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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 11:24am Feeds are still on Jeff's reels as the HG are doing nominations and possibly BOB 11:43am Nicole is worried her speech was bad and derrick tells her it was good. Frankie comes in and says you are goo it is all perfect.Everyone in the Kt hugging Zach. 11:45am Frankie hugs Victoria who is upset he then stretches with Caleb behind the couches.Donny tells Nicole she did a wonderful job.Frankie offers to make everyone salmon.Derrick and Hayden in STR talking and Derrick says Caleb came to him lastnight and said he trusted the two of us. and we get foth. 11:450am Jacosta telling Zach in the beehive rm that communication is key and we have to stay focused and always talk to each other.other. Zach says yeah we have to win. In the WA Frankie tells Victoria to work with Caleb and remember he is military so do not take his tome wrong as he is yelling at you.Frankie says just talk to him and tell him we are allies and we can work together and you will be fine he will respect you so much for that one. 11:53am Victoria talking to Caleb and says i know we haven't been close but right now we are best friends and allies and i will listen and i will not freak out and i am willing to work with you selves off the block for the week. Caleb says only thing is it is different when it is a guy and a girl but like the cake one 2 guys would have lost that and with Jacosta you are stronger than she is and i am stronger than Zach and I feel we will be just fine no matter what it is. Just go in with a good mind and fight hard. 11:56am In the hoh rm Donny and Derrick and Cody are talking about Victoria being in the house after everything she has been through and derrick says well she is up there now and anyone can win so it is out of your hands now she has a chance to win. 12:01pm Victoria comes to talk to Donny and everyone leaves. Victoria says what if we throw this BOB and Caleb pulls himself off with POV? Donny says don't panick i hope you win and i think as hot as it is outside jacosta wont last long. Donny tells her don't worry if you win remember I am playing veto also and if you get HG choice you pick Hayden. You are not my target and I hope I get dethroned today but if it goes to Thursday I hope I can save you so please don't worry about it this early. 12:04pm Donny telling Victoria to not look around her at the BOB comp to only look at what her hands are doing and communicate with Caleb. 12:09pm Cody in HOH listening to music and Victoria laying next to him. Nicole in hoh bathroom getting a jacket. Derrick, Frankie and Caleb in KT eating. 12:11pm Jacosta come in HOh rm Donny ask her how she is feeling and she says fine and he says stay positive and compete and being sad wont help. She says I am not sad but it isn't exciting. Nicole says I am sorry Jacosta and she says no it is fine but I just cant eat and every time I go to compete my stomach is turning. 12:17pm Zach and Cody in rock rm talking and Cody says if you stay on the block and she comes down and someone Goes up there with you then you would stay over them. Zach says it wouldn't be bad if Nicole won veto cause she would keep everything the same but if Donny wins veto he would take Jacosta off then that could be bad. Zach says best case scenario is me and Jacosta win. When me and Jacosta win we have to find out where Donny's head is.
  2. 1:50pm The guys are getting haircuts from derrick as the girls are in the KT eating lunch. 2:06pm derrick cutting Donnys hair and says it is so long and Donny says yeah and it has only been 2 weeks and derrick says you know what they say Donny thinking about sex makes your hair grow faster. 2:18pm derrick now cutting Frankies hair as other Hg are doing make up and curling hair and some hg in bed sleeping. 2:36pm Nicole and Christine laying in bed and Nicole says i want you me Hayden or Cody to win hoh tonight, 2:39pm Nicole and Christine saying if the guys win then all the girls will be on the block again.. Christine says BB i hate you this season.Nicole says but if we go up it is better to go up together against Victoria and jacosta cause we have a good change of beating them. 2:44pm Frankie is now talking to Christine and Nicole in the fire rm. he tells them they have to keep Caleb next week cause he can be a tool for the three of them and Nicole agrees. Nicole says amber is frantic right now and Frankie says i know. Frankie says i hope it goes single tonight and Nicole says yeah me too cause all 4 girls will go up if they don't.Frankie says well then 4 out of 9 people will be on the block so they can't continue like that. 2:48pm Frankie lays down to take a nap as Nicole says she is sleepy. Then Frankie says i am so gassy that it is disgusting . Most Hg are still in the bathroom area doing hair and make up.
