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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 11:01am Frankie,Amber, and Brittany sitting in the sun by the pool talking about rehearsing shows and Donny and Christine in the hammock just general talk 11:13am Donny and Christine are off the hammock and Donny says well i laid in the hammock and now my back and knees hurt. Frankie ask where Christine is going and she says over here out of the sun and he says not so far away from me and she laughs. 11:18am Nicole and Christine in the KT while Nicole is cooking.Christine says if i will HOH next week Amber and Caleb are going up together. 11:28am Nicole says she wants to win HOH and she will not put up Cody,Zach.Hayden or Frankie.Christine says i think it is going to be an endurance comp this week cause we haven't had one yet. 11:33am Brittany is campaigning to Frankie to stay in the house this week and she says she will not say anything bad about Donny cause she loves him. Frankie ask who will you put up and she says if i win hoh i will put up Victoria and she will leave and Frankie says what if she wins pov? Brittany says she wont win it again so whoever wins HOH this week has the easiest week there is. 11:44am Caleb is now laying in the sun with Brittany . Nicole,Donny, Christine, Amber and Jacosta are on the BY couches just general talk about the kicks Cody had to do and the soccer goals that Brittany had to do. 11:51am Just general talk in the By with most of the Hg and BB calls an indoor lockdown. 11:55am BB closes the back yard and Caleb says next time they open that they will put the hoh key around my neck.
  2. 12:09pm Donny sitting in the nomination chair alone Brittany is in the DR and everyone else is in bed sleeping. 12:19pm Donny is just walking around the house and Jacosta is making food. Nicole has been called to the DR. Brittany is laying in the sun alone. 12:34pm Donny in BY eating his lunch Brittany goes inside to get a drink and Jacosta is sitting in the KT eating everyone else still sleeping. 12:40pm Victoria is now up and in the shower. Nicole is out of the DR and in the KT. Jacosta is telling her she had to start washing clothes .Brittany just asked to talk to Nicole. they go to the bee hive room She says i hate doing this but i know how things are with the bed situation i have been uncomfortable and she says people have told me that you was told that you and Christine was my target and Nicole says that is what we was told. Brittany says i am over all this but you are not my target and neither is Christine. 12:44pm Brittany says if it seems i have distanced myself it is because i don't know who i can talk to anymore but it comes down to Cody does not want me to go home and Derrick does not want me to go either and i kicked all them goals this week to prove i wanted to be here but i feel like i have been put on the crap end of the stick here and this is the first time i am having to prove myself. 12:47pm Brittany says i don't know how to get you to trust me and i don't know what i can offer you besides my word.I am not a big threat in this game like Donny is and you know that. All i want is to see pictures of my kids in HOH rm 12:50pm Brittany says i gave up alot to be here in this hideous and i just want to make it to jury and i am not going after you guys.
  3. 11:04am Cody is up in the KT, Brittany is folding clothes at the Kt table. 11:26am Donny and Cody in By talking about Donny getting in trouble for singing this morning. 11:41am Donny and Jacosta are doing laundry. Victoria and Brittany are in the KT eating . 11:48am All feeds on Brittany eating alone in the bee hive rm. 11:50am Brittany now talking to Victoria and saying that most of the house doesn't want her gone this week and i do believe he put me and Amber up so we could come off the block and you got put in as a pawn. 11:52am In the BY Donny and Jacosta are putting the awnings down, Brittany telling Victoria that Donny has a good chance of making it to the end of this. Brittany says Amber told me i had her vote but she has to see what the other HG are doing cause they all vote together.
  4. 9:00am BB has woken up then HG and Donny, Hayden and Brittany are in the BY. Donny and hayed are putting the awnings down for BB as Brittany is sitting in the hot tub.Victoria is in he WA do ASDL'S 9:13am Brittany is out of the hot tub and goes in the house to the WA where Victoria is. 9:18am Donny telling Hayden that he would love to win HOH and put derrick and Frankie on the block together. Hayden says that would be fun to watch and Donny says it would be awesome. 9:19am Donny says derrick doesn't care who wins hoh cause he knows he isn't going on the block and he is always talking bad about Victoria. 9:41am general talk in BY with Donny and Ha4yden, Girls are blow drying hair in he WA 9:49am Brittany is waiting outside the HOH room door for Cody to open the door since he isn't answering while is was in the bathroom.He opens the door and lets her in.She says i just wanted to talk to you before the meeting, so i stayed up all night trying to think of things but there is no way out so do you know who you are putting up? He says i do but one i was getting alot of push back do you know who it is and she says Donny and he says no i won't put Donny up.he says i wont put up Nicole she played hard .
