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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 4:00pm Caleb telling derrick that if Victoria win this pov then Frankie will have to put one of us on the block then one of us goes home but either way but i think the pov is gonna be physical and we will be fine man. 4:02pm Derrick and Caleb talking about someones show and flight that had to make yesterday.In the KT Frankie and Victoria and Cody talking about Caleb wanting to do a windmill in Channing Tatum face. they all start laughing and Frankie says i think he will walk away 4:07pm caleb is talking to Derick about things that were said to other Hg that have already left the house and Caleb says that Hayden and Frankie had a bond there . derrick says if Frankie makes it to the final 2 with you then he deserves it and Caleb says i will stand up there and says Frankie you deserve it.Derrick says if we put him up next week and he wins POV and then wins the final HOH then he deserves to win it. 4:09pm Caleb says if Frankie wins HOH and i am on the block next to you derrick then i am going home. In the KT Cody is yelling Caleb loudly.Caleb comes out and Cody ask is this your dirty bowl and he says my bowl no Frankie made tuna not me and Frankie says i made you food. Caleb says i ate 3 bites so it is my dirty dish? Cody says did you eat the last bite and he says yeah and Cody says it is yours wash it. 4:12pm Caleb goes to the HOh rm and tells derrick what just happened downstairs about the dirty bowl and says he is irritated now 4:18pm All Hg except Frankie are in the hoh rm just general talk about runny noses. 4:24pm everyone in hoh talking about Christine getting booed again, they are trying to figure out why she was booed so badly. 4:32pm All HG in HOh talking about When Shane was evicted and about Ian and Amanda and Elissa. derrick says that Andy actually told Elissa in a goodbye message that he voted her out and not Amanda. 4:37pm Derrick and Cody talking about Arriannas songs and how one is a pick me up and gets them going. Caleb says he is buying her CD"S as soon as he gets out of here. 4:43pm Hg talking about who got picked for POV comps and Frankie says i never got picked he tells Derrick you picked Jocasta what was with that? derrick laughs and they start going through who was picked to host the comps. 4:46pm Caleb says i am carrying my BB bag on the plane with me and everyone in the back of the plane will be yelling beast mode.Derrick says i am carrying mine too and Victoria says i carried mine here on the plane. 4:55pm All Hg in the HOH rm saying they don't think there is going to be a guest today so Bb will just say to go to the STR and then to the BY for the pov.
  2. 3:02pm Frankie is making tuna salad again for his lunch.Victoria is in the WC. 3:09pm derrick is now up and heading to the KT and he says to Frankie and Victoria that they all got a good nap today and Frankie says yeah we did. 3:12pm Victoria yells derrick are you going to storage? he says yeah and she ask will you please grab me a lemon and he says sure Victoria and she says thanks love. She looks at Frankie and says why does he say it like that and Frankie says when you ask like that we know that you want something from storage. derrick comes out and she ask was you going to storage and he says no but i went for you and she laughs as Frankie says i just told her that. 3:14pm Frankie says ok so this is Wednesday no Sunday no Saturday . Victoria laughs then BB starts the holla's for derrick as derrick tells Frankie he is going to use his bathroom. Frankie tried to get in the DR and BB tells Frankie NO. He then says wow we cant even get into the DR and then says someone is coming in and Victoria says yeah someone is coming then Frankie tells her he has to put more makeup on. 3:22pm Frankie tells derrick that he is going to sleep next to him and tap his activity tracker at 3:30am And then he will freak out derrick says ok so you want me to see it too and Frankie says yeah then we freak out. derrick says if they start dozing off at 1am then we might have to do it earlier. Frankie says yeah. 3:25pm Frankie says i need to go ask for more medication cause i am running and they wouldn't let me in the Dr they told me no. Caleb is up in the KT with Victoria making food. 3:27pm Cody is now up and in the shower talking to Victoria about Caleb snoring. Derrrick and Caleb in the hoh rm with Frankie saying there are ants again in there and derrick says i noticed that while i was pooping. Caleb is now listening to Frankie CD and dancing in the room. 3:31pm Caleb ask Frankie if he does a windmill on Channing Tatum chin what will he do and Frankie says his 75 body guards will murder you. Caleb says i don't mean hit him and Frankie says his 75 body guards will murder you. Caleb laughs and says not really hit him dancing crazy and Frankie says oh yeah he will love it. 3:35pm Cody asking if there is going to be a host will we get locked down for a rehearsal and Frankie says no there will just be a ding dong. Frankie says what if it is Andy and he is proposing to me? Cody then yells at everyone and the live feeders good morning. 3:39pm Cody goes to the hoh and uses face cream and Caleb looks at the spy screen as Derrick says he will not leave us up here alone for long and then they say here he comes as Frankie walks through the door. 3:40pm Everyone is in the hoh rm now except Cody who is in the STr getting food to make 3:53pm Caleb and Frankie in HOh bathroom talking about music and George Straights music. Cody making his food in the KT as Victoria watches him.
  3. 2:00pm All HG still sleeping. 2:35pm BB is letting the Hg sleep in today. 2:49pm Victoria and Frankie in the hoh rm now talking about Arianna and Beyonce. Frankie asking Victoria about lunch nd Victoria is just talking and answering softly Like she is still sleeping. Frankie says ok i will be pooping with the headphones on if they call me and Victoria says ok i will let you know if they call you. 2:56pm Victoria is down in the KT eating and Frankie comes down and starts talking about Arianna's songs Victoria says i like her song and Frankie says it is awesome. 2:58pm Victoria ask Frankie if he is making Coffee for some ice coffee and he says he will make some.Caleb, Derrick and Cody are still sleeping.