  3. 11:01am Most Hg up in the KT making breakfast and coffee before they go on HOH LD. 11:03am Amber is cleaning the KT as Frankie eats his oatmeal and Victoria and Jacosta sit and they talk general talk. In the LVR is Caleb and derrick talking about Caleb's knees hurting. 11:08am Caleb telling a story to Derrick about a friend of his working out and busting a vessel in his head then rubs his eyes and tells derrick that he had icy hot on his hands and now it is in his eyes and they are watery, He wipes his eyes with his shirt. 11:12am Donny tells Frankie there is always people around you i don't know how you even take a dump and Frankie says i do it with them i have to . Donny ask since you have had the HOH rm you haven't been alone have you> Frankie says no and Donny tells him that is what is it for to get a good nights sleep. 11:23am We now have jeff's highlight reels as the Hg go on an HOH LD
  4. 10:55am derrick is eating in the LVR talking to Donny. Donny says ok like if someone left and pointed a finger at you how would you feel and derrick says i would be pissed. Donny says we have to go out there and win tonight.
  5. 10:00am Amber is in the WA washing her face, Nicole, Victoria and Christine are changing batteries in the STR. 10:02am Nicole and Christine go back to bed in the rock room. Jacosta goes to the WC 10:10am Amber asking Jacosta how long BB said they had before HOH ld and they say an hour and we get a brief foth then back to Jacosta brushing her teeth while Amber lays in the bathroom area.Donny is in the KT walking around eating his cereal with chocolate milk. 10:21am Donny and derrick in the kt talking about the hoh comp tonight and drinking water. Jacosta comes in the KT and they stop talking.talking. Jacosta is now making her some breakfast. 10:23am Donny telling Jacosta his brain hasn't woke up yet and we get foth. 10:40am Donny sitting in the LVR and Caleb and Frankie in hoh bed talking about them staying up all night playing pool. 10:43am Donny telling jacosta that all the young ones were so loud lastnight.He says they had the whole backyard lastnight and they talked right there where i was trying to sleep.
  6. 9:05pm Caleb and Frankie playing pool and Caleb tells Cody that they told him tomorrow the only time he can speak is tomorrow night is if Julie ask him a question then after they announce who is evicted he can stand and talk but not to talk other wise. 9:07pm In the HOH rm Derrick, Christine, Hayden, Jacosta, Victoria and Zach are talking about past HG. Jacosta gets up to go down to make herself some slop. Victoria tells them that Jacosta didn't even ask for a vote. 9:10pm Correction : Zach is outside running and Cody is in the hoh rm. 9:17pm Everyone in the HOH rm is just laying there and not talking. In the BY Frankie and Caleb are playing pool and just talking about cool tricks . 9:20pm Derrick and Caleb in the STR derrick says amber said she knows she is going home cause she seen him talking to the alliance.Caleb says guilty conscious 9:24pm zach and Donny at the pool talking about the HOh tomorrow and how it might be a single HOh this week and Donny says on a double eviction it might be a single hoh though but that is scary cause there is no key you just says you and you are up for eviction. 9:30pm Donny tells Zach what if after eviction there is someone who has already left is hanging on the other side of the wall waiting to come back in like they did to Judd last year. 9:34pm Most HG in the KT making food.Frankie in the BY with Donny and Zach and says " attention HG tonight is the first double eviction of the night Jacosta and Amber you now have a chance to say something to the HG and after this eviction you will all go out to the By and play for the HOH" He then says " jacosta you are safe, Amber you have been evicted from the BB house" 9:39pm Frankie still going on about what Julie will say tomorrow night for a double eviction. 9:46pm Donny, Christine, and Frankie in BY around the pool talking about sleeping at night and how Donny says you can only see his eyes and beard.In the KT is general talk and making food. 9:50pm Frankie telling Christine that he doesn't think they can show their cards this week,Christine says she will not out Hayden up if she wins HOH. She then says she has no idea what is going to happen now but if Victoria wins HOH she will put me up.
