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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 9:01am We are on FOTH maybe a wake up call. 9:06am Feeds are back with all Hg still sleeping. 9:33am All Hg still sleeping 10:00am All Hg still snuggled in their beds sound asleep.
  2. 9:02pm derrick and Cody going over who when home when and talking about the hoh comp and Derrick says i can do that. Victoria is in the Wa mirror again applying makeup. 9:04pm They are talking about the hide and seek game they played earlier and derrick and Cody hid in the DR and was going to tell BB she was scared but the guys scared her instead.She says guys i was scared i was afraid you was going to jump out at me or that someone took you guys so i was scared. She then yells I Have No Clean Clothes. 9:09pm Cody ask if you could be somebody else who would you want to be and derrick says Bieber. he continues reading cards to derrick and Victoria. 9:21pm The card game is still going on nothing new happening. 9:27pm Cody talking about his favorite songs and commercials. derrick and Victoria laughing at him. 9:33pm general talk going on about Victoria kissing boys and how she panics. 9:40pm HG talking about what will happen on finale night and how it will work when they announce the winner.Cody says normally Julie announces it and the winner walks out and Victoria says yeah together. derrick says so tomorrow part 2 of the hoh what ya think? Victoria says yeah and derrick says we know we have an episode Sunday and then Tuesday and Wednesday then we go home. 9:43pm Victoria ask if she can draw on derrick and he ask what she is going to draw it with ? She says paint and he says yeah she yells yay and runs to get the paint and we get foth. 9:47pm Victoria cant find the paint and cody says they took it cause we put it over there. Derrick says go ask Dr if you can have it back and we get foth. when feeds come back Victoria is in the STR looking around. 9:51pm Victoria teaching the guys how to play backgammon. 9:55pm Derrick and Victoria playing backgammon and Cody dozing off on the couch with his hat over his eyes.
  3. 8:02pm Cody and Victoria playing cards in the LVr and Victoria says it is called slaps. derrick was in the Fire BR studying and Victoria calls him cause she can smell the zucchini and he comes out and she says what are you doing and he tells her he was laying on the bed. 8:09pm All 3 Hg are in the KT eating baked Zuchini. talking about how good it is. 8:15pm derrick shuffling cards and Cody setting up a checker game. Victoria is eating some cereal and drinking water as they all sit in the LVR and just general talk going on. 8:29pm Cody is telling a bar joke with the cards to Victoria and derrick and Victoria is laughing before the joke is over.Cody starts flipping cards and says thats not it i forgot. he says i know another one . 8:35pm Cody has derrick pick a card from the cards he layed on the table he then ask several questions as he keeps laying them on the table then had derrick pick one of 2 cards and it was derricks card. derrick says that is dope. 8:43pm derrick puts lipstick on his hand and then puts it on the other hand and had Victoria push his hands together then the lipstick was in the palm of his hand he asked Victoria how it got there and she said through your body and derrick laughs and derrick says well it wasn't right but i watched it on Chris angel. Cody laughs and says you are trying to do Chris angels tricks and they all laugh.Then they start talking about Chris angel tricks. 8:53pm Hg talking about tricks and just general talk as they sit around in the LVR. 8:56pm derrick Cody and Victoria talking about what the part 2 of hoh comp might be tomorrow and how it could be a timed comp and he says good news is if the comp is tomorrow then maybe we can have the BY tomorrow night till early Wednesday morning.
  4. 7:02pm Victoria in the WA looking in the mirror and popping pimples on her face. Cody and Derrick ion LVR going over the HOH'S of the year in the right order. then they go over the POV winners and the BOB nominee's 7:05pm Derrick and Victoria talking about their wet clothes from lastnight. Derrick gets up and goes to the WA to check to see if his clothes are dry yet.Derrick gets another holla . Victoria digging through her bag as Cody lays on the couch yawning. 7:09pm BB keeps yelling Holla Derrick then says someone say Holla.Derrick is in the WC ignoring the holla's. 7:12pm BB keeps repeating holla over and over. Cody and Victoria are covering their ears and yelling make it stop. Bb says Derrick i said holla with your bad self then starts the holla over and over. Victoria and Cody are talking about what to make for dinner as the holla's continue. 7:18pm Derrick is now out of the WC. Victoria is in the KT cutting up a zucchini. Cody laying on LVR couch with his hat over his face. BB still yelling Holla's at derrick. 7:29pm Bb tells the HG to go to the STR and derrick runs and says we have games. Victoria says yes there is cards but then she says it isn't cards it is question cards. The other game is a box with Chinese checkers and other games in it.:The hg are excited now they have something to do. derrick says this is great we are making zucchini and we have games to play. Everyone yells TY BB. 7:35pm Victoria asking derrick questions from the game they got and he is answering them and some Cody are answering as he cooks. She ask who do you think is the most person alive today and derrick says the president cause he has the ability to control everything. 7:28pm She ask derrick and Cody: whats the worst gift you have ever received and given? derrick says i am not going to answer that one.Cody says a break up. 7:40pm next question is: what would you try if you had no fear? Cody says swimming in the deep sea. 7:44pm Victoria still asking questions and derrick is playing games with BB as he yells the holla at Bb for Bb to play the holla he yells out. 7:49pm Bb says please go to the STr and derrick runs . Bb gave them a deck of cards and Victoria screams . derrick says thank you BB you are awesome. 7:54pm Derrick goes to the fire br and lays down studying and Victoria and Cody are in the LVR playing cards.