  4. 11:03am Frankie says he wants to go back to bed and then says yup i can defiantly pass out as he goes to his hoh rm singing good morning good morning and moves his pictures to his bed. Caleb and derrick in KT making food and Caleb reading labels on the food. 11:06am all feeds on Frankie laying in the hoh bed yawning and putting cotton in his ears so that he can go to sleep. 11:13am Caleb and derrick are sitting at the KT table talking about keeping derricks cut clean and derrick says as long as i keep it covered like this with a bandage then it should be fine and not rip no more. 11:16am derrick talking about Christine and her being booed and how she never cursed and he doesn't understand why she was booed. Caleb says maybe she was literally just and Derrick says we wont know till we get out of here but maybe she said something to someone. Caleb says well maybe it was because she walked out and didn't say bye to anyone or even cared to say anything so that could be it. 11:20am Caleb says it was bad sportsmanship for her to walk out as we carried her this far and maybe she was in the Dr talking bad about all of us but it was poor sportsmanship for her to walk out of here the way she did but she never won anything. derrick says right she always won for herself. Caleb says exactly she won for herself.Caleb says well she is gone we have one more to go then we will have a smaller table then it is head to head all the way out. 11:24am derrick and Caleb still talking about other Hg games and how they played the game. 11:26am Caleb says wow after this week you could be the only one left on the left memory wall. He says derrick how does it feel to be the only one on the left memory wall. derrick says it will be great . 11:30am Victoria comes out of the DR and derrick says he is going back to bed . Victoria says i am going back to bed too i am tired.Derrick says we might as well cause they are still drilling out there in the BY.Victoria sits at the table with the guys and eats an apple. 11:32am Caleb says i cant wait till after the finale and we get to meet everyone. Victoria says Caleb you got up early this morning how did you do that. Caleb says they sounded mad this morning when they came over the speaker to tell us to get up and we get foth. 11:35am Victoria says i am going back to bed and Caleb says oh Donny i cant wait to hear a story from him. 11:38am derrick washes his dishes and then tells Caleb he is going to go lay down and heads to the BR. Caleb then heads to the BR and goes back to bed also.All hg are now in bed going back to sleep.
  5. 10:33am Caleb going through the house for the last 30 minutes singing and yelling we have a clean house and saying we have a pov today baby and we are going to get dirty yeah baby.He then says dude after i drink coffee i have to poop everytime.. Derrick says that happens to everyone. 10:36am Victoria is in the hoh bathroom doing her hair. Cody is still sleeping. Caleb in the WC and keeps singing and yelling as he is pooping. Derrick is doing his ADL'S. 10:48am Frankie and Caleb standing at the memory wall talking about how each person lost the game and went home.Caleb leaves the wall and Frankie says where you going? Caleb tells him he doesn't know he just wants to look good for whoever is coming today and Frankie says they wont be here for at least another 4 hours. 10:49am Frankie says to Victoria point to the people that was not ready for this game and Victoria says Devin. Joey and Paola and Frankie says right. 10:50am Caleb, Frankie and Victoria sitting at the KT table and Caleb says i think Brittany has a kid but i don't believe she has 3 she has an awesome body. Derrick comes out of the DR and goes to make breakfast for himself then Caleb says i will take some too.Caleb says if i have yo guess i think Andy is coming in that door today.He will ring that doorbell and come in. Derrick says no i don't think so the door is for a celebrity and Andy is not a celebrity like Jeff is. 10:54am Caleb says i don't think Andy is a good as you are Frankie and Frankie says no he isn't. He is no where near my level.
  6. 9:07pm Frankie is in the hoh rm feeding the fish as Caleb watches and talks about how the fish eat. derrick is in the fire br bandaging his finger. 9:09pm Cody tells derrick they don't need to put the carpet back down in the bathroom. derrick says yeah it is disgusting and he says they will put it in the dr. 9:11pm derrick as Cody how he is feeling and Cody doesn't say anything. derrick says he is running a few things running through his head is all man.derrick says if i win veto and take you down and put Caleb up would it be smart to keep Caleb to help get rid of Frankie? Frankie comes down stairs and they talk about the carpet again. 9:15pm Frankie is eating in the WA as derrick is laying in the WA. Caleb comes in and Frankie says question where is the rug and Cody says we put it in there cause it is disgusting. 9:19pm Frankie, Caleb, Cody and derrick in Wa talking about the BOB's and when they made their alliance of 8. 9:22pm Guys are now going over who was hoh and who left on that hoh's week. Frankie and derrick says there has been 21 hoh's so far this season. 9:26pm Frankie says the BOB actually worked once this season when Christine was able to back door Amber. Caleb ask Cody if he wants a hair cut this Thursday and he says i don't know i like the top long. 9:30pm BB calls Derrick to the DR. Frankie says just go crush it and he gives everyone a high five before he goes to the DR. Victoria says they should open the BY so we could do some laundry.
  7. 8:00pm Cody and Caleb in the have not rm with the button being ninjas and acting crazy.derrick laying down in the rock rm. Frankie making dinner in the KT as Victoria is still cleaning. 8:02pm Frankie runs in the have not rm and yells loudly.Cody says he was in the Zone there. Caleb laughs at Frankie is he hits the button again with his butt. 8:04pm Caleb catches a fly with his hands and Cody says let it go and i will catch it. Caleb lets it go and Cody is trying to catch it but it wont land anywhere. The fly now lands on the button and Cody is attempting to catch it and says i had it in my hand. Caleb looks and says oh he is hurt he is down. 8:08pm Frankie goes to the STR and comes out yelling and says look Caleb they gave us a sweeper swooper..Now they all want to clean the floors with it as Frankie says it is a toy. 8:13pm Derrick is laughing and saying as soon as Jeff and Jordan left then Cody was grabbing the air freshener and spraying. Derrick and Cody say how pretty Jordan was. 8:19pm Cody says he needs a vacuum so he can clean the rug around the kitchen island/ he says we are really committed to this cleaning and ask BB for a vacuum again. derrick says they will just give them a minute. 8:26pm Caleb is trying to get in the STr and keeps growling at the STr door then gets in and says hey production just so you know we have a whole pile of Christine's stuff sitting here. 8:28pm Cody is using the sweeper swooper and Frankie says why is it that this is the funnest thing in my life right now to do. 8:35pm Derrick and Victoria cleaning the fire br as Caleb , Cody and Frankie sit at the KT table. 8:37pm Cody goes and looks at his picture on the wall and says look at my eyes they are to close together then he yells i look like a penis. Caleb and Frankie start laughing then they talk about music and movies. 8:43pm All Hg are going to the bedrooms to clean up now as they talk in their accents. 8:53pm Caleb asking if his trophy will fit in his bag and derrick says i wouldn't they have to go through everything to make sure we don't take things we aren't supposed to take. He is going through all his things to pack some away. Cody is finishing up the dishes they found in the bedrooms. Derrick is taking the trash to the storage and Frankie is in the dr.