  7. 12:05pm Donny sitting outside and Amber doing make up is all that is going on right now as most Hg are still sleeping. 12:27pm Donny and Amber in BY sitting on couches just general talk. Victoria walking around the house and then gets a drink . Jacosta finishes walking and now goes to the WC. 12:32pm Victoria in the beehive rm alone plucking her eyebrows again .Donny and amber in BY talking about going back to a simple life. and weather and Donny says you would think they would hear more noise or cars or talking in the BY but they don't. 12:42pm Victoria is in the beehive room exercising , Donny telling amber and Jacosta about his nephews in the BY. 12:50pm Victoria in the KT cutting banana's and putting them in ziplock bags as she eats a green apple.Donny and Jacosta in BY no talking going on.
  8. 11:02am Amber is sitting in the pool, Donny, Hayden, and Jacosta are sitting on BY couches no talking going on. 11:04am Hayden says OK that's it I am going to bed. Jacosta and Donny say goodnight and Hayden says wake me up at 4pm Jacosta says 4? Donny tells her he hasn't been to bed yet he stayed up all night. 11:15am Donny and Jacosta talking about Caleb and Nicole and Jacosta says she always tells Caleb he needs to talk to her she says I always throw it back on him and wont answer him. 11:18am Amber gets up and goes into the house . Jacosta and Donny talk about how hot it is today. 11:27am Donny and Jacosta talking about her packing her things and she doesn't know how she is going to get all them shoes in the bag, she says they was in there before but she doesn't know how they will fit in now. Amber is in the shower and all other HG are still sleeping. 11:29am Jacosta says it was crazy lastnight in this house and after Frankie left i turned the light out and they would open the door and then shut it. Donny says i am glad i was asleep. She says they think i heard things and i didn't hear nothing. All i know is they said that it was his fault and not vote her out. Donny says yeah don't get into that just say you have to go to the bathroom. 11:33am Jacosta says they cant come in here thinking they can be a Brendan and Rachel or a Jeff and Jordan.. you know love has to happen but you cant force love .Donny says yeah i had to pretend a couple of times that i was asleep cause he would come in and want to talk but what was there to talk about? 11:37am Victoria is now up and in the WA. amber still in the shower and Donny and Jacosta still in BY wondering what to do today. Jacosta says the BY wont close till 2 or 3 and Donny says about 3. Donny says i am going to go walk and Jacosta gets up to walk too.
  9. 1:03pm Caleb is now telling Frankie that this was the hardest goodbye message he had to do and Frankie says already? this morning? Caleb says yeah it's Tuesday. 1:06pm Caleb ask Victoria if Hayden said anything about the veto and why he used it and Victoria says just what he said in his speech is all and Caleb says ok . 1:16pm Amber is making cinnamon rolls in the KT and Frankie still walking around taking pictures. just general talk going on . 1:22pm Jacosta in the By telling Frankie and Donny and Derrick that she is going to get her hair cut like Frankie's and Frankie gets excited and says yeah? She says yeah i used to have it like that but a little longer on the sides and i loved it. 1:31pm BB calls for an indoor lock down and everyone is having a fit and asking why. And we get foth. 1:39pm Amber has finished a batch of cinnamon rolls that look very good, She is putting an icing on them now.Caleb in the LVR talking about freezing in the have not room.Amber yells Have nots the cinnamon rolls are ready now and Donny you can have one too. 1:48pm them lock down is over and most HG are in bed talking naps and some just haven't gotten up yet today, Just general talk going on in the KT. 1:55pm Frankie comes out of the DR and he had been tweeting. he says he was asked questions and says it was so fun. 1:56pm Frankie is now naming the comps with costumes he wore and how much he liked them cause someone asked him on twitter which outfit was his favorite.
