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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 6:01pm BBT: Amanda and Mccrae in By talking and Amanda says i really think Elissa is for real. Amanda says Elissa is saving my life in this game and Mccrae says she shouel you have saved her enough and Amanda says and i was so mean to her but i feel like she is saving my life. mccrae says we both saved her and Amanda says that elissa kept saying it feels right to save me and Andy walks out and talk stops he leaves and mccrae says i feel like this is destiny and Amanda says the worst thing that happens is i can go and i already expected that. 6:05pm BBT: Amanda says we have to include her in all our game stuff and just because she told me that Gm was wanting her to vote e out i believe her and she says spencer is gone. Mccrae says i think she is afraid of being down to two girls and the boys coming after her. 6:12pm BBT: Mccrae, Andy, Spencer and Judd are all going to workout and run in the BY. Amanda is doing her nails in the BY and Elissa and Gm are sleeping in the HOH rm. 6:18pm BBT: All men in the house are running in the BY and Amanda still doing nails and smoking . 6:25pm BBT: Andy and Spencer still running around BY and Mccrae and Judd have stopped running and sitting with Amanda on the couch. 6:36pm BBT: Andy is still running and Mccrae sitting on couch with Amanda and Judd talking about needing higher arches in his shoes and Amanda says yeah you are flat footed.. 6:43pm BBT: Mccrae and Spencer talking in BY about Cbs needing to make apps for BB so there is more interaction with BB. Andy is still running around the BY and Judd sitting just listening to Spencer and Mccrae. 6:56pm BBT: General talk in the BY with all the men and the women are in the house sleeping.
  2. 5:46pm BBT: most Hg in HOh rm talking about movies and Amanda out at BY doing laundry. 5:54pm :Amanda outside smoking alone Gm sleeping in HOh rm as Andy Judd Mccrae and Spencer talk about movies and Elissa laying on the couch in HOh covered up.
  3. 4:03pm BBT: Amanda and Elissa in chair rm talking about the sleeping arrangments and how comfy Elissa was but she has to move for Gm to have her bed back so Elissa is moving to chair rm with Amanda and Mccrae. 4:10pm BBT: In the By most hg are sitting around telling stories and jokes and amanda complaining that it is so hot out. Elissa doing yoga in BY by the weights. 4:13pm BBT: Amanda and Mccrae going upstairs to HIh rm looking for Andy and mccrae says this is crazy and Andy says getting her engament ring is crazy and amanda says it is real and it is easly a 5k ring and Andy says oh my gosh and Amanda asking if they suspect anything and Andy says no and Amanda says good it will be a blindside and i know elissa isnt lying and her demeanor has changed toward me and she says Elissa said she cant wait to see Judds face cuz he lies to Elissa . 4:15pm BBt: Amanda says we just have to make sure Judd doesnt win HOh cuz we dont know what he will do and Mccrae says i dont think he will put up Elissa and Andy says actually the only thing he wouldnt do is put up Gm. 4:18pm BBT: Amanda says she told Elissa that they will blame the vote on Judd cuz he is the only one left to out it on so blame Judd and Andy says yeah and says he is going to act the next few days that she is dead to him and amanda says yeah we have to be careful, this week is going to be crazy if we have a double . Andy says i know thats why i am gonna act like you are a dead man walking and Amanda says yeah me too. 4:23pm BBT: Amanda says that elissa is being really close to her and Andy says i know but if it is a rie then i lose all trust with Gm that i have worked hard for . Amanda says she cant wait to see the look on GM's face when she stays this week. In the By there is general talk about school and bullys.
  4. 3:07pm BBT: Elissa in BR doing yogsa and all other HG in Kt talkig about what if they brought David back in and Gm says they better not. Amanda leaves Kt then comes back. everyone getting something to eat. 3:09pm BBT: Amanda pulls Andy in the have not rm and tells him that Elissa gave her her wedding ring and it is real even the diamond is real and Andy says alright and they hug and Andy leaves the rm Amanda is happy as she heads into the color rm where Elissa is and Judd walks in Amanda says where did Andy just go and Amanda leaves the rm. 3:22pm BBt: Gm in HOh rm listening to music and Andy Mccrae and Judd in color rm talking and Spencer walks in and talk stops. 3:25pm BBT: Amanda and Elissa in lounge rm and Amanda says things are looking good Andy gave me his working shirt to hold and Judd never wins nothing and Elissa shakes her head and they leave the rm. Elissa in KT making a bowl of grapes. 3: 30pm BBT: Elissa doing yoga in chair rm with amanda talkig to her since all the guys are in the color rm now and Amanda says Judd was so nervous lastnight cuz he is close to Spencer and he doesnt want spencer to go home. Amanda says this is going to be the biggest eviction of the season thank God. She says you cant trust spencer at all you just cant. 3:38pm BBT:The BY is now open and Amanda and Mccrae are smoking now and talking about making a deal with Elissa was a good idea and she might get to stay here and Mccrae says this was a good idea. 3:43pm BBT:Amanda saying she wonders what they was doing out side today cuz she coulod hear drilling like into plywood and we get foth. we are back and Andy is telling Judd Gm and Spencer that Elissa gave Amanda her wedding ring today and Gm says let her walk out with it. 3:45pm BBT: Andy goes to STR with Amanda and says this is totaly gonna work with me and Elissa arguing and this is gonna work. Amanda says yeah and leaves STR. Elissa is outside running in the BY as Mccrae is sitting on couch. Gm is moving her stuff down from the HOH rm so Amanda and Mccrae can have her rm tomorrow night. 3:52pm BBT: Spencer is telling Andy to tell Amanda that Mccrae wants an all boys alliance and Spencer heads outside to the BY where Mccrae is sitting. Andy walking around the KT waiting to talk to Gm and Gm says how can she think we would keep her? Amanda walsk through with bleach and heads back to BY to do laundry. 3:56pm BBT: Gm says she wants to go out and get sun while she can still sweat. In the BY is general chat.