  8. 6:47pm Cody and Frankie hugging in the STr and Frankie says i thought you was mad at me. Cody says no and Frankie says that is why i put your key first. Frankie says now i have to go kiss Victoria but first i am going to the Dr to ask about my hat.Victoria comes out of DR and Frankie says i love you and kisses her on the cheek then says i have to go find my damn hat. 6:49pm Derrick in KT telling Caleb how Julie will announce the winner of Bb and how after she opens an envelope with the Americas player in it then announces the winner then that is it boom. 6:51pm Cody is in the KT cleaning and derrick and Caleb are talking about cleaning the bathroom and Derrick says what are you going to clean in there and Caleb says the shower the sink and the bathroom.Frankie ask Bb can we get music while we clean please cause Jeff made us feel bad about the house smelling bad. 6:54pm caleb is collecting all the dirty towels in the bathroom. Frankie says everything in the house smells like fish. Victoria says cause we have no hot water and Frankie says yeah i boil water but we will have a clean house by the end of the day or my name isn't Sabrina the teenage witch. 6:58pm All Hg are cleaning house and Caleb says i like the way Victoria is supposed to help in the KT and she is in the WA.
  9. 3:00pm Caleb telling more stories about a dog box and Cody making food, Victoria in the Wa getting dressed and doing make up 3:06pm Frankie in the WA doing his makeup and derrick comes in and Frankie tells him that just had a conversation about woopin a kid. Derrick says i will never give my girls a spanking but if its a boy that's a different story. 3:09pm General talk going on about Derricks daughter and how she will be in the terrible 2's soon. 3:11pm Caleb tells Victoria that if he doesn't make it to the final 2 then he is banking on Americas favorite and Victoria says banking? Caleb laughs and says banking on it. 3:12pm Derrick is getting hollas from the evicted HG and they talk about how they love hearing their voices. 3:15pm Cody ask if everyone has been to the DR and asked why Christine was booed? Derrick says yeah we asked and Cody says did you ask if it was because of Cody? Derrick tells Cody no we never asked that one. 3:18pm Caleb and Cody sitting in the LVR waiting for Frankie to get back in there so they can sing. Frankie gets the activity trackers and comes to the LVR and they boys start singing and we get a brief FOTH then Caleb is laughing and starts singing again and we get FOTh again. 3:45pm We are on Jeff's Reels maybe Nominations now.
  10. 2:30pm derrick and Frankie in HOh rm taling and Derrick says that caleb is scared about going on the block if Cody wins.Frankie says according to caleb after the veto he will have something to say. Frankie says Caleb is loved. Derrick says at least your being honest.He says those two are loved. Frankie says thats ok. 2:32pm Derrick tells Frankie we just got to get there and if we do they have to give one of us 500k. Frankie says Caleb knows his path he knows he has to win to get to the final 2.Frankie says he knows if he is sitting on that block then peoples wheels are turning. 2:34pm derrick ask Frankie if he has seen DR Wills season and Frankie says no but this jury thinks they played this game and that they are loved and derrick says they do think they are loved. 2:36pm Derrick says we will see there is still alot of game to play. He says honestly i would like to win a veto and when we make it to final two then we will kiss and hug and if you smoke me in the finale we will go on a trip to Africa. 2:37pm Caleb and Victoria start yelling for Derrick and Frankie saying that Caleb pushed the button again and the clock stopped they come running and asked why the hell would you push the button again and Caleb says well you two was going to do it and they all laugh and Caleb says we just told you that cause you was being boring in the hoh rm and we wanted you to come down and play with us. 2:39pm Frankie says i bout killed my ankle getting down them steps and Claeb says you got us the other day and we got you today and Frankie laughs and says thats great. 2:41pm Caleb and Frankie talking in the KT about going to the final 4 and Caleb says if we get on the block we are in trouble and Frankie says yeah i will want to shoot myself. 2:42pm Cody tells Frankie they get it tonight at midnight and Frankie says tonight and Cody says they said and we get foth. 2:45pm Frankie and Caleb and Cody talking about who is cleaning what in the house today and Frankie says that BB stocked the str with everything they like this week. 2:46pm Frankie says we clean the sink first and boil water and get this cleaned and Victoria is actually good at putting things away so she can do that while we wash the dishes. Victoria comes in and Frankie tells her that she is the kitchen maid today and she says ok she just hates the water it destroys her hands. Frankie Caleb says you don't have to touch the water and derrick and Cody are going to do the bathroom. 2:49pm Frankie says i feel so good it is like we are all family in here now. 2:51pm Caleb is talking about the BY being locked down and what time it is in the house now and Frankie says we haven't even done noms yet. 2:52pm Caleb tells then guys that body builders eat 10 eggs a day to help build themselves up and we get Jeff's reels again as Caleb starts singing. 2:55pm Caleb telling about him talking to his nephew about picking up skittles off the floor and how he told him that he was not a little hoodlum and The nephew said that he didn't want to now he would later.Caleb says he went and told his brother that Bentley wouldn't pick up his skittles and he ran off and Caleb brother said now you know what i have to deal with with a 4 year old so if you find him bring him to me. He then says Bentley came to him after searching for him for awhile and said he was sorry and Caleb asked why he was saying he was sorry and Bentley told him got got me and i got a woopin.
