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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 11:04am BBT: Judd is called to the Dr.He says he doesnt want to go right now and SZpencer says they want the dude of the hour while he is hot. he leaves hoh and GM takes a deep breath and andy says he hates that Mccrae won that veto.Andy says it sucks that he won and Judd has to go i would rather he stay here and mccrae leave this week. 11:09am BBT: spencer says i wonder what mccrae is thinking and Gm says he isnt he is sleeping and Spencer says i bet he isnt sleeping. 11:17am BBT: Spencer and Gm tsalking about how Mccrae has 3 pov's and 2 hoh's now and Spencer says he is worried that next week he and Andy will be on the block together. 11:21am BBT: Gm called to the Dr and Spencer goes to the bathroom as Judd sits in HOh rm thinking. 11:25am BBt: Judd and Spencer in HOh talking and Judd says he will have to fight hard for that hoh thursday night and he tells Spencer that if they are going to get rid of me just let me know ok and Spencer says dude your good.Judd says all i want to do in front of you and Andy is make nice with mccrae and i dont want any kind of awkwardness and i dont want to fight. 11:30am BBT: Judd goes downstairs and walks around the Kt Mccrae is sleeping and Spencer is laying in his bed. Gm is in the Dr. 11:36am BBT: Spencer is now being called to the DR Gm comes out of Dr and says guess what is in the STR our luggage and Judd says oh crap might be an eviction wednesday and then says it might be tomorrow night and GM says no i aint packing till wednesday night 11:38am BBT: Judd goes to color rm and tells Andy that the luggage is in the STR and Andy says already? Judd says dont they usually put them in the day before and Andy says that weird. He says i think its unfair if there is an eviction for wednesday cuz that wouldnt be fair not to tell us. 11:40am BBT: Gm comes in color rm and Her and Judd and Andy are talking about how weird it is the luggage is already in the STR.GM says i dont think there is anything to it i think they are just putting it there and i aint packing till wednesday cuz i still have to do my hair and clean my clothes.Judd says i am going to ask in DR. 11:43am BBT: Gm and Judd go out to the BY and Gm says she has to get her clothes out and is thinking about laying out for a little color maybe. 11:46am BBT: Gm goes back in the house and gets a drink of her coke then Judd comes in and Gm says i am going to go lay down what are you going to do and he says probably lay down in a bit but right now i am gonna wonder around 11:55am BBT:Gm , Andy and mccrae in bed sleeping Spencer is still in the Dr and Judd is sitting in the bathroom WA alone . 11:56am BBt: Spencer comes out of Dr and Judd tells him that their luggage is in STR and says isnt that weird and Spencer says yeah that is weird. Judd says but the By is still open so thats weird.Spencer heads up to HOh rm saying thats weird dude. He now takes his mic and shirt off and gets in bed for a nap.
  2. 10:08am BBT: judd is up and ask Gm if she is feeling ok as she is laying in bed trying to sleep and she says yeah my arm just hurts but its ok and she closes her eyes again.BB calls Mccrae to the Dr. 10:14am BBT: Judd is outside lowering the awnings for BB and Mccrae has gone to the Dr and Spencser is now up in the Kt making a bowl of cereal. Andy is still sleeping and Gm is resting in her bed. 10:48am BBT:been on FOTH for 30 minutes now 10:52am BBT: Judd and Spencer in HOh rm talking and Spencer says its all good man and Judd is talking about talking to mccrae later. Spencer says how close are Andy and Gm and Judd says i dont know pretty close i guess.Gm comes in and says good speech Judd and Judd says sorry. Judd says i aint going to campagne against you Gm but i know i wont get ciggaretts no more. Judd ask if Andy is mad and Gm says i dont think so.Andy joins the HOH rm now and Judd says i am sorry i made tyou uncomfortable Andy and Andy says its ok it was a good speech. 10:55am BBT:The Exterminators are all in HOH and Judd says we all had a chnce and it is what it is. Judd says i dont think i look to bad on tv and Andy says you wasnt mean you just said what he done. Judd says yeah. 10:57am BBT: Mccrae is back in bed going back to sleep. The POV ceremony took place and Mccrae removed himself and Judd was put up as a replacement Nominee.
