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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 5:06pm Caleb in the hoh rm telling Frankie who all has the green eyes and derrick says doesn't Nicole have blue eyes and Frankie says yeah Nicole has blue eyes. Caleb says this is a process of elimination. 5:09pm Caleb ask Victoria as she comes in did you run out of breath just coming up the stairs and she says no i am just nervous about the veto comp. Cody is in the downstairs WA then walks to the STR . In the hoh rm Caleb is playing with his bottle of cologne while derrick listens to music and Frankie lays in the hoh bed.Caleb tells Victoria don't be nervous just do what you know and you will be fine. 5:17pm Caleb says he will give shout outs to everyone for Frankie and for Derrick in his BLOG that he gets to do this week and he says the only new thing i can say in my BLOG is i won HOH that's all that new. 5:23pm Caleb telling Frankie that so one should be stressed this week we played this last week we know what will happen but i am nervous cause i cant play for hoh next week.But this week we have a target (Victoria) and she will go. But next week we dont have a target and i cant play for hoh. He then says that hoh is important next week cause they seal final 3 but the pov seals someone else going home. 5:26pm Caleb says i won hoh and that seals the final 4 and even if derrick, Cody or you had won hoh you all would have sealed the final 4 also. Frankie says i am going to go drink, Pee and shower as he leaves the hoh rm and joins derrick and Cody laying on the floor in front of the memory wall. 5:36pm All is quiet in the BB house as everyone but Caleb is laying in the floor in front of the memory wall. Caleb is on the balcony looking down. 5:36pm BB says Derrick Holla and Frankie says that is you and just think all we had to do for Victoria to win 5k is clean our house and she had a necklace destroyed. 5:49pm Frankie says i wonder if they can move shadows? He then says i know they can move hair and stuff like that. he then says what if they shave Donny and derrick said that would be sick. 5:55pm Caleb tells Derrick you want your family out here win this competition. derrick says i got it. 5:56pm Cody and Caleb in the fire br getting dressed and ready for the veto comp. derrick laying on the LVR couch. Frankie goes to the fire br searching for his activity bracelet. Victoria laying in the WA.
  2. 4:05pm Caleb says he just wants to beat Victoria that's all he cares about. derrick says she has been studying alot though and Caleb says she has been. Frankie is sitting there listening and derrick says he is not worried. 4:08pm Caleb now telling a story about a guy that looks like a bear . 4:15pm Caleb, Derrick and Frankie talking about if Victoria wins the veto they will try to talk her into not using it. Frankie says there was a guy before that didn't use it on himself and was evicted.(Marcellas) Caleb says really and Frankie says yes. 4:18pm derrick says we will get some more shirts and Frankie says yeah. Caleb is spitting pumpkin seeds in a Gatorade bottle and Cody listening to music. Victoria is in the downstairs WA plucking eyebrows again. 4:21pm derrick goes down to the WA and Victoria says that Frankie is trying to fee her a bunch of bull crap like he respects me so much and stuff like that and Derrick said yeah and he is on the block good guy. Victoria says i think Frankie would put up Cody and derrick says no he wont he will put up me he put Cody up last week he wont do it again i promise you. 4:24pm Derrick and Caleb are back to the memory wall studying again. Victoria in the WA flat ironing her hair. Frankie and Cody going to sleep in the hoh rm. 4:33pm Cody gets up takes the headphones off and head down stairs where the others are still studying the memory wall. Frankie is in the HOH bed taking a nap. 4:40pm Cody and Caleb are aggravating Victoria about wining the pov and Victoria says if i win the veto then i am safe and Caleb says do you know how powerful the hoh is and Victoria says your not if i win. She tells Cody she is nervous and Cody says just do what you are doing and dont rush just take your time and get it right on the first time. 4:44pm Derrick ask Frankie if he wins the pov does he think Caleb will put him on the block and Frankie says no. derrick says i think they are true to the final 4 right and Frankie says no they are loyal. Frankie says if he does pull a fast one on me he knows our relationship is over and if he stabs the person in the back who has been his allies through most of the game then he is hurting himself. 4:47pm Derrick says i think Caleb will take Cody to final 2 over us and Frankie says yeah he will. derrick says if Cody wins hoh you and i are going up you think? Frankie says yeah but next week veto is everything.Derrick says i didn't think about that if you don't win next weeks veto you go home. 4:56pm Cody tells Caleb that he will smoke him in the Veto Comp. Caleb says no way wanna bet 50 dollars? and they laugh.
  3. 1:05pm Frankie still at the memory wall studying. Victoria in the WA doing her make up and derrick in the DR, Cody and Caleb still sleeping. 1:22pm Victoria goes to the KT and makes herself some ice coffee and ask Frankie if he did his Dr session yet and Frankie says yeah i did mine already. She ask was it long and he tells her yeah ish long.You can hear Victoria drinking and swallowing as she goes to the memory wall with Frankie to study the faces. 1:27pm Frankie goes to get a drink and tells Victoria that he feels like he has that bacterial infection again then ask what time she went to bed and she said late . 1:30pm frankie goes to the WA where derrick is sitting and they talk about TA loving them and they will be fine and Frankie gives Derrick a hug and Derrick tells him that Caleb thinks he cant beat you in the end is why you are up. derrick says i am trying to look at it like you do that you have to win and i see where is is coming from he is scared of you . Derrick says i don't know if he can win or not but i see Cody going home i di cause he has done nothing in this game and that is what scars me.Derrick says if you win today Caleb jaw is going to drop. 1:35pm derrick says to guarantee our winning TA is we have to get to the final 2 we have to get there. 1:40pm Frankie says there is a reason why we are sitting next to each other in the finals and derrick says yeah there is 550k. 1:42pm Victoria comes in and goes to the WC and Frankie says my face hurts then there is silence. derrick then says i am going to brush my teeth and gives Frankie a hug and thanks him. 1:44pm Frankie says i am trying to figure out of i want to go lay back down or not and i have a headache and Victoria says yeah you should go lay back down. Frankie goes to the KT saying he is going to drink alot of water then go lay back down. 1:46pm Cody is out of the Dr and in the WA brushing his teeth . derrick goes to the STr to get medication and we get foth. 1:48pm Victoria run to the STr and ask derrick what did you tell him and derrick says nothing . Victoria says Frankie was asking me if we talked lastnight and i told him no cause you was studying the memory wall and derrick says ok gotcha. 1:50pm Caleb is now up and tells derrick they just woke me up so we are probably fixen to do the drawing thing. Caleb says morning Frank and he says Morning Caleb. Frankie then tells Cody they will have to sit around for 4 hours so i am going to drink alot of water and maybe go back to bed. 1:51pm They are talking about the music being played this morning and Caleb says did they want us us this morning cause that song just made us want to go back to sleep this morning. Frankie says yeah but it is a beautiful song by Josh Groban. 1:55pm Frankie ask did Victoria come out of the DR and Caleb says yeah but she took her necklace back in there. derrick says did you hear? The dryer broke lastnight drying the sneakers. Frankie says you kidding me? derrick says yeah it broke lastnight and made a loud noise when it did. 1:57pm Cody and Caleb talking about how they hate that their tennis shoes turned pink and how they hate it. Caleb says are you looking at people there you all act like there is a competition today or something.
