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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 1:33pm Most HG in the HOH rm. Derrick is sitting outside the hoh rm at the picnic table alone he then takes off running down the steps and to the LVR. Frankie comes down also and Derrick tells him that Zach went to the STR and then to have not rm but nothing was in his hand. 1:37pm Zach in the STR just having something to drink and Frankie walks in and get something out of the fridge and leaves not a word between them. Frankie goes back to the LVR with derrick and says it is so sad that the game has to come down like this. 1:40pm Zach sitting alone in the Bathroom area chewing on his nails. Frankie and derrick in LVR laying on the couches. All other HG in the HOH rm watching the spy screen. 1:45pm Frankie is laying in the bathroom area where zach is sitting. Zach is ignoring him and not saying nothing. Christine washes her hands then goes outside. Frankie tells zach you know they used to let Jacosta sleep here? Zach says really that's interesting. 1:50pm Frankie and zach are having small talk about the activity bracelets and how Zach hates wearing it.Christine is laying on the BY couch to warm up as she is cold in the house and Donny is on the elliptical. 2:00pm Zach sitting outside watching Donny on the elliptical . Cody and derrick and Christine in the LVR with general talk and Caleb in HOH rm sleeping. 2:05pm Zach and Donny in BY talking about one change that needs to be done. Donny says it might be a double elimination this week and we could be both riding into jury together. zach says i hope not. 2:10pm Donny and zach in BY talking about eviction night then Donny says we wont talk about it no more now till later. 2:12pm Donny tells zach that anytime this week don't mention my name or they will think we are working together.Donny then says that they will put me up next and the week jacosta was here they wanted Caleb and Cody up then they saved Cody and this week they saved Cody too.He says i dont need a target on me you know and Zach says you already have one Donny. Donny says thats ok cause they are not going to look good on TV going after the old guy that hasn't done anything just be friends with the ones that felt alone and had nobody. 2:19pm zach now outside alone laying on the couch. Derrick, Christine, Cody, and Donny in LVR talking about the lack of sleep in the house and when you have kids at home. 2:25pm Half the HG sitting in the LVR talking about Cody training for soccer. The other half of the house is in bed sleeping.
  2. 12:06pm Caleb and Frankie playing POOL. Derrick, Zach and Christine in the KT as derrick and zach make food to eat. 12:11pm Frankie saying a rap about zach that he did for the POV meeting and Cody ask did they say you could do that and Frankie says yeah but they will bleep some of it. 12:15pm Zach is sitting alone in the KT eating lunch. derrick and Christine in the LVR whispering low. Frankie is telling Cody and caleb in the BY about telling Zach that everything he says will be repeated. 12:19pm Cody says Donny has been playing the pecking order for awhile now. He did it with Hayden and with Nicole. 12:21pm Caleb says i just want to go to Donny and say stop the pecking order now sorry your friends are gone but stop the pecking order i aint buying it. he comes to me and says i want to be your boy and i am sick of it. Frankie says but there is a pecking order. 12:27pm Cody is ion the Kt cooking as derrick and the two girls are in the LVR just general talk about cooking with a metal spatula. Caleb and Frankie in the BY playing pool. zach comes to BY and watches the pool came as he sits on the washer. Frankie says hello fruit loop dingus welcome to the outside world and zach says nothing.
  3. 11:45am Cody and Frankie in the WA hugging.Frankie tells caleb you owe me one.Donny comes into the WA and frannkie says did you like my speech and he says yeah i am glad you remembered it all. derrick and Victoria sitting in the LVR and Derrick is in the red chair deep in thought.Victoria gets up and walks out. 11:48am Christine comes to the LVR and derrick says you want to work [patrol with me and Christine says sure and sits down. Frankie is walking through the house and goes to the LVR to talk to Derrick.He then leaves and says i am on patrol. Cody,Caleb and Frankie in the BY and Frankie says i am so glad i have ya'll. BB says to lower the outside awnings . Donny is going to bed for a nap since he had patrol early this morning. 11:50am Frankie says he told Zach in his speech that it was his turn to go see Julie Chen so take a seat. Frankie tells Cody that zach promised alot this morning but he cant trust him . 11:54am derrick is on watch in the LVR and Christine is sitting with him as Victoria lays on the couch in there because she is not feeling well today. 11:58am Cody ask Caleb how he thinks zach will be this week and Caleb says Bipolar.