  3. 6:05pm BT: Hg still bashing other hg that have already left the game and how some of them threatened others. 6:11pm BBT: Spencer saying he doesnt think he got a luffa to shower with and he needs one so he can get his body cleaner. Mccrae says there is a pink one over there that Aaryn gave to Amanda then Judd says it is getting darker earlier at the house as the summer is ending.they all go to the Kt to get drinks. 6:21pm BBT: Gm is in the chair rm sleeping and all the guys are in the By. Andy and Spencer talking on BY couch and Judd and Mccrae playing pool. just general talk going on. 6:34pm BBT: Spencer and mccrae talking about meeting up after the bb show is over and they can travel to where Judd is and Andy says and chicago? Mccrae says forget chicago man and they all laugh then they start saying they should meet up next summer and Judd says yeah summer is better where i live. 6:40pm BBt: Spencer tells mccrae he was lucky he could smoke when he was stressed and have sex when he was stressed and mccrae says i think thats what messed up my game. and Spencer laughs. 6:53pm BBT: General talk in the By with all the guys as Gm sleeps in chair rm.
  4. 5:06pm BBt: Spencer and Andy talking about how messy the house is and andy said ya'll cleaned this room and then let it go and Spencer said yes.Spencer and Andy now talking about how Judd was waking them up and being nervouse. 5:22pm BBt: Hg sitting around in chair rm talking about people on drugs and Spencer says he wishes there was more studies about the effects of these drugs and we get foth. 5:32pm BBT: Just general talk going on with all the hg in the chair rm . 5:54pm BBT: Hg just talking about past Hg and the live feeds and Mccrae says they loved chef joe on the live feeds.
  5. 3:12pm BBt: Gm doing her makeup in color rm and Judd and Andy in By still talking about Jessie and Candice and Judd says i just hope Candice forgives me and Andy says Candice is an idiot. 3:16pm BBT: Judd and Andy now going over comps they played in and they talk about copying others in comps that were ahead of them. 3:20pm BBT: Judd and Andy taling about Spencer spending over half his summer on the block and Judd says i dont think anyone can beat that recors. Judd says it has to be me you and spencer in final 3 and if it is a puzzle you have to win it.Andy says yeah i know. 3:20pm BBt: Gm in WA brushing her hair .and getting ready for the day. 3:27pm BBT: Judd talking about Amanda and when she was on the block saying that she didnt need the money and he says why would she say that. Andy says yeah i would never say that cuz i do need the money.Gm now in Kt making coffee.
  6. 2:32pm BBT: Judd is making it look like he is laying in the hammock then goes to the house and goes in then Judd goes to his dresser and get s a shirt and a wig head out and hurrys back out to the By to put it on the hammock as he passes in the Kt he grabs a shoe also. 2:36pm BBT: Judd goes back inside and tells andy he tried to sleep but couldnt and Andy said it was hard to sleep with you moving around. Judd looks outside and says is that spencer and Andy says is it and Judd says i guess i been doing laundry. 2:38pm BBT: Andy looks out at (spencer ) in the hammock. Judd is waiting for Andy to go out there and Judd says wonder if Helen is running right now and Andy says i dont know . They now head out to the BY and go to sit on the couch. Andy keeps looking out at the hammock.Andy starts going out to the hammock and says that is not spencer thats a fake dummy and judd laughs. 2:45pm BBT: Judd and Andy in BY still talking about what days what comp and eviction was on and studying for the next hoh competition and laughing about how Elissa got mad and Andy says it was funny when she got mad with you she was mad and i was always off the hook did you notice that? Judd says yeah she tried to start a fight with me when she went out the door. Andy said i noticed that. 2:52pm BBT: Judd and Andy talking about past Hg and things that happened and things that were said and they are laughing about them since they have been evicted already. 2:55pm BBT:Gm is now up and in the KT drinking diet coke then heads to the bathroom. judd and Andy still in By and Andy says that Mccrae compared himself to Ian and then says i dont really think that Mccrae has played a good game . Judd says yeah then Andy says he does win but thats it.
  7. 2:01pm BBT: Judd's hot dogs are made and he pours himself a glas of diet coke and goes out to the By couch to eat. 2:08pm BBT: Judd has finished his hotdogs and is now doing more laundry and folding them as they come out of the dryer. 2:19pm BBT: Judd goes to Wa and uses the electric razor some on his face then he sits down to doctor his cuts on his legs. 2:22pm BBT: Judd now sitting in BY alone swinging a fly swatter while all other Hg are still snuggled in their beds asleep. 2:25pm BBT: Judd now going and looking in color rm and chair rm to see if anyone else is awake as he is bored and everyone is still sleeping so he gets in the dawers and slams them shut like he is looking for something.He shuts another one loudly and looks to see if mccrae is waking up and he isnt. In the HOh rm Spencer gets up and goes to the bathroom then goes back to bed.Judd is now heading in the Kt and is just walking around . 2:29pm BBt: Judd walsk fast back to color rm and goes to open the door as Andy comes out the door. Judd is gathering more clothes to wash. Andy is in the bathroom. Judd now goes outside again.
