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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 1:01pm Christine says i think i am going to put on a bathing suit and tan too. Nicole says lets do it. Christine heads toward the house and says i need some color.Cody goes in and sits on the LVR couches. 1:12pm derrick and Cody talking in the LVR about what position nicole plays in the house and weather to keep her or Donny. they then talk about how Christine pops up everytime they try to talk and then they can not talk. 1:17pm Nicole and Christine talking about how many times Christine has been safe in the game. Nicole ask when Arron was sent home last year and Christine says it would have been this week. She says this is scary huh it is so close to the end. 1:20pm Nicole talking about who in the jury would vote for you and Nicole says like i wouldn't have the votes if Brittany was in the jury. Christine says as of right now i am playing for second place. 1:21pm derrick is talking to the live feeders about the dirty house and nasty KT and says lets get it going at #bbdump . He then looks around and says come on people lets get this going at #bbdump and i will check it when i get out of here. 1:28pm derrick whispering to Victoria in the KT. Nicole and Christine laying in the BY just general talk about how well Christine did in the house this year. 1:30pm Nicole ask Christine if she misses Tim and she says hmmm hmmm alot. Nicole says i miss my car and my music and my phone.Then talks about going back to school as soon as she gets home. 1:33pm Victoria is now sitting in the pool as Nicole lays in the sun. they are complaining it is so hot outside. Christine now gets in the pool and Victoria gets out of the pool. derrick is in the KT cooking and all other Hg are sleeping. 1:36pm Victoria asking what happened lastnight after she went to bed cause everyone got loud. Nicole says oh Cody rubbed toothpaste in my hair and on my back and i am a have not this week and i had to wash my hair this morning so i put olive and pickles on him. Christine says it was disgusting and we need to get him back.Nicole said he kept throwing pillows at me and it broke my glasses. 1:44pm Victoria goes inside and heads to the Wa and derrick ask are you going to go shower. She says yeah.Derrick is still making food and Victoria tells him that Christine is so paranoid and that is why she goes straight to Cody. 1:47pm Victoria says i can not see what anyone sees in Christine as she looks out the door and says they are so weird together.She then says when Cody got his camera and went to the WA that Christine said oh my is derrick sleeping he is never awake for pictures.She talks about you all the time. derrick says i don't know i am a popular guy. Victoria then laughs. 1:53pm Cody, Christine, and Nicole are in the By laying out and getting in and out of the pool as they talk about movies and comedies.Derrick and Victoria in the Kt talking about what other women used to wear in the house and how they would flirt with Cody.All other Hg still in bed sleeping.
  2. 12:00pm Nicole is taking a cold shower. Christine walks in the WA and says morning. Nicole tells her she is shaving her legs but is going to wash her hair in the BY. 12:05pm Cody has now gotten the HOH camera to take his pictures . Nicole gets out of the shower freezing after shaving her legs.Christine is in the WA brushing her hair.Cody has gone to the fire br to take pictures of the sleeping HG. 12:14pm Nicole has moved outside to wash her hair and Cody tries to take pictures of her and she tells him if you respect me you wont take pictures of me till i am finished. 12:24pm Cody and Christine in the LVR taking timed photos as they sit in the Nomination chairs. 12:34pm cody still taking pictures of himself and Christine. Nicole doing make up in the BY and is called to the DR. 12:44pm Cody walking around with the camera. Christine fixing herself some food.He says i don't know what other pictures to take. Christine says we can do jumping ones or you could take one with your shirt off in the sun. He yells no no we can do the jumping ones. 12:55pm derrick is now up and in the WC. Victoria is in the STR looking in cabinets. Cody and Christine are in the KT talking to Nicole who is making coffee and chocolate milk. 12:58pm Nicole goes to the BY to lay out on the sun. Cody and Christine go out to the BY and put the awnings down with Nicole.
  3. 9:00am All hg are still in their beds sleeping. 9:10am Christine gets up and goes to the WC then goes back to bed. 9:14am Frankie is now up and goes to the WC. 9:16am Frankie is now going back to bed in the fire rm. 9:35am we are now on FOTH as Bb is probably waking the HG. 9:49am Donny is putting contacts in and Frankie says he is going back to bed in one second. Caleb says he is going to eat cereal.Frankie ask Caleb why are we going to the Dr it is so early. 9:55am Caleb is eating his fruit loops talking to Donny.Nicole is now up and goes to the STR for her batteries. Donny is going outside to enjoy the great outdoors as he says.Nicole goes back to bed .