  5. 2:32pm BBT: Gm walking around taking pictures.Judd heading up to hoh rm and Gm taking pictures of andy in KT from balcony. Amanda comes in and says the coffee smells amazing.Judd and Andy both in hoh for a group picture of the exterminators minus Spencer. 2:35pm BBt: Elissa and Mccrae in WA talking about keeping Amanda and getting Spencer out this week and Elissa says lets doit and Amanda is going to keep me safe even if it is a double?Mccrae says yeah she will. Elissa says if it is a double i dont want to win the first hoh and Mccrae says yeah. 2:40pm BBT: In the hoh rm the exterminators are taking pictures and looking at the all. In WA Mccraeand Elissa whispering about getting Andy and Gm ou 2:42pm BBT:Amanda is looking at a ring and says it is 14k . It is Elissa ring to make a deal not to vote Amanda out this week and to keep each other safe . Mccrae asking Amanda what to do if it is a double and Amanda says Gm and judd need to go. 2:47pm BBT:Judd is in Wa with Amanda and Mccrae and says they are on LD maybe because there might be a suprize eviction wednesday you know when Julie comes on and says tune in wednesday for a special live eviction. Amanda says no i havent got my suitcase yet and Judd says thats right. 2:52pm BBT: Gm telling Spencer Judd and Andy what she wrote in her blog about the exterminators had to make a big move and get out the baby rats. 2:55pm BBT:Elissa and Mccrae in Wa talking and Judd walks in and says he is making nuggets if Mccrae wants some and we get foth. 2:57pm BBT:Mccrae telling Judd what he and Elissa said and Judd says we should talk You Me and Andy and Mccrae says yeah i am gonna grab some more nuggets and leaves. He comes back with nuggets and keeps singing.
  6. 12:47pm BBt: Gm is now up brushing her teeth everyone else still sleeping. 12:50pm BBT: Gm now putting her contacts in and doing makeup.
  7. 11:46am BT: All Hg still sleeping 12:15pm BBT: All Hg still in their beds sleeping.
  8. 9:53am BBT: all Hg still sleeping like little babies.
  9. 9:05am BBT: All HG still sleeping all snug in their beds. 9:29am BBt: Andy gets up and heads to the bathroom. Spencer up in STR changing his batteries then heads to the bathroom and passes Andy and says morning i am still tired. Andy heads back to bed.Spencer comes out of bathroom rinses his hand off then heads back to bed.
  10. 6:04pm BBT: Amanda and Mccrae are finished smoking and heading back in the house mccrae says to Judd it looks like you are wearing that shirt inside out and Amanda walks through the Kt and does not say a word to anyone she gets her swimsuit and goes to Wa to get changed. 6:10pm BBT: Amanda hugs Judd playing around in the Kt then hugs Andy then acts like she hits Andys face and they hug again . Elissa says dinner is almost ready. Everyone in KT but Spencer as they wait for food. Amanda says i am going to go get soda so be right back. everyone else is just general chat about curse words that can and cant be said. 6:16pm BBT:Dinner is now ready and all Hg are eating at the table. 6:24pm BBT: Talk at the dinner table is about different food and how to cook them and elissa says so there is no Minasota foods? mccrae says not really just german food.then talk turns to other Countries. 6:31pm BBT: Amanda tells the Hg that she keeps getting alot of dont roll ove and die from the Dr and Elissa says what does that mean and amanda tells her it means dont give up.BB says Amanda you are not allowed to talk about your diary room sessions. 6:39pm BBT: Amanda and Mccrae are going to the pool and something is in the pool and she tells Mccrae get it out now. In the Kt Spencer is going to do dishes since Elissa cooked. Judd is srtill eating and talking to Gm. 6:45pm BBT: in the By amanda and Mccrae are in the hot tub and in the Kt is Andy Judd and Gm talking about candice and elissa. Andy says elissa is like the suportive gym teacher talking to Candice.Spencer is washing dishes and he says ok so just so eveeyone knows about the dishes everything in the big sink has had chunks wiped out but we cant do dishes till me get hot water again. 6:54pm BBT: In the By Amanda and Mccrae and Andy and Spencer are setting in the by the hottub with general talk. 6:55pm BBT:Elissa and Gm in KT playing Jenga and talking about Elissa teaching in a school. they head outside to the hottub with everyone else.
