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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 1:00pm Caleb says we will tell Victoria if she wins the veto and she uses it then derrick will go on the block. Caleb says while we are here without Christine what do you want to do if Nicole wins the veto cause i would put up Victoria so you want fame or game? Caleb says if that happens i would say tell Christine that it is game and you are going home cause once we get to Victoria it is a free week. 1:05pm Frankie tells Caleb , Cody and derrick if you don't want to see balls hanging turn your head and Frankie starts getting his jeans on and Christine walks in the HOH rm and Caleb says if you don't want to see balls turn around and Christine stands there. Caleb says she wants to see cause she hasn't seen any in awhile. Frankie drops his towel to a naked butt putting jeans on with no underwear. 1:14pm Frankie goes to the have not rm to get him some clothes. Caleb in the HOh rm telling a story about him being drunk and going to a bar and meeting a band member of colt ford.He says his mom bought tickets to go see them a few weeks later and when they went to see colt ford he realized they were fake tickets. 1:19pm Caleb says when the guard wouldn't let them in with the tickets Caleb told him he would call spanky from colt ford and the guard told him no don't call him and he and his mom were escorted in there and got pit passes. 1:20pm Caleb says when Colt ford came out then Spanky seen him and let him and his mom go to the side of the stage where they could see everything. 1:24pm Derrick says to Cody and Caleb that Frankie is covering his ass and that he doesn't want to send Christine out that he wants Nicole out. derrick says if Nicole wins who should we put on the block? Caleb says Frankie and i are close but we aren't that close after he threw me under the bus and all that stuff. derrick says Frankie does not like us 3 alone so watch he will be up in a second. 1:27pm derrick says Frankie wants Nicole out so bad this week and only because he knows that if Nicole wins HOH she is coming after his ass and his alone. 1:31pm Caleb says best thing to happen is Nicole loses today and we send her home worse case Nicole wins and we put up Victoria and Christine goes home. Then next week we get Nicole out. Derrick says if i win the veto i will pull Christine down but then that is another person you have to put up and Caleb says i aint scared to put anyone else up. 1:37pm Frankie in the Kt talking to Nicole about taking aleve for his hurting legs and hips.In the HOH rm Cody, Caleb and derrick repeating themselves about Nicole going home or one of the girls leaving. 1:39pm Derrick watching the spy cam saying Frankie is setting himself up in case Nicole wins the veto look at him he cant stand her and he is talking to her. Frankie is called to the dr and they all start to get ready for the veto comp as Frankie is hosting. 1:41pm Frankie gets his make up to put on before he goes to the DR. 1:44pm caleb is using the WC and Derrick is walking in the bathroom area in hoh rm talking to him about making it to final 4. 1:46pm derrick comes down stairs and Victoria says i made something for your daughter. he says my daughter and looks and says Victoria you are so talented as she made a rose out of play dough. He then ask where is the advile and says he is slamming three of them before the comp. 1:49pm Cody and Christine in bed in the rock br and Christine says my thighs are so tight and hurt. In the KT area Frankie is still doing his makeup. 1:51pm Frankie spraying his hair and tells Nicole he is really surprised that Donny's name didn't get pulled today for veto comp. 1:55pm Frankie is rubbing Caleb shoulders in the rock rm while they talk to Cody and Christine about monster drinks.
  2. 12:05pm Frankie is walking around saying unbelievable and Caleb says he called all three of them. everyone but Frankie is playing in the POV. Nicole picked Derrick and Christine picked Victoria and Caleb picked Cody. Frankie will be hosting. 12:08pm Nicole is changing out of her dress to shorts in the WA. Christine and Cody are on the LVR couches not talking. Victoria, Caleb and derrick are at the table while derrick eats his slop. 12:14pm Caleb is hiding by the STR door and scares Nicole as she comes out of the STR and she screams and says dammit you just took 3 years off my life. Frankie still walking around complaining he didn't get picked for the POV. He says to Caleb Hey if you had chose me with that HG choice then Christine would have drawn Cody and not Victoria. 12:19pm Cody farts and Christine and Caleb are laughing and Caleb says that sounded like a little six year olds fart and they keep laughing. Frankie is in the HOH bathroom drawing a hot bath. Nicole and Victoria are in the KT area stretching. 12:23pm Derrick in HOH bed listening to music. Nicole and Victoria talking about Nicole bruising so easy right now and used to she didn't bruise easily. 12:27pm Nicole tells Victoria that she was put back in this house for a reason so she needs to do something. Frankie in HOH rm telling derrick that it is unbelievable that he didn't get picked for Veto and this was the last time that he could have been picked for it. 12:31pm Frankie drawing his bath says hey if i get a hosting gig after this i can make more than half a million anyways so that is the way i have to look at it. 12:37pm victoria and Nicole in the KT and Victoria is asking if there is 2 liters in a gallon? Nicole says i don't know. Victoria says there is 2 liters in a gallon and Nicole laughs and says stop and they laugh. 12:44pm Christine and Frankie in the hoh bathroom talking about what they can do if derrick wins pov then he will keep it the same so Victoria wont go up and Frankie says this is a game of chess. 12:46pm Christine says i sat for 15 minutes eating breakfast with Nicole this morning and no talking it was very awkward and Cody says yeah Victoria is glad Nicole is back cause there is another girl in the house cause Christine hangs with a man so she is more like a man. 12:48pm Christine says it is nice Nicole being back in the house cause now Victoria doesn't talk to me anymore about things she use to talk to me about. I don't care about watches and stuff. 12:55pm Frankie is out of the bath. Caleb is walking in the KT where Nicole and Victoria are sitting and talking about how many liters are on a gallon. Caleb says to look on a milk jug. 12:58pm derrick says if Nicole wins the veto it is the worst case senerio but if Victoria wins it i will have to stick with her all week till it is over to make sure she wont use it.
