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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 9:01am Hayden and Cody now going over dates of when they played comps and nominations and BOTB was played and Veto comps. 9:07am Hayden is picking up his rice in the have not rm saying that BB says they are not allowed to do that.Cody says he is about to pass out in there since there is nowhere else to sleep. 9:14am Donny is now up in the Kt with Hayden and Cody and he says he couldn't sleep from the snoring.... Donny says my girlfriend talked me into coming here i think i might break up with her. Cody says i wondered about you when i first seen you cause you was so quiet and Frankie was a talker. Hayden says he is glad he met Donny. 9:18am Hayden and Cody telling Donny what some of the frat Quotes were last night like "Pantie raid" and "BB party song".and Part foul "he is streaking through the quad" the "sirens someone called the cops" and the " we hate freshmen" They were played many times each. 9:23pm Hayden says that Amber and Devin told him that they put him on the block so that he would win and Donny says I remember you saying that. Donny says I will be a bottom picker and you two will be in the middle and it is going to be a boring season if it keeps going this way and Hayden says no this was good it is changing things. 9:32am Hayden saying that Joey is already on her flight back home now after she had a good nights sleep.Donny says he needs to put his contacts back in and Cody asking Donny if he was in the military and Donny says i was not in the military no. 9:36am:Cody says trusting someone Quick is bad cause once something is out in the open then boom gone. I don't like the way some things are going down I believe in respect and Donny says they are treating Brittany bad. Cody says yeah all because she was sharing a bed with Joey.Cody says I like Paola but what will happen if I am the target and get put up against her? you know what I mean? 9:41am Donny says I need to put my eye balls in then get me something to eat and Hayden says they haven't stocked yet and Donny says I will eat bread with lemon. Have y'all seen me eat before I will put anything on bread and sit there and have water with it. 9:46am Hayden is heading to bed and Cody says save me a space to see if i can squeeze in and Hayden says yeah. Now Cody is heading to bed to try to sleep a little . 9:48am Donny is the only one up and is putting his contacts in. 9:52am Donny fills his water bottle with water and then makes himself some toast with peanut butter and jelly.
  2. 11:36am We still have FOTH. 12:44pm We are still on FOTH 1:08pm We now have the repeats of Jeff's interviews as the HG get ready for the live eviction show tonight. 1:44PM We are still on Jeff's interviews as the HG get ready for tonight's live show.
  3. 12:02pm Talk in the KT is about when the have nots will get to eat. Christine says you start slop during the day and get off of slop at midnight. It has always been that way.Devin talking about having a dream with boogie hosting and it woke him up.Frankie singing to the tune of "yellow brick road" that the tea has ants. 12:15pm Donny and Jacosta in BY talking about Diary room talks and BB gets on to them. Nicole is no in the WA doing her makeup again after laying out in the sun. Frankie and Devin and Cody and Christine in the KT talking general talk.Donny tells Jacosta that he is just going to watch that board this week to see if this bearded face goes on the block again. 12:19pm Jacosta wakes up Paola so she can wash the sheets off the bed before the LD.BB tells Zach and Caleb to change their batteries as they have not been up at all today. 12:23pm Frankie and Cody hugging as Cody acts like he is crying and blowing his nose on Frankie and then Frankie says thanks you for snotting all over me today I really needed that then Cody starts laughing. 12:34pm General talk about breaded and deep fried chicken in restaurants and and to ask if it is fresh or processed chicken cause if it is frozen it is processed.In the BY Nicole is telling Christine that Caleb told her not to trust anyone cause he was used in this house by a girl and she wanted me to take her to final 2 with me then she back stabbed tabbed me but he never said a name but I know its amber.So she is already making final 2 deals. Christine says this is so interesting. 12:50pm Donny goes outside to the BY couch eating fruit and Christine says there is a sticker on it so Donny eats kit and Christine yells eewww and Donny says I love me some sticker. 12:52pm Christine says Tim has blue eyes and she has green eyes so I wonder what color eyes our babies will have and Cody says they might have brown eyes so Nicole says I like it when you talk smart Cody and he says is that sarcastic? she says no I love it when you talk smart . he says you rolled your eyes though when you said that and she says you roll your eyes everything we talk. 12:58pm Most HG in the BY with general chit chat . Devin in WA shaving. Paola is now up in WA doing her make up.
