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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 2:40 pm Cody and Amber in Rock rm talking about jury and Amber says can we at least make sure Donny goes to jury and Cody says we can try. 2:42pm Jacosta comes out of DR and talk stops.In the LVR there is talk of deer and turkey hunting with Caleb. 2:52pm :Everyone asking if Paola has been sleeping all day as no one has seen her up yet. Some HG in KT eating 2:54pm Donny is sweeping the floors from all the ants on there. The ants are invading the counter too as Cody says they got my food.
  2. 2:05pm Nicole ask if everyone is asleep , Christine says yeah and then she tells Christine and Hayden that she does not buy brand name stuff that you will never see her carry a coach purse. Christine says I cant wait to see how BB portrays y'all relationship.Caleb comes in to the KT just listening then Donny walks through and says I got to work out to make room for supper cause I just finished lunch. 2:16pm In the KT Hayden and Christine and Nicole talking about breaking bones and Christine having seizers. 2:29pm Caleb and Nicole in KT eating chicken and talking about Hayden and how he has no cares in the world but riding his bike. Caleb says that is why I like him.
  3. 1:04pm Devin still telling Nicole what he has told everyone else already about the alliance and why he put up Zach.Jacosta and Frankie talking about Devin in the bee hive RM . Most Hg going to bed for a nap. 1:07pm Nicole says if I win HOH I don't think you are my target. I don't know what I am going to do and I don't know what else to say but I appreciate you telling me this. Devin says I 100% believe I will be put up next week. 1:13pm Caleb is talking to Donny at the table saying that he and Devin are working alone and that we were inseparable.. He says that Amber and I have a close relationship and I will protect her as long as I can. Caleb says but as I am concerned her and Devin are my only true you know what I mean. he says I am keeping Devin here until I have to cut him loose.I am sure no one knows that Devin made a deal with Brittany and Victoria and Paola. 1:18pm Caleb says we have a three person alliance if you want to know . me Devin and amber but I promised Amber that I would keep you safe as much as I can. I know you are close to Amber. 1:23pm Frankie making food as Brittany is washing her dishes and fixen to go to bed. Donny and Hayden are in the LVR just general chit chat 1:32pm Most Hg are napping . Some in WA showering and blow drying hair. 1:40pm Brittany and Nicole in WA talking about if they get HOH tomorrow night that they tell Devin that they are just putting him up as a pawn but don't tell anyone. Brittany says I am not going up there anymore to talk to Devin he is stressing me out I am tired. 1:43pm Brittany has gone to bed. Caleb in KT telling Caleb and Victoria that Devin is calling everyone up to HOh rm one at a time and I warn you don't go up alone go in groups of 3 if you can. 1:50pm general talk in the Kt with Hayden,Christine,Caleb, and Victoria.In the Rock rm Jacosta and Cody talking about Jacosta being 18 and not telling her parents that she needed help.Then at 19 she went to college.
  4. 12:04pm Frankie and Derrick on the hammock now and derrick says one of our people have to win hoh this week. Derrick says I talked to Brittany but she didn't say anything if she knew anything. Frankie says she is an idiot. 12:06pm Victoria comes to the hammock and derrick leaves.Victoria is complaining about the slop and sleeping in the have not beds and how her back is broke. Frankie says I will give you a full body massage tonight.She tells Frankie that he needs to win hoh and he says I know. 12:14pm Most HG are outside in the sun before lock down later. 12:19pm Frankie ask how much longer they have and Nicole says like 45 minutes cause they said we have to go in at 1pm . 12:24pm Derrick telling Caleb that Devin was laying in the bed with Donny telling him everything and he laid there so you wouldn't see him.I told Brittany that the alliance was a week to week thing I denied everything.Caleb says so at the end of the day Brittany Jacosta and Victoria already made a deal with him. 12:44pm Most Hg outside before the lock down in 14 minutes. Frankie talking to Caleb about being done with Devin .all other Hg just general chit chat. 12:52pm After a brief FOTH everyone is heading inside doe a lock down. 12:53pm Devin has Nicole in the hoh telling about the alliance that was formed day 2 in the house. She said I heard about it this morning he says from who cause I only told 3 people last night.He says I feel bad cause after I confided in some people the alliance cause after I pulled myself out of it last night but I put Zach up cause I didn't trust him and because he called Victoria the B word. 12:57pm Nicole says I hear some of the alliance members talking bad about you so I would have never thought there was an alliance. he says well they want to get out the floaters and I don't agree with that.