  3. 10:34am Nicole comes out of the DR and goes to the Wa and is crying as she goes in the WC.we then get FOTH. 10:36am Christine is going to the DR and Nicole is changing her clothes. Nicole washing the paint off her legs then brushes her teeth. Cody is now up and in the STR changing his batteries.He then goes to the WC. 10:40am Christine is out of the Dr and goes right back to bed as she coughs all the way there. We now have FOTH again. 10:42am Nicole is still in the WA cleaning her face . She then walks around and plugs in the flat iron for her hair. 10:49am Nicole is making herself a bowl of slop and making a pot of coffee. 10:51am Christine is now up and in the KT getting breakfast. Nicole says hey to her and Christine says nothing. 10:56am Cody comes out of the DR humming and Christine laughs.
  4. 10:07am Christine brushed her teeth and is now putting on make up. All other Hg still in bed sleeping. 10:25am Christine has finished her make up and is now going back to bed. 10:32am Nicole sitting up in her bed looking at her knee then gets up and goes to the DR.
  5. 9:00am All HG sleeping. 9:27am We have FOTH maybe a wake up call. 9:38am Frankie is in the HOH bathroom then leaves to go downstairs. Caleb still in hoh bed sleeping. All other HG appear to still be sleeping also as BB says The bedroom lights must remain on during the day. 9:41am Frankie changed his batteries in the STR then goes back to bed with Caleb in the HOH rm. 9:44am Christine gets up and turns on the light to the rock br and Nicole gets up from the have not rm. they both go to the STR to change batteries. Nicole goes back to the have not br. Christine gets clothes from the dresser. 9:50am Christine is now in the shower. Nicole went back to bed.
  6. 12:26am Frankie is going downstairs now to get bowls and milk for cereal for him and Caleb. Cody is now out of the DR helping Christine make food. Derrick gets a holla that says derrick holla girl and Derrick yells holla boy . 12:29am Caleb and Frankie decide to go down stairs to eat instead of getting milk and bowls for cereal. Victoria cleaning up the paint mess that made at the table. Christine eating her food at the table.Victoria says she wants some cereal. 12:39am Most Hg eating at the kt table just general talk going on . 12:43am talk is about Halloween and Victoria ask Caleb where he gets his pumpkins and he says Walmart or target or anywhere. 12:47am Frankie and Caleb talking about Devin and how Caleb wanted to put him in his place and Frankie was like please don't please. Caleb says that Frankie said Caleb you may not be scared of Devin but i am he might rip me a new ass they all start laughing Frankie says i was scared the moment that Devin walked into this house till he left this house and Christine said i was to i feared for my life every time he pulled me aside. and i have no desire to see him at all at the finale i wish he wouldn't be there. Cody says he will be so excited to see us all at the finale so we all have to be nice.. 12:51am Victoria is brushing her teeth so she can go to bed soon. Frankie is reading the cheese dip jar and Cody and Christine are talking general talk then Cody tells her she has 2 pills in the STR and she says really no one told me. 12:53am Victoria tells everyone goodnight and heads to bed. derrick drinking some water and then goes to the WC.
  7. 12:00am Victoria still painting derricks arm. Nicole was called to the DR. Christine and Cody in STR getting food. They come out and Nicole comes out of the DR and shows Cody her tattoo that Victoria painted. Cody yells Victoria what is that and Nicole says a black rose. Frankie and Caleb in HOh talking about Nicole leaving and how he told her she is going home but he will make her mushrooms all week. 12:03am Caleb talking about when they get to final four then there is only one vote and whoever wins the veto has the only vote. Frankie says how is that possible what if you and Cody are on the block and derrick wins the veto and takes one of you off then there is no one to go up so how is that possible and Caleb says i don't know. 12:06am Cody in the shower and Christine is washing her face so she can go to bed early. Cody says you really going to bed and she says yeah. Cody says i will wake you up and she ask why would you do that and laughs. 12:11am Frankie and Caleb talking in the hoh bed about who might make it to final 2 and they keep repeating themselves. Caleb says Nicole i have to send home cause she is in my way and Frankie says you just have to cut her f'ing head off. 12:13am Frankie says we just realized Nicole was playing this game and she has been playing it all this time and we never realized it and all of a sudden we realized that she was a vicious beast. 12:18am In the WA Cody just got out of the shower and got dressed and parted his hair in the middle and Christine laughs at him he fixes her hair and Christine says please don't vote me out this week Cody and he says what then laughs and says he wasn't food. he goes to KT to make something to eat. 12:23am Derrick is now painting on Victoria's arm as she laughs. Nicole is washing her dishes and Christine is making food as Cody was called to the DR. Caleb and Frankie still in the HOH bed bashing the other HG and Nicole and Frankie says he cant wait to hear what Nicole says her strategy really is.