  5. 12:52pm Caleb and Frankie talking about playing veto and Caleb says if i win the veto i will not use it on Amber and i wont use it at all.
  6. 12:14pm Nicole and Christine are in the KT eating Frankie is asking how to boil something.Caleb reading the bible, Amber gets up and goes to the WA not alot of talking going on except for cooking.Cody gives amber a hug and ask her if she is OK? She says yeah as she is crying. 12:17pm Brittany is in bed with her face covered up. In the KT most hg are cooking or eating. In the WA Christine gives Amber a hug .Amber says i tried everything lastnight to keep everyone safe and i am the one on the block. 12:21pm amber says i don't know why i always have to be a pawn for these guys i mean why me? 12:24pm Brittany in the Wa with Nicole and jacosta and Nicole says this is like a slap in the face to me. brittany says i am not even going to the finale i can tell you that right now.Brittany says Frankie said he was going to put up the two strongest players and in his speech his said he was putting the two fierce players up. 12:24pm Brittany says I gave up alot to be here and I don't even know if my ex is going to try to take my kids because I came here. I am just tired and I miss my kids and family. 12:33pm In the hoh rm Derrick says first thing Brittany did was go straight to her room and go to bed and Victoria grabs on to Hayden and was upset.Cody says I just want to take a nap that all.Victoria comes in and sits down and Cody says dude it is so awkward down there and Victoria says I tried not making it awkward and Cody says it wasn't you .
  7. 9:10 am Donny sitting in LVR alone and Amber and Victoria in WA . Amber says Nomination and eviction day make me so nervous. Victoria says yeah me to cause you just never know. 9:23am Amber telling Donny that no one else is getting up and they said we go on Lock down at 10am you think I should wake them up? Donny says I wouldn't. 9:32am Nicole is up going to the WA and Christine is making breakfast as amber comes to the KT to do the same. and we get FOTH. 9:56am We are still on FOTH.
  8. 8:36am BB has woken HG so they can get ready for the Nomination ceremony. 8:42am Brittany sitting at KT bar and Donny, Jacosta, Victoria in WA getting their ADL'S done and Amber in WC and we get FOTH. 8:53am Brittany is back in the bee hive rm alone.Christine and Amber are in the WA doing ADL's.
  9. 6:53am Brittany says I have heard alot about Derrick and that I am not supposed to trust him but I haven't heard alot about you Cody.I don't know what to tell you Cody but some of the girls in this house are driving me insane . he says what? She says nothing.I am assuming that I am going home this week.Let me give you the board. Nicole is going to be the 9th person to go to jury and Nicole and Christine are going to be working together and Amber and Caleb. Cody says you turned your back , she says how did I turn my back? Cody tries talking and she says I am not going to argue with you Cody I am the most honest person in this house cause I just had to check Nicole's ass so don't tell me I am not honest. Brittany says I don't always go talk to HOH I don't kiss butt and you always have people around you Cody.They go silent and no more talking . 7:16am Brittany in the bee hive rm alone playing with her mic. everyone else sleeping. 7:31am Brittany in the shower. 7:47am Brittany sitting in KT reading the Bible.
  10. 2:39am Alot of playing around in the HOH rm. Cody is listening to music and reading his letter. 2:56am Caleb and Hayden are talking about doing challenges and BB keeps telling them to knock it off and stop it. Caleb says I cant believe Devin is gone it is so awesome.He says it is so quiet here without him and you know he showered in the back yard. Hayden says I had a good lastnight with him though we laid in bed talking for awhile. 3:15am Amber says she is here for her mom to win the money, Caleb says I am here for 500,000 reasons and not a reason more. Amber ask Zach what he would do with the money and he says I wouldn't do anything with it for at least 6 months. Talk turns to Devin saying when he was gone the dishes woul;d still not be done cause he was the one who did the dishes all the time. Frankie and Cody in 2nd HOH rm hugging and bump heads together then roll on bed like they hurt. 3:34am In the hoh rm derrick,Cody, Frankie and Zach talking.Zach says dude I have a solution to the problem and Derrick says Cody can not put Amber on the block. Cody says i can put Brittany up and Victoria and Frankie says he will put up Amber and Jacosta. 4:24am Nicole and Hayden in str talking and Hayden says you are so cute.He says we got to go and she says what you can snuggle with Victoria for 7 hours and no one says anything but we talk in the STR and you worry about it?She then tells him that Brittany is complaining and mad at her about the bed sleeping arrangements and how Brittany is mad she doesn't get a bed. 4:30am Just alot of repeating themselves in HOH rm 4:58am Most hg are getting ready for bed and brushing teeth in WA.Amber leaves the HOH rm and heads to bed.Cody then tells Frankie and Derrick that she knows people will have to go up as pawns so I think she will be OK with going up as a pawn.Derrick tells them that Nicole went to the bedroom and turned the light on and Jacosta and Brittany was in there sitting in bed talking game and they went to bed an hour ago so Brittany got up and went to the bee hive rm with a sleeping bag and she is in there now pissed. But I don't know who she is pissed at Nicole or JACOSTA. 5:17am Amber telling Hayden and Nicole that she cant talk right now but they said one guys name for going up tomorrow and that was Donny and me but I don't know who else. 5:40am all Hg in bed lights out.