  5. 11:00am Brittany tells Derrick that she feels like she has sacrificed alot and this has changed her life alot. Derrick says it is a game and you cant get to the end by yourself so you have to talk to people that you trust more. 11:04am Derrick says I was just hurt that you didn't come to talk to me lastnight and I understand that you don't trust me. I don't know why but that is your choice. 11:05am Frankie in the KT with Christine and Nicole. Victoria joins them just general chat going on .In the By Brittany and derrick still talking as Derrick keeps repeating himself about Brittany trusting him .Brittany says I don't want to talk game at all he says that is fine and she says this game changes every hour and he agrees.She says I am tired I cant think straight. 11:11am Frankie in bee hive rm talking to Victoria saying that they have to go against Caleb cause he is probably making side deals and turning everyone against me.He says I have no idea what Jacosta is doing .Victoria says that Paola thinks she is staying. Frankie says good let her think that then. 11:17am Donny in the By telling Jacosta about Devin getting in bed with him and waking him up to talk early this morning. 11:20am Brittany and Derrick still in hammock talking repeating themselves about each other. Frankie telling Victoria to sit in that hot tub and it will relax her muscles. 11:27am Brittany says i already knew and Derrick says you knew i made a deal with Devin the first week in here to vote you out cause he wanted you out? she says yeah all I have to go by is what I feel and I feel that there are people that do want me to stay and I know there are people protecting others in this house then I am going to go. Sop I am hoping numbers wise that I am making it to jury. Derrick says I know you made a deal with Devin this week but do I think you are gonna honour that? No I know you wont. 11:31am Frankie ask Nicole if he gets her some breath right strips to keep you from snoring tonight? She says yeah am I snoring again? 11:34am derrick tells Brittany they he dint come to talk game to her he just wanted to settle things between them and she says the only deal I made with him is if I win hoh I wont put him up cause all the rest of the house wants him up. 11:37am Paola and Donny and amber are doing laundry before they go on lock down later today. 11:40am Victoria and Frankie are getting in the hot tub. Cody and Christine are whispering to each other about Devin and Brittany. He says if Brittany doesn't come and talk to me about this I am done with her .Christine says that's the thing she is gonna end up screwing us over. Amber joins them saying she needs to stretch. 11:51am Victoria, Frankie, Donny and Nicole are sitting with their feet in the pool just general chit chat. Devin and Brittany still in the hammock as derrick says if I do win hoh and I don't put you up just remember that. 11:55am Nicole and Donny on a lounger talking now about the majority of the house.Donny says I haven't talked about the game I usually tell silly stories but I guess we need to start. Nicole says I can trust you Donny and he says I can trust you too.
  6. 4:02pm Nicole in WA saying her toothbrush and other things are missing.Brittany in the KT making more slop for Victoria and herself. 4:14pm Devin tells Nicole that he took a picture of her while she was sleeping and she says that is hilarious. In the BY is general chat about Slop cakes that Brittany made. 4:19pm Amber telling how when Jacosta was talking last night and I tried to tickle her and my finger went right into her mouth but it was dark in there I couldn't see anything. 4:26pm Paola tells Jacosta in BY that Zach is sure he is staying this week and that he is going to say whatever he wants to say but he is the one that wants to go home.
  7. 3:02pm Donny and Paola,Amber in BY playing I spy game.Devin in HOH talking to Jacosta about him liking Brittany. 3:15pm BB keeps saying sleeping is only permitted in the bedrooms so Donny keeps waking Brittany telling her to wiggle something so BB wont get on to her again. 3:16pm Paola telling Donny that she thinks she is going home Thursday and Donny says what makes you think that? She says cause Zach is lying and scheming .Donny ask did you look at the board to see who might vote for you ? she says yeah but . He says in battle of the block was you asked to throw it? She says yeah but I didn't. 3:21pm BBT Christine is now awake again and Nicole is up,Frankie is now up and they are ready for showers.In the hoh rm Devin is telling Jacosta about what happened yesterday with Paola and him and Zach's little episode of blowing up and says there is no way that he wont leave Thursday. 3:3:42pm Jacosta and Devin in HOH rm Talking about their mom's. Christine in the shower. Frankie doing his hair in the mirror. 3:47pm In the BY most HG are playing the ABC game. 3:56pm Just the ABC game going in the BY. ADL'S going on in the WA with Christine and Frankie.