  4. 12:04pm All Hg still in bed sleeping. 12:25pm Frankie up and going to the DR. Everyone else still sleeping. 12:48pm Frankie is making his breakfast as everyone else is sleeping. 12:54pm derrick now sitting on the side of his bed. he gets up and puts his hat on. Frankie makes his oatmeal. Derrick goes to the Dr. 12:57pm Victoria gets up and goes to the WC and Frankie tells her good morning. Frankie sitting at the memory wall closing his eyes and studying the faces.
  5. 8:00pm Frankie says you can study this wall for 300 days and it wont make a difference. Caleb says quit studying then and Frankie says i aint studying my eyes are closed. 8:03pm Frankie is cleaning the salmon mess up now and says it was so good. Victoria is looking at the wall now. Caleb is going to his hoh rm and we get foth. 8:06pm Caleb in hoh talking to the feeders saying 4 hoh's now all single ones. Feels good . 8:07pm Frankie sits at the memory wall and says ok this is my new method and closes his eyes. 8:11pm Frankie , Cody and Victoria at the memory wall studying and Derrick in the BY playing pool by himself. Caleb in the hoh rm listening to music. 8:17pm Frankie goes outside with derrick talking about throwing pillows at Caleb and how he and Caleb are like brothers. Frankie says if he wins the veto i hope he pulls me down cause i pulled him down but i don't think that is his goal. 8:21pm Frankie says if she had got to the end they would vote for her. derrick says if one of us 4 are in the final 3 and if Cody wins and takes Victoria to the end then i am voting for Victoria and she wins cause that is the cowards way out. 8:26pm derrick is telling Frankie that Caleb wins alot of comps and when it comes to winning comps that you and Caleb are beast.derrick then tells Frankie that if the jury goes by what half is beat then the first half Caleb has you beat. Frankie says yeah in know. 8:29pm Derrick and Frankie talk about they have things in their personal lives but cant say and Derrick says i am a good father and husband and if i win it will help me alot. Frankie says yeah i am good and it will change my life too. Frankie says there is no choice or no option everyone will be judged. derrick says we will be sentenced but my outcome will be different than yours. 8:33pm Derrick says it is going to be one of us that leaves cause Caleb isn't going to go for Cody they are to tight. Frankie says Victoria is still at that damn wall studying. derrick says if she comes off from a win then we are in trouble . 8:37pm Caleb and Cody in the hoh rm talking about the veto comp and who has what eye colors . 8:39pm Frankie says it all depends on how much Caleb wants to torcher me . I dont know why he would want to do that though. derrick says if it were not for TA i would have played this game differently. derrick says you will see when this is over i was loyal to you. Derrick says Arrianna i have your brothers back he will see. Frankie says i just think what Caleb did today was ridiculous. 8:44pm Caleb says when they get out of here he might have his arm wrapped around Amber and if i win 500k i might just tell her to walk and he laughs. Caleb then says just think they all know we are popular like Devin and Joey and all them know that we are. 8:49pm Cody tells Caleb if Frankie goes this week we are garenteed final 3 cause there is nothing Victoria can do to stop that. 8:52pm Caleb says if i did get beat at the end i want it to be someone who deserved to beat me. Cody says i feel im have played a good social game would i have gone after amber or Brittany no they wasn't coming after me.Caleb says if you have two beast up there in final 2 then it is gonna be tough to decide but if you are against Victoria DUH. 8:56pm caleb is saying if he wins he is giving back to his community and he says other places he is giving money too.
