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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 11:04am Donny says he did a mile and a half without his activity tracker but that's OK i get the miles and the muscles. 11:05pm Nicole tells Donny that it is good that zach will go tomorrow night and Donny says yeah is that who you want and she says yeah he just isn't good for my game. 11:06pm Donny says i wish someone would talk to Caleb and Nicole says some one is going to try today. Donny says we need to get him on our side. Nicole says if Caleb wins i will be going up and Donny says i will too. Nicole says i hope he is weak from all that slop but we will see. 11:09am Nicole ask Donny if he won tomorrow and it is a double eviction and only one hoh what will you do? He says probably Christine and Frankie and if it is a BOB situation i would say Christine and Victoria. 11:35am Frankie is up in the KT just looking around then turns to the camera and yawns and says i didn't sleep at all as he grabs his make up bag and goes to the WA where Jacosta is brushing her hair. 11:40am Frankie and Nicole one one side of the BY and Donny and jacosta on the other side putting the awnings down for BB. Frankie saying he wants to sleep but he doesn't know if he can with the others in the other room being loud and screaming. 11:46am Hayden talking to Donny about the other side of the house is talking about they wanted Frankie out all this time but hays=den thinks they will throw something in there and blame it on someone else.He says they are trying to switch me and make me vote someone else out.Donny says if they ask you how you are going to vote tell em you don't know yet that you will vote with the house. Donny says we hung out alot lastnight so that probably made them paranoid. 11:50am Donny says if i win hoh and it is a one hoh then i will put Caleb on the block with Christine. 11:55am Frankie is in the KT with Christine. Jacosta in the BY with Donny and Hayden.Christine is whispering to Frankie then goes back cooking.
  2. 1:15pm hayden, Caleb and Donny sitting in KT as Caleb talks about an old girl friend who chewed redman. And she is as hot as Amber. 1:25pm Victoria talking to Hayden and she says ok you say i am a princess so when a girl goes on a date she likes to look her best and then half way through the date you go to the bathroom and check your face. So if you go on a date and want to look your best then why wouldn't you on here with 9 million people looking at you.So just because i look in the mirror i am a princess? am i proving my self?Hayden says no because she spend most of your time in the mirror. 1:33pm Caleb and Donny talking to Nicole on the BY couch about doing her blog and tweets , She is worried about it and Donny tells her it is fine it is done and over with. Victoria and Hayden near the pool talking about Victoria acting like a princess and looking in all the mirrors. 1:42pm Nicole and Christine talking about her blogging ans she feels it was bad. Nicole says we have missed the summer we have been in this house 47 days. 1:53pm Nicole and Christine still talking about her blogging and about zach she says now that he called a fruit loop dingus she feels very uncomfortable with him.
  3. 12:22pm Nicole is now out of the HOh rm and has the camera taking pictures. 12:35pm Nicole still taking pictures of herself, Victoria, Hayden, Christine and Donny as everyone else is still sleeping. 12:49pm Nicole still taking Pictures, just alot of laughing going on at the pictures. Donny in BY alone eating. 12:56pm Hayden is going to go have his picture taken with the sleeping people.Victoria is getting a cut up t shirt on Donny still in the BY alone. Zach is now awake and ask if he needs to get up to see his shreds and Nicole says yeah we don't have much time so you better hurry up.
