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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 12:05pm Donny finished eating his slop and is washing his dishes. Most Hg are in the rock rm talking about alligators eating other animals. 12:11pm Caleb is now telling how smart dogs are and how they are smarter than humans.Frankie is slicing tomatoes in the KT as Victoria watches him. 12:18pm General talk going on in the KT with Frankie and Victoria and in the rock rm with most of the other HG as we keep getting FOTH. 12:22pm Caleb says he has lived a life where when you didn't have money for a 50 cent can of ravioli so we went hunting and got rabbits or squirrels and if we wanted beef jerky us boys made it happen. 12:24pm Caleb telling after he did a research on wild hogs then he would kill em cause they are just mean hogs and they kill dogs so they are just mean and we get foth again. 12:33pm Most Hg gathering in the LVR as Frankie says Victoria get down here and he tells Dr to hurry up.We get FOTh again. 12:38pm Donny is laying in bed in the Have Not rm. Victoria and christine are going to the rock rm to lay down. Caleb, Derrick and Frankie in the kt making food and talking about the battle of the block and we get foth. 12:45pm Frankie is making his fish salad, derrick is making corn tortillas and eggs for breakfast and telling Caleb how to make it for himself. Victoria is eating looks like a cookie. Just general talk about music and karaoke. 12:54pm Derrick ask Caleb do you have a phone and Caleb says yeah and derrick tells him pull up Google and search beast mode cowboy and what do you see? Me derrick says and Caleb starts laughing. Frankie is in the HOH rm getting ready to listen to his sister's CD.
  2. 11:48am Donny is walking around Kt getting water as Frankie and Cody are laying in bed.Victoria and derrick standing in rock Rm talking to Frankie and Cody and we get foth. 11:51am Donny and derrick in Kt .Donny walks to the WA and back.In the rock rm Frankie, Cody, Christine, Caleb and Victoria talking about doing Abbs. 11:55am After a brief FOTH we come back with derrick making food and yelling to BB he needs egg whites. Victoria says i can get you egg whites and she ask derrick how many he wants and he says 6. Derrick goes to rock rm as Victoria separates eggs for him. 11:58am derrick says who ever wins BOB today gets free tickets to see Arainna Grande in the VMA Awards and we get foth.
  3. 10:38am Hg in fire room on lockdown as they wait on Frankie and derrick to come out of the DR for nominations. Cam 1 is on DR doors. 10:40am Camera keeps zooming in on Cody and Caleb in the fire rm. One camera on memory wall one on Dr door and one on screen that says nominations today as we see production walk through the LVR to the storage rm Then back through to the KT area. 10:43am We are now back on Jeff's reels.
  4. 10:01am Cody is helping Victoria put her necklace on .Caleb is eating and Donny walking in the LVR area. Cody is going to make Caleb a breakfast sandwich saying today is going to be a good day. 10:03am Derrick and Frankie are getting ready to do nominations this morning,Donny comes to talk to Frankie and Derrick before nominations.We get FOTH. 10:09am Derrick says it doesn't matter to us who wins and who comes off as long as our target goes home this week.Derrick says best way to do this is put the guy that goes up every week on the block and put Victoria up on the other side with 2 strong guys so you have a chance. 10:12am Frankie tells Donny i just want you to win. Donny says i will try my best. 10:15am Derrick tells Donny that if he is on the block he will do his best to keep him if he doesn't win POV. But you have 2 chances to get yourself off there.This nomination isn't perfect but it is better than you being up against Victoria. 10:19am Derrick says hopefully you win BOB or POV and we move forward cause i wont put Frankie up as a backdoor and i know he wont put me up and you win and we move on as team America and do our task and win another 5K. 10:23am Frankie called to the DR , Derrick getting ready and Christine, Victoria in WA getting ready. Caleb and Donny in KT area talking while Cody is making breakfast sandwiches. 10:27am We are now on Jeff's reels as the Hg do nominations.
  5. 3:12pm as Hg get ready for tonights live show we are now back on Jeff's reels.
