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Everything posted by kitten200

  1. 12:00pm BBT: Kevin was called to the DR. Everyone gets excited that he is going to get his room. 12:16pm BBT: Hg are all sitting around waiting for Kevin to come out of the DR to get his hoh rm. 12:33pm BBT: Jordan and Zack are talking about buying tv's. Pilar is getting twistos to eat. All other Hg are sitting around just general talk. 12:36pm BBT: we get FOTH
  2. 11:02am BBT:Bobby is doing yoga in the LVR as some Hg are falling asleep and Bb tells them to wake up as nap time is over. Pilar says sorry BB. 11:06am BBT: brittnee, Sarah and Willow upstairs sitting about watching their season on tv when they get out of the house,. 11:17am BBT:Bobby and pilar talking about going to sleep. Bobby says if you lay in an awkward spot then they wont think about you falling asleep there know what i mean. Pilar says yeah and laughs. 11:27am BBT: Brittnee is showing the other Hgs how to walk when you model and Pilar is trying to walk like brittnee was for modeling.modeling says she can't do it and keeps laughing. Brittnee tells her look in the mirror not at the others. 11:40am BBT: Godfrey says that after being on slop for 7 days it is hard to take in all this food now. brittnee says yeah i couldn't eat much lastnight either. Godfrey says even my pants are to big for me now. 11:51am BBT:Hgs are just sitting around just general talk going on. 11:56am BBT: Bruno, Zack and Willow are trying on Jordan's glasses and tell him he is blind. He says yeah i am blind.
  3. 10:45am BBT: Hg sitting around waiting for Kevin to get his HOH rm and for the have/ Have not comp to begin.Just general talk going on. 10:52am BBT: Ashleigh and Zack laying across the bed in the bedroom talking about having a showmance and Zack says she doesn't want to mess with her anymore if she isn't real about anything in here. Ashleigh says i know what you mean.In the LVR most Hgs are just sitting in silence. 10:55am BBT: Pilar ask what time they did noms last week and the guys tell her that today is have/ have not and hoh rm and tomorrow is noms.
  4. 10:25pm BBT: Hgs have food back so they are getting something to eat .In the bathroom some HG are taking showers as Bobby brushes his teeth. Just general talk going on. 10:28pm BBT: Zack keeps going in and out of the bedroom then heads down stairs to the KT where there is cooking and eating going on. Bruno asking if tomorrow is noms? Bobby says no tomorrow is not noms Friday is noms then Saturday is veto and veto ceremony. 10:32pm BBT: Willow is scooting across the floor trying to put her pants on as Pilar and Johnny are laughing at her. In the bedroom is Naeha and brittnee talking about how everyone was cheering for Naeha and brittnee says i hurt so bad all over. Kevin comes in and brittnee ask him do you feel good that Sindy is gone? he says i Dont know i am glad you are here though. brittnee says thank you. 10:38pm BBT:Willow and Zack and Graig in the storage rm and Brittnee comes in and they talk about having crushed bacon. The girls leave and graig Johnny is getting distant with them now did you notice that. graig says before you say anything to Johnny feel him out man. 10:42pm BBT: Pilar and Ashleigh are in the bathroom doing their makeup. Bobby and Bruno are on the stairs and say they are going to the hot tub.In the STR Willow is in there with bruno now and zack,Kevin and Naeha eating the Popsicles that Sindy had in there. The guys are talking about slipping and sliding in a comp then Zack says we wont have another endurance for a couple more weeks down the road. 10:49pm BBT: Naeha and willow are saying that it was so awesome and i am on such an Adrenalin rush and willow says yeah you should be you was rocking it. Godfrey is washing dishes as the girls talk about who was picking who in the comp and godfrey says you picked me again but someone had to go first. 10:55pm BBT:Most Hg are sitting in the STR looking at the food and just talking about eating the slop the last 2 days and how they suffered doing that.