  4. 11:01am Nicole is now in the WA downstairs as BB prepares her room for her blog. Victoria walking around in a towel.Donny and Hayden in the BY just general talk as Hayden eats his slop.Everyone else is in bed sleeping. 11:17am Hayden and Donny talking about jacosta and Victoria being on the block more than anyone and how they have played in more competitions than anyone and Hayden says they call them floaters Donny says yeah they ain't floaters. 11:20am Donny says it is funny how things play out cause i was the number one target that first week. 11:24am Victoria is cutting the collar off a yellow shirt, Donny and Hayden still in the BY talking about voting Zach out and Hayden says have you heard Zach's speech and Donny says no. Hayden says it is going to be good and might be one of the best in BB history. 11:28am Donny says Frankie is getting paranoid and Hayden says yeah he is when Christine had the POV and we was all taking turns talking to her in the hammock you couldn't be there no more than 5 minutes and there was Frankie. 11:33am Victoria ask Hayden if they can talk and he says yeah and she goes to make them ice coffee before they talk. 11:43am Victoria goes to the WA where Hayden is taking a shower and tells him she wakes up with lots of energy then an hour later she is tired. 11:47am Victoria tells Hayden he is brushing his hair to rough so she gives him a lesson on brushing his hair from the bottom up and he says thanks mom for teaching me this stuff. 11:49am Hayden and Victoria going to the KT to talk and Hayden says Victoria do you have any clean underwear i can wear and she says funny Hayden funny. 11:52am Christine comes out of the DR and ask who all is awake and Victoria says me Hayden, Donny and Nicole but she is upstairs blogging. 12:07pm Victoria is plucking hairs out of Hayden nose for him after he asked her how to get then out of his nose. 12:12pm Victoria now plucking Haydens eyebrows as he sings i am a man doing girl stuff and BB tells him please stop singing.
  5. 10:00am Hg are yelling best morning in the BB house and Hayden says those were the songs we were talking about yesterday then Donny says they was paying attention. 10:02am Frankie in BY saying he is trying to warm up then says i am going back to bed before they realize i am awake. 10:03am Donny is sitting outside eating his pop tarts, Christine in the WA brushing her teeth.Frankie goes back to bed. 10:10am Victoria is making herself some slop in the KT. Hayden is just walking around the house, Jacosta is in the WA. 10:14am Hayden in BY telling Donny he loved the music this morning and Donny says you are a freak on a leash. Donny says they need to play Bon Jovi or Freebirds and Hayden says Freebirds is awesome and Donny says that is what they will play when i leave here. 10:40am Donny and hayden putting the awnings down and Nicole is getting ready to do her blog and get the camera later today. 10:45am Nicole and Hayden talking about the music that was played this morning and Hayden says this morning was hard work and i like hard metal. 10:52am Nicole telling Hayden that she has dreams about him every night and Hayden says they are steamy dreams and she says no they are not and he says you told me they was and She says no i didn't they ain't steamy.
  6. 10:58pm Frankie tells derrick that Zach has been telling everyone that Cody is my Number one target and derrick says no he didn't and Frankie says yeah he did.Derrick says next is Christine. derrick says so what do we do? Frankie says vote him out i guess. derrick says yeah. 11:05pm Cody and Frankie making food with pie crust. Donny on BY couch Hayden hitting a beach ball around the BY and Caleb and zach still playing pool just general talk going on about cooking and pool. 11:12pm Nicole laying on BY couch says she is ready for bed.Donny puts his hat on and says i think all hats look good and Nicole says it looks good on you and Donny says well Hayden will look good in it one day he is a chip off the old block. Nicole says what if you two really are father and son.Donny says to Hayden wouldn't that be fun if we didn't know each other and you told me your mom lived in north Carolina and you really was my son. 11:16pm Nicole and Christine go into the house , Christine is eating and Victoria is sitting in the KT drinking water not saying anything. 11:19pm Derrick and Cody in WA whispering about Zach and how everyone wants to vote him out he says if we kept zach then it might hurt us cause zach told Frankie that we had a three man deal. 11:33pm Cody getting out of shower and Frankie whispering to him about them voting out zach this week. Christine walks in and starts whispering with them. and we get foth. 11:38pm Victoria comes to the WA and hugs Christine and Cody and Frankie goodnight as she has a headache and is ready for bed. 11:51pm Pool game going on in BY and Christine and Nicole in STR whispering about zach going home and Nicole says oh they want him to go and Christine says yeah and Nicole gets a little excited and then says i don't want to get to excited .They leave the STR and Nicole ask if Hayden wants to go cuddle with her and he says yeah she tells him no eat and he says he rather cuddle with her any day than eat.