  6. 7:02pm Frankie tells derrick if he had a marker he could probably draw everyone's face. 7:04pm Cody is saying that a few days ago Frankie said he couldn't learn everyone's faces and today he is studying it what a hypocrite. Caleb says tell him then get him rattled. 7:06pm Frankie and derrick heading out of the fire BR and derrick goes to the STR to get a snack. Frankie goes out to the BY and says me next for the pool game. 7:08pm derrick goes to talk to Victoria and says if i win that pov you are coming off. She says i hope so. derrick says i am trying to help out Cody cause Cody wants Frankie out too. 7:09pm Frankie tells Cody and Caleb all they know is that Bb ends next week. They start talking about how early they got up this morning so Frankie says he is going to bed early tonight. 7:11pm Victoria tells Derrick that it is so malicious what they did to my name today and don't tell me to get over it i take that very personal. 7:13pm derrick says this veto is huge and Victoria says it is big and Derrick says yeah he is gonna be mad but he is going home.Caleb comes in and Victoria says who you looking for and he says no one i just finished playing pool and i had to know where everyone was you know and he leaves the fire br. 7:15pm Caleb says that we have brought her this fart and we brought her as far as she is going to go so she has to go dude. Derrick says i know. Caleb points at dishes and says who is that and derrick says i think it is mine cause they opened the BY . He gets up and washes the dishes then says dude i have alot on this i have a wife and a little girl i am fighting for this. 7:18pm Caleb and derrick are going over how to recognize whos eyes are whos and how they have to remember to win this tomorrow. 7:22pm Caleb telling Derrick how to tell whos eyes are whos and says he has bags under his eyes and Hayden right eye is more open than his left eye. 7:25pm derrick says i really don't give a crap if i go on the block cause they would have to both flip on me and Cody would never flip on me so i am not worried. 7:28pm Frankie telling Cody that derrick has never been put on the block and he is going to fight for that pov like it is his life cause he wants iy and i mean he wants it. 7:32pm Cody, derrick and Caleb whispering saying that one of them has to win this pov as they stare at the memory wall. Victoria is in the shower and Cody and Frankie head back outside to play pool. derrick says Frankie plays mind games he plays mind games and thinks we are stupid and weak. Derrick says Frankie you shouldn't have hit that button now you will see who is the real big dog.Derrick says i am glad we pushed that button and Frankie lost that hoh to you so now if he loses that POV to you then it is game over. 7:37pm Caleb says as Frankie walks out the door that he is going to sit and watch the wall so he can draw the faces if he had a piece of paper. Frankie laughs and says ZING. 7:39pm derrick is telling Caleb to change up his studying cause out in the BY you cant get that close to it so switch it up some. 7:44pm Derrick and Caleb still in KT at memory wall repeating themselves about everyone faces. Frankie and Cody playing pool just general talk about the pool game. 7:52pm Caleb is now in the BY watching Frankie and Cody playing pool. derrick still at the memory wall alone. 7:54pm Frankie is chasing Caleb in the BY and they are throwing pillows at each other. Frankie throws a pillow at Caleb and hits the window. Bb says Frankie , Caleb stop that. Frankie says lets both go in the pool. Cody goes inside and tells derrick what is going on in the BY. Frankie ask Caleb if he wants to play pool or not and Caleb says i have yo catch my breathe first cause big boys like me aren't much for cardio. 7:57pm Derrick tells Cody that he is going to fix a paper towel to look at the pictures on the wall he will make one for the eyes and one for the mouth and one for the nose. Cody is mad cause Frankie keeps using the flour tortillas to do the same thing.
  7. 6:01pm Cody ask Frankie if he just threw away a good flour tortilla and Frankie says oh i had it on the screen there and my hands all over it as he studied the faces on the wall. Cody says i would have eaten it and Frankie says you would not and laughs. Everyone is now studying the Memory wall except Caleb who is washing dishes. 6:06pm Frankie and Victoria now eating the salmon as Cody and derrick study the wall. Caleb has gone to the WC. 6:08pm Caleb comes in and ask if anyone has heard any knocking out in the BY and they say no. 6:10pm Caleb says he wonders does Frankie's hoh still count as a win since the week was rewound. And Frankie says i wonder too and Caleb says that's something to ask them. 6:15pm All HG sitting at the KT table staring at the memory wall. It is complete silence in the BB house. 6:19pm Derrick goes to the str to get medication and says i got to win this veto. He now goes back to the KT to take his meds and eat dinner. 6:20pm Caleb says it will be so cool if the pov is tonight and Frankie says yeah it would be. Caleb says how long was it after the drawing that we went out last week and Frankie says i just remember that it was an hour after TVGN before we finished. 6:23pm Frankie says people are loosing it. he then says he feels much better after he ate now. 6:26pm Caleb says we should go ask BB if POV will be tonight so give us a hint if not we are all going to sleep. 6:31pm HG are talking about movies now and cleaning the dinner mess. Frankie goes to the STR to get almond milk. 6:35pm Frankie says hey you cant make fun of me for using a flour tortilla the last time i was on the block i had a nervous breakdown and told you everything about me i have nothing else to tell now. Caleb says just have a nervous breakdown then. 6:37pm Caleb tells Cody lets go chug some and Cody ask him to bring them down and he says no. Caleb goes to the hoh rm and brings beers down.Frankie says wasn't it ironic that the beehive door was closed after Nicole was here today and Caleb says i closed it cause it was trashed and we wasn't going to clean it. 6:40pm Cody tells a story about going squirrel hunting and how they was mad at each other that day so they go out anyways and get the pugs out and let them cross the creek and so they get to a squirrel and the Chihuahuas are barking at then have then surrounds so i go dive it and Brady comes over and whacks it and kills it. it was so sexy so Brady and i got it on in the woods. 6:43pm caleb says i have a story for you i have a friend names cooter. funnies guy you will ever meet in your life has 5 teeth in his mouth and drinks moonshine has drank it since he was 3 years old and we get foth. 6:45pm derrick says how much longer before we know if there is a pov tonight or not. Frankie says 15 minutes. BB says the lock down is over and the back yard is now open. All the guys run outside and BB says please raise the outside awnings. They all yell awww come on then go to raise them. 6:48pm Cody is going to attempt to jump over the pool. BB says Caleb shut it down. Cody runs and jumps over the pool without falling in.Derrick says that was impressive. 6:49pm derrick tells Caleb and Cody that Frankie is not going to leave the three of us alone. Caleb says that's ok and tells them that Frankie told him that he understood. Caleb says to keep me safe one of you two have to win the pov. Derrick says we will man we will. 6:.54pm Frankie laying in the fire BR with Derrick. he says this week is so scary unlike last week when i knew what was happening but this is just scary. , Cody and Caleb in the BY playing pool talking about there is going to have to be a double eviction next week before the finale.Victoria goes out to the BY to wash clothes
