinner and Andy walking around the hiuse. Spencer sitting at the table watching Gm cook, Elissa still running.Amanda and Mccrae still in chair rm laying in bed. Amanda rubbing his face and Mccrae trying to go to sleep. 6:20pm BBT: elissa in WA telling Judd that Amanda was saying i hate her and her joker face and then Elissa laughs. 6:27pm BBt: Elisaa telling Judd and Spencer that she keeps getting attacked and Spencer says that needs to stop that it is a poor choice of words she has.Andy walks in and says i am being nice cuz i dont want them to know i am not with them cuz i want to stay in this game so if you see me talking to them just know and elissa says yeah i know. Andy says i told her not to let Elissa get to her and stop crying so she will stop doing this stuff. 6:30pm BBt: Amanda tells Mccrae that she wishes this week would go by faster and he says yeah and rolls over. amanda says well this sucks i did not forsee that happening.In Wa Elissa and andy talking about bullying and things that are not exceptable and going over boundrys and Andy says i am trying to get her to leave you alone is all i am trying to do and Elissa says then stand up and tell her she is wrong.They leave Wa and head back to the KT where Gm is cooking chicken parm. 6:36pm BBT: Amanda and Mccrae look to be alseep in chair rm.Elissa walking around Kt drinking coffee and ask if Gm is in the Dr and Spencer says yeah hopefully they are checking her foot. 6:40pm BBT: Amanda says they cant break us up and Mccrae says wait and she says i love you and she says she wants them to be together forever and he says hmmm hmmmm and she kisses him and covers them up.Amanda hides her head under the covers and is crying again.mccrae is trying to go to sleep. 6:42pm BBT: Amanda tells Mccrae he better not have any fun when she leaves and laughs and she says keep your eye on the prize and then she gets up and puts shoes on and heads to the Kt and talks to Spencer on the way as he tells her Gm is in DR cuz her foot is all black. Amanda says i am sorry i just went into shock and he says thats ok. Spencer says dude when i pulled that key out did you see my face. 6:45pm BBT: Spencer tells Amanda that he was shocked and it was a sucker punch that he didnt know this was going to happen and Amanda says thats ok i am ready to go cuz if Andy wins and takes me off then Mccrae goes home and i dont want that. Gm comes out of Dr and Amanda says Gm i jujst wanted to talk to you and she says sure honey and she says i am sorry i acted that was it was just a shock and they head to the lounge rm. 6:47pm BBT: Amanda says i am sorry i acted like that it was such a shock and Gm says no no its ok i undertand and i didnt mean to blindside. Amanda says its ok i just love him so much and i have been with him for 2 months and i am scared to be alone. Gm says i know i was that way with Nick and i understand you both come in seperatly and now you are together i needed to put up a power couple. 6:49pm BBT:Amanda says Gm you are doing Elissas dirty work and i knew right then when she was welling up at noms that you were working with her.l Gm says no no no i am not working with her. 6:51pm BBT: amanda crying (AGAIN) repeating herself over and over and Gm says last week she put andy up and she wanted Aaryn out and i voted aaryn out cuz Aaryn told me to vote with the house. and last week i was talking to Elissa alot cuz she asked me to talk to Aaryn cuz they didnt like each other or whatever and i was the middle man. 6:54pm BBT: Amanda says she went above and beyond to keep Aaryn in this house and Gm says yeah and she says after like my ship that sailed kinda sunk after Nick Jeremy davif and Kaitlyn it sunk.Gm says here is my perspective he put me up and i put him up and this is a new week so all is good. amanda says if you hadnt put us up and we was keeping you safe and and why would you put me and Mccrae up so one of us might come down and then it puts a target on you and Gm says you two are a pair and i am alone and that power duo is gonna come back at me do you understand? amanda says yeah i was just blindsided. 6:58pm BBT: Amanda says i came to you and i thought you would put up Elissa and Judd and then it was me and Mccrae so if i come down you sending Mccrae home and she says no it is the votes it has nothing to do with me . Gm says i am scared if Mccrae is still here next week i am afraid he is going to kick my butt.