  8. 2:05pm Amber cleaning the KT and Paola says yeah i am washing the dishes tonight this is bad.bad. Paola tells Donny i want to show you something but stay here she tells him here these are my headphones so you hang on to them for now and he says thank you but you hang on to them cause you may not leave and she says no you hang on to them for now. 2:23pm Brittany and amber say they put something of Cody and Caleb's in the microwave last night and it caught fire so Caleb says they they will get them back he just isn't saying when and where.Amber says i didn't know it would catch on fire and Caleb says well DUH it was thin cloth. 2:25pm Paola , Brittany , Victoria and Amber are cleaning the KT Caleb helped clean a little as Devin sits at the table with his arms folded over his chest smiling and watching them. 2:29pm Devin telling Caleb that he lays in his HOh Rm and all he can think about is her and nods to Brittany. Caleb says did you tell her that? Devin says no. 2:41pm Girls and Caleb are still cleaning the KT as Devin is making coffee. Donny is cleaning the BY. 2:50pm Brittany and Donny in BY talking about the hot tub getting hot.Victoria comes out to sit in the BY.In the Kt Devin is getting his coffee Jocasta is sitting watching Amber wash dishes and Paola sweep the floors.
  9. 1:01pm Christine says whoever Devin or Caleb put up and wants out if they win HOH i am voting the to keep here. Brittany says i would normally go with a house vote but i think i am going to start changing it up cause you have yo let them know that they 100% have your vote. 1:09pm Amber and Jacosta are now up doing ALD'S Brittany is in the pool with Donny and Victoria is laying out by the pool now. 1:13pm Caleb is now up and goes to the BY to the pool saying he just wanted to see who all was out there and up. 1:16pm Devin now has the camera and taking pictures of everyone but the girls really don't want to be in pictures today. 1:21pm Devin going in and taking pictures of HG sleeping in their beds. Amber and Caleb talking about playing April fools jokes on other people at home. 1:32am Devin and Caleb in KT looking at the pictures he has taken. Victoria, Donny , Amber and Brittany in BY at he pool 1:38pm Devin takes a picture of Donny under water in the pool then Brittany takes a jumping picture of Devin as he jumps inn the pool. 1:42pm Victoria and Brittany complaining about all the dirty dishes in the KT sink. 1:45pm Paola is now up and in the Kt. Brittany is making slop. 1:52pm Paola says to Amber and Victoria that they boys should have to clean the KT.Donny comes in to get a drink of water. 1:57pm Just general chit chat going on in the KT about where everyone hung out while in high school.
  10. 11:11am Zach and Victoria in the WA talking about being in the have not room and being able to sleep. 11:14am Christine and Donny in BY talking about travelling from State to State . Christine ask him if he wins this game will he travel he says maybe. Victoria comes out and sits in the sun to warm up. 11:23am Donny says i think Thursday night i will keep my contacts in so i can see i might be asleep but at least i will see. 11:29am Christine, Donny and Victoria talking about the first person in the jury having to sit there all alone and Christine says yeah that would be miserable.