  8. 5:00pm We are still on Jeff's Reels as the Hg are having the nomination ceremony. 5:13pm Cody and Caleb in the KT area whispering. Feeds show the screen and Victoria and Frankie were nominated. 5:15pm Caleb says to Cody this is what i was thinking you set up there all week so he needed to go up as a pawn. Caleb says i didnt want to sit and think and think and think and pick favorites so i went in and thought you got a chance to win the veto so win it. 5:17pm caleb goes to the Wa and hugs Frankie as ask do you hate me and Frankie says i don't understand. Caleb says i felt like it wasn't fair to put Cody back up there and derrick has gone out and won and Frankie says well derrick has never been on the block and Caleb says yeah you haven't either in this sense. Caleb says go out there and win the veto take yourself off and i will put derrick up and she goes home but these Guys have kept me safe in here and you haven't. He says if i wasn't hoh i would be up there on the block. 5:21pm Derrick comes in and Caleb tells Frankie the only reason i nominated you was so you could go out there and talk to Julie. Frankie says that is not happening and Caleb says i am kidding. Caleb says you three guys are my best friends and have a hearty of gold since the first week .Frankie says it is just shocking. 5:23pm All the guys are in the Wa talking as Victoria was called to the DR. Frankie says i am ok i was just shocked but i have to go out and win the veto but we are fine. 5:26pm Victoria comes out of Dr and tells the guys that they are not doing DR's till tonight. She then says she is thawing out salmon cause she is craving it.Frankie is now in the KT going to help Victoria cook the salmon. 5:28pm derrick, Caleb and Cody in the Wa playing around and then goes to the KT and Frankie says guys who is doing the dishes and Derrick says Victoria started them earlier. Caleb goes to the sink and starts cleaning the counter. 5:31pm Derrick is trying to fix Victoria necklace that got broke today in the luxury comp.Frankie is seasoning the salmon to put in the oven. 5:33pm Derrick and Cody in the STR talking about Frankie can not win the veto or one of them goes up.Derrick leaves and Cody is cheering and then says I have to win the veto i have to win it.HUGE. 5:35pm Caleb says i am starving as he makes tuna for himself to eat.Victoria is cutting up and Avacoda. derrick is going to bed in the fire br. 5:45pm general talk about nutrition in the Kt with all Hg except derrick who is in the bed laying down. 5:49pm derrick in the STr getting rice then goes back to the fire br to do counting with it. Cody comes in and they start whispering about looking at the pictures and studying the eyes. 5:53pm derrick is telling Cody how to remember everyone eyes. derrick says we will tell Frankie after that he will be going home. Cody says now? derrick says no no after the veto isn't used we will tell him as a group. Cody says i am with you final 3. derrick says we can not let him win veto if he does then he can play hoh next week and win veto and send one of us home but Caleb cant play Hoh next week. 5:57pm Derrick says we have to beat him and he says we know the comp and we have to do this cause dude Frankie is smart. 5:59pm Derrick is now laying alone in the fire br. Frankie is studying the pictures.
  9. 2:31pm All HG in the By and keep talking about the camera in the yard being moved way down and we get foth. 2:32pm Frankie is laying in the sun alone . everyone else on the couches and Derrick says noms today and pov tomorrow i bet. 2:34pm Frankie talking to the cameras and saying this morning they had a very very fun luxury comp and he is so happy they came in and destroyed my stuff. He says i am happy that Hayden won and to see Nicole. He then yells Caleb can you build us a security system for this house please. 2:39pm Cody, derrick and Caleb talking about going to school and being a teacher 2:42pm general talk about playing on college football fields. 2:45pm Caleb and Victoria arguing over if RayBan or Goochi sunglasses are more expensive.Victoria ask Frankie which cost more and Frankie says Goochi is more expensive. Caleb is now arguing with them.
  10. 2:00pm Frankie says yeah we got a clean house again. Caleb is going to the hoh rm to see if he can get in to get a red bull now and BB still has him locked out. Cody says we still have to do the dishes though as Frankie looks at the dishes and says we have had it worse though. 2:03pm cody says Hayden didn't even let Nicole win he took it for himself and Nicole took Donny out first and jacosta took out Christine first and for jacosta not to go for Zach first is huge. 2:05pm Caleb says this is the lamest Luxury comp in BB history cause normally we are outside getting nasty. derrick says they got to win 10k and they had to split it and derrick then says if you guys win you get to split 10k between you . 2:07pmk Caleb says i want to know if they knocked my flag off or throw it down maliciously and Cody says i don't think they knew what it was then derrick says like my thing Nicole was just looking behind it for chips she didn't mean to knock it off. Caleb says we was so happy to see luxury comp on the screen this morning and we didn't even get to play. 2:09pm Frankie in the WA alone yelling that was crazy and the other HG in the LVR talking about noms being soon. and we get foth. 2:11pm All Hg are now moving around and Caleb goes to his hoh rm and Victoria ask for a red bull or a monster and he says yeah. Cody and Caleb in the HOh rm looking in the fridge to see what is in there. 2:13pm Cody says 10k? Damn we could have won 15k in a different comp and Caleb says i think america had something to do with this comp and said to split 10k with someone in the jury and Cody says why would they do that and Caleb says because America hates us.They hate us. 2:15pm Caleb and Cody talk about the Jury members his=ding the chips and finding them and how he wanted to pick Hayden to play for him and he got jacosta instead and she didn't get any chips till the last and Caleb then says i took that shirt off and i will never wear it again I am not team jacosta. 2:21pm Frankie talking to derrick and says what is happening and then says maybe they are still here or still in the building and we get foth. 2:22pm Cody and Caleb in the hohn rm talking about Donny maybe in the running in for AFP. Cody says he is a beast at comps too and caleb says so you are saying that Donny might win it. Cody says no it is like Jeff won it cause he won things. Cody says Zach has a chance too he was loved and Caleb says yeah he was loved but i would never let my kids run around like that or with a pink hat on and he doesn't care what people think.BB says this is a lock down please go outside and close the sliding glass doors. 2:26pm Everyone is heading outside and Cody says it is a heat wave out here.