  8. 11:04pm Frankie talking to Caleb and derrick about his sister album coming out and Caleb asked if he knew it was coming out and he says yeah i knew it. 11:08pm Derrick telling Frankie and Caleb about Movies in the hoh rm. In the KT area Christine, tells Cody and Victoria and Nicole that derrick wouldn't even look her in the eye when she went up to the hoh rm earlier. 11:14pm Christine goes to the HOh rm and they laugh at her and ask if they are bringing her into the Dr and she says i don't know and Frankie says they should. 11:20pm Nicole and Victoria in the KT area alone talking about hormones and birth control as Victoria paints on Nicole's arms. Nicole says that she feels like Christine knows what the comp will be tomorrow cause she is to confident and Victoria says she doesn't know crap Nicole how can she? Christine is being called to the dr now with her face painted. Victoria says why they calling her cause she looks like a freaking man? 11:23pm Nicole says see Christine thinks i am mean. Victoria says no your not. In the hoh RM they are talking about Frankie showing his butt. Caleb says Frankie was sitting there in a chair and Nicole was putting resses in the fridge in the hoh rm and Frankie balls were hanging out past the chair. Frankie says i was proud of my balls. 11:29pm all the guys in the HOH rm are talking about getting aroused by different HG and Frankie was aroused once by Victoria. 11:32pm Derrick says he is going downstairs to get some mushrooms. Frankie, Caleb and Cody are going to go take a hot bath in their undies.Christine is still in the DR and Victoria and Nicole are at the table painting Nicole's arms. 11:35pm Derrick says that Nicole's tattoo that Victoria painted on her arm is ridiculous and looks so real and now he wants Victoria to paint a rose on his shoulder. In the HOH rm Frankie is walking around talking about his Balls and Cody says damn you have big balls. 11:40am Frankie says ok she is gone after Christine leaves the hoh rm and tells Caleb and Cody to get in here to take a bath with him and Cody says why not. 11:41pm Nicole is looking for mushrooms and cant find any Derrick says they was here Frankie said he used the small ones but there was a big one here and Nicole said i didn't see it so derrick goes to the STR to see and it isn't there so he says he will go ask for more and talk to Bb when Christine comes back out of the dr. 11:47pm Frankie tells Caleb and Cody that one of the three of them i mean one of the four of us is going to win this game. 11:51pm Victoria is now painting on derricks arm in the KT area. Frankie and Caleb and Cody in hOh still talking about who watches this show. Frankie says there is only one gay person that has won this show. Caleb says Andy? Frankie says yeah. 11:55pm Nicole says i wish i could live off mushrooms but after the comp tomorrow i might. Derrick says after tonight we eat mushrooms all day and slop in the morning and slop at night.
  9. 6:00pm Nicole and Victoria in Have not rm whispering. All other Hg in HOH rm talking about past HG. 6:05pm Nicole and Victoria are talking about eating and Nicole says i cant even eat good food.She says Caleb told me lastnight that he couldn't even trust Christine and now they are up there saying she is a pawn. 6:10pm Nicole telling Victoria if she goes on the block after veto she has hers and derricks vote, but if you win veto take me off and we can get Christine out. Nicole says you are in a very good place in this house. 6:14pm In the HOh rm Derrick and Cody are talking about their letters and getting hoh baskets. 6:17pm Caleb is saying they are gonna get alot of Hollas in within the next 20 days 5000 is alot. 6:21pm derrick, Caleb, Christine, Frankie and Cody in hoh and derrick says Victoria is going to the bathroom then she will be up here as they watch the spy screen. 6:30pm Most hg are leaving the hoh rm. Caleb is going to take a nap, Frankie is going to take a nap. Derrick, Cody , Christine and Victoria are in the KT no talking going on. 6:33pm derrick says i am going to take some Advil and Victoria ask if he ate? He says he did that's why he is taking the Advil now. 6:38pm Most hg in bed taking a nap. Victoria sitting alone in the KT. 6:45pm Christine laying on the couch in the LVR derrick is washing dishes he found in the other rooms and he tells Christine that some of these have probably been in them rooms since week 2 or 3. 6:47pm Christine gets up and says i think i need to go sleep for awhile i have a migraine. Derrick says ok homie. 6:53pm derrick, Cody, Christine and Victoria in the WA and BB plays a holla for derrick. 6:55pm Derrick talking about how much it took and how many trips it took to fill that bowl on the snowman. He said i knew everyone was ahead of him so he went for the 5000
  10. 2:04pm Frankie and derrick are cleaning up the have not food on the table. Nicole is making herself some food. Cody and Caleb in the hoh rm talking about if he puts Nicole and Victoria and Christine pulls Nicole off the block then they both play for hoh next week. But if i put Christine up and Cody interrupts that Christine will hate him and that is not good for your game.Caleb says i do not want Victoria to play in the POV so by putting Christine up Victoria wont play. 2:07pm Caleb says he will say Christine i know you don't want to go on the block but we have the votes to keep you and we don't want Victoria playing and if Nicole wins then Victoria goes up and Victoria goes home.He says to Cody i want you to talk to her cause she trust you but i want her to win but if she don't she is safe. But if she wins and comes off i don't want her to go after me next week. 2:10pm Cody says yesterday and i love Frankie but yesterday he did something i didn't like and Christine talks alot and she is frustrated about Frankie and she said that Caleb