  4. 11:07am Most Hg laying in BY just general chit chat going on . 11:14 am Frankie is acting like Julie Chen asking the HG questions he ask Victoria how it is living in the big brother house with all these men? She says no very pleasant. 11:23am Jacosta is in the BY eating grapefruit piled with sugar on top and she keeps saying don't judge me I am making grapefruit juice. 11:28am General talk going on about taking medications and taking hot showers and about medical conditions. 11:39am Jacosta , Hayden and Donny on BY couch talking about being on BB is a great experience. Victoria runs from a bug and Jacosta says that is why I don't lay in the sun it is the bugs territory. 11:45am Devin in Kt sifting something as Cody eats his slop and Frankie comes in the feed fish and to make tuna salad. In the BY most are laying around the pool with general chit chat going on. 11:55am Frankie making tuna and Devin making food Cody is talking general talk as BB tells him to move his mic higher and Christine laughs at him.In the BY is general chit chat between Victoria and Nicole as they lay in the sun.
  5. 10:00am Frankie says this is the first time he went to sleep in this house and woke up naturally as he lays in the BY talking to Hayden and Brittany. In the WA Jacosta and Nicole are getting ready for the day and talking about Nicole seeing shadows coming after her last night. 10:03am That is Amber laying in the By with Hayden and Frankie not Brittany.Brittany is now in the WA putting on lotion getting ready to go lay out in the BY. 10:06am Frankie says if this house was anywhere else we couldn't do it cause it is so tense. Hayden says yeah if it was on the east coast we couldn't no way no how but after the rain we will still have to be careful . Frankie is going inside to put on his swimsuit. 10:08am Hayden says it is going to suck going into LD after being in the yard for so many days and Amber says yeah we will be locked up for what 3 days and Hayden says 4. Donny comes out and they ask if he is getting in the hot tub and he says he is going to ride the bike for 13 minutes since that is his lucky number. 10:12am Hayden says hopefully this is our last night in the Ice Rm.Brittany and Nicole are now sitting out by the Hot tub with Hayden, Amber and Donny. Jacosta and Victoria in the WA and Frankie has been called to the DR. 10:19am Brittany says the microwave is starting to blow up cause when they put cups in it then it starts sparking. They ask Donny how he is doing and he says I am doing good 3 minutes now as he is going for 13 minutes on the bike.Hayden says his mic is like his cell phone and the girls laugh and agree. 10:22am Frankie is now back in the BY to lay out in the sun saying he just had to go into the DR with no make up on and Hayden says its OK Frankie you are beautiful all the time. 10:29am Hayden and Frankie are talking about the girls not wearing their mics and Frankie says they are the no mic girls alliance. 10:37am Brittany, Nicole and Frankie laying in the sun talking about dry skin and where they went to college at just general talk. In the WA Jacosta and Victoria and Cody getting ready for the day. Joey has been called to the DR. 10:45am Most HG are in the BY laying in the sun and working out before they have a LD later today. Just general chit chat going on. 10:53am Hayden and Donny talking about the people filming and watching the comps as they play and how they are all business. Cody, Frankie and Brittany laying in the sun talking about coffee. Nicole coming back out with Frankie some water and Devin running in the BY as Hayden counts his laps and he is now on lap 65. 10:56am Cody tells Brittany that she smells funny she ask what you mean he says i don't know it is probably my sense of smell. 10:58am Frankie says he wants to play pool but it is to hot. Hayden says he is going to eat some slop in a little while maybe some slop cookies.
  6. 10:05pm Pool game going in the By and Victoria and Jocasta and Amber are in the fire rm talking about people hiding things. 10:11pm Frankie is heading to the STR sayin g he doesn't want to get in trouble for not washing his dishes. In the BY the pool game continues. Paola is changing clothes in the fire rm as Victoria looks at a bra and Amber is helping paola with the dress she is putting on. 10:15pm Caleb is in the hoh rm while Devin is in the shower telling him that he didn't tell amber anything and that he has Caleb back.Caleb tells Devin that Amber likes him and wants a showmance with him and Devin says no she don't.Caleb says yeah she does. 10:18pm Caleb said earlier he was sitting in the By and Amber was sitting there ignoring him and he says man I thought a lot about her at the beginning cause I thought they put her in here for me and me for her but I know they didn't so I don't really care. 10:23pm Paola changing clothes again in fire rm talking to Victoria about all the crazy stuff that's been going on but they wont hit anyone and Victoria laughs.Amber shows Paola another dress.
  7. 2:06pm BBT Victoria wants to shower upstairs so she can shower without a bathing suit. Paola is drying her hair. Most Hg are in the BY laying by the pool with general chit chat. 2:21pm A lot of general talk going on about grooming and TV shows . most of the Hg are at the pool laying out and laughing.