  5. 2:06pm Victoria up and cleaning the KT. 2:13pm After drinking some water Victoria is now back in bed going back to sleep. Derrick and Cody both sleeping. 2:29pm BB calls Cody to the DR. Cody wakes up and heads to the DR as he is stretching. 2:39pm Cody out of the DR goes to the WC saying only an hour nap so didn't sleep all day. 2:41pm Cody out of the WC and washes his hands then drys them. He then cleans the bathroom mirror again and under the bathroom sink. 2:47pm Cody picks things up in the kt then goes to the STR and looks in the fridge. 2:49pm Victoria is now up and heads to the KT and is going to make coffee. Cody still in the STR walking and looking around. 2:51pm Cody leaves the STR and goes to the KT where Victoria is. She says she was having a dream when he got called to the DR and it felt like it was real but it wasn't good it was crazy. 2:57pm Cody is making a can of tuna with salad. Victoria goes to the STR and is looking in the fridge for something to eat.
  6. 12:07pm derrick going to the DR. Victoria goes to the br and ask Cody where he put his glass so it wont break he says that it is still out there. Victoria goes to the WA and looks in the mirror.Cody in the KT looking at the table at the Breakfast BB provided so Hg could go down memory lane. Cody says man that was fun now back to boredom. Derrick comes out of the DR and they all sit in the LVR. derrick tells Victoria she should take her extensions out cause he liked the way her hair looked without it and she says no way. 12:11pm Cody tells Victoria she should go with out the extensions and she says no way no one ever sees me without them that's why I get up so early to get a shower so no one will see . He ask you take em out for a shower and she says yeah. She then tells them that was why she never went swimming or worked out cause she didn't want to sweat and have to wash it. 12:13pm Cody laying on the couch and Derrick and Victoria sitting on the couch.derrick says we will have to day off and the comp on Saturday and Cody says i say the comp is tomorrow. Derrick says we have to enjoy this now cause we know for certain when the end is. 12:16pm Derrick and Cody are talking about movies then derrick says i am totally going to sleep dude as soon as i get my bag i am going. Cody says you didn't drink much and derrick says i drank more than you did dude. Cody says my stomach is burning now and Victoria ask why? Cody says from the O.J and the Champagne. 12:21pm Cody telling Victoria about his dad and brother and sister and what they do and hoping his dad can take off work to come to the finale. 12:22pm Victoria says she doesn't know if any of her family will be there finale night cause it is a holiday and Cody says what do you mean she says it is a Jewish Holiday and we literally pray all day. We don't work, we don't clean, we don't shop, or anything we are in temple all day praying. 12:24pm Victoria and Cody now talking about how excited their dads were when they got their keys to the BB house. 12:25pm Victoria says my mom told me i would either come home early or be there 100 days and it is going to be that then a week after finale is another holiday .. she says we literally have holidays and alot of them for 2 months straight. 12:28pm Cody is yawning. derrick comes out of the WC and washes his hands then goes to the LVR telling Cody he is going to crush it as he heads to bed and then BB calls derrick to the DR. Cody says watch they will tell us to go to the hoh rm now. 12:30pm Derrick comes out of the DR and tells Cody all their stuff is in the STR and they go in and says i guess that was the last of the hoh rm. Derrick says they are breaking it down. 12:32pm Victoria says i am going to crash now. derrick says we have to put all this stuff in the STR from the breakfast then we can lay down. She says i will help you then. They carry things in the STR and derrick tries the french toast and tells Victoria it is so good then she tries it and says it is amazing and grabs her a piece. 