  5. 2:00pm BBT: feeds have been off for a couple of hours now as the Hg are preparing for tonights eviction.
  6. 10:03am BBT: Ashleigh and Johnny in the bathroom talking about what to wear for eviction tonight. Bobby is in there changing clothes. 10:10am BBT: Just general talk going on around the house about Live Eviction tonight and what to wear. 10:23am BBT: Pilar and Johnny are just sitting in the bathroom area not talking.In the bedroom Bobby is saying if he can't get to the BY then he doesn't know what he is going to wear. 10:26am BBT: Jordan is telling Bobby how it will work if there is a tie vote tonight. Bobby says that sucks. 10:39am BBT: some HG are sitting in the living room where it now says on the screen "LIVE EVICTION TODAY" . In the hoh rm Bruno tells Bobby that it is hard sitting in the house for an hour not talking to anyone .Graig helps Bobby make the hoh bed as Bruno moves the chairs back where they go. 10:41am BBT:Graig tells Bobby that it is officially on the chop shop is open and i cant wait to say i evict Sindy with an "S".Bobby starts laughing and says that will be sick. 10:51am BBT: Naeha and sarah talking about keeping sindy then Zack walks in and says we need to flip this and keep Sindy cause she will go after them and brittnee is not going to help our game by any means we will carry her.Naeha says if we keep her she is a bigger target than us and he is going after us.Sarah says i am scared i know what you are saying but i am scared she will flip and go after us since she said her and Godfrey made up. 10:53am BBT: Naeha says if we can pull this off it will be huge. I just know we can work with her. Johnny comes in and Naeha questions him about Sindy and if Sindy talked to him. he says yeah but consensus is Sindy will go. 10:56am BBT:Naeha and Johnny are now going over the video and studying for the HOH comp.In the HOH rm Willow is helping Pilar wash her hair in the bathtub with cold water.
  7. 9:11am BBT: Everyone is still in bed sleeping this morning. 9:25am BBT: Lights are starting to come on in the bedrooms as BB is waking the HGS. 9:32am BBT: Bobby is in the KT making coffee as the other HGS are getting up out of bed. 9:45am BBT: HGS are up and starting to move around. Zack says it does not say live eviction on the screen today. Willow says oh we are stuck here forever. 9:51am BBT: Bobby made coffee and Hg are sitting in bed drinking coffee and speculating when the live eviction will take place today and what time they will have to be ready. 9:58am BBT: Willow and Naeha are talking about that maybe whoever broke the camera will be the one leaving tonight then we can have all our food back.
  8. 2:45am BBT: (update) Hg are woken up to go to the living rm and watch the video that was shown yesterday to them. 4:02am BBT:(update) Hgs are awaken again to go watch the video. 6:00am BBT:(update) HGS are awaken again for the video.
