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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 1:04pm Cody now in the KT making breakfast. 1:25pm Cody goes to the tree house sand plays with the chess board. Victoria laying in bed and ask BB can we have some music please? 1:29pm we now have foth. 1:36pm Cody now playing solitaire in the tree house.Derrick and Victoria still in bed. 1:45pm Victoria now up and goes to the bathroom. Cody playing black jack by himself in the tree house. 1:50pm Cody still playing blackjack alone. Victoria in the shower and derrick still in bed as Bb tells him to please put on his mic. He puts the mic on and rolls over and covers his head.
  2. 12:27pm BB is letting the HG sleep in today as they are still sound asleep. 12:54pm Victoria is up and goes to the WC. 12:55pm Victoria washes her hands and goes goes back to bed . Cody is awake and goes to the STR and changes his batteries. He then looks in the fridge then goes to the KT. 12:58pm Cody goes to the Wa puts his mic on then brushes his teeth.
  3. Flashback:12:00am -3:30am Hg eating and walking around the house. Sitting in BY.no game talk going on at all just enjoying the last night of the By. Derrick and Cody play pool and then go eat again. Victoria gets ready for bed.Derrick and Cody say they are the last ones to play on the pool table and the last ones on the hammock and Derrick tells Cosyhe is the last one on the weight bench. 3:35am Derrick in BY alone talking to the cameras: regardless of what happens it was a fun time. I recomend it to anyone.I wouldnt have changed a thing i did this season.and i will remember this forever.This is really it man wish me luch for Wednesday. HE GIVES SHOUT OUTS TO EVERYONE TELLING THEM THEYARE THE BEST . He then says he will be seeing everyone in a couple of days then says Backyard it has been a pleasure. He then heads inside and says Backyard its been real as he closes the sliding glass door. 3:40am All HG in bed sleeping.
  4. 9:00pm Cody and Victoria talking about eating something sweet. Victoria says i might just make me some peanut butter. Cody says i think i might hold out for some tuna or something. Victoria yells what up TVGN. Derrick is getting in the shower. 9:02pm Victoria now in the Kt making a peanut butter sandwich.She licks the knife and then washes it. 9:05pm Victoria goes back to the BY as Cody says i just caught it and Victoria says what? He ask did you make peanut butter and jelly? She says no it is peanut butter and banana and i warmed it up so it is hot. Cody is playing pool by himself. 9:10pm Cody is looking up and saying it is so quiet and Victoria says huh? Victoria ask Cody do you think they will get us lunch tomorrow? Cody says uh no. Victoria ask why would they do it 3 days in a row? Cody says maybe because they had work to do.Victoria says true. 9:12pm Victoria says i just want a shower and go to bed. Cody says why cause your cold? She says yeah and i am exhausted.I tossed and turned lastnight. Cody says we are so close to being out of here and i just say wow. There has never been a time i ever felt like we are out of here but right now we are so close. 9:14pm Derrick is finishing up his shower. Victoria goes inside and yells i am exhausted. Cody is playing pool and talking to himself. 9:19pm Victoria ask Derrick if he is staying up tonight and he says i am going to try like hell only because i do not want to get up early tomorrow . Victoria then says she has a headache and derrick ask did you take advil? She says yeah.She now gets in the shower so she can go to bed soon. 9:21pm Derrick comes out to the BY and he and Cody are starting a pool game and he tells Cody you are about to get your a$$ whooped. Derrick then says rack it. 9:31pm BB says Please check the STR. Derrick says Beers? Cody says if it is your the best BB. Cody goes to the STR and they get beer and wine. 9:33pm Victoria and derrick start a load of laundry and Victoria says if drinking the wine is going to help me fall asleep then that is good. 9:39pm Cody and Derrick still playing pool in the by and arguing over shots they make and Cody still yelling about everything. 9:42pm Victoria in the WA alone tweezing her chin again.(do them hairs grow every 2 hours?) Derrick and Cody still playing pool as Cody gets louder and louder. 9:55pm Cody and derrick still playing pool and Victoria in the WA flt ironing her hair
  5. 7:04pm Cody in the pool just chillin in the water and Victoria on the hammock reading. derrick on the couch coveted with pillows. 7:19pm Victoria goes inside the house to the WC then back outside to read her book. derrick dozing off on the couches and Cody laying on the lounger. No talking at all going on.