  4. 11:00am zach on the hammock saying well my BB life is about to be over i am going up next to Cody and my life inn here is over and to Frankie i will never put you up and i would never vote you out. 11:03am We are on FOTh as Frankie was called to the DR. 11:37am We are now on Jeff's highlight reels.
  5. 8:50am Donny sitting in the chair in the LVR reading the bible as all other HG are sleeping soundly.
  6. 7:22am Donny still the only one awake and sitting in the LVR reading the Bible. 7:33am Donny walking around the LVR and checking things out then goes back to his chair and sits back down. Back to reading the Bible. 8:04am Donny walking around the house and goes to the sliding glass doors and yawns as he looks out. He goes to the KT sink and rinses his hands then walks around reading labels on different things. 8:13am Donny walks to the bedroom and combs his hair and beard then puts his light strap back on his head then gets his toothbrush and heads to the WA to brush his teeth.
  7. 6:30am Donny making him a hot drink and walking in the KT alone. 6:58am Donny sitting in the LVR reading a Bible. everyone else sleeping soundly.
  8. 5:09pm Cody and zack playing Pool as most hg sit near the pool with general talk going on. 5:16pm Cody comes to the KT and ask if anyone has seen his hat and they say no and he says someone stole my hat. 5:18pm Cody now has a headband on trying to fix his hair and asking everyone if they have seen his hat. they all say no and he continues looking. Cody going from room to room looking everywhere as he is growling. 5:20pm Cody goes to the KT and says ok someone took it i swear they did. Frankie says you want to wear mine? he says maybe but we someone took it. Frankie ask we have a hat thief? Cody says maybe it is upstairs and Frankie says go look i will meet you up there. Cody goes to the HOH rm and looks for the hat. 5:22pm Cody and Frankie both looking for the hat in the hoh rm and Frankie takes his hat off and says here wear this one and Cody says no its ok i am going in search mode for my hat now. 5:24pm Cody yelling through the house at Christine " DID YOU FIND MY HAT? THIS ISN'T FUNNY AND IT ISN'T A JOKE EITHER." Frankie comes in and they jump on the bed as Cody sings i cant find my hat. 5:26pm Cody ask Frankie did you hide my hat and Frankie says no. derrick comes in and says my hat is missing too. Cody says hats hide together. Frankie and Cody continue to look for the hats. Cody is moving everything around. Then says it will show up we will find it. 5:28pm Cody and Frankie going through the house as Frankie sings we got to find the hat Cody's hat. Is it in this room no it is not . Cody goes to the WC and he yells Victoria stop leaving towels in the bathroom and she says i didn't he says yes you did .BB tells then to stop singing as they walk outside and ask the others if they have seen it and Caleb says we don't have your hat why don't you go find it. Caleb says i bet i can walk in the house and find it and Cody says it is not there as he and Frankie walk back inside looking for the hat. 5:32pm Zach is in the fire room looking for Codys hat with Caleb. Victoria is also searching. they go over where they last seen the hat. 5:35pm Cody tells Caleb that he has to find that hat cause it was Hayden and paola was going to take it but left it and Hayden could have taken it but he knew i liked it and he left it for me to wear. 5:36pm Victoria ask Cody of he checked all the sheets he says yeah i came in lastnight and took it off and went to sleep and now it is missing. Derrick is complaining he cant find his hat either and it is the one that his wife signed. 5:38pm Cody yells is this a darn game or something cameras want to follow me around while i look for my hat.Derrick says mine went missing lastnight maybe it is the saboteur and Cody yells the hat saboteur.Cody is now saying Donny where is the hat? Cody says Donny was up and out of the room early. 5:46pm Cody and Victoria are in the hoh rm searching for his hat.He is looking in drawers and under covers and clothes and behind things. 5:51pm Cody searching the STR now for his hat and then goes and looks in victories drawers as he can not find his hat. Derrick is now looking for his hat also and helping Cody. Victoria says dont get in my drawers and Cody yells I want my hat! Victoria says i have an idea Frankie goes to the dr with it on this morning maybe he left it in there. Cody says is the Dr open. Zach says Caleb is going to interrogate everyone now, And zach says Caleb is a cop and will find it.Everyone now in BY saying Zach it was you!!! He says no i would take credit for it if it was me. derrick says House Meeting. 5:55pm zach yelling House meeting right now after looking in the freezers for Cody hat. Everyone in the LVR waiting for a meeting about the missing hat. Derrick says no one is missing anything but me Caleb and Cody? Victoria says my bras are missing and Frankie says i found those in the STR.