  13. 12:42pm BBT:Andy and Spencer in STR and Andy says sorry i didnt seem excited that you won but i was but at least amanda and Mccrae didnt win.Andy says if i dont win this game and i go home before those two do like omg. he says if i play for veto and dont rry to win it Ginamarie gets mad and then if i win it Amanda and mccrae get mad when i dont use it. Spencer says yeah dude. 12:45pm BBT: Spencer and Ginamarie and Elissa in STR going throught he food and Spencer says we have pork chops and Judd says i love me some pork chops and Spencer says me to. Amanda and Mccrae are now in the bedroom and Mccrae sits on the bed as Amanda walks around and Spencer stands and talks he now lays on his bed. Elissa and Andy in KT snacking and Ginamarie getting some coke to drink. 12:48pm BBT: Amanda telling Mccrae in the bed that he needs to go talk to Ginamarie now and He says it isnt even ! yet and she says it doesnt matter go talk to her and Amanda says for me go talk to her or she might put me up. Amanda says whats wrong with you and Mccrae says why whats wrong you mad at me? he says no she says you mad at me and he says no. 12:50pm BBT: Amanda says so you are not going to talk to Ginamarie then? Mccrae says i will talk to her and he keeps laying on the bed.Amanda says he won ten thousand dollars thats awesome and then says i havent won crap in this house. In the STR is Spencer, andy and Judd . talking aout amanda breaking down and Andy says she has to stay and he has to go. 12:54pm BBT: Ginamarie tells Spencer not to spend all that money in the Bahamas and he laughs and says yeah i wont. Spencer goes to the bedroom where amanda is laying on the bed facing the wall and Mccrae was laying at the foot of the bed and now sits up to talk to Spencer and says i cant take much more of her. 12:56pm BBT:Ginamarie laying on couch in living rm talking to Andy and Spencer and Judd. They are wanting a shop vac to finish cleaning and Ginamarie says that was alot and we did good.
  14. 12:03pm BBT: feeds back and there is a big mess in the house with confetti all over the house and Ginamarie says why do we have to clean this up and spencer says i rather be in hoh ld and ginamarie says sweep it all in a pile and then spencer says sweep it all in a pile too and ginamarie yells hey chris you still there and we get trivia 12:05pm BBt: Elissa says this was like a childhood memory to me with all the baloons and they are asking each other if they found anything and Elissa and Ginamarie says they only found blank cards and Judd says he found one with a zero on it. Ginamarie said it would have been nice to win a car and they are all cleaning now. 12:08pm BBT:Spencer says coming down here to all the ballons was awesome and Judd says i am glad i didnt clip my nails yet and Andy says i used the end of the counter. spencer says no one found a K and Judd says i am taking this off to dive in as he goes to take off his chicken suit Bb says Judd stop that.Ginamarie says why dont we have like one person clean a rm cuz i am not cleaning the bathroom too after cleaning this one and i am cleaning this Dinning rm and then i am good. 12:12pm BBT:Andy says he founf a zero chip and Amanda says i didnt find one. spencer says we will pick this up to Ginamarie so she wont hurt her back more. Elissa says i love confetti.Elissa says we are going to be finding confetti the rest of the year. 12:15pm BBT: Elissa says Spencer got a trip now and ten thousand dollars thats pretty good.Ginamarie is now laying on the couch in the living rm as everyone is still cleaning. 12:16pm BBT: Amanda says it is going to take forever to clean this . She says we need a shop vac and then says this is going to take us all day. 12:17pm BBT: Spencer is in the bathroom pulling Balloons out of the shower. Amanda is taking them in the other rm.They are now popping the balloons to see if there is a chip in them and one andy popped has a zero in it. amanda now using the blow dryer to try to blow the confetti in a pile. Ginamarie in living rm tells Spencer she is proud of him for winning and Judd says yeah you won that fast dude. 12:21pm BBT:Spencer and Andy in KT and Spencer says did anyone find a letter K and Andy says no noone did.Andy says i think what thwey wanted to do was like if spencer found the one and all the zeros and someone found the K then you would have to come together to make an aggreement. Amanda and Mccrae cleaning the bathroom and Amanda says i need to talk to Ginamarie. Spencer standing in KT warching Judd and Elissa work saying this confetti sticks to the ground and we need a shop vac. 12:27pm BBT: Spencer and Ginamarie talking about her toe might be broke after she falls down the stairsthis morning. 12:30pm BBT: Amanda says ok my back hurts has anyone requested a shop vac and they say no not formaly so Ginamarie goes to dr to ask for one and Amanda says ask when we can go outside and Spencer says they are building something out there we hear a ringing noise so Bb plays a siren over the speaker for them. 12:32pm BBT: Ginamarie says we dont get the BY yet we will find out and they are checking on it and putting in a request. 12:33pm BBt: Amanda went to HOH RM and got her pillow and blanket and then heads to the Bedroom and starts making her bed.Elissa is in there sweeping all the confetti up as there is still alot all around the house. 12:39pm BBT: Ginamarie says to bad this wasnt glitter but then it would be all over the place for weeks. Spencer ask Judd to help move the couches so he can sweep under them.