was the one trying to get Donny to stay and i knew it was Frankie not you so i told her it was Frankie so i don't want you to think it was Christine it wasn't. 2:12pm Caleb tells derrick what he just told Cody about nominations. Derrick says it is all gonna be the same next week with all of us so you have nothing to lose by putting up Nicole and Christine. Derrick says she knows this is Big brother and she knows we are not taking her to the end. 2:15pm derrick says Christine is more dangerous than Nicole he says to Caleb she almost beat you lastnight bro. She was one scoop away from beating you. Well this boy says if Nicole comes down and Christine goes home i wont be upset at all. 2:23pm Caleb says if i put Christine up and she wins veto and then next week she wins hoh will she put me up? i have to think of my game. derrick says dude you just put Nicole on slop and then going to put her on the block and if she wins pov she will do the same thing so it is the same. Derick says i rather go against Nicole she is weak but Christine can be strong she proved that. But one of them has to go home cause they will save each other. 2:26pm Caleb says do i say Christine i put you up cause i think you will work with Nicole. Derrick says no no no you say we want you to play in the veto.Frankie says put Nicole up and tell em they are threats and she is a have not this week and i don't want to see the damn tears i am over it i don't care. 2:28pm Derrick says tell Christine she is going up and tell her by putting her up it guarantees that Nicole or Victoria goes home this week. 2:30pm Caleb says Christine is more physical than mental if you ask me and Frankie says no she did the metal one too. 2:34pm Caleb tells Cody to go grab Christine. He says me? He says yeah you are the only one who can move and you are used to grabbing her. 2:36pm Cody wakes up Christine to go to HOh to talk to Caleb and BB calls Christine to the DR. 2:42pm Christine come in HOh rm Caleb says nominations are coming up and we have gotten here cause we have saved each other and we have always been a 5. I do not want Victoria to play this pov so i need to out some one up against Nicole as a pawn. and if i put Victoria up then one of you aren't playing the veto for sure and i need her not to play.He tells her this is the best way to do it to make sure that Nicole doesn't win but i am doing this because i think you can beat Nicole. 2:45pm Caleb says if Nicole wins then Victoria goes up and she leaves and you are still safe. So i just want you guys to know what i am going to do so if it is you Christine i just want you to know what i am thinking. and all around i know all of you guys are competitors 2:47pm Caleb says Nicole came up here lastnight and saying that she is a country girl with a country guy and then she threw everyone under the bus but i didn't believe her at all. I believe you all want her out of here and Frankie says yes we want her out. 2:50pm Nicole is laying alone in the sun on a lounger.Caleb is still going on about why to put up Christine and everyone is agreeing with him. He says one of us 5 need to win so Nicole can go back to jury where she belongs and Victoria can go in a double right behind Nicole. 2:55pm Caleb says he told Nicole lastnight that if he didn't put her on the block then next week she would be put up anyways and she said no i wouldn't i ain't the biggest target. Caleb says i told her to her face that she will not make it to the end of this game.She told me that others were a bigger target that she talked to people. Christine says no one talks to her. Frankie says that's her strategy.
  11. 1:35pm Frankie and Victoria talking about making food. derrick in the KT making food for him and Nicole. 1:38pm Frankie says i didn't realize how much medical attention i seek cause i am at the DR at least twice a month. Victoria says really? he says yeah. 1:44pm Nicole talking to herself in the By again about going on the block.In the HOh rm Victoria is talking about people dying. Nicole in the By says how did Judd survive the block in a double eviction? Good job Judd. Ok Donny i will be sitting in your seat this week to try to get some of your powers. 1:47pm Derrick goes to BY and says a little bit of bad news is the pork cheese stuff is not good. I just tried pan frying it and it fell apart cause of the cheese in it. 1:49pm Derrick says oh i talked to Caleb and he asked how you was i told him you was a little upset and he said not to take it personal. She says it is personal cause it is personal. And i don't even want to talk to him about going on the block either. 1:50pm Nicole says i bet Frankie is happy that i am in this house another week so i can make my life hell. I cant wait till i see his face when i win veto tomorrow. derrick says there ya go that's what i like to hear. 1:54pm Cody leaves the hoh rm then Victoria follows him out. Frankie and Christine go out also. Caleb is in the DR. 1:55pm Cody says to derrick and Nicole 17 days from Thursday then we will be done with this place. I am so ready to go home and see my family. Cody ask Nicole how she is and if she is pissed? She says no i am just over it and Donny warned me that they would make me a have not. 1:56pm derrick is saying he was mad at Donny cause he would never agree to go up as a have not. He says that is what pissed him off the most cause Donny would never volunteer and he was only a have not once and the rest of us twice. Nicole says well i volunteered last week.Caleb comes out and tells Nicole sorry. Nicole says its ok Caleb i understand its a game i was just shocked that's all. 1:59pm Derrick and Frankie talking in the have not rm and Frankie says it is a game is she upset? derrick says yeah she is but she knows it is a game. Frankie says she better not come crying to me or i will punch her in the face.