  11. 10:03am Frankie and Christine in WA talking about Caleb and Devin needing to leave the house.Frankie says we can get Donny and Derrick that is our only option and they have to own it for our sake. right? She says yeah and he says i don't trust anyone else.Frankie then says i am not worried about Devin and Christine says i am . Frankie says but he isn't coming after us. 10:09am Frankie tells Donny he is going to have some oatmeal and chocolate milk today. Donny says aren't you afraid of going to the have not room? Frankie says yeah I volunteered for next week but I don't know now. 10:11am Frankie says I think I might have to vote Zach for my game. I think it is going to end up 6-6. Donny says I wish we could look at that wall without being seen and watched.Frankie goes over who will vote who out this week. 10:15am Donny ask who are you closer with? Frankie says Caleb and Zack but they are not going to the end with me?Donny says can you spare one of them ? He says yeah and Donny says if Cody and them guys vote for Paola to go home then that is going to make them targets.Frankie says we are the swing votes which means we will have to blame it on two other people. 10:21am Cody says Frankie i don't think it will be good going tom the have not room with your condition and Frankie says that Donny has the same thing. Donny says in the bee hive room yesterday my toes turned purple. 10:27am Cody , Frankie and Donny talking about sleeping in the have not room and Donny says the less clothes you have on then your body heat warms the blankets but the clothes on keeps the heat trapped to your body and doesn't warm the covers up.Frankie says i will just have to win the HOH this week so that being a have not wont be an option. 10:36am Donny, Frankie, Cody and Christine on BY couch talking about June bugs and Christine says if that bug comes over here i will leave. Cody and Christine starts saying about a bird that flew into a window the other day and Donny says it probably scared the camera man. 10:43 An ABC game is now going on with Cody, Donny and Christine as Frankie just sits there and listens while eating his oatmeal. 10:48am Victoria is now up and in the By with the others and we get a FOTH as BB wants the lights on . 10:56am General talk in BY with Donny and Christine,and Cody. Victoria doing ADL'S
  12. 9:07am Donny and Cody talking about the numbers and who they trust and don't. Donny says I like Derrick but I don't trust him.Cody says if it comes down to it I will not flip my script on Zach.Donny says last week everyone vote Joey out and if I had to be the sole vote I cant vote Paola she is like my best friend in this house. 9:12am Cody says I am not afraid even if it ruins my game to go upstairs and tell them I am keeping Zach. 9:14am Cody and Donny saying that Hayden is a threat in this game he has the physical and mental strength and everyone likes him. 9:15am Donny says that Caleb and amber are very close and Cody says oh man I know he has to go then Cody says that Devin is and amber are close too and Caleb gets mad if they are talking. 9:20am Cody says Donny I have told you everything the last 3 days since I knew I could trust you and I will know who back stabbed me if you leave cause I haven't told but three people all this. Donny says I know I can trust you and Hayden and that's all I trust 9:24am Cody says that veto meeting that Brittany spent and hour and a half in the hoh with Devin and did you know he claims he has a crush on her and Donny says yeah I heard that.Cody says I don't believe he has a crush her. 9:28am Cody says he told Zach if he stays this week he better come in hoh with fire cause I am going in with fire and the people I trust better to we have to beat Caleb. 9:30am WE now have foth Maybe a wake up call. 9:45am Cody lifting weights on the BY Frankie changing Batteries then heads back to bed. 9:49am Donny on the elliptical and tells Zach he is going to give him his beard and Zach ask why and Donny says cause it is hot it is like having a winter coat. Zach laughs at him. 9:55am Donny sitting on the lounger as Cody and Zach play a game of pool everyone else still in bed sleeping with the lights on now.
  13. 11:02AM BBT: Paola telling Amber her conversation with Devin and how Devin tried talking to her while she was in the shower and telling her not to lose it she says I was getting pissed at him he talks down to women. then he kicked Victoria and Hayden out of here while I was in the shower so he could talk to me and I told him I ain't talking now I am in the shower then he stormed out of here. 11: 17AM BBT: Devin HoH room going over his speech for the PoV ceremony and how he will tell Brittany that he respects her as a woman and a mother and he refuses to leave a single mother on the block and he will use the PoV on her. 11:19AM BBT: Amber and Donny sitting in the backyard talking about it getting hot outside Paola in kitchen making breakfast. 11:27AM BBT: Paola telling Amber she is so mad at Devin Amber tells her at the PoV ceremony to say what she has to say to him if you want the whole house to hear and Paola says so it is my time to shine? 11:31AM BBT: Donny ask what Paola is thinking and she says I am thinking about my veto speech first one is please don't use the veto on me I would rather stick my head in the toilet than stay here with you another week.And #2 is if I stay I stay if I go I go I don't really care. Donny says I would say I have enjoyed being on the block for three weeks and would like to stay another three weeks. Amber says just stand up and pose and don't say anything at all then sit back down. 11:52AM BBT: Nicole and Christine are now up and getting dressed for the day. In the backyard is general chit chat with Paola and Donny and Amber. 12:09PM BBT: WE now have FotH maybe PoV ceremony 12:15PM BBT: Not the PoV . HGs are getting ready for the PoV ceremony with general chit chat going on and Paola practising her pose. 12:17PM BBT: All HGs are heading out to the backyard for looks like an OLD.Frankie says here we go as he heads to the backyard. 12:24PM BBT: Everyone in the By as derrick is called to the DR and Devin is in the HoH room getting ready for the PoV ceremony. 12:26PM BBT: We are now on Jeff as the PoV ceremony gets under way 1:19PM BBT: poaloa say it doesn't matter they are going to vote Zach to go home. Zach tells Frankie don't get upset everyone still trust you and Frankie says I don't know why you would do that to me it is just terrible. Frankie says I was your friend I had your back .Zach says I am staying this week and I will have your back.Frankie says well Cody and Derrick won't even look at me. Frankie leaves and Zach says stay and Frankie says I have nothing to say. 1:23PM BBT: Zach says I called you out I called Caleb out and Frankie says I know and walks off. 1:25PM BBT: Paola tells Zach in the storage room that she wants to go home . he goes outside and says I feel good I got that off my chest Paola says in the Fire bedroom that she didn't throw that competition. that Devin wanted to but she didn't throw it.