  11. 1:05pm Hg are in the bedroom and LVR picking up their clothes and cleaning talking about how the jury members hate them and that's why they turned the feeds off. 1:08pm Victoria and Frankie yelling thanks BB out clothes are everywhere.Cody is wearing a Team Nicole shirt . Victoria says they broke her good necklace and i am pissed and they wont find another one and Caleb says they probably didn't mean to break it and Victoria says i don't give a F. Frankie has a team Zach shirt Caleb is wearing as team jacosta shirt. 1:13pm Caleb is complaining about how messy the house is and if it had been them they wouldn't have messed it up as bad. Frankie says look at this drawer it is empty and flung everywhere.Caleb says no we would have messed it up looking for the dang thing but we they went over board.Derrick has a team Donny shirt on as he is cleaning. 1:15pm Victoria is mad that her necklace got broke and Frankie is mad they dumped the garbage and everything. Frankie says they are still getting Tv time and doing DR'S and he is mad. Frankie says i am excited about my new underwear. Cody says they are laughing right now that we have to clean this up and Frankie says yeah they are. 1:18pm Frankie is yelling who do i send the bill too? Caleb says the KT is what is bad that is gonna suck. Caleb says they are all probably saying that's what you get. 1:21pm Victoria says this is so disgusting i cant get over how malicious this was i mean our sheets look at them. Frankie says oh the bathroom. Caleb says the vacuum will suck the fruit loops up quickly. Cody says we had all these clean towels and now look. 1:23pm Frankie and Cody and Caleb look at the bathroom door and says oh my god they hate her and Caleb called Victoria to the bathroom and then goes to the fire rm to tell her that they put an X on her name on the door. He says i wanted to tell you before you seen it. Cody says that is a bitter jury dude. derrick says thats ok you are still in this house so don't worry and Victoria says wow. 1:25pm Frankie says well we was happy for one day and that's what happens when you are happy the jury gets to come back and tell you how much they hate you. 1:27pm Cody thinks Zack scratched the name on the bathroom door and Frankie says they had to call the Jury member out multiple times before she won. derrick says you guys want more good new and Frankie says noms today and derrick says yeah. Frankie says wow they just want a bad day worse. 1:30pm Victoria is using the vacuum in the LVR getting up all the fruit loops. Derrick and Cody are finishing up the bathroom. Caleb is putting pillows back in the LVR couches and says i garentee that america voted for that comp. Frankie says no and Caleb says you don't think america voted for that comp and derrick says no they would have told us and Frankie says no way was that voted on. Frankie cleaning the Kt says there is coffee grounds all over everywhere. 1:33pm Frankie says wow chicken juice freaking chicken juice all over the KT and derrick says the ice cream is no good either they took the lids off and dumped them then Frankie tells them there is chicken juice all over everything so i think i need to throw everything away this is a salmonella trap in here. 1:35pm Caleb says i am not gonna lie there is vinegar everywhere Frankie says they really destroyed this house they did a good job of destroying this house. 1:37pm Caleb says they done a little to much as he puts the pans back where they belong. Cody is now vacuuming. 1:39pm Caleb says them doing all this to all the silverware was uncalled for and malicious. Frankie says yeah and there was no chip there and Caleb says no they did that before the comp even started it was defiantly malicious. 1:40pm derrick says man jacosta really does hate now as she was throwing everything and so was zach and Frankie says no zach was folding things.Frankie says i am going to boil water. Caleb says this was worse than Pandora box and Frankie says no this was alot worse.Frankie says i swear nothing good can happen to us in this house as soon as we are remotely happy they try to destroy us. 1:43pm Frankie says maybe america knew voted but didn't know what the comp was. Frankie says i am happy for Hayden winning 5k but i am also happy that jacosta didn't win and Caleb laughs and says i am wearing her shirt but i am glad she didn't win either.Victoria comes to help clean the Kt and says it stinks and goes to get more disinfectant wipes. 1:47pm Frankie says it looks much better good job guys. Frankie says i am over it on to nominations. 1:50pm Frankie and Victoria talking about the scratching on the Bathroom door and Victoria doesn't think Zach did it and Frankie says no i don't either and i don't think he meant to break your necklace.Derrick says they are locking us down so it means maybe POV tomorrow or to lock us down to clean this mess. 1:53pm Frankie says now they gave me cause to hate someone cause they maliciously went through my personal things and flung my things everywhere. 1:56pm Frankie says they came into my home and destroyed my family and this is just like them coming into my home and destroying it.But i think if anyone asked me what the worst day in the house is i would have to say this day.
  12. 12:10pm Feeds are still on Jeff's reels as the Hg are doing a luxury competition.
  13. 9:00am All Hg sleeping in a dark house. 9:30am All Hg still sleeping this morning. 9:45am Feeds have gone to FOTH maybe their morning wake up call.
  14. 1:00pm Victoria in the Wa doing her hair. Cody at the sink in the WA wetting his hair and all other Hg in the KT cleaning. 1:01pm Frankie says he might not shave today and stay scruffy. derrick tells Caleb here is the deal if yo wash dishes i will make you a breakfast sandwich. Caleb says not gonna happen then ask derrick what he is making and derrick says eggs whites and Caleb says alright. 1:07pm Caleb is vacuuming and Frankie in the kt saying he is excited about the party tonight and Julie will be there and so will Janelle. derrick says there is definitely an hoh comp tonight as he listens outside. 1:15pm Frankie asking who all wants coffee and Cody says i do. Caleb is still cleaning. Victoria still doing her hair in the Wa. 1:22pm Frankie and derrick are washing dishes as Cody sits at the table eating and Caleb is cleaning the floors. Victoria is still doing her hair in the WA. 1:24pm Victoria finished her hair and goes to the fire BR to go to bed as the guys are eating and cleaning. 1:32pm Caleb finishes eating and says he will put the dishes away then says or do you want me sweeping. derrick says it needs it bad. All 4 guys are now doing dishes. 1:40pm All 4 guys still doing dishes as Victoria is in the KT now making herself some coffee and wiping the counter some. 1:45pm Dishes are finished and Cody wants to vacuum the bathroom. Caleb goes to the bathroom area and starts singing and we get foth. 1:49pm Caleb is telling Frankie that when he cuts his hair then he will run the vacuum through his hair to get all the lose hair so it wont hit the floor since they have cleaned already.
  15. 11:32am Feeds are still on Jeff's reels as the Hg get ready for the live show tonight. 12:35pm We are still on Jeff's reels.