  15. 10:04am BBT: Ginamarie comes down the stairs and says good morning and then falls down the stairs and Elissa is in the KT and says oh my gosh and Ginamarie says i always get hurt. Elissa offers to help her up and she says no just give me a second then Elissa goes back to washing dishes saying this house is a death trap. Ginamarie sitting on steps and then gets up saying these slippers are going in the garbbage and walks towards the DR. They let her in as she moans. 10:14am BBT: Elissa still washing dishes and Amanda is Wa getting dressed. Amanda now walks through KT and heads to the STR.Ginamarie still in DR and all other HG still sleeping. 10:17BBT: Ginamarie comes out of DR and Elissa ask are you ok and she says yeah i hurt my toes a little so i am going to go lay down and rest my back for a little bit so enjoy your morning sweetheart and Elissa says i will. Ginamarie ask if the screan says nominations yet and Elissa says no and Ginamarie says well my screen is arrows and Elissa says that is weird and Elissa says you might get pandoras box and Ginamarie says that might be crazy. Elissa says i hope someone gets it and we get foth. 10:21am BBT: Andy and Judd is now up in the color rm and Judd is getting dressed and Andy says i wonder why they are locking us up in there(hoh rm) and Andy says it is something fishy.Judd put on half his chicken costume and says can i wear it like this and BB says Judd stop that and Andy laughs. 10:24am BBT: Judd comes in the KT and Elissa says did she say 15 minutes or 30 and Judd says she said 10 minutes. Judd getting food as Elissa says she has to go get some stuff. 10:27pm BBT:Spencer now up putting his chicken suit on and Judd goes to HOH rm already and Ginamarie tells him she fell down the stairs this morning. He ask if she is ok and she laughs and says yes. 10:31am BBT: Amanda sitting outside and Andy joins her out there.In the hoh rm Judd goes back up with a cup of coffee and then spills it on himself and Ginamarie laughs. Spencer now walks in and Ginamarie says she fell down the stairs and you missed it and he says no i heard it and she says you heard it and he says no i heard you say you hurt your toes. Elissa joins HOh rm now. Andy back in the house he says it is to hot outside and now heads to HOh rm. 10:34am BBT: Spencer tells the HOh group that lastnight he was coming back in the house and got his wing caught in the sliding door and they all laugh. Amanda in By talking to herself. She says what the hell happened. Aaryn won we send Helen home and then Aaryn goes home and Ginamarie wins and she takes a deep breath and eats her yogurt. 10:38am BBT: Everyone in hoh rm for a lockdown and we have trivia .
  16. 3:03pm BBT: Judd saying he wished he knew what to wear tonight. Elisaa still cutting Andys hair and laughing. Aaryn, Amanda and Ginamarie in kt getting food. 3:10pm BBT: Andy's haircut is finished now it is Spencers turn and Elissa says i was born to cut hair and turns and says mccrae want a hair cut? Amanda says he will die before he gets a haircut. 3:14pm BBT: Elissa shaving Spencers head and we get trivia as the hg get ready for the live show tonight.
  17. 2:08pm BBT: Spencer and Andy in lounge rm eating pizza and talking about eating out all the time. 2:10pm BBT: Amanda and mccrae laying in bed under covers and waving at the cameras. Andy and Spencer in lounge rm talking general talk and eating their pizza. 2:11pm BBt: Elissa and Ginamarie in WA whispering and talking about aaryn that if they saved her she would just go back with Amanda and Ginamarie says i thought the same thing. Elissa walks to KT and Spencer says there is pizza in the Kt if you want some and Elissa says thanks then Judd walks in and they tell him the same. 2:17pm BBT: all four feeds on Amanda and Mccrae making out under covers. feeds one and two now go to Elissa and Ginamarie in Wa doing hair and makeup with general talk about back stretches. 2:25pm BBT: Mccrae tells amanda he wants to sleep a little bit and she rolls over and hits the bed with her fist and says Boring and now she is sqeeling so he cant go to sleep. In the lounge rm Spencer says damn she is loud and andy says who and Spencer says Amanda. 2:32pm BBT: Amanda goes to Wa and lays on lounger and ask Aaryn what she is doing in the shower and aaryn looks at her with a puzzled look and says i am drying off. then she starts singing. Aaryn now out of the shower and going to do makeup as Amanda gets in shower. 2:36pm BBT: talk in the chair rm with Spencer , Andy and judd about past HG on season 8 and Mccrae trying to sleep. In living rm Elissa is showing Ginamarie how to stretch her back safely. 2:51pm BBT: aaryn and Judd in WA while aaryn does her hair. Amanda is out of shower after washing her hair and is now doing makeup.Aaryn and Judd now in chair rm laughing with Mccrae. Andy is pacing all through the louse laughing with everyone. 2:57pm BBT: Elissa is giving Andy a haircut in the Wa and he says he likes it really short. amanda is dancing around the chair rm in her towel as all other hg sit there looking at her.