  11. 1:41pm Feeds come back to Devin shaving his head and Hg getting make up done and showers taken. Donny and Zach in the LVR talking general talk. 1:42pm Hayden says Victoria you want to know what the best time in the house I have had so far? She says what? he says when I was taking a shower with you. He says it was nice of you to come lay with Devin and I lastnight. She says you kicked me out and he says we did it for your own good cause Devin farted. Victoria says I know it was disgusting. 1:47pm Nicole curling Christine hair . Something flies at Victoria she ask Hayden did you do that then she says Devin did you do that? Hayden is laughing and Christine is laughing. 1:51pm Donny is sweeping the floors as some HG are in the WA doing make up and hair.Just general chit chat going on . 1:58pm Derrick is giving Frankie a hair cut and Caleb is now jumping in to help him.
  12. 11:06am HG are heading up to hoh rm for their lockdown, Donny and Cody are getting coffee and amber is getting ready to go up. 11:21am the feeds have now gone to Jeff's interviews as the HG were going on HOH lock down.
  13. 10:09am Donny and Caleb talking about what time everything takes place today and at 4:30pm they have to be ready . Nicole in the WA drying her hair and Victoria and Jacosta doing make up. 10:23am Brittany and Nicole talking about if the HOH comp will be endurance and Nicole says it could just be Questions and we get FOTH. 10:36am Brittany says we have less than an hour to go to HOH rm. Frankie making more coffee before the HOH LD at 11:30am. Donny in the WA talking to Nicole and eating an apple.Caleb and Derrick in the hoh rm talking about going back to sleep and Caleb says I bet Amber goes to sleep since she didn't go to bed till like 5:30am. 10:42am Derrick says Brittany has the weirdest sleeping habits in this house hands down.She sleeps like 6 or 7 hours a night then sleeps off and on all day.Brittany, Victoria and Jacosta in the bee hive room talking about there has to be another twist but we just don't know when or what. 10:49am Brittany ask Donny what his homework is when he gets home? He says my homework when i get home is to go home and hug my mom and dad and tell em i love em and go to the dentist and get my gums checked is that it? Brittany says yeah pretty simple huh? 10:53am Derrick telling Caleb as he packs his stuff in HOH RM that he has done everything in the house now except win a pov I have won hoh and hosted so now I need a pov. 10:55am Brittany and Nicole go to HOh rm to get a spot so they don't have to sit on the floor. Caleb ask if she slept lastnight and she said she did. 10:57am In the KT Donny ask Victoria if she has enough of that smelly stuff to last all season and she says yeah then he says some people thinks it is strong but i think it smells like powder.
  14. 9:00am Devin is up in the WA shaving his arms....He has been up for awhile now. everyone else still sleeping. 9:21am Zach is up and in the KT making a bowl of cereal, Devin finished shaving now pulling small hairs from his face with tweezers. 9:30am AS Zach is eating and Devin just walking around and Victoria doing ADL'S we now have FOTH maybe waking the HG early for a HOH lockdown as they do every Thursday. 9:43am most HG in the WA and Nicole goes running to the other room then comes back to get in the shower. Some HG are in the KT making coffee and food.Frankie and Amber are complaining about all the ants all over the KT. 9:48am Christine says I am going to have to see a medic or something and Frankie ask why what's wrong and she says my stomach isn't right or something from the post nasal drip all night. 9:57am Brittany and Nicole in WA talking about sleeping arrangements for tonight as the have nots will be able to eat and sleep in a regular bed.In the Kt is talk about bowl movements.