  6. 12:32pm We are still on Jeff's reels. 1:11pm HG are leaving the HOH rm and going to the KT to make food and to get their activity trackers. 1:16pm Donny says after he eats his fish he will sift some slop for Caleb. Frankie is in the HOH rm singing and packing up his stuff to move back downstairs. He looks at the camera and says moving out of the hoh rm again to hopefully move right back in again later. 1:23pm Caleb is cooking slop, Derrick walking around eating a banana as he says he just asked for the clippers so he can do haircuts before the second lock down. Nicole is doing her makeup in the WA as Zach brushes his teeth. Christine is in bed in the rock br. 1:26pm Frankie is going to bed in the fire br while Victoria is looking in the mirror at her clothes she just put on. Frankie, Derrick and Victoria have been called to the STR. Nicole in WA talking to Derrick and zach as she says I would rather go out of this house with others looking like fools and not me.Derrick and zach keep quiet. 1:33pm Derrick is fixing to cut Zachs hair. Donny and Caleb cooking slop and trying not to scorch it. Victoria is washing her shirt in the sink.Nicole still doing makeup.Cody, Christine and Frankie are in bed taking a nap. 1:39pm Nicole is reviewing lastnights Zombie things to Donny so he might win HOh tonight. 1:49pm Donny and Nicole still whispering about tonight's comp and what it might be and derrick still cutting Zachs hair in the WA as Victoria does her makeup . 1:55pm Caleb joins Donny and Nicole and they start playing with the jenga blocks and all talk stops.
  7. 11:10am Donny finished his slop and ate a little peanutbutter and is now brushing his teeth. all other HG asleep in their beds. 11:20am We now have Jeff's reels after a brief FOTH.
  8. 9:02pm Frankie and Cody are doing all the dance moves together as Cody has learned really quick.derrick is heading upstairs to the HOH rm. Caleb is making ice coffee as he talks to Victoria. Christine is in the LVR still playing with the jenga blocks alone. 9:12pm Caleb says he is waiting for the after party for a lady to come to him and ask how much a polar bear weights and when she says how much he will say you are really close but just enough to break the ice. Christine says that is really good. 9:21pm Cody and Zach in hoh as Cody says he thinks this will be the last of the Double hoh and next week will go to single. Nicole walks in and says i don't have your votes right? She says i am not giving yup but i want to look nice walking out so i just want to know and zach says yeah and Nicole tells then it sucks it just sucks you know what i mean? 9:23pm Zach says i have done alot of stupid crap in this game i mean stupid crap but i have good friends in this game that has my back.Nicole says i know Julie is going to ask me about things and zach says i give you permission to talk crap about me all you want. 9:26pm Cody picks Nicole up and puts her in his lap and snuggles her as she says she is scared she will be sequestered by herself and zach says no you will go to jury with Hayden and jacosta.
  9. 8:38pm Nicole says she feels like she should look better as she folds her dress up and Zach says yeah you look hot.She then takes her dress to the bedroom. 8:41pm Christine has set up the jenga blocks as dominoes and sets them off and they all fall Cody and zach cheer. In the WA Nicole is getting in the shower and Victoria is sitting there asking why it is so cold. 8:45pm Cody is stacking the jenga blocks as Cody, Christine and Donny watch then Frankie comes in and ask if anyone wants to do abbs with him. 8:51pm Frankie, Victoria, Zach and derrick in the KT just general talk about youtube as Frankie dances. in the LVR is Christine, and Cody playing with the jenga blocks and Donny just watching. 8:54pm Frankie now teaching Cody dance moves. 8:56pm Caleb comes out of the DR and screams and Frankie freezes and says you scared me as Caleb laughs and says i was hoping Victoria was standing there when i came out.Frankie goes back to teaching Cody his dance moves.
  10. 2:35pm Donny ask Caleb if eh heard the Will Smith song this morning from the Fresh prince of Bel Air. Caleb says yeah what was the first song and Donny says i don't know i didn't get up for that one. 2:41pm Caleb says i think this next hoh comp is going to be endurance cause honestly we haven't had an endurance comp since week 1. 2:51pm Caleb says to Donny you know it is going to be a hard decision when we get down to the final 2. Donny says yeah it is.
  11. 2:02pm Caleb has made a bowl of slop and a class of chocolate milk then goes outside with Donny to eat. Donny says it is a nice day, Not to hot. Caleb says has anyone been up he says Nah some got called to the DR then they all went back to bed. 2:03pm Caleb says i only put pepper and salt on my slop today and Donny says i did that for lunch but i added a little water to it and it tasted just like grits. 2:06pm Caleb says just 4 more weeks starting tomorrow and Donny says really then Caleb says yeah just four more Thursdays till finale. He tells Donny that the papers say till the 19th so finale should be the 16th. He then tells Donny that there was alot of whispering going on lastnight, i guess it was about Nicole cause everyone is telling her she isn't staying 2:12pm Caleb and Donny talking about if there is a buy back and someone comes back they might have to have another double eviction and Caleb says maybe a triple eviction. 2:18pm Donny says he hasn't felt weak at all from eating slop he says his stomach has felt bubbly but he hasn't been weak.He says he misses country cooking like fried squash, fried okra, fried chicken. pork chops things like that. 2:27pm Donny and Caleb in BY talking about where they live.All other Hg still sleeping.