12:36pm The table is now cleared off and everything in the STR. Cod is in the KT eating chips. Victoria gets a bottle of water and heads to the Fire BR and goes to bed for a nap. 12:40pm Cody is cleaning the bathroom mirror and sinks as he waits for derrick to come out of the WC. 12:43pm Derrick comes out of the WC and ask where Victoria was and Cody says in bed. Derrick says ok lets do questions and they start naming the hoh's in order. Cody tells derrick he crushed it. 12:46pm Derrick tells Cody he is going to go snooze. BB tells them to retrieve their activity trackers from the STR. Derrick and Victoria go to get theirs and Cody continues to clean the bathroom.Derrick now goes to bed and Victoria returns to bed.Victoria says ok so remember that day we was on the hammock a few weeks ago so you knew why Cody was the way he was with Christine and Nicole and Derrick says i have been honest with you always and she says i know but with Hayden and Nicole did you know they had a final 2? He says no i didn't know then. 12:50pm Derrick says everything i know i have told you Victoria. She says i know. He says it is like everything i tell you that you don't listen it is like you are in another world. She says i listen. Derrick says i don't know why you worry about this now there is no one else i can evict before you now.She says i know. 12:54pm Cody in the KT eating chips. Derrick and Victoria in the Fire BR talking about his facial hair and how Victoria liked his facial hair but now likes him shaven like he is now. 12:56pm Derrick and Victoria talking about what the comp will be tomorrow and derrick tells her she just has to go out and try her best that we wont know what it is till we walk out there and it could be a timed event and Victoria says that's even worse. She then says she is tired and he says cause we just ate and drank Champagne that why.She then tells a story about her drinking alot once and throwing up.
  7. 8:50am HG are up and Victoria is in the WA getting her makeup and things together. Cody in the KT taking pills we get a brief foth and they come back saying they have to go to the HOh rm for a LD Cody ask derrick if he is getting a shower up there and derrick says yeah after you dude. Another brief foth and comes back talking about who has been honest to who and then talking about the wrap party. 8:57am Hg talking about the wrap party and if they will see Ian or not and Victoria says she doesn't remember how it went last year and we get foth. 9:04am WE are now on Jeff's Reels as the Hg have gone to HOH rm for a LD.
  8. 2:26pm All the GUY in the KT now talking about how much make up Victoria puts on and how long it takes her and derrick says his wife doesn't wear make up. 2:27pm Cody says he has to have time to take a shower after the hoh lock down and derrick says i have to have a shower too. they talk about wearing dress clothes and if it is an athletic comp they can change clothes. Caleb says all of his athletic gear is packed up. 2:31pm Victoria now in the KT sitting in silence with Cody. Derrick in the WC and Caleb in the WA putting make up on his forehead then puts it in his pocket. Caleb then goes to the KT and starts flipping the rolling pin in his hand as he walks through the house. 2:34pm derrick looking for Jacosta's name on the bathroom door and Cody goes to show him where it is at and Caleb comes in and looks too. 2:41pm Cody is having derrick cut more of his hair off . Caleb is just walking around the Wa. Victoria is sitting in the Wa watching the guys. 2:44pm We are back on Jeff's Reels now as the HG prepare for tonight's live eviction.
  9. 2:05pm Derrick and Caleb in the FR derrick telling Caleb to keep his speech short and beast mode. He tells Caleb that he hasn't been fake and that's why people was yelling over the wall beast mode so remember that. Caleb goes over a speech he wants to say and derrick says i have to go to the bathroom. 2:11pm Cody in the KT eating a breakfast sandwich and ask Caleb if he wants some and Caleb says nom man my stomach is all in knots. Caleb sits down and says my life is in the hands of one of my best friends in this house. Cody says looks at him as he eats. Victoria is still in the Wa doing her hair and makeup. Caleb tells Cody he never thought they would get close till he asked him about the bible . 2:16pm Caleb says it is weird walking past my bag over there and Cody yells derrick do you know how weird it is to walk past your back over there and derrick says yeah i had to clean mine once and it was weird and then says just because no one put me up and i didn't win 30,000 comps don't blame me dude. Cody and derrick laugh as Caleb walks around. 2:24pm Derrick clipping his nails and Victoria doing make up in the WA Cody walking around the house clearing his throat alot and looking for a fly. Caleb sitting alone in the LVR.