  6. 6:00pm Cody says we are the last ones to see the lights come on in the BY and the last to put the awnings down and the last to see the BY. Man what an announcement. 6:02pm derrick says i am gonna sit outside all night and Cody says yeah that was a nut shot . BB announced that the BY will be locked down later tonight for the rest of the season. 6:05pm derrick says if we are getting locked down later tonight then that means our families are flying in tomorrow. Victoria ask do you think they will let us know? Derrick says no defiantly not. 6:11pm Victoria yells across the yard saying derrick we aren't doing the bye bye back yard thing and Cody yells yeah you liar. Derrick says we can do it cause every season is different. 6:16pm Victoria says the final 3 from the first group as she lays in the hammock. Derrick in on the couch and Cody on a lounger as they just look around at the BY and the sky. 6:21pm BB comes on and says HG be sure to enjoy yourselves today!! These are the good old days!!!! 6:44pm Cody is working out with the weights for the last time before their lockdown. Derrick still on the By couch and Victoria in the WA tweezing her chin. 6:52pm BB yells Donny Holla then you hear Donny says holla over the speakers. Cody laughs and says that's classic.
  7. 5:01pm BB tells Victoria to go to the STR. She goes in the house and comes back out and says she got her book so she can pray and read all day tomorrow . 5:12pm Victoria says wow and derrick ask whats wrong and she says i have never prayed from a book like this before cause it has English and Hebrew and explanations. Derrick and Cody continue the pool game. 5:15pm Victoria gets up and goes inside and puts her book in the fire BR then goes to the WC. 5:24pm The next pool game is starting now as Victoria sits and watched and tweezing her eyebrows again. 5:32pm The pool game has been put on hold as the Hg are in the KT making tacos now. Victoria is chopping lettuce and Cody making the taco meat. 5:35pm Derrick goes outside and ask are you guys ready for finale? I am . We will find out what is going to happen. He goes and lays on the hammock. 5:43pm Tacos are done as the hg now sit down to eat dinner. 5:53pm Just general talk going on as they eat dinner and Victoria ask if they get their care packages that night and we get foth.
  8. 4:00pm Derrick is telling Cody that all day tomorrow Victoria will have to pray all day and she cant talk to either one of us. She can take breaks but she has to pray all day. Cody says i cant believe she didn't see this and derrick says yeah everyone else did but she didn't. 4:02pm Cody ask derrick what he wants to do for dinner? derrick says i don't know i know you want tuna but.. Cody says we can do tacos and derrick says yeah tacos we can so do tacos we can kill it. 4:07pm Derrick and Cody talking about the speakers pointing down so they don't have to hear the sound as loud.Bb says you are not allowed to talk about production. 4:12pm Cody says he has to shave tonight so i have a little scruff coming in by Wednesday or what do you say Victoria? She says a little scruff and Cody says ok i like to give the ladies what they want . 4:22pm Cody and derrick are now playing pool and Victoria watching. 4:36pm derrick and Cody still playing pool and talking to Victoria about Smoking is no Bueno. She ask what E-cigs are and Cody explains it to her what they are and how you can get them in flavours. 4:48pm Pool game still going on as Victoria goes back and forth in the house. 4:59pm derrick and Cody still playing pool and Cody yelling when Derrick wins.