  12. 1:48pm Christine comes out of the DR then goes to the WC as Caleb is being called to the DR. 1:55pm Caleb is out of DR goes to STR to get his activity tracker and then looks through the fridge for chocolate milk.He goes to put on deodorant then heads to the KT. Donny walking laps in the BY.
  13. 1:02pm Donny sitting in BY with a jar of peanut butter and a spoon eating it out of the jar. All other HG still sleeping. 1:33pm Donny still sits all alone in the BY as all the other Hg are sleeping in their beds. 1:45pm Donny gets up and goes into the house then comes back outside to check washer and dryer then walks the BY. BB calls Christine to the DR. Donny talks to the camera in the BY and says Kristine if your watching i love you and miss you , Tommy hope your having a great day and i miss you , I am having a great day.He then starts picking things up in the BY.
  14. 11:01am Donny walking around the BY humming real low then sits back on the couches. Everyone else sleeping. 11:20am Donny still in the BY sitting on the couch alone reading a Bible. 11:43am Donny still the only one up in the BY reading the Bible and doing laundry.
  15. 1:05pm Caleb, Frankie and Christine are in the Kt taking pictures, Nicole is up and in the shower. 1:11pm Christine and Frankie running from room to room taking pictures .Caleb and Cody eating breakfast.Donny in the BY with his feet in the hottub and Nicole just finishing up her shower. 1:22pm Zach, Derrick and Victoria are still sleeping, Donny still sitting with feet in the hottub, Nicole still in the bathroom area getting ready for the day, Christine and Frankie still taking pictures as she is called to the DR. Cody and Caleb are sitting in the KT eating as they all say how awesome the pictures are that they have taken. 1:30pm Christine comes out of Dr and says she is so excited and tells cody she cant say one of her questions cause she gave her game away but it was exciting. she says i think i am going to go to bed but i am so excited as she throws herself on codys bed and says I love you cody. she hugs him and then says i am gonna go to bed.Nicole ask what her questions are and she says i was asked what i would do with the money and i said i would go traveling and take my parents. 1:33pm Nicole ask Christine if she had another question and she says yeah but i cant say what it was cause it was very unexpected. Nicole says can we talk later and Christine says absolutely later. I am going back to bed right now baby i been up for so long. 1:37pm Nicole goes to the BY and Donny says Nicole is that you? I haven't been so tickled to see anyone till now. Donny ask her if she slept good and she says i sleep as long as i can. Donny says its is a beautiful day with the breeze blowing. 1:46pm Nicole ask Donny when you go to jury you have to stay there till the finale right and Donny says yeah. Nicole says i am going to miss the wedding i was supposed to be in and i hope she isn't mad at me. Donny says she isn't mad at you and Nicole says well she never agreed i could say her name or never wrote a letter and we get foth. 1:56pm Nicole and Donny talking about what they might get to do in jury or if it is going to be like in the house with nothing to do. Everyone else is in bed sleeping.
  16. 12:00pm Donny now sitting back out in the BY alone as Everyone else is still in bed sleeping. 12:27pm Christine was called to the DR and comes back out and goes to the BY and tells Donny she has the camera but she doesn't want to use it cause she doesn't like pictures and Donny says we can take pictures of you me and you.Donny says go wake people up and she says i hate waking people up though. Donny says at least it will give them the opportunity to take pictures and Christine agrees and goes to wake people up. 12:33pm Christine just walking around the house with the camera as Donny sits in the BY and Caleb now being called to the DR. Christine has now moved to the bedrooms and taking pictures of the sleeping HG. 12:35pm Christine has now climbed in bed with Cody and he covers his mouth and then hugs her then gets up as Nicole does. She says there is nothing to take pictures of. 12:41pm Christine has taken cody's pictures with the sleeping HG and took a picture with derrick and Caleb.Cody and Christine now go out to the BY and She says Donny i got a playmate and Donny says hello there. 12:45pm Cody and Christine are now going to the LVR and setting the time on the camera so they can take a picture together in the nomination chairs. 12:54pm Frankie is now up doing pictures with Cody and Christine .
  17. 11:00am Donny sitting out in the BY alone all other HG sleeping. 11:04am zach is called to the DR and BB tells everyone to retrieve their activity bracelets and we get FOTH. WE come back and derrick is getting dressed in the Fire rm then goes back to bed. 11:11am Christine is in the WA washing her hands she then goes outside where Donny is he says well hello there and she says whats up. He tells her he has been reading everything out there and rode the bike a while and been setting out there for awhile now. 11:29am Donny has now moved to the LVR as he sits alone just looking around. 11:46am Hg are still sleeping as Donny moves around the house looking bored.