  7. 10:36pm Nicole sitting with feet in the hot tub talking to Frankie, Cody and Christine about Hayden eating salty pie crust. Caleb and Donny on BY couch and Caleb tells him goodnight and Donny says he needs to get up and walk around. 10:44pm Jacosta telling that at her krogers and star bucks you can sit down there and at Kroger's her kids can push the little kid carts but she doesn't have to go shopping much cause her mom takes care of it most of the time. 10:49pm Jacosta talking about she can type 80 to a 100 words a minute. Victoria is making slop and jacosta goes to help her. 10:56pm Donny is getting cereal to eat as the girls are eating. Caleb and Zach are playing pool. Just general talk going on.
  8. 8:33pm Christine saying she didn't have her first kiss till she was 16. derrick and Cody in Wa talking about sending zach home and making peace with Nicole cause zach would kick me out as soon as we got other people out so i know what he is doing now. 8:38pm derrick tells Nicole in hoh rm that he is contemplating sending zach out and Nicole says yeah why? Derrick says cause he is bad to women and i think it would be wrong for him to walk away with the money so if he is on board we don't have to reveal our alliance.Nicole says she is letting Christine think it is her idea to vote zach out so just let it be her idea and it saves our alliance. 8:45pm Derrick says that Frankie lastnight thought you was going to keep zach and a bit ago up here but i don't want you telling Christine that and Nicole says no i don't tell her things. 8:46pm derrick says if you see me talking to other people then don't worry i am gonna keep working them and Nicole says everyone knows my target is Zach i don't have to tell anyone that for sure. 8:48pm Nicole says Christine is very intelligent that she can pick up on you me and Cody and Hayden so we have to be careful with that.She is looking at the soy screen and says look at him he is looking in the bathroom now , i hope they are getting this and getting his paranoia. Nicole says you want me to go out first and pretend that no one is up here and derrick says perfect.Victoria comes in and asked whats up and Nicole says i am getting more wine and derrick is opening it for me. 8:51pm Nicole leaves HOh rm and Victoria gives Derrick a hug he asked what is wrong and she says nothing. Victoria ask what Nicole was saying and derrick says she wants zach out but don't tell anyone that. Victoria says i wont. 8:53pm Victoria says if i go to play battle of the block again with jacosta i am going to lose. derrick says we will talk Wednesday and decide and she says zach never put me up and he says jacosta either. She says true but zach is dangerous. 8:56pm Hayden, Nicole, jacosta, zach and Donny on BY couches and Donny ask Hayden if he ever made out with paloa and he says no Donny says that was the rumor and he laughs.
  9. 4:31pm Frankie and Jacosta are washing dishes and Victoria is putting them away while Christine is cleaning the bar. In the BY Hayden,Cody, Nicole and Donny are talking about them being an outcast.Talk turns to the pool now and about what scenes are going on tv as Caleb comes out and says kill me already i am so hungry man. 4:36pmCody and Donny are working out with weights as they walk the BY. Just general talk in the KT as they wash dishes. 4:39pm Nicole is now walking with Donny and Cody with weights. 4:52pm The outcast of Cody, Hayden, Nicole and Donny are still walking with weights in the BY as Caleb watches them. Frankie and Jacosta are still washing the dishes.
  10. 1:08pm Just general talk going on around the house. 1:19pm Victoria is crying and Jacosta is hugging her and telling her she is growing alot in here as Victoria hopes her family is proud of her. 1:20pm Caleb telling Donny he is going to get the BB Key tattooed on his body so everyone will know what it is. Caleb tells him that he is sure they will give them their keys when this is over, They have to he says 1:30pm Just general talk going on in the house and some HG asleep. 1:38pm Caleb says when he is on the block and he for sure is going out the door he will wear the overalls and his boots with no shirt and his cowboy hat cause he thinks the viewers will really love that. Frankie says mmm so sexy. 1:55pm Donny in the pool Frankie tells Jacosta he is going to bed and they say goodnight then jacosta says i feel like i am the only one up. She says what up live feeders God bless You and we get foth.