  9. 6:00pm BBT (update) Hg are saying that BB said if anyone confesses then they can have all their stuff back. Kevin and bruno are lokking at the broken camera. Graig thinks Sindy Broke the Camera and will be watching her closely.Kevin is acting like an investigator with a cape on. 6:30pm BBT: (update)Hg are put on HOH lockdown. They are talking about Tv and sports. 7:30pm BBT:(update) Godfrey accuses Sindy of breaking the camera in front of the other HG He tells her that she is fake and rude they argue over who wants who out and Godfrey tells her that she is leaving tomorrow night cause he will vote her out. 7:45pm BBT: (update) All Hg have been called to the living room where they are given robes, Slippers and a teddy bear They are being shown a cartoon with their faces on them the sound was not working so BB said just a second guys and the feeds go to foth. 8:00pm BBT:( update) feeds come back with Hg watching the video which has quotes from some of the Hg as the entered the house . when the video finishes Hg are speculating that it might have something to do with the HOh comp tomorrow night. Hg head to the BY and talk about the video being used for a comp and they need to remember things in it. 8:30pm- 9:00pm BBT: (update) Cindy is in the bathroom crying over Godfrey saying she is leaving tomorrow . Bruno, Willow and Zack go in and talk to her and give her hugs
  10. 4:02pm BBT: Naeha is making slop chips for everyone and says they are limited om condiments as they are almost out of them all. Zack and Ashleigh are seeing what all they have left and it is very little. 4:08pm BBT: Kevin and Ashleigh are in the storage rm looking for more condiments but come up empty. Kevin walks out and yells why can't we have food. They are now back to watching Naeha making slop chips. All the other Hg are still in the living rm with general talk going on about tv shows. 4:13pm BBT: Hg are saying whoever broke the camera just confess and suffer the consequences . In the HOH rm Graig and Zack are begging BB to show them on the screen who broke the camera. they head down stairs and each HG is telling BB to expose them and give the others the food one at a time and apologizing. 4:18pm BBT: Zack says now we wait. AS they all sit there listening to Pilar telling about her brothers and sisters. The guys are yelling who ever did it just say it be a bigger woman or whatever just say it. 4:20pm BBT: Pilar says who ever did it it isnt fair that we are all on slop for what you did. Godfrey says yeah we was already on slop for 7 days and i want the BY back thats what i want. Graig brings a chair in and sits down and says i did not break the camera and i do not work at cosco i played professional baseball for 5 seasons. 4:25pm BBT: Graig says in 2001 he was signed up by the Rays and he only made double A and never made triple A. Godfrey ask how did it feel to hold all that in and graig says it was hard man. 4:34pm BBT: everyone sitting around the living room talking about baseball now and waiting to find out who broke the camera as no one will admit it. 4:45pm BBT: BB calls Willow to the DR and ask her to find something black and she tells the other HG that they need to find it then we get FOTH. 4:49pm BBT:Kevin and Sarah in the bathroom area looking in the mirror. Most HG still sitting in the living room talking about baseball.
  11. 3:00pm BBT: (UPDATE) HG have been sitting around complaining about having no water and being on slop over a broken camera. Some say they didnt do it but then feel like they might have . The guys are speculating that Brittnee might have broken it, But they cant say for sure she did it. 3:07pm BBT: Jordan,Kevin and Graig are talking in the Kt about what the HOH comp might be tomorrow night. They think it might be something that is A and B or something like grab something and run back.They say that one of them has to win HOH. 3:09pm BBT:Most HG are sitting in the BY talking about they need to make history and make a name for themselves in this game. Zack then starts talking about movies. 3:12pm BBT: Godfrey is now in the KT talking about the girls thinking they have the numbers. Graig tells Godfrey he has to win HOH so he needs to eat some slop to build his strength up. Godfrey says i finally get to eat tomorrow and Graig and Kevin say don't count on it buddy we don't know yet. Godfrey says she will be gone tomorrow man. Kevin says they may not let us vote tomorrow they might just say Sindy you broke the camera you are evicted. The other guys laugh. 3:16pm BBT: BB comes on and says HG this is your 15 minute warning the backyard will be off limits in 15 minutes. 3:22pm BBT: Most Hg are still sitting in the BY talking general talk. Graig is washing dishes and Kevin is in the HOH rm listening to music and dancing. 3:24pm BBT: Jordan is hugging Sindy and wants to show her his house so he drags her into the have not room and tells her this is my house and this is my bed that the cat peed on and it is soaked in urine so yeah this is where i live. he then kisses her and she says stop and they continue kissing. She says we need to go back to our family discussion and he says ok one more kiss as they continue kissing. He then ask will come visit me? She says no i think tomorrow you get a new house. 3:40pm BBT: Sara is washing the coffee mugs that were found in the dishwasher earlier and Graig is making slop to eat. Most Hg are sitting in the living rm talking general talk about tv shows. 3:52pm BBT: All HG sitting in the living room talking about movies and shows on the internet that they watch.