  14. 10:01am Brittany and Amber are playing a game of pool.Derrick in Ice BR getting ready to go back to bed.Donny making breakfast then goes out to the BY to eat it. 10:06am Victoria doing ADL'S in WA. Brittany now going to go lay in the sun Donny ask her if she is going to go to sleep now and she says I can't I am so tired I cant lay down. 10:12am Donny going to brush his teeth . Hayden is now up going to change his battery and says "time to get up for the day I said". Brittany and Amber are laying out on the hammock. 10:21am Devin tells Paola at the veto ceremony don't show no emotion and don't say anything OK and then walks off from her. 10:24am Devin tells Paola he means it don't throw a fit or show emotions or you will ruin everything and then you will go home.He says Paola you are being ridiculous right now you are already showing emotion you are going to ruin everything I promise I will keep you safe she says I don't care I want to go home and he walks out the door. 10:30am Devin goes to the WA as paola takes a bath and tells her to trust him and then starts saying what is wrong with you right now? I am done talking to you and he walks off walking through the KT says stupid what is wrong with you you are safe. 10:34am Devin and Hayden are going to the hoh rm to talk. Devin says so um potentially the deal I told you might not go down but Paola will be safe I just want to make sure that if things shift that paola will be safe cause she is very emotional right now but I have to change things up and go back on things today but we need to get some strong players out . Just until the meeting if anyone ask just keep it quiet. Hayden says OK cool man and leaves the hoh rm. 10:47am Paola goes to the By and tells Brittany that she just talked to Devin and we got into a fight and she repeats what Devin told her about what Devin told her that she isn't allowed to ask for votes. She says I am pissed and Brittany ask her if she is OK though? She says yeah I just cant stand him going up to me and telling me what to do so if I explode today you know why. 10:52am Donny goes and tells Brittany that she should go lay down and she said it is so cold in there so he tells her to get her blanket and lay it in the sun and warm it up then go in there and lay down. 10:56am Brittany is now going up to the hoh rm but Devin doesn't open the door. She leaves and goes back to bed saying I can not sleep in that have not room.
  15. 3:35pm Hayden says it isn't that awful but isn't that good either as he taste some of the have nots food.Victoria does not look happy and Brittany says we will sleep together and cuddle to Victoria then says i am a professional have not. 3:40pm Hg are just talking about what all they can make with these items they got from America. Girls are in the WA doing their hair again. 3:49pm Victoria is upset talking to Frankie that she is on slop now.
  16. 3:32pm HG are cooming out of the HOh room after it looks like a lock down and they say thank you america as they have liver and tomatoe paste and bacon on the table.Brittany says it is the wurst BLT. Devin has to name thwe four have nots for the week and the wurst BLT is for you. he chooses Victoria, Brittany, zach and Derrick are have nots.
  17. 3:30pm We have been on FOTH for almost 30 minutes now . the HG might be playing the POV now.