  9. 4:00pm Victoria going to do her laundry and tells Caleb she will wash his underwear with her stuff as she doesn't have much to wash. 4:11pm zach is making breakfast in the KT as Caleb walks around in his shorts tanktop and cowboy hat and on his feet the bunny slippers.Most HG are out in the By laying out with just general talk going on. 4:18pm Derrick and Christine talking in the BY and derrick told her about the meeting later to tell Zach he is going up as replacement nominee and told her she could be there or she doesn't have to be. she says she will be there for it. Then Derrick tells her he doesn't think it will be a mental comp this week. How can it be the viewers will be mas if it is. 4:23pm Zach and Caleb playing pool and Frankie heads into the house. Frankie is in the STR and Donny comes in and says i got Cody's hat and i will get my hat.Donny says i have to go pee and you come watch for me and i will get that and then that will be it right there. Frankie says ok then heads to the LVR and starts cleaning. All feeds go to caleb and zack playing pool. 4:28pm Zach says i am going to DR and goes to the WC first. In the KT is Victoria and Frankie then Caleb comes in and we get foth. 4:29pm Donny walks past Frankie and says Zach is in the bathroom so we better hold off. 4:30pm Frankie tells Donny to go for it and Donny runs to the STR. He gets Cody hat and hides it under a trash bag in the trashcan. 4:46pm Most HG in BY just general talk going on.
  10. 3:03pm Derrick is brushing his teeth in the WA.Frankie comes in the WA and they leave the WA as Frankie says he is going to get his allergy meds. Derrick heads to the Bedrooms and then looks under a blanket and heads back to the WA. 3:08pm Derrick now sitting in the KT talking to Caleb as Caleb talks about counting the plants. Victoria walks through the KT and doesn't say anything. 3:10pm Frankie comes in the KT and ask Caleb if he is going to lay out? Caleb says i dont know. Frankie says what is the delima we have another two and a half hours of sunshine left.Frankie goes to the BY and Derrick walks out and Caleb ask if he wants to play pool. 3:12pm IN the BY Caleb is going to lay in the sun with Derrick he takes off the bunny slippers and takes off the overalls and says i am going to lay out in my briefs. 3:24pm Caleb says he is going to wash some clothes and is going to throw away a bunch of underwear and socks today. Most hg are laying in the BY just general talk going on between Cody and Christine. 6 3:25pm Cody ask Donny what his favorite thing to do at home is and Donny says do Sudoku puzzles. 3:32pm Donny says Victoria got a clean towel laid it on the ground by the pool and then walked to the hot tub put one foot in and then laid down on the BY couch. he says we live in twilight zone now and Christine and Cody laugh it. 3:44pm Frankie , Caleb and Christine are talking about what to say to zach later at the meeting when they tell him he is going on the block and Christine says well it is just a game jeez. 3:54pm Caleb is walking around the KT then goes back outside. Frankie is in the DR. Cody tells Victoria she is all over the place and she says i know.