  11. 5:34pm BBT: Gm in By with Andy Judd and GM pretnending she is on the phone saying she got out the ho. they all laugh. Amanda and Mccrae are laying in bed snuggling. 5:38pm BBT: Amanda and Mccrae under the covers with alot of movement going on and sounds going on. In the BY is talk about Amanda and Mccrae and how they always said they wouldnt take each other to the end and Andy says bull they would too and i wasnt buying it. 5:48pm BBT: Amanda and Mccrae done making out and Amanda asking if he wants to go have a smoke or snuggle more? She then ask if she can dye her hair at Jury and he says yeah and she gets excited. 5:50pm BBT: In the By Gm and Spencer are saying how hot it is and Gm goes inside and Spencer goes in . Andy tells Elissa damn girl you got some sun today and she says yeah i did. Elissa is cooking dinner for the HG and ask if she should make coleslaw too and have a southern meal and Spencer says heck yeah. 5:56pm BBT:Amanda and Mccrae walk through the KT and Spencer ask Amanda if she is ok and she says yeah i am alright. Amanda and Mccrae walk into By to smoke. Judd is called to the Dr. Andy is listening to music and Elissa cooking.
  12. 1:11pm BBTL Eliss goes in the house then walks back out to BY takes her mic and shoes off takes shoets off and looks at herself in the mirrorthen heads back to the hammock and lays back down. 1:45pm BBT:Andy and Judd awake in color rm taling about special powers and Candice. Judd lays his head down and closes his eyes again and Andy covers his eyes with the bandana and going back to sleep also . Elissa still in BY laying on the hammock and everyone else still in bed asleep. 1:50pm BBT: Judd was called to Dr he is now in Kt and goes to the bathroom. Elissa is out of the hammock and switching laundry. 1:55pm BBT: Elissa getting clothes out of the dryer and a pair of shoes . she throws the shoe and screams and jumps cuz there is a bug there. Judd now in Kt geting a drink and a snack. Eliss comes in to get water and BB tells Judd to please put on his mic.Judd asked if anyone else is up and Elissa says no and Bb says elissa pleae put on your mic and Judd says see you in a few and heads back to color rm and back to bed.
  13. . 12:02pm BBT: Elissa in the Kt eating her lunch as all other HG in bed going to sleep. 12:17pm bbt: Elissa still eating everyone else is sleeping. 12:27pm BBT: Elissa finished eating and has gone to get her bible from the color rm and is heading to the Wa tp put on her swimsuit to go lay out and read. 12:46pm BBt: all Hg in bed sleeping except Elissa who is in the By laying in the hammock reading her bible. 12:58pm BBT: Nothing has changed Elissa still in hammock reading the bible as all other hg in bed sleeping
  14. 11:37am BBt: Andy and Judd now go to the chair rm and ask where everyone was and Amanda says who gives a crap then she tells them that Elissa was in there lastnight talking bad.Gm and Elissa still in HPh rm bashing Amanda. 11:45pm BBT: Amand and Spencer are talking sex talk and Mccrae comes in and goes back to bed and sex talk continues .In the color rm Judd and Andy are in bed sleeping with bandanas on their eyes.Spencer leaves the chair rm and Amanda and Mccrae are kissing and playing around under covers. In Wa spencer has gone to the bathroom and Elissa is brushing her teeth talking about bees scaring her. 11:52pm BBT: Spencer is now undressed crawling back in bed for a nap and Amanda and mccrae snuggling going back to sleep. Elissa is in the bathroom with the water runing in the sink
  15. 10:57am BBt: Feeds are back with Elissa in Ky making coffee and Judd walking around and Spencer making food. Gm talking about her hair.Amanda and Mccrae in bed . Andy walks in KT and says it is only 10:58 and Spencer says yeah. 11:01am BBt: Amaanda and mccrae in bed and Mccrae keeps saying he is sorry and she says why you sorry he says cause i feel bad. 11:04pm BBT: Mccrae says i am sorry i should have used it on you and she says no you won it fair and square and you deserved it even thougbh i took you off last week and he says i am sorry and she says no you deserved it and you are my boyfriend and i wouldnt have asked you to do thaT. 11:06am BBT:Andy and spencer in BY talking about a dead bug and Judd comes out and says should we tie the vote? Judd says final 6 is awesome and Andy says if i get hoh i am trying to figure out who the best conbo is and who to go home next Mccrae or Elissa. Judd says mccrae can win elissa cant and Andy says they are both scary but i cant think if is scarier.Spencer says i wonder what the odds are that Amanda and Mccrae would stay together after this show. 11:10am BBT: Elissa and Gm in HOH rm talking and Gm saying that she is upset that Amanda is playing the nick card and it pisses me off. Gm says she is so jelouse of me and Elissa says Nick has more of the right package than Mccrae and Gm says i know i dont even want Mccrae.and she thinks i do cuz we sat on the couch but it was nothing, 11:16am BBT:Gm and Elissa are bashing Amanda and calling her nasty in HOH rm in the BY Spencer, Andy and Judd talking and Judd says i think i choke on clesr liquids and we get foth. 11:23am BBT: Spencer called to the Dr and andy says go record breaker and Andy says this is his 7th time isnt that crazy and Judd says yeah i went up one time and went home and they laugh
