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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. lol slow you know I always show up a month before bb starts
  2. marty go to the top where it says edit style and change your color mine is now pink
  3. back for another season of Big Brother am looking forward to it now that things have settled down here. hope to see people in chat real soon!!!
  4. 9:03am BBt:we have foth maybe a wakeup call as it is the last day in the house and they need to pack. 9:31am BBt: All Hg in living rm talking about drinking lastnight and Andy says that was the drunkest i have been in the house all year and they laugh. 9:43PM BBT: More bashing of Amanda and Elissa going on in the living rm. 9:51am BBT: Spencer tells Gm that its cool that they have out lasted the live feeds and she says right. Andy is in the color rm putting on chap stick.then goes back to the living rm. 9:53am BBT: Andy and Gm sitting in living rm talking general tak and we get foth. 9:55am BBT: Spencer talking to the live feeders saying hey live feeders its been fun its been crazy and we have enjoyed this season and he says ya'll are awesome. Andy says live feeders we are honored that you got to share this with us and your dedication to this is awesome also if it wasnt for you we wouldnt be here and it has been a crazy 90 days.Andy says one of the worst things in the house was being a have not and we live you live feeders and what ever you do dont vote for Elissa as americas player she is awfull. Gm says live feeders this is Gm from jJersy and we hope we kept you guys laughing and crying all season and we hope you love ua as much as we love you guys and its been cray times and sad times and before we say goodbye we want to say we love you. and they all three yell goodbye and Andy says that was a pain and says remember dont vote for Elissa please. 10:00am BBT: We now a "thanks for watching this season's Big Brother Live Feeds.
  5. 2:05pm BBT: we are now on trivia as the Hg are on HOH ld. 2:10pm BBTL Ld is over Hg head back down stairs and Andy goes to the shower and yells get out of the shower flies. Gm and Spencer are in the kt. 2:12pm BBT: All Hg going back to bed and Gm and Andy bashing other Hg that have already left. 2:28pm BBT: all Hg back in bed sleeping (shocker) 2:52pm BBT: Hg still sleeping in their beds.
  6. 12:07pm BBT: All three Hg in bed sleeping. 12:35pm BBT:All HG still sleeping. 12:39pm BBT:Andy now up going to the bathroom again.
  7. 10:16am BBT: Hg are still sleepingbut we can hear banging behins the walls. 10:33am BBT: we now have foth maybe a wake up call. 10:56am BBT: We are still on foth.
  8. 9:35am BBT: All hg still sleeping. Does that suprise you? 9:40am BBt: Spencer is up and went to the bathroom then went to the StR and changed his batteries and then back to bed to sleep some more. 9:42am BBT: Andy is now up and goes to the bathroom he then rinses his hands and heads back to bed 9:52am BBT: Andy is now up again and back in the bathroom. 9:58am BBT: Andy now out of the bathroom rinses his hands and heads back to bed again. Gm and Spencer still sleeping.
  9. 5:06pm BBT: Spencer goes to the STR and finds props and Bb says buenos dias Hg its Photobooth time and Gm gets excited and yells and BB says your welcome than Gm says thank you. 5:16pm BBT: HG taking pictures in the photobooth with their keys as a final three picture. 5:30pm BBT: HG still taking pictures in the photobooth 5:43pm BBT: photobooth is now over and Spencer is heading out to lay in the hammock Andy is making him a drink. Gm putting the props back away :5:52pm BBT: Gm and Andy walking around house.Gm stops in WA putting her stuff away.Andy went to the bathroom and Bb says Andy stop that then says Andy stop that now. he comes out and Gm is laughing asking what he did and he said he was writing his name on the wall now that he is final three. 5:56pm BBT: Spencer laying in the hammock, Gm running in the BY and Andy goes to the bathroom again then washes his hands then goes back outside
  10. 4:01pm BBT: All three Hg in By talking about the walls in the BY and about comps and how they had to read her name yesterday and she is laughing and we get foth. 4:04pm BBt: BB comes on and says "hey hg it is hot outide dont forget your sunscreen" Andy says the sun is gone there is a shadow over the yard now and BB says "really?" then Spencer and Andy ask Bb to play a game and he isnt doing it. 4:21pm BBt: Gm and Andy and Spencer talking about the evicted Hg and their pictures as they sit in the backyard. 4:30pm BBT: HG sitting in BY still just general chat 4:40pm BBT: All hg now in the house and Spencer tells Gm that the washer is empty and she says thank you. as she puts makeup on in the WA. 4:52pm BBT: Gm has finished her makeup and is now going to curl her hair. Andy and Spencer sitting in the Living rm just general talk. 4:57pm BBt: Spencer telling Andy that if you go down his street there are dead ends at both ends. Andy says it is that way at his parents house but not in the city where he lives. Gm is still doing her hair in Wa.