  9. 1:01pm Victoria says i think you will be asked on the next BB superstars and derrick says you mean All stars and she says yeah. he says i hope i am. She says yeah you can play against mike Boogie. She ask are you nervous and he says yeah i am i am not as confident as you are and he says you are very confident aren't you and she says yeah i am always confident. 1:04pm Derrick and Victoria talk about the Jury and Victoria says they have a bitter jury and derrick says what ever happens happens i cant control it now and i will be happy no matter what. Victoria says i know you cant say but if i don't go to the final 2 then i know you will win the 5k no matter what even if i go with you.Derrick says i am ready to go unless Cody tells the Jury something no one knows and Victoria says like Frankie and he says i don't know. 1:08pm Derrick and Victoria talking about jury and derrick says he doesn't think he has jacosta or Donny votes and Victoria says you don't think you have Donny and derrick says no he has been close to Cody all this season.Victoria tells him that he doesn't have Frankie Caleb or zachs vote and probably not Christine. She then says maybe Christine out of spite? he says i don't think so but i really don't know we will just have to wait to see. 1:14pm Victoria in Wa blow drying her hair with no extensions in and derrick goes to the STr and says wow look suit cases no way. 1:21pm Victoria in the KT cutting a lemon and squeezing it into her water. 1:27pm derrick comes in the Wa and says hey Victoria wanna know my first secret and he says what he says i smoke cigarettes as he throws a pack on the counter and he says i have gone 90 days with no smoking and i smoked a pack a day. She says are you serious? He says yeah and then says not really i don't smoke i brought it in the house with me in case someone needed a cigarette. 1:30pm Derrick says seriously i am throwing them away i bought them at the air port then got here and no one smoked so i left them in my pouch in the suit case and i hate smoking. She says really? He says you think my teeth and Skin would be this good if i smoked? he says no so i absolutely do not smoke. He says i am in the fire rm packing my stuff up. 1:32pm Derrick says really i don't smoke i requested them once for Hayden but they wouldn't give them to me. He says ok i am packing and walks off. Victoria yells who is the real derrick. 1:38pm Victoria goes into the BR with derrick as he is packing and says did you see my face? he says yeah it was funny though cause you are so gullible. She tells him he packs like she does and he tells her that he never packs this way he is doing it cause Caleb did it so i am packing Military style. 1:41pm Victoria is talking about her friend and how they recorded a scene together and a scene with her parents and her working then they went to her apartment and she didn't get to give her friend a hug before she left and her friend said to her they would hug when she gets back and she will talk to her soon then an hour later they picked me up and they took my phone. 1:43pm Victoria says want me to tell you a funny story on the day we recorded i had a model coming over to my place and she showed up like 30 minutes early cause i told her to come early so we wouldn't be late and when i got there she said there is a cat in there and she was allergic to cats. and the whole camera crew was allergic to cats too so they locked the cat in the bathroom 1:45pm then we are doing the shoot and the camera man leaned against the touch screen oven and turned it on and there was cat poop in there you know like in the cat bag and they started smelling something and they open the oven and there was smoke everywhere and the crew was going to take it out and i told em to put it back in the oven. 1:52pm derrick and Victoria talking about people know who they are now and Victoria says it really hasn't hit me yet and derrick says it hit me when Jeff and Jordan was here.Derrick says i can not believe i am packing.
  10. 12:07pm Derrick and Cody putting down the awnings as they talk about what they will fix for dinner tonight.Victoria is now up and going to the WA and looks in the mirrors. 12:11pm Derrick and Cody sitting outside on the couches not talking just looking around. Victoria in the WA washing her face. 12:20pm Derrick in KT making himself a drink, Victoria in the shower. 12:54pm Victoria joins derrick outside and tells derrick she had to get ready for the day and he ask why for Dr and she says no for the day. he tells her go back to bed there isn't no reason to get up. 12:56pm derrick says out families fly out tomorrow and Victoria gets excited. 12:58pm Victoria talking to derrick again about why he is taking Cody to final 2. He says i am still me. Victoria says you know the real me cause me in DR'S isn't really me and we get foth.
  11. 9:00am All Hg sleeping. 9:20am HG still snuggled in their beds sleeping. 9:45am All hg still sound asleep.