  10. 12:09pm Christine is whispering to Amber but doesn't haven a mic on so cant hear her. Amber says OK i wont say anything to him but they all said i'm was on the block to see what i would do and see if i would say anything. In the KT Nicole is making coffee before she goes outside to lay in the sun and Victoria is making breakfast. 12:20pm Caleb is sitting next to Amber in the BY as she talks to Nicole but is not saying anything .Christine, Victoria and Jacosta are in the WA getting ready for the day. 12:22pm Amber says i am thirsty i am going to go get a drink and gets up then Nicole says i need deodorant and gets up leaving Caleb sitting there alone. 12:29pm Caleb tells Christine that he is the reason that Victoria is off the block cause i told Hayden to use it and i am going to tell Victoria that so i am going to tell her i did that for you so i need you to do this for me to save Amber. Christine says yeah talk to her later. Caleb then says you should seen me in DR doing my goodbyes to her i couldn't get it out. 12:34pm Caleb now telling Christine his talk with Frankie yesterday about Amber. On the other side of the yard by the pool Amber is repeating things to Nicole and talking about just because she has a relationship with the guys doesn't mean she is working with them. 12:42pm Amber telling Nicole that she doesn't even care why she is up on the block but it is just frustrating. Nicole says it was all so confusing when it was all going down.Amber ask her do you not feel that i have your back and Nicole says no i do just yesterday i didn't and amber says it was cause the guys were all going around saying things. 12:49pm Frankie comes to the BY yelling "Who wants to see my HOH camera" 12:56pm Frankie is running around taking pictures of everyone and pictures of himself at different placers in the house. Nicole and Christine are in the BY talking to Donny and Jacosta and Victoria about eating slop now.
  11. 11:01am most Hg are in the bathroom area just sitting around Donny and zach go to get activity bracelets. Caleb is also getting his bracelet. 11:10am Most hg are sleeping and Caleb, Christine, Nicole, Donny and amber are in the bathroom area just talking about comps and commercials on eviction days. 11:29am Girls are all doing make up and sitting around the bathroom area most of the guys are still in bed sleeping. 11:41am Amber is cleaning out her basket with her make up and lotions in it, Donny is talking about Brittany suitcase she brought with her and had to pack last week and how big it was. 11:53am The lock down is now over and Hg can now go outside so Donny gets up almost running to the BY. 11:57am Donny is on the elliptical and the girls are in the bathroom area talking about putting their swim suits on.
  12. 1:00pm Amber tells jacosta and Christine that she has had a tragedy in her personal life and i am not bringing that into my game and have a sob story to tell so i won't campaign against jacosta.She tells jacosta i was the only girl to put up so all 5 of us girls went up this week. 1:03pm derrick in the KT making pizza and amber comes in to get a drink and derrick tells her not to give in to him and don't respond to him he wants you to go off but don't do it cause that is exactly what he wants. She said i aint even when he was saying that i was just smiling. 1:05pm Amber goes out by the pool and Nicole ask her if she is ok and she says i am good it is annoying that Zach keeps laughing but i just ignore him and the only thing that hurts is jacosta being next to me. 1:06pm amber goes inside and ask to talk to Cody they go to the rock rm and start whispering really low. She ask him if this was the plan? Cody says i dont know and amber says i thought he would have put zach up but i am upset with Frankie for sitting there and not saying anything. Cody says i dont know what was going on but trust me you are not going anywhere. 1:12pm Frankie goes to the HOH rm and tells Caleb that Nicole said that Amber wants to start the all girls alliance back up and Caleb says and that is why she was put up and all she had to do is come to me and tell me she was sorry. Frankie says well everyone is going to make sure she feels safe and Caleb says well that's her fault all she had to do is come tell me she was sorry to me. 1:22pm Donny, Nicole and zach are in the pool relaxing and general talk. Cody and amber are still in the rock rm talking about why she went on the block and Cody said i don't think he wants you to go home. Hayden comes in and She ask him did you know i was going up? he says no and she says but you knew you was going to use it and he said yeah on Victoria. Amber says i have had your back more than Victoria.Hayden says i have said all the time i didn't know i was going to use it but Victoria chose me to play for her so i felt i should use it on her. 1:32pm Donny and zach in the pool talking general talk. In the rock rm amber and Hayden are talking about Hayden not wanting Amber to go and amber saying that she doesn't understand why she went up. 1:34pm Amber hugs Hayden and leaves the room . In the have not rm Frankie Hayden an Cody are whispering, Cody telling Frankie what all amber said to him and Hayden. Frankie says i have to go cook bye and leaves the rm.. Frankie is telling them that she told Nicole she was starting an all girls alliance. 1:43pm Derrick tells amber that this was all a spare of the moment thing cause he got up this morning and didn't know anything. Amber says well i just looked at him and smiled and derrick says yeah just smile at him and don't let them get you going. 1:52pm Zach is now in the Kt getting food as Caleb and derrick are having their have not pizza and Victoria laughing at them. Amber is now outside with Frankie and Nicole and Christine just general talk.