  11. 5:12pm BBT: All three HG are still playing BS and laughing as Gm smacks the Skittles sheis eating. 5:24pm BBT: All three Hg in Kt eating and drinking coke and talking about the other Hg again and we get foth. 5:26pm BBT: Spencer in cockpit and Gm comes in and Spencer says it is hard to imagine that Mccrae and Amanda had sex in here. Andy walks in and says that it is a long day and going to be a long week in here. 5:44pm BBT: All Hg in cockpit talking about who might be there on finale night and Spencer says if it is only 3 people then i want my mom my dad and Marylin and we get foth. 5:54pm BBt: Nothing new going on Hg are waiting on the comp to go on tonight and Spencer says it might not be till tomorrow. Gm is in the STr going through cabnits.
  12. 4:06pm BBT:Gm making something from coke bottles at the kittchen counter. Spencer walking around snacking and Andy in the bathroom. 4:12pm BBT: Gm made a bug sprayer out of coke bottles and is now putting on coveralls and Judds bandana so she can be an exterminator. Andy and Spencer sit on the living rm couch and andy says they are locking rooms and we cant go in the have not rm or the hoh rm and we cant go outside it is like we are in prison. 4:15pm BBT: Gm comes out of the color rm being an exterminator and Spencer says i love it Gm as he laughs then Andy laughs and says do a Judd and Gm starts walking and acting like Judd. 4:19pm BBT: Gm is still dressed as an Exterminator and is acting like she is spraying for roaches now she is hunting for her key that the Guys have hid from her and she finds it in Candices picture on the memeory wall. 4:30pm BBt: Spencer and Andy talking about doing a memorial walk like they do on Survivor and maybe they can put flowers on everyone that left there already. Andy then says he thinks their families have already planned to be there and bought their tickets . 4:43pm BBT: More Hg bashing going on in the Living rm.' 4:48pm BBT: Gm says she is taking a lunch break and making herself a cup of coffee still dressed as an exterminator (looks more like a Ghostbuster) . 4:55pm BBt: Gm and Andy now in Kt snacking and Spencer is in the bathroom. Andy now reading the popcorn box and says he doesnt understand it. Gm takes it and reads it. Spencer comes in and says cardsa arent shuffles yet and Andy says no we was trying to figure out the popcorn cuz a table spoon of unpopped is like 225 calories and a cup of popped is only 25 calories so i dont get it. Spencer is shuffling the cards and Gm says what ya wanna play and he says BS. They all go to the table and the dealing begins for a game of BS.
  13. 12:52pm BBT: Andy is up and going to the bathroom.Andy comes out of bathroom rinses his hand and goes back to bed.
  14. 12:01pm BBT: Gm says she felt like if she talked about something wrong then Amanda would go off on you so she just didnt say alot to her. She says all amanda ever did was lay in that bed with mccrae so you couldnt talk to them cuz i didnt smoke or anything so i had nothing in common with her. 12:12pm BBT: Andy is now gonna go take a nap and Spencer says me too and Gm says she is gonna go to the bathroom then take her a nap too since she doesnt feel good. 12:15pm BBT: Andy now in bed with a bandana ties around his eyes. Spencer is clearing his bed off and undressing with his shades on going to bed also to have a nap. 12:36pm BBT: All HG sleeping after their big breakfast feast from BB this morning.