  16. 10:02am BBT: Judd goes to hoh and Gm is looking for her tape for her toe and tells Judd that Amanda came up lastnight and the lights were out anf she asked if i was sleeping and then she left.Judd says Amanda is going to keep saying why Gm doesnt have Nick and Gm says she can shut up and Judd says i got something to tell you but Amanda said she is taking Nicks hat when she leave snsd Gm says hell no she aint and thank you for the heads up 10:05am BBT:Judd and Gm still talking about Amanda and the sleeping situation and then Judd tells her did you know they had sex in the bathroom and Gm says what did you see them and Judd says no they told me and they had sex in the photobooth and in the hoh bed.Gm says are you serious. Gm says i canr believe she is going to use the jelous card on me if anything she is jelouse of me. 10:08am BBt: Gm says she is just jelouse of me for winning and it is hard to split a couple up cuz when one goes the other comes after you. Judd says see my muscle by my elbow and Gm says yeah its twitching you making it do that and Judd says no its doing it on its own. Gm is called to the Dr and Judd stays in HOh rm and we get foth. 10:10am BBT: Mccrae and Spencer are awake as Mccrae tells about a dream he had and BB calls him to the DR. Amanda is up getting dressed and we now have trivia.
  17. 6:03pm BBT: Mccrae has left the HOh rm and Judd says i planted a seed to mccrae and he came and talked to gm about maybe putting up Elissa and making Amanda the target every week.they now talk about past BB shows after a brief foth. In the BY Amanda is now smoking with Mccrae she ask anything new with you and he says no. Gm and Elissa still at the pool talking general talk. 6:07pm BBT: Amanda asking Mccrae if he was talking game to anyone inside he says no just Andy and Spencer and he says he feels like something is going on and she says i do to. she then sats she misses her home and her family and then says i love you baby and he says love you to. Judd is being called to the DR as Andy laughs at him. 6:12pm BBT:Judd in BY with Amanda and mccrae about him telling people not to trust Helen and Amanda says yeah i know and amanda says i dont get it why was Elissa so excited about you coming back in the house and Judd says she told me she didnt know i was coming back in the house until i came back. Amanda says yeah see thats why i am so confused and Judd says i said i was sorry when i came back to Helen and Elissa for the way i treated them. Amanda says did you ask Gm if her target was mccrae or what and Judd says she didnt say and Amanda says i just dont want no hope cuz if my future is set in stone i want to know so i know not to fight to stay here . 6:32pm BBT: general talk in BY about slushies and coolers and Elissa in Kt making herself something to eat. 6:40pm BBT: Andy, Spencer , Amanda and Mccrae in By tslking about the love letters in the otev comp. and making fun of the way the beaver talked. Andy is now raising the awnings in the BY and Amanda says she has never done the awnings or fed the fish.Gm is now out of the shower and is laying in bed listening to her CD. Elissa has now joined the By group and is laughing at Andy and Spencer for mimmicking Gm and other HG. 6:45pm BBt: Amanda gets up and goes to the HOh rm and sees Gm is laying down the heads back down stairs. Gm comes out and says she can come in and she says she wanted to talk for a minute. amanda says i didnt want to bother you i just wanted to see what you was thinking about replacement noms.Gm says mccrae came up and i told him i was going to decide by tonight and i told him he won it fair and square and he needs to do what he is going to do and he wants to know where my head is at weather to use it on you so he wants to know where the votes are and i told him i would tell him if or if not he would put up Elissa but if not there are three other choices. 6:48pm BBT: Amanda says if you put up Spencer then i think i will go and if you put up Judd i will stay and he will go. Gm says yeah i know i gave Judd his key he didnt put me up so it is evened out now. 6:50pm BBt: amanda says here is my question to you Gm if i am on the block with Spencer or Judd and it is a tie who would you want to leave me?Gm says Hmmmmmm . 6:51pm BBt: Gm says i am not going to give you an answer today cuz i dont know who i am putting up yet and i will let you know tomorrow but right now i dont know. 6:54pm BBt: Amanda says i will never break my word to you cuz it would ruin my game but the only one i ever broke my word to was Aaryn but i had to do that one.Amanda says that Elissa is the one that sent Aaryn home and she sent Nick home and if next week Elissa is gone then no one will be targeting you no one everyone will target me and Mccrae and i feel like it will be the smartest move for you to put Elissa up and obviously i want to save myself but everyone connects you with Elissa and i am a fighter and i want to be in this game and i deserve to be here. 6:58pm BBT: Amanda says keep me and i will do anything in the world for you and i will let you pick my next nominations and Elissa doesnt deserve to be here she is mean and i swear to you keep me here and i will do anytbhing i want to be here so bad and spencer cant win he is no threat to you but Elissa is a threat to you.