  18. 1:01pm BBT: amanda and aaryn help Elissa bring her food down from the HOH rm. Mccrae back in his bed asleep.Amanda ssking if she can have the greek yogurt and then she throws a fit that there is no granola and aaryn calls her a whinney brat. Andy asking Spencer when they get clippers and Spencer says about three. 1:04pm BBT: Amanda yelling and cursing at Andy for eating all the granola. She is now looking for honey. 1:11pm BBT: Amanda says "Amanda what was your stratagy this season " and she says well what if God was one of us and we get foth. 1:12pm BBT: Aaryn eating watermelon as Andy walks around the KT and Amanda eating talking about awards they might get and Andy says i get the most hated award and Aaryn says no Candice gets that. 1:23pm BBt: Andy still packing as Ginamarie and Judd and Amanda watch and Aaryn talks to them. Mccrae now up and going to the bathroom. 1:28pm BBT: Amanda talking about Aaryn and Judd making out lastnight and then talk turns to Judds parents names then Amanda says yeah you made out 1:31pm BBT: Andy in KT putting a chese pizza in the oven as Aaryn is getting a cup of coffee. Mccrae comes out of bathroom after brushing his teeth while andy is talking abkout what his speech will and wont be like tonight. Aaryn calls him names and laughs. 1:39pm BBT: Aaryn talking to Ginamarie in color rm trying to get her vote for tonight. Ginamarie said if amanda and Mccrae had voted then she could vote that way to but she screwed everything up and aaryn says when you need people then you find out who your friends are. and Ginamarie says yeah its a game play. 1:44pm BBt: Aaryn and Ginamarie talking to Elissa in color rm about the hoh comp tonight might be a before and after comp.Andy is talking to Amanda and Spencer and Judd in chair rm about what he is wearing tonight. 1:49pm BBT: Andy says he is going to be stress pacing till the live show tonight and Amanda says that Andy and aaryn are alike and what happens if people say the wrong name tonight in live eviction and Andy says dont say that. 1:51pm BBT: General talk going on in both bedrooms about stomachs being upset and about the morning dancing they do every morning and Andy says that is his trsaining everymorning as everyone else sleeps.
  19. 10:04am BBT: We now have FOTH MUST BE A WAKE UP CALL 10:21am BBt: ginamarie is laying in livingroom floor as Elissa is stretching her back for her and Judd is walking around drinking water. 10:30am BBT: Elisaa in KT making coffee. Ginamarie and Judd back in bed Andy gets up to take a shower and aaryn in KT with Elissa making breakfast. everyone else still sleeping. 10:41am BBT: Aaryn and Elissa in Kt. Aaryn is making pancakes and doing dishes. Elissa is now going back up to her hoh rm and making her bed. Judd and Ginamarie are back to sleep . 10:46am BBT: Elissa is taking her things downstairs to her drawers and Andy is in the hoh shower.Aaryn still in Kt and Everyone else sleeping. 10:51am BBT: Elissa makes herself a cup of coffee. then heads back to the hoh rm. 10:54pm BBT: Elissa goes to hoh bathroom and twells Andy dont freak out but i was telling her that just remeber that Amanda has been treating her so bad for months and they Amanda was getting her in trouble for it and she will get blames for it.Elissa now heading to the DR as BB has called her in .she then turns around and goes to brush her teeth before she goes to Dr. Andy ask if everyone is sleeping and Elissa says i think so. 10:58am BBT: Andy now listening to music in HOh rm and Elisaa in DR . everyone else in bed sleeping.