  18. 1:46pm Nicole and Christine are out of the DR and back in bed and Nicole is talking about Frankie hasn't been nominated for 8 weeks. Donny sitting in LVR and tells Derick he is going to go lay down and derrick says he is going back to sleep also. 1:49pm Victoria in the fire rm telling derrick she feels like crap and she says she took a shower but that didn't help so derrick tells her take a nap and she says i am. 1:50pm Frankie in the Wa shaving talking to Donny and says he thinks he needs to go stay a month in a hotel for maid service all the time. Donny says are you shaving it all and Frankie looks at him and says yeah it is time i go back to being me Frank. Donny goes to the fire rm and goes to bed. 1:55pm Frankie wet his hair then looks in mirror now singing to himself in the mirror. All other HG in bed napping.
  19. 1:35pm Caleb in the WC telling Frankie he has someone to hang with him and that this cowboy doesn't like to lose and Frankie says no i don't either. Frankie then says there was a time we thought we would beast through this game together so we will see what we can do together. Caleb says yup it is all us. 1:41pm Nicole and Christine get called to the DR and we get FOTH.
  20. 1:02pm Nicole says she feels so bad for jacosta cause that was not the plan.Christine says damn i loved Hayden so much.Nicole says i know. Frankie was called to the DR. 1:13pm Nicole and Christine laying in HOh bed repeating themselves and general talk.Victoria in KT then goes to WA to get a shower. 1:17pm Nicole says someone will come back in about 2 weeks but this week we have to have an endurance comp cause we haven't had one yet and we are half way through the season. 1:19pm Frankie in Kt looks at camera says i am on the block and now got BOB and slop and no sleep on a cold block. He starts to make slop and says look at this KT it is disgusting. 1:27pm Donny eating in the KT and Frankie eating his slop. Nicole gets up and goes to the WC then back to bed after washing her hands. She is putting her music on as Christine looks at her pictures.
  21. 12:00pm Caleb talking to Zach in the WA about Nicole being scared that Frankie will manipulate him and zach says no he wont .Caleb says Frankie told him that have some stuff to repair but there is nothing to repair cause my best friend in this house is gone because of him so no there is nothing to repair. 12:07pm Most Hg sitting around in the KT just talking about babysitting as derrick makes himself some breakfast. 12:09pm Nicole and zach go to HOh she ask you gonna win today he says yeah.She says so Frankie is going to try to feed you alot of crap and he says i know i told him not to talk to me right now and Nicole says he was the one trying to get you out and he goes to talk to everyone and says i am sorry and he tries to make a fool out of you. Zach says i hate him i honestly hate him. 12:11pm Nicole says we need to work together but honestly zach how can I trust you. He says you have to trust me.She says Don't let Frankie get in your mind he is good. 12:12pm Nicole says Frankie is literally good so don't listen to him and he plays dumb and then goes tell everyone everything .Zach says i am not talking to him. She says anything i say to Frankie he goes and tells people but then he doesn't tell what i say he makes up lies. 12:21pm Zach says i have never lied i just open my mouth alot and she ask you have never lied? he says no i have never lied but we need to work together now you are all i have now. so Frankie or Christine is going home this week and Frankie knows it but he thinks he will win this week. Nicole says you have to win and he says Donny and I are going to win cause Christine is a joke. 12:25pm Zach says i trust you and i wanted to tell you everything when i was HOH but i honestly trust you. She says ok but i need Frankie out of this house and Zach says i hate him and Nicole says if you guys want to work with him then fine but... Zach says no way i hate him. 12:30pm Zach and Nicole head back downstairs so nothing looks suspicious.Derrick and Christine in the beehive talking about How frustrated. About zach and how she cant even look at him.In the HOH rm Nicole and Victoria are talking and Nicole tells ehr she is frustrated about a few people in this house. 12:38pm Nicole and Christine in HOh rm talking , Christine says when you are in a room with Frankie who does all the talking and Nicole says Frankie.She says i have learned my lesson and kept my distance but it istolate now. I am so mad. Nicole says you have the 2 best mental guys up and i have the two physical ones up and Donny ankle is hurt and Christine says oooo i forgot about that. Christine says i just don't want to be terrorized again but Derrick said he would protect me and Nicole says me too. 12:44pm Frankie is walking around the house and Nicole and Christine is watching on the spy screen and then Nicole says this crazy game that we love we probably look like villains. Nicole.Nicole lays down to take a nap but she is afraid to cause she feels like something is going to go down and she feels sick and tired. Christine says i don't feel good either. 12:47pm Frankie is going to bed in the have not rm. Nicole laying down as there is small talk between her and Christine.Nicole says as Christine now lays down that she is afraid that zach and Frankie is going to come up with a plan. 12:49pm Nicole says to be honest with you i was so depressed being on the block with Hayden and i was like thinking to myself just evict me and i don't even know what i did when she read the vote i think i hugged Hayden and i don't remember him even walking out the door i was like i would be if something happened to my dog.Christine said he went out with class. Nicole ask did he give you a hug? Christine says yeah he did he went out with class and he is a sweetheart and Nicole says he is a sweetheart and the nicest man, 12:55pm Christine says i hate when Cody lot you with distrust and Nicole says yeah he does have distrust in me doesn't he?