  18. 5:08pm BBT: Mccrae Judd and Andy and Spencer at the memory wall talking about Hg that have been evicted already. Amanda and Gm by the pool talking general talk and Elissa still doing her yoga. 5:27pm BBt: Gm keeps taking about her friends and Family not likeing a guy she dated and we keep getting foth. 5:38pm BBT:Just General talk going on in the house with all the men in the HOh rm and all the women in the By at the pool. 5:59pm BBT: all girls still in BY with general talk and All men in HOH rm with judd talking about hillbilly weddings and about people being joksters.
  19. 4:00pm BBT: Mccrae goes to chair rm and Judd ask him do you rhink i am going up and Mccrae says no and Judd says are you sure and Mccrae says yeah then Judd says i dont want to be the bigger target if i do and Mccrae says against who Amanda and Judd says yeah then Spencer walks in and they stop talking. In thew BY Elissa and Andy are talking about puppies at pet stores. 4:06 BBt:Mccrae was whispering really low to Amanda in the KT then he left and went to bed to eat as Judd and Spencer are talking general talk. In the By Elissa Andy and Gm still talking about taking dogs pictures. 4:12pm BBt: In chair rm talk is about wedding rings and how weird it would be to wear one and Amanda says you get useed to it. In the BY Talk is about sun roofs in the house and how you needed a button to close it. 4:22pm BBt: Mccrae is in chair rm reading the bible to Judd and Amanda and Spencer. In the BY Andy and Gm talking about if Amanda goes the Elissa will go aftwer Mccrae if she won HOH. Andy says I have to go to the bathroom and Gm says she has to get out of the hottub and go back to the pool cuz it is hot. 4:39pm BBt:just general talk in chair rm with everyone but Elissa and Gm. Gm is in the BY soaking in the pool. 4:51pm BBt: In the chair rm Amanda is saying she misses her dog so much and in the BY Mccrae and Andy are sitting on couch as Mccrae smokes and they are trying to figure out what to do to keep Amanda and Mccrae both there this week and Andy says talk to Gm and Mccrae says he did. Elissa is in BY doing yoga. 4:58pm BBT: Amanda and Judd are now in the By smoking with Mccrae as judd tells a story about going to a beach and stsying at a friends house and how hot it was. Andy walking around in the Kt. Gm is in her HOH rm getting chaged.Spencer is in Wa and Andy goes in and says i talked to Gm and she is pretty set on Amanda to go and she wont put Elissa up and Spencer says ok .
  20. 3:30pm BBT: Mccrae and Gm in HOh talking. Mccrae says do you know what you are going to do yet? Gm says no i havent decided i am gonna make a decision by tonight thoug. Gm says ummm i really didnt talk to anybody and i dont want to hear what they want but i really dont want amanda out but dont tell her this but if i have to pick for a tie breaker i would pick you cuz you are so much like me and you are a fan of the show and you work your butt off and i admire you for that. Gm says my speech wasnt to drain the life out of you cuz you are good at this and i wanted the mcrae back from the biggining of the game. 3:33pm BBt:: Gm says you walked into this game alnoe and you will leave this game alone even like me and nick everyone says it might have been better for my game when he left and maybe it was.She says it is like Helen and Elissa and Helen left alone too and left Elissa alone i just want that spark back in you dude like you was when you first came in here.Gm says i was up till 4:40 this morning and i aint staying up that late tonight cuz tomorrow is pov ceremony but i will let you know tonight i wont tell you who i will put up i will just say it isnt Elissa but it could be Judd and if it is Judd i think i rather you stay. She says Andy is my equalizer you know what i mean. She says i just have to think and not let people in my head which i wont let people in my head. 3:37pm BBT: Mccrae says i have actually been thinking about using the veto on Amanda but i dont know how you feel about that and if it will make you mad and Gm says no no but i just want you to know that this has happened before and it didnt turn out good so just be careful. 3:38pm BBT: Gm says let me ask you this if you use it on her and you go home are you gonna be pissed and he says i would be pissed but i wouldnt do it unless i thought i had the votesd and i think i do have the votes. 3:40pm BBt:Gm talking about her broke toe and she says she has to walk to compete in comps and Mcrae says have tou seen past seasons of a double eviction where you have to run and dig in things and Gm says oh yeah that will suck. Mccrae says i just want to know if you are gonna put up Elissa before i make up my mind and Gm says yeah yeah. She says i will let ya know later tonight at like 10pm and Mccrae says if you do put up Elissa then i wont usae it on Amanda cuz i think Amanda can stay over Elissa. 3:53pm BBT:in the BY is Spencer and Andy and Elissa and Spencer says wherer is Gm is she recovering from the photobooth? Elissa says i dont know and Spencer says i am gonna go check on her. then Elissa and Andy start talking about past comps.Gm and Mccrae are heading down stairs. Judd is in the chair rm talking to Amanda who is in bed.\ 3:56pm BBt: Gm is now laying at the pool to get some sun and Spencer says that pool is nasty and Gm says it is pretty clear today.