  8. 1:07pm :A lot of chit chat going on about travelling and going to little simple bars. 1:19pm Zach and Derrick laying in bed watching Victoria put her shoes on. In the By the girls are running from a Beetle and laughing. Brittany just covered it up with a towel and they say it is moving like am mouse. Nicole says what you going to do with it? I don't have a plan. Donny comes to save the girls and takes the bug away and the girls thank him. 1:35pm Everyone is out of bed and either in the KT or by the pool just a lot of chit chat going on about taking medications or religion. 1:38pm Christine and Zach in STR talking about gluten free oatmeal in there..Paola is being called to the DR Derrick getting in the shower and Donny is in the pool 1:50pm Jocasta and Caleb talking about going to stores and fast food restaurant and where kids hang out at in their hometowns. Hayden is making food. 1:56pm: BB Says Caleb the HOH rm is ready for you and everyone yells and Caleb says maybe i have a couple of hotties up there as he goes to HOh rm then we get WBRB.
  9. 12:01pm Amber in the Kt cleaning as Devin finishes eating and Victoria washing a cup. Devin talking about it being so hot outside and so freaking cold inside. 12:07pm Amber is cleaning the house and Devin tells here to wait and clean tomorrow for Thursdays show and have someone clean a certain area cause there are 16 people in this house but everyone with a different idea of cleanliness. 12:17pm Devin and Christine and Brittany in KT talking about gluten free foods and medications.Nicole in the BY running 12:22pm Amber is now cleaning the out the refrigerator. Donny and Nicole in the By talking about enjoying the pool and laying out today cause tomorrow they will be cooped up in the house and will have to go to the Bee Hive to talk. 12:35pm A lot of cleaning and chit chat going on in the KT and Brittany sitting outside. Christine and Nicole in the WCA. 12:43pm Jocasta says all we need now is a vacuum cleaner. Amber says when I get started cleaning I can't stop.Devin is drying dishes as Victoria washes them. Amber stubs her toe on the chair and yells.Donny is sitting in the BY and Christine is sitting by the pool reading a bible.Nicole is getting ready to go outside and Brittany is fixing to go out also everyone else in the house is still sleeping. 12:51pm Brittany telling Christine about all the things her kids do in a week and she says I will never tell my kids they can't go outside again after being on LD in this house I will never tell them they can't go out again. 12:58pm Several in KT still cleaning and making food to eat. Brittany and Christine by the pool talking general chat. we keep getting a lot of WBRB from Devin talking about production.
  10. 9:03am Christine blows her nose alot and then heads right back to bed. 9:31am We now have FOTH . Maybe a wake up call. 9:42am Frankie and Christine in the WCA whispering and laughing.Frankie says I was up at 6:30 and wants to go back to bed. He says thank you for the sunglasses and looks at Amber and says why are you awake go back to bed I am then goes outside with Christine. He tells Christine that the boys were talking last night and saying it is time for a smaller alliance to get Devin and Amber out. 9:47am Frankie and Christine on the hammock saying that every single person in this house hates Devin. Christine says yeah they do.Donny is in the KT making breakfast.
  11. 1:05pm Joey now talking to Hayden about stay in the house. Hayden tells her that she needs to tell people that she will help them in the house and Joey says I am the 2nd most physical lady in this house and Hayden says yeah . 1:10pm Joey and Hayden are still in the LVR repeating themselves as Nicole, Brittany and Victoria are laying in the sun by the pool talking about what they will wear on Thursday nights live eviction. 1:13pm Joey is now in the bee hive rm talking to Zack.Joey about staying in the house she says I know Paola is working to keep her ass in the house and I need 7 votes to stay in this house so I am ask you cause Paola can't do anything for you but I can . Zack tells her to go to people and say you wanted to get the weaker person out of the house and Paola is the weaker person for sure so present it to them like that then they should be voting Paola out.Zack says that Devin and Joey and Caleb have the power in this house and you have my vote just talk to them. 1:23pm Devin in BY talking to Donny about how bad he snores and Frankie left the room early this morning cause he snores to loud. 1:26pm Zack tells Joey to tell everyone that she will be true to them and that everyone is going with the house and I feel everyone wanted you out cause of the way things went with you this week but you guys are going to have a target on your back and won't know who is coming after you.