  12. 5:03pm Derrick and Cody playing pool in the by talking about Victoria and talking about being in the final 2 and Cody says i want to talk more but i don't want to rub it in Victoria's face. 5:06pm Victoria now in the BY watching Cody and derrick play pool.Victoria says i just wish i would have been able to break up the hit men and Cody laughs and says if you had made it to the final 2 you would have won this game just so you know. Victoria says that would have been epic but i couldn't do it but i am the last girl standing. 5:09pm Victoria says do you think anyone is disappointed in me and derrick says no way. Derrick says you played good but if you had won one of these 2 part hoh and beat one of us in part three you would have won the money. 5:16pm HG talking about finale night and how they vote and what they can say. 5:19pm BB calls Victoria to the DR. Derrick and Cody start laughing as soon as she goes in and Cody says i wanted to tell her she can dream. Derrick says let me ask you a question ok? He says are you going to take me and Cody says yeah. Derrick says ok cause i am giving the girl no hope. Cody says the only way and we get foth. 5:22pm Feeds come back and Victoria is sitting outside again. Cody is asking about her meds and she says she has been taking them for a couple of years now and we get foth again. 5:30pm Derrick and Cody talking about Victoria and Cody says she knows that i am not taking her to final 2 but with you. Derrick says i know she thinks she has a glimmer of hope. 5:32pm Victoria comes back out and sits watching them play pool and says i cant believe they only played 2 songs this morning and Cody says yeah i know they suck. 5:40pm Derrick and Cody still playing pool as Victoria watches. Victoria says i am gonna be very upset if for the BY interviews i am wearing that dress and it is this cold. 5:42pm Victoria tells the guys lets do a workout tonight and Cody ask are you kidding me? Derrick and Cody continue their pool game as Victoria lays on the lounger. 5:44pm The pool game is finished and derrick goes to sit on the couches Victoria goes over playing with a pillow in front of derrick, Cody comes over and ask what she is doing and laughs. Cody and Victoria start singing " Put your hands on my hip and do a dippy dippy dip" and we get foth. 5:46pm Cody saying he is going to eat light the next couple of days and Victoria says Wednesday is going to be so long and boring cause they will have to have the house spotless for the live show and we will be in hoh rm alot that day. 5:52pm Victoria pleading to the camera for her brother to come to finale. She ask derrick do you think they provide the tickets and derrick says i am pretty sure they do at least 2 for mom and dad and for me my wife and daughter then we get foth.
  13. 4:03pm Bb announces it is Photo Booth time. 4:08pm Hg taking pictures then cody goes to get food. 4:18pm derrick, Cody and Victoria going to take pictures with their keys then going to take a group picture with keys for final 3. 4:26pm Cody in the BY doing laundry. derrick and Victoria now at the KT table eating dinner. 4:28pm Cody now in the shower and starts singing then stops. derrick and Victoria eating and general talk. 4:30pm derrick tells Victoria when they jury comes in here i have no idea who they are going to vote for. Victoria says me either. 4:39pm Cody out of the shower and dressed. Derrick and Victoria still at the KT table just general talk going on . 4:46pm derrick and Victoria taking pictures together in the photo booth. Cody in the Wa doing his hair then puts a hat on. 4:56pm HG still taking pictures.
  14. 3:04pm Derrick and Cody are in the Pool with the new goggles that BB got them. Victoria sitting near the pool watching them. 3:07pm Derrick telling what can happen if you dive to far down in the ocean and that you have to use different tanks for different depths you dive. 3:11pm Cody ask Victoria how many laps do you think i can do without coming up for air and Victoria says 500. Cody yells 500 are you crazy. Cody starts off underwater to do 5 laps and Victoria says he will come up on 3 and he came up on 3 and said his shorts were falling off. Victoria says i called it. 3:20pm Derrick still in the pool, Cody laying in the sun now and Victoria laying on a lounger plucking her eyebrows again. 3:30pm Victoria telling Cody and derrick that they need to get an app for a dollar so they can send pictures and keep in touch with each other. 3:37pm derrick now out of the pool, Rinses off in the outdoor shower and then lays on the hammock to warm up and dry a little. Cody is sleeping on a lounger and Victoria taking derrick his stuff he ask you still have my rind right? she says no i gave it back to you and he says just hold on to it a little bit . She goes inside and goes to the WC. 3:40pm derrick ask Cody what the first thing he is going to do if he wins the half million? Cody says pay off school loans.He then says pay off my brothers loans and his wife's loans too. derrick says you will still have 1k left then so that's not bad. 3:47pm Cody and derrick still talking about student loans and how long it takes to pay them off. 3:54pm derrick and Cody talking about how they will spend their money wisely and how they made good relationships in the house and how they lied to a couple of people and feel bad about it but Derrick says it is a game you have to lie sometimes. 3:58pm Derrick and Cody talking about how many time Caleb volunteered to go on the block to save amber.