  11. 2:01pm Donny and Derrick sitting in BY on couches and Donny says i am finally getting my appetite back. Derrick says your stomach probably shrunk some having that slop. 2:14pm Frankie and Cody are in the KT talking and making coffee. Derrick and Donny still sitting in the BY just looking around. 2:17pm Derick goes to the KT. Christine comes to the KT for for a second and then goes back out to BY to lay in the sun.Victoria is in the WA doing her makeup.Donny comes inside and Frankie says you want to do a picture in the thing? Donny says lets do it. 2:27pm Cody goes to the pool to lay out next to Christine. He says he wants to be in the sun but it is to hot.Derrick is in the KT making food. 2:32pm Frankie telling Donny that he is going to make some salmon salad soon for everyone.Christine and cody laying in BY near the pool . Frankie joins them in the BY and sits near the pool just general talk about lint. 2:38pm Donny goes to the BR takes off his shoes then goes outside to the pool and says here is suck Dynasty heading to the pool over here.BB yells Frankie please clip your mic to your shirt and Frankie yells from the WC i am pooping. Victoria laughs and says you aren't even wearing a shirt. She tells BB he is naked he isn't wearing a shirt. 2:43pm Frankie and Derrick sitting in the bY on couches and Frankie says i am going to talk to Zach one on one tonight. I am trying to figure out how this all fits in tonight or should we do the patrol first or do we let Zach blow up before the patrol or after? derrick says we should do the patrol today so he wont be mad and we have him for the patrol. Derrick says i don't think this is going to go well but we will see. 2:46pm Frankie says i am going to say to Zach that he is going up cause no one can trust him anymore and you told me that we shouldn't trust you either. Frankie says he will tell Zach also that you were bitter with me before so i don't know if you will be bitter again so you need to go up. derrick says just Dont be alone with him Frankie cause you don't know what he will do when he gets mad.Derrick says i will be up there with you and if it messes up my game then so be it cause there are better things that matter than my game. Frankie says you, me and Cody and derrick says do it with all of us there. it is all or nothing here you know? 2:57pm Derrick and Frankie still talking about backdooring Zach and and Frankie says he is going to play in every pov the rest of the season and derrick says best case senerio is for me to win HOH next week and i wont put you up ever. But if i get burned i will blame it on America. 2:59pm Derrick says i am ready to get this going but do you think i should put my beanie in there ? you know i wear it everyday.Frankie says is there anything else we can take of calebs? Derrick says probably. Derrick gets up and goes to the KT and frankie follows as they want to hide a couple more things then get the TA Task started.
  12. Jodi Frankie. Richard Simmons called, he thinks you're his long lost twin. Zzing!
  13. Milo Detonators the Live Feed Watchers with Insomnia called their cured Zing Michelle Christine bad ink said they need you on there show when you get out. ZING Jodi Christine. Groucho Marx wants his signature look back. Zzing!
  14. Michelle Donny uncle si wants his beard back! Zing Tamara Alyssa Caleb you are the king ! King of dingus' ! ZING Michelle Cody zac efron called said to tell you he isn't your type, because he isn't married zing... Tamara Alyssa Christine you are just like Monday, nobody likes you ! ZING Desiree Christine- the next HOH you win - your letter will be divorce papers Ziinnng! Tamara Alyssa Is that the grinch over there? Oh wait it's just Christine ! ZING! Duchess Caleb, what do you and a sponge have in common?....you're both self absorbed.....Zzzzing!! Duchess Christine, Tim called.......no wait, he hung up....Zzzzing! Jodi Cody. Your gameplay is as non existant as Christine's marriage vows. Zing! Carrol Caleb what do you have in common with the Macy's thanksgiving day parade balloons.... Your full of hot air.... Zing Milo Frankie Justin Beiber Tweeted he wants to know who you are and why you keep dropping his Name.Zing Carrol Christine the LA county sheriffs department is looking for you.... All the local dentists called and want their laughing gas back. Zing