  10. 1:29pm Cody walking around the fire br talking to Derrick as derrick is trying to take a nap so Caleb leaves the room.Victoria in the Wa doing her hair and going through her clothes to finish packing.Caleb now walking around looking at the walls and gathering things to pack himself. 1:37pm Caleb in the STR making sure his things are packed and getting his western shirt out of the plastic bag it was hanging in. Victoria in FR packing her things. Cody in the WA washing his hands and derrick in FR asleep. 1:42pm Cody and Caleb in the WA talking about Cody shaving his side burns around his hat and Cody says it is bad and Caleb says it isn't that bad and Cody says you are lying to me. Caleb ask want me to fix it i am a hairstylist you know and then laughs as Cody walks off saying i cant wait to see his reaction and they go to derrick and Cody says you need to fix this guy. derrick gets up laughing saying it isn't that bad. 1:44pm They are all in the WA trying to fix Codys hair and Victoria is in there fixing her hair and watching the guys. 1:48pm Cody says man i had the worse dream lastnight that everyone came back in this house and that Zach and Hayden hated me and was ripping on me. Victoria says Hayden hated you and he says yeah. 1:54pm All the guys are in the FR talking about Cody wanting his clothes back from the BY that are sitting in the dryer. Cody ask Caleb if he wants a breakfast sandwich and Caleb says no i wont be able to eat. Cody leaves out and Caleb tells derrick how Cody cut his hair and they are laughing. 1:56pm Caleb tells derrick man you know how much crap i will get from Frankie if i am the next one gone? derrick says yeah he messed up and didn't win the hoh comp and he came in here and laid down and told me this is the best case senerio cause he could play in the next hoh and then he didn't win the veto so he had to go. 1:58pm Caleb says at the point in the hoh comp when Frankie had about 5 seeds left and Cody lost his i knew i had to fight for it and Cody told me i had it to just take it low and so i calmed down and listened to Cody but Cody could have beat Frankie too if he hadn't dropped a seed. 1:59pm WE are back to Jeff's Reels.
  11. 11:46am We are still on Jeff's Reels as the Hg prepare for tonight's live eviction.
  12. 10:00am Victoria is called to the DR ..Everyone else sleeping . 10:31am All HG still sleeping. 10:40am We now have FOTH then followed by Jeff's Reels.
  13. 11:55am Derrick, Cody and Caleb in the LVR talking about shoes. Derrick goes to the str and gets something then goes back to the LVR and Cody ask if he can wear the snaps for the veto then derrick goes back to the Wa and Victoria tells him GOOD LUCK and he says good luck to him to her too. Derrick says we are all winners and we are in the final veto comp. They are all getting ready to go out to play the veto comp.Derrick says can i tell you a secret and She says yeah then he tells her i am nervous right now.and we go back to jeff's reels.
  14. 5:12pm Frankie and Cody working out inthe BY. Victoria making some ice water. 5:17pm Derrick and Victoria are in the WA whispering and derrick tells Victoria i love you but you are on a different paranoia level now just keep doing your make up and keep busy doing things.Victoria says i am keeping myself busy and derrick says just be yourself and if you make it to the end then it is because you won a comp. 5:20pm Caleb says it is hot man and then says he will work out later. Frankie says it is very hot out here,. Caleb goes back in the house and Cody and Frankie get in the pool. 5:36pm Frankie says after a brief FOTH that they said they are going to give us some activities to do when we get up early tomorrow. Cody says i am going to bed at 10pm tonight so i can get up early.Frankie says i think the fans are voting on what we get. 5:39pm Cody and Caleb talking in the BY about Frankie throwing Cody under the bus lastnight and how Frankie is trying everything to stay here. Caleb says he is going to come say things i said in like week 2 and Cody says if he comes to me i will tell him stop. 5:43pm Caleb repeating what he has told Frankie and how he threw people on the block and how Frankie throwing everyone under the bus. 5:48pm All Hg laying and sitting around in the BY and derrick is in the pool just general talk going on 5:53pm Derrick in the pool and victoria sitting with her feet in the pool while Frankie lays by the pool just general talk going on and Cody laying on a lounger.
  15. 4:34pm the lemon/basketball game has broken up and Frankie, Derrick and Cody are all in the LVR lounging and Caleb goes to his hoh rm . 4:40pm Cody asking Derrick what they are doing for dinner tonight and Derrick says something quick man something quick. Cody says ok cause i want to go for a run later. 4:46pm Frankie tells Caleb to ask bb again for beer and derrick says if it was his daughter the more she asked i wouldn't give it to her. He then says nah i will give it to her. He then says i can not wait to get home to hear her talking and i am going to teach her to say beast mode i think it will be so cute. Caleb says i bet she can say it. 4:58pm Cody is in the BY running. Derrick,Caleb and Victoria sitting in the LVR no talking at all just sitting there.