  12. 12:03pm Cody saying that Frankie is playing this game hard and he is showing his cards to us and i will never show him my cards. Christine says yeah he is dangerous. 12:09pm Cody asking if Christine thinks there will be another twist this week and she says I don't know what do you think and he says I don't know I didn't thin k there would ever be 2 HOH'S either, but I am nervouse about other twist. on the BY couches there is general talk. Frankie is going back to sleep by the pool. 12:16pm Cody and Christine talking about past HOH comps.all other Hg talking general chit chat or sleeping by the pool. 12:31pm The LD is over they can all move back in the house if they want. Some are staying near the pool. 12:36pm Caleb and Devin talk about how they were treated by their dads and Caleb says I won't let what he did to me ruin me.They start talking about how long the washer takes to wash clothes.In the WCA Frankie and Joey are washing their faces and talking about sleeping. 12:42pm Caleb and Donnie asking Nicole questions about going to nursing school and we get FOTH. In the WCA Frankie and Christine are brushing teeth and fixing hair and laughing.Frankie goes to KT and jumps in Zack's arms and Zack starts making moaning noises .Frankie now goes to the HOH RM . In the have not RM Joey and Christine are talking, Joey is asking for Christine's vote and says I feel like I can win HOH and you would be safe but I really want to stay here. 12:47pm Joey says if I do have your vote please help me out I do want to stay.Christine says you will have to talk to Caleb maybe offer him a three week deal and you don't have to keep your deal and they both laugh.Joey says OK got it. 12:52pm Joey goes to LVR and ask Caleb if she can talk to him and says need help with votes and you have alot of pull in the house. He says not now I don't and she says no personality wise.Hayden is laying on the couch listening.Joey says I think you have alot of power in the house cause your a good competitor and I am a good competitor physically and I can help you out and I will be strong and I promise I wont shake sh*t up I will be calm.I will help you win and you can see I am a good competitor and can save you. Caleb says I can relay that message yeah I can go to others and say you brought up a good point but no matter what I say what they say in here isn't what they say in there. Caleb says I will go to these people but I don't feel right going to these people and not saying something for Paola either but I will go to people and say what you told me and let them do what they want cause they will tell me one thing and go in there and do another.
  13. 11:00am Nicole is in the shower and Victoria is heading back to bed. In the BY Donny , Christine and Brittany are talking about last night's birthday party. Donny says I couldn't stay up I had to go to bed and turn on the DVR. he says I don't have a DVR and goes back to working out. 11:11am Christine and Brittany are running and screaming from a bug and Donny ask whats wrong and goes to look for them. 11:18am Devin is now in the By with Donny and they are putting down the awnings and chatting about the party last night and how Devin slept good after that but he says he hardly drinks. In the WCA Amber and Brittany are doing their make up for the day. Nicole is getting dressed after her shower. 11:30am Devin is in the KT making him some eggs for breakfast talking to Donny.Girls are still doing make up talking about their skin being so dry. 11:38am Devin and Donny in KT talking about the names of the comps they have played in since they been in the house as Devin says they might ask questions in other comps.In the WCA Amber is doing Nicole's make up for her.Brittany turns on the shower and says I dread cold showers. 11:44am BB just called a lock down in the BY.Everyone is getting ready to go out now. 11:50am Hg are waiting to use the WC and to change in a swim suit before the LD 11:58am Paola says she needs to poop so bad but can't and needs something to help push it out. In the BY HG are telling Nicole Happy Birthday. Alot of general chit chat going on as BB tries to get everyone outside for the LD. Cody and Christine in the hammock Cody says i feel we are in a good position where we don't have to win HOH but then i want to win to protect my friends.
  14. 9:00am All HG still sleeping. 9:30am we now have WBRB and music maybe this is the wake up call. 9:45am HG are in the WA getting their makeup done and Cody and Amber are folding towels in the Dinning room. Cody says Donny what are you making me for breakfast? He says i don't know fruit loops? 9:48am Donny is making himself a bowl of Fruit Loops and pours chocolate milk over it.Frankie is in the WA eating and talking to Victoria and Christine while they do make u 9:46am Donny in BY talking to Cody as he eats. Amber is now in the shower. 9:53am Donny says we can now rest our brains for a few days to Cody. he says I bet you are Americas favorite. Cody says that's my thing I wonder if I will be hated or liked and Donny says I think you are liked. Cody says I think you are liked cause you got thrown in the house with a bunch of young kids so it has to be hard.