  15. 7:00pm Derrick says can we finish this and not have this conversation again i would like to enjoy the last 4 days and i don't want this i want to have fun.I don't want either one of us to regret this but i know i will if this keeps up. 7:04pm Derrtick comes out of the WC and then went to the DR and comes out and tells cody he just asked to speak to one of the. and we get foth. 7:05pm derrick telling Cody everything that Victoria just told him and he says i can not do this for 4 days it is awkward cause this is a celebrating time for me and i cant even do it. 7:07pm derrick says i am not going to keep sucking up to her for 4 days for a vote i ant do this. Cody says no you cant. 7:11pm Victoria comes out to the hammock and Derrick and Cody start talking about the hammock being off some that is why it hangs so low. Derrick says he is going to go ask for goggles for the pool tomorrow after they clean it cause Cody says it is so nasty right now. 7:13pm derrick walking and looking at the pool while Cody and Victoria is on the hammock and Bb playing hollas one right after the other again. 7:17pm Cody telling Victoria that he is going to relax cause the game is essentially over then it is back to reality. Derrick walking around the Kt eating and getting a drink. 7:19pm Cody ask Victoria what she wants to do the last 2 days in the house and she says to cheer up cause she needs to cheer up. Cody says we can do tye dye oh its gone. they could give us something. We could work out that always helps me cheer up. Derrick in the house saying i am just walking around here dammit. 7:25pm derrick was called to the dr and is fixing his hair then goes in to the DR. Victoria doing laundry and Cody laying on the hammock saying he thinks he got bit by something. 7:28pm Cody now racking the balls up for a pool game alone. Victoria in the house going through her suit case again. 7:43pm Derrick getting in the shower. Cody and Victoria playing pool in the BY. 7:47pm Cody wins the pool game and tells Victoria you rack and i crack and she says i dont know how to rack and he tells her she needs to learn she says but i dont know how and he says then we are done and she says ok i will rack where is that triangle thing. 7:54pm Derrick still in the shower and Victoria and Cody still playing pool and laughing.
  16. 6:04pm derrick and Victoria still talking about going home and finale night. 6:08pm derrick tells Victoria that there is a difference between personal and game play and Victoria says i know but you told me when i asked you before if you would take Cody over me and you said no and derrick says i do not remember saying that at all. 6:10pm Victoria says you only told me things after you won yesterday and derrick says that is your perception Victoria. 6:11pm derrick says i care about you Victoria more than i do him but game wise it is the same you are equal. Derrick says game wise Cody and i have talked and i have never gone to him talking bad about you. But game wise that is the truth and i thought you knew like everyone else knew that you and i were closest in the house and i have never done anything to hurt your game and Victoria says i know. 6:19pm Derrick and Victoria talking about her being a have not this season and when Cody put her on have nots and derrick says but that has nothing to do with me and i do not believe it was strategy but you weren't actually winning comps.Derrick says that is a conversation you will have to have with him not me. 6:22pm derrick says ok here is this if i wanted to i could have said ok Cody lets take her along and i will convince her to throw it but did i do that? NO. I could have done that but i didn't. Dan did that to Danielle but i didn't do that to you. 6:24pm Derrick still going over the game plays and telling Victoria that he didn't bring Cody to final 3 he won his way there and the same with you you get yourself here i didn't bring you here. I literally jeopardized my game to give you that chance to get here and would i do it again yes i would. 6:32pm derrick and Victoria still talking and derrick repeating himself.Cody is playing pool all alone.derrick now tells Victoria he doesn't even care if she votes for him or not as long as she is cool with him after this game is over. SDo you understand that? She says yeah and then starts going on again about him sitting next to someone who might win over him and he says i dont see it like that cause you could passably win it too cause several people have said that if you made it to the final 2 they would vote for you just ask Cody he was there when they said it. 6:39pm Victoria about to cry saying she doesn't think she is going to make it to final 2. derrick says you can not base your game on what you have done here and you have won 5k and every girl outside this game is gonna hate you. 6:43pm derrick says if you had won that comp and for some reason you decided to take him to final 2 with you i would not hold it against you do you understand what i am saying and she says i hear you. But personally i like you. Derrick says if i went home today personally it would suck.Derrick says i felt horrible yesterday cause i won that comp. How do you think it will feel for me in final 2 and Victoria says you will be happy and he says no but yes cause i won for my 2 girls but then in the end we can say we played this whole game together. Derrick then says there is nothing i can say to convince you of that but i do hope you understand. 6:50pm derrick and Victoria still going on with their talk about going to final 2 and Victoria is crying. Derrick now saying they their families will be there Wednesday night and all 3 of them families will be there so how do you think Caleb feels since his family wont be there and that's all he wanted so how would you have felt if i hadn't taken you this far? Victoria says but you told me you would take me and derrick says i do not remember saying that.