  16. 1:01pm Caleb says i told Frankie that this is a game i just want to go home and get back to reality and Derrick has never backstabbed me and has never tried to put me on the block. derrick says right he got nominated cause you went up and threw all your friends under the bus and the only reason he told us about being arianna's brother until after he lost that POV cause he was afraid he would go on the block again the next week. 1:07pm Frankie goes to the DR and interrupts their talking about him and says what is up and derrick says the sky and Frankie says thank you and then says Victoria you are in your staring face. He then ask if Caleb would go lay out with him and Caleb says no it is to hot. 1:15pm Victoria listening to music and dancing in the hoh rm as Frankie and Caleb talk about dancing and Frankie taking off his clothes. 1:18pm Caleb telling Victoria that 2 people will leave Wednesday then the finale will be Sunday. Victoria says i think the only reason we have to go to the jury is so they can see the CD's to know what is going on. Caleb ask you think so? Victoria says yeah i do. 1:26pm Cody in his bed sleeping and derrick in his bed sleeping. 1:27pm Frankie tells Caleb that he wants to stay and he wants to have a 4 person meeting before Wednesday just to talk things out cause i don't want to be blindsided if that were to happen Wednesday. Caleb says yeah we want to be respectful and will tell you if anything changes we gave that to Devin and would give that to you if that were to happen. 1:36pm Caleb, Derrick and Frankie talking about taking photos in the photo booth later today. 1:46pm Caleb, Derrick in hoh talking about wrestling and boxing. Victoria in the Wa downstairs doing her hair again. 1:56pm Derrick and Frankie in the hoh rm going to sleep. Victoria in the Wa braiding her hair and Caleb in the KT making a drink.
  17. 12:01pm Victoria in KT making a drink and Derrick cooking bacon. Caleb and Cody in the LVR with Cody eating.Frankie in the DR.Jut general talk going on as Cody goes to wash his plate. 12:06pm Frankie comes out of the DR and says i crushed it .Cody goes to bed for a nap .Caleb and Victoria come from the WA and Bb calls Caleb to the DR. Victoria goes to the rock rm and ask Cody do you think Jacosta scratched my name out and he says probably. Frankie says we are still locked down and derrick says it is going to be a little bit cause that person is probably still out there.Frankie goes and lays down with Cody. 12:17pm Victoria, Frankie and Derrick in the KT . Derrick eating and just general talk going on. 12:22pm Derrick is now called to the DR as soon as Caleb walks out. Frankie and Victoria are trying to remember Zach's speech before he was evicted. 12:28pm Caleb is now in the BY as the lockdown is now over. Victoria is making a bad in the rock BR Caleb starts rapping and we get foth. 12:39pm Frankie folding his clothes in the LVR and talking about going shorter with his hair for eviction night to Caleb and Caleb says ok we will go 2 long and see what happens. 12:41pm Frankie says they just put something in the STR He ask Victoria if she wants to go check so she gets up and goes. Caleb says i requested drinks or they could have put more toilet paper in it since derrick took all of it this morning. 12:50pm Derrick in the HOh rm fixen to listen to music and he talks to his wife through the camera saying he will start listening to more country music when he gets home he promises 12:58pm Caleb and derrick in the hoh rm talking about Frankie wanting to stay and how everyone hates him in jury so no one would vote for him is what he told me. Derrick says we have less than a week so it doesn't matter . Victoria is in there listening now. Caleb says he asked me lastnight would you take Derrick before me and Caleb says i told him yeah i would and i am just being honest.
  18. 11:00am Hg are getting ready for the veto meeting.meeting. Frankie is in the KT washing a glass. Caleb and Derrick are fixing their hair in the KT mirror. 11:10am Caleb in the BY saying i don't know if it is humid or if it is just heat but i do know one thing for sure in one week we will be walking out on that stage then going home and if it is you and Cody then i will get that check for 25k. 11:13am Feeds go to FOTH for the veto meeting 11:36am We are still on Jeff's reels as the hg have the POV meeting. 11:38am Frankie hugs Cody and says i am ok i just don't understand. Frankie walking around holding Cody arm and derrick and Caleb in KT talking about not being on live feeds right now but they are locked down. Caleb says for real you don't think we are on the feeds right now? we go back to Jeff's reels. 11:41am Victoria putting her hair up in the WA. Cody, Caleb and Derrick in the kt making food and talking about playing soccer. 11:43pm Caleb says they are going to keep us locked and Derrick says yeah thanks buddy cause you have to be a celebrity and someone yelling beastmode then we get foth. 11:45pm BB calls Victoria to the dr and Cody says here we go get in there Victoria and crush it. 11:46pm Frankie sitting in the Kt talking to Caleb as he makes food. Derrick is laying in the LVR alone. 11:48am Frankie yells my hair is so awesome and derrick says it looks good and looks better than it did when you came into this house and Frankie says it does it is awesome. 11:56am Hg sitting around just general talk going on.