  4. 2:05pm All Hg are now in bed napping. 2:28pm We now have FOTH . Maybe Bb is waking them. 2:30pm Cody is now up and putting on his sweat jacket and socks then heads downstairs to the DR. 2:41pm All hg are now getting up after a brief FOTH. 2:43pm Nicole has been called to the dr .Victoria and Christine in the KT. Cody goes back to the HOh rm. Donny is now in the KT also then heads to the WA.Cody comes out of the HOH rm and says HG we are gathered here today for the opening of Pandora box. Nicole says what do we get? Cody says manure dumped on you. Nicole says for real? Cody tells her no to was a joke and she replies stop that i thought you was serious. 2:50pm Nicole is in the WA. Victoria and Christine are in the hoh rm with Cody as Cody is giving them a tour of the hoh rm.
  5. 1:01pm Nicole cutting up the tofu in little chunks so Victoria can cook it in a sauce she has made for the have nots. Donny is making slop on the stove. 1:12pm Victoria has finished frying the tofu in a sauce and is now serving it up to Donny and Nicole. Donny says it smells like chicken. Donny is now tasting it.Nicole ask is it nasty? Donny says the taste is good the texture is the same. 1:25pm All feeds on HOH rm where Cody is sleeping. 1:27pm Donny eating the tofu and says that is pretty good. Nicole says it is good and i think if we had rice and could put that over it and pour more sauce over it then it would be like Chinese food. 1:40pm nicole is scooping up the slop from the pan to a container as Victoria thickens the sauce for the tofu and looks in the mirror saying her cheeks are better. Donny goes to the WC. 1:50pm Nicole is sitting at the table eating slop and tofu with pickles. Victoria is cleaning up the KT. 1:54pm Nicole tells Victoria she is going to go lay down. Victoria says ok as she fixes herself some food now.
  6. 12:08pm Christine now on the hammock with Cody and Caleb sitting in a chair. Cody says that was so hard. Christine says were there straws to draw to determine weather to use it or not? and She goggles. Cody says yeah. 12:11pm Frankie and derrick in the fire rm talking about how Caleb hating doing the show they did lastnight and everyone else loved it. Frankie says i was so impressed with Donny. Derrick says Donny was good. 12:15pm Caleb in the fire rm telling derrick and Frankie that every time he tries to talk to Cody then Christine comes up and if i go to hoh to talk to her there she is we cant talk. In the By Christine and Cody talk on the hammock and Cody ask what happens next week if Nicole wins the veto and comes down,. Christine says then Victoria goes. 12:17pm Cody gets called to the DR. Nicole is out at the hottub saying she is so cold. Nicole ask Christine if she is ok this week and Christine says yeah you are not going home. Nicole says well Donny is so calm he isnt like nervous. 12:20pm Nicole ask if Derrick went back to bed and Donny says yeah he told Victoria to wake him up at 2, and Christine says that's funny Victoria told me to wake her up at 2. Donny says i guess you wake her up at 2 so she can wake derrick at 2 and they laugh. 12:28pm Derrick telling Frankie that Christine is going to have to go. he says she is always with Cody now and she was always sitting with you last week when you was HOH. 12:29pm Derrick says Christine doesn't think this will be a double evict this week but then next week would be a double evict then a single evict then another single evict and we go to final and on Sunday we will do live finale.He then tells Frankie if this is not a double evict then this week i feel will be an endurance comp so we got this and Frankie says i got it. Frankie and Derrick say goodnight to each other and they are going to sleep now. 12:32pm Nicole talking to Christine and Donny about being a nurse in the BY.All other hg in bed now going to sleep. 12:57pm Most Hg in bed sleeping just general talk going on with others.
  7. 11:42am Nicole is walking around the BY talking to Donny about eating slop.Caleb and Christine are making food in the KT.Victoria walking around the house. 11:44am Frankie is going back to bed to sleep a little longer he says. Cody heads to his hoh rm to get changed so he can chill outside. 11:46 Nicole ask Donny what they are going to do. Donny tells her they are going to enjoy their last days there.Cody did not use the POV. 11:48am Cody walks through the KT and Caleb says look at Cody keeping the nominations the same. Cody and Christine go to the BY with Donny and Nicole. 11:54am Cody is laying on the hammock alone. Nicole,Christine and Victoria sitting on BY couches just general talk. Caleb comes out and goes to sit by the Hammock with Cody as he eats his lunch. 12:00pm Nicole telling Victoria that Cody told her she was good.Derrick says we have 3 weeks after this Thursday and we will be going home. 12:05pm Nicole and Victoria sitting in BY saying it is a beautiful day out and Victoria says gorgeous. derrick and Christine at KT table talking about going back to bed to sleep awhile.