  12. 1:01pm Frankie says i don't care what anyone thinks and Christine pointed at me for not being a have not twice. Do you think she knows i am mad at her? Caleb says yeah. Nicole in the By telling derrick this is like being kicked when you are down. derrick says it blows it is a game there is nothing you can do about it. 1:03pm Derrick says i will make some good food this week Nicole and the beds are not that bad and the showers if you shower outside it isn't as cold. Christine comes out listening. Caleb and Cody in the hoh and Caleb says i almost put Victoria there to be with derrick but then decided Nicole. 1:06pm Caleb says i will say Nicole i nominate you cause you have already played this game and came back. He says Christine i don't know what i am going to say maybe like Christine you are not my target this week it is the person that had the buy back and came back in this game and has already played the game. 1:08pm Caleb Is trying to get his speech down and wants to tell Christine that it is nothing personal and hope you win the veto and get Nicole out of the house again and we all know that we all want Nicole gone. 1:10pm Victoria comes to the hoh rm.She says it feels like a knife is stabbing me i cant even stand it and Caleb says we are all beat up. 1:11pm derrick goes to HOh rm and says Caleb i know how you are but when you get a chance talk to Nicole ok? Caleb ask is she out there crying and derrick says a little it. Nicole is now talking to Christine in the BY. She says she missed her period by 2 weeks so i am stressed and i felt so weak last week and i know it is a game and it is fine i just didn't expect it. But i am fine i think it is just my hormones Christine says i joke about being heartless in this game but really i am not.. Christine says Caleb was told to put you up and Nicole says really and Christine says yeah but i got to go sleep. She goes in and Nicole cries saying Frankie told him why does he hate me? 1:17pm Nicole talking to herself and says i have to win this veto i will dye my hair i will burn all my clothes and i will take slop the rest of the summer. 1:18pm Nicole says i am going on the block and there is nothing i can do to change his mind cause of Frankie. 1:20pm Nicole says maybe i should take all the rewards and take a vacation cause i have no chance in this game and we get foth. 1:22pm Frankie and Cody saying they cant believe they have been in this house this long. Frankie says i thought i would be the first one out.Frankie says i didn't think anyone would like me. 1:25pm Nicole says i don't fit in with these people at all. These are not my kind of people. derrick i love him he is playing a great game.I just cant wait to see who is going up against me probably Victoria. 1:31pm Cody and Christine in the hoh bed talking about Caleb pictures. Victoria laying on hoh couch and derrick heads downstairs. Caleb and derrick in the LVR talking about Nicole being upset. caleb goes to the DR.
  13. 12:00pm Hg on ODLD talking about getting to see their families videos lastnight on the live show. 12:03pm Frankie talking in his different voices about telling derrick lasnight to keep going D-nuts. derrick says i didn't hear you. Christine says i heard you. 12:05pm Cody goes to check out the pool and checks the vacuum that is in it. Frankie on the couch talking about his bruises on his ankles.He says you can see that my ankles are swollen. 12:08pm Caleb ask what do you think we will see inside? Frankie says definitely not Apple Pie. derrick said you should have said more slop. Frankie says i was hoping she would have said yes you can have apple pie. 12:21pm Frankie and Cody talk about which POV comp is the hardest. Frankie says i hope i get picked to play tomorrow. he says everyone plays . Caleb says no one will be the host. Frankie says yep. 12:50pm LD is over and hg go inside to find Mushrooms, Frankie says it is Snot roast. Caleb says it looks like gizzards. Caleb it is up to you to choose 2 Hg to have slop for the week and this combination of meat and Mushrooms and garlic are theirs for the week. derrick says i will do it. No one else will speak up so Caleb keeps asking for someone to volunteer but no one will. He says this is hard. Caleb selects Nicole. so derrick and Nicole are on slop this week. 12:53pm Nicole goes out to the By crying and saying i am sick of this and i understand this is a game but i don't want to be on slop for 2 weeks and i have to win everything now to stay in this house cause i will be up every week. I am going to be fine but i am going to be week so weak. I am so sick of it and i don't know what i did wrong. This sucks.Victoria comes out and ask do you want to talk and Nicole says it doesn't matter i am fine. Don't tell anyone i am crying. 12:57pm Frankie in the fore br telling everyone that he doesn't give a crap what Nicole thinks she was in the jury for a week and had amazing food cooked for her so i don't give a crap if she is on Slop now this is Big Brother not Big best friends. Nicole still in the BY crying saying i am gonna freaking be nominated. 12:59pm Derrick going to the BY where Nicole is sitting and ask her you ok? it is gonna be alright. Nicole says yeah derrick i know but i just got off i am just frustrated with it cause i am now a have not 2 weeks in a row and i struggled the first week.
  14. 9:11am All Hg still sleeping soundly. 9:43am All Hg still sleeping. 9:46am We now have FOTH maybe a wake up call?