  18. 1:39pm Devin and Frankie in HOh as Devin tells Frankie that all this is about paola telling amber crap so I am just going to chill in HOH rm and play the game cause everyone game comes to an end.I told Jacosta that it was a guys fight and didn't say it was an alliance fight so I played that off and she is very very natural she isn't tight with any of the girls and Frankie said I kind of figured that. 1:42pm All the girls are in the KT talking about eating healthy. 1:45pm IN the LVR Zack and Derrick and Hayden and Donny are talking about the POV comp that they hope it will be a puzzle. Sounds like Derrick is playing in the POV. 1:49pm Amber tells Donny he should have fun Hosting the POV comp and he says he is excited. 2:00pm Hayden says eh wants to go lay down and Amber says it is getting close to POV cause they just called Donny in to the DR. 2:04pm Donny is out of the DR and Paola is reading his palm and tells him that he will not get married soon then says that's all I got and they laugh. 2:11pm HG sitting around waiting to play POV with general chit chat going on 2:21pm Derrick says to Devin it will be Me, You, Amber, Paola, Brittany, and Zack up there and if it is physical she cant win. 2:24pm :In the LVR Jacosta is talking about her kids to Caleb, Brittany and Donny.In the HOh rm Frankie Derrick and Devin are talking about competitions and who might get a unitard. 2:30pm Donny and Paola are walking up and down the stairs and walking through the kitchen working out and Paola starts stretching and Donny is doing it with her.He says pretty good excersize. Jacosta going to hoh rm to talk to Devin but he isn't answering the door. 2:35pm Donny telling everyone about games to play like thumbs up stand up and doggie doggie wheres your bone. 2:38pm Derrick in beehive rm telling Victoria what happened lastnight with Devin at the hammock.Brittany comes in and the Paola follows and Derrick and Victoria leaves the room. 2:43pm Paola and Brittany talking about they have each others vote if one of them comes down after the POV comp. 2:46pm Paola says I don't think you are going home this week Brittany cause I thought I was going last week. Brittany says Joey stirred alot of sh*t up and that's why she left last week.
  19. 1:00pm Donny,Nicole, Christine, Hayden and Devin and Jacosta are in the KT eating pizza left over from last night. 1:06pm Nicole telling about a guy at home who she says found out she was coming on BB cause he was around when stuff happened. 1:23pm we have been on WBRB for 15 minutes now.
  20. 12:01pm Devin tells Donny that he will put him down first to host the POV comp. 12:08pm Devin telling Jacosta that last night everything was fine till Caleb came to the hammock and everything went hard and he came after me. 12:10pm Devin says I have made it no secret that i want Brittany to leave this week and it isn't personal it is game and if push came to shove she would put me up . 12:12pm Donny telling Nicole and Christine that he cant swim if he jumped in the water then I would drown . 12:14pm Devin says dude Caleb and i have never been in an alliance together that is a two person alliance now that's my boy but we aint in an alliance together. 12:24pm Devin and Jacosta still talking in the HOh rm about what Jacosta's game play is? She says if you was on the block I would probably use the pov on you but then again I am comfortable keeping it. When people ask me who I am aligned with I tell them I am aligned with Jesus. 12:27pm Victoria and Donny are cleaning in the KT.Devin and Jacosta are repeating themselves in the HOH rm. 12:34pm Jacosta says I just listen to people I don't get in the conversation I don't care if it isn't about the game then there is like no need to get in the conversation. 12:39pm Cody and Nicole hugging in the LVRM thern he hugs Christine then heads back to the STR. Donny is going to warm pizza up in the oven for the girls since the microwave is broke. 12:42am Back in the hoh rm Jacosta is talking about Cody and his little skits and how she leaves the room when he is doing his shenanigans.She says I think the only person that is cool is Donny.Devin says yeah that's why I broke down. 12:46pm Devin says it was personal last night and i just walked off i wasn't throwing things you know i am like A.D.D. so i rock and it makes me feel better.better. Jacosta says this isn't about the game but people need to come to you and say hey i am uneasy around you and i am a woman with my grown woman panties on will come and say what they have to say but if that person comes to me with a question i answer the question. 12:50pm Devin says I asked Christine was you nervous and scared of me when we was talking in the hoh rm and she said no I was scared to talk and he said so you wasn't scared of me just the talk and she said yeah and so I told Caleb that she was scared of the talk but Caleb said she was scared of me. 12:53pm Devin says I respect women I was raised by a single mom and my daughters mom is a single mom but I respect women.