  8. 9:00am All HG still in their beds sound asleep. 9:03am We now have FOTH maybe a wake up call. 9:18am Victoria is in the WA doing her makeup. Donny in the KT making breakfast. 9:27am Donny is sitting in the BY eating while Victoria is sitting in the KT eating her breakfast. All other Hg still sleeping. 9:35am Donny finished brushing his teeth and ask Victoria if she felt better today? She says yeah much better. He looks at her and says the swelling is down today.She tells him yeah thank goodness. Donny then leaves the WA where Victoria is finishing up her makeup. 9:45am Donny is on the Elliptical in the BY and Victoria is now brushing her hair and flat ironing it.
  9. 2:00pm derrick tells Donny that he is just telling him what he heard and there is no strategic value to it that's just all. I can't tell you what will happen this week no one knows this has been eating at me for a couple of weeks now so that's why i am saying something. 2:04pm Nicole comes out and joins Donny and derrick and Donny ask what she is eating and she says tofu with rice. She says it isn't so bad. Christine comes out to the BY now and joins them saying there are so many cookies in there but they are not gluten free. Donny says today is my Mom and dad's 55th anniversary is today so they all tell His mom and dad Happy Anniversary. 2:08pm derrick says he never kills bugs even spiders he catches and puts them outside in a paper towel.Frankie is doing laundry. 2:10pm Christine says she was late for work one day cause she had a roach come up in her sink and she had to call Tim to tell him. Cody is in the HOh rm going to sleep as Victoria and Caleb talk about graduations 2:14pm In the BY Derrick and Christine are talking about getting teeth pulled as Frankie does laundry. In the HOH rm Caleb and Victoria are talking about taking antibiotics.Derrick is called to the DR. 2:20pm Frankie laying in the sun and talking to Christine about his sinus infections and says thank you grandpa for paying for my surgery to fix the problems so he wouldn't have to be on antibiotics for the rest of his life.
  10. 12:00pm Cody tells Frankie about Donny coming in and talking earlier and saying that he never talks to anyone in this house and Frankie says what? 12:11pm All Hg are heading out to the BY for a lockdown. Just general talk about family going on . 12:14pm All hg are now on Lock down in the BY .Frankie is going to lay in the sun as Victoria says her wisdom teeth are coming out and Caleb says coming out and Nicole says coming in then Victoria says coming in then. 12:22pm HG talking about surgeries they have had and now youtube videos and if they get anything for sharing on youtube. 12:28pm derrick is trying to think what a pirated name was and Caleb says One eyed willy and derrick says i knew i would find that pirate. He says that was a good movie. Caleb ask i wonder why they had to cut those strings and we get FOTH. 12: 35pm Lockdown over as the Hg have have not food of tofu and fish. Cody reads the card and it says it is your responsibility to nominate 2 people for have nots and can enjoy Squish kabobs. He.He chooses. Nicole and Donny. And says don sorry man. 12:38pm Victoria asking if they are off food restriction now since Nicole and Donny are on it now. Frankie tells her to go ask. 12:41pm Christine comes out of the Dr and screams we are off then runs outside telling Victoria they can eat and shower now. 12:42pm Caleb in the Kt talking to Frankie and says so you Fry tofu? Frankie says yeah you do. Caleb says does it taste like fish Frankie says no. 12:44pm derrick is helping Nicole put the have not food in the fridge.Frankie says here this is done you want BBQ sauce on it and Nicole says i don't know i have never tried it.Donny comes in and tries it and says it isn't bad it is that texture, that darn texture. 12:48pm Derrick and Nicole waiting for the STr to be open . Nicole goes to the KT and ask how it is Donny and Donny says taste this here. Nicole says it feels weird.She taste it and says it kind of taste like eggs. Donny says we could put syrup on it and it might taste like French toast. 12:52pm Donny and Nicole talk about the next comp they play and then Donny says we have top compete sleeping on that hard slab. Nicole says yup and Donny says that sucks. 12:54pm Cody and Christine in the By talking about what Donny said earlier and that Donny keeps saying to Caleb he has his vote and Christine says Donny wants me and Derrick up so bad and Cody says he thinks you and derrick are the masterminds. 12:57pm Cody telling Derrick and Caleb with Christine about what Donny said early about sending derrick, Caleb or Frankie home this week. Derrick says he is going to you saying he is a country boy so don't vote him out and Cody laughs and says yeah.Derrick says if Donny doesn't win POV then i will go to him and tell him he does not have my vote.that he was sending messages without telling me to my face that you wanted me up.