  16. 3:21pm Frankie is Food in the KT and Caleb telling Cody how to twist and spin on the floor. Victoria is watching them and derrick is ironing. 3:30pm derrick is going to make some breaded chicken for dinner for himself. Izzy is following Caleb to the KT. Frankie says ok i have to go put the fish in the oven now. 3:37pm Derrick is eating cookies in the KT as Frankie is making coffee and Caleb is saying he cant wait to catch that mouse man. Frankie says right you are a beast and says i am glad i haven't seen it any more.Cody and Victoria on the LVR couches relaxing as izzy runs all over the house. 3:39pm derrick and Frankie go to the HOh rm and are spraying for ants. Frankie says ok what is you thought with this Victoria thing today. derrick says has she talked to you today and Frankie says no.Frankie says she wants to talk to me later and derrick says ok i will be in the room with you but i am not part of it so if you want to say things then go for it i will agree with everything but i don't see kicking a girl down when she is already down. 3:42pm Derrick says i told her that i am taking the strongest ones to the final 4 and we have been working together and i believe that Cody has won more and he deserves to be in the final 4.She hasn't talked to me all day so i know she is mad at me but i don't care. 3:44pm Victoria in the Fire BR on the bed with Izzy saying hello doll. Frankie in the hoh rm says she will go grab Victoria soon and talk to her. Derrick says ok fine but i don't see why we have to have all of us there to talk tom her.Frankie says no me either. 3:51pm Izzy is trying to get into her snacks and Caleb is eating dinner in the LVR telling izzy she cant have any.derrick is putting the ironing board away and Frankie is saying the coffee is done as he fills the water dispenser. 3:55pm Just general talk going on in the house as Victoria sleeps and derrick searches for a brush.
  17. 1:02pm Frankie gets called to the Dr and Bb tells the HG to take Izzy to the STR. Caleb puts Izzy in the STR and leaves her in there. 1:07pm derrick asleep on the BY couch. Cody and Caleb in KT making food. Victoria on LVR couch laying down. Frankie going to the DR now that he has finished in the bathroom. 1:10pm Caleb is making food and checks the mouse trap they made and he yells that sucker took my dadgum cheese. Cody and Victoria say are you serious and caleb says yeah he took my cheese here comes trap number 2. he goes and wakes up derrick and tells him the mouse took the cheese. Frankie comes out of the Dr and Caleb tells him the mouse took the dadgum cheese and Frankie says no way are you serious? 1:16pm Victoria is making tuna salad for lunch. Cody is eating a turkey wrap and Caleb is eating salmon as he sets up another mouse trap. 1:23pm Caleb and Cody talking about how to make the new rat trap work and Victoria sitting there eating looking at them like they are crazy. 1:30pm Caleb still working on the mousetrap he is trying to make from a colander. Cody is in the BY playing pool alone as derrick is sleeping on the BY couch. 1:37pm Caleb still trying to figure out the mouse trap.No talking going on with anyone as they are all tired from getting up early this morning to meet Izzy. 1:46pm Frankie out of the Dr telling what his questions were that he got to video to and one was about Izzy and then he talked about wanting to see his grandma Nona and his sister and mother and the third one was if he would keep his hair pink and he told them yeah with a Mohawk and oink i will stay with. 1:49pm Caleb telling Victoria he cant wait to get back yo his life. The life of Caleb. Victoria is just sitting there not saying anything. Cody is called to the DR. Frankie is in the BY telling Derrick about his tweeting. 1:54pm derrick talking to the cameras and thanking the feeders and saying his is sitting in the BY today before they get locked down he has no idea what will happen tomorrow so if this is my last time in the By then i had fun but i am not sure what will happen tomorrow if i might leave but i have to make sure that i see this By again. 1:56pm Caleb checking his mouse trap under the sink again as Victoria walks over to see it also. She then walks away .
  18. 12:04pm frankie taking pictures in the old have not rm of the button and the Hg up against the red and black wall. Derrick and Cody in the By playing with izzy 12:13pm Frankie inside the house playing with Izzy. Caleb, Cody and derrick laying on the By grass talking about Caleb training for the military. 12:21pm Frankie tells izzy it is time to go back outside then gives her a treat and says good job. Caleb telling Cody and Frankie that they hit the button and next thing ya know their moms will be there. 12:29pm Frankie taking a picture of Victoria and izzy.Everyone keeps yelling for izzy in the BY. 12:34pm Cody and Caleb do a back flip together into the pool as Frankie takes a picture and derrick watches them from the couches. They are now splashing around in the pool and BB tells them to stop that. Frankie says to late.Frankie says i really want to get naked naked cause i dont want my underwear wet Bb says no jumping in the pool and Frankie says i aint jumping i am just gonna fall as Cody takes his picture. 12:47pm derrick going to sleep on the By couch. Frankie Caleb and Cody now out of the pool and laying in the sun. Victoria just sitting on the couches in the By . 12:52pm izzy and Cody are sitting on the BY couch then Izzy takes off to the backdoor and Cody gets up to let her in the house as Frankie yells give her some water. Frankie says she is such a good dog. 12:56pm Cody and izzy are in the fire BR getting Cody some clothes. Izzy is checking out everything in the bedroom.