  15. 3:05pm Most Hg in BY around the pool just general chit chat going on.Amber in WA washing her hair and Victoria just walking around the house. 3:15pm Zach is laying in bed awake. In the BY most HG are sitting around near the pool just general talk going on and alot of laughing as they soak up the sun before their lock down tonight. 3:18pm Frankie is now up out of the bed and in the WC, Amber doing her makeup after washing her hair. 3:26pm All is quiet in the BB house no game talk going on just relaxing in the back yard. and general talk about old house guest.
  16. 2:04pm Nicole and Christine whispering very low in the WA. Jacosta crunching on chips very loudly and smacking in the BY 2:07pm Nicole and Christine still whispering about Victoria in the WA then they go talking about the koozies they got and Nicole wants a camo one but there is no more camo ones. 2:11pm amber goes to take her shirt off to lay in the sun and talk to Jacosta and her bikini top came off. Jacosta helps her cover up to fix her top. 2:17pm Amber telling Christine and Victoria that her top fell off and then says she is so mad about it. 2:25pm Hayden and Caleb talking as Caleb is trying to make sure he stays in the house tomorrow night and he says he doesn't trust Cody and he doesn't trust Zach and in a way i trust jacosta . the ones i can trust to win for me is derrick Jacosta you And it used to be Amber but she hangs out with Brittany and Cody all the time so she is back and forth and i am not playing that game but i pulled the biggest move in this house to save somebody. 2:27pm Caleb says i know derrick is a straight up gut and i know you are too Hayden tells Caleb the reason why no one trust Donny is the talk about him in the house but i trust Donny. 2:30pm Caleb says i feel like if we have a target then we don't put them up but if we don't have a target we put up the biggest people and that would be jacosta and Brittany. Hayden leaves to go play pool with Devin and Caleb goes in the house. 2:33pm Caleb goes and wakes up derrick to talk to him,He says dude it has been on my mind for a few days but Amber is all over the place and with Cody and Brittany but at the end of the day who do you trust and who do you put your trust in and i think she uses people for safety and i ain't sure how to explain this,i think that the first chance we get we need to put Amber and Frankie on the block together and Derrick says i am down with it we just got to be careful. Caleb says you me and Hayden play the same. 2:38pm Caleb ask who is the next target and Derrick says that's easy for me Jacosta cause Victoria doesn't even know she is playing a game she is only here to be on TV. 2:40pm Derrick says Jacosta is playing the game she needs to go next .Then Brittany needs to go Victoria is no threat. 2:47pm Caleb tells derrick that Hayden says that people don't trust Donny cause of the rumours being spread about him and derrick agrees then says you will get no blood on your hands if you send Jacosta home though. 2:49pm Caleb complaining that Amber is spending to much time with Brittany and Donny and those two are working with Jacosta. derrick says do you think Amber still trust us and he says yeah i do. Derrick says OK well she has to cover herself somewhere else. 2:55pm general talk in the BY with most of the HG and Caleb and Derrick in HOH rm repeating themselves.
  17. 1:03pm Devin gets up and goes in the house and says these ants I cant deal with them. Brittany and Jacosta making food and Donny says I has corn flakes with chocolate milk for breakfast. 1:12pm amber and Jacosta are making salads and Devin still going on about the ants all over the place in the BY. Caleb is going to the HOH rm. 1:19pm Devin trying to talk Caleb into a hair cut he says no then Devin says what about a Mohawk and Caleb says i would do that. 1:22pm amber and Brittany laying out by the pool. Devin and Caleb in the KT and Victoria just sitting at the KT bar. 1:28pm Devin telling Caleb that he feels like if he walks across the KT floor he will get hepatitis .In the BY Brittany is telling Amber that Devin said he had the votes to stay but she doesn't think he does. Donny sitting with his feet in the pool. 1:35pm Donny and Brittany says they can sit in different parts of the house counting things in the house. 1:56pm just genera talk all through the house.
  18. 12:11pm not much going on in the BB house as most Hg are sleeping and Victoria is refolding her clothes and Donny is sitting outside alone. 12:22pm Brittany gets up goes to the STR and finds solo cups with koozies and says look guys we got these cups we are going to have cocktails. they are thanking BB and says i love you to him. 12:25pm Amber is now up and getting her Koozie. Devin is waking everyone up to come get their koozies. he then goes to STR to get his activity bracelet then back to the KT. 12:30pm Caleb is in the BY now trying to get warm cause the have not room was so cold. Zach in the WA with Victoria and Brittany in the shower.Donny is sitting at the hot tub with his feet in. Jacosta is doing her laundry before they get locked down later today.Amber getting her swim suit on to go lay in the sun. 12:43pm In the WA Brittany and Christine and Victoria are talking about matching their swim suits. 12:50pm Devin and Donny in BY talking about the Koozies that BB gave them this morning. 12:55pm Devin saying to Donny the best sleep he ever got here was the first night in the fire bedroom as it was dark and cool in there and quiet.