  11. 11:01am Donny is on the elliptical in the BY. Victoria is brushing her teeth in the WA. 11:06am Christine going outside to lay on the hammock and read the Bible. Donny now sitting on the BY couch alone. 11:20am Donny now working out with hand weights. Christine still on the hammock. all other Hg still in bed sleeping. 11:26am Christine tells Donny she is going back to bed to go back to sleep.Victoria is walking around getting her clothes together and putting things away. 11:42am Victoria puts more laundry on washing and drying then tries to get in the DR but doesn't get in then goes through more clothes. 11:51am Everyone is starting to get up now and Derrick says they didn't give us a heads up.Derrick this the noms will be different and have all the keys this time since there is no BOB now. 11:54am Hg are in the KT saying their good mornings and getting coffee and food before they go out for an outside lockdown. 11:59am Everyone in the KT except Caleb and Frankie as Frankie goes to the HOh rm to wake up Cody. In the KT Caleb is telling stories.
  12. 1:37pm Caleb and Cody in the KT and Caleb says he can not remember what to say so when he gets up there to speak it just comes out. Cody laughs at him. Derrick in the WA doing his hair cut. Frankie now in the KT making food. 1:40pm Frankie is asking who was HOH when they had a week off of being have nots. Cody says it was the week Brittany was evicted. 1:41pm Caleb is shaving Derricks head as derrick tells him how to do it. 1:50pm Victoria is plucking eyebrows again as derrick tells Caleb how short to go on his sides. Cody and Frankie in KT. we get foth. 1:54pm Frankie is washing dishes and says you are not allowed to say the word cheesy and we get a brief foth.
  13. 11:03am Donny is walking around the LVR and KT area for a morning walk. Everyone else still in bed. 11:12am Victoria is now up in the WA doing her hair and make up. and we get foth. 11:19am derrick is now up and in the WC. 11:24am Victoria is eating her slop for breakfast. Zach is in the STR changing batteries and Donny sitting at the table playing with jenga blocks. 11:27am We get Foth then it switches to Jeff's Reels.
  14. 2:09pm Feeds on Caleb sleeping and other on bathroom door. no one is talking in the house as most are still sleeping. 2:22pm Victioria comes out of the WC and heads to the STR she gets a drink of something then pours some chocolate milk and drinks that while she holds the fridge door open.She then throws her cup in the trash and goes back to the KT and looks in that fridge then finds the almond milk and pours some in a glass. Donny sits at the table playing with jenga blocks. 2:31pm Christine is in bed whispering to Cody as he covers his mouth. he says that is a flat out lie. that is literally a flat out lie.(Christine whispering so low we cant hear her.) and we get FOTH. 2:36pm Christine still whispering to Cody and Cody is now whispering to Christine all you could hear was Donny's name. and Christine laughing. Caleb and Frankie are now up in the HOH rm. 2:44pm Donny and Frankie are in HOh talking and Donny says i told you the other morning about what other was saying. I know that winning the big money was my goal secondly i know i wont win and i can posabily win Americas choice if you are not in the jury house and i want you to know i will keep you here no matter what.Frankie says well you know i don't think the jury votes are in my favor anyways so i think it is good for anyone to take me to the end. 2:47pm Donny telling Frankie that these people want you in one place and these people don't. I don't sleep all day and i see and hear things. Frankie says yeah i will try to keep you off if i am in power. Donny says i know you will do what you can do. 2:54pm Caleb is in the KT making food and Donny talking general talk to him .Cody and Christine whispering still in the Fire BR. 2:56pm caleb talking about wild hogs and what they eat and how nutritious they are and how farmers hate then cause they destroy things.
  15. 1:30pm Donny and Christine still sitting and talking about him being alone and who talks to who in the house. Donny says there is some really smart people in this house there really are or a really really impressive person and you know who i am talking about cause Jacosta love him, she prayed with him every night. 1:34pm Christine says i want to thank you and Donny says all i ask is that you don't say we talked cause it will look bad on you too. 1:38pm Donny and Christine still talking and Donny says maybe we should go lay down and pretend to get up when the others do and Christine says i need to go wake Cody up to see if he wants up since i was supposed to wake him at noon. 1:44pm Donny says if i win HOH or if you win HOH then they would have to turn on each other. you can say that you want to backdoor me and then don't do that put one of them up. 1:46pm Donny says or if you can say something like someone said something to make me doubt you. Christine says oh Donny i have so much information. Donny says i am sure you do.