  15. 11:04pm The pool game and the bowling game are still going on in the BY. Nicole and Donny are at the hammock talking about the whole world watching you in the house and it is something you don't think about. Joey and Christrine are in the WA talking about finding the motrin. Paola is brushing her hair. 11:14pm Frankie and Devin sitting by the pool talking about Devin wanting his dip. he says he told everyone else they wouldn't let him have his dip because he is black and he starts laughing then Frankie laughs.Caleb asked the DR for beer and wine to have tonight for Nicole's birthday. Frankie says I didn't even tell you happy birthday and he yells I ain't telling you happy birthday till midnight cause I don't say happy Birthday till its your Birthday. 11:21pm Frankie is entertaining the Hg in the Back yard telling them that he is going to Badazzel Julie Chen's clothes and shoes. Donny is in the KT sweeping the floors and cleaning the KT. 11:30pm Frankie says I want to be on slop but I don't want to be in that room. He says I won't take a cold shower I will rinse my hair and take a French bath but that's it and I won't go to sleep and sleep in that room I can stay up. 11:38pm Nicole and Hayden in the hammock talking being in an alliance and Hayden says Caleb has his group. Nicole says if you ever want to protect me then just do it. Hayden says well Caleb has already said that he has his boys.He says if we can protect each other we can have my friends and your friends or alliance whatever you want to call it but we can back up each others group is that OK with you? Nicole says yeah great. 11:42pm Hayden says he is not worried about Caleb or Devin in this game he is worried about Derrick cause he is the Enzo and he thinks he is Enzo. he says this isn't to protect my group it is to protect both groups. 11:44pm Hayden says we shouldn't hang out as much and Nicole says we hardly hang out, like this is the first time I have talked to you all day.He says I know. 11:47pm Brittany and Joey and Amber are in the STR getting cookies together for Nicole's Birthday in 12 minutes and Amber says she doesn't know how Brittany is doing this with not being able to eat any of them and she says it is like when I lost 35 pounds before so it doesn't bother me. 11:52pm Joey and Derrick are asking Nicole if she likes Hayden and she says I like him but wouldn't date him cause they are different and she wouldn't change and she wouldn't want him to change and i am not looking for a relationship but if the right guy came along then maybe. Joey says well he will have 8 brothers to go through first right here. 11:57pm Frankie and Hayden are in the HOH RM getting ready to dance for Nicole for her Birthday and Caleb is watching them.
  16. 10:01pm Frankie is now out of the bathroom feeding the fish and telling Devin and Amber what the fishes names are.Frankie is now talking to the fish saying hello hello hello as the other laugh at him.in the LVR Derrick and Joey are sitting on couches as Caleb walks through to the STR.In the BY Paola and Donny are talking about his beard and how he might get attached to it and never shave it off. 10:11pm Joey is in the WA shaving as Devin and Joey and derrick are in the LVR talking about eating food and about what the have nots can eat. In the BY they are putting the awnings up for BB. 10:15pm Joey ask Devin what he will do after three months of being in the house and he says I don't care what's going on I either want my daughter here or else I am going straight to see my daughter. 10:25pmDonny and derrick are setting the dumbbells up as a bowling lane they are using water bottles as the pins and they have a ball they are rolling down the lane. In the HOH RM Zach and Frankie are talking about Caleb talking about Caleb . Frankie says uh oh is there a house meeting? and they run out of the room to see what is going on. 10:35pm Paola is getting in the shower Joey is cooking food while Christine is washing dishes and Hayden is rubbing ice on his forehead and screaming cause it is so cold and Caleb laughing at him. Victoria and Brittany say they are ready for bed. all the other HG are in the BY playing pool or bowling with general chit chat going on. 10:52pm In the BY the guys are playing pool as some of the girls and Donny are at the hammock talking general talk.
  17. 9:02pm Christine and Victoria are in the KT eating while Joey is making her some tea and Paola is making food. In the BY Amber , Caleb and Devin are on the couches eating and talking about scalp massages.Devin saying that Frankie is the funniest person he has ever met in his life. 9:05pm Frankie says in 10 minutes they are going to play stick your balls in this hole (they are playing pool) and Devin and amber are laughing at him. 9:10pm Devin says I wish they would call me to the DR so I can ask them for my copenhegan. Caleb says you brought it and Devin says yeah its in my box. Caleb says its weird they let Donny have his but not you. 9:26pm the pool game is still going on in the BY as some of the girls are watching the game now. Hayden and caleb are talking on By couch with Devin as Amber is reading the Bible. 9:33pm Caleb and Joey in the Bee Hive talking and Joey is crying. Caleb says everyone wanted you up cause i asked everyone who they wanted up and thats what i went with but everyone is going to tell you something different than they tell me. I dont know what will be said in the DR cause people say what they want in the Dr but remember this has nothing to do against you it is just a game. Joey says i dont know this game and i dont want to go home but if i do i do. Caleb says we will see each other at finale if you do leave and joey says yeah. 9:40pm Caleb telling Joey he is a big target now and he knows devin is a target also but when we walked in here we were all targets.9:43pm Frankie and paola in the KT and paola tells frankie at least he can play for hoh again next week and he says true i can. He says i am just trying to keep everyone here but i cant.In the BY is general chit chat.9:50pm Caleb telling joey that he hasnt had a girl friend in a long time cause she has to be the right person and religious if i ask her to go to church she has got to want to go i cant be with someone who doesnt believe. and she has to be an angel to take her home to momma.9:56pm Amber and Devin go to HOH RM and Frankie is in the bathroom saying he is trying to crap and get things flowing and Devin and Amber are laughing.