  13. 12:11pm Frankie says that happened so fast. Cody tells derrick to keep his mouth shut and Frankie says Cody you know this is a game now he puts everyone on blast now you have to know this. Cody says she is ignoring everybody now. In the rock rm Caleb says he is going to try to hold himself together bro to Hayden.Amber is in the have not room laying alone. 12:14pm Frankie telling Cody that no one believes Him. Cody is telling Frankie that caleb was bragging this morning about throwing a pillow at her heads.Amber heads to the DR and throws the door open. 12:18pm Frankie and Zach in HOH rm talking and Frankie says i am not mad at you but you said to Amber not to trust Frankie. Zach says i didn't say that and Frankie says you did but that's OK i am not made at you but you cant keep this going.Frankie says that is Amber defence to tell others that you started this. 12:22pm Frankie tells zach not to keep going on about all this or you will be on the block next week.Frankie says that he told Amber that he knew what he was going to do but he didn't know that the pov was actually going to be used. 12:25pm Frankie goes to the WC and zach goes to the KT where Donny is making food. Caleb is in the BY walking alone, Cody and derrick are in the beehive rm talking about Christine and Nicole being a threat as they go further in the game and How Christine knows everything in this game days and who did what. 12:27pm Frankie in the LVR now hugging Victoria then heads to the DR as he says i was just called in here and i was in the crapper. Caleb is still walking around the BY and Amber is switching laundry then goes back in the house. 12:30pm Donny tells Amber that he knows how she feels he has been there and she says i know you have Donny and its ok.. Jacosta and Hayden come in and she won't talk to anyone. Derrick and Cody ask Amber if she wants to talk and she says nothing to talk about and derrick says come on we didn't know nothing. She says i was the only girl left and you guys are working together. derrick says i aint working with anybody. Amber says this makes no sense. Cody says we have no plan to vote you out.Amber says that's fine but Frankie is just trying to keep blood off his hands. Derrick says you have to get Caleb he has a vote. 12:34pm Amber says i wont get Donny's vote and Victoria wont vote for me. Derrick says you have Christine and Amber says yeah maybe but i don't know what this plan is of Caleb's. This is a game and i am going to play like i want to and just because i don't want to have a showmance in this house, I am playing my own game and i have my reasons.I have my reasons for not wanting a relationship and i cant say why but all i can say is i lost someone close to me and she walks out. derrick gets up and leaves also. 12:38pm Amber went to the BY to talk to Nicole and Victoria and she tells them she is not hurt by anything zach says. I am not worried about what he has to say so i am the only girl there was to go up, So they will says what they want to say to make sure a girl goes up says Nicole.Nicole tells Amber be strong don't let them get to you. Amber says i will it is the fact i trusted Frankie 12:42pm Amber says i don't freaking know who covers me up in the have not room when i am asleep i mean Devin told me once and i said thanks Devin and i told Caleb i cooked for him the other day when he was a have not and i folded his freaking laundry too. Amber said just do what you been doing and Amber says i don't know i have worked my butt off in this game. She said derrick and Cody even said they didn't even see this coming. 12:46pm Amber and Nicole have gone inside and Nicole is trying to decide weather to lay out or not. Amber comes in and says that zach is going to insure that all eyes are on him this week and Christine says yeah i know.In the HOH rm Caleb telling Hayden that there was a final 6 alliance and Devin was in it then Devin left and we brought you Hayden in it but Christine and Amber were brought in by accident but there is a final 6 right here. of Hayden, Caleb, Frankie, Zach, Derrick and Cody. Caleb tells Hayden he is a part of the group and they have Christine Victoria and Nicole to get out before we go after each other. 12:51pm Frankie now talking to Victoria saying he is pissed so pissed that he didn't know that Caleb and zach were going to say anything or that Hayden was going to use the veto. Frankie says i am getting a bathing suit and Victoria says you are and he says yup.In the WA Nicole is going to head to the pool and Frankie runs to the HOH rm and says yup that it she is blowing it up making a girls alliance. 12:57pm Cody and Hayden in the Beehive with derrick talking about why Frankie put amber up then Victoria comes in and sits down and all talk stops now they are just messing with Victoria. In the WA Christine is talking to Amber about votes and Donny comes in and says Poor Donny is growing muscles.