  12. 8:03pm BBT: Bobby is in the hoh br laughing. feeds switch Johnny pacing and in the KT Naeha is making slop cookies as Sarah watches her. Jordan thanks her for the food she made for the have nots. 8:07pm BBT: Bobby, Johnny and Graig are trying the slop cookies and say they are really good and keep snacking on them. 8:14pm BBT: Bruno, Zack and Bobby talking saying that Sindy is gone this week. Bruno said you made it clear in your speech so she is gone this week. Bruno says we are just going to let her enjoy her last week here. 8:20pm BBT: Bruno saying the next hoh comp might be from first to last thing cause do you think there is to many for a question like true or false? Kevin says no. Bruno says we will see. 8:38pm BBT: some Hg are in the BY playing around the world and jump roping other are in the house just general talk going on. nothing game related at the moment.
  13. 5:05pm BBT: General talk in the BY with Godfrey. Naeha,Sindy, Sarah talking about lying about your age and asking people for their ID's. In the Hot tub is Kevin and Pilar as Ashleigh says she is going inside cause she is cold. She tells them they are probably warm but it is cold. 5:15pm BBT: Kevin and Pilar are kissing in the hot tub before they get out to head inside. Pilar gets out and goes to get Kevin's clothes that are on the other side of the hot tub.he gets out and they cover the hot tub. 5:19pm BBT: naeha, sarah, Godfrey and sindy talking about what they are wearing for the live show Wednesday night.In the bathroom Jordan is putting eye drops in his eyes as kevin is in the shower.and Pilar is in the shower.Jordan leaves the bathroom. 5:32pm BBT: Pilar and Kevin are out of the shower. Naeha and Godfrey come in as Naeha tells Pilar that they are teaching Godfrey about the feeds and he says he had no idea that people could watch him live at all times so he is going to shave his head so they wont know who he is. He laughs and leaves the bathroom. 5:35pm BBT: Jordan in the KT area telling Willow that he is going to take her on a date and she is the only one and he says he is more sophisticated than zack is cause he wears clothes and glasses.Most Hg are in the KT making food and just general talk going on. 5:43pm BBT: Kevin is polishing Ashleighs nails for her as Pilar is watching saying look at that. Ashleigh tells him he should start a business. 5:53pm BBT: Willow talking to Jordan about socks and Zack comes in and she says SO Jordan thought i was the hot girl when i cam in this house so what did you think? He says your a babe . He then says i thought you was 27 when we came in now i think your 18. They all start laughing and zack gives her a hug.
  14. 4:05pm BBT: Kevin and Cindy sitting at the hot tub talking about passion and that someday they will find a passion. In the BY Bruno, Bobby and Graig are sitting on the couches then Johnny comes out. just general talk going on. 4:10pm BBT: Johnny, Graig, Bobby and Bruno are talking now about the comps and how tired they are then BB comes on and says please stop talking about production. 4:15pm BBT: Naeha and Brittnee have joined the guys outside and are talking about the comp they played for pov. they say Sarah was all over it. Brittnee says that Sarah didn't want to do the irritating one and it was funny, the guys start laughing. 4:24pm BBT: Pilar and Kevin still in the hot tub Ashleigh and Bobby sitting by the hot tub talking to them and Ashleigh says she needs to go in that her skin is hurting. Pilar says the chlorine makes my skin dry and itchy. Bobby ask Pilar if she wants her one time season massage tonight since everyone gets one and Johnny gets one extra for his birthday. pilar says yeah. 4:333pm BBT: Naeha and Kevin in HOH rm talking about Graig has to go first then she has to go. (not sure who she is). Naeha says yeah but she is going to have to go she is fire. Zack tells Naeha that if she feels threatened than come talk top him and she says yeah i will. 4:39pm BBT:Naeha is now down in the bathroom talking to Willow who just got out of the shower.talk is about sindy being a photographer and then Naeha leaves the bathroom. Naeha then goes outside and joins the other Hg as they are talking about ball games and the National Anthem. 4:48pm BBT: Bobby by the hot tub telling Kevin and Pilar and Ashleigh that it is so weird that he and sarah know the same people. he says Sarah knows his best friend then ask how weird is that? 4:452pm BBT: Zack and Willow in the bathroom talking while Willow does her hair and zack picks at his teeth.She tells him his jokes are on today. He laughs at her.He ask her if Kevin and Pilar are in the showmance stage or the romance stage and Willow says i don't know. 4:55pm BBT: Willow and zack talking about Kevin and Pilar being mad about pictures of them kissing and zack says i kissed Sindy and their are pictures so what is the big deal? Willow says i don't know.