  8. 1:50pm BBT: Judd is up again putting his mic on as he walks to BY. he is checking the laundry and watching the dryer go round and round as he sacratches his head.He is now going back inside the house and goes to the STR looks in the fridge. Judd comes out of STr and passes andy and Judd ask of he is going back to bed and Andy says just for a little bit and Judd says ugh i am bored i cant sleep. Judd now in KT making hotdogs.
  9. 1:16pm BBt: Andy is now up and goes to the bathroom . He now washes his hands and heads back to the STR to get something to eat.he leaves the STr and goes back to the color rm and gets back in bed. JUdd sits up and puts shoes on and mic on and is heading out of the color rm. 1:20pm BBT: Judd in BY doing laundry everyone else still sleeping. 1:32pm BBT: Judd folded his clothes and is now putting them away. all other HG still sleeping. 1:40pm BBT: Judd gathers all the dirty towel from the bathroom and then takes them out to wash then heads back to bed.
  10. 4:02pm BBT: Gm and Mccrae and Judd in color rm talking and Gm looks at Mccrae and says you wanna come to the bathroom with me and Judd says should i wear my bow tie and Gm says you could i kinda like that idea and Judd says i have dress pants too should i wear them and she says wear jeans and he says this is a nom ceremony and she says yeah what the hell is everyone dressing up or something i cant dress up with being chained here. 4:07pm BBT: Judd in Wa doing his hair Gm and Mccrae off to the Wa as Gm says she is about to cry her foot hurts bad and she says it is getting worse. Judd says your foot is worse and she says yeah. Spencer is in the HOh rm listening to music and acting like he is playing the drums Andy is still in the Dr. 4:10pm BBT: Mccrae and Andy talking about the building in the By and Mccrae says what could it be and andy says i dont know mccrae says maybe it is a timed thing we all have to do indivigualy and andy says maybe so.all HG in Wa now gwtting ready for noms the whistle blows and the sargent says Judd 100 jumping jacks. he starts doing jumping jacks. the sargent says you call that excersizing and laughs.the sargent then says pick up the pace there i would like you to finish before the season ends. everyone is laughing at judd and spencer says this is my favorite thing this season as he laughs.Gm says good job judd. 4:15pm BBT: Spencer has now been called to the Dr . Hg think it might be time for the nomination ceremony. 4:18pm BBT: we now have trivia as they do the nomination ceremony.
  11. 3:13pm BBT:Judd sleeping in color rm on all 4 screens. 3:17pm BBT: BB calls Gm to the Dr. Judd is stiring around now half awake half asleep. Andy comes in and says Judd its like 3 and Spencer comes in and says its all good she knows she is going up. 3:19pm BBT: Spencer tells Judd that he told Gm that she was going up so mccrae wont fight as hard for the pov and he can go to jury. 3:21pm BBT: Judd , spencer and Andy go to hoh rm and Andy says we got restocked to let you know and judd says good.the whistle blows and the sargent says give me 30 squats dirtbag and Judd says noooo and starts squats. sargent says you are a pittifull excuse of a HG. Andy says i hate thhat sargent. Judd finishes his squats as Gm and mccrae comes out of Dr. 3:24pm BBT: Gm says Spencer can we talk to you we are gonna put each other outside the rm to talk. Gm whispers so low you cant hear her.Andy sits outside the door talking to mccrae loudly. 3:28pm BBT: Gm says i know you guys have me till the last 4 then it is all go and spencer agrees. Mccrae now comes in there and andy ask if he can shower while he is in there and mccrae says give me a second and andy throws a fit saying i want a shower. Spencer says i am putting you up but i want you to win the veto. and Mccrae doesnt look happy spencer says it is andy and Judd voting so its ok . 3:31pm BBT: Spencer says after veto is over come talk to me ok and Mccrae says ok i will. Spencer says do what you got to do and mccrae says thats why i aint campagning. 3:33pm BBt: Gm sitting out in hall general talk with andy who wants to take a shower in the hoh shower and not downstairs. Spencer tells Mccra in hoh rm that its all good and Mccrae leaves the rm and Gm ask you good dude and he says yeah and Andy says yeah i can take a shower. 3:38pm BBT:Gm and Mccrae talking about past comps they have played and Gm says at least this friendship thing on us is only for 24 hours not a week she says i am gonna put on my makeup so you can lay down while i do this i aint changing just doing makeup. 3:42pm BBT: the whistle blowsa and the sargent says judd give me 20 situps judd drops and does it and the sargent says did i order a sandwich with weak sauce or are you just that pathetic. judd finishes his situps and goes to take a shower. 3:49pm BBT: Judd is in show while Andy is in the shower in hoh rm and Spencer lisrtening to music in bed going to sleep and breathing heavy. 3:52pm BBT: Judd is now out of the shower and Mccrae laying in livingroom floor close to Dr door as Gm is in the dr. Andy is out of the shower and Spencer says you look great. 3:55pm BBT:Judd is getting dressed and mccrae says what are they building out there and Judd says it is something for sure. In hoh Andy and spencer are talking general talk about grandparents.