  15. Carroll Caleb... Popeye called and wants you to be his body double. ZING Milo Zach the Ritalin Company called they want you to be their Poster Child. Zing Milo Caleb Moe and Larry called they haven't been the same without you.Zing Carrol Victoria....cover girl called and they said they don't have any more cover for you girl! ZING Tamara Alyssa Christine , you are just like the wicked witch. All you need is a green face . ZING Tamara Alyssa Christine, the mean girls called and they said you are not a part of their group ZING! Carrol Christine the Wizard Of OZ called.... He wants his broom back.... Zing!!! Tamara Alyssa 1.2 , Christine Is coming for you , 3,4 better look the doors Milo Christine Robert Englund called he wants his Freddy Krueger Mask back. Zing. Tamara Alyssa Christine, the knife stores wants all their knifes back! Tamara Alyssa Cody, you are as useless as dead batteries! ZING Carrol Donny duck dynasty called... They said its time To come home Now. Tamara Alyssa Caleb, now the bunny slippers want a restraining order against you lol ZING Milo Caleb the Bunny Slippers got an order of Protection so you don't boil them zing. Jodi Frankie. You'd get a tan easier if you didn't live in your sisters shadow. Zzzing Tamara Alyssa Frankie, Tyra banks called ! She wants her fierceness back! ZING Jodi Zach. Your boss called. ...oh, that's right, you don't have one. Zzzing Milo Derrick the Wardrobe department from Revenge of the Nerds called they want their Clothes back. Zing Tamara Alyssa Caleb , I got a special delivery for you from amber ! A restraining order! ZING Milo Cody do you want some Cheese to go with Your Whine Zing. Jodi Caleb. You call yourself "beastmode" but you can't even win Amber's attraction. Zzzing....I'd make a remark about Victoria but just like your presence within the house noone would care. Zzzing. Milo Caleb RJ Aquino called he's suing you for Plagiarism Zing. Tamara Alyssa Mirror, mirror on the wall, who keeps staring at me? Oh Victoria! ZING Carrol Christina the Ginsu knife factory called.... They want their knives back...ZING!!! Tamara Alyssa Zach , roses are red, violets are blue and you my friend are a fruit loop dingus! ZING Melody Christine...roses are red, violets are blue, Tim wants a wife that's true! Zing Tamara Alyssa Cody , you are not a dog . Stop sniffing derrick's ass. ZING Tamara Alyssa Victoria.. The horses want their hair back ! ZING Beate Frankie, My Little Pony wants her mane back....zing Melody Fogle Caleb.....you are a lyrical dingus.....Zing
  16. 4:00pm Derrick hides the robe under the trashbag in the trashcan and then goes to the LVR and sits down. 4:15pm Most Hg in the LVR just general talk going on about their lives. 4:26pm Victoria is reading a pumpkin can to see how to make pumpkin to eat and Cody starts to tell a story and we get FOTH. 4:36pm All Hg either sleeping or sitting very quietly then Christine ask what everyone is going to be Halloween? Derrick says work Halloween. 4:41pm Christine and Victoria in Kt Making slop . Derrick telling Donny about a clock. Zach going to sleep in the LVR and everyone else in bed napping. 4:46pm Derrick and Donny ion STR as Derrick says what he took of Victoria's.He says she will miss that cause she wears it all the time. Donny says that is good and they leave the STR 4:51pm Victoria cut Onions to fry and Derrick tells her to move then he puts sugar on them to crystallize them and he promises the girls they will be good. 4:54pm Derrick is going to have Donny a shirt made that has His beard on it and says jump it. He then says Christine will have her glasses and he will think of something good to put on it.Victoria says derrick i think these onions are ready and derrick says no way not yet don't touch it.
  17. 3:01pm zach, Christine and derrick talking about when they get down to final 4 then the only person not on the block or HOh has the sole vote to evict. 3:03pm Christine says they have the evil dick in the house and then the nice guy Caleb and what is Donny? The underdog? 3:09pm most HG sitting around in the LVR talking about Impractical Jokers. Christine laughing. 3:21pm Donny goes to the DR and Victoria is playing jenga alone Caleb and Frankie are taking a nap and everyone else in LVR just general talk going on. 3:31pm Christine says my mom always said i was the meanest child growing up and she never understood how i had so many friends, But i had friends. 3:41pm Christine talking about her husband playing in bands while she is there in the BB house and he is probably playing better without her there. 3:46pm Victoria talking about her apple Phone and credit for Apple.Derrick is walking around the house eating. 3:48pm derrick goes the the STr gets a plastic bag and goes to the BR,He then goes to the HOH rm tells Frankie he is going to get Victoria's robe she wears every morning.He then shows Frankie he has the plastic bag in his waist band. 3:52pm derrick leaves the HOH rm and goes to the LVR where zach is asking about derricks Mac computer he then goes to the Fire BR and takes Victoria's robe and sticks it in his pants.He leaves the Fire rm and goes to the WC.You can hear plastic rustling in the WC as he puts the robe in the plastic bag. 3:56pm Derrick leaves the WC and goes to the the str and we get foth.