  11. 12:55pm All HG are still sleeping soundly a few movements and some stretches but they are still asleep.
  12. 11:01am Frankie and Caleb asleep in the hoh bed and Cody asleep in the rock rm. 11:08am derrick goes to the WC and then comes out and washes his hands then we get FOTH. 11:18am Victoria is up turning in activity bracelet and then goes back to bed. 11:40am All Hg still in bed sleeping. 12:01pm All Hg still sleeping . 12:22pm All HG still sleeping with lights on in the bedrooms.
  13. 11:09am Feeds are still on Jeff's reels as HG are getting ready for tonight DE.
  14. 12:02pm Frankie is moving everything from the have not rm to the rock rm as BB is closing down the have not rm. Cody is still sleeping and the rest of the Hg are sitting in the LVR talking about movies and comps. Caleb ask how do you think other Hg are going to see our season and derrick says i wouldn't say this is the best season but funnier season. 12:05pm derrick says we are defiantly going to have people that like us and people that hate us and Caleb says i know i will have people hate me like the animal activist. Derrick says yeah but we will all have people that don't like us. 12:09pm Caleb and derrick talking about having Twitter and instagram when they get home derrick says he had his Facebook deactivated before he came in. Derrick says their Twitter are probably blowing up right now. 12:14pm Frankie and Caleb talking about a double evict and Nicole says i don't think it will be. Derrick says is it 2pm yet? Nicole laughs and says i know me too i am so hungry. 12:17pm Everyone is sitting around talking about different restaurants and Frankie goes to the dr real quick and request a latte and Christine says did you just really request Starbucks and we get foth. 12:23pm Victoria and Nicole in WA waiting for Christine to leave as all the guys have gone to the HOh rm to chill. Nicole says i am scared to walk out tomorrow and Victoria says what no way don't be scared. Why you scared>? Nicole says i don't know maybe i am embarrassed that i am walking out again. 12:26pm Victoria tells Nicole that she doesn't think Cody wants Christine in this house. Nicole says really he don't? Victoria says he was telling me lastnight. And i know from the stories that she told him that she was doing all this to you.Victoria tells that Cody was upset that Christine was being nice to you and Nicole says Cody said that and Victoria says yeah and Nicole says well he was the one always kissing my butt. 12:32pm In the HOH rm All 4 men are talking about and endurance comp and then Frankie says what do we do if it is a double evict tomorrow do we go to a room real quick and decide what to do and they all agree that Victoria and Christine go up. 12:36pm derrick says we get Christine out and keep Victoria she loves us and she is a vote for us cause she has voted how we wanted her to all season and i don't think we need to be mean to Christine but she needs to go simple .Frankie and Caleb agree. Frankie says us three need to win every comp now and Caleb agrees with him. 12:42pm Caleb and Frankie telling derrick that if it is a maze comp then they can crush Christine in it. In the WA Victoria is whispering to Nicole about Christine talking bad about people and that she doesn't want derrick to leave this game and that whoever goes up against derrick on the block is going home. 12:52pm Most hg going back to sleep and resting. Nicole changing clothes and fixing her hair up in a messy bun.
  15. 11:00am Nicole says i am so frustrated and if i had just won one comp. Derrick says this is a game and i thought Donny and Hayden had my back and they didn't. Nicole says no he did until Christine and then he was coming after you. Derrick tells her he can not wait to watch this show. 11:03am Nicole says i am sorry Derrick and Derrick excepts her apology he says they are 2 weeks from getting home and watching this show. Derrick says i am not who you think i am and Nicole says i know i didn't think you was so i had to run it by you. 11:05am Derrick says he will leave there with a clear conscious. he says Donny had me crying in the other room and he knew i wasn't lying cause i was truthful with him. 11:08am derrick says i cant wait for you to see this show Nicole not the whole show just this week. 11:09am Nicole says i don't know what to think about this anymore and derrick says i do cause i thought you was working with Donny and Hayden and you was.Christine comes to sit with them and derrick gets a holla and we get foth. 11:11am Bb says Holla and i want the Hg to decide on a meal that will get delivered at 2pm and derrick and Nicole yell wow and we get FOTH again. 11:13am Derrick says i'm am going to cry. Christine ask what Cody said and Derrick says yeah Cody was yelling what he wants and Christine says yeah anything will be good and i am going to wait till 2 to eat and Nicole says yeah i am waiting too. Nicole says this will be so nice and this will be my second day to eat since i been back. 11:18am BB says this is a lock down please go inside and close the sliding glass doors and derrick says sure i will go inside as he is excited he gets to eat something today. 11:28am Victoria says i am super excited. Christine says you should be. Victoria says my friend will be super excited too. Caleb leaves the HOH rm and says HOH peacing out baby. Nicole and derrick in have not rm hugging and smiling. Caleb and Frankie are in the BY now as Bb has opened it back up.Nicole tells Frankie all his stuff has to be taken out of the have not rm and he says yeah i know. 11:33am Nicole finds a pink dress that doesnt belong to anyone in the house now so she says she will take it to jury with her. Cody is still sleeping. Victoria says she will not eat a hamburger but Derrick says you will eat the fries right and she says yeah i will eat the fires. 11:36am Nicole ask Derrick you sure you are not mad at me and derrick says 100% i am not mad at you. She says i feel like you are upset and he says non i am 100% over it i promise. 11:38am Victoria says are you happy derrick and derrick says i am pumped. Victoria says you wont even need a quasadilla tonight and derrick says yes i am eating one tonight are you on drugs? 11:43am Victoria tells Nicole That she was talking to derrick lastnight that since they never talk one on one anymore and derrick walks in and talk stops .Derrick is brushing his teeth as the girls stand around playing with their hair. 11:46am Caleb and Frankie laying in the BY in the sun talking about sweating. Cody is still in bed asleep and derrick, Nicole and Victoria in the WA talking about getting to sleep in a real bed tonight Derrick is so pumped.They think they are fixing the have not rm up for a luxury comp or maybe a penalty comp. 11:51am Nicole goes to the BY to get clothes out of the dryer and Frankie is putting clothes in the dryer. Caleb has gone inside as he says the burgers they will get today will taste like McDonald burgers and derrick says really and Caleb says that's my opinion though. BB is now closing up the BY and Derrick tells Nicole they are golden at 2pm as they get to eat. 11:53am Victoria goes to the STR and says Nicole where is your suitcase? Nicole says i already had mine and Victoria goes inside the STr to get hers and says this is so sad. 11:55am Derrick is telling Caleb he is over the rec department at his job but there are several departments.Caleb is talking about them getting a reward and maybe they are going to put that in the have not rm and derrick says it could be pop balloon and win money or get a penalty one.