  12. 2:00pm BBT:Spencer says i am going to be honest with you and he says dude i cant beat you in the final 2 and Andy says i disagree and Spencer says i want you in the final 2 and i want you to win the money. Andy says i absolutly want you in the final 2 with me i dont want anyone else there i want you there and i never told anyone final 2 but you and i am telling you now i want to take tyou to the final 2 and we have to keep going down this path and get mccrae out. 2:07pm BBT: Andy says i feel like i put my neck out yeaterday and Spencer says you did dude and you did good but that why you came here is to play the game. then they start bashing Elissa again. 2:13pm BBT: Andy says i have always said this is about timing and you have to talk at the right time and Helen was always like that she always talked at the right time and thats one thing i liked about amanda she was layal to those that was loyal to her and spencer says yeah i noticed she was loyal. 2:17pm BBT: Andy says i told Amanda in my goodbye message that i voted her out and Spencer says you know she is worried about Mccrae right now and i told her in my goodbye message that there is spiders in the jury house and they was sent there by the exterminators and i was an ass about it and Andy laughs. 2:24pm BBT: Mccrae called to the Dr and andy says go talk to Gm while he is in DR and Spencer says ok and puts his shoes on to go downstairs. Mmcrae is still laying in bed sleeping and not going to the Dr yet. 2:27pm BBt: Mccrae getting up to go to Dr and Gm says let me know when your ready and she gets up since he is now ready and goes toward Dr with him as she cant be far from him. Spencer yellin get your butt up Mccrae and go to Dr.Spencer and Andy go downstairs to keep Gm company while Mccrae is in the dr.Spencer tells Gm this is what i want to do and this is the best move for the exterminators and Gm says can i explain something first and spencer says yeah Gm says since i used you as a replacement i rather go up as a replacement and spencer says i want Mccrae to think there is a guys alliance and mccrae will go out the door. Spencer says remember you said you owe me a favor well this is the favor i need you to go up there and she says i didnt want to have to win tomorrow with my foot hurting and Spencer says you wont have to we got your back. 2:32pm BBT: Spencer says Gm we been close this whole game and i am not going to screw you ok and Gm says i know i didnt want to pack and going to jury scares me cuz i keep my word and crap and Spencer says no one wants you out. Spencer says here is the thing and Andy says we need mccrae to feel like his life isnt on the line so he wont fight as hard for that pov. 2:34pm BBTL Gm sitting on back of couch talking to Spencer and Andy and says she needs to take a crap and they laugh sinxce she cant go till Mccrae gets out of the dr. Gm keps yelling ouch ouch and Spencer ask whats the matter and Gm says i have stomach pains and it hurts but i cant go yet. 2:40pm BBT: BB let Mccrae out of the Dr and they almost run to the bathroom so Gm can go crap. Mccrae standing there at the shower as Gm in bathroom. In the chair rm Spencer says i went 47 days without washing my sheets this summer and Bb calls him to the Dr and he says now i get in trouble for being dirty. Andy is eating in chair rm alone and mccrae still waiting on Gm to wash her hands now. they are now heading to living rm to sit on the couch. 2:44pm BBT: Andy and Gm playing with the phone in the living rm like she is talking to Elissa about her hair and about amanda having a twins and being in the bahamas and then yells sorry bye bitch and slams the phone down and then laughs as Andy is laughing. 2:49pm BBT: Gm and mcrae go to STR and Gm comes out before Mccrae and says Andy the STr is stocked again and we got chicken and Andy says good chicken parm and Gm says hell yeah. 2:52pm BBT: Gm is doing aragami in the living rm as Mccrae lays on the couch. Judd is in bed sleeping. andy comes in to living rm and says the house is empty my friends but it is nice and it is nice Elissa is gone and i am sorry i keep going on about her but i really hate her and mccrae says i hate her stupid ass too and Andy says well you and her were really close so i didnt want to offend you and i am sorry i never got to fart on her head. 2:56BBT: Gm and Mccrae and Andy still bashing elissa and talking how mvp days sucked watching that screen everytime. mccrae says yeah it did suck.Spencer still in DR and judd still sleeping.