  19. 4:00pm Derrick in KT eating and Cody and Caleb in BY running as Frankie says it goes so much faster watching if your not running. 4:07pm Cody, Caleb and Frankie in the pool swimming.Derrick and Victoria in the KT talking about winning and Victoria says that is alot of money.Derrick says regardless of how we look at it we each won 5k. 4:15pm Victoria laying in the LVR on one couch and derrick on the other couch. Cody gets out of the pool and rinses off Frankie is now in the hot tub and Caleb is just walking around the BY. 4:19pm Frankie tells Cody that he feels he was so frazzled last week cause he was sleep deprived Cody ask Frankie he has a thing to cover his eyes with right and Frankie says yeah i cant believe my friends sent that. It is my pillow case. Frankie then says i bet my friends are so proud of me. 4:24pm Frankie and Cody talking about gaining weight in the house and how they will lose it quick when they get out of the house. Cody says i cant wait to call my parents and Frankie says yeah i want to call my mommy and ask how i did and did i ruin anything. Cody says i know i didn't but my dad will say i curse to much. 4:28pm Frankie is telling Cody that he cant wait for the red carpet after the show and Cody says what is that how does it work and Frankie says you will come back here in the back yard and it will be like step and repeat and you will go from photographer to photographer there will be about 40 here unless time magazine and all are here then there will be go and like they will be yelling Frankie here and Frankie here and taking pictures then we leave here on a golf cart and go to the after party. 4:34pm Victoria is going through her clothes and repacking them and Derrick ask Cody if the pool is in the shade yet and Cody says almost just about. Frankie is folding clothes in the BY.Derrick goes to the HOH rm to see Caleb.Caleb says i am just thinking game dude just thinking.He says there is one way to guarantee us in the final 2 and derrick says how is that and Caleb says get Frankie out this week and next week you win hoh and put up Victoria and Cody and send Cody out. Derrick says do it man lets do it. 4:34pm Victoria is going through her clothes and repacking them and Derrick ask Cody if the pool is in the shade yet and Cody says almost just about. Frankie is folding clothes in the BY.Derrick goes to the HOH rm to see Caleb.Caleb says i am just thinking game dude just thinking.He says there is one way to guarantee us in the final 2 and derrick says how is that and Caleb says get Frankie out this week and next week you win hoh and put up Victoria and Cody and send Cody out. Derrick says do it man lets do it. 4:39pm Frankie telling Victoria that all his stuff is almost gone, Body wash and everything he says i crushed it and used it all already. 4:41pm Caleb and derrick repeating themselves in the HOH rm and derrick says you don't get to the final 2 by being an idiot. 4:46pm Derrick and Caleb talking about finale night and how they will show then as the jury ask the final questions. derrick says on the final speech you have to stand up and say the speech and i am keeping mine clean you know how i am . 4:50pm :Frankie, Cody and Victoria talking about stars in the KT and Frankie talking about his sister again. They then go out to check the laundry .Caleb and derrick still in the HOh rm and Victoria comes in asking what is up and Caleb says nothing just sitting here watching tv and she asked you are watching us and he says yeah. 4:55pm Frankie and Cody playing pool and talking about laundry. Derrick telling Victoria and Caleb that production told him that the end would probably be on the 19th and he had to take off till the 26th so he would have a week to get back into society and now if it is later then i wont have a week.
  20. 2:23pm Derrick is now up and in the STR hanging his batteries. he then goes to the Kt and sees the BY is locked down with a confused look on his face he then goes to the LVR putting his mic on and goes back to the Kt saying somethings up. 2:25pm Derrick now at the Backdoor listening and then goes walking circles in the kt while running his hand through his hair. he now goes to the BR and puts on deodorant. He then heads to the STR and gets meds.He now goes to the KT for a drink. 2:28pm Victoria is back up and goes to the STR. she leaves and goes to the KT wherre derrick is eating a banana and gets a glas and rinses it. She tells Derrick we have been on lockdown the entire day and he says have we? She tells him yes.Victoria then goes to the WA and looks in the mirror.(SHOCKER) 2:33pm derrick in the LVR sitting thinking with his eyes closed. Victoria now in the KT eating dry cereal. 2:35pm Victoria goes to the STR and gets a banana the goes back to the KT not saying a word to derrick as she walks by him in the LVR. 2:36pm Victoria goes back to the BR as derrick goes to the WC. Victoria now back in bed. 2:40pm Derrick comes out of the WC and washes his hands then blows his nose. He is now brushing his teeth. Everyone else is still in bed sleeping. 2:46pm Cams were on the hoh rm door then switch suddenly to HG sleeping. We now have foth. 2:49pm Derrick sitting in LVR alone in silence. 2:54pm Derrick is walking around the house and keeps looking at the Backdoor. 2:58pm Victoria is up again getting clothes and going to the WA she stops and give Derrick a hug and says i am gonna go take a shower. She walks through the KT and says look it is 3pm already.