  14. 11:02am most Hg in the BY either sitting or playing pool with general chit chat going on .Frankie and Derrick in the LVR talking about their grandpas funerals 11:08am Amber and Jacosta are in the BY talking about adopting kids.... Amber says i would love to adopt. 11:11am Derrick is telling Frankie and Hayden and Victoria that he lost his fat his facial hair and everything since being in the BB house and Frankie says you look better now i hate the way you looked in that picture and you look so much better now. 11:18am We are now on Jeff's reels as they should be doing the POV Ceremony
  15. 9:00pm Amber in the BY talking to Nicole saying that either Victoria or jacosta can go home but i think that jacosta is the tougher competitor. 9:04pm Donny goes to sit with Nicole and Amber and Nicole says Donny i am hungry. Amber ask Donny if he is eating ice cream later and he said he might. Nicole gets up and goes in the house. 9:06pm Nicole says that Jacosta asked me what is wrong with Victoria she knows you think he is cute and she hangs all over him. Frankie says and Hayden is using the veto on her. Nicole says they are all gonna be pissed cause jascosta and Amber said the veto is not going to be used. 9:10pm Amber now comes in the HOh rm and Christine changes subjects to she doesn't know if the double eviction will be this week or next week. Amber gets on the bed and lays down. 9:14pm Nicole talking about the have not food they got today and she says America love derrick is why we got good food this week for have nots.In the BY is general talk around the hammock. 9:17pm jacosta says she wants to talk to Frankie and Derrick about their grandfathers for the memorial service they are going to do tomorrow. Derrick says ok we will talk later. 9:21pm Hayden and Frankie are whispering about Caleb and amber and Victoria in the WA. they now go out to the BY to play pool.
  16. 8:02pm Zack in beehive rm telling Victoria about his mom not wanting him to get a dog and he said he was getting a dog anyway and his mom said as long as you vacuum everyday and he says and what did I do I didn't vacuum. 8:09pm derrick and Frankie in the HOH rm and Frankie eating cereal. Frankie ask if he is ok and he says fine you cant take a day off but being in this house is both a blessing and a curse.Frankie says basically Hayden is going to use the veto on Victoria. So this is what i came up with is tomorrow night i am calling each one up individually but call Caleb up last and tell him man to man what amber has been doing to him that she hates him and she is stinging him along to get further in this game.Then i will let him say what he needs to say and if he says what i think he will say which is put her up and derrick says what if he says keep her and Frankie says then we put Caleb up. 8:13pm Frankie says I am not putting Donny on the block cause of the team America thing. derrick says do you think we are on his friends list and Frankie says yeah he hates Caleb. 8:15pm Derrick says backdooring Caleb wow how do you feel about it? Frankie says i don't want to do it but i might have to. 8:16pm Derrick says now what about the fight i don't think anyone is going to do it do you? Frankie says i am going to tell Zach he can have his say at the veto meeting and all i have to do is say he can talk. derrick says that's good Frankie have hi tell her how bad she has treated Caleb. Frankie says yeah then she is going to be in this house for two days being a mess and miserable so we might have to lock it up. 8:26pm Derrick and Frankie still talking about Caleb and says if he throws a fit about her going up then he is going up. He says i will tell him do you want to stay here with a woman that is crapping all over your face and you don't realize it. I will tell him i am doing this as a favor to you cause you look like an idiot on TV. derrick says i support you in whatever you do 8:30pm Christine and Amber are going to the HOH rm and they ask are you guys busy? He says no they ask where Derrick is and Frankie says he is pooping. 8:33pm BB says the lock down is over and HG are heading outside. 8:43pm Frankie is telling Christine what he just told Derrick.In the WA Victoria and Nicole are talking as they get ready to go out to the BY. 8:49pm Cody, derrick and zach playing Pool in the BY as Donny and Jacosta walk 8:52pm amber is bringing laundry to the BY to wash and Nicole is going to sit outside. 8:55pm Frankie says if i had the veto in my hand i would be tempted not to use it and send jacosta home. Christine says yeah i know what you mean.