  20. 3:07pm BBT: General talk in the pool. Aaryn in KT still cooking and Ginamaerie in bed sleeping. 3:19pm BBT:Aaryn going out to the By to eat her food.Ginamarie still sleeping and everyone else in or around the pool with general chat and Amanda and mccrae hanging on each other in the pool. 3:27pm BBt: In the BY talk is about missing their animals.and elissa talking about being a mom and missing her son. 3:35pm BBT: aaryn has now finished eating and tells everyone else there is more toys in the STr such as Jenga and cards and a slinky and other toys and Andy says you are just now telling us and she says yeah i was cooking and eating. Judd is now playing with the toys and going through them in the livingroom. 3:41pm BBT: Judd comes outside and says there is no games in the STr and ginamarie says are you kidding me and Aaryn says i swear i didnt make that up and Judd says there not in the STR we been punked and Ginamarie gets out of the pool to go see and says if there isnt any i am tossing aaryn in the pool then Aaryn says if they arent there and i get throwed in the pool Judd i will get you. Hinamarie comes out with the games and says we have games and comes outside and says Judd lied to me and i am tossing him in the pool for making me get out of the pool. 3:45pm BBT: Ginamarie just took Judd out of the hottub and is now rolling him across the yard to toss him in the pool. He is fighting her on it and she is still trying to move him as everyone else laughs at them. 3:47pm BBT: Ginamarie drags Judd across the BY and Amanda helps a little . Ginamarie trying to get Judd in the water and BB says Ginamarie , Judd stop that and Spencer says ignore that and Ginamarie keeps going and judd is now in the pool. 3:53pm BBT: Andy in the KT making food and Aaryn comes in and ask Spencer who is in the Wa if a shirt was his or Howards and he says it is Howards but Amanda has been sleeping in it. Aaryn now starting another load of clothes and Elissa setting up the Jenga game .Amanda is now in the shower shaving her arm pits.
  21. 1:01pm BBT: Andy is now in the By folding his clothes that Aaryn took out of the dryer and layed on the pool table. Elissa in bed reading her bible with an ice pack on her leg and aaryn getting dressed in the bathroom area and all other hg still sleeping. 1:04pm BBT: Ginamarie just woke up and ujumped out of bed and told Andy she just lost a hair and has to go put it back in. Elissa being called to the DR. 1:07pm BBT: Aaryn helping Ginamarie get her hair plugged back in her head and Ginamarie says these extensions are killing me. 1:14pm BBT: Elissa walks in Wa where Ginamarie is making sure her hair plugs are secure and says she is going to lay out for a bit and asked if she wants to lay woth her and she says yeah yeah i will in a little bit i have to fix this first. 1:21pm BBT: Elissa and Ginamarie in Kt talking about brushes and then Ginamarie goes to the Wa and talks to Aaryn. They whisper so low you cant hear then talk. Elissa in Kt making breakfast. 1:27pm BBt: Ginamarie has gone back to bed and tells Andy that Elissa is making lunch in the Kt and aaryn is in the bathroom and Judd is in the Dr and everyone else is in bed. Andy asked if the suitcases are in the STR yet and she says i havent been in there yet today and says they might be there later cuz i think i packed on wednesday. She then puts the bandana over her eyes and go silent. 1:34pm BBT: Judd in the Kt with Elissa talking about the have not rm and other seasons have not rooms. amanda up and getting dressed and puting her mic on.She now heads to the KT and says good morning.Judd and Amanda saying now they are going to put a patch on. 1:44pm BBT: Judd and Elissa in Kt eating talking general talk about getting lost. Then Amanda says her apple gps messes up all the time and it is so bad. aaryn still in Wa doing makeup. 1:52pm BBt:Elissa and Judd talking about Spencer has never been a have not and Elissa says that is crazy that he hasnt been a have not. 1:53pm BBT: andy now in the Kt getting cereal.elissa tells Judd that it was a secret that she came in the house to marry him and thwen laughs and Amanda says did anyone tell you about me and Mccrae and Andy says dont go there i walked in on them and i can tell you its true. elissa laughs and says her husband told her to come home with someone else to join them and she chose Judd and they all laugh. 1:56pm BBT: Elissa, Judd and andy talking about saved by the bell tv show and aaryn blow drying her hair.
  22. 11:08am BBt: Aaryn is done with her workout and is now putting on her bikini. 11:15am BBt: Elissa up made another cup of coffee and Bb tels her to put her mic on. she is dressed to do yoga now.Aaryn getting ready to go out to the By to soak up the sun. 11:40am BBt: aaryn still soaking up the sun in the By as Elissa is doing her yoga. Andy in Wa and now heading back to the bedroom. 11:52am BBT: Aaryn still laying in the sun and elissa still doing yoga and everyone else still sleeping in the house.