  18. 3:00am -3:30am All HG are in bed and Zach and caleb talk about zachs dog in the rock rm and how big he will be when Zach gets home. Derrick and Victoria talk in the fire room, as they whisper she says she ism scared that caleb or cody will win Veto tomorrow then who goes up? Derrick tells her to not be peranoid that he will try to keep her safe like he did last week and to get some sleep cause this is going to be a mental comp tomorrow.Derrick then tells her it will be fine he just needs to be safe this week and win hoh next week. 3:35am all HG sleeping. 8:47am All hg still sleeping.
  19. 1:00am Zach says when they sit down to do the nominations today Donny said we might as well call this the skittles nominations. zach says he is going to win and derrick says don't say that.Derrick says all in all we want him out but you know we could have sent him home last week. 1:02am Derrick says that Nicole said she wanted to know if she was going to go and derrick says i told her and she said well i am still going to fight but i told her she was leaving. 1:03pm Derrick says Victoria is a good person and Christine says i have a question, Why is she trying to get a job in the retail business if she is a big time photographer? derrick says i don't think she is. Christine says she said she makes 5k a shoot. derrick said that is fro weddings. 1:06am Victoria is in the WC as Donny is in bed sleeping now and most hg in the hoh rm talking about the BOB comp and how hard it was to find the bones. Zach says wasn't it funny when someone said Go Donny and derrick says someone said it and then he says don't say it or you will get gigged.then we get FOTH. Feeds back and Derrick says it is disheartening cause we are a house of six against 1 man right now so who is rooting for him see so i cant be mad about that. 1:13am HG say that BB told them not to stay up late that the POV is not tonight to go to bed early. 1:15am Zach says i hope they show us the highlights Thursday and Christine says yeah every fave hit i had will show.Caleb comes in HOH and looks for a snack. Cody is in the HOH bed snuggling with Frankie now. 1:16am Frankie says i actually think it is time to go to bed now they said to gets lots of rest it will be a big day tomorrow and we get foth. 1:20am Frankie goes to the Have Not rm and says this is a disaster and yells do you know where my hat is and derrick says i don't but you can borrow mine. IN HOH rm Caleb is talking about hogs and we get foth. 1:27am Frankie says we better go to bed now and everyone starts leaving the HOH rm so he can go to sleep and Cody says Frankie is kicking us out.Caleb and derrick are making food again and Frankie starts singing then we get foth.
  20. 12:33am Donny is now getting his food after being on slop for a week. Most hg are just sitting around with general talk going on 12:37am Donny says breaks my heart and we Don't have to talk about it to Zach as Zach sits there silent.Donny gets something else to eat and then says lets get a real bed tonight zach we deserve it and zach says i am going to get a long hot shower first. Donny says i done took me a long cold one. 12:40am Donny and zach go to make their beds for the night and donny says he is sleeping in the fire br and Zach says i think i am sleeping in the middle of the rock br since Caleb is sleeping in the HOH rm. 12:42am Donny and Zach go to the Wa and Donny says i am going to brush both my teeth then he tells Zach he wishes he could play in pov. 12:46am derrick telling Christine and Cody about how good a person Victoria is and how she has never said a bad thing about anyone in the house except one person.Christine says i never really talk to her.Frankie just got out of the shower and is brushing his teeth so he can go to bed. 12:49am Zach and derrick going over how many days they have left in the house. 12:55am zach said dude today. derrick says i feel bad for these guys and zach says yeah we just have to make sure Victoria doesn't win it.Derrick and Zach says think about it find a bone in the dark? You didn't need your partner to win this.
