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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 9:07am All HG still sleeping this morning. 9:11am Donny is up and goes to the WC.He then washes his hands then goes back to bed. 9:15am Donny isn't going back to bed he had to crawl on the bed to get his shirt he is now getting dressed and combing his hair and his beard. 9:20am We have FOTH maybe a wake up call. 9:27am Donny in KT eating his cereal and cleaning the windows over the sink and stove.. All other Hg still sleeping. 9:29pm Donny finishes the windows and goes back to eating his cereal and BB says "Donny thank you very much". Donny says you are welcome then tells BB to shhhhh don't wake them up . Then we get FOTH. 9:46am Brittany and Frankie in KT getting breakfast talking to Donny.Victoria in WA.
  2. 3:02pm Donny and Cody on the hammock talking. Donny says he ain't saying nothing to anyone when he does he gets put on the block. Cody laughs. Zach tells Nicole she should have told him about Amanda being his cousin she yells at him and says Zach I didn't know I was afraid to tell you I didn't want it to come back on me.Christine says maybe Paola had it in her head and she just decided to share it. 3:06pm Zach ask who was Italian and Frankie says Enzo and Zach says yeah Enzo I am a meow meow. 3:18pm Nicole says i promise if i hear anything else i promise i will tell you and zach says i don't know if i can believe you anymore. Nicole says i am pissed you did't tell me and you told paola.He says i didn't mean to tell paola it was 7:30 in the morning and i didn't sleep and she didn't sleep. Zach is playing this up with the girls and they keep asking him if he is lying or not. Frankie is laying in bed next to zach not saying a word. 3:28pm Zach and Frankie laying in bed, Nicole and Christine in the other bed with Victoria sitting on the end of the bed and Brittany sitting on the third bed.Just talk about nick names they have had. Devin and Cody playing pool. Jacosta and Donny sitting in the BY just talking. 3:33pm The whole house is talking about Zach being Amanda's cousin even Zach is playing it up but then says he isnt her cousin so no one knows what to believe in the house. 3:40 pm Derrick telling Jacosta and Donny that he cant wait to do his blog so he can do shout outs and stuff he says he will just type everything he wants to say then go back and edit .Jacosta says that is good. 3:47pm Talk in the bedroom is about sex and Amanda having sex last year.Frankie has everyone laughing in the bedroom. Then they talk about the Howie's Jack Shack and wonders where it was. 3:55pm Talk in the Fire rm is still on the jack shack. Brittany says there is lotion in the drawer. and they all start laughing.
  3. 2:06pm Caleb and Cody playing Pool, Derrick and Donny in HOH rm talking about about who will go up next week and who all said their target was Devin last week. 2:15pm Devin now outside with Caleb and Cody playing pool.Donny says to Zack in HOH that you look at the clouds and see the trees and then Donny tells about growing up in a cow pasture.Derrick comes in and tells Zach that Paola told Donny that he was Amanda's cousin so derrick says are you? He says no she said that? Derrick says he told Donny I don't know if she told anyone else or not I think she tried to paint a target on your back dud. Zach says wow she is good. 2:18pm Zach says we do look alike ya know talking about Amanda and then says damn that was good.Derrick says she defiantly told him just ask him and Zach says she told you on the way out or at the meeting? Donny says on the way out but i would sit on it for a day then tomorrow have a house meeting. Derrick says she is sitting at home now laughing. Zach says that's good man. 2:21pm Caleb comes in the hoh and Zach doesn't want to tell him yet.BB announces the STR is temporarily unavailable. 2:29pm Christine,Nicole,Victoria and Donny on the BY couches talking general talk.Caleb and derrick in HOH rm talking about Caleb winning the hoh comp Thursday night. 2:39pm Caleb, Derrick and Zach trying to figure out when Jacosta fell in the comp. In the back yard Donny says he found a grey hair on his arm.Jacosta says my granddads hair is white. 2:45pm Frankie and Zach in STR and Zach tells him that Paola told Donny that he was Amanda's cousin and Frankie says OMG is she and Zach says no way but she told Donny that. 2:53pm Nicole and Zach talking about Paola starting the rumor that he was Amanda's cousin and Zach says yeah we are cousins.And Nicole goes I knew it you look so much like her. You talk so much crap about her too and he says I know it was to throw you guys off.Victoria says she told me that too the lastnight she was here and Zach says she told you that too? She says yeah. 2:56pm The girls keep asking if Amanda is really his cousin and he says yeah but it shouldn't matter.Nicole says yeah it shouldn't matter if you are or not. Zach says She really isn't my cousin and Victoria says you swear she isn't your cousin and zach says i swear.