  21. 12:04am BBt: All Hg still playing cards and keep singing as we go to foth and come back and Andy is spinning in a circle saying iam a pretty little princess. 12:11am BBt: Andy is dancing again and everyone yells yeahhhhh then Elissa says Andy is the stripper for the wedding they are having on the cbs lot. Andy says thats where i was when i went to the Dr. 12:13am BBt: The card game is now moving to the living rm to play at the table at the couches and Andy had to go tothe bathroom and theyall tell him to go to the little girls bathroom and Spencer says you have to sit down like a girl and theyall laugh. 12:17am BBt: Amanda is telling the Hg how to play blackjack like they do in Vegas. Everyone is listening and looking at Amanda. 12:18am BBT: Amanda says you can not look at your bottom card in blackjack and Gm is telling her you can and Amanda says no you can not my dad works at a casino. Gm says if i am betting money i can see my bottom card and if i have two nines i can split and Amanda says now i am doubting myself. Gm explains again and Amanda says sorry guys thats right you can look lets start over. 12:24am BBT: Amanda is saying both cards go fsaceup in blckjack and Spencer and Gm argue thatit is one down and one up and Amanda is getting mad and says let me think about this and then says it is face up ok watch this ready? she says it is face up i know what i am talking about now. 12:27am BBt: Amanda says i figures all this up and now i know what i am doing and she says it is all face up except my last one is down. Elissa keeps laughing and Andy goes to check the time and ask if he can get out of the costume now and Spencer says everyone quiet and he says production make Andy dance one more time and make it a good one and they laugh. Andy now dancing again for the last time and says i am a pretty little princess. elissa says that is going to be the best picture of you on the internet.
  22. 11:06pm BBT: all Hg in Kt at table playing cards and laughing and Spencer still in the Dr. 11:09pm BBT: Spencer is now out of the Dr and takes Andys place at the table and Andy goes to the Dr and Gm explains to Spencer how toplay the game. 11:20pm BBT: All HG still playing cards and laughing and having a good time. Andy still in the DR. 11:22pm BBT: Gm and Elissa goes to get Judds chicken suit to lay on the couch for Andy when he comes out of the Dr. 11:25pm BBT: BB told the hg that Andy cant wear the chicken suit so now they want to put him in a pink dress with a pink tutu and everytime music comes on he has to spin like a ballarina. 11:29pm BBt: All the girls are putting on hats and shades waiting for Andy to come out of Dr and saysing they are going to have so much fun. Amanda yells open the By please and we get foth. 11:31pm BBt: Andy out of dr and they send him to the cockpit for his new outfit. Amanda says for one hour you have to wear this Gm outfit sand everytime you hear production you have to dance, Andy says i canr wait to win HOh and put you all up and they all go back to the tabele and get ready to play cards again and Andy says we playing another game and they all yell yeah. 11:34pm BBT: Andy is now putting on the pink dress and the pink tutu and the pink hate with ear flaps on it now he puts his mic back on and is heading to the Kt. they all start laughing and yelling yes yes yes and Mccrae yells i got a boner. They tell him he has till 12:30am to wear this and everytime you hear production buddy you dance and we get foth. 11:43pm BBt: Andy isnow dancing and he tells them they have to tell him he is a pretty little princess and they all yell it but Elissa and she says your a pretty little liar and we get foth again. 11:47pm BBT: after a brief foth we come back to Andy dancing in a circle again and then laughing saying pretty little princess and pretty little liar. 11:51pm BBT: Everyone snacking on chips and playing cards at the Kt table general talk going on and alot of laughing and giggling. 11:52pm BBT: Amanda yells at Andy to share the hummis and he says i will when i finish and Amanda says i just got that from the STR. Amanda says remember i might be going to jury soon and my vote is very important and Elissa is laughing and Amanda yells how long is this damn wedding and we get foth again.