  22. 1:51pm Jacosta and Victoria in the WA, Jacosta is curling her hair.She ask Victoria if she is voting for her and Victoria says yes then Jacosta smiles. 1:56pm Zach, Christine, Derrick, Nicole, Donny, and Hayden in LVR talking general talk and just waiting around for time to finish getting ready for tonight live show. Jacosta and Victoria in the WA doing their hair and all other HG in bed sleeping.
  23. 12:50pm General talk in the KT with Donny, Derrick, Christine and Hayden about driving and defrosting windows and cold nights. Zach still sitting in LVR alone. 12:55pm we now have FOTH again as Victoria was called to the DR. 1:00pm Derrick as Zach if he is going to wear athletic wear and he says no i am wearing this and derrick says no athletic wear and zach says no then gets up and leaves the rm. Donny comes and sits on couch opposite of derrick and derrick yawns. In the KT Hayden is talking about having instagram and talking about doing a mustache contest on there. 1:04pm Derrick says it is getting close Donny and Donny says yeah it is getting real. Derrick looks at his activity tracker and says these might come into play tonight cause BB was Quick to get them in this morning to get the data off them. 1:112pm Hayden called to the DR Nicole and Derrick going to the WA and Donny is there shaving. Zach is laying on the couch in the LVR alone.Derrick showing Nicole and Donny that past HG have carved their names in the bathroom door and it has been painted over. 1:16pm Victoria telling derrick in the beehive rm that zach threatened her that if she doesn't vote to keep him that he will be after her next. Derrick says zach has the biggest target on him. Derrick tells her to now worry about anything and don't say anything today just look pretty i got you. 1:20pm Nicole and Christine looking at a bottle of wine in the KT. Nicole ask Donny if he knows what boons farm is and he says no and she says way back in the day and we get foth 1:24pm Derrick and zach talking about having camera time this week and derrick says that Victoria will get some since she was attached to Adam for 2 days. 1:25pm Zach now in the WA cleaning his ears then goes back to the LVR. Donny, Christine, Donny, Hayden and Victoria in the KT just general talk going on. 1:33pm Jacosta is now up in the KT cooking. Donny, Hayden, Nicole and Christine talking about bi polar people and we get FOTH. 1:42pm Christine goes to the LVR and ask Zach how he is doing, he says i am doing ok could be better. He says i just want to make sure i stay. He yells your going home screw you people and Christine and derrick laugh. he then says that this day is dragging.
  24. 12:31pmChristine and hayden in KT making food. Nolce in WA doing her hair and derrick shaving. 12:35pm Victoria and Hayden are talking about drinking and Victoria says she had 4 celebrations and Hayden says 4 celebrations as in 4 glasses of wine? she says yeah then ask if her parents will see that and Donny says no they pull out all the bad stuff. 12:42pm Derrick and Zach in STR and Zach says i will be pissed if i leave today bro and derrick says you aren't going. Zach says ok should i talk to Victoria now or later bro? Derrick says wait till closer to time and zach says ok ok . 12:45pm Zach in WA with Victoria says you are gonna keep me right? She says yeah and he says it will help you cause if i am here you will be safe. She says no one wants you gone and he says don't lie to me i know better. Victoria leaves the WA and zach is looking in the mirror. 12:47pm Derrick tells how he shovels snow all night when it snows so it doesn't pile up to high. Zach in now sitting in the LVR alone deep in thought.
  25. 9:23am All HG still sleeping. 9:35am WE now have FOTH maybe a wake up call 9:55am Donny is in the KT washing a bowl Victoria is making something in the KT not sure if it is coffee or slop.All other hg still sleeping. 10:21am We are now on Jeff's reels as the HG prepare for tonights live double eviction.



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