  11. 12:00pm Christine and Donny on BY couch just talking about people going in the pool and wearing bikinis, Frankie , Nicole and Caleb laying by the pool saying this is day 47 in the BB house. 12:05pm Caleb says he thinks when they get out of the house that BB will give them something like a movie camera or something expensive like that and Frankie says i don't want that i want a BB beach towel or something stupid like that with Big brother on it. Nicole says me to i don't want a video camera i want a towel or something too. 12:09pm Caleb telling Frankie what all he could sell when he gets home and some items includes some of his costumes and his cowboy hat signed and his cowboy boots. 12:16pm Caleb and Frankie alone by the pool talking about making final 4 and Caleb says if anyone is on the block up against you Frankie then they will go home i will make sure you stay. 12:20pm Donny and Christine talking about movies and downloading them then talk turns to songs. Derrick just sitting there listening,Caleb and Frankie talking about exes as they lay in the sun. 12:24pm Donny is talking about making a banana sandwich and Christine ask what are these things that you eat? He says we also eat lettuce and mayonnaise sandwiches. 12:28pm Caleb telling Frankie that if you find a girl on a show and are on for love and not 500k then i would chose love any day and Frankie says well you have found it. 12:30pm Frankie ask Caleb if he notices how calm the house if since amber is gone and he says yeah. Frankie says she made everyone paranoid. 12:35pm Derrick and Victoria in bed in fire rm . Derrick tells her they will vote with the house till final 6 then we can start packing our bags you know what i mean and Victoria says yeah yeah yeah. 12:43pm Derrick and Victoria whispering in the fire room about going to jury. Frankie and Caleb laying in the sun. 12:47pm Hayden talking to Donny and jacosta in the KT and they are telling knock knock jokes and phone pranks then Hayden says when telephone sales people call him he tries to sell them things instead, Jacosta says that is good. 12:53pm Frankie tells Christine and Nicole he should get a sunburn then he would be warm in the have not rm. The girls get up to go take a nap since it is to hot outside.
  12. 9:03am All hg still in bed sleeping. 9:06am Derrick is up and heads to the bathroom . 9:31am We now have foth maybe a wake up call. 9:43pm Nicole sitting at the hottub to warm up a little. Caleb is in the bed singing and causing foth . 9:45pm Donny and Nicole putting the awnings down for BB and Zach and Caleb in bed laughing as Bb tells zach the bedroom lights must remain on during the day. 9:51am Victoria crawls ion bed with derrick and says that was the best music ever did you hear it ? it was Miley Cyrus. 9:52am Victoria and Jacosta now both up and getting clothes. Donny just walking around the house as Nicole was called to the DR and comes right back out and says that was quick then Jacosta is called to the dr and she says what the heck. 9:55am Donny now brushing his teeth after eating his pop tarts and Christine doing her make up in the WA
  13. 4:35pm Caleb and Victoria eating slop as they talk to Donny. Caleb is talking about getting his abs back when he can start working out again. 4:39pm Cody and Hayden talking about they need to drink lots of water and Hayden says he ate soy slop and Cody ask what they is and Hayden tells him how to make it then Christine says it is really good. 4:43pm Frankie, Zach and Nicole in the KT making food and Nicole ask Frankie was that you that come out of the bathroom this morning when BB said did you wash your hands? Frankie says yeah i touched myself and didn't wash. She laughs and says did you go back and wash your hands and he says yeah i did. 4:54pm Christine in KT asking if she can talk to Nicole.they head upstairs to talk. Christine says about the veto i don't want to use it but i have information that Zach and Hayden is the next target She says zach talks about Cody all the time . Christine ask do you still want Zach to go and Nicole says yeah i want him to go and Christine says Frankie doesn't want him to go though. 4:57pm Christine says that derrick came to her and asked do you really want zach gone and she told him yes. 4:59pm Christine says that zach told Frankie yesterday that He wants to back door Hayden. Nicole says did he tell you that and she says no he told Frankie that yesterday when i was up here in the hoh rm.