  15. 3:07pm BBT: Jordan in the bedroom talking to Sarah and says he cant wait till Wednesday to see what else is going to happen in this house. Everyone downstairs start yelling and they run out to see what is going on and they got a jump rope. 3:12pm BBT: Sarah tells Jordan they need to get together and compare notes soon and he agrees. He says he is making it like it is hard being on slop this week but it is really easy. He says he could do it the whole time. 3:14pm BBT: Jordan leaves the bedroom and says ok see you later Danielle to Sarah and she says see you later Jace. In the LVR there is jump roping going on and we get FOTH. 3:31pm BBT: Hg are walking around looking for all the coffee mugs since there is only one left in the KT and alot of them want coffee .Kevin and Graig are talking about needing to shave. In the BY Willow is working out and talking to Jordan about loving they guys V neck shirts and Jordan says i don't have any V necks. 3:32pm BBT: just general talk going on around the house. 3:39pm BBT: Sarah tells Pilar that if she wins hoh Wednesday night that she needs to get everyone up in her room and see who she gets vibes from and ask people who you they want put up there on the block and go with your vibes from that.She says we can use each other too if i will you can go around and see what people think. Pilar says i don't know and sarah says just go around saying i don't know where her head is at ya know stuff like that and Pilar says yeah yeah yeah. 3:35pm BBT: Bobby found a new button on the Hot tub and it sprays you so now he is going to go get someone to come into the hot tub so he can spray them. Zack and Willow are now going to the hot tub. Bobby gets willow and zack to lean over and he sprays them. 3:54pm BBT: Graig and Willow in the BY talking about who might put who up on Wednesday. He tells her if Jordan wins HOH then we are gold. or if one of us win we are good.if we get put up then one of us comes down then we have the votes. BB calls willow to the DR. 3:558pm BBT: Most hg are in the KT drinking coffee and preparing food.Just general talk going on.
  16. 2:00pm BBT: Godftrey and Zack in the BY lifting weights.In the bedroom is Sarah and Ashleigh about not trusting people in the comps. They need to trust each other then they hug.Jordan comes in as the girls say crap happens and Jordan says yeah wait till Wednesday and see what happens. 2:08pm BBT: Hg got the camera to take pictures there is alot of yelling going on and taking pictures. 2:25pm BBT: Most Hg are still taking pictures in the bathroom showers. Graig , Johnny,Zack, Kevin and Pilar are in the KT eating and talking about shopping. 2:35pm BBT: sindy is walking around taking pictures of everyone. Sarah is in the pool splashing around.In the bedroom is Zack and Naeha and Johnny Just standing and laying around as Godfrey gets dressed and puts on deodorant. Ashleigh comes in and Naeha and zack leave and go to the stairs and talks about Bobby's loyalty.She says in my opinion and they get interrupted. 2:41pm BBT: 2:45pm BBT: Sarah and willow in the pool talking. Sarah says i been dying to talk to you. She is campaigning just so you know.. then we lose sound in the pool. 2:50pm BBT: Most HG are still taking pictures on the stairs. Just talking about how cute the pictures are. 2:57pm BBT: All HG are now going to the couch for the last group picture and Sindy says i am not in one picture i been taking them. She is now setting the timer so they can all be in the picture as their camera time is almost over.