  16. 5:01pm Derrick says if we have a chance to be up on the final 3 then Cody will take Christine over you. Derrick says we have to make sure we are final 2 and we fly our families here for finale and one of us get 500k and the other get 50k. 5:04pm Derrick and Caleb still talking about making it to final 3 and how they can not take Christine and Cody together that one of them has to go before that. derrick says i know we have a final 3 with Frankie but we also have one with Cody but you and I have a final 2 so you do we roll with? Derrick says so whats the deal obviously you rather roll with Cody and Caleb says yeah. 5:07pm Nicole talking to Victoria saying she is fed up and if Caleb says anything to her she is going to tell him how it is. She says where was i going with this. Oh she says i asked him why i was picked for a have not and he told me cause i volunteered outside and because you like cinnamon and i told him i did not and Victoria is the one who like cinnamon so don't talk to me thanks. 5:10pm derrick says it is a long time till Thursday and we could go in and it be a single evict but it could be a double evict. if it is a single evict then i make it to day 84. Caleb says then we send Nicole home Thursday and Christine right behind her and Frankie right behind her and money money money. 5:14pm Caleb says i should have gone for that 5k then i would have gone home with 28k. Derrick says yeah but then you wouldn't be beast mode. 5:17pm BB yells D mode Holla and Derrick says holla real low. Caleb says we can beat Christine. Derrick says if one of us wins the double evict then the other wins the next one then it is a rap. 5:20pm caleb says ok if Cody wins HOh and puts me up against Victoria and you me and Cody make it to final 3 and i win i can says ok Cody you put me up against Victoria so derrick it is me and you in the end. derrick says yeah you can do that. Caleb says Bb might do a dinner for us tonight we will have to wait and see. derrick leaves HOh rm and goes down stairs. 5:22pm In the BY Frankie and Christine are talking about making Chicken for dinner with a marinara sauce to dip it in since Christine cant have the sauce.Frankie goes inside to start cooking and Cody lays on the hammock with Christine now. 5:30pm Caleb goes to the BY and tells Christine and Cody he is about to go on slop for the rest of the time he is here and Christine says shut your mouth. 5:31pm Frankie ask Victoria if she will make an ice coffee for him please and she says sure. He is making dinner and putting seasoning on the chicken so he can grill it in the BY .As he walks outside he starts singing Labor day BBQ its fun times and we get foth. 5:34pm Cody and Christine playing around on the hammock and Christine is laughing. Derrick and Caleb in the hot tub and Frankie cooking dinner on the BBQ grill. Nicole and Victoria sitting in the KT. 5:37pm Victoria has come out to the BY and sitting with her feet in the hot tub with derrick and Caleb. Cody and Christine on the hammock as Cody makes dinosaur noises at Christine. 5:41pm Cody and Christine talking about drinking and Christine says that she and Tim had like a blind date thing with another married couple and they never seen them again after she chugged her drink. 5:50pm Christine telling Cody how her house is set up on the hammock. Nicole sitting on the BY couch telling Victoria she didn't cook the slop long enough.Nicole walks to the Hot tun and says Caleb thinks we are the popular kids. Frankie is still cooking on the grill.Victoria comes to the Hot tun and says tomorrow is camera day but i never wake up for it. 5:56pm Just general talk going on in the BY with everyone but Frankie who is in cooking at the BBQ grill.