  19. 9:01am Derrick is up and goes to the WC. Caleb and Frankie are still sleeping and feed one is on the front door to the BB house. 9:03am The door bells rings and the hG wake and run to the door. they are yelling door bell. the door opens and a dog come into the house. Derrick says are you serious. Frankie says hi HG my name is izzy and your friends on the live feeds thought you might like an extra buddy in the house for the day. you will find my dish and toys and food in the str. please keep my dish full of water. 9:05am Frankie tells the Dog it will have the most love today. Frankie says i was like how come 8:35 whats the point then says oh my goodness look at this look at your little face. Hi Izzy hi Izzy Frankie says. They all say how cute izzy is and Cody says want to go see the BY and they go outside. 9:08am Derrick asking if Izzy could be a rescue dog and Frankie says i bet 100% and we get foth. 9:09am derrick says dude that makes you think and Frankie says that they like us. They are all loving on Izzy 9:14am :Hg in the BY saying hi to Izzy as Izzy runs through the BY. 9:17am Derrick says Izzy has to be something with the ASPCA or something like that. 9:19am derrick is telling Izzy that this is the BB house and there is alot of cheating and backstabbing going on ok. Cody comes out and sits down on the ground then they start doing tricks with Izzy and telling her she is a good girl. 9:21am Victoria is giving Izzy a treat and says she wants more then ask if she can give her one more and Frankie says yes you can. 9:23am Frankie calls izzy into the house and says look girl uncle Caleb has more treats. Caleb then tells izzy that she is being a good girl for Uncle Caleb. 9:25am Cody and Caleb take Izzy to the button rm and they tell her go ahead and pee on the button. Cody says she is still a little nervous then Caleb talks to her in a baby voice asking her if she is nervous. 9:26am Izzy is following everyone around the house then jumps in Cody's lap. Hg ask if this is the first dog ever in the BB house and Frankie says they had a dog in the first season. Cody says oh yeah where did it pee and poop at and Frankie says in the BY. 9:30am Caleb in his baby voice is petting and talking to Izzy. He takes her to the KT for a drink of water. Frankie says hi Izzy and then says this is awesome and we get foth. 9:32am Derrick says take her but i already have 2 dogs and Cody says i would take her and derrick says i guarantee she will be adopted. Frankie says she has the teeth and overbite like a bulldog and derrick says she has terrier in her. derrick says she looks like baxter. 9:34am Frankie pets Izzy and says you are the most precious thing i have ever seen. The Hg says they are watching Izzy like a hawk. Frankie says she is trained so she might be someones dog already cause she is a trained dog. 9:38am derrick is up and playing with Izzy and Caleb tells him to take off running so he does and izzy follows and runs too. 9:40am Frankie talking to izzy asking her if she catches mice. Everyone is just sitting around in the LVR watching Izzy now. 9:42am Izzy goes to derrick who is laying on the couch and loves on him. Victoria is now petting her as Izzy is loving all the attention.attention. Izzy then runs back to the KT where Frankie is fixing to make pancakes for everyone. Caleb says izzy is eating the carpet and Frankie says i know i removed everything that would hurt her. 9:44am Derrick ask Izzy if she needs to go outside and Frankie takes her out and walks around with her asking do you want to go for a walk and see the BY. Caleb comes out yelling Izzy and shaking her treats then spills them , Frankie yells Caleb and Izzy runs to the treats. 9:48am Caleb in the BY getting Izzy to do tricks with her treats. Frankie still in the Kt making pancakes. 9:50am Caleb in his baby voice tells Izzy there is a mouse in here izzy can you catch it. Frankie says yeah we have a mouse can you catch it? 9:51am Derrick and Cody in the By and Izzy goes outside and goes to derrick and he says my wife is having a fit about right now about this dog. 9:55am derrick goes to the STR and gets Izzy's stuff and Victoria is getting Bananas and butter for the pancakes. Caleb telling Izzy she is a good girl in his baby voice and then ask her if she wants a chocolate chip cookie . 9:57am Caleb ask derrick if he talked to Victoria lastnight and derrick says yeah she was upset but figured that she was going home . Caleb says she cried and derrick says yeah. Caleb says did you cry and he says no i told her the guys were tight and promised we would go to the end together at the beginning of this game.
  20. 8:36am feeds are on FOTH as BB could be waking the HG early today. 8:45am All lights are on in the BB house but some Hg are still in bed sleeping. Victoria in the STR changing her batteries. 8:46am Victoria goes back to bed then Cody gets up and goes to change his batteries and derricks batteries then goes to the WC. 8:50am Cody goes back to bed and Victoria is called to the DR.
  21. 10:00pm Caleb tells Victoria to tell Frankie and Cody that they can not beat Cody and Caleb fair and square. Then she says derrick you can not beat Caleb and Cody fair and square and the guys are yelling through the house as Victoria laughs. 10:03pm Cody is making his bed in the fire br as derrick is putting his clothes away. Caleb comes in talking and laughing about the pool game. Victoria and Frankie in the KT making food to eat. 10:09pm Cody is making his bed and has to put the blanket inside the fire blanket cover he stuffs it in and stands on the bed to flap it in there as he grabs the corners and flaps it he throws himself off the bed. Caleb is laughing at him. 10:12pm derrick telling Caleb and Cody that he has to tell Victoria about the plan and if it hurts him it hurts him and he says she could be mad at me i don't know but let the chips fall where they fall. 10:13pm Derrick and Caleb talking about if they take a shower at night or in the mornings, Derrick says why would i take a shower in the mornings to go play in the damn dirt all day and Cody says right i rather take a shower at night and have a clean bed that doesn't stink dude. derrick then gives a shout out to TVGN. 10:15pm Cody now in the KT with Frankie and Victoria making himself something to eat again.Victoria ask him if he is going to bed early tonight and Cody says i would like to go to bed at a reasonable time tonight. 10:24pm derrick alone in the fire BR and says he is about to make you proud as he talks to the cameras. he then gets clothes and heads to the shower. 10:32pm Frankie is cooking cookies for everyone and ask if anyone wants to do abs before they eat cookies 10:39pm Cody Frankie and Caleb still working out in the LVR as Victoria sits in the KT alone eating and derrick is in the shower. 10:52pm Frankie eating cookies in the LVR as Cody and Victoria lays on the couches. Just general talk going on. Caleb is in the HOH bathroom pooping. derrick is still in the shower. 10:55pm Bb says Hg this is a reminder sleeping is only permitted in the bedrooms and it scares Cody and Victoria and Frankie. Frankie says wow we all three fell asleep at the same time. derrick comes through and he tells him they all went to sleep at the same time.