  14. 4:00pm Cody joins Christine on the hammock now and they talk about the clouds in the sky. 4:15pm Christine and Cody on the hammock whispering about Frankie acting very weird and Christine says yeah Frankie has been acting odd towards me too. 4:17pm Christine says i know that in the beginning you Derrick and zach were together and he says yeah we were.Cody says that Frankie is so out of his mind and zach this week messed himself up asking to be put on the block so get yourself out of it and Christine laughs 4:22pm Caleb, Victoria and Donny and jacosta talking on the BY couches just general talk. derrick being called to the DR and Christine and Cody still in hammock as Christine starts singing and we get foth. 4:24pm zach is now at the hammock with Christine and Cody and all talking stops and Frankie comes out hugging Zach and Christine laughs.Frankie now popping a pimple on Zach's shoulder that is infected.
  15. 3:00pm BB says the Photo Booth is now open. 3:06pm jacosta and Christine in the photo booth as most hg are sitting in the LVR talking about sleeping in the have not rm and how to place the covers so they don't freeze. Victoria is still sitting tied to the DR door as Caleb is still talking to BB. 3:20pm Caleb is finally out of the DR and Victoria yells yay and Nicole hooks the vine back to Caleb's arm as it broke and has to be tied now. Derrick is eating in the LVR and Christine is sitting there all other Hg in the beehive rm doing photos. 3:32pm Frankie and Zach and Derrick in the KT cooking and cleaning just general talk. Christine and Donny on the hammock in the BY just general talk about going to a beach. 3:36pm Nicole now out in the By and Donny says we have room for one more on the hammock and she says no i am good. She says it is starting to rain and Christine is getting excited. Donny is just laying there enjoying the rain. 3:45pm derrick and Christine in the hammock talking now.Talking about jacosta saying she was proud of you. Derrick says i am sure she will want zach to go home this week and Christine says that won't be good and he says nope it won't. She says i wonder if this will be an eventful Veto meeting this week and derrick says no if you don't use it then it wont be. 3:57pm Christine, Frankie and derrick in the hammock talking about Nicole and getting out strong players. Frankie asked about the laundry and derrick gets up and heads to the house.Nicole and Donny sitting on the BY couch talking to Caleb and Victoria about doing laundry tonight.
  16. 2:00pm Nicole telling Hayden that she secretly wants to nominate Frankie and Hayden says either Zach or Frankie goes home this week that is so cool.He says suppose that jacosta snd Zach stay on the block everyone assumes that Zach will stay and boy will they be surprised. 2:03pm Hayden says he was in the BY this morning talking to Frankie and he asked Hayden how do we get Nicole to keep Zach and Hayden says i don't know and Nicole says what if i pretend that i will put up Donny to get Christine to use the Veto and this is going to get blood on my hands but right now i don't care i am so annoyed but i want to backdoor Frankie 2:06pm Nicole ask Hayden do you think for sure zach will go home right? Hayden says yeah and she asked you guys aren't going to switch it are you and Hayden says no. Nicole says you better not i will be mad. 2:14pm Hayden and Nicole snuggling in HOH bed as Nicole wants to take a nap. Donny sitting with his feet in the pool alone. 2:16pm Nicole says i thought Christine was the one person i can trust but i cant i just have to pretend and Hayden says just call her Christine Appleseed. 2:25pm Nicole says my family is going to be so scared for me this week. In the BY Christine is eating as she talks to Donny about amber not talking to Donny about anything so he never had to lie to her. 2:34pm Hayden and Nicole still in HOH bed talking but can't hear much as they are close enough to muffle the mics.Donny and Christine still talking in the BY about HG that have already been evicted and what they might be doing. 