  17. 3:02pm Derrick is talking to the camera about having a study session and then starts saying who was hoh and who went on block each week.Victoria is in the KT area painting on a plate. 3:05pm Derrick going through the hoh and nominations pretty quickly,Christine comes out of the Dr and Victoria says that was quick and Cody is called to the DR. Christine asking if Frankie and derrick are still outside and Victoria says just derrick that Frankie went back to bed. 3:08pm Christine goes outside and derrick tells her that Nicole is being nice today and excepting the fact she is going home today.She was even being nice to Frankie today. Christine says i hate that though and derrick says why cause she is a jury vote? Christine says yeah. 3:10pm Derrick says the jury is gonna be a certainty vote cause however Nicole voted Hayden will vote and then Donny will vote the way Hayden does then Jacosta will vote how Donny does. 3:12pm Derrick says zach was good but Donny was a beast and the way he played that veto comp it will show he is a beast and he is very intelligent. 3:15pm Christine says there was moment in me that i wanted to call her out in front of everyone but i didn't. derrick says today and she says no yesterday. Derrick says don't do that she will be a vote so don't do that it wont be good for your game. Christine says i know it was just going through senerios in your head. derrick says right. 3:17pm Victoria goers to the have not rm where Nicole is and she tells her that Christine came outside and so she came inside/ Nicole says i want to eat i am so hungry. 3:18pm Cody comes outside and Christine says hello dino.Caleb looks out in the By and yells holla. Cody says i was hoping he would say we had pizza. Bb says derrick open your mouth and give a holla. 3:21pm Derrick says want to hear a sad story and he says i had just washed my car and was coming over a hill on the highway and he decided to late to get the turtle and so he gets off on the side of the highway and he went ot get the turtle and someone hit the turtle and it splattered all over my car , it missed me but got all over my car. Christine says i am going to throw up now poor turtle. 3:24pm Frankie then tells about frogs raining on them in Magnolia and as you are driving you run over then. 3:27pm Frankie says i don't know if i should go back to bed or not. Cody says man i want to take this off it is so uncomfortable. Frankie says just pull it down some it will be ok . 3:30pm Cody says i should go ask if i can get in the pool just so i can take this thing off. Frankie says do it at least you can take it off. Frankie then says i don't think Bb cares that it is labor day. 3:31pm Frankie says nothing about September is summer and Christine says in Tuson it is and Frankie says but September summer is over and Christine yells yeah. 3:34pm Derrick talking about Gumby now and Frankie says that Gumby can turn into anything.Derrick says Gumby is made out of Clay and can change to anything. 3:39pm general talk in the By with everyone but Nicole and Caleb about Halloween costumes. 3:44pm Caleb is now in the BY with everyone but Nicole who is asleep in the have not rm. They are talking about drinking red bull and monster drinks. Caleb says you can have one if you want i don't really care to Frankie. 3:46pm Cody says i am tired of this costume and Frankie says i didn't think you had to sleep in it and Cody says the Dr told him he did and they say that Nicole didn't have to sleep in hers. 3:49pm Cody is putting on his swim trunks so he can sit in the pool and not have to wear the dinosaur costume for awhile.Derrick comes out of the STr and goes to the DR. Victoria is getting clothes out of the dryer and Caleb is saying he hopes they use his whole veto speech. 3:53pm Caleb says how you get as good girl is you wait and let them come to you. it might be an ex or someone else you know but it will happen.He says like on my Facebook if your not a Christian don't even try it. He says if you don't believe in God then you can crush that and Christine says good for you i am the same way. 3:56pm Cody is now in the KT with his costume back on and making himself some food and Bb tells him to please put on his mic.
  18. 2:10pm most Hg in bed sleeping. Derrick, Victoria and Nicole out in the BY lounging on the By couches.They are going over when what comp took place and Nicole says i got the germatard day thirty and derrick says that was week 5. 2:18pm Victoria and Nicole look as if they are going to sleep on the BY couches. derrick was called to the DR and looks as if all other Hg are in bed sleeping. 2:22pm Nicole and Victoria get up and head inside to go lay down for a nap 2:42pm Victoria is starting some laundry and folding towels in the BY alone. 2:47pm Derrick walks through the LVr and passes Victoria as she heads to the STR and jumps at her and scares her then says you didn't see that one coming. Derrick is talking to the cameras and says Happy Labor day and hope everyone is enjoying their cooking. I am having a great day my food consist of slop and mushrooms great. BB says derrick Holla and he holla's. 2:50pm Christine comes out to the By and says whats up to derrick and he says not much . They sit in silence with Victoria on the BY couches. 2:53pm derrick says to Christine and Victoria come to think about it they might not have the wall cause i don't remember them doing the wall with this many people. Christine says yeah it is to late for it and damn that sucks. Christine is called to the DR. Frankie comes outside and gets a drink out odf the outside fridge. He says i come out of the dr and my chest is filled with acne so i said to myself do i need to go lay down or burn this acne off my chest which is more important. He then says maybe i will go back to bed it was lovely talking to you. derrick says later bub and Frankie says i will talk to you soon. 2:57pm Victoria tells derrick he better do a good goodbye for her and he says i will just say you are not leaving cause there is no way you are leaving.
  19. 1205pm : Hg speculating why the BY is locked down and Caleb says if it is a party for labor day and the have nots get to eat then Nicole has to drink a beer with him and we get foth. 12:06pm Most HG sitting at the KT table, Victoria is washing a dish, Frankie is in the WC.Victoria joins the others at the table and they are just talking general talk. 12:09pm Frankie is out of the WC and washes his hands. He goes to the KT and says hey wait we are all at the table whats happening? Frankie says you want me to make lunch or something and Caleb says no we are waiting for them to say something about the BY. 12:11pm Caleb says we should go to the dr and ask them if they are getting hooked up with a feast or not cause we are about to make lunch so we need to know. 12:12pm Nicole says i really hope we get to eat today cause i am really hungry. 12:13pm Nicole says everything in this house is pretty predictable sorry America and Caleb and Christine laugh. 12:15pm Christine says i am going to bed i don't feel to good and Caleb says this sucks give us a party we are bored. 12:18pm Nicole and Victoria in the fire rm and Nicole says i aint even made it is just stupid moved she yells Get some guts. Nicole says you are not supposed to say you are going home. Victoria says yeah. Nicole says it is sad that i would be able to make bigger moves than beast mode does. She says that Caleb said Victoria is a pawn and you are going home. She says i would love to stay but now i cant. Victoria says i really thought he was going to put up Frankie and Nicole says yeah that would have been a great game move but instead he puts up you my best friend. 12:24pm Victoria and Nicole talking about how the guys take the easy way out. Victoria says yeah cause there is only 2 weeks left in this game.Victoria says that Caleb thinks he is a competition beast and he thinks Frankie is a competitor and why wouldn't he put Frankie up and Nicole says because he is a wimp. 12:27pm Nicole goes over her eviction speech with Victoria and how they think she is a threat in this game and how they need to get some guts in this game then i will say something good about you. You know what i mean? 12:30pm Frankie goes to the LVR and lays on top of derrick then sits beside him on the floor and whispers about what Caleb told him earlier about weighting his options. I went to bed and talked to him this morning so he had time to debate it that he didn't want to put me up. 12:33pm derrick goes in the fire br where Nicole and Victoria are and ask them if they need a moment? They say no he is fine. Frankie is in the KT cooking lunch. 12:35pm Nicole says he is always telling me how much he wants to go home not like to jury house but to finish this game and go home.Nicole says Caleb is wasting his HOh to do something for Frankie and it is frustrating. 12:38pm Derrick says i am so hungry and Victoria ask you want me to make you something and he says no i want food but i am going to wait cause i think they are going to hook us up soon. 12:43pm Frankie is making salmon salad and tells Caleb to try it and he said no there is a bone right there and i am picky about that crap.Nicole talking to Victoria about the next hoh comp and if it is the wall do not let go of the wall it is very important to not let go of the wall just think of your family and stuff and Victoria says yeah ok. 12:46pm Caleb giving shout outs and Frankie says everyone is asleep except for me and beastmode. Nicole and Victoria in the fire BR with Derrick laying in the bed next to Victoria's bed going to sleep.Nicole says it is going to be a boring week. 12:49pm Caleb says i am the hoh that is sending Nicole home again but she didnt win HOH so she sealed it in a way. 12:51pm Caleb says that is crazy no party on labor day and they want to take the BY away from us and no party and we get foth. 12:54pm Nicole tells derrick if they had done the punishment comp then i would have won that one.