  17. 1:10pm BBT: Yoga class is over and Pilar is standing on Willows back. Graig, Godfrey, Bruno and Zack go to the hot tub.They start talking about the cameras zooming in on them as they was doing Yoga. 1:13pm BBT: Godfrey ask them did you hear that the have nots can have tea and coffee now but no cream and no milk only sugar. 1:19pm BBT: Pilar polished Naeha's nails for her.and Sindy is walking around the yard. 1:28pm BBT: Johnny and Kevin are walking in the BY. Willow and Pilar are in the hot tub with they guys now and Sarah is sitting beside the hot tub. Just general talk going on. 1:38pm BBT:AShleigh, Naeha and kevin talking by the pool about naheah being a nerd and reading alot. Johnny and Sindy on the other side of the pool as johnny talks about going to the dr. 1:43pm The lock down is now over and Hg are allowed back in the house.Most of them head to the KT to make food. 1:48pm BBT: Sarah and Zack in the bedroom laying on the bed whispering about Sindy and how she thinks she is going to stay. Bruno comes in with Jordan and BB calls Jordan to the DR he says yeah time for my eye drops and hopefully i don't have pink eye. 1:51pm BBT: Naeha comes in the BR and sarah tells her that Jordan might have pink eye then Sarah says i love that your parents named you Zack. 1:53pm BBT: Kevin is in the shower as Brittnee and Ashleigh put on make up and Jordan walks around the bathroom. Brittnee and Ashleigh talking about asking BB for things for Johnny's birthday. 1:57pm BBT: Pilar comes into the bathroom and starts telling brittnee how to say words in Spanish. Jordan is getting ready to take a shower. Pilar leaves the bathroom.Brittnee is trying to figure out where she put her water bottle.
  18. 12:00pm BBT: Most HG in the BY working out and talking about keeping their towels forever and when they leave they get a complimentary towel from BB. 12:06pm BBT: Naeha and Kevin talking about making their own alliance with Johnny but kevin needs to talk to Johnny They say they will talk later and head down stairs. 12:12pm BBT: Bruno and Naeha in the KT making coffee. Bruno is teaching Naeha how to make coffee. She is excited now she can have coffee. Bruno runs back out to do yoga in the BY. 12:22pm BBT: most HG still in the BY doing yoga.Sarah is getting dressed in the Bedroom. 12:29pm BBT: Naeha is walking around the house filing her nails alone as most HG are still doing Yoga in the BY. 12:49pm Brittnee went inside to get water as Naeha is pacing in the KT.Everyone else still in BY doing Yoga. 12:51pm BBT: Naeha heads outside as Godfrey goes to the house and she tells him they are trying to lock us down. She tells them i don't think it will be long but we are getting locked down.