  4. 12:00pm Christine and Victoria on the hammock saying that Devin has bullied Victoria for the last 2 weeks and Christine says he bullies everyone. 12:03pm Derrick goes to the hammock and Christine says how are you doing ? he says i am good i put him in the coffin and you guys get to put the nails in it.Christine says i am excited for Thursday now. Cody joins them eating an oatmeal cookie. 12:05pm Zach comes to the hammock and says that Devin told him he didn't want this week to be awkward he just wants his last days to be comfortable. 12:13pm Derrick Donny and Frankie are talking about what they have to do by tonight they tell, Donny to go tell Brittany that Paola told you that before she left. Donny says it is raining in the BB house. 12:17pm Derrick and Donny figuring out how to get the rumour going with another person about Zach being Amanda's cousin. Then they will go to Zach and tell him. 12:19pm Donny is going to eat while he waits to tell Brittany that Paola told him Zach and Amanda are cousins. 12:25pm Christine talking about working at Starbucks and how guys flirt and don't care if you are married and when a guy comes in with a wedding ring on I treat them differently cause they respect their wives.Cody says whoa and Christine says there are guys that come in that are having affairs all the time. 12:31pm Zack and Frankie in HOH rm and Zach says 11-0 vote and Devin leaves this week done. 12:33pm Frankie says I don't know what Jacosta will do if she wins HOH I don't think she likes me or you or Christine i just don't know what she will do. 12:43pm Alot of general chat going on in the BY and in the KT and some HG are napping. 12:51pm Derrick and Zach talking on BY couches about one of their boys winning HOH and then they are setting pretty so he needs them to step up and win HOH. 12:53pm Derrick says i am going to set back this week and enjoy the time and let you guys do your job then back to work Thursday. Zach says Devin said he inst going to campaign and derrick says of course he is he already is.
  5. 11:51am Feeds are back and Devin was put on the block. Derrick says i told you i was going to give you Kudos Donny. 11:53am Devin sitting in KT alone eating . Most Hg are in BY just general talk and eating going on.Derrick and Zach playing pool. 11:56 am Jacosta at the memory wall and kisses the POV as she hangs it up and says oh my gosh.
  6. 10:01am Christine going to the Hammock, Jacosta doing laundry, Brittany now going tot he hammock with her breakfast. 10:03am Brittany and Christine are talking about Devin being so nice but after he gets put on the block he wont be so nice. Christine says just don't believe anything he says cause everything he says after he gets put up will be coming from his poop hole. 10:08am Victoria says to Nicole in the WA saying she can't wait to see the live feeds I hope someone is recording it cause I want to see who is taking my make-up and I know its her. Nicole says yeah Amber thinks everything is hers. Victoria says I don't share my make up. She then says I hate her. 10:11am Derrick, Caleb and Zach in KT as Zach is cooking M&M pancakes.Caleb says he doesn't want to go to the DR yet and derrick says you are part of the ceremony is why they are calling you so early. 10:14am derrick goes to storage rm and comes out with a brown bag and says dude Pandora's box and Brittany says is that for me? He says no its my laundry. 10:25 general talk going on as HG make breakfast. 10:36am Cody and Derrick in KT eating talking about taking long naps. In the BY Jacosta and Donny talking with Caleb about them getting TV time today in the veto meeting. 10:43am Caleb saying sleeping in the Have not room is bad and cold.Donny says the beds are worse than the food huh? Caleb says yeah as soon as we go to bed they crank that a/c up and it is freezing in there. Cody and Zach playing pool. 10:54 am BB told the HG they have 10 minutes to be ready for POV ceremony.All Hg getting ready now. 11:05am Most Hg in the BY just general talk and then we got to FOTH then to Jeff's interviews as they start the POV ceremony.