  20. 11:01am Caleb tells Frankie at this point he is worried about his game. He says Christine is tough man she almost beat me at that hoh comp. Frankie says yeah she has stabbed me in the back a few times. Caleb says my loyalty is to you we are the four musketeers . 11:03am Nicole is walking in the have not rm going over her speech for the veto meeting. Caleb and Frankie still talking about being loyal in the hoh rm. Caleb says we are loyal to each other that why Devin is gone and zach is gone and it would only be game to keep Victoria here but who would try to take her to the final 2? Frankie says no one would. 11:06am Frankie says if Christine does not win the double evict hoh then she will have to go home. Caleb says do you think she will send Victoria home and Frankie says i do. 11:08am Caleb says if Christine wins in the double evict then she cant play in the next hoh and we get her out then . Then after that it just leaves the four of us so we got to play and we got to win. 11:10am Caleb says that Nicole being back in cause of a buy back makes me mad. caleb says if Christine wins the next HOH then i know we can win the next one. 11:11am Caleb says if you win that final HOH them you say that Caleb and Cody you have to sit up on the final chairs . Frankie says i would put Cody and derrick up there with the hopes that Cody doesn't win the veto and you have the sole vote.Caleb says if we make it to the final 3 and then to final 2 we are the best to ever play this game and Frankie says yeah bigger than Will and Boogie. 11:14am Caleb says more so principle behind it we made a pact with each other and you guys accomplished something that one one has ever done.Frankie says you are a beast to win comps. Caleb says yeah on day 2 you said i was a beast and wanted to work together. Frankie says yeah . 11:16am Derrick comes to the Hoh rm and Frankie ask if he is ok and he says yeah i just woke up. derrick says did i walk in on a conversation? My bad and Caleb says no i was just telling Frankie that i went over scenarios. 11:19am Caleb is wondering what they are doing in the BY as they are still on IDLD. We get foth. 11:25am WE are now on Jeff's Reels as the Hg have the POV Ceremony.
  21. 9:00am Victoria is up doing her hair and makeup. 9:15am Victoria still doing make up and hair. 9:30am Victoria still doing hair and Christine in the shower. 9:45am Nicole up and doing her Hair and make up now 9:55am Most Hg up after BB wakes them to get ready for the pov ceremony.
  22. 2:00am Calen and Derrick in hoh rm talking about if Christine is cool with putting Frankie up or not cause derrick assumes that XChristine wants Nicole to go home. Derrick says so if we send Frankie out and i win HOH next wek we put up Christine and Nicole and send Nicole out. Christine is strong she is starting to show her cards. Derrick says now if we keep Nicole i think if Christine wins she will put up Nicole. 2:03am Caleb says i think Christine would put Frankie up too and derrick says yeah i think your right there too. Caleb says i just want them both to tell me who they would put up. 2:05am Derrick says nIocle has no one in this game she is alone and we all already sent her home and she knows she will be fighting for her life in this game. 2:08am Frankie and Cody come in and break up the talk. Frankie hugs them all goodnight and heads to bed. 2:10am Caleb says i have a game changers to make tomorrow but i am just not sure if i want to take it or not. Derrick says it is a game changer for sure. 2:12am Cody says you made your decision and i have your back 100% you put Frankie up he goes home you don't and Nicole goes home i am ok with either one. 2:14am Frankie and Christine are getting ready for bed in the WA. 2:30am Derrick says this game is fun and we are just a few days from half a million dollars.And i guarantee that no one downstairs is going to give us the money they are in it for themselves. 2:34am Derrick says the only way to get Frankie out is to backdoor him and i think Christine is dangerous also. Cody says yeah she is . 2:49am Derrick says ok do we get Frankie out now or keep him and hope he doesnt put us up next week will he keep us around another week or not cause we know he is coming after us. 3:00am Cody says if Frankie is still in the house and Christine wins HOH i think she will go after Victoria.Derrick says yeah she will go after one of us and wont go after Frankie and she might put up Frankie but if the pov is used then she will say one of you have to go up and we are gone. 3:15am Derrick says Frankie is so paranoid and if he even thought he was going to go up tomorrow he would be up here till the lights went off. 3:25am Most HG are in bed sleeping and BB yells Holla at Derrick.It is silence in the hoh rm as BB does another Holla at Derrick. 3:40am Caleb says Frankie wont beat me at the end i know that. Derrick says depends if he wins another 3 comps and you didnt then he could beat you. Like when Rachel won that season she kept winning and everyone hated her but because she kept winning then she won that season so you never know. 4:00am Derrick says why would Nicole send one of us home and keep Christine in the game after Christine sent her home once already. Caleb says ok what are you all more down to what are ya'll telling me? Derrick says Frankie.Caleb says i feel like keeping Nicole would be good for all of our game but one Christine is gone then Nicole is good for your game but will Frankie put me up probably not but i don't know. 4:04am Caleb says the hardest one to beat right now is Frankie and derrick says correct he is a beast and i want Christine out the most but we cant do that. 4:15am Derrick says big dogs make big decisions as he leaves the hoh rm to go to bed. Caleb and Cody are still laying in the bed. 4:30am All lights in the BB house are off as Derrick and Victoria are talking in the have not rm. Victoria sounds like she is crying and derrick telling her to talk to them tomorrow after the music goes off. 4:45am Victoria laying in derricks bed in the have not rm as derrick is in the HOh rm talking to Caleb and Cody about keeping Victoria off the block and telling Christine that Frankie Had her on the bottom of the totem pole and wanted you out before Victoria. Derrick says no we got to put them both up.So this week we put Victoria up next to Nicole and Nicole goes home and we seal the fate next week with Frankie and Christine now we can all sleep tonight. 5:00am Cody and Caleb laying in the HOh bed talking about Frankie being paranoid and it all comes down to comps and Caleb says we have to win 2 more HOH's back to back and that's all that matters. 5:15am ALL HG sleeping.