  23. 10:04pm BBt:Gm telling about aaryn and how aaryn worked her hoh time and mccrae says it sucks and Gm says the veto thing didnt work and thats good for you guys your still here. Amanda says i always tried to save Aaryn like with the kaitlin thing i was always protecting her. 10:12pm BBt:Elissa in Kt washing dishes and Andy walking around and Spencer at the table eating pork chops and he says he doesnt know if he over cooked them or if they are just tough. Andy went to let the HOh crew know that dinner is done. 10:17pm BBT: Amanda has gone down stairs through the Kt and straight to bed. Mccrae goes back to the Kt to eat.Gm is now in Kt making a coke and getting pork chops to eat.(NEWS FLASH) Mccrae is eating at the table and not in bed.Everyone but Amanda at the table eating and general talk now. 10:23pm BBT: Amanda is now up and in the KT and sits at the table between Mccrae and Elissa smiling at andy and his story he is telling about a person on a flight he talked to and had fun. Elissa says it is like that on a flight to Canada all the time. 10:29pm BBT:Amanda now back in bed and Andy and Spencer goes to chair rm and Amanda asking what Elissa sais and Andy says she was telling about how her mom used to make her answer the phone and she still does and Amanda starts calling Elissa and her parents names and Andy laughs. 10:32pm BBT: In the STr is Andy Spencer and mccrae and they get beer and wine. Gm staets into the STr and says oh my gosh its a party. they got six beers and a bottle of wine.Gm tells Spencer that the STR smells like puke and Spencer says thats the last cap we need toplay checkers and Gm got excited and ask if they can play tonight and he says hell yeah. 10:35pm BBT: Amanda grabs the wine and runs up stairs with it as Judd chases her and she says i will give you a little bit but i am drinking the rest of it. Judd makes a deal with mccrae for a beer for two ciggaretts.Andy and Spencer join the hoh rm now and they all give cheers saying Happy birthday Larry KIng.Gm is now in HOh rm also. Elissa just walks in and wants wine and Amanda says i didnt have any yesterday or today so no.Elissa says Amanda took the whole bottle of wine production can we have another bottle? 10:38pm BBT: Everyone in HOh rm talking about drinking and collage days.Elissa and Gm playing Jenga now . Amanda says see i gave Elissa a little bit of wine i didnt take it all. 10:41pm BBT: Judd says i only drank 2 berrs earlier and Elissa drank 2 and Elissa and Amanda says you lie Judd and they talk about who had beers after the POV comp.and Amanda says i was spinning for like 80 damn times. 10:48pm BBT: all Hg going to the kt table to play poker and drink their beer and wine. 10:53pm BBT:Judd trades Mccrae another half beer for 2 ciggaretts later when thwy get to go back in the BY after the wedding music they coild hear is over.Everyone but Spencer is at the table playing cards and he is still in DR. 10:56pm BBT: Gm says who ever wins gets to pick who does dishes tonight and then who ever wins picks who wears the chicken suit and does the chicken dance every 10 minutes. they are all laughing and amanda is the dealer.
  24. 9:00-9:15pm BBt: Gm telling Andy she doesnt care what Amanda says that she is going no matter what and she will not put Elissa up on the block and that she will not let amanda intimadate her. then Mccrae comes in and Gm says good of you to come up here and join us and mccrae smiles. 9:16pm BBt:Elissa is in the color rm laying in bed taling to Judd about the wedding that put them om LD cuz they could hear the yelling and the music. In the HOh rm Gm is telling Andy and mccrae about her falling hurting herself. 9:23pm BBt: Elissa in STR getting food. and now we have foth. 9:25pm BBt: Elissa just dropped dishes on the floor and broke a couple of them as Spencer walks in and says what is going on and then tells Elissa to go get her shoes on and he will pick it up. In the hoh rm Gm is talking about water in her blisters on her hands and everyone else checking their hands too. 9:29pm BBt:Andy and Elissa in Kt smarting off to each other again as usual Spencer fixing food and Gm asking Mccrae in HOH what time the music started and he says he dont know and she says it is usually 4 or 5 hours and we get foth. 9:35pm BBt: Gm and Judd and Mccrae in hoh rm talking about taking pictures and seeing a movie stars home. Mccrae ask if he can have a snack out of her basket and Gm says sure take what ya want. In the Kt elissa and Spencer and Andy talking general talk and Elissa says lets do something fun tonight. 9:43pm BBt: Andy and spencer talking about Gm saying she wont put Elissa up and he says he is going to tell Amanda that he doesnt think Gm will do it and Andy says i have no beef with Amanda and mccrae but Amanda can be obnoxious. Amanda is now in HOh and listening to Gm talk about a comedian and talking loudly. 9:47pm BBt: In the lounge rm Spencer and Andy talking about movies then Andy says if we have a double eviction we can get him out and Spencer says yeah i will trip mccrae in a veto and Andy says i almost feel like Elissa will win hoh and i hope she doesnt. 9:52pm BBT: spencer says we are down to the wire dude and he says if it is a double eviction it will be questions and Andy says yeah . 9:54pm BBT:In the HOh rm Gm is going on about Nick and if he had been there longer they might have gotten closer but its all good i will see him again soon.She says he called her babe all the time and Amanda says really thats cute. Spencer and Andy now go back to the Kt and Judd is called to the DR. 9:58pm BBT:Gm is putting an ice pack on her fractured toe and amanda and mccrae are listening to her talk about her not being alligned with Elissa she says Elissa just klings to me, Mccrae says Judd says next to her and you are staying close to her so next week you are going to take the fall for Elissa.Mccrae says Judd will come and tell you not to put up Elissa and he is protecting himself he is not portecting me and we are wonded animals and if you nurse a wonded anaimal they are loyal to you and Gm says yeah i understand that.