  17. 4:30pm Jacosta sitting in the LVR with an ice pack on her knee. In the bathroom area Nicole is asking Amber how they looked at back and she said they all looked good. Frankie and Caleb are in the KT making food and Caleb wishes there was some honey.Amber is going to find a hanger to hang Frankie's jacket on after she washed it. 4:32pm Zach getting ready to get in the shower and Frankie is talking tom him and zach says this worked out perfect man. Frankie says yeah and i am getting in there when you get out. in the bathroom area Victoria is complaining then starts whispering (cant hardly hear her with no mic on).In the LVR Hayden ask Nicole if she is going to shun her germatard and she says no i cant wear anything under it. Amber says about midnight just put something on under it then shun it and Donny says put a swimsuit under it and amber says there ya go Donny. 4:37pm Jacosta says everything happened so fast out there and she thought that the thing that lifted them up was supposed to not let them fall and it let her fall hurting her knee. 4:48pm Victoria in fire rm crying to Cody now, She says she tried explaining things to jacosta like when Brittany picture came up and she wouldn't listen to me. 4:52pm Nicole and Christine in have not rm talking to Hayden about their win today and about Victoria crying. Cody tells Victoria in the fire rm that he doesn't know what the other talk about. In the HOH rm Frankie, Caleb and zach are talking about dancing. 4:54pm jacosta goes to the fire rm and ask Victoria if she fell to the ground? She says no and jascosta says damn you didn't hit the ground and Christine didn't and neither did Nicole.She says that is just crazy as she sits down and puts her ice pack back on her leg.
  18. 2:30pm we now have Foth 2:33pm We now have Jeff's reels as the HG play BOB
  19. 12:00pm Frankie and Zach are talking to Derrick in the hoh rm about who to trust and Zach says he wants to say more to Christine and Nicole. He says Christine is mad at me cause i told Nicole not to trust her. 12:14pm Victoria in the bee hive rm with derrick and she says i can picture Nicole and Christine winning the BOB and derrick says why you thinking that? if you think that then they will win and Victoria says well jacosta is weak we wont win. 12:16pm Victoria says why couldn't amber go up and derrick says maybe he has another plan? Victoria says what back door amber that wont work the backdoor don't work in here. She says i don't want to go see Julie this week. This is so frustrating and she is crying hysterically. 12:22pm Victoria still in the bee hive rm crying about being put on the block. Hayden and Cody and zach in HOH rm talking about the arguments that Zach has started.In the Beehive rm derrick tells Victoria to stop crying and it will all be ok and they hug.In the KT Frankie is cooking oatmeal and jacosta is eating. 12:25pm Zach telling Cody and Hayden that Christine brings nothing to the table nothing at all.He says they are both have nots too and that is hilarious 12:28pm Nicole and Christine in the LVR and Nicole says she doesn't care she is pissed. Christine laughs and says yeah i know . Nicole says this will test our social game. Hayden joins them and burps loudly. 12:31pm Frankie tells Cody and Zach that his allegiance has always been to Caleb not amber . Cody says well Devin is the one who pulled her in to this alliance it wasn't us. Frankie says it is good for my game if jacosta or Amber need to leave this week. Zach says if jacosta doesn't leave then Nicole needs to leave and Frankie says no way. 12:36pm Frankie tells Cody that Amber is now available for a backdoor . Frankie says if someone wins the pov and doesn't use it we are screwed but if zach wins pov and uses it on Victoria then that is golden. 12:38pm Cody says Caleb is satisfied that amber wasn't put up and now he thinks he saved amber once again. Frankie says if i am HOH i just want to make sure that a big move is made bit i want to make sure it is Amber. 12:41pm Cody says we all know that zach does crap to stir people up. Frankie says yeah. 12:50pm Victoria tells jacosta that no one cares if they are on the block or not no one cares.