  17. 5:00pm Derrick and Cody say they like the hit men better after Victoria asked why that name? Cody ask why you don't like that name? She says no cause i am not in. We are going to go on The Talk and they will introduce us as the hit men and Victoria. derrick says if they do that then i will have to go backstage for a few minutes. She says but i don't understand why i wasn't included. Derrick says we made this before we got close. She says i hate you Derrick and he says that hurts my feeling when you say that and she says but i don't understand. Cody says you like me though right and she says yes Cody. 5:03pm Victoria says i don't understand why i wasn't included in the name. Cody says cause three would have to turn on each other and two don't. She says i still don't understand. She tells them do you not think i didn't know you and derrick were not working together and i could have gone to Frankie and told him that and he would have gone after you both. I just want to know why was i not included in the name. derrick says is this what this is all about a name? She says yeah cause i wanted a name. 5:08pm Victoria says but now the final 3 is the hit men and Victoria and Cody says can i say something? A couple years ago it was the brigade and Brittany and Victoria says yeah but she knew and Cody says no she didn't know they all took her up stairs and told her that they had an alliance the brigade and she got upset. 5:12pm Victoria still explaining why she wanted a name with her and derrick like Derrick and Cody had the hit men. Derrick says i understand that and you are a very intelligent woman and you and Cody are the only ones i will hang with after this game is over. Derrick then tells her that her and Cody never talked much it was very short conversations unlike us and we talked for hours on the hammock. 5:15pm All talk has stopped and Cody and Derrick are playing their pool game and Victoria standing there watching ad Bb starts the Holla's again. 5:20pm Victoria is folding the guys clothes and the pool game is finished as they go to start another game Bb tells them to raise the outside awnings. Cody says she folded our clothes we will do the awnings. 5:32pm The pool game is still going on and Victoria starts humming a song and Cody ask did they play that song today? she says yeah they played like 4 songs trying to get us up today. Cody says he can not wait to get home and play country music.Victoria talks about wanting to work out and then says she don't know cause putting on a bra makes her hurt as she has a bruise on her chest from the comp yesterday. 5:42pm derrick and Cody still playing pool and Victoria watching as they talk about getting out of the house in 4 days and Victoria hopes her brother comes with her Ema (mom in Hebrew) 5:47pm Cody and derrick joking around saying they don't like each other and Cody says dude i don't like you i am taking her with me to the final 2 and derrick says do it up she has my vote. derrick says it is good we can joke about taking her with us to each other. Victoria comes out and they talk about losing the pool games and Cody goes to work out. 5:50pm Victoria and derrick on the BY couch talking about the cameras and asking if some of them are even used right now. Victoria ask do you think there is more cameras used or more Mirrors used to tape the show and derrick says i think it is a combination of both. 5:52pm derrick asking Victoria why she is so paranoid and she says cause i don't know and he says you have been this way for 2 weeks now and she tells him well it is because i am the last girl standing. 5:56pm derrick is laying on the By couch with his face in a pillow and Victoria ask him what he is thinking about and he says you. she says me and he says yeah. Bb yells " Derrick where my holla at" and we get foth.