  15. 11:42am BBT:gm still eating and Andy and spencer moving the table to the STr and tells Bb do not mess with us right now we will drop this crap. Gm is at the sink doing dishes now and Gm keep s coughing. Gm says that was a nice brunch this morning and Spencer says yeah i woke up this morning and cooked all of this. 11:46am BBT: Spencer puts things on the table with 2 table cloths on it and trys pulling the table cloth out from under the items but he failed as he only pulled the top table cloth and not the bottom wone with it. Gm is still doing dishes and Andy carries BB's dishes back to the STR. 11:50am BBT: Spencer and Andy are now going to go change their clothes and Gm says she is going to go change in a little bit and we get foth. 11:52am BBT: Spencer says i am glad we are here with people we can talk with and Andy says yeah there was just some we couldnt talk to and Spencer says yeah like with Elissa i tried i just couldnt talk to her and andy says yeah. 11:56am BBT: Gm and Spencer and Andy talking about Candice and her yelling at Spencer and about jeremy taking the booze and drinking most of it.
  16. 11:16am BBT: we have now been on trivia for 2 hours
  17. 10:47am BBT: we are still on trivia as the Hg are doing their walk down memory lane and having their brunch.
  18. 9:02am BBT: Gm is all dressed up and sitting in living rm with Spencer. Andy is now out of the shower and dressed and joining them in the living rm now as Gm talks about candice and her being so much alike with the pagents and cheerleading. 9:11am BBT: All three Hg sitting in living rm talking about partys 9:15am BBT: Gm still teling stories about parties and we get foth. 9:21am BBT: We now have Trivia
  19. 2:01pm BBT: Gm giving Mccrae things from the comps and she ask Andy if he had anything he doesnt want to take with him and Now andy is giving mccrae things then starts giving Mccrae Nicks hat and Gm calles em names. 2:08pm BBT: Mccrae pacing the house and Andy and Spencer going over the pov comp Mccrae says he had David and aaryn and Judd scrwwed up on there.Andy and Spencer just standing around looking at Mccrae as he looks at the memory wall. 2:14pm BBT: Gm is in the Wa doing her makeup and eye lashes and Andy, Spencer and Mccrae are in the Kt with Mccrae still walking around cursing with his arms folded. 2:18pm BBT: Mccrae goes to Wa and says he is just washing his hands and put the towel on the door and took the occupied sign. BB tells him to stop that. 2:27pm BBT: Andy, Spencer, and Gm in chair rm talking about candice and then say that the jury is all women and how they act. Andy says they are probably talking to Mccrae about what happened in the KT about the talk.Mccrae is in Dr. Spencer says i am sorry Gm i hope you understand why i chained you to Mccrae and she says oh totally i do.Gm says sorry you didnt win more money Andy but it was funny thats why i was laughing. 2:36pm BBT: Everyone but mccrae in chair rm and talking about what will happen on finale night.they think with 9 people on the jury there will be 18 questions and 18 answers. 2:43pm BBT: Mccrae is out of the Dr and andy now being called in. Gm is going to the bathroom as Mccrae sits on the bed pouting. Spencer asked how his session went and he says annoying. Spencer says anything else you want to ask me about and mccrae says naaaa it doesnt really matter and lays down on the bed and says oh crap. 2:47pm BBT: Spencer tells Mccrae he played a bad game and mccrae says no i dont think so and Spencer says yeah you did i think it was pretty good.Spencer sits up on the bed and fixes his pilow and then lays back down breathing hard. Gm is in the Wa fixing her hair extentions. Andy is still in DR. 2:50pm BBT: Mccrae goes to the bathroom and says hey to Gm as she is doing her hair.Mccrae comes out and washes his hands. He walks out of the bathroom and sighs loudly. 