  23. 2:00pm Victoria sitting at the KT table using her hand mirror and painting on her own face. Caleb in the BY telling Christine and derrick about cars .Christine says she works at a rich Starbucks and people are always saying how much their cars cost. 2:03pm BB says Hey everybody it is Photo booth time. Caleb yells alright i am getting Photo bombed. 2:05pm Christine telling derrick that Nicole said that if they keep her she will not put them up. derrick says i know but that's what Donny said too. Christine says yeah Donny said that twice. 2:12pm Frankie and Caleb are taking pictures in the bee hive.Derrick and Christine are in the BY just general talk as BB keeps doing Holla's. 2:24pm Derrick and Christine talking about making it to the final 3 in the BY Frankie, Caleb and Nicole in the bee hive taking pictures. 2:26pm Derrick says this week is probably another double evict. Christine says yeah at least it is pretty much a garentee that one of us will win this game.Derrick says watch Victoria win and Christine says i swear i swear if that girl makes it to the final 3 i will be livid. derrick says i don't see it happening cause if anyone lets her get to final 3 it will be stupid. 2:31pm Caleb says i feel that Frankie will put me or Cody up and he knows he cant beat us at the end and i think he will be the one to make the big move before the end.Christine says honestly Frankie just thinks about himself all the time cause that's the way he is. 2:33pm Caleb says i am all for doing what you have to do to get to the end but i have been getting us 5 to the end and doing what has never been done but Frankie is in it for himself, I feel it is best to get rid of Nicole and get her packing but Frankie can not win this next part. 2:35pm caleb says i am down sending Nicole home she has had her chance to win she had 4 chances to save herself and she didn't. Christine says then we have to play hard. derrick says you can send Frankie packing this week and hope Nicole doesn't win next week. Derrick says just go with your instinct. Christine says i rather sit with any of you boys and lose than sat next to Frankie and lose. 2:42pm Victoria in the KT alone as she is making food and BB calls her to the DR. All other HG in the bee hive rm taking pictures and laughing. 2:45pm Caleb and Nicole now laying in the sun talking about sweating out there as it is very hot out. Caleb says i am not going to lie to you i am ready for this game to be over with. Nicole says yeah me too it is a very long game. 2:46pm Caleb and Nicole talking about Nicole getting asked if she would want to go to the end with someone she knows she can beat or someone that she might not beat and she said i would rather go against the best it makes it more fun that way and Caleb says yeah i would want to go against Cody then it would be a game. Frankie comes out and talking stops. 2:49pm Caleb says in DR they said that these Hg don't drink as much as last year and Caleb says he told them they never give them the beer and wine and Bb told him that they have to request it and then they get it. Frankie says what now they tell you that on day 73? 2:54pm Derrick heading to the BY to to sit with the other hg. Nicole , Caleb laying on longer. Christine and Cody sitting by the Hot tub just general talk going on .
  24. 1:02pm Cody and Christine in the KT talking about getting Christmas stuff down to decorate and how Cody does it. 1:05pm Cody gets up looks outside and goes to the WA. 1:10pm Victoria is up and checks the washer and dryer before she gets in the shower. Christine says she will fold Derricks clothes for him since she is awake. 1:15pm Victoria in the KT with Cody and ask him if he had a headache this morning and he says no i just feel like crap. He says i don't remember what i was doing. She says that he was just telling funny stories 1:18pm Cody goes to the STR and comes out singing I hate this outfit. Victoria laughs at him. 1:21am Nicole is up and in the WA getting ready to go lay out in the sun. Christine is putting her swimsuit on now also to go lay in the sun.Cody is in the KT making breakfast for himself. Frankie is up asking Cody if he wants to lay out then ask him if he had a good nights sleep lastnight. 1:28pm Most Hg are going out to the BY to lay in the sun for the day BB tells Christine to put on her mic and she says i am going outside i will in a minute and BB yells Christine put on your mic in a stern voice. 1:32pm Christine says Nicole can i ask you a medical question. Nicole says its because if your blood gets to hot then it doesn't flow as much as it does especially if you have had a heart attack or a stoke . 1:34pm Derrick is sitting in the LVR alone. Frankie, Cody and Christine sitting in BY just general talk about the holla's Nicole laying in a lounger in the sun alone. 1:42pm BB tells Christine again to put her mic on.Cody laying on the BY couch saying he is hot in the costume. Derrick comes out and Frankie is telling everything BB has said this morning like Did you wash your hands? BB said also this morning to be sure to use the sunblock when you go outside. 1:51pm Hg sitting around general talk about being drunk lastnight and BB says that's what she said. Caleb says Photo booth will be open in about 10 minutes. 1:55am Frankie, Derrick, Christine and Caleb lower the BY awnings and Caleb breaks one. Frankie sits it on the ground and says ok it is a stable environment now you don't have to lock us down. 1:56pm Nicole and Victoria now sitting at the KT table eating. Caleb, Christine and Derrick sitting in BY talking about Derrick opening his moth when he yells holla and Bb says that's what she said.



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