  18. 3:35pm Derrick and Cody playing pool and talking about the photo shoot before they came in the house. 3:36pm Derrick and Cody now in the KT eating their food while Victoria is in the DR. 3:41pm derrick and cody still eating and derrick says this is good what kind of meat is this and Cody says lamb they slow cook it and it is so good. 3:45pm derrick and Cody talking about how Victoria doesn't understand how close they are even after Cody said on national tv they they had a final 2 deal. 3:48pm Victoria comes out of the DR and gets in her suitcase. Cody tells her that her food is here and he looks at her food. derrick goes to floss his teeth and then back to the table and we get foth. 3:54pm Victoria now sitting alone at the table eating.
  19. 1:30pm Victoria asking derrick about his loyalty yo Cody. Derrick tells her he protected her in the game cause he liked her . She then tells derrick that if she had won the part 2 hoh comp then he would have had Her and Cody both taking him to the final 2. 1:45pm Victoria says i wish i would have known about you and Cody and how close you were and derrick ask her what would you have done and she says nothing i just would have prepared myself.Cody gets out of bed and walks in on them talking and Victoria says Bb is buying lunch again today.BB announces the BY is now open. 2:00pm In the By they think the washer is broken. They all talk about getting Greek Food for lunch and we get foth. 2:15pm Derrick and Cody on the LVR talking about their families getting ready to come see them on finale night. they talk about BB filming at their homes and how Codys dad would love that cause he is a big brother fan. 2:18pm Cody and derrick talking about past Hg and who they knew and who they didn't know. 2:24pm In the By derrick and Cody are talking about hanging out with Boogie and Jeff . Cody just hopes Jeff doesn't hate him cause it would crush him. 2:50pm Derrick in the by alone telling the cameras One more step and i dont know how it is going to go but i am going to give it my best shot. 3:00pm Cody in BY running and derrick comes out of the WC washes his hands then goes to look at the memory wall. 3:05pm Cody has finished his run and sitting on BY couch pouring water on his head and derrick says dude i think right after the interviews i think we are going right to the hotels and Cody says what hotels and we get foth. 3:10pm Derrick and Cody talking about new kids on the block they start singing and we get foth. 3:15pm Derrick and Cody still sitting in the BY talking about actors and new kids on the block. 3:20pm Derrick telling Cody that he sit in the DR lastnight forever and worried cause he knew he did good but wondered how Victoria was doing.He says it was very intense.
  20. 9:00pm Feeds are back as we only have sound and can hear cody saying " he is trapped he gets an open shot and comes around" then he says you suck. Cody is locked in the HOH rm as derrick and victoria play Part 2 of the hoh comp. 9:02pn Cody throws things at the bucket on the bed and says " he pulls back, he pulls back" he misses the shot then says the pressure is on as he makes another shot and collapses on the couch. 9:04pm Cody going over who all has bee nominated and what week they was on the block. So in final 2 if i was sitting there against derrick. Hayden may not vote for me and Nicole no, Victoria no and Caleb no. YIKES. Donny yes, Christine yes and Acosta yes. He then sits in silence counting on his fingers. 9:07pm He continues to count votes on his fingers and says Oh Sh*t not looking good 9:09pm Cody says oh lord so Hayden could like me but when it comes out that derrick and i were working together it might not be taking so harshly.I know one thing that Hayden would have never trusted derrick if it wasn't for me. Christine would have never gotten closer to Derrick cause of me she did. 9:20pm Cody jumps on the hoh bed and says well last person in the hoh bed this season not a big deal. he then gets up throwing things in the bucket again. 9:23pm Cody yells OH MY GOD how long are we gonna be up here for then he yawns. he then says if derrick didn't win this comp it is going to be terrible. He then says what are the odds that she beats him? What are the odds? 9:25pm Cody now telling Bb the fish are hungry they are going to die of starvation and they are scared. 9:27pm Cody now going over a possible speech for finale night and keeps changing it but keeps saying that he thought he could trust Christine but then couldn't. Hayden he had to get him out cause he couldn't trust Donny. Cody then says be nice cause my parents are watching.