2:39pm Derrick is laying on the LVR couch as Victoria is sitting in a chair attached to the DR door while Caleb is in the DR.In the HOH rm Hayden is kissing Nicole's cheeks asking fir a kiss and says Please!!! she says no.She says Hayden stop as he says this is the only time better grab it and laughs.He says so you are saying that you never wanted to kiss in the HOH rm and she says you had to say that and that is really cruel. He says it has already happened and i really like you as she says you just want to kiss and he says no i just want to kiss you. 2:43pm Hayden says we have today and who knows when i will get to be alone with you up here again? Hayden crawls on top of her trying to kiss her and she says Hayden stop we will sometimes this week. She says you are so cute but you can't always get what you want. 2:54pm Christine and jacosta in the beehive talking Jacosta says you probably do or don't know what you are doing but is there any hints? Of course i will be dumb to say oh girl don't worry but i would love you to use it on me but what ever you and Nicole decide and what is good for your game but if there is anything i can do to help you for your game i will do so name it and we will do it. I have me to offer and Christine says yeah and you did so good. 2:57pm Jocosta saying she was busting her tail in the pov comp and i was proud and like 2 of the guys were bragging about it. But definitely i think you did a good job and i was happy with it. Christine says 3 of the girls beat all of the guys. She says i have to talk to Nicole and see what her deal is and jacosta says of course.
  17. 5:01pm Nicole tells Hayden in the hoh rm that Christine said that He and Victoria made out and i did not believe it and Hayden says i promise Victoria and i never even kissed i mean we cuddled that one time and that's it. Nicole says why would she say that cause i don't believe her. 5:04pm Hayden says did you tell Cody and derrick that and she says i talked to Cody as she went to the fire rm with Frankie and Derrick.Hayden says put her up and she will go home i promise that.He says i can not believe that she is the worse so don't tell her anything. Nicole says no i won't tell her anything. 5:07pm Hayden ask who will you put up if you have to make a replacement nom and she says Frankie or Christine.Hayden says Frankie is stronger that Christine and Nicole says yeah i can pretend to be her friend and control her. 5:08pm We now have Jeff's reels as the HG play the Veto Comp.
  18. 4:04pm Christine eating an apple in the Kt talking to Frankie, Nicole Hayden and Donny about grandma's. derrick talking to Cody in the fire rm about if they vote Zach out. 4:08pm Caleb and Victoria are now up and in the KT. Caleb keeps pulling on his speedos. 4:10pm derrick and Cody are talking about Christine and you can't trust her and derrick says i know 100% that Nicole and Hayden are working together. 4:15pm derrick and Cody still in fire rm repeating themselves as Most Hg are in the Kt eating and chatting about nothing really. 4:20pm derrick says we will know where Christine and Frankie are soon cause we will put up Nicole and Christine and if one wins we put up Hayden and vote him out dude. 4:24pm alot of whispering going on in the fire rm between Cody and Derrick , Frankie comes in and brings Cody some pea soup. 4:28pm derrick ask Frankie if jacosta and zach remain on the block what do we do and Frankie says i say make it a 5to3 vote and keep zach in this house. 4:31pm Frankie says that Nicole and Hayden trust him and if she was going to put him up she would tell him cause she trust him and it would be a thing where she would say that i would be safe. 4:36pm Frankie talking about he can make pea soup all week and pea pies and slop pies and Cody says we wont starve. Frankie says yeah we can handle it cause they gave me extra blankets and now i just have to figure out the shower and derrick says the shower outside is good when you are hot. 4:37pm In the LVR Victoria is reading the story of Adam and Eve from the Bible. 4:45pm Frankie and derrick are whispering in the fire rm about Nicole then Frankie says he is mad that the money for the TA mission was lost but they should get another mission next week. 4:48pm Christine is now in fire rm with Frankie and derrick. Derrick says if someone comes down and Donny went up would be best but if not then Jacosta will go.They tell, Christine she can get Nicole to do it and there wont be no blood on her hands cause she can say she did it for you. 4:52pm Frankie was just called to the DR and everyone cheers as Frankie is hosting the POV. 4:58pm Everyone is getting ready for the POV comp and Cody is in the fire rm with Derrick asking if they are getting played by Frankie
  19. 10:36pm Nicole gets up and says she is going downstairs to see what is going on. Caleb says safe for the week. Derrick says i hope i get picked for POV tomorrow and Caleb says me too. derrick ask what will you do if you win it and he says not use it. 10:44pm Caleb says Double eviction next week and one goes home and one to jury but don't know what is going to happen this week thought but back to one hoh next week i bet. 10:53pm Caleb tells Frankie even if Nicole says she is putting up a certain person then she is lying and Frankie says that is what i am thinking.Frankie leaves to go downstairs.