2:52pm BBT: Andy is now out of Dr and Spencer is now called in . Mccrae is walking around looking to see if he forgot anything.Andy says i really hope you dont take this personally. mccrae says no i dont and Andy says i really cared for you more than anyone else in that group and i know you and Amanda were loyal to me but loylaty can only go so far . Mccrae says yep and then says i am just mad at myself and i saw all the signs and didnt do anything about it.and we get foth. 2:57pm BBT: Andy saying to Mccrae that 7 people out of the 9 in jury are mad at hime and keeps telling mccrae he is sorry but he couldnt turn on Gm and Spencer and he worked his butt off for people to trust him and Mccrae says yep/
  20. 12:17PM BBT: still FotH 2:19PM BBT: Feeds are back and Andy is getting all his stuff from HoH room and taking it down stairs. Spencer is back in his bed with shades on going back to sleep. 12:21PM BBT: McCrae in the shower. Andy leaves HoH room and says I still have to get stuff out of my fridge don't lock the door please.he lays his stuff down and goes back in HoH room to get his beers out of the fridge and to look at his pictures one last time. 12:29PM BBT: GinaMarie in bed talking to Andy as he puts his stuff away saying that he has to move back in here with his roommate and GinaMarie says yeahhhh and Andy says Spencer is going to have a room all to himself and GinaMarie mumbles yeah.McCrae is now out of the shower and getting dressed. Spencer in bed sleeping. 12:34PM BBT: Spencer is now up getting clothes and a towel for a shower. GinaMarie is still laying in bed as Andy looks around in the room. McCrae is in the chair room brushing his hair. 12:39PM BBT: GinaMarie talks about family to Andy .McCrae folding his pajama pants and packing his things 12:41PM BBT: GinaMarie telling about her mom and how she wears her hair teased and her mom wears stretch pants and sometimes high heels but moatly flat since her mom has open heart sugery.Andy says I didn't know your mom had a heart attack and GinaMarie says yeah a double bypass about 5 years ago. 12:43PM BBT: GinaMarie says my family is cool. She then says I keep thinking about talking to Nick and she says I just want to sit him here on the bed and tell him to tell me everything. 12:48PM BBT: Spencer is out of the DR and Andy tells him nice underwear and then Andy ask is this head the center piece for tonoght and Spencer says I think so it has a face that Judd makes and GinaMarie yells oh no not that creepy face and Andy laughs at her. 12:50PM BBT: Andy , Spencer and GinaMarie go to the kitchen GinaMarie goes to bathroom and McCrae comes in kitchen. Spencer says I feel so snotty and then starts picking his nose then gets in the freezer to get ice for his coke. now Andy gets ice and they are all hanging out in the kitchen and Andy says GinaMarie tell the nike story and she goes off on a story of Freddy wearing two different nikes on. 12:57PM BBT: McCrae is making coffee and everyone standing around kitchen with general talk going on and GinaMarie saying she is going to vaccume soon now they all go to the table for a meeting and Andy says so here is the deal and he says to McCrae here is what's up and three weeks ago we formed a four person alliance called the exterminators and so we basically took out everyone we wanted to starting with Aaryn. Andy says you can take this how you want because we can't tell you how the votes will go but we are glad that you are still here with us and if you have any questions just ask I will be hionest with you and I was the one who voted Amanda out and framed Elissa for it and McCrae says I knew it.
  21. 10:50am BBT: Andy still listening to music in the HOH rm Gm still sleeping in the color rm.
  22. 9:02am BBT: all HG still sleeping 9:40am BBT: All HG still sleeping . 10:03am BBT: we now have foth .Maybe a wake up call. 10:23am BBT:Andy in hoh bed listening to music and Gm still in bed sleeping with lights on.
  23. 11::01am BBT: Spencer and Gm talking about someone putting an X through Aaryns name in the bathroom and we get trivia.