  19. 3:42pm BBT:Zack and Sarah are in the bedroom talking to Kevin about Sindy and they things she has said and done today. Zack says Sindy said she would use the veto and then said she wouldnt. they all leave the bedroom to go get a drink. 3:46pm BBT:Sindy and Ashleigh talking about nominations and veto and Ashleigh tells her that Bobby is so stressed. Sindy said i thought Godfrey would go up since everyone wanted him up. But getting rid of kevin or brittnee would not help my game cause it is about numbers right now not alliances. 3:53pm BBT: Most HG are in the KT drinking water and waiting for the pov comp to begin and talking about pulling nerves and muscles.Bruno ask what are they doing and Willow says putting something good out for us. 3:59pm BBT: Kevin and Sindy are talking about things she has said and she tells him i didn't say anything bad. Kevin says i know you didn't stop ok. Someone walks through and Sindy says oh yeah they have to be careful with Godfrey since he is on slop cause if he eats something then we all get punished. 4:02pm BBT: Bobby, Graig and Bruno in the bedroom talking about the girls alliance and Bobby says i just hope willow isn't in with them. Bruno says i don't think she is. Graig gets dressed telling them that this is the alliance right here man. and the other two agree. Bruno says i got to go work out and he and Bobby leave the room. 4:08pm BBT: Brittnee is in the kt making slop cookies to try. she says it looks good but the raw slop is gross so i hope that cooking it will make it better.Sarah and willow are tasting the raw slop cookies and says yum that's good kinda taste like oatmeal cookies. 4:15pm BBT: Talk continues on how to making different things with slop and other Hg working out running up and down the stairs just general talk going on in the house. 4:19pm BBT: Slop cookies are done and everyone says they smell so good . Brittnee is waiting for them to cool off a little before they try them. Brittnee says i have to eat something that's for sure. Jordan goes to try the cookie he says they are good i like them. Godfrey comes and tries them and says yum that's good . Thanks brittnee. 4:25pm BBT: Sarah in the bedroom saying that Brittnee is her girl and kevin is her friend but cant save especially now and he is telling me to be quiet. She says are you kidding just keep quiet. She continues talking to herself and chewing on her nails.
  20. 2:31pm BBT Feeds are still down. 2:58pm BBT: Johnny, Bobby and Jordan are in the hoh rm talking about the POV and saying they need to go get it. Godfrey comes in and they are saying they are mad at the girls.They say if any of them girls had been HOh this week then Godfrey would have been out. 3:01pm BBT: In the bedroom Sindy and Sarah are talking . Sindy says if i go apologize to Kevin and Godfrey then maybe i will be fine. Sindy says she was just throwing out names in case i got hoh this week but it was just talk. She says Godfrey came to her asking if she was talking about him and she tells Sarah that she was just talking but Kevin was the one talking crap. 3:04pm BBT: In the KT Godfrey is talking to Bruno,Graig, Jordan about there being a girls alliance as Brittnee and Naeha sit and listen. Brittnee gets up and walks off.Willow talking to Johnny about putting her contacts in before POV as Brittnee walks in and tells Johnny that apparently there is an all guys alliance now and Johnny says that Godfrey came in and said there was an all girls alliance and Brittnee says that is so not true. 3:10pm BBT: Bobby and Willow in the HOh bathroom whispering about the POV comp. they leave the bathroom and go to the bedroom where Ashleigh,Pilar are talking about past POV comps. Back in the KT Graig is telling Bruno and Godfrey to throw the comp and Godfrey says i am not throwing it. Graig says we have kevin on our side now one hundred percent. 3:17pm BBT: Graig now goes to hoh rm and willow tells them that Sindy said if she had been hoh she would have put up Godfrey and Graig. Graig said yeah yeah .Graid tells Willow to take Sindy out first. 3:22pm BBT:Johnny and Kevin talking in the bedroom and Johnny says if there was an all girls alliance then i was not involved and knew nothing about it. Naeha and Zack comes in and talk stops. Naeha talks about the beds then says this is the first comp i am not playing in. Back in the HOH bathroom Bobby and Graig is talking with Bruno about breaking up the girls alliance this week and getting Kevin out next week. 3:26pm BBT: Jordan is in the bathroom talking to Sarah, Ashleigh and Pilar about hosting the pov comp. The girls are talking about taking showers today. Sindy comes in and it goes to not talking then everyone leaves the bathroom and goes to the balcony talking about how cold it is outside. 3:29pm BBT: Willow is saying she has to get herself ready for the POV comp and starts running around the room. sarah says you are wearing yourself out and Willow says no i am getting my heart rate up. Sarah ask are you excited to play and willow says yeah my first pov comp yeah i am excited.