  13. 1:00pm BBT: Spencer reading his letter from marylin and Spencer says you guys are gonna love marylin when you meet her and Andy says i swear she looks like the way i imagined her and spencer says oh yeah and Andy says yeah. 1:01pm BBT: Spencer telling a story about someone he knew dying from alcoholismt and the feeds switch to Mccrae and Gm sleeping in color rm. 1:09pm BBT: The whistel blows and the sargent says give me 25 lunges and then yells you call that excersizing? and judd gets up and does the lunges. 1:12pm BBT: Andy telling about his high school years. Spencer talking about how he was always told just do your best in school and Judd just sitting there listening. 1:20pm BBT: Andy, Spencer and Judd still talking about their school years and Mccrae and Gm are still sleeping downstairs in color rm. 1:23pm BBt: Spencer says Gm, has street smarts and can handle anything. Andy says she is smart very smart she can says this is a ceramic bowl and this is a wooden bowl and if this gets back to me i know someone is lying that is smart .Andy says elissa always said she made 100's in school and Spencer says i bet people hated her parents and her too and we go back to all 4 feeds on sleeping Gm and mccrae. 1:27pm BBT: Andy talking about parents that come to him and want their kids in advanced classes and he says i am sorry but if a kid is average i celebrate that they are average but if they are dumb i am not going to put them in advanced classes. then Spencer goes telling another story about a girl he knows. 1:30pm BTT: Judd says i am going to go down and try to get some sleep i am tired and Andy says i will be down in a minute i am tired and didnt get much sleep either. Judd says dont let me sleep to long though and Spencer says i am gonna go to sleep too but i have to go to the bathroom first man and he gets up as Judd goes down stairs.the whistle blows and sargent says give me 25 sit ups now. and sargent says my 90 year old grandma can do situps better than that and Andy says and your grandmas dead no thats the other grandma sorry sargent. Judd finishes his situps and heads to bed. 1:34pm BBT: Spencer comes out of Bathroom and says thats funny did you see him and Andy says yeah he did it in front of the memory wall. Spencer says who do i put up Gm or Judd and Andy says Judd is winning things but he does what we want and Gm is smart and she knows i was in control of this game and she might remember that. But i wish we was at final 3 now cuz i think if judd gets rid of one of us it would suck and i dont think Gm would and if mccrae stays i dont know i think it might be beter to keep mccrae this week and Spencer says i think Gm would keep us and andy says ok i just dont have the trust in judd as i do GM. 1:39pm BBT: Andy says this is what scares me about Judd is if Mccrae says anything and rats me out i think Gm would keep me and not Judd andy says what are you going to say to Gm and Spencer says that Mccrae is going home and if We want Gm gone i would says i am putting you up as a stratigic move and Andy says yeah. 1:44pm BBT: Andy says just tell Gm and Mccrae you will talk to them after they are unhandcuffed.And Spencer says yeah maybe i can practice whispering to you . 1:50pm BBT: Spencer says next week like if you keep me. Andy says if i am hoh only nominates its the veto holder that has the power but i will fight to keep us safe. 1:55pm BBT: Spencer says i am worried about not being able to play in hoh next week and i will play my ass off for that pov. 1:57pm BBT: Spencer says i think we can trust you and andy says i think we can trust Gm more than Judd at this point but at the same time i think we can beat judd but we can talk about this all day and it wont change it.