  7. 9:00am All Hg still sleeping. 9:14am We have FOTH now maybe a wake up call 9:22am Donny is in the STR getting cereal and Victoria is in the WA then heads to the DR.Cody is out in the BY setting up the weights. 9:24am BB keeps repeating Rise And Shine. 9:25am Nicole and Christine are now up changing their batteries.Frankie up changing his battery now as BB says the bedrooms lights must remain on during the day. 9:32am Christine, Donny and Victoria doing ADL'S Nicole in the shower. Frankie has gone back to bed.Jacosta is now up and in the WA. 9:39am Cody asking Donny if he trust Brittany a little bit more now? he says yeah a little bit more.Cody says and Nicole is very smart and Donny says yeah very smart. 9:46am Donny and Cody putting the awnings up and talking about Caleb not being a competitor like he says he is and they was never going to put him up with Amber so why would he volunteer and Donny says to score points. 9:49am The girls are in the Wa doing Make up and just general talk.Donny on the elliptical and Cody on weights in the BY. and we get FOTH. 9:52am Christine goes to the BY and talks about how nice it is that there are clouds out and Cody says it is nice out. 9:55am Cody says Donny if I take a nap today will you wake me up? Donny says yeah if you will get up .
  8. 11:04pm Frankie,Christine,Zach,Hayden and Victoria on and around the hammock talking about Amanda from last year when she got put on the block and threw a fit. Then they start talking about who will get the most TV time when they leave the house. 11:06pm Victoria says I think when Devin leaves this house Julie Chen will beat him down like she did Arin last year. 11:13pm Most HG in the KT just general chit chat. Donny is going to bed and Victoria is going to bed.Frankie is in the KT drawer and says he feels like he is doing the damn planet challenge. 11:15pm Zach tells Frankie that he is the smartest person in the house.Frankie says i don't feel like it is a good idea to start taking shots at people .Zach says today has been so slow and Frankie says soooo slow i just want tomorrow to be done. 11:18pm Donny is now out in the BY instead of going to bed and talking to Christine and Nicole the girls think Donny is a doctor or a biology teacher. Donny says if i was rich i would like to be a ball boy for the town baseball team. 11:21pm They are sitting on the BY couch saying that they think Donny is a dr and Donny says i will be a dentist then he says or maybe a ER doctor.he then says i am an underwear model. Jacosta says then lets see what you got, he says i am off duty. he says we did laundry today you know what i got. he says that's all you want to see right there. 11:26pm Zach and jacosta and Donny talking about how the cameras see them on camera while they are sleeping.Donny says all they see is beard and i bet that looks funny on tv. 11:38pm Most HG in the BY with general chat about sleeping in the have not room. 11:47pm Brittany making food Victoria Jacosta and Devin talking about going to bed. 11:52pm Cody and Hayden playing pool as Frankie and Nicole and Christine watch.Victoria is polishing her nails in the BY.Devin in the KT with Brittany making food.
  9. 10:00pm Zach and Hayden saying there was people outside the walls yelling we love big brother and they got put on lock down. 10:02pm Jacosta in the KT cooking Frankie is eating Brittany is cleaning the KT also, Zach and Hayden are playing pool . 10:04pm Cody says I am ready to dominate these dishes, Jacosta says oh yeah you don't like my cleaning skills and she says I didn't say that he said Cody this glass is not clean and Jacosta laughs and says OK we will do an assembly line. 10:06pm Cody doing dishes and says if we had music and we had drinks I would make this into a party. 10:11pm Just general talk going on as HG play pool and wash dishes and clean the house up. 10:23pm Frankie and Christine and zack talking about comps and in walks Nicole and gives Zach a hug. Devin comes in with them in the WA and they talk about the fish that Frankie cooked. 10:25pm Caleb and Hayden are now playing pool.Victoria is in the hammock.Victoria tells Hayden that breathing is a big part of running and if you cant breath you cant run. 10:27pm Victoria comes to the WA and says Christine I was waiting for you , She says we was talking about sex I couldn't help myself. Victoria says well you are married so OK and then Victoria crawls on the bench and snuggles with Frankie and says I love Frankie cuddles. 10:36 Zach and Christine and Frankie are talking about if they win HOH next week they will put up Victoria and Jacosta. Zach says I wont put up Nicole derrick or Hayden. Victoria comes out ans they all start laughing 10:41pm Nicole, Donny and Cody doing dishes. Most HG are at the hammock just laughing, talking and joking around. 10:50pm On the hammock Victoria talking about her friends as everyone is laughing.Nicole and Cody and Donny still doing all them dishes.Caleb laying on the LVR couch. 10:55pm Amber in the KT making slop, Brittany is wiping things down in the KT and Nicole and Donny are finishing dishes. Donny says I don't even work this hard at work.
  10. 11:47am Donny and derrick are in the STR talking. About who they can trust and who they cant trust and Frankie is playing both sides of the house. 11:52am amber in HOH rm telling Brittany and Victoria that Caleb has been nice the last couple of days so I don't know what I am going to do.Amber says I don't know what to wear now I guess we will have to wear costumes huh and Frankie says yeah. 11:54am Amber says Jacosta cant play and I feel bad that she cant but this might be good for Donny too.