  21. 10:33pm BBT feeds are still down as the HG are playing the Have/ Have not comp. 10:41pm BBT Feeds are back Brittnee sitting on the couch not talking as most HG are in the KT making food.Godfrey just standing in KT making faces but not eating.Talk about throwing balls in the comp. and how good it is going to look on tv. 10:49pm BBT: Godfrey, Zack, Naeha and Brittnee are on slop. Godfrey says that was a close comp. 10:52pm BBT: Brittnee is sitting on the couch talking to Godfrey about them losing the comp. She says this was a fair comp as everyone gave it their all. BB says please stop talking about production and Brittnee ask are they talking about us and Godfrey says yeah probably. Godfrey ask her if she feels better now and she says yeah i do. 10:56pm BBT:Brittnee talking to Godfrey saying she is just tired and can't eat but wants to try to make waffles from slop or something like that tomorrow. 11:00pm BBT:Bruno and Zack in the WA talking to Naeha about the comp and how they had to throw balls and how hard it was. Bruno tells her she killed it out there and that she is a beat. She says thank you. 11:13pm BBT: Sindy in the Wa flossing her teeth talking to Ashleigh about sleeping and covering her head and eyes from the noise and light in the Have Not room. Ashleigh says she is going to bed early tonight cause she is so tired and that most people stayed up till like 4am this morning. 11:17pm BBT: Sarah says nominations are tomorrow right and Brittnee says yeah but no one knows where Bobby's head is at. 11:22pm BBT:Sindy is in the HOh rm snuggling on the bed with Bobby talking about setting up the comps and how much work it is to set up and take things down.Bobby says he wants to go in the hot tub tomorrow and Sindy says she is scared of the hot tub. Bobby asked why? She says cause going from hot to cold makes me sick. 11:28pm BBT:Graig says he wants to go to bed now but he doesn't think they will let him yet as he walks around the bed room. 11:34pm BBT: Johnny and Ashleigh in the WA talking about Going in water to find balls to fill your bucket. IN the HOH bathroom Graig is sitting on the toilet talking to Bodbby about nominations. Willow comes in and ask what they are doing and Bobby says listening to Graig use the bathroom . 11:38pm BBT:Bobby and Willow go down stairs and Willow starts changing clothes. In the LVR Pilar, Bobby, Kevin and Jordan are talking about how old they are and how old they look and are laughing. 11:44pm BBT: Brittnee and Sarah talking in the WA about staying up till after they go to the DR. Ashleigh says yeah probably. Brittnee says Godfrey is so nervous for tomorrows nominations.BB tells everyone to stop talking about production. Brittnee says they are like going off tonight. 11:47pm BBT: Willow comes in the WA and says i am going to bed and they better let me go to bed. Brittnee and sarah laugh. 11:52pm BBT: Most HG are in the LVR waiting to go to the DR before they go to bed.General talk going on about getting a puppy in the house.
  22. 3:01pm BBT Bobby is walking around the living room giving out gum and general talk going on with the rest of the hg. 3:10pm BBT All hg in living rm lounging and general talk and laughing going on . 3:20pm BBT Johnny telling stories about a gay guy that was in his car. Sindy then goes telling a story about a man in her life. 3:38pm BBT: HG still sitting around talking about bad dates they have been on. 3:51pm BBT Zack and Kevin in the str getting a snack . Bruno comes in and Kevin leaves then Zack tells Bruno that kevin is just getting paranoid and Bruno leaves the STR. 3:55pm BBT:Graig , Zack and Bruno in the KT eating ice cream all other Hg in the LVR talking general talk.
  23. 1:33pm Most HG are sitting in the KT and preparing lunch with general talk going on. 1:39pm BBT: Sarah in the bathroom washing her face and telling Brittnee how stuffy her nose is as she blows her nose. 1:44pm BBT Bobby, Ashleigh and Zack in HOH rm talking nominations they then leave HOH rm and go down to check on lunch. 1:50pm BBT:Graig in the KT cooking Potatoes . general talk going on with the rest of the HG in the KT.
  24. the live feeds are showing lastnights final night in the bb house starting at Midnight.



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