  19. 11:16am Jacosta says i forgot top tell you that Amber told me that i was her target cause that's what paola told me that. so i went to Cody and he told her what i said and she told me i was told you hated me and i told her whoa i said target not hate. 11:18am Jacosta and Donny playing pool and start talking about the pool game now. Devin sitting at the KT table looking at the memory wall and everyone else in bed sleeping. 11:24am Victoria is now up in the KT making oatmeal for breakfast as Devin is still sitting there staring at the memory wall. Donny and Jacosta are still playing pool and saying they are so slow at playing this that the other guys would have already played 3 games by now. 11:36am Victoria plucking her eyebrows again, Jacosta in the WC, Devin still sitting in the KT and Donny alone on BY couch. 11:48am Jacosta and Victoria in the Wa getting ready for the day.Donny still in BY alone. 11:54am Victoria says other people probably wont be up till like 3 or 4.Jacosta says Frankie was up already this morning and ate then went back to bed. Victoria says he did when was this and Jacosta says when the music was on.
  20. 10:04am Donny is on the elliptical, Christine, Hayden and Jacosta are watching him sitting in the little bit of the sun that have shining.Devin in the WA then heads outside saying his good mornings to everyone. All the other HG are still sleeping. 10:14am Donny says his activity tracker misses out on all of his activity but at least I get to wear it to bed at night. Jacosta says I know. 10:30am general talk with Jacosta and Donny in the BY. Hayden half asleep in the BY all other HG are sleeping in the bedrooms 10:37am Donny and Jacosta telling Devin what songs played this morning they says the first one was a hands up song and the second one was the beastie boys and the third one was mortal combat. 10:53am Jacosta and Donny doing laundry and Devin is in the have not rm packing some of his things. 10:56am Donny and Jacosta walking in the BY talking about who has said what about Donny going on the block next week.Then Donny says we should trick them today and put everything back where it goes in the BY.
  21. 9:25am we have FOTH maybe a wake up call. 9:38am Frankie in Kt telling Christine that was the funniest thing he had heard in his life. Christine says she is going outside for a little bit. In the BY Hayden and Donny are talking about it being cloudy today. 9:41am Frankie tells Hayden he went to bed about 6:60 got up at 8:30 to use the WC and now it is what 9:30 so i am going to bed in a minute.He ask Christine if Lockdown is at noon today and she says I think so. 9:43am Christine says she is annoyed right now cause everyone keeps taking her bible and never returns it, I don't care if they use it just put it back where you got it from. Frankie says i can tell you who didn't use it and Christine says neither did Hayden.Frankie says I did not take this book.Christine laughs at him and says i hid a bottle of lotion in the drawer if anyone needs to use it and Frankie says perfect lotion in the drawer. 9:49am Frankie says I got into bed and Victoria was all over me and said I am sick my throat hurts. Jacosta says no she didn't and Frankie says yeah. Jacosta says tell her you only do that if you cant catch what she has and Frankie says she is a mess. 9:54am Frankie helps Donny put the awnings down for BB then says goodnight rose i am going back to bed. He walks into the house saying good morning good night then off to bed he goes. 9:57am Hayden says here comes the sun and we get FOTH.