  22. 1:00pm Derrick and Caleb sitting outside in the BY and derrick says we don't have much time left. Caleb says yeah i know. then Caleb says it is cloudy today and derrick says yeah i like it. 1:01pm Caleb says at least someone i help get here will win the money even if i don't i am happy for the others. I know after this i am going straight to survivor.Caleb then says if i make it to finale my family will be here but i just wonder how long they will stay in town. 1:04pm Caleb wants to have a birthday party in New York and wants to wear his cowboy hat and boots and chaps.He says i don't do the sparkles and crap like that you know. 1:06pm All 4 feeds on a snoring Frankie as it is very loud. 1:08pm Caleb talking about getting surgery on his third nipple ( a knot he has on his chest). Caleb says if i win i am going to go throw money on a table for that Bike.He says if i win or win Americas favorite player that bike will be great. 1:18pm Derrick and Caleb still talking and Caleb said that Christine hates alot of people in this house i mean hated them and talked bad about them but i think the rest of us are good but we all have to walk out that door everyone of us. 1:20pm Frankie walks through the KT and says Morning to Caleb and derrick as derrick goes back out to the BY and eats his cookies. 1:23pm Caleb tells derrick he is worried if he has to sit next to him on the block that i will go home but if i sit next to Frankie or Cody then i think i am safe. derrick says i don't know i think Frankie would keep you over me. Caleb says i don't know you have won what 3 mental challenges. Caleb says i don't know we have to seem if we can beat them. derrick says yeah we don't know there could be an opening. 1:29pm Caleb and Frankie in the KT looking at a spot on Frankie face. His face is flaky and Frankie says i don't know why i am so dry. 1:32pm Caleb and Frankie in the STR looking for something to east for lunch. Frankie says i am going to start defrosting the salmon for dinner. 1:35pm Caleb says i am going to go up to your room Frankie and use the bathroom and listen to your sister if you don't mind and you can come chill with me up there if you want to. Frankie says i will be there in a few minutes as he is making food. 1:44pm Frankie is in the downstairs Wc and ask who all is in there and derrick says just me and Caleb. Frankie says i thought Caleb was pooping and Caleb says i was i finished. derrick says he is waiting to go back in again to see the medic again to see if they will cut the flap off his finger. 1:48pm BB ask for the awnings to be lowered and derrick says he cant he only has one hand so Frankie and Caleb come out and Frankie says lets do the three person method. Victoria is now up and in the WA then goes to the bedroom to get clothes. 1:51pm Caleb says we should have pool time today. I think we should all have pool time. He then says that fly took off he seen me and took off. 1:53pm Frankie says all i can hear is my sister on repeat. Caleb says she is good.Frankie says i dont think it is Justin bieber singing with her. Caleb says it sounds like Michael Jackson .
  23. 12:01pm Derrick goes out to the BY and just stands in the middle of the yard. he says so feedsters tell me what is different about this backyard. Hmmm interesting maybe it has something to do with the button and he goes back inside the house. 12:04pm Derrick is making himself some food. everyone else is still sleeping. 12:24pm Derrick is walking around the house then looks outside then goes to wash his knife he used for breakfast. 12:26pm Caleb is up and comes to the kt and ask Derrick where everyone is and derrick tells him in bed. Caleb ask everybody and derrick says yeah. Caleb then goes to the sink and drinks some water. 12:52pm Caleb goes to the WC then washes his hands. Derrick is sitting on the LVR couch alone. Caleb goes to the KT and looks around. All other HG still sleeping. 12:55pm Caleb making coffee then ask Derrick if he wants to play pool and derrick says honestly i cant they want me to let this cut air for awhile but i wish i could cause i am bored. 12:56pm derrick shows Caleb his finger and ask if maybe the flap need to be cut off as it is oozing stuff out of there. Caleb says it is supposed to it is a cut what do you want it to do? The flap keeps dirt out of it Caleb says. derrick gets some toilet paper to dab off the oozing from his finger .
  24. 9:00am All HG still sleeping this morning. 9:29am We now have FOTH as Bb might be waking them up early today. 9:43am Feeds are back and lights are on in the rooms now they show Frankie and Caleb in bed sleeping.Cody's bed is empty not sure where he is but could be in the dr.Victoria is in the str changing her batteries. 9:46am Victoria goes back to bed and derrick gets up and leaves the room. Cody out of Dr and goes to the bathroom with his hands down his pants. 9:49am Derrick now goes to the WC as Bb is playing alot of holla's this morning to derrick.Cody has gone back to bed. Derrick comes out of the wc and runs his hands under water then heads back to bed.Victoria is called to the DR. 9:55am Victoria now out of the DR and goes back to bed.
  25. 10:01pm Victoria is in the KT making food. Derrick, Cody and caleb out in the BY talking about how their instagrams will be when they get out and Cody says he will have to go check with his brother cause he is running my instagram. 10:08pm Caleb and derrick says they are excited to see what the button is as long as it doesn't effect the game. Caleb says 13 days away from half a million. 10:12pm Derrick goes into the KT and ask Victoria what she is doing and she says making tuna. he says we cooked Chicken on the grill and it is amazing. Cody gets called to the DR and derrick says DR'S do you think? Victoria tells him i don't know. 10:14pm Derrick and Caleb outside eating chicken and Victoria inside washing her dishes after making tuna.Caleb says he has no idea how many people have been nominated or how many was HOh's i don't know any of that. Derrick says you got time to start studying right now. 10:20pm Victoria goes to the BY and sits with Caleb and derrick as they study about who has won hoh and what week and who has been nominated which week. 10:21pm derrick looks at Victoria and says you been nominated 7 times right? She says yeah and Derrick says you are tied with Donny and Nicole was 6 even though she said to you 7 it was only 6. 10:22pm Derrick says Joey had the worst week she played one hoh comp then she went home that is rough. 10:31pm Victoria is now switching the laundry. Cody is shouting he cant wait to see people.General talk about getting on an airplane. Caleb says if i don't make it to the final 2 i have a good chance of getting Americas player. he then says if now oh well . 10:35pm Caleb says he cant wait to see all the guys again like Amber Devin and Brittney. Cody says he cant wait to see Joey, Devin, Amber, Brittney and Hayden and that is about it. 10:37pm Victoria running her fingers through Cody hair and he says i literally haven't washed my hair in 6 days and she says really and he tells her i am joking and she says it doesn't feel like it cause it isn't greasy at all. 10:40pm Caleb, Cody and Victoria talking about how Christine got booed and Caleb says she might have walked off stage and Victoria says she cant she signed a contract Bb says you are not allowed to talk about production then Victoria says no matter what group you re in or who you are with no one deserves to be booed when they leave here. Caleb says she probably deserved it . 10:45pm All feeds on Frankie in the hoh rm sleeping as you hear BB say Victoria shut it down. 10:55pm Victoria and Cody and Caleb still in By talking about missing going to party's and miss everything. 10:56pm Victoria says she thinks the winner of Bb wont be partying to much cause they have to go on the Talk the next morning and Caleb says everyone goes to the talk and Cody says Nicole says she didn't she just went to the jury house.



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