  21. 2:30pm derrick tells Victoria if she is going to hydrate before the comp she better do it now not right before. He then tells her to take a power nap real quick. She says i dont know but those are the best naps but they just make you more tired. 2:37pm Victoria has gone to lay down. Cody and derrick dozing off on the LVR couches and BB says Hg this is a reminder sleeping is only allowed in the bedrooms.Cody says was the me or you? derrick says i am wide awake. Bb starts the holla's again. 2:42pm Derrick goes to the DR and Cody gets up and goes to bed for a nap. 2:45pm Derrick in the Wa shaving. Victoria now getting up and going to the KT to get a drink. 2:48pm Cody is walking around going through drawers looking for Christine's stuff as BB has told him tom get something of hers and Frankie to take to the DR and he cant find anything of hers.he walks back to the Wa and says they said it was in a bag with a band around it and we get foth. 2:54pm Derrick still shaving and Victoria braiding her hair talking about eating Kosher foods. 2:56pm derrick and Victoria talking about eating Kosher hot dogs and Victoria says alot of people eat those even though they aren't Jewish. Cody has gone back to bed for his nap.
  22. 12:01pm Derrick says he is still in the zone where Cody doesn't have to be and Cody says i am still in game mode where you don't have to be but i would enjoy the take out food more if this comp was over. Cody says maybe this afternoon or tonight but i doubt this afternoon since we get food at 2pm derrick says maybe tonight then. 12:08pm Derrick in str getting pills and a banana and Cody puts eggs away in str. Derrick says it is nuts how little food is in the STR now. ALL Hg in KT just walking around as they are excited about getting take out today. 12:12pm Victoria says i want spring rolls and Cody says i can eat egg rolls on top of egg rolls. Victoria says ask then for the duck sauce you know that red sauce and Cody says yeah. 12:25pm derrick and Cody talking about seeing their family and it doesn't matter which one wins the 500k or 50k it will all be worth it to see their families. 12:38pm Cody and derrick talking about they made the right move getting Frankie and Caleb out and that Victoria knows she is going to leave Wednesday as we sit in the final 2. derrick says if Caleb had been here in this part one hoh comp we would have crushed him cause his arms would have fatigued. 12:30pm derrick says his speech will be like Caleb has told ya'll that yes Cody and i had a final 2 and we took the easiest path we could to make it here where we are.He says they cant say this was a cowardly move for that either. derrick says if i am going to lose this game it is to you and you alone. 12:34pm Cody is now going to the DR to order their lunch of Chinese food. Bb tells Victoria to put her mic on. Derrick is sitting in the LVR playing with the rolling pin. 12:41pm Cody. Derrick and Victoria all in the LVR talking about how good Chinese food is and we get foth. 12:45pm derrick talking about getting married in New Port cause his wife loves it there. 12:46pm Cody ask derrick and Victoria if they want tom play go fish and derrick says i don't know how to play but it is an easy game right and Cody says right. 12:53pm The go fish game continues with Hg laughing at each other.
  23. 11:31am Victoria in the WA doing her make up and Cody in the KT. Derrick still in bed as Bb keeps yelling his holla's. 41am Victoria in the KT stirring coffee and Cody making a breakfast sandwich, Derrick napping in e Fire br. 11:48am Cody comes in the room and ask Victoria and Derrick what they want for lunch? Victoria says they are getting us lunch and Cody says yeah and walks in to wake derrick. he turns the light on and tells derrick . derrick raises up and we get foth. 11:51am Derrick is telling Victoria and Cody about a dream he had and how he thinks that his daughter will be scared of him. Victoria says no she will know she watches you all the time and Cody agrees. derrick says i hope you are right. They are all three laying in beds in the fire br. 11:53am Cody says so Chinese food for lunch? Victoria says yeah on the egg rolls do they have meat in them and Cody says no. 11:59am Hg talking about what Chinese foods they want for their take out food.
  24. 10:28am All HG still in bed sleeping soundly. 10:57am All Hg still sleeping.Very little movement has been made. 11:02am We now have FOTH maybe a wake up call getting the Hg out of the beds.



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