  14. 12:27pm BBT: all HG in HOh rm getting ready to go down stairs Talk is about the music cd that spencer got and Gm says i am going to go lay down as Mccrae follows her down stairs and they stop to put the milk and cereal away first. 12:28pm BBT: Spencer tells Judd that he is putting the pilows away and Judd says man that sucks for Andy and Spencer says yeah Gm is happy though.Gm and Mccrae are going back to bed in the color rm. 12:31pm BBT: Spencer says he is going to tell mccrae that he is doing this and that he is safe and i am telling Gm that if she stays on the block then she is staying. Judd says pov is crucial. and spencer agrees. 12:32pm BBT: Andy says at first i was pissed that mccrae won hoh lastnight but then i seen what was happening and i was like this is perfect and Judd and Spencer says yeah it couldnt went any better. 12:34pm BBT: Andy, Judd and Spencer talking about the events during the live evictions lastnight and Andy says we had 4 targets and we got rid of 75% of them. they all start laughing.then talk about how they got people to get others out.Andy says i am sad i didnt win 5k and Spencer says Gm was glad you didnt win wither and Andy says yeah and spencer says i am sorry you didnt win Andy and Andy says thats ok and laughs. 12:39pm BBT:Spencer says i have always been considerate about not washing dishes but i always washed my dishes off but some people wouldnt do any. Andy says it was awesome when helen was here she cleaned all the time. And Spencer says that Amanda would cook all that food but it was just for mccrae and she would keep it forever. 12:44pm BBT: Andy says my paranoia in this game is a good thing it made me hyper.he says you would tell people things that you didnt tell me so i folowed people around to find things out.Andy says i had to follow cuz it was raising red flags and Judd says i always talked to helen in the mornings cuz it was easier to talk to her in the mornings. Andy says helen and Amanda always said you cant trust Spencer you cant and Spencer laughs then Andy laughs. 12:50pm BBT: talk between spencer Andy and judd is about the hoh comp and Judd says to Spencer you won it fair and square. Judd says i am not very good at puzzles but the car one was a different kind of puzzle it was more like a maze. 12:52pm BBT: Spencer says i have trouble with like the bone thing i wasnt good i had to run and use my arms. Andy says i dont have arm stength either so i was screwed. 12:54pm BBT: Mccrae and Gm asleep in color rm. In hoh the amanda and Elissa bashing is still going on and Andy says yeah we cant talk about this in front of mccrae and Spencer agrees. and they start talking about Amanda more and her crying before eviction.Spencer saysa the worst thing about this dude is he is crazy if he moves down to Florida with her and then she has him under her thumb and he leaves his family and friends to have nothing. 12:56pm BBT: Andy says i think america was mvp cuz why would julie say the mvp can change the game and so i think america was mvp and wanted Aaryn out.
  15. 11:42am BBT: we are still on trivia. 12:18pm BBT": We are still on trivia .
  16. 11:00am BBT: all HG except spencer in HOH rm and Spencer can be heard in the Dr saying he messed something up (hard to hear with andy talking). Spencer is now out of Dr and heading to the HOh rm where Mcrae os eating and Andy talking about the have have not comps then we get foth. 11:15am BBT: We have been on foth for 15 minutes and we are now on trivia.
  17. 10:04am BBT: Gm and Mccrae still in DR as all other HG are sleeping. 10:24am BBT: the whistle goes off and the sargent says give me 15 pushups now and Judd says oh gosh. The sargent says my grandmother did better pushups than you and she died 10 years ago. Judd does his pushups and gets back in bed and says your grandma is a bitch and goes back to sleep. 10:37am BBT: Mccrae and Gm out of DR sitting on bed in color rm Andy sitting up in bed saying he liekd the music this morning Gm says i did too and then he says hey guys Elissa is gone and Gm says hell yeah. 10:37am BBT: Mccrae and Gm out of DR sitting on bed in color rm Andy sitting up in bed saying he liekd the music this morning Gm says i did too and then he says hey guys Elissa is gone and Gm says hell yeah. 10:45am BBT:Gm , Mccrae and Andy talking about Elissa's HOh and Mccrae says Elissa's HOh is why i put her up and she went home. 10:48am BBT: Elissa bashing still going on in color rm and Andy says thank god Elissa is gone and she cant win now. 10:52am BBT: Mccrae looks around the Rm and says whats that noise and Andy says behind the wall maybe cuz sometimes you can hear them and we get foth. 10:54pm BBT: BB calls Spencer to the DR and Gm says when he comes down we will go up and mccrae says yeah ok . they get up and Andy gets up and they are headed for the HOH rm but first Mccrae needs his coffee cup. 10:55am BBT: Mccrae getting a cup of coffe and Gm says she doesnt want any right now then Mccrae is making a bowl of cereal as Gm waits for him.Andy brushing his teeth in WA. Juddis going through his clothes in the Kt. 10:57am BBT: All HG heading to HOh rm with milk and ceral and Mccrae asking andy if he is nervouse he says no it isnt like something bad can happen to me and they all go in and sit in HOH rm.