  18. 4:04pm Most HG eating and general chat going on about traveling and what they do on weekends. 4:12pm Caleb, Devin and Amber talking about cars and trucks in the KT. In the BY Paola and Victoria are lying on the loungers by the pool. Just general chat.4:18pm Hayden tells Voctoria if they were locked alone in this house that she would never talk to him and she says oh yeah? He says yeah i am like one of them people that the girls don't give the time a day to so you have to be more sociable Victoria 4:23pm hayden is teaching Victoria to lift weights and she is saying i can't do this as she makes all kinds of noises. 4:30pm Most HG in the BY laying and sitting around with general chit chat. 4:40pm Caleb telling Frankie about Amber and how she is with all the other Hg and he doesn't want to go over there and her think he is invading her space and he wants to tell her that he likes her and wants to get to know her better and when they get out of here he wants to take her out and Frankie says yes i like that its perfect. 4:48pm Frankie asking if Donny is ever going to tan and Donny says i did tan i was in the pool earlier. He says i am gonna tan then shave and have white cheeks. Brittany says Frankie wants you to go tan with him donny so Donny says let me go tan with Frankie and then ask if he has to take his shirt off and frankie says yeah it would be best.
  19. 3:06pm Devin walking to bedroom telling christine that his hands are so dry they hurt. Victoria is cooking as Nicole watches. Brittany is in the pool as Jocasta is working out with dumbells on the lounger and Paola just listening to generaL chat from jacosta. 3:15pm Joey and Cody are laying down in the Ice Rm taking a nap. Voctoria , Nicole and Christine are in the KT eating and doing dishes. just general chat. 3:16pm Paola and Brittany in the pool saying how cold the water is. 3:24pm Amber goes outside and says it is to hot out there then says she has slept so much that she doesn't know what is wrong with her. Christine is getting ready to go out to the pool. Donny and Derrick are on the BY couches talking about there being a majority in the house. Donny says lordy that pool is going to be full as all the girls are going in the pool or laying out. 3:37pm most of the girls are laying around the pool talking about food. Devin and Caleb in the KT whispering as Devin cooks eggs. Caleb goes to the BY to play pool. 3:43pm Brittany and Amber talking about getting tattoos. Amber says Donny thinks he is invisable with them shades on and then tell him he was so cute up there giving hos veto speech. 3:45pm Caleb and Devin go to the STR. Devin tells caleb that he told Joey that she has his vote but she has to go around and clean up the mess she made but she will leave anyways but she cleans my name up in here you know what i mean? Caleb says we don't need her getting the votes and Devin says no she won't and they leave the STR to go to the KT. 3:55pm Caleb telling Devin he painted his nail while he was talking and doesn't know what he was thinking when he did it.Caleb tells brittany she can go to the HOH and get a shower and she says i wish i could and caleb says oh i forgot i am sorry. She says thats ok and he says but i am so glad you volunteered to go on slop i was hoping people would. Devin offers Amber some of his eggs and she says no thank you.