  21. 2:13pm Brittany and Paola are eating in the KT. Brittany says it really doesn't matter if you go with the house vote or not cause I believe that everyone would keep me and get rid of her I believe that.Brittany says if Cody wins the veto I am gone. 2:18pm caleb telling Frankie why he is crying and upset and it is because of the Holiday and Military family he says if people talk about military i get like this so if anyone ask why i am upset then you know.I haven't told to many people that my dad retired from Military and my brother just got back from Iraq 4 months ago. 2:21pm calenb says if you will just tell everyone that i would appreciate it that some people like military and some don't so just understand that he is having a rough day so just give him a hug or something. I don't know you are good a giving speeches Frankie you will tell em all something. 2:26pm Frankie is calling a house meeting to let them all know why Caleb is upset today he says he is really having a rough time today because of it being the 4th of July today and it is just a very emotional day today and he doesn't want anyone to think he is upset with them so I just wanted to let you all know cause it touched me alot. 2:32pm Frankie says I have a surprise for the house I have red and blue glitter and they all get excited so he says I will go get it right now. 2:37pm The girls are talking about making Hamburgers and Hot Dogs for a Fourth Of July celebration tonight.In the hoh rm Caleb wants to hear the Tim McGraw song. In the Fire BR Paola and Jacosta are talking about Brittany going home cause no one likes Brittany. 2:42pm In the fire Br, Jocosta is talking about she cant poop if someone is talking.In the BY Donny and Amber talking general chit chat. 2:50pm In the BY Frankie is talking about different Holidays and says Christmas and New years are the best and I never take down my Christmas lights cause they are like party lights. 2:53pm Nicole tells Caleb that she is going to give him his space today cause she knows it is hard on him she says I don't know what to say to make it better and Caleb says there really is nothing anyone can say to make it better.
  22. 1:13pm we now have FOTH maybe it is a wake up call. 1:31pm Frankie is in the BY eating and Christine and Donny are in the KT making food. 1:33pm Donny now sitting outside and Cody walking around , Donny says they can do magic out here huh and Cody says yeah it is crazy . Zach joins the BY and ask Donny if Paola and Brittany are on the block who do you want to go home he says i would like paola to stay but there are some bullies in the house that wants the other to go so i kinda want her to stay and show the bullies up. 1:39pm Some of the girls are in the WCA getting ready for the day . Donny in BY talking to Zach saying this week it may not be as unanimous as it was last week and Zach says i know paola may have to be the sacrificial lamb this week. I like her though. Donny says me too and i know if she won HOH she wouldn't put me up and Zach says me either. 1:43pmn In the hoh rm Caleb is crying and Devin is consoling him.Devin says if you don't want to go out anywhere dud then stay in here dude you don't have to stay downstairs at all man. 1:46pm Caleb says i just want a beer as he paces around the hoh rm. In the KT Frankie, Brittany,Zach and Paola are making food. 1:49pm Caleb leaves hoh rm to get hios clothes and things to move up to the hoh rm.Amber and Nicole are in the WA doing make up with Victoria. 1:53pm Frankie is now in the HOH rm talking with caleb. He ask what is wrong and caleb says i think we all know but it is all good ya know? Frankie says yeah.Frankie tells him it is the three of us we will take it all down.They start talking about sleeping for 6 hours after changing their batteries. 1:57pm Caleb ask Frankie if the STR is restored and he says yeas they restocked.Devin is getting dressed and Caleb is now leaving hoh to make food he wants race and terriaki chicken.He walks throught the KT and they all tell him Happy Fourth of July.
  23. 12:28pm All Hg still sleeping ! 12:55pm All HG still sleeping soundly.
  24. 11:07am Christine gets up and goes to WC then washes her hands then heads back to bed. 11:37am All HG still sleeping! 11:57am All HG still sleeping!
  25. 10:04am Donny has finished eating his breakfast and is now in the LVRM putting his shoes on.He up and stretches then sits down and starts reading the little Debbie boxes. 10:18am Donny just sitting alone as all other Hg are sleeping. 10:37am Donny has gone back to bed and all HG are now sleeping.



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