  18. 9:08am BBT: we have foth maybe a wake up call. 9:27am BBT: Lights are on in the BB house now and all HG still in bed sleeping. 9:29am BBt: BB calls Andy to the Dr Judd gets up and is going to the bathroom.Mccrae is laying in bed awake beside Gm as Gm is sleeping. Spencer still asleep in HOH rm. 9:33am BBT: Judd now out of bathroom washes his hands and heads to KT opens fridge gets the chocolate milk out then puts it back in the fridge and goes back to the color rm and tells Gm and mccare that there is alot of buliding going on outside and Gm says you think its for Andy and Judd says i dont know . The sargent comes on and says Judd give me 15 situps. he then says you kiss your mother with that mouth Gm laughs. Judd does his sit ups and gets back in bed and says he had to do push ups in the middle of the night and Gm and Mccrae laughs. 9:38am BBT: Judd and Gm and Mccrae going back to sleep. In HOH spencer moving around and then goes back to sleep. Andy still in the DR. 9:45am BBT: Gm and Mccrae get up grab their mics as they are together with friendship braclets and go to the Dr together.Andy is back in bed going back to sleep.
  19. 1:12pm BBT: Elissa still doing yoga. Gm, Andy and Judd asleep in color rm and Mccrae aand Spencer asleep in chair rm. 1:22pm BBT: Amanda in Wa curling her hair for tonights show and Elissa running and stretching. general talk about doing yoga with amanda and Elissa. 1:29pm BBT: Elissa tells amanda she is going to just take a shower since she didnt find any razors in the STR she says she needs refills for her razor. 1:36pm BBT: Andy is now up getting dressed and putting his mic on and heades to the KT as Amanda walks in also and then heads to the bathroom.Elissa still in the shower as all other hg are still sleeping. 1:39pm BBT: Andy comes out of bathroom and Elissa says oh my gosh it is so hard to shave in the shower and Andy says i know girl and then Andy goes back to bed and tells judd the time. 1:44pm BBT: Judd up as BB has called him to the DR. Elissa out of shower and Andy now up again going to the Bathroom again. Elissa going to rm to get clothes. Judd is now out of DR and going to the bathroom as Gm is being called to the DR.Elissa goes back to Wa and tells Judd and Andy she is so ready to get this over with as Double evicrions are so stressfull. 1:53pm BBT: Amanda and mccrae and Spencer sleeping in chair rm. Gm in bathroom stretching. Elissa comes in and Gm says they said to clean the barhroom ansd i just cleaned it two days ago. Elissa says i will clean the mirrors in a few minutes. 1:57pm BBt: Spencer now up getting clothes as Elissa is in Wa doing makeup. Gm in color rm sitting on bed. Mccrae and Amanda still sleeping. Andy and Judd back in bed also.
  20. 12:34pm BBT: we are still on trivia 12:36pm BBT: feeds are back with Elissa and Amanda brushing their teeth in the WA. Spencer and Mccrae are in bed in the chair rm. 12:40pm BBT: Elisa in Kt getting a drink Amanda walks in and Bb comes on and says HG pleae clean the bathroom today and Gm laying in bed says she isnt doing that again and goes back to sleep.Amanda in chair rm getting clothes. 12:45pm BBTL Elissa still in Kt cutting an apple now and Amanda in chair rm packing her stuff. everyone else in bed sleeping. 12:51pm BBT: Elissa doing yogo in Kt area. Amanda in WA doing her hair.
  21. 11:00am BBT: we are still on trivia as the Hg are locked in the HOH rm . 11:49am BBT: we are still on trivia as they prepare for tonights double eviction.