  21. 12:00am Zach can now eat and yells it is time and takes a big bite of his sandwich. Donny is still in the DR so as soon as he comes out he can eat also. Derrick and Victoria in HOH rm talking about how he was dethroned earlier today and he says it sucks but they have to stay strong in this game. he then says that Donny is a crap shoot and they need every person to play in this comp so she will know everything he knows. 12:12am Derrick says the fact is that you know everything i know so do you think i know something that you don't know . She says no he says ok so now that i am no longer HOH you are as acceptable as i am but you get to play POV tomorrow against tough competitors and you go in and do your best. 12:16am Derrick and Victoria sitting in HOH in silence now. Most Hg in KT eating and general talk going on. Donny still in the DR. 12:20am Victoria tells derrick if she goes Thursday that he better win and he says like i told you the cards are out of my hands and i could leave too.She says i don't want you to leave and he says i don't either. 12:23am derrick tells Victoria he is going to try his hardest and that is all he can do. He tells her that there are going to be some people that don't like her but there will be alot that love her. She says NO. he says yeah you will go back to the people who you love and see.Derrick says some of these people on here think they are going to go be the next top model. 12:26am In the KT everyone else but Donny is laughing and eating.Derrick and Victoria still in HOH talking and derrick repeating himself.
  22. 10:00pm Frankie says he is going to nap and derrick is moving his things out of the 2nd HOH br to downstairs. Caleb is crawling in the WA waiting to scare someone and no one comes in. he then starts rapping. 10:03pm derrick walks in WA and Christine says i forgot you have to move down here with us peasants. zach ask where is Cody and they says in DR Derrick says i just went in there and he wasn't there cause i had to get my laundry bag. Bb says you are not allowed to talk about production.Caleb starts rapping more to zach and Christine as derrick goes to the bedroom and fold his clothes to put away. 10:07pm Zach says here comes the queen and Caleb hides and scares her. 10:10pm Derrick is laying in bed in the Fire br and Victoria says we might have to remove Cody and backdoor zach and derrick says we might but right now just win ok so just don't talk about it right now cause talking about it is bad Juju you know. She says yeah and leaves the room then derrick goes reading his letter from home he got lastnight. 10:12pm Zach is now rapping to Caleb about him being skinny and eating slop and being bald. 10:14pm derrick says TVGN if you are watching this is an amazing experience being on this show and if you get a chance do it but be prepared it is hard but it isn't that long just no contact it is just hard when only a letter. So if you are thinking about applying and don't think you can do just do it everyone here is wonderful.It's all real people and an amazing experience. 10:24pm Caleb still rapping in the Wa with zach , Christine and Victoria. Derrick laying alone in the Fire BR trying to go to sleep. 10:30pm Cody is now out of the Dr and joins the WA as Caleb raps and zach is called to the DR. 10:32pm Everyone is leaving the WA and going to the KT and Derrick asked where all the dirty dishes came from and Christine says Frankie didn't finish the dishes.Christine starts washing them now.Derrick says i am going to go lay down and Caleb says TVGN will be over in an hour and derrick yells an hour and a half. 10:38pm Cody and Victoria go to the fire rm and Cody says i am sitting on the block and Victoria says more than likely you will win it or Frankie will win it but i have like a crazy feeling.He ask what and she says i don't know i guess the game is getting to me and Cody says its getting to me i am on the block. 10:40pm Victoria says i feel like an outsider you know like i feel like Christine is like one of the guys you know like she talks to them and like you know she is so open and people can just talk to her you know. 10:43pm Cody says i can be going home this week and she says no way you will not be going home Thursday. he says i am paranoid as hell right now tat i could be going home this week. 10:46pm Donny is up and goes to the WC and zach says only an hour left Donny an hour and fifteen. 10:48pm Donny comes out of the WC and says so you think this comp is tonight and Zach says Frankie said it was but Caleb thinks after today it might not be that it could be like 9am tomorrow morning. 10:49pm Zach ask Donny what he will eat tonight at midnight and he says i think i will take a piece of bread and put some turkey on it and Zach says you gonna eat a cookie and Donny says i might eat a couple of them. 10:59pm Donny is going to lay back down and Zach says he will wake him at 11:55pm so he can eat.