  11. 11:02am Frankie says Victoria if you keep cuddling me at night I am going to have to get a boy friend when i get out of here . She says I never know if you like it or not and he says I love it I fall asleep like that . 11:07am Most HG in the KT just general chit chat going on as they wait to pick players for the POV. 11:17am Derrick comes out of the DR and says Its time to pick players for the veto competition.
  12. 10:12am Caleb tells Hayden he doesn't even want to talk to Amber today he just wants to win that veto and look good. 10:14am Devin ask Caleb if he was still doing Have not this week and Caleb says yeah those that haven't done it yet are me,Amber, Donny. Devin says what about Frankie and Caleb says no they wont give him medication for his hands. 10:20am Christine says i am worried cause last time we picked veto players we didn't have to get ready like this .BB woke the girls early to start getting ready. 10:26am general talk in the house and some are back in bed sleeping. 10:28am Devin says what if they give us these bracelets cause at the end of the show there might be a prize for the most active and stuff. Donny says i think if there was a prize they would tell us. Devin says right Donny right. The girls are talking about going back to bed after they pull names for the POV comp. 10:36am Jacosta is sick still and throwing up. She says the doctor told her it was from heat exhaustion . Donny is helping her get a drink of water he tells her take a small sip. 10:55am Hg just waiting around and doing ALD'S before the Pov Name drawing .Jacosta is in bed sick as Donny and Nicole sit and take care of her.
  13. 9:02am Donny is sitting in the LVR eating breakfast. Nicole Christine and Jacosta in WA getting ready for the day 9:05am Hayden comes in and goes to the WC then ask Jacosta how she is feeling, She says OK. 9:16am Donny is walking laps around the table since they are on lockdown. Jacosta is in the shower and Christine and Nicole are doing ADL'S 9:25am Nicole helps Jacosta back to bed and offers a a powerade then goes to change her batteries for her.Devin is up and getting ready now as Caleb grabs another blanket and heads back to bed. 9:37am general chit chat in the WA as HG are getting ready for the day. 9:50am Nicole walks to the LVR and Hayden says she is the cutest little frog i have ever seen.She says i feel like a ninja turtle. 9:56am Just general talk going on in LVR with Donny and Hayden and in the KT with Nicole,Christine.Nicole and Amber.
  14. 11:02pm Zach says his head itches and Brittany says let me check your head for lice and now she is checking his head.He is clear no lice.Brittany is telling them about her kids having lice before after a sleepover so now she checks every time now before a sleep over. 11:13pm general chit chat going on in the bee hive and in the WA. 11:22pm Donny has joined in the WA with Nicole and Hayden while he brushes his teeth he is laughing with them. 11:26pm Zach and Amber,Brittany and Cody are talking about zach's mom and how he is a brat to his mom. 11:28pm Brittany is getting ready for bed Donny comes back in the WA and tells Nicole they look alike and they should get their picture taken as he is wearing a green shirt to match her frog costume.
  15. 9:58pm Donny and Brittany talking in LVR. Frankie talking to Christine and Victoria and Zach in the WA about what all has been said upstairs with Devin. Frankie then starts rubbing his body and making faces as zach laughs at him and Christine tells him he is sick. 10:02pm Frankie says he is going to shave his legs soon.Christine ask Zach if he shaves too and Frankie says no he doesn't shave that's natural then Zach says I have 4 hairs on this nip and 5 hairs on this one. 10:06pm Devin is leaving the HOH rm Caleb and derrick still there and derrick says I kind of feel sorry for him but he is a weird dude. 10:08pm Cody comes to HOH rm. Derrick is telling about Brittany coming up and talking for an hour cause she is afraid of being the replacement nominee. 10:13pm Frankie and Christine talking about Jacosta being sick and how she is dehydrated. Frankie is looking at his pimples on his face.He says I needed to be in the sun and Victoria says I didn't know the sun did that and he says yeah it dries the oil in your skin. 10:15pm Cody and Brittany in the bee hive and Cody says I feel like you don't trust me anymore and she says well I am a little Leary. Cody says I feel like every time you and Amber walk past me with your head I did something wrong and there is alot of crap being said in this house and I don't know what all Donny is saying. Brittany says it started when Joey left you guys were all together and we didn't know who to trust. 