  21. 1:21PM Cody is now up and goes to the WC. 1:23pm Cody comes out of the WC and washes his hands. He goes to the Backdoor and listens as they are on lockdown this afternoon. He then goes to the STR and changes his batteries.Cody then goes back to bed. 1:55pm Victoria up and walking through the house.
  22. 10:00pm Cody says in final 4 i know for sure she cant win nothing and Caleb says i know she wont so final three is going to be us and final 2 i want it to be someone who has fought as good as me. We cant control who takes who but to be final 3 and then go to final 2 is huge. 10:02pm Derrick goes to the fire br to lay down and tells Victoria that she is safe this week cause Caleb and Cody both want Frankie gone and Victoria says you sure and derrick says i want you to stop ok you are safe i promise you that you are good. 10:05pm Victoria tells Derrick that she cant stand Caleb but she likes Caleb alot more than Cody. derrick says you need to stop you are good. derrick says we have 8 days left and i think Thursday is a double evict. he says not Thursday Wednesday so we got time. 10:07pm Frankie goes to the HOH rm with Cody and Caleb and they start talking about what questions will be asked to the jury members and what they might answer. Frankie then explains to them how it all works and how their questions might be based on what America sees and they get to choose. 10:10pm derrick and Victoria in the fire br whispering really low.Derrick says i will probably be on the block next week if he doesn't win the hoh and Victoria says i don't think so cause you are straight and honest. 10:12pm Victoria says what is crazy is that just because that button was pushed you won 5k and no matter what happens to you you got 5k. Victoria says there has to be a reason cause there is a reason for everything and there has to be a reason that Cody won the pov and not Frankie. BB calls Victoria to the DR and scares her. 10:15pm Caleb says if i was to go home third runner up would suck and Frankie says going home before final 4 would suck and Caleb repeats himself. Cody says i would be pissed if i went home already too.Victoria comes out of the dr with her necklace 10:17pm Victoria heads to the hoh rm and tells the guys they bought her a new necklace isn't that sweet of them and Frankie says that's nice of them the same one and she says yeah and BB says you are not allowed to talk about production. 10:21pm Caleb says what did that necklace cost 30 bucks and she says no 70 at Aldo and Caleb says oh Aldo is the best. Cody and Frankie in the KT making food again. 10:25pm Caleb tells Victoria that he is a go out there and play guy so all you can do is go out there and do your best. 10:26pm All HG are in the KT and talking about Reese's Puffs cereal and derrick says they are kind of like peanut butter captain crunch with chocolate init they are the best. Frankie says i have never tried them. 10:28pm Derrick heads upstairs to listen to music while everyone else is eating in the KT. 10:30pm alot of smacking going on as Caleb says the resses puffs are so good and Frankie says i will have to try them and Cody says what resses puffs they are good.Caleb heads back to the hoh rm. 10:32pm Caleb ask derrick how he was and he says fine but i bet it is a weight lifted off your shoulder cause Cody and i both brought our best game. I don't care who wins but we got it done and that's what we needed to do. 10:35pm derrick and Caleb talking about who might win what next week and he says even if Victoria wins we still have to pov to send Cody out and Caleb says yeah right. Caleb says if we took Cody he will never win and derrick says i know but i would never do that to you i would take you i think have proven myself to you already and Caleb says yeah. 10:37pm Caleb goes back to the KT to make another wrap . Cody and Frankie talking about the counting in the pov comp and he said he hated that part. 10:42pm Caleb and derrick in hoh talking about music. Frankie, Cody, Victoria cleaning the kT after they ate their dinner. Victoria tells Cody good job man good freaking job. 10:49pm Frankie is in the hoh rm laying in bed with derrick as derrick listens to the music and Caleb is eating pumpkin seeds as Victoria lays on the couch saying it is gross and he makes her try one. 10:52pm Victoria is playing the games on the Reese's Puffs box with Caleb then plays it with Frankie. Cody goes to the Wc downstairs. 10:54pm Frankie says i might just go to bed and Victoria says if you go i am gonna go to and Frankie says will they wake us and Victoria says no they wont tonight. Frankie ask Caleb if he is gonna go take a bath and he says before i go to bed i am. Victoria says she is gonna go lay down now cause her stomach hurts and Frankie says yeah i am coming too.