  15. 1:08pm Everyone leaving the hoh rm and Cody taking his things downstairs. 1:10pm Derrick brushing his teeth in the WA Donny is passing out the activity bracelets and says who else wants a hair cut besides me? Christine is just walking around the house. Caleb whispering to Derrick and says if we tell Donny that we will keep him but the girls want him gone and let the girls vote against him. Derrick says yeah . 1:13pm Nicole is getting in the shower as derrick finishes brushing his teeth and we get foth. 1:14pm Victoria now brushing her teeth. Caleb goes to the bed room. Christine and Cody are going to bed in the rock rm.Caleb asking Donny what they said to him and Donny says that if i stayed i would have to put the girls up and Caleb says would you? Donny says i would and i would stick to it anything i have to do to stay here i will do. Caleb says ok thats what us guys are working on right now.Caleb goes to Frankie and says derrick said ask Cody and Caleb says i cant with that (Christine) there. 1:18pm Caleb walks through he rock room wanting to talk to Cody alone but he is laying with Christine. Frankie goes to make fish salad. Cody leaves the rock rm and goes to STr with Frankie. Frankie says we want to keep Donny but we want to make sure that if we do that you are ok with it. Cody says what is the reason and Frankie says she is a beast. Cody says i don't want Donny out over Nicole but whatever if you guys want Nicole out instead of Donny. Frankie says so you will be pissed? Cody says yeah but if that is what you guys want then ok. 1:22pm Caleb telling Cody what Donny said that if he is safe this week and he wins hoh he will put the girls up. Victoria walks into the STR and Cody says do what ever you want to do and they all walk out. 1:25pm Caleb and Frankie telling derrick what Cody said and Caleb says me personally i am about honouring what the hoh wants but then we all know that Cody is safe so are we playing Cody's game or our game? 1:27pm Donny sitting in the LVR with derrick eating his slop.he finishes eating and goes to was his bowl.Frankie says we cant all be dancing around him like a lil baby you know. We got Zach out last week so we are getting screwed and Caleb says yeah that is what it is coming down to.Donny comes in and ask Frankie if he needs to talk to derrick and Frankie says yeah i think so. 1:30pm Cody, Christine, Derrick and Donny in the bedroom and Donny asking what to wear tonight for eviction. Donny leaves and derrick says that was awkward and Christine says very awkward.Frankie comes in and ask whats up? Everyone is silent. 1:33pm In the STR is Cody and Frankie and Frankie says i dont want you so upset. Cody says this is 2 weeks in a row that Donny has been up and he has to go. Frankie says yeah i understand. Frankie says i dont want Nicole to go but when Donny says i will do what you say. Cody says but if i go to her today she will do what i say.Frankie says we are on board to do what is good for the group. Cody ask how confident are you that Donny will do what you say he will do? Frankie says i feel he will stick to his word. 1:38pm Frankie and Cody talking about Nicole being more of a threat in the hoh comp than Donny. Cody says i totally see what you are talking abut, 1:40pm Caleb comes in and caleb says i want to honor what you want to do Cody but what i said to Frankie is is we vote to keep Donny then he will know that the two girls will voted him out and he said he would put them up. 1:44pm Cody says either way who ever stays we have a chance that one of us will go against the other and one of us is leaving. But i think Donny will be the first one to do that. 1:46pm frankie says we are talking like this so who is getting nervous ? Nicole Christine and Victoria are getting nervous and if we keep Nicole the three of them could work together. Frankie and Caleb says if we keep Donny he will not put us up he will put the girls up. Caleb says i asked him and he said he gave his word as a man that he would put the girls up. he says Donny told him lastnight if he doesn't stay he wishes them all good luck. 1:49pm Caleb tells Cody that Christine said oh if Donny goes home then the girls are all even and that scares me. Frankie says it is game time. Caleb says i want to go to Donny and tell him to go to Cody and says he is a man of his word that you are safe.Honestly the only thing that separates it is the three girls being together cause they are close and have been eating cereal together every morning. 1:51pm Caleb tells Cody go to Donny and ask him Donny what do i get if i save you cause it is in my hands right now so go ask him what he will offer you.Caleb says we just have to decide something pretty Quick. 1:54pm Caleb says if we keep Nicole then Frankie feels threatened but she told Donny she is going after Frankie and Donny wont put us up. 1:56pm frankie says we took Zach out last week and we need to take Nicole out this week she is going after us.
  16. 12:00pm We still have Jeff's reels as Hg are getting ready for tonight's live eviction. 12:53pm We are still on Jeff's reels.
  17. 9:03am All Hg still sleeping. 9:30am All Hg still sleeping. 9:52am All HG still sleeping.
  18. 3:08pm Derrick, Victoria and Nicole at table and Frankie making his food talking about hiring Nicole as his full time nurse she says that would be awesome. 3:12pm Donny and Frankie are doing dishes and Donny says i cant believe you all haven't gotten sick from these dishes and Frankie says i am pretty sure i have an infection in my lungs. 3:15pm Donny ask Frankie do you think it is going to be a double eviction tomorrow and Frankie says it is possible. Donny says it almost has to be since there is only 3 weeks left and 7 people. 3:20pm Everyone except Cody who is sleeping and Caleb are cleaning house. with general talk going on. 3:24pm Caleb comes through the Kt and Frankie says there you are i thought you was upstairs and he says no i was cleaning and straightening up my clothes.Derrick goes to the HOH and wakes up Cody. 3:33pm Caleb is going through all his clothes and packing some away and giving some to Donny and derrick. Victoria and Christine are still cleaning the bathroom. Nicole is sweeping the bathroom. 3:40pm Frankie telling Caleb that Donny is telling him he doesn't understand why people want to keep Nicole over me she has won more hoh's and things like that so i told him i have to vote for the house you know what i mean? Caleb says yeah he has worked his butt off to be in this house but we have to do what is best for our alliance. 3:46pm Cody still sleeping in the hoh rm, All other hg in the bathroom cleaning and Frankie says i have a gift for you in the other room to Derrick. derrick says lets go see now or maybe i don't want to see. Frankie says it is not Vaseline. and Derrick laughs. 3:50pm Frankie talking about fish tanks in the bathroom area. Victoria in the fire br walking around. Nicole and Christine in the KT making them some food.