10:20pm In the WA Frankie and Christine talking and whispering. then they hug and laugh.Christine tells Frankie that Derrick wanted Nicole to put me up and she almost did.Frankie is like i want to be like who are you? Frankie says he is not going to break and Christine says i feel like an idiot for feeling sorry for him the first time he started crying. Frankie says all the guys upstairs were crying earlier. 10:26pm BB calls Jacosta to the DR. Nicole in her frog suit comes to the WA and says her face is so blotchy from crying so much and Christine says you was crying and Nicole says yea I was upset putting Donny up. 10:33pm Nicole says I feel so bad about Donny, My mind was not in the right spot and even though he is safe I feel bad I ball my eyes out every time I talk about it. 10:34pm Nicole says I feel so bad and America is going to hate me and Christine says why and Nicole says I think he is Americas player that's why. Christine says no he isn't and Frankie says he is just playing hard 10:37pm Nicole says I just don't want people to think I am heartless for putting Donny up on the block and Frankie says no Nicole this is a game. 10:42pm Hayden in the WA washing his hands and Victoria comes in and goes to the WC. Frankie, Nicole and Christine ask Hayden if he seen the dentist and he said no just a doctor.Christine says you better take care of your mouth like he said then. 10:48pm Caleb telling derrick that Amber couldn't sleep in the Fire rm lastnight from all the laughing and she said she was going to go sleep in the rock rm today so Cody came in the rock room and laid down too and I hope she sees that what I did today was better than his back rubs. 10:50pm Derrick says I cant trust anyone in this house right now I mean no one. Caleb says everyone is playing for themselves. 10:54pm Hayden and Zach in Storage rm getting food to make. Cody and Brittany in bee hive still talking just repeating themselves .Frankie and Christine and Nicole talking with Devin in the WA about six flags and the rides there. 10:56pm Zach and Victoria joins Brittany and Cody on the bee hive. Zach says Amber is sleeping in my bed and i want to get some shut eye.
  16. 3:02pm Amber and Donny are stretching getting for to play the B.O.B comp. 3:06pm In the HOH RM derrick is telling Jacosta that someone came in before nominations and telling Nicole about Donny saying things . We get FOTH. 3:08pm Devin and Amber are sitting in KT talking to Hayden and Donny . Hayden and Amber are telling about the Truth or Dare game they played lastnight and licking tables and dirty plates for their dares.Amber says it was so funny that Cody licked the dirty plate that had been sitting in the sink all day. 3:21pm We have been on FOTH for about 15 minutes now maybe time for B.O.B comp. 3:29pm We now have Jeff's interviews so the B.O.B Comp should be beginning.
  17. 2:16pm In the hOH rm Derrick,Christine,Victoria,and Nicole are talking about why Donny was put on the block. Nicole said he was running his mouth. Derrick says they Donny told him he knows that he isn't the target.Nicole says well Donny said that he trusted me and Derrick says yeah he said he trusted me too. 2:20pm Donny and Jacosta in the LRM talking, Donny says I ain't worried I told you cause I wanted you to know that you was going up and I feel alright. Jacosta says yeah.Then they talk about her bowel problems. 2:35pm Derrick tells Nicole that we are all been lied to in this game. Nicole says when I talked to him I felt stupid and I told him to win HOH and go ahead and put me up. 2:37pm Derrick locks the HOH rm door and says I feel so uneasy right now and I just don't want to talk to anyone. Nicole says yeah. Amber comes in and brings Nicole hot tea. Nicole says that Amber doesn't want me to tell Donny that she was the one who told me everything. derrick says oh yeah cause she is defiantly working with Caleb. 2:40pm Caleb and Jacosta talking about nominations in the bee hive rm. Caleb is telling Jacosta why Devin is going to be back doored .He says I see why you and Donny went against the house and voted for Paola to stay. 2:44pm Donny in the LVR telling Amber that he has a reason to be a little upset. She tells him not to worry and he says what makes you so sure we are going to win? She says I don't know I will have to use my little chicken wings. She says are you ready to win your first B.O.B and he says yeah we will try. 2:49pm Amber says we better get ready since Brittany is heading to the Dr now. Donny says you think and Amber says yeah it should be about time. 2:53pm HG are waiting around to play the B.O.B . They are thinking it is about time as Brittany is hosting and she was called to the DR.Nicole says do you think i should have put up Victoria? derrick says no it tells Donny that he is speaking to people and people are talking to you about it so you sent a message.