  23. 9:00pm Derrick ,Frankie are eating in the LVR talking to Caleb and zach in the LVR eating . Victoria is making food in the KT. Caleb is talking about past comps they have played in. 9:03pm Caleb says i am going to have that POV around my neck.Everyone gets quiet and Derrick ask for some chocolate almond milk and Frankie says yeah sure. Frankie then gets called to the DR and everyone yells. 9:10pm Caleb talking about Coors and drinking lastnight .Caleb then talks about the crew behind the window and BB keeps saying you are not allowed to talk about production 9:17pm Caleb says this sucks if Victoria wins it she wont use it or she will and put someone else up and derrick says yup one of us will go home this week. 9:19pm Caleb says Donny was just standing there listening after all the bones were up before he hit that button he just looked and listened. Caleb then says there was like 8 bones there and they all had X's on them. he ask Christine if he made it to the bed with the lady on it and she says no he says you get to this box and it cuts to a T and there is a bucket with slime on it then you had to crawl under a fence and it was right there. zach says you had to crawl under it and Christine says yeah we had to crawl under it. 9:22pm Caleb says dude it was like being in this house with the lights off out there.He says when they turned the lights on i had like 8 bones laying there and they all had X's on them. 9:26pm Caleb says is someone cooking something and Christine says no and derrick gets up and says yeah in Frankies defense he got called to the DR.Caleb says either turn it off or on real low before you walk away. 9:28pm Caleb ask Christine how many plants are in the shelves above the stove and sink in the KT so derrick counts them and says there are 33 in this one section so 33 x 6 = 198. Caleb then ask Victoria if there are 2 pictures on the left screen how many pictures are on both screens. Victoria says what? what are you talking about and Caleb says i don't know i am confused now myself so never mind Victoria you win the veto. She says you guys are mean to me and he said i am not being mean to you i gave you one of my ribs for crying out loud is i would not pick on you. 9:33pm Caleb ask Frankie when he comes out of the DR about the plants on the wall and he says 10 and Caleb says no listen and Frankie says it doesn't work that way. 9:35pm Frankie says goodnight i am going to bed. Christine says i think i am too. She ask Caleb if he is too? he says i don't know i don't think i could sleep. 9:40pm Caleb says it is all good we have all made top 8 so far but that isn't good enough for me. Christine laughs and says not good enough for me. Zach is saying this comp could be mental. Christine says i cant believe we won that and Caleb says well Frankie won the BOB last week all by himself. 9:44pm Frankie is going to bed after feeding the fish with derrick. In the WA downstairs Caleb says he is going to win that POV . 9:47pm Derrick and Frankie talking about the TA task and taking peoples things and hiding them and telling people you have to watch your stuff. 9:48pm Derrick says he will tell everyone that when their stuff goes missing he will tell them he will take first shift to watch everyone stuff and who wants to stay up with him? 9:52pm Victoria comes to HOh and all talk stops about TA. derrick is telling Victoria about past comps from other season as the HG speculate it will be a hold em or fold em comp. 9:56pm derrick says no matter what happens we have a month left (little does he know it is 6 more weeks) . 9:57pm derrick heads downstairs and leaves Victoria whispering to Frankie. In the WA Caleb yells you are missing TVGN we are having a blast.
  24. 1:00 Caleb says i have won 2 hoh's and a POV and two or three battle of the blocks and i am going to win another one today. 1:03pm Derrick says do you realize how big it is to be HOH in this house and some haven't won none and you and I are fortunate to have won two. 1:06pm All cams on sleeping Hg downstairs as Frankie is in the HOH rm and keeps singing his sisters songs. 1:36pm All feeds on sleeping HG 1:51pm Caleb is in the KT walking around and says it is two o'clock then walks to the bedroom. 1:53pm Victoria and Frankie in HOH bed talking about Arianna. derrick now in the KT with Caleb and Caleb talking about having a Coors since nothing else is going on.



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