  20. 11:26am We are still on Jeff's reels as the Hg do nominations. 11:42am Victoria and Frankie in fore rm with Victoria crying and Frankie telling her she is staying she wont leave. In the bathroom area Nicole is crying and Jacosta hugging her telling her it will be ok .Hayden is now hugging Nicole.Christine and Cody in STR and Cody says there is no change Hayden comes in and Cody ask if Nicole is ok and Hayden says yeah she is ok. 11:45am Christine tells Cody and Hayden that her and Nicole are going to win. Nicole comes in STR and gives Christine a hug and Christine says we are going to win.Amber is now in STR listening then leaves.Nicole says i did not know my reaction.Frankie is now in Str he tells Nicole and Christine that they have to win just go win. 11:48am Nicole ask Frankie if he knew about the speech? frankie says no i knew he was going to say something but i didnt know what he would say. Frankie then says that zach changed his mind 50 times lastnight before i went to bed. 11:50am Frankie is telling amber that he tried telling jacosta that she isnt the target for the week and if you could talk to her about it, I dint think she will throw it but just assure her she isnt the target.Amber says you guys owe me for this and walks out. 11:53am In the HOh rm Donny Zach and Frankie are talking and Frankie says please tell jacosta she isnt my target and to please understand. 11:55am Frankie has nominated Jacosta and Victoria and Zach has nominated Christine and Nicole. 11:56am zach tells Frankie that he mighty have told Nicole not to trust Christine and Christine comes and tells me why i told Amber that so they are at each other now. I am stirring up alot of crap in this house now. 11:58am Nicole and Christine ate in the STR talking about playing the BOB and winning it and that it will be today.
  21. 3:08pm Caleb and Donny and Brittany in LVR talking about wanting to sing. 3:15pm We are now back on Jeff's Highlights.
  22. 2:05pm Frankie is now up and making himself some tuna fish. general talk going on as they all sit around and wait and get ready for tonight's live show. 2:14pm Frankie is talking in an accent and making everyone laugh. Nicole is getting her makeup done by Amber in the WA. 2:20pm Christine at the sink washing dishes and says i just want you all to know i am washing this dish right now so whoever it belongs to i hate your guts. Hayden, Caleb and Frankie sitting in KT and Caleb keeps singing as we get getting FOTH. Frankie says that BB probably hates then cause there is no singing swearing or sex. and Caleb and Hayden laugh. 2:32pm Caleb in WA using an eyelash curler on his lashes.He tells Amber he needs to stuff to put on his eyelashes before he curls them. 2:44pm Caleb says his eyelashes have never curled and is now walking around showing everyone his pretty eyelashes. 2:51pm General talk going on in the KT and Hayden keeps picking on Nicole and scaring her. 2:54pm Hayden, Nicole and Amber have gone to the rock rm to lay down then BB calls Amber to the DR.Caleb is in the WA doing his hair and keeps looking at his eyelashes in the mirror.
  23. 1:38pm feeds are back with Caleb and Cody finding clothes to wear tonight, Jacosta , Derrick and Zach are in bed sleeping. 1:40pm Christine,amber, Victoria and Nicole are in the WA doing make up and hair 1:41pm We are now back to Jeff's highlights 1:47pm Most hg are getting ready for tonight's live show. Donny , Victoria and Hayden are sitting in the KT talking about makeup. Donny ask if make up makes you hotter or does it crack or anything and Victoria says no it doesn't. 1:50pm Victoria is digging through the can of mixed nuts to find a certain nut and Hayden complains about it,he says the fact that you dig around in here and pick out one at a time is so gross.She looks at him and he says he is just kidding. 1:56pm Zach , Frankie and derrick in bed sleeping and the girls are doing Hair and Cody, Caleb, Hayden, Christine, Victoria and Brittany are sitting around talking about Victoria's underwear.
  24. 11:12am Zach and Victoria in hoh bed sleeping,All other Hg in KT talking about when Nicole can take off the germatard. 11:13am just general talk going on as Hg wait to go on HOH lockdown Caleb says they have 3 minutes to go. 11:16am We are now on Jeff highlights as Hg are going to HOH lockdown.
  25. 12:00pm Frankie is in the shower. Christine messing with a bug bite on her head, Donny in the LVR sitting alone. 12:15pm Everyone is just laying around the house not really talking much as most went to take a nap and Caleb is cooking a pizza. 12:28pm Victoria and Caleb in KT and Donny , Jacosta and Amber in LVR just general talk about ice cream. 12:50am Donny,Amber,Brittany and Jacosta in the KT eating pizza. Victoria in WA plucking facial hairs again . All other Hg are in bed sleeping. 12:58pm amber is talking about making funnel cakes later with butter cream frosting or cream cheese frosting.



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