  23. 9:00pm Frankie says i really think i broke my ankle. Cody in the fire BR alone saying i cant believe this i really cant believe this. 9:02pm derrick tells Frankie i tried buddy and Frankie says i guess i can say i did as well. Cody and derrick in the rock rm and Cody says i think we should request some brews. Caleb says it is amazing that everyone did better this time we smoked it. 9:06pm Frankie is making dinner and Victoria is washing a dish. Derrick is cooking also. 9:08pm Cody sitting in the fire br crying and Victoria is in there with him . Victoria tells him what Frankie said earlier about derrick won his 5k and Victoria got hers from the house being trashed. 9:11pm Caleb in the fire br telling Cody that Frankie said he sucked and was worse than Victoria out there in the pov comp. Frankie keeps singing and we keep getting foth .Frankie runs to the fire br and jumps on Cody saying he is so proud of him.Cody says i am glad it is over and Frankie says i feel so much better than i did before that comp. Caleb in the KT telling Victoria and derrick that he hopes they make the vote 1-1 so he can send Frankie out the door.Caleb says he will say there is only one beast in this house so Frankie i never promised you a pawn wouldn't go home. 9:16pm Frankie and Cody in the fire br Caleb says he is being so funny Cody says who and caleb says Frankie he keeps saying man i suck even victoria beat me in that comp. Frankie comes in and jumps on cody saying i love you i am so proud of you. He says i feel so much better ow that it is over you know what i mean. Frankie says i went into that with such a heavy burden and i was like in a weird place yesterday and i know you all have ,y back. Cody says yeah. Frankie says derrick is very kind and a wonderful father and he , everyone likes him. Frankie laughs and says i am gonna be so defeated with my veto speech. So i will say that is why derrick needs to go on the block. You dont have to use it. 9:31pm Frankie, Cody and derrick in the fire br talking about talking all week and derrick says 2nd place again but at least i am consistent. Frankie says i was consistent last week i won both comps. 9:34pm Caleb, Cody and derrick in the HOH rm wanting to break a tie vote and derrick says no it will make us look like smucks and Caleb says he wants to tell hi that sometimes pawns go home. 9:37pm derrick says lastnight you said you was gonna smoke me and Cody did it he won it. derrick says when he came out he was demoralized cause he thought Frankie had won and by him being on the block he was broken and he was done. Talk turns to the finale and derrick says i promise your families have seats to the finale. Caleb says he is coming up and in comes Frankie and Victoria as Frankie says i hear there was a block party. 9:40pm Frankie and Cody are doing crunches now in the hoh rm as Caleb listens to music and Victoria just watches and derrick goes down to get Advil . 9:45pm Most of the Hg are taking Advil and discussing how much to take a day. 9:47pm Frankie tells Caleb he feels so much better than he did yesterday. derrick is in the KT eating cereal. 9:49pm Frankie, Cody and Caleb in the HOH Bathroom are feeding the fish. 9:52pm Cody says to Caleb to be 100% honest i would have never ever done this to you or derrick and Frankie put me on the block twice after he said he kept me safe and he didn't. Cody says what if Victoria had won the pov? Caleb says yeah glad she didn't. Caleb says i would not have out you or derrick up but i would have out derrick up before you dude. Cody says i know that. Caleb says now the 2 people that will be in the final hoh will deserve it. 9:54pm Caleb says Victoria knew the faces and she wasn't even close to winning so i don't worry about her and Cody says next week i will be straight up with her and tell her that if derrick or one win it and you are going . Caleb says Frankie is smart enough to know and Cody says yeah he is smart and he thinks when he walks out he is going to all-stars and he thinks he has played a good social game. Caleb says no he hasn't not at all.
  24. 8:30pm Hg are still playing the POV as we still have Jeff's reels. 856pm :Feeds are back derrick says book a flight dude .Caleb says i messed up dude i just messed up. derrick says Cody that was good i was running fast and still wasn't enough to beat you. 8:58pm Derrick goes to Fire br and gives Victoria a hug and says Frankie still thinks he is staying and Victoria says he does? derrick says yeah but Cody wont use it.



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