  25. 4:00pm BBT: Judd in Kt looking to see what the oven is set on and Elissa just made herself a sandwich . In the chair rm amanda just finished eating and is now laying down as Gm and Spencer talk about bowling balls being nailed down and if they actually have balls that look like bowling balls.mccrae gets amanda up and they go to the have not rm. Amanda says dont say anything but he said that i was more hated in the jury so maybe there is a way that you both can stay but then said we would talk about it after we see who goes up.Amanda says i would do anything to stay. 4:04pm BBT: Amanda and Mccrae hug and head back t the chair rm and right back to bed.Amanda saying that Elissa was already taking jabbs at me saying who would look better in a unitard Amanda and Kirsten. Gm says i know i told her to stop already. amanda says if you keep her here she wont work with you. Amanda tells Gm you have a chance to make a huge move in tbhis game put her up dont put these guys up they wouldnt put you up and both mccrae and i will be greatful to you and if you keep me here then you have two people on your side . 4:08pm BBt:Amanda sits up in bed crying and says i am begging you please please dont let me go hiome this week please put her up do not put these guys up i promise keep me here and Mccrae and i will not put you up next week at all. 4:10pm BBT: Amanda says i swear keep me dont let me go and you will be safe i have no friends in that jury house everyone there hates me and Elissa is friends with all of them there everyone of them. Amanda says if you would put her up we have the votes to send her home and i would not go after you and Mccrae would not go after you either. Mccrae and i are together and we vote together we can keep you here and we get foth. 4:18pm BBT: amanda still begging Gm to put elissa up on the block mondy and swearing she will stick to everything that she says and so will Mccrae she saya this will be a huge move a huge move. amanda says Elissa just walks around people and kicks them and jabs them she is nasty. keeping me would be a way smarter move than keeping her and it is a powerful chaice to make. Gm says we have to monday to decide. Amanda says me and Mccrae are a bigger target as a power couple than anyone else is and they will all come after me and not you so you can go far. 4:23pm BBt: all the men in the house are in the Kt eating pizza and talking about the live feeds and who watched who on there in past seasons.. Mccrae enters the chair rm and amanda stops talking and they start talking about dinner lastnight. mccrae leaves and Amanda goes right back to saying if she will put Elissa up then she would not would not go back on her word and then she wont have a target from mccrae or from spencer and to make a deal with andy. amanda says we are not going after you snd we can make you stronger. Amanda tells Gm you can beat me. you can beat me in comps and at the end.Elissa is now out of Dr and in Kt eating her food after going to the DR. 4:27pm BBT: Amanda tells Gm that she will be safe and she will be getting rid of the person that got rid of Nick and Gm says yeah i know. Amanda says you will be getting rid of Rachels sister thats huge. 4:31pm BBT: Gm leaves chair rm and Amanda lays down alone. In the KT Mccrae is trying to make deals for the beers and ciggaretts and Judd says you need to go back to make a deal school.Judd says everyone left their beers outside to be abandoned and mccrae says if i had been thinking right i might have grabbed mine and judd says i didnt realize you was sick. 4:39pm BBt: talk in the kt with Spencer, Judd and Andy, Mccrae and Elissa talking about past HG and how old they looked. Judd is waiting for the BY to open so they can go smoke. amanda is in bed going to sleep and Gm went to HOh rm to take a nap. 4:44pm BBt: Amanda is now up taking her dirty dishes to the Kt and washing them. Everyone else is in kt area with general talk and Judd doing a dance. 4:46pm BBt: mccrae goes to bed with amanda and Amanda is now repeating everything she said to Gm about putting elissa up and her being safe next week and to make a deal with Spencer and Andy.In the KT Andy and Elissa are talling about villians. Elissa says that jessie and Judd were deffinatly the jeff and jordan. and andy says i dont know about that and Elissa says Andy we really didnt ask you sand she laughs. Andy says the BY is open now and Elissa says i am going to go take a nap and Judd staerts singing and we get foth. 4:52pm BBT: Amanda relling all the guys outside that if Gm will put elisaa up then she can be safe and stay to work with them. Amanda asking Judd if he wants to keep elissa here cuz she has more friends in the jury and you wont win against her is that what you want? Judd says i dont know and Amanda says i have won one comp and no one in the jury likes me not one and if i am here you get rid of a huge target. 4:56pm BBt: Amanda saying she felt ,like she had a disadvantage in the pov comp and Judd says you had a ten minute break inbetween sessions and she says but look at my hands they hurt so bad. Judd says why did we do thatin the heat why not right now? Amanda says that doesnt make sence at a game stand point and i cant win i can not win this game and they are all going to vote on person crap.



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