  20. 10:01pm Caleb is still tied to the DR door saying that girl (Victoria) better hurry up in there as he tries to stretch his legs. 10:04pm Nicole, derrick and Cody are waiting for Hayden to come to the HOH rm .Derrick says he is really slow but if he leaves then everyone will follow him. 10:06pm Derrick , Cody come up with a name for the new alliance of them two and Hayden and Nicole they will call themselves the Quad Squad. 10:13pm Derrick and Cody are coming up with a touching code for the Quad Squad. Derrick said lets make it a weekly thing like that do in baseball but it would only be something that you could use once for an emergency meeting but after you use that word you can't use it again know what i mean? Nicole says yeah.Victoria is now out of the DR and says they have to sleep in their Adam and Eve costumes. 10:16pm Victoria says she is freezing and needs a blanket to take upstairs with her.Most Hg are in the KT laughing and talking general talk. 10:18pm Adam and Eve go to the HOH rm and tells them they have to sleep in these costumes. Nicole says this is so funny. She ask if they can switch arms and Caleb says yeah we will have to so we can sit there on the bed.Nicole ask Caleb do you feel different and feel that your hair is gone? He says yeah i have had my hair for seven years. 10:27pm In the KT Zach and Christine are talking about tattoos. Hayden, Donny and Jacosta are sitting and listening to them. In the hoh rm is general talk about survivor and that they get a million dollars if they win that game. 10:30pm Caleb says he had to choose which game he wanted to play and he chose BB first but they was going to put him on survivor .Caleb said i think i could go right into survivor since i have already been through all the stuff for survivor cause that lady robin is over both of them.
  21. 9: 28pm Frankie and Nicole talking about her going back home and getting a job so she doesn't have to live with her parents and she hopes she can get a nursing job soon after she gets home. In the KT most HG are sitting around talking general talk. 9:32pm Caleb is sitting outside the DR door with the vine hanging through the door while Victoria is in the DR. 9:39pm Derrick and Cody in HOH rm , Derrick says if Caleb wants to keep volunteering then let him and I will sleep well every night.Cody says if Donny gets picked for pov and he wins then it is down to you me and Frankie to go up.Derrick says i will be honest to you Nicole is very smart at this game she knows this game. 9:41pm Cody tells Nicole and derrick that Frankie sketches him out and he follows Hayden everywhere. derrick ask her who in this house hasn't been a have not yet and she says Donny but I am not putting Donny on it. 9:45pm Cody tells Nicole if he wins the veto he will keep it the same.She says good we can talk about that later but we only need 4 votes this week. She says i am scared of Frankie but I am more scared of zach at the moment. 9:48pm Nicole says that Frankie is trying to scare her and zach is trying to scare her into doing things she doesn't want to do.She says I feel that he is a threat cause he has won 3 hoh's and he scares me .He tells me that he wants to work with me. Cody says I think he says that to everybody and if i put him up that's what I am going to tell him. 9:52pm Cody and Nicole talk about zach and how he thinks he knows everything. Nicole says it was so sketchy that he and Frankie got called out for using production as a strategy. Nicole ask do you guys think you can protect me from eviction if it is a double eviction? They both tell her yeah. 9:54pm Cody says he hopes Donny gets picked for pov and wins it and removes Jacosta. Nicole says don't throw it just keep playing to win.They say no way will they throw it. 9:55pm Nicole says Frankie told her that he cant wait to stab his friends in the back and get blood on his hands.