  16. 12:04pm Donny tells Christine here is what we can do we can split the blocks here and play jenga by ourselves and see who can get it the tallest. 12:10pm Donny tells Christine that in the begging he wouldn't talk game to anyone cause he was afraid someone would take what he said and turn it around. Christine said yeah i know what ya mean man. 12:20pm Donny and Christine talk about who you can and cant trust. Donny says right now i have no one all my friends are gone and Christine says that sucks. 12:26pm Donny and Christine looking at the memory wall and Donny says he is tight with nobody but the people with somebody is tight with everybody. But what if you are in the pick then you are nobody. just think how people hang out cause they are loyal to those people. Christine says yeah like people that cant spend time with people on a personal level.Donny says think of the whispering that goes on in this place. I don't sleep all the time, I don't. Christine says yeah and Donny says that it is something to think about. 12:29pm Look at it this way he is one that has played in most of the comps and he is their Victoria. Just think this is a numbers game and you can let people win for you.I was a target week one and i am a target now but once i am gone people wont have anyone to help them. You have to think of Cody up there so you have to think that someone is loyal to him and I know.
  17. 11:03am Christine and Donny in the BY talking about memory Foam mattresses. 11:16am Donny and Christine in the BY still just talking about the time .Donny says man we aren't going to have anything to do in the house. Christine says i know it is going to be boring. 11:21am Christine talking about how Victoria goes to sleep in the have not room with socks on and covers with a blanket with holes and can see her toes. I don't know how she does it. Donny says she is a trooper though she has been on slop for like 5 weeks now. Christine agrees. 11:24am Donny tells Christine he drinks water with his meals cause tea leaves a film in your mouth and i think the food taste better if i drink water. 11:31am Donny and Christine talking about eye exam and glasses insurance. Everyone else still sleeping. 11:34am Donny telling Christine how he puts his contacts in and he has to go to the bottom of his eye and sneak up on himself to get them in. Christine laughs and Donny says yeah i have to sneak up on myself. 11:46am Donny is working on laundry as Christine sits on the couches in the BY. All other HG still sleeping. 11:54am Donny says that Victoria has a lot of numbers in her boat and alot of power. Christine says yeah she has alot of power that is why they are keeping her. 11:56am Christine says i don't even know what it will look like on TV, oh yeah we do and Donny says yeah we do we know how she is. 12:00pm BB has now locked the Hg inside the house. Donny is walking around inside going from bedroom to KT. Christine is in the WC.
  18. 1:50pm Donny, Frankie, Christine and Victoria are just walking around taking pictures. Everyone else still asleep.
  19. 12:00pm Victoria comes out to the BY and Donny says good Morning Victoria i did two loads of towels one in the wash and one in the dryer. Victoria says thank you Donny. Victoria goes back in the house and BB tells her to put her mic on and Donny says bless it. 12:17pm Donny in the BY turning on the water hose and cleaning shoes. 12:40pm Donny sitting in the BY alone waiting for Victoria to come help him put the awnings down. Victoria was called to the DR.Christine is up and going to the By and says whats up Donny and ask where everyone was and donny says i am alone right now. Victoria has gone to an appointment right now And Cody made a sandwich then went back to bed i am just waiting to put the awnings down. Are you going back to bed and She says yeah but i can help . They start putting the awnings down. 12:56pm Nothing new i the BB house at the moment as most HG are sleeping in their bed/l sleeping..