  20. 1:32pm Paola say's Joey can't say anything about me cause I haven't done anything yet. Then she leaves the room and tells Devin she needs to talk to him.He tells her to lay low and be carefull and he can't tell her where his vote is going yet cause he doesn't know yet. 1:40pm Caleb is going to the HOH RM. Zack tells Caleb that he shouldn't worry he has 7 soldiers behind him. Caleb says the vote should be 13-1 i think. 1:43pm Hayden, Victoria, Paola and Jocasta are in the KT eating and talking general chat. In the BY Cody and Derrick are on the couches talking . Victoria is now in the HOH RM asking to use the bathroom.1:52pm Cody and Derrick talking about school and people they like . Joey,Nicole and Brittany laying out by the pool talking about how many votes Joey will need to stay in the house this week. Nicole says she needs 7 and Joey says there is no tie and Nicole says no. 1:57pm Caleb telling Zack that Paola came to him and he told her to lay low this week that everyone forgot you was on the block till you was sitting there so just lay low and talk to people and don't do what Joey did and just lay low and you will be fine cause joey has the biggest target on her back right now. 2:01pm Brittany telling Nicole that she was asked about who to put up and Nicole says she was asked but she said I don't know. Brittany says I knew Caleb was going to do that and after this eviction there is going to be a line drawn in the sand can tell you that.Brittany says I can't believe it got like this so fast and if Devin gets HOH then life is going to be hell.2:09pm Britany and Joey saying that Devin and Caleb have a deal going and Brittany says Devin is going to end up putting Caleb up. I don't think it will happen soon but it will happen. 2:12pm Paola comes to the pool and ask Joey how she is feeling and Joey says like crap. Donny gets in the pool and says it is kinda cool in there.Victoria has now come out to the pool talking about the have not and Joey ask does the have not RM ever change and Victoria says I don't know and Brittany says I don't think so. 2:23pm Devin talking to Brittany in the Bee Hive saying he talked to Joey and Joey told him that it is best for her game to vote you out and he said I told her that i wouldn't vote her out.He says i don't do alliances and I told Joey that she has my vote.2:29pm Derrick and Donny in the pool as Paola sits and listens as they talk about the live feeds and going to the DR.In the Bee Hive Brittany and Devin are still talking about how people will always get upset with each other and Brittany says yeah.Devin starts crying talking about his daughter and how he loves her so much and how he went to his sister and started getting his spirit back as his girlfriend was not spiritual and he flew her to San Antonio and he realized that he was losing his spirit again. 2:43pm Brittany says caleb is hard to read but he is a sweetheart if you listen to him and i think we have to instead of getting upset we have to remember how you felt before and how i felt before.And remember there is always going to be someone who goes and at the end when we all watch it at the end we are all going to be sad. 2:47pm :Devin telling Brittany about his talk with Paola earlier when he was reading his bible.In the BY Cody is rubbing Joey's shoulders and talking to Derrick just general chat and we get Foth.2:53pm Hayden and caleb are sitting at the chess game playing and talking. Jocasta and Paola are laying on the loungers in the BY and Jocasta tells her to lay low and Paola says yeah. 2:58pm Jocasta gets up and dances over to the barbells and grabs 2 of them then goes and sits back down with Paola. Caleb and Hayden still playing chess but no talking.
  21. 12:01pm Frankie and Zack in HOH saying Cody is a mess and Frankie says if we had waited 3 more days the alliance could have been Cody Derrick you and myself and we wouldn't have been exposed.Frankie says it has only been 2 weeks and after this week it will all go smoother in here. Zack says if I win HOH I think I will put up Joey and Victoria. Frankie says yeah they are big targets. 12:07pm Brittany tells Joey that her daughter is going to love her and they she will be her daughters 2nd favorite person in here the girl with the blue hair. 12:12pm Frankie and Victoria in the bee hive . Victoria says if I win POV I will keep it the same cause I don't care about who is on the block as long as it isn't me. Frankie says yeah it doesn't matter who leaves as long as it isn't us.Frankie says I want you to go have fun and I am excited you get to play again.12:14pm Frankie says I feel like we don't have to talk all the time I feel like we have bonded already.Victoria says I was so nervous yesterday and Frankie says I know I was too. Victoria says I hope I win.12:17pm Frankie and Victoria talking about fashion clothes. In the KT talk is about carbs.Devin is telling them to not eat carbs before the comp cause they don't want a lot of carbs before the comp.He says right before the comp eat a piece of chocolate or a spoon of honey and you will feel better.12:24pm Most HG in the KT just general chat. Devin and Calen in LVR saying that since Jocasta is in the Dr for so long maybe it is almost time for POV comp.12:29pm General chit chat going on in the house as Hayden and Donny stretch in preperation for the POV comp coming up.12:36pm :we now have a brb on the feeds. 12:39pm Amber is fixing Paola's hair.just general chat about football going on in the LVR. 12:45pm Devin tells Paola to go out there and take her time unless it is a sprint then go go go .In the WA Amber is asking Donny if he had a protein shake or his vitamins and he said no. She says do you want me to go make you something and he says he is fine.we get BRB.: 12:49pm We now have Jeff on the feeds so this might be the POV comp going on .