  22. 3:08pm Victoria and Caleb has won the BOB. Victoria is happy and Zach is in the have not room taking shoes off. jacosta tells Nicole she kept checking but it wouldn't go. Zach gets in the shower as Donny sits and waits to get in the shower wrapped in a towel and zach says i blew it Donny. 3:11pm Victoria in beehive rm talking to Nicole and hugs her then they head to the bathroom area. In the LVR Caleb, Derrick,Cody, Jacosta and Hayden are talking. About if Caleb declines something they will get him and maybe put him on the block. 3:17pm Frankie telling Nicole in HOH rm that he would have went summer singalong to Adam and Eve eats or something like that. he says i think that went quick maybe like 3 minutes. He says that was an awesome comp the best since we have been here and Nicole says yeah it was awesome. 3:20pm Frankie goes to Kt to make salmon zach ask Caleb so you are on slop for a week and you have to shave your head and walk around as Adam and Eve for a week? Caleb says yeah. 3:23pm Frankie walks in to the LVR and ask who wants my morning slop?
  23. 1:24pm All hg are sound asleep. 1:32pm Donny is up reading his letter from home and walking around his hoh rm. 1:43pm Victoria is now up in the KT making her a drink, Donny is walking around the KT and bathroom area, 1:44pm Donny tells Victoria not to panic to be confident like Caleb cause Caleb is strong and confident. 1:47pm Donny says you have friends here that will keep you and as long as you have friends here and they keep you it doesn't matter why they keep you as long as they keep you so that is a good thing. 1:54pm Victoria ask Donny if he wants to get married and he says someday but i am a little scared about it cause i want it to last cause alot of peoples ends and i don't want it to end. Christine is being called to the DR and Donny says here we go as Christine is hosting the BOB comp. Victoria goes to wake up Nicole. 1:58pm Hg are getting up to get ready for the BOB comp.
  24. 12:29pm Frankie talking to Zach in the rock rm and Zach tells him not to worry that her is going to win the BOB so to cheer him on and Frankie says I will. Zach says I am glad I have Jacosta and not Victoria. 12:31pm Frankie says we need to get them to backdoor each other. Zach says who Donny and Nicole? Frankie says yeah it can be done we can do it.n Zach says that's good. 12:32pm Zach says he is going to take a nap and Frankie leaves and goes to fire rm and gets in bed for a nap also. 12:35pm Derrick and Victoria in have not rm talking he says what is up she says i am stressed and he says i know being on the block sucks but being up with Caleb is good. She says i am nervous though cause if Caleb throws this BOb i could leave. 12:37pm Caleb and zach in the rock rm and Caleb says hey we get a new outfit to wear so that is cool and i hope this comp is fun and zach says yeah i hope it is fun too.Victoria in Have not rm crying with derrick rubbing her arm. 12:42pm Caleb and Christine in the lvr talking about the bible. Victoria in have not rm crying alone. 12:44pm derrick is back talking to Victoria as she cries he says you just have to win today Caleb is strong and he is fast he isn't like jacosta he will carry you all the way if he has to. hopefully it is something physical cause zach cant beat him no way. 12:52pm Victoria goes to hoh rm to lay down with Nicole in the hoh bed. Most Hg are in bed sleeping now. 12:56pm All HG are now in bed resting and Donny listening to music.



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