  19. 2:07pm Donny sitting in LVR eating slop. Nicole under a blanket and Christine and Caleb just sitting there. Victoria in Wa doing her make up. 2:11pm Donny and derrick in the KT, Donny washing his bowl and Derrick making food for himself. Caleb, Nicole and Christine in LVR talking about music and Caleb starts singing and gets in trouble with BB. 2:13pm Derrick and Christine in Wa hugging and Christine laughing then she does her hair.and derrick goes back to the KT. 2:18pm Christine and derrick talking in the KT about tweeting and her dream of tweeting and what people were saying about loving them.Frankie is now out of the DR and messing with the camera crew and telling Caleb and Nicole and Donny how he always does this. 2:20pm Frankie has been called to the Dr and he yells again. Caleb says i think we know who the saboteur is. 2:27pm Caleb is going to the Dr. Donny and Nicole in the LVR talking general talk. derrick still making food. Victoria fixing herself some coffee. 2:30pm Donny tells Frankie that if they could come up with a lie we might can keep me here. Frankie says something but has water running loud in the mic. Donny says i haven't talked to anyone and i understand it is a game and ya'll have to do what you have to do.Donny ask do i have your vote. Frankie says i have to vote with the house but i will try. 2:39pm Donny says he has to go see his boss before he goes home to see if he can have his job back. he says he had a dream about his boss lastnight.Frankie in the KT cooking and singing and we get FOTH. 2:44pm Caleb is telling Nicole that at home everything he eats he writes it all down. He says at home he never takes in no more than 32 grams of sugar never. 2:47pm Frankie telling Derrick about talking to Donny earlier and he says if we have the voted fine i will vote for him but derrick says i don't think Caleb will keep him and Frankie says i know. Frankie goes to poop and derrick is brushing his teeth. 2:52pm Derrick says Donny's brain is very intelligent. Frankie says yeah i know. Christine comes in and talk stops . 2:55pm derrick and Nicole are sitting at the KT table washing derricks shoes with q tips to try to get the pink out of them.
  20. 1:30pm All Hg still sleeping. Frankie rubbing his eyes and turning over. 1:50pm Victoria is stirring around looks up and goes right back to sleep. 1:52pm Bb calls Frankie to the Dr and we get FOTH. 1:53pm caleb, Frankie, Christine are now up and Frankie says i am not sure if it is 2 o'clock but i voice came on from upstairs.And we get FOTH. 1:55pm Frankie is making fresh coffee, Caleb goes to SYR and gets a drink. Donny is now up and going to the KT. 1:57pm Caleb goes to the HOH room to see if his boys are awake. Cody is still sleeping and Caleb goes in and looks around then leaves. 1:57pm Nicole is now in the WA sitting with Caleb as Frankie washes his hands and Donny goes to the WC.
  21. 11:57am Donny talking about being on slop all week. Nicole ask Donny what he is going to wear tomorrow and he says i don't know you need to help me pick something out cause i don't have no collared shirts. 11:59am Nicole goes and gets a shirt for Donny to try on and tells Christine that Donny wants a shirt that buttons down .Christine says how cute. Nicole shows it to Donny and he is trying it on and it fits but Donny says it doesn't look like him and Nicole agrees. 12:01pm Donny says i am going to go lay down cause there is no reason to stay up if everyone else is sleeping. 12:09pm Nicole is the only one up and she is packing her bags early for tomorrows live eviction. 12:20pm Nicole is still packing her things. All other Hg still sleeping. 12:26pm Nicole sitting alone in the LVR just looking around.
  22. 9:00am All HG sleeping . 9:05am we have FOTH maybe time to wake up for the day. 9:17am Donny is up and in the KT making his breakfast. Frankie is getting his make up and going to the DR. 9:21am Donny has made a bowl of slop and put it in the microwave to heat. Caleb is in the KT. He and Donny are looking at the ants in there. Caleb is now spraying ant spray around the shelf and backdoor. 9:24am Caleb says them things are going around the window seal and up in that wood as he sprays the Raid on them. Donny goes to the By to sit on the couch to eat his breakfast. 9:32am Frankie is out of the DR and in the Kt going tom make him some oatmeal for breakfast. Donny is washing his dishes. 9:34am Frankie is now sitting in the BY alone in the sun to warm up. Donny is brushing his teeth in the WA. 9:42am Victoria is in the STR changing her batteries. Frankie in BY eating his oatmeal and Donny in the DR. Everyone else seems to be still in bed sleeping. 9:46am After a brief FOTH we come back to Frankie cleaning the mirrors over the stove and sink in the KT. 9:49am Frankie is going back to bed. Donny is in the BY alone Then goes back inside to comb his beard. 9:52am Donny is now on the elliptical. All other Hg in bed sleeping. BB tells Derrick and Cody to change batteries and turn in their activity trackers.
  23. 12:44am Nicole says she wants to wake up in the morning to get to be outside before the lock down tomorrow and Christine says me too. Cody ask if this is the first time Christine has done laundry all summer as she has so many clothes to put away . Nicole says go to bed Cody if you are tired and he says i am not tired but i will go to bed i can take a hint so i will go to bed. 12:49am Nicole, Cody and Christine are the only ones still up in the Kt . Nicole says she is going to go wash her face. 12:55AM Nicole comes through the Kt and says night guys and heads to bed. Cody and Christine are the only ones left up in the house.