  18. 3:06pm Paola is finishing her packing now as Jacosta is helping her get it done.Victoria is fixing Brittany hair, Frankie and Hayden are exercising. 3:11pm We are now back on Jeff's interviews.
  19. 2:40pm Most Hg in the WA getting ready talking about their poop habits.Donny,Caleb and Nicole talking about the HOH comp tonight and how you can never hit the ball the same as you did before. 2:50pm Devin and Derrick going over the same conversation again with Devin Apologizing.Hg still getting ready and Donny keeps humming.
  20. 2:00pm Donny tells Paola no crying tonight or you will mess your makeup up. She says the only people who have made me cry in this house Donny are you and Jacosta. 2:17pm Devin talking to derrick and Frankie he tells derrick that he apologizes for everything and at the end of this show he hopes everything will be good.Derrick says at the end of the day we will be good friends outside this house. 2:19pm Derrick tells Devin dude it is all done and I don't take it personal. Devin says what upset me is that you have a little daughter and I have a little daughter and I am not making up excuses and I blew it up after all was said and I just want to apologize and derrick says well we will just have to win now it is all in Gods hands now. 2:28pm Everyone still getting ready and dressing for tonight live show just general talk going on now. 2:29pm Caleb asking Donny if he is upset about Paola and he ask what the ratio is and Caleb says i think you are safe doing it the way we talked about the other day ok? Donny nods yes. 2:32pm Caleb telling Zach in bee hive rm about what Devin said that he was sorry for blowing the alliance up and how he wants to be friends outside the house. 2:35pm Jacosta says the Kitchen is closed as they finish cleaning it for tonight.Just general talk going on all over the house as they are getting dressed.And we now have FOTH again.
  21. 1:47pm Christine is washing dishes as Caleb is telling stories as Hayden listens. Frankie and Devin doing each others hair cuts. 1:50pm Donny sweeping the floors Girls are getting hair and make up done.Just general chat going on. 1:55pm Frankie and Caleb in the fire rm Caleb says they said they didn't know how that got in the house and we have to take it then we get foth. 1:57pm Hayden, Christine and Donny are cleaning the house before the live show tonight as Other HG are doing hair and make up or taking a nap.
  22. 11:00am Hg complaining they don't want to go to hoh lock down today and deciding what to wear for the live show tonight. 11:06am General talk as HG wait to go to HOH lock down 11:11am Jacosta tells Donny that she doesn't want her girl Paola to go. 11:26am We are on FOTH now.
  23. 4:00pm most Hg up from naps and in the Kt eating as Cody cleans the dishes still.Frankie is looking for nail polish. 4:04pm Hayden says this is the first time i shaved myself in here and i did good and it looks good and i did it myself. Frankie is looking at his lip close. 4:10pm Frankie telling Hayden about him going to bed lastnight a little disoriented and feels the bed he thinks is his and takes off his mic and takes off his shirt then shoes and pants and crawls in bed then tells Amber she is on the wrong side of the bed and then discovers he is in bed with Nicole not amber half naked. 4:17pm We get a brief FOTH and come back with all HG sitting on the couches.Victoria is reading a card. Hg in this box each one of you will find an activity monitor to keep track of your activity for the summer in the mornings you must turn it in then it will be returned to you so that your fans can keep track of your activities. 4:21pm Hayden and Frankie are doing jumping jacks yelling activity and we get FOTH.
  24. 3:37pm amber and Frankie in the Fire BR going through Frankie stuff he has a body buff and Amber says you have everything . Frankie says I know I brought everything. 3:55pm Donny going to the bee hive rm with Frankie . Frankie ask what's happening he says just eating cleaning and all . They did ask me about Amber but i kept making my sandwich . That's all. Donny says everyone is as good as they can possibly be.
  25. 3:06pm Cody washing dishes and Donny still sweeping the house most Hg sleeping and others just general talk going on 3:10pm Amber is cooking in the Kt and Victoria is helping Cody with the dishes as Christine is sitting at the table watching. 3:14pm Hayden asking Christine id=f she is gluten free she says yeas and soy free and vegetable free. She says I cant eat green veggies they mess me up so Hayden says So basically you wake up in the mornings and put a tube in of mush? they start laughing as she says basically. 3:17pm Nicole walks in the WA and Donny says I am going to shave the beard and she says really as she jumps around.He says yeah. 3:22pm Victoria complaining that BB took some of her stuff yet they want them to look good and we get FOTH. 3:28pm Donny and Nicole go up to play chess as Donny tells her where all the pieces go.Then teaches her the moves on it.



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