  20. 11:01am Donny ask Cody if he keeps him will you keep me safe next week and Cody says yeah. Donny says ok i think we will take a break from this conversation and i will keep you safe next week if i win HOH. Donny says Derrick is good and makes friends with everyone in this house. Donny says see the four horseman stayed together they never turned on each other but they are going to have to turn on each other. Do you see that cause they are gonna turn on you before they do Victoria cause she is loyal to the end with them. 11:05am Donny says don't you think that derrick is closer to Frankie than Christine is to Frankie and Cody says yeah i think Derrick is closer to Frankie we all see that.Donny says we better quit talking cause Frankie has to get up, it is Tuesday and camera day. Cody says i am going to go make breakfast you want some?He says no thank you i might have some coffee though. 11:10am Donny is in the DR and Cody is getting cleaner top clean the KT.Everyone else still in bed sleeping. 11:25am Donny is out of Dr as Cody makes breakfast Donny tells him that he had a bowl of cereal this morning and it tasted like chemicals like when ya'll sprayed that ant spray. Cody says lets hope it isn't cause i ate some lastnight. Donny says i poured it out and threw it away cause i don't want to be crawling up no walls. 11:32am Frankie is in the shower in the hoh bathroom. Donny is brushing his teeth in the downstairs WA and Cody at the KT bar eating. 11:44am Frankie in the have not rm getting dressed so he can blog and get the camera. Donny is out in the BY on the elliptical. 11:54am Victoria is now up and heading to the WA with her basket to do her makeup for the day.Donny still on the elliptical and Frankie ion the DR.
  21. 4:30pm Everyone is up but zach who is still sleeping. Christine and Frankie in the BY laying out still and talking about Wednesday nights episode and how it will be Zingbot . Everyone else in the LVR talking about dogs.
  22. 4:03pm Just general talk through the house and in the BY Christine is telling Frankie she will have to do alot of work to get back where she was before she came in this house. Frankie says me too. 4:06pm Caleb tells Victoria even though he thought it was her that took everything and hid it he apologizes for yelling at her. He says i wasn't serious but just in case you have a hearing problem when you leave here. 4:10pm Christine ask Frankie i wonder if Julie likes Zach or hates him? She then laughs. 4:14pm Frankie says zach is whining about things that happened 5 weeks ago and Christine says he is actually a big baby. 4:20pm Derrick in LVR telling a story about playing in snow and his wife getting upset with him for being a little kid. Frankie and Christine still in the BY laying in the sun just general talk.
  23. 3:32pm The Hg think they might be on lockdown so they could clean the pool and the hottub. 3:36pm Frankie, Derrick, Christine and Donny talking about this weeks comp. Frankie gets called to Dr as he says if it is the fish bowl one he will be mad. Derrick and Christine continue to talk about the comp Thursday and how it should be physical. 3:40pm BB says the lock down is over and all the HG go to look to see if BB put something outside but there is nothing. derrick says something is going on. 3:47pm Frankie comes out of the DR and is excited the BY is open again. He then heads outside singing and we get FOTH. 3:51pm Frankie and Christine laying out in the BY in the sun. Donny sitting in the LVR alone as he is on patrol again. Victoria, Cody and derrick in the KT making food and eating.
  24. 3:01pm Frankie now joins Donny and derrick in the BY and derrick says almost over so we are waiting till 7pm. 3:03pm Frankie gets called to the DR and Donny and Derrick move to the LVR with Cody just general talk going on. 3:17pm Frankie, Derrick, and Cody in the LVR talking about a lockdown. Victoria goes to the WC and Cody runs in there and yells what are you doing Victoria i am watching you. Frankie tells derrick he hid Victoria's clothes from the comp and DR is looking to see if they have footage of it. We get FOTH. 3:26pm Donny comes out of the DR and Zack is called in. Victoria is walking around the house and Frankie tells her she looks cute. She is waiting for some ginger ale to drink as she has been sick all day.
  25. 2:31pm In the LVR Donny and derrick are talking about finale and how it works and it should be in 4 weeks but if there is a buy back there could be 2 double evictions still .Cody says so what if there is a buy back who cares. Derrick says i don't think there is but it could change everyone strategies. 2:39pm Christine and Cody are talking about movies as Derrick and Donny listen. Everyone else in the house is asleep. 2:48pm Cody says i knew i would be social and the girls would love me. Everyone in this house trust us no one wants to put us up and you telling me not to put Caleb up saved my butt. derrick says i told you dude. 2:49pm derrick says to Cody you and I are going to have a bond for life dude. you don't act like 23 you act older that's why we are so good together and hooked up on day 2. Christine is going to play the numbers like if Frankie goes up she will do what the house wants.Cody says if i go home i will call it all out in this place. 2:55pm Cody is hugging Christine in the KT and swirling her around. Donny walks in and says Cody watch out for Zingbot and Cody says Zingbot has nothing on my girlfriend i mean best friend we are best friend. Donny and derrick goes out to the BY and talk about when they task will end and derrick thanks America for this fun task and they did it and worked hard. 2:58pm derrick says we nailed this we had someone up with us at all times everyone but Zach and he took the blame for everything.



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