  24. 12:00am Christine says it is so weird sitting here thinking there are people watching us and chatting and typing about us.Frankie says they are saying Frankie is so fat. 12:04am Nicole tells Victoria she didn't know she had so much hair and Victoria yells put your hair in a ponytail.Caleb is in the KT looking through the food. Cody is in the KT making a bowl of cereal. 12:09am Victoria is putting Nicole's hair in a bun in the Wa. Frankie, Derrick, Cody and Christine in the By talking about eating and going to bed soon. 12:13am Frankie says i need to go to bed in the next hour so i can rest up and so we can be ready to win Thursday night.Derrick goes inside to brush and floss his teeth. 12:15am Christine and Frankie talking in the By to Cody about Caleb and him being paranoid.Nicole comes out and snuggles to Cody as Cody says i just don't sleep well and i think it is gonna be hard to get back to normal and dreaming again. 12:18pm Frankie says he is going to go take some Advil and go to bed and Nicole tells him be nice to his liver. 12:23pm derrick and Frankie are in the WA getting ready for bed. Nicole, Christine and Cody in the BY and Cody says i think i am going to be sick from eating out of that bowl. Nicole says why? he says it was so nasty in that sink and it smelled so bad. Christine says i think you will be ok. 12:26am Cody says what do you think America has been having a hand in this season cause they do it every year. he then tells them what America did in past seasons. Nicole says i don't think there is one person like a sabator cause of Frankie. 12:28pm In the Fire br Frankie strips to his underwear and dances for Victoria as they go to bed for the night. 12:30am derrick comes to the By and tells everyone goodnight and gives the girls a hug. He walks off and tells Christine to leave crabby Christine in bed tomorrow . 12:32am Cody, Christine and Nicole are now in the KT cleaning up some of the mess. The fire br has now turned the lights out then back on for Frankie to find something. derrick then turns the light off. 12:33am Frankie tells Derrick tomorrow he was going to make him a sign that says D-nuts is the best and derrick says you cant write in this house and Frankie says i was going to do it with cottage cheese. Victoria says put a D in cottage cheese and put nuts down for D-Nuts. derrick says wow you are pretty sharp there. Frankie says Victoria you are the sharpest tool in the shed and Victoria laughs. 12:39am Christine is folding clothes at the table and Cody and Nicole are sitting at the bar talking about drinking and Cody wants to see everyone toasted.
  25. 11:00pm Victoria says to the camera i love you joey i hope you are good for your semester, good luck and we get foth. 11:01pm Donny comes to By and says goodnight to everyone and all yell goodnight to Donny.Caleb and Cody are playing pool. 11:03pm Derrick ask Victoria what she was told not to do coming into the house and Victoria says at home she likes to be free obviously she likes to run around in her panties and bra at home. 11:06pm Cody ask Christine what bathing suit she wears and she says my orange one of course. She then says my mother is going to kill me when i get home, Cody ask why ? Christine tells him she is supposed to wear shorts or have a cover on when she is not in the pool. 11:09pm Christine sitting on By couch rubbing her fingers through Derricks hair talking about her being a lady and not saying the F word but she doesn't think it is wrong at all. 11:12pm Frankie comes out to the By and ask Victoria where the white fish salad is and she tells him in the fridge. derrick says he woke up just to eat white fish salad and Christine says yeah.Victoria ask to give Cody a piggy back. Cody says if she gets hurt he told her not to do this , Cody jumps on her back and she runs with him and then falls and she yells at him that he made her fall. 11:19pm derrick and Victoria are in the Kt eating again. Caleb in the BY talking about people snoring every night and Christine says you snore too. He says i think when i lay on my back i snore. he then tells them he will go home and video tape himself and see if he snores. 11:22pm Nicole in KT eating salsa . In the By talk with Christine, Cody, Caleb and Frankie is about a Brazilian waxing. Frankie gets up and goes inside as derrick comes out wearing a cowboy hat and Christine says " there is a new sheriff in town". 11:27pm Caleb tells Frankie that he eats alot and Frankie tells him to shut up then Caleb says you are just like Devin.derrick says he is going to throw that bowl of cornflakes and i am gonna get some of it. Frankie says i will remember that next time you come crawling to me. 11:29pm Nicole is talking to Victoria in the Kt about Christine always with Cody and says it is getting really really bad i mean upstairs but it is getting really bad , I mean it was bad when i left but it is getting really bad now.Victoria says i know . 11:32pm Victoria says you are watching a tv show and if i was her husband i would hand her divorce papers and say i am done. cause she doesn't respect him. Nicole says i would never stick up for her but what she is doing is wrong.Nicole says i think that is something you do with your significant other and i didn't realize what a dirty mind she has. Victoria says she is very dirty. 11:34pm Victoria says that her laugh is getting on her nerves and she says Christine has a porn blog . 11:38pm Victoria says she wants a monkey and Nicole says i do too. Victoria says you have to put a diaper on them. Nicole says i would love to rock a monkey. 11:42pm Caleb and Frankie talking about Nicole wanting to talk to them and Frankie says she wanted to talk earlier and I told her lets just talk here in the bathroom. 11:46pm Nicole telling Victoria how Hayden would be sweet to her and ask her what she wanted for breakfast in the jury house and how they would go for a run and talk about their families. she says i really do like him. 11:49pm Nicole says i remember you Victoria when you first walked in this house in your pink little dress and we stuck together right here that first night. Victoria says yeah i remember that. In the By talk is about collage dorms and drinking in college. 11:52pm Nicole tel;s Victoria that Hayden was always helping people in this house and he generally cared for people in this house. Victoria says yeah yeah he deserved to win that why they got him out. 11:56pm Nicole says remember the lap dance Hayden gave me for the first time? Victoria says when? Nicole tells her for my birthday, I was so scared.



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