  22. 2:00pm BBT: Elissa sitting in bed reading her bible everyone else still sleeping. 2:13pm BBT: Elissa still reading her bible and BB calls her to the DR, eveyone else still asleep. 2:15am BBt: Amanda is now up getting dressed and putting her mic on. she lesaves the chair rm and heads to the bathroom. 2:22pm BBT: Amanda is walking through the house gets her suitcase from the STR and takes it to her rm then takes off her jacket and fold it up puts it in the drawer gets a shirt and puts it on then off to the KT for a cup of coffee. . 2:34pm BBT: Amanda is in the Kt again orange juice then goes back to the Wa to do her makeup. 2:43pm BBT: Amanda and Elissa in Wa talking and Amanda says that Mccrae said he was trying to work with elissa before and she thought i was bossing her and Amanda said she told him just do whats best for your game.and she laughs. Amanda says we are going to shock em all tomorrow night and that Gm is going to malfunction and break something and Elissa is laughing, 2:45pm BBT: Amanda says she can not wait to see GM's reaction tomorrow night when she stays and Spencer leaves. Now talk turns to eye drops that help your lashes grow. 2:48pm BBT: Elissa walks to the KT and says we have 6 cartons of eggs and Amanda says and no chicken and Elissa says yeah 6 cartons of eggs and no chicken. Elissa making herself something to eat and Amanda heading out of the Wa walking towards the bedrooms. everyone else still sleeping. 2:54pm BBT: Amanda standing in chair rm and says do you love me? it is like 3pm and i am going to go make food. Elissa is cutting up mushrooms. Judd is called to the DR.Amanda and Elissa talking about what the hoh comp might be tomorrow night Amanda thinks it could be a before and after comp.Amanda now getting Mccrae up out of bed she says i need you today cuz i might not be here tomorrow and she laughs. 2:58pm BBT: Amanda lays down with mccrae and Mccrae passes gas and Amanda covers her nose and says ewwww and Mccrae laughs. Elissa still in KT making food for herself.
  23. 12:12pm BBT: Elissa is now out of the shower and takes dirty laundry to KT area and the backyard is now on LD. everyone else in the house still sleeping like babies. 12:25pm BBT: Elissa is now in the shower stall getting dressed for the day. 12:40pm BBT: All hg still sleeping except Elissa who is blow drying her hair and curling it
  24. 11:02am BBT: Elissa and Judd go inside and Elissa is cleaning the KT ansd making coffee. 11:07am BBT: Judd comes in and says they will go on ld later and Elissa says you wanna run and Judd says no i will run in here later and maybe to sit ups and push ups. Elissa says ok and is starting the coffee. Judd goes outside and sits on couch picking at his shoulder. 11:17am BBT: Judd goes to HOh and tells Gm that BB is going to lock the BY down in about 45 minutes. Gm says ok thank you. Judd goes back outside and sits on couch. Elissa is in Wa changing clothes and getting ready to do a workout in BY before the LD. 11:27am BBT: Elissa in WA says goodmorning Gm. Judd is in the color rm and tells Andy we have LD in 30 minutes.Judd is now getting back in bed and Andy says you arent running and Judd says no i want to go back to sleep.Elissa is now brushing her teeth in the WA. 11:33am BBT: Elissa is now in the BY doing yoga and Judd in bed tells Andy they need to make a request to BB for a human checker board and Andy says yeah then Judd says we dont have enough people for the pieces though and Judd gets up and heads to the DR. 11:36am BBT: Judd is now out of the Dr and goes back to bed and ties the bandana around his eyes so he can sleep. Elissa running in the BY now. 11:56am BBT: Elissa is in Wa now putting on her swimsuit and taking a shower all other Hg in bed sleeping still.
  25. 10:00am BBT: All hg are still sleeping. 10:13am BBT: We now have fish so maybe BB is waking the HG for the day. Will they get up or will they stay in bed? 10:17am BBT: Judd chages batteries and then goes back to bed in a dark rm everyone else still in bed sleeping. 10:51am BBT:Elissa and Judd in BY talking about the music BB played this morning and Elissa says i could not sleep lastnight and Judd said me either i am fixen to go back to bed. Elissa says i cant believe tomorrow is thursday already and Judd says i know i think it will be a double eviction. 10:53am BBT: Elissa says we have to win tomorrow and Judd says yeah Elissa says we have to see who we can beat and Judd says if it is a puzzle he cant beat Spencr.She ask Judd if you win hoh who would you put up and he says i dont know. she says i am thinking Mccrae and Judd says who for the pawn? Elissa says i dont know just one of us has to get it. Elissa says this is so scary. 10:55am BBt: Elissa says do you think HOh comp will be a before and after and Judd says or a step up and step down. they are now running through numbers for eviction days and Elissa says i thought today was like 75 and Judd says no today is 76 days and tomorrow 77 days in the house.



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