  24. 10:00am BBT: Mccrae walks through living rm and says i have to poop and Andy says where you been? mccrae says i have to pee and keeps walking and tney all laugh at him. Mccrae in bathroom putting something on the bathroom door.BB says Mccrae stop that and he laughs.Mccrae goes to the Living rm and they ask what he was doing and he says nothing . 10:03am BBT:Gm ask Mccrae what kind of coffe he made and he says i think Smores and walks to the STR and says i cant believe they wont give us booze tonight and BB wont let him in STR. 10:07am BBT: Gm is now in the color rm packing her clothes and looking for something to wear for the eviction. Judd, Spencer and Andy in living rm sitting and general talk going on about what to do tomorrow. mccrae is walking around with coffee and then goes to sit with the guys in the living rm. 10:11am BBT: Mccrae sitting on couch in living rm with a mirror shinning it into a camera and Bb says mccrae stop that. Spencer sand Andy and Judd talking about Hg that have been evicted already . Spencer talking about MVP and if Elissa would have been evicted he thinks the mvp would have stayed in the house anyways. 10:16am BBT: Spencer and mccrae telling stories and Gm laughing with then in the living rm. then Andy starts telling storys about the voice of tony the tiger .Mccrae says i am trying to think of more Jeremey stories to tell and Gm says you know he made helen cry and they all start laughing. 10:23am BBT: HG talking about evicted HG and things that they did and things they said. 10:31am BBT: hg still bashing evicted Hg and how candice didnt want to sit near people. 10:38am BBT: Spencer now talking about the movie forest gump.and compairing Jeremey to him. 10:43am BBT:Mccrae drinking his coffee and playing with a parchute man that you throw up and it drops down. he is running upstairs to let it go he glides down to the living rm and Mccrae goes down stairs to get it.All other hg just sitting talking about movies. 10:54pm BBT: Gm gets coffee and sits back in living rm and whispers she wants to go back to bed and andy says yeah i want to lay down too and judd says i am goong to in a little bit. Mccrae says he cant believe he is drinking so much coffee this late that he will be up all night. 10:57am BBT: Andy goes to the bathroom and comes back out and walks throght the Kt where Gm is doing crafts and says it is cold in here and Spencer says it is winter time in the BB house.
  25. 1:02pm BBT: Mccrae still in bed sleeping as Gm and judd and Andy are pacing around waiting for Spencer to come out of the HOH rm or for something else to happen. 1:03pm BBt: Andy goes to the phone in the living rm and says here Gm this is for you and she says tell em i aint here and he says here Judd its for you and Judd answers and says oh hi Nick and Gm crawls to the phone on the floor laughing and andy says well he wanted you first and laughs. 1:07pm BBT: Gm is working out in the living rm and Mccrae is now up and going to other rm with other hg, Andy in living rm now and Judd is pacing the house while Spencer is stil locked in HOH rm. BB tells Mccrae to please put on his mic so he drags his feet through the house to get it. 1:18pm BBT: Everyone sitting in living rm except mccrae he is in Kt making food and Spencer who is locked in hoh rm. they are all wondering whatis going on that they dont have the By anymore or if they are having an eviction tomorrow. Gm says i dont know why they put our luggage in there so early. 1:21pm BBt: Hg are now talking about the first night of BB and where they was all sitting and judd says i remember that nick was on the couch cuz he looked mad when i spilled champaign on him when i was pouring it and eveyone staerts laughing.Mccrae has gone to his bed to eat his lunch now and read the bible. 1:30pm BBT: Andy yells for Mccrae to come sit in the living rm with them and mccrae says no i just want to try to sleep and Andy says hashtag mad and mccrae says hashtag mad. then Gm asked about playing checkers and andy says lets play cards and Gm says no i have to keep my ears clear and andy says playing cards wont keep your ears clear and we get foth. 1:37pm BBT: BB calls Spencer to the Dr and Judd says he is probably just doing his blog and Gm says it is always on tuesday and if he is doing it now it makes no sence.they all wait for spencer to head to the Dr so they can ask him what he was doing. 1:47pm BBT: Andy is at the hoh door asking spencer what is going on and Spencer says i am in here with rachel riley and Bb says Andy knock it off. Andy goes back down and Judd says can you get in and Andy says no it was locked. 1:51pm BBt: andy, Judd and Gm still waiting for spencwer to come down from the HOh rm and are speculating what is going on then cameras start moving in all directions and pointing at doors and they get paranoid.mccrae is in bed sleeping again. 1:56pm BBT: cameras on hoh door and Spencer comes out and andy asked if it was the blog and he says yeah isnt that normally on sunday and Andy and Gm says no it is normally on tuesday and Gm says thats weird and Judd says well we got out suitcases now and then talk turns to the ants in the Kt.



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