  23. 10:01am BBT: aaryn is up and goes to the color rm and Judd says morning aarin as she is getting her clothes and Bb calls her to the DR. 10:04am BBt: Aaryn is now out of Dr and Ginamarie is called into the Dr. Aaryn in bathroom with water running in sink. Elissa is in the Kt making coffee. 10:07am BBT: Ginamarie comes out of Dr and Judd ask what is going on and Ginamarie says he didnt say but i get to put on makeup and freshen up first then go back in. Amanda is called to the Dr. Andy is now up and going to the bathroom. 10:18am BBT: Ginamarie brushing her hair in color rm and aaryn doing makeup in WA. Andy has gone back to bed. everyone else still sleeping. 10:22am BBt: Elissa is putting dishes away in the Kt and Ginamarie goes to Wa to finish her hair and aaryn is getting dressed and ready for the day. 10:42am BBT: Aaryn putting on shoes and pinning hair back. Elissa laying in bed listening to music. Ginamarie in Dr. and everyone else still in bed sleeping. 10:50am BBt: Aaryn in By working out.Elissa still in HOh rm listening to music and everyone else in bed sleeping. 10:58am BBT: Elissa is up and making her bed and cleaning the rm. Aaryn still in BY working out.
  24. 2:12pm bbt: Amanda doing laundry and Judd and andy talking about if Elissa got a pandoras box. 2:17pm BBT: Amanda fixing her hair and andy telling his stomach to shut up and judd laughing at him for it. Ginamarie has gone back to sleep and mccrae and Spencer are still sleeping. 2:20pm BBt:Amanda picks up some things on her way to the KT and then throws it away and then goes to STR to get cream for her coffee. 2:23pm BBT: All hg up now but Spencer and Mccrae and most in KT getting food to eat as Elissa is in dr geting the camera. 2:27pm BBT: Aaryn in STR looking through food and Amanda and Judd and Andy in KT talking with Ginamarie as they are eating and snacking just general talk. Elissa comes out of Dr with camera and Ginamarie gets excited. 2:37pm BBT:All HG putting on their hoh jerseys to take a picture in and Aaryn says i guess i will take the picture since i didnt get a jersey.Elissa is saying they all have their birthday numbers on their jersys and says it is so cute and BB is so awesome. 2:41pm BBT: Spencer sits on the end of his bed and says he has to get control of his laundry today and do some washing. mccrae has layed back down in his bed. all other Hg still taking pictures. 2:45pm BBt: Mccrae now in Kt with Spencer and andy getting something to eat. Ginamarie in hoh rm taking a picture of Elissa in the HOH robe. 2:51pm BBT: Judd is in the shower and Aaryn and Ginamarie are going to the By to sit with mccrae as he smokes. Andy is walking around the house and spencer laying on lounger in bathroom. just general talk going on all over the house about food and what day it is in the house. 2:56pm BBT: Ginamarie and mccrae out in BY and Ginamarie says i cant believe we live in a little box. A little box and mccrae says yeah.
  25. 1:01pm BBt: Aaryn doing her makeup in wa mirror and we get foth. 1:11pm BBt: Bb calls Elissa to the Dr. Aaryn still doing makeup as all other Hg are still sleeping. 1:22pm BBt: Elissa in the Kt making eggs and aaryn in the Wa brushing her hair after doing her makeup. 1:36pm BBT: Elissa still making breakfast and washing her dishes and aaeyn on BY couch alone. Judd just got called to the DR. 1:39pm BBT: judd comes out of Dr and ask Elissa who all is up and she says just us three you me and Aaryn. Elissa tells Judd she is fixen to get dressed that they get the camera in an hour. 1:42pm BBT: elissa telling Judd she just finished her blog and that she felt like she didnt put much and they told her she typed alot.She says when i tweet i will put team Julissa and give candice a shout out too since she didnt whe n she was blogging. 1:46pm BBT: Judd is now back in bed and andy and Ginamarie asking what time it is and Judd says almost 2pm . Andy says no way. Judd says i am thinking about getting up and getting ready for the day but he lays in the bed. 1:54pm BBT:andy and Judd and Ginamarie talking about what week Judd and Candice left and andy says candice left week six and you week seven and Judd says but we left in a double eviction and andy says yeah but technacally she left week 6 and you week 7. 1:56pm BBT: Ginamarie telling Judd and Andy about a dreamshe had lastnight. Aaryn in By alone and Elissa in shower getting readt to get the camarea. amanda now getting up and tells mccrae to get up.



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