  22. 11:01am Devin has joined Frankie and Caleb in the HOH RM he says I just want to ask a question.he is asking about who needs to go home and he says no one will be mad if joey goes home and we can go to Donny and say if we pull you off then we can keep you safe. Donny says I think that is a big move and if we pull Donny off and ask him to save 8 people ? Donny is a genius he will know what's going on.Frankie says this is a last plea for Amber to get Donny off.Caleb says if Donny wins the Veto then we put Joey up and Joey goes home and if Donny doesn't win then we send Donny packing. 11:11am Devin says I know I am playing the game hard that's just how i am .Frankie says I could sit and talk stratagy all day but we have to be careful so they don't know we are working together. He says I feel like these three in this room can go far together and the girls are like pets they follow each other. 11:17am Devin says He told Amber that she might have to cut her losses and let Donny go. Amber comes in the HOH RM and game talk stops.Amber is using Frankie's eye drops.Devin says his stomach hurts so bad today he had three carrots for breakfast this morning.11:21am In the KT Donny is talking to Nicole and Brittany. just general chat. In the HOH Devin and Caleb are talking about squirrel hunting. 11:27am In the HOH RM talk is about Buying guns and how much they cost and Devin ask whats the difference if you buy a higher priced one?Caleb tells him the difference about some rust some don't and some are metal and some aren't.11:32am In the WA Zack goes to brush his teeth as the girls are still doing their hair and Paola says they asked her not to talk into her mic cause she is a DJ and is so loud. They talk about how cold the Have not RM is and BB comes on with a reminder that sleeping is not allowed in the LVR. Devin and Caleb in HOH talking about Donny being a guy that if he wants you gone then you are gone weather he likes you or not.Caleb says if Donny wins POV then I will go shake his hand and tell him I was hoping he would win then I will do the dirty work and put Joey up.11:39am In the KT Hayden says I feel like Victoria should walk around with a whip and Nicole laughs Zack comes in talking about Victoria getting her own tea.Donny and Joey have come to the KT with just general talk going on.In the HOH RM talk is still about Amber wanting to keep Donny in the house this week. 11:45am Caleb says we tell amber that we know you like this guy you go in there and you vote the way you want to vote. We wont tell you how to vote and its ok.He says i think we are fine i think he is going to go and at the end of the day I think she will be fine just let her cry and Frankie says then it looks like she isn't part of the alliance and that is great. 11:51am Calen, Frankie and Devin talking about hunting again in HOH RM. Zack is now heading up to the HOH RM as Devin leaves. Franie and Zack are now in HOH BR saying that Devin is a beast and if you turn on him right now it won't be good. They hug and Frankie starts brushing his teeth. 11:55am Donny talking about white lightning and how strong it is. Caleb says you talking about moonshine? Donny says yeah whight lightning. Caleb says i been wanting to try some moonshine. Donny says 2 or 3 cap fulls and your gone.
  23. 10:00am HG are awake and doing their morning grooming and making coffee with general chit chat going on. 10:03am Frankie telling everyone that the house has to stay clean cause Amber was up all night cleaning it. 10:09am Caleb goes to WA and gives Jocasta a hug and dances around as the girls are brushing teeth and doing their make up. In the KT moat of the men are eating breakfast with Joey and talking about how bad the slop is and how it has no flavor. 10:19am Amber says she can't believe her face is so dry as the girls do their make up. In the KT general chit chat going on while HG are eating and drinking coffee. 10:33am Joey saying her butt was naked las tnight but she had pasties on so actually her breast were not naked. Most HG still doing make up and just general chit chat. 10:36am BB tells Hg to change their batteries and tells Derrick to go to the DR. Hayden is making a protein shake. 10:41am Hayden was asking if they could have peanut butter with slop? he says we should request peanut butter to be put on the have not list. 10:43am Joey starts singing and Bb says to stop singing. Joey says i wasn't singing I was frogging.Donny and Zack in LR talking general talk. 10:50am Frankie and CaleB in HOH rm getting ready for the day.In the LR Victoria,Derrick, Donny Zack and Cody are talking about how cold the have not room is. 10:53am Frankie telling Caleb that being HOH the first week is a good thing cause you get to relax for a couple of weeks and not worry about anything. You just have to keep your head in the game. 10:55am caleb says his dad never taught him how to shave and he just learned how to do it 2 years ago. Bb calls Frankie to the DR and he says there goes 30 minutes. He says give me five minutes i can't go in there looking like this.
  24. shows will be on Wednesday and live show on Thursday and then show on sundays



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