  22. 1:58pm Derrick is taking underwater pictures as everyone goes in the pool one at a time. 2:05pm Alot of laughing and picture taking going on in the BY . 2:13pm Just general talk going on in the house and pictures still being taken.Donny says go get a picture of Frankie sleeping with cotton hanging out of his ears and n o make up on and everyone laughs. 2:22pm Devin telling Donny it is to hot outside to be out there cause his tattoos are to sensitive and his skin is sensitive so he cant go out in the sun. 2:24pm Jacosta telling Amber that Devin told her he has 6 votes to stay and she asked him for names and he said well i have 2 and Jacosta says i thought he said he had 6.Amber says he is lying in this game. 2:33pm Amber says i love being in my bathing suit it is the closest thing to being naked and Donny says well yeah and Amber tells him she hates being hot. 2:37pm HG laying by the pool. Some inside still taking pictures and Frankie and Zach and Caleb are still sleeping. Just general chit chat going on . 2:42pm Frankie and Zack are now up and Derrick has them taking pictures . 2:49pm Frankie and Zach in KT making food and Devin is washing dishes. Most Hg are in the BY around the pool just general talk going on . Devin pulls Frankie in the beehive rm and says you know i am not going down without a fight the best way i can campaign is cable and amber not together but are working together and if you and amber go up and if you don't win the veto and he does you know that he will pull her down and where does that leave you? cause he is going to pull her down not you. Devin says i made mistakes in the early part of this game and i wish i could change it but i cant so just think about it. 2:53pm Devin says i am fighting for my life in this house and for my daughter but i came here for a reason and came here to fight and if i go out i will go out with dignity.I got paranoid and i lost my marbles for a second but i am back on track again.and you know you have someone in comps that will go out and win for you. 2:55pm Frankie says you know i want both of you here and it sucks that both of you are on the block together. Devin says well just think about it if it is beneficial for your game then keep me if not then its not either way i wont campaign anymore. Frankie says i love you and they hug it out.
  23. 12:54pm Devin says to Cody me saying i was not going to campaign that meant get ready. But you know Caleb is alot stronger .he says if you think about it and want to talk to others about it then feel free to but if not it is just a game man you know? Cody says yeah. 1:01pm Devin and Cody playing pool, Christine and Nicole in the pool and Brittany and Hayden laying by the pool and Donny just watching.Just general talk going on. 1:13pm Most Hg in the BY just general talk going on and a pool game as others lay by the pool. 1:17pm devin talking to Donny in the Wa saying I know i made some mistakes and i know you are close to Amber but if there is a time that you and Amber are up there then Caleb will use the POV on Amber he wont use it on you and they are not a power couple by no means but i promise you i will always have your back.And with that being said i wont came to you about it again .Caleb can only win so many physical comps and when it comes to mental i got him beat on that one. 1:26pm Devin is still talking to Donny and repeating himself and Donny says i want you to know you are right and Devin says i respect you Donny and you know i do. Donny says we have to make decisions for our families this is a game.Devin says thank you man and thank you for listening. 1:43pm Devin talking to Brittany about as much as he misses his daughter he is here for her but then he doesn't want to be here cause of them immaturity in this house. He says like you told me last week you don't want to go home and i don't want to go home either and i know i made mistakes early on and if i could do it over again i would in a heartbeat. 1:46pm Devin says it is so scared when you are a parent it makes you grow up so fast but in here to deal with the immaturity is hard. 1:47pm Derrick just finished his blog and is now going to get the camera. 1:51pm Derrick now has the camera and goes to the BY to take photos.
  24. 11:12am Not much talking going on in the house this morning as Hg are getting up and moving around and doing ADL'S. 11:20am Devin is putting lotion on his legs and Victoria whispers to Jacosta and Jacosta says no you didn't, That is so sweet then Jacosta starts singing love is in the air and we get FOTH. 11:23am Devin goes to Jacosta and says you know Amber and Caleb are together right? I mean they aren't together but they are protecting each other so who would you rather have I can save you and keep you safe and who would you rather have? I am just saying I got to start now you know what I mean? 11:28am Victoria had Hayden rating the girls on craziness then Hayden has her do the guys. Devin is in the WA shaving while Brittany is curling her hair. 11:35am Brittany joins Hayden and Victoria at the memory wall and says my hands still smell like garlic from yesterday and I have tried scrubbing and scrubbing. 11:44am Donny and Jacosta in KT just walking around and Devin in WA shaving,Brittany, Victoria and Hayden in LVR playing games. 11:49am BB keeps calling HG to the DR they are on an indoor lockdown and we keep getting alot of FOTH. 11:53am Victoria is curling Hayden's hair as Donny watches them.Devin ,Jacosta and Brittany are in the KT just general talk about working out at the gym.
  25. 10:03am Donny sitting g in the LVR and says Hayden is that you? I ain't go no body to play with. Christine is now in the WA with Brittany and Victoria asking why the BY is closed and they says they don't know. 10:22am Donny telling Devin he thinks he hurt his shoulder in the swinging comp.Devin says i have hurt my shoulder too and it takes like 12 weeks on that .Hayden is laying on the couch almost asleep. Victoria and Brittany still in the WA getting ready for the day. 10:40am Most Hg up and getting ready for the day some are still sleeping. 10:52am Brittany and Jacosta in WA talking about Donny making little comments.